Why Pierre joins the Masonic lodge. What attracted Pierre to Freemasonry

To the question: What brought Pierre Bezukhov to the Masonic Society? Why was he disappointed there? given by the author Mallow the best answer is In his epic novel War and Peace, Tolstoy, using the example of P. Bezukhov’s meeting with the Freemasons, showed the danger of this phenomenon for Russia.
After breaking up with Helen, the search for the meaning of life and answers to the questions “What is bad? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live, and what am I…” they bring Pierre Bezukhov to the society of Freemasons. He is attracted to the ideas of “love, equality and brotherhood.” Pierre struggles to bring these ideas to life. He wants to make the life of peasants easier, build schools, shelters and hospitals on every estate. But while doing good deeds, Pierre Bezukhov is faced with misunderstanding and outright deception:
"...he did not know that due to the fact that, on his orders, they stopped sending children - women with infants for corvée, these same kids the hardest job carried in their half. He did not know that the priest who met him with a cross was burdening the peasants with his extortions and that the disciples gathered to him with tears were given to him and were bought off by their parents for a lot of money. He did not know that the stone buildings, according to the plan, were erected by their own workers and increased the corvee of the peasants, reduced only on paper ... "
As a result, Pierre becomes disappointed with Freemasonry.
Pierre's entry into Freemasonry is one of highlights novel. L. Tolstoy very ironically described Bezukhov’s initiation into the box; showing Pierre the Small and big world. How he was ready to give all his fortune to the Masons, but did not give it away, only for fear of seeming immodest, how during the initiation Pierre blushed to the point of tears, as children blush. Bezukhov himself began to think: “Are they laughing at me? Will I be ashamed to remember this?” How he was ready to throw himself on the swords and they were hastily pulled away from him. Pierre, entering Freemasonry, thought that the brothers would help change the world for the better, but in fact they needed him because of money (his repeated donations) and connections in high society.
Gradually, “Pierre feels that the swamp in which he has found himself is drawing him in more and more.” It seems to him: “that Freemasonry is based on appearance alone.” He sees that people (like Boris Drubetskoy) are joining Freemasonry, pursuing one goal - to get closer to famous and influential people. Tolstoy brilliantly showed that the Freemasons are the same circle of Madame Scherer, only for the elite. It seems to Pierre that Russian Freemasonry is following the wrong path, deviating from its source. He goes abroad to comprehend the highest secrets of the order. At the meeting, Bezukhov makes a speech, calls on his brothers to speak out against violence in the world, and calls on them to preach the ideals of goodness and justice. Masons should look for "worthy" ones (not scoundrels) and promote their entry into the order. Pierre's speech causes a stormy protest in the box, and his proposal is rejected.
The tragedy of Russia at that time was that the children of the Widow tried to impose their ideals on Russian society, to crush our culture, and then the whole country. Tolstoy tried to convey this to us.
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Answer from Caucasian[active]
The desire to change his life for the better leads him to the Freemasons, a secret organization whose members hope to appoint their like-minded “brothers” to key government positions, gain power over the world and begin to implement the ideals of goodness.
After an explanation with his wife, Pierre goes to St. Petersburg and at one of the stations he meets one of the famous masons, Osip Alekseevich Bazdeev. He saw Freemasonry as a brotherhood of people united with the goal of supporting each other on the path of virtue. Pierre decided to take the path of renewal and joined the Masonic lodge.
The goal is to preserve and pass on to posterity some important sacrament; the second goal is to correct the hearts of the members of the lodge and the third is to correct the entire membership. Virtues corresponding to the seven steps of the Temple of Solomon, which every Mason must cultivate:
1) modesty, respect for the secrecy of the order;
2) obedience high ranks orders;
3) good morals;
4) love for humanity;
5) courage;
6) generosity;
7) love of death.
The Masons were most occupied with their own advancement to power. It seemed to him that Russian Freemasonry had gone down the wrong path. All brothers were divided into 4 categories:
occupied with the mysteries of science, the mystical side; seekers, hesitant, like himself; seeing nothing but the outer form; entered Freemasonry to get closer to rich and well-connected brothers.
After a trip abroad, he issued a call to action and was accused of vehemence.

Why Pierre Bezukhov became disillusioned with Freemasonry

And the war began, that is, it happened
nasty to the human mind
and all human nature event...
L. Tolstoy

The novel “War and Peace,” written by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in 1863-1869, caused a great resonance in society. Indeed, in this one of the greatest, in my opinion, works, many problems are touched upon that are relevant to this day. And the heroes of this work are depicted very skillfully, individually and vitally.

One of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s most beloved heroes was Pierre Bezukhov. The prototype of this hero was the Decembrists who returned from Siberia, because it was the lives of these people that gave the writer the material for writing the novel.

Pyotr Kirillovich Bezukhov is the illegitimate son of a rich and noble Catherine’s nobleman, who became recognized only after the death of his father. Until the age of 20, he was brought up abroad, and when he appeared in society, he always attracted attention with his absurd behavior and at the same time naturalness, which distinguished him from his environment. Like his friend, Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov worships Napoleon, considering him a truly great figure of his time.

As for inner world Pierre Bezukhov, then here we can note that this hero is of a very subtle nature. He is endowed with soft and weak character, which is manifested, for example, in the fact that the property that the young man inherited from his father is completely managed not by himself, but by his order, but under the clear guidance of Prince Vasily. You can also remember how Pierre followed Anna Pavlovna Scherer like a “tail” for a long time when Peter’s father was dying.

However, it is worth noting that although Pierre was very kind and trusting, he was at the same time subject to violent outbursts of anger, for example, one can remember how Peter flared up when he learned about his wife’s coquetry with Dolokhov. We know that this quarrel subsequently led to a duel between the young people. Good and reasonable intentions constantly come into conflict with the passions that overcome Pierre Bezukhov, and often lead to great trouble, as in the case of a revelry in the company of Dolokhov and Kuragin, after which he was expelled from St. Petersburg.

Having become, after the death of his father, one of the richest people, the heir to the title, Peter is again subjected to the most serious trials and temptations, as a result of the intrigues of Prince Vasily, having married his daughter Helen, a secular beauty, a stupid and dissolute woman. This marriage makes the hero deeply unhappy, leading to a duel with Dolokhov and a break with his wife. Then we see that this hero is increasingly inclined to philosophical reasoning, he is experiencing a mental crisis: this is a strong dissatisfaction with himself and the associated desire to change his life, to build it on new, good principles. Having broken up with his wife, Pierre, on the way to St. Petersburg, in Torzhok, waiting at the station for the horses, asks himself difficult questions: “What is bad? What is good? What should we love, what should we hate? What is life for and what am I? What is life, what is death? What force controls everything?" All these internal doubts, questions and torments further bring him closer to the prominent Freemason Bazdeev, and then Pierre plunges headlong into this new hobby, Freemasonry.

Pierre Bezukhov begins to believe in the possibility of achieving perfection, in brotherly love between people. He tries, under the influence of new thoughts for him, to improve the life of his peasants, seeing the happiness of life in caring for others. However, due to the fact that he was very impractical, he fails, becoming disillusioned with the very idea of ​​​​restructuring peasant life.

This hero’s search for the content and meaning of life is accompanied by symbolic dreams; recall at least the dream about passion dogs tormenting him or the dream seen after the Battle of Borodino under the impression of the last conversation with Prince Andrei and the battle itself.
In 1808, Pyotr Bezukhov became the head of St. Petersburg Freemasonry. Pierre shares his new ideas about life with Andrei Bolkonsky. Pyotr Bezukhov is trying to transform the Order of Freemasons, drawing up a project in which he calls for action, practical help to his neighbor, and for spreading moral ideas for the benefit of humanity throughout the world. However, the Freemasons decisively reject Pierre's project, and he is finally convinced of the validity of his suspicions that many of them were looking for a means of expanding their secular connections in Freemasonry, that the Freemasons - these worthless people- they were not interested in the problems of goodness, love, truth, the good of humanity, but in the uniforms and crosses that they sought in life. And gradually, realizing the falsity of this movement, he comes to disappointment in its ideals and participants.

Having taken the events of the war to heart, having become disillusioned with his former idol Napoleon, Pierre Bezukhov goes to the Borodino field to observe the battle. He sees the unity of the defenders of Moscow, who want to “pounce” on the enemy “with all the people.” There, this hero witnesses a general prayer service in front of the Smolensk icon Mother of God. Near Borodino there is also last meeting Pierre with Prince Andrey, who expresses to him the cherished thought that the true understanding of life is where “they” are, ordinary Russian soldiers. It is on the Borodino field that the young man first experiences a feeling of unity with those around him, helping them during the battle.

I would like to finish the essay with the words of Tolstoy, which explain a lot in the fate of the writer and his favorite characters: “To live honestly, you have to struggle, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and give up, and start again and give up again, and always fight and lose. And calmness - spiritual vulgarity."

Method of penetration into psychology actor work of art is an internal monologue-reflection, internal (“to oneself”) speech, reasoning of the character. One thought causes another; each, in turn, generates a chain reaction of considerations, conclusions, and new questions. The “discoveries” that the heroes make are steps in the process of their spiritual development.

Upon admission to Freemasonry, guarantees are required from the new entrant. Anyone wishing to become a Freemason must obtain the recommendation of one of the members of the lodge into which he wishes to be admitted. Then, on the appointed day and hour, the guarantor, blindfolding the layman, leads him into the lodge premises for the rite of initiation into the first Masonic degree of the student.”

“A week later, Pierre, having said goodbye to his new friends, the Freemasons, and left them large amounts for alms, went to his estate. His new friends gave him letters to Kyiv and Odessa, to the Freemasons there, and promised to write to him and guide him in his new activity”(chapter 5).

What specific steps did Pierre Bezukhov take to confirm the moral calls of the Freemasons with practical deeds? Later, Pierre saw that under the pretty guise of the saints there was not at all what the brothers in the kamyishki were trying to demonstrate. Tolstoy writes: “From under the Masonic aprons and signs, he saw on them the uniforms and crosses that they sought in life.” Pierre saw that many representatives high society who had no less wealth than he, and who had taken a Masonic oath to give all their property for their neighbor, shied away from giving even a penny alms, and doubts began to creep into his soul.

Today in Europe, America, Asia there is big number Masonic lodges A significant part of them are combined into international organization. But there is no unity in the ranks of the Freemasons. The Masons themselves deny their connection with politics less and less, but, as before, they consider humanistic ideals and ensuring human rights to be the main ones. Several Masonic lodges operate legally in Russia. One of them, the “Grand Lodge of Russia,” has its own official website on the Internet. Great master, a certain Gregory D., in his address to readers of the site, reports that his lodge avoids getting involved in politics. When asked if there are any modern masons famous people from the world of business and politics, answers: “I believe they can.”

What will Freemasonry be like in the future? Will it be an influential force or will it attract people with its involvement in ancient secrets and mysterious rituals? The future will provide answers to these questions.

Did you like the essay? Bookmark the site, it will come in handy - "Pierre and the Freemasons in L. N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

1. How did Tolstoy show the importance of the common collective principle in the military life of soldiers?
2. Why was there confusion and disorder in the movement of the Russian army?
3. Why did Tolstoy describe the foggy morning in detail?
4. How did the image of Napoleon develop (details), who looked after the Russian army?
5. What does Prince Andrey dream of?
6. Why did Kutuzov sharply answer the emperor?
7. How does Kutuzov behave during the battle?
8. Can Bolkonsky’s behavior be considered a feat?

Volume 2
1. What attracted Pierre to Freemasonry?
2. What underlies the fears of Pierre and Prince Andrei?
3. Analysis of the trip to Bogucharovo.
4. Analysis of the trip to Otradnoye.
5. For what purpose does Tolstoy give the ball (name day) scene? Did Natasha remain “ugly, but alive”?
6. Natasha's dance. A property of nature that delighted the author.
7. Why did Natasha become interested in Anatole?
8. What is the basis of Anatole’s friendship with Dolokhov?
9. How does the author feel about Natasha after betraying Bolkonsky?

Volume 3
1. Tolstoy’s assessment of the role of personality in history.
2. How does Tolstoy reveal his attitude towards Napoleonism?
3. Why is Pierre dissatisfied with himself?
4. Analysis of the episode “retreat from Smolensk”. Why do the soldiers call Andrei “our prince”?
5. Bogucharovsky revolt (analysis). What is the purpose of the episode? How is Nikolai Rostov shown?
6. How to understand Kutuzov’s words “your road, Andrey, is the road of honor”?
7. How to understand Andrei’s words about Kutuzov “he is Russian, despite the French sayings”?
8. Why is Shengraben given through the eyes of Rostov, Austerlitz - Bolkonsky, Borodino - Pierre?
9. How to understand Andrei’s words “as long as Russia is healthy, anyone could serve it”?
10. How does the scene with the portrait of his son characterize Napoleon: “The chess is set, the game will begin tomorrow”?
11. Raevsky’s battery – important episode Borodin. Why?
12. Why does Tolstoy compare Napoleon to darkness? Does the author see the mind of Napoleon, the wisdom of Kutuzov, positive traits heroes?
13. Why did Tolstoy depict the council in Fili through the perception of a six-year-old girl?
14. Departure of residents from Moscow. What is the general mood?
15. Scene of a meeting with the dying Bolkonsky. How is the connection between the fates of the novel’s heroes and the fate of Russia emphasized?

Volume 4
1. Why did the meeting with Platon Karataev return Pierre’s sense of the beauty of the world? Analysis of the meeting.
2. How the author explained the meaning guerrilla warfare?
3. What is the significance of the image of Tikhon Shcherbatov?
4. What thoughts and feelings does the death of Petya Rostov give rise to in the reader?
5. What does Tolstoy see as the main significance of the War of 1812 and what is the role of Kutuzov in it according to Tolstoy?
6. Determine the ideological and compositional meaning of the meeting between Pierre and Natasha. Could there have been a different ending?

1. What conclusions does the author come to?
2. What are Pierre's true interests?
3. What underlies Nikolenka’s relationship with Pierre and Nikolai Rostov?
4. Analysis of Nikolai Bolkonsky's sleep.
5. Why does the novel end with this scene?

Questions about the hero Bezukhov in Leo Tolstoy’s work “War and Peace” 1) What information does it give to understand the character of Pierre Bezukhov about what

his origin and his portrait? (vol. 1 part. 1 chapter. 2)

2) How does Pierre relate to society and does it relate to Pierre? Why?

3) What do Pierre’s statements about the French Revolution and Napoleon say? (vol. 1 part 1 ch. 1-6)

One of the main characters of the epic “Warrior and Peace” is Pierre Bezukhov. The characteristics of the character in the work are revealed through his actions. And also through the thoughts and spiritual quests of the main characters. The image of Pierre Bezukhov allowed Tolstoy to convey to the reader an understanding of the meaning of the era of that time, of a person’s entire life.

Introducing the reader to Pierre

The image of Pierre Bezukhov is very difficult to briefly describe and understand. The reader needs to go with the hero throughout his entire

Acquaintance with Pierre is dated in the novel to 1805. He appears at a social reception hosted by Anna Pavlovna Scherer, a high-ranking Moscow lady. By that time, the young man did not represent anything interesting to the secular public. He was the illegitimate son of one of the Moscow nobles. Received a good education abroad, but upon returning to Russia, he did not find any use for himself. An idle lifestyle, carousing, idleness, dubious companies led to the fact that Pierre was expelled from the capital. With this life baggage he appears in Moscow. In turn, high society also does not attract young man. He does not share the pettiness of interests, selfishness, and hypocrisy of its representatives. “Life is something deeper, more significant, but unknown to him,” reflects Pierre Bezukhov. “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy helps the reader understand this.

Moscow life

The change of residence did not affect the image of Pierre Bezukhov. By nature he is very soft man, easily falls under the influence of others, doubts about the correctness of his actions constantly haunt him. Unbeknownst to himself, he finds himself in captivity of the idle with her temptations, feasts and revelries.

After the death of Count Bezukhov, Pierre becomes the heir to the title and his father's entire fortune. Society's attitude towards young people is changing dramatically. A famous Moscow nobleman, in pursuit of the young count's fortune, marries his beautiful daughter Helen to him. This marriage did not foretell a happy one family life. Very soon Pierre understands his wife’s deceit and deceit; her debauchery becomes obvious to him. Thoughts about his violated honor haunt him. In a state of rage, he commits an act that could prove fatal. Fortunately, the duel with Dolokhov ended with the wounding of the offender, and Pierre’s life was out of danger.

The path of quest of Pierre Bezukhov

After the tragic events, the young count thinks more and more about how he spends the days of his life. Everything around is confusing, disgusting and meaningless. He understands that all secular rules and norms of behavior are insignificant compared to something great, mysterious, unknown to him. But Pierre does not have sufficient fortitude and knowledge to discover this great thing, to find his true purpose. human life. The thoughts did not leave the young man, making his life unbearable. a brief description of Pierre Bezukhov gives the right to say that he was a deep, thinking person.

Passion for Freemasonry

Having parted with Helen and given her a large share of his fortune, Pierre decides to return to the capital. On the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg, during a short stop, he meets a man who talks about the existence of the Masonic brotherhood. Only they know the true path, they are subject to the laws of existence. For Pierre's tormented soul and consciousness, this meeting, as he believed, was salvation.

Arriving in the capital, he, without hesitation, accepts the ritual and becomes a member of the Masonic lodge. The rules of another world, its symbolism, and views on life captivate Pierre. He unconditionally believes everything he hears at meetings, although much of his new life seems gloomy and incomprehensible to him. The journey of Pierre Bezukhov's quest continues. The soul still rushes about and finds no peace.

How to make life easier for people

New experiences and searches for the meaning of life lead Pierre Bezukhov to the understanding that life individual person she cannot be happy when there are many disadvantaged people around, deprived of any rights.

He decides to take actions aimed at improving the lives of the peasants on his estates. Many people don't understand Pierre. Even among the peasants, for whose sake all this was started, there is misunderstanding and rejection of the new way of life. This discourages Bezukhov, he is depressed and disappointed.

The disappointment was final when Pierre Bezukhov (whose description describes him as a soft, trusting person) realized that he had been cruelly deceived by the manager, his funds and efforts had been wasted.


The alarming events taking place in France at that time occupied the minds of the entire high society. excited the consciousness of young and old. For many young people, the image of the great emperor became an ideal. Pierre Bezukhov admired his successes and victories, he idolized the personality of Napoleon. I didn’t understand the people who decided to resist the talented commander, great revolution. There was a moment in Pierre's life when he was ready to swear allegiance to Napoleon and defend the gains of the revolution. But this was not destined to happen. Feats, achievements for glory French Revolution remained only dreams.

And the events of 1812 will destroy all ideals. The adoration of Napoleon's personality will be replaced in Pierre's soul by contempt and hatred. An irresistible desire will appear to kill the tyrant, taking revenge for all the troubles that he brought to the world. native land. Pierre was simply obsessed with the idea of ​​reprisal against Napoleon; he believed that this was destiny, the mission of his life.

battle of Borodino

The Patriotic War of 1812 broke the established foundation, becoming a real test for the country and its citizens. This tragic event directly affected Pierre as well. The aimless life of wealth and comfort was abandoned by the count without hesitation for the sake of serving the fatherland.

It was during the war that Pierre Bezukhov, whose characterization had not yet been flattering, began to look at life differently, to understand what was unknown. Getting closer to soldiers, representatives common people, helps to reevaluate life.

The great battle of Borodino. Pierre Bezukhov, being in the same ranks with the soldiers, saw them true patriotism without falsehood and pretense, readiness to give his life for the sake of the homeland without hesitation.

Destruction, blood, and related experiences give rise to the spiritual rebirth of the hero. Suddenly, unexpectedly for himself, Pierre begins to find answers to the questions that have tormented him for so many years. Everything becomes extremely clear and simple. He begins to live not formally, but with all his heart, experiencing a feeling unfamiliar to him, an explanation for which at this moment he cannot yet give.


Further events unfold in such a way that the trials that befell Pierre should harden and finally shape his views.

Finding himself in captivity, he goes through an interrogation procedure, after which he remains alive, but before his eyes, several Russian soldiers, who were captured by the French with him, are executed. The spectacle of the execution does not leave Pierre's imagination, bringing him to the brink of madness.

And only a meeting and conversations with Platon Karataev again awaken a harmonious beginning in his soul. Being in a cramped barracks, experiencing physical pain and suffering, the hero begins to feel truly Life path Pierre Bezukhov helps you understand that being on earth is a great happiness.

However, the hero will have to reconsider his attitude towards life more than once and look for his place in it.

Fate decrees that Platon Karataev, who gave Pierre an understanding of life, was killed by the French because he fell ill and could not move. Karataev's death brings new suffering to the hero. Pierre himself was released from captivity by the partisans.


Freed from captivity, Pierre receives news one after another from his relatives, about whom for a long time he didn't know anything. He becomes aware of the death of his wife Helen. Best friend, Andrei Bolkonsky, seriously wounded.

Karataev's death and disturbing news from relatives again excite the hero's soul. He begins to think that all the misfortunes that happened were his fault. He is the cause of the death of people close to him.

And suddenly Pierre catches himself thinking that in difficult moments emotional experiences suddenly the image of Natasha Rostova appears. She instills calm in him, gives him strength and confidence.

Natasha Rostova

During subsequent meetings with her, he realizes that he has developed a feeling for this sincere, intelligent, spiritually rich woman. Natasha has a reciprocal feeling for Pierre. In 1813 they got married.

Rostova is capable of sincere love, she is ready to live in the interests of her husband, to understand, to feel him - this is the main dignity of a woman. Tolstoy showed the family as a way to preserve a person. The family is a small model of the world. The health of this cell determines the state of the entire society.

Life goes on

The hero gained an understanding of life, happiness, and harmony within himself. But the path to this was very difficult. The work of internal development of the soul accompanied the hero all his life, and it gave its results.

But life does not stop, and Pierre Bezukhov, whose characterization as a seeker is given here, is again ready to move forward. In 1820, he informed his wife that he intended to become a member of a secret society.