Why do you dream of a baby in your arms: interpretation of a dream about a baby. Why do you dream about a baby boy?

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

In general, a baby in a dream means some new business that you have started, or some kind of work that requires a large investment of effort and money. Sometimes a dream about him predicts surprise. To dream that you are protecting a baby so that he does not fall means that you doubt yourself and are afraid that your business will not come true. Seeing a cheerful and healthy baby in a dream is a harbinger of health, success, and prosperity.

If you dream of a wet nurse with a baby in her arms, then family well-being awaits you. If you dream that the baby will be wrapped in swaddling clothes, then after such a dream he may get sick. For pregnant women, such a dream portends premature birth. For women, such a dream predicts the illness of her or her husband. Seeing a sick child in a dream is a sign that misfortune threatens your plans for the future. Seeing a naked baby in a dream is a sign of anxiety and misfortune. A dream in which you saw a mother feeding a baby, then know that the favorable moment has come for the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Cradling a baby in a dream is a sign of family joy and peace, which you value very much.

Hearing the babble of babies in a dream means that soon some person will bore you with his empty chatter. Sometimes such a dream means that you are dealing with a person who does not know what he is doing. Seeing yourself as a baby in a dream means that you will have to do a lot to get back on your feet in life after a long period of failures or to earn the respect of others. Seeing your child as a baby in a dream means that he needs your support or may become ill and will need your help to get better. If the baby turns out to be sick in a dream and rushes about in agony, then suffering, disappointment, need, deprivation and loneliness await you. See nanny.

Why does a baby dream according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Seeing a baby in a dream means believe in your own strength and then you will achieve prosperity. Kissing a baby means maintaining clarity of mind until old age. Watching a baby - to achieve well-being, you must rely only on your own strength. Twin babies - to peace and harmony in the family. Finding a baby means profit, success and prosperity. Bathing a baby means finding a way out of a difficult situation. Hearing the babble of a baby - you will meet a person of amazing destiny. Being a baby means you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation due to your own inexperience. A baby in wet diapers - your loved ones will shame you.

Why does a baby dream according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a baby, believe in your own strength and you will achieve prosperity; kissing a baby in a dream means having health; if you saw yourself at a young age, you will be accused of debauchery; bathing a baby in a dream - you will come out of a difficult situation with honor.

If you dreamed of a baby and you definitely want to know what it means, the dream book will help you. Why do you dream of a newborn baby: in order to correctly interpret the meaning of this dream, you need to remember it accurately and detail it. Whose newborn child did you dream about, whether he is directly related to you, whether he is a boy or a girl, whether you were holding the child in your arms or whether he was lying in a crib - you must recall all these nuances in your memory... and now we will analyze everything in great detail.

Dream about a newborn baby. If you dreamed of a baby, what does this mean according to the dream book?

The arrival of a newborn in a family is happiness. Why do you dream about a newborn?

The birth of a child is an important and responsible event. Some people happily give birth to children, and some because “it’s the right thing to do.” When you dreamed of a small newborn baby, there is no need to worry too much. As a rule, such a dream means that an event is about to happen in your life that will change the order of things that is familiar to you, but will change in most cases in a positive direction.

If you dreamed of a newborn, the dream book says that this is a symbol of the beginning of something new, so you can consider your dream as a promise of new achievements, opportunities, and the opening of new horizons.

Often a newborn in a dream promises you some kind of pleasant surprise, a gift of fortune - but a gift that is not of a material nature. Rather, it will be an action, an opportunity that allows you to reach those heights that you have not yet been able to reach.

A newborn in a dream, as a rule, carries a positive charge. If the baby you dreamed of is healthy and cheerful, if he is smiling or you are rocking him in a cradle, you have no reason to worry.

If the child in the dream was a boy

If you dreamed of a newborn baby boy, your financial situation will soon improve

Why do you dream about a newborn baby boy? If you dreamed of a male newborn, then you can safely count on an improvement in your financial situation. A newborn boy in a dream represents more of a material beginning, moving up the career ladder or developing a business.

You should look closely at the opportunities that open up and not miss the moment when you need to take a risk.

Depending on the day of the week, your dream could mean the following:

  • On Monday – there is a high probability of a business trip;
  • On Wednesday - you will be offered a promotion;
  • On Saturday - this promises improvement in financial affairs;
  • On all other days, sleep is neutral, promising stability.

If in a dream you are bathing a newborn boy, in reality you can easily find a way out of a confusing situation. Seeing a boy naked is a warning dream. Now is a difficult period in life, be prepared for new turns of fate.

If in a dream a woman is breastfeeding a newborn boy, this dream is positive. Material well-being awaits you in the near future. If in a dream you hold the hand of a newborn baby, you can happily finish the job you started. You will be successful.

If the child turns out to be a girl

Seeing a newborn girl in a dream means an improvement in your emotional and spiritual state. Maybe it's the start of a new relationship or the promise of love - baby girls represent the intangible side of our lives. Maybe you want to attract the attention of a person who interests you - then such a dream means that you will not have long to wait for the moment of rapprochement.

All possible developments can be interpreted depending on the role you saw yourself in:

  • If you dreamed of a newborn sleeping girl and you rocked her to sleep, this may mean an unexpected pleasant meeting that you no longer expected;
  • If you are swaddling a girl, this means concern about people close to you, an increase in the number of responsibilities and worries associated with relatives;
  • If you dream of a baby in your house, then all quarrels will pass you by, and there will be peace in the family;
  • If you see yourself with a child in another room, you will have to take on other people’s problems;
  • For women, a dream about a baby girl is not necessarily a promise of close motherhood; it can also be a new acquaintance in which she will act as a mentor, a mother.

If you are holding a newborn girl in your arms, but she is not your daughter, this is a warning dream. There are quite a lot of people around you who can easily manipulate. Be careful. Be more attentive to the people who surround you. Don't be led, have your own point of view. Some friends skillfully take advantage of your kindness.

Why do many newborn children dream?

Sometimes the birth of twins in a dream can mean pregnancy in reality.

If you dreamed of several newborn babies, you need to be careful. Why newborns dream most likely means that a period of chaos and uncontrollability may begin in your life.

In general, when you dream of a large number of children, this is the first sign that you have lost control over your own life. . You should reconsider the importance of your priorities - maybe you have overloaded your life with obligations towards other people.

If you saw in a dream a lot of babies lying in strollers or cradles, this most likely foreshadows some difficulties in your work or financial sphere. But if you see a lot of children in your house, expect troubles and misunderstandings in the family.

If you saw newborn twin girls in a dream, you are entering a good period in your life. At work, any business you start brings success. The squabbles that happened with colleagues are over. You began to feel more confident. Perhaps soon you will have a fateful meeting that will change your life 180 degrees. Luck is with you. But if you see twin girls and do not feel sympathy for them, then in reality your financial situation will worsen.

If in a dream you saw twins of opposite sexes, in reality a happy family life awaits you. Your loved one is a good match for you. It's time to think about children.

If a person saw triplets in a dream, this is a good sign. Success in business is guaranteed to you, problems at work will be resolved over time. If you hear triplets crying, the conflict within the family will soon end. Try to remember the dream in as much detail as possible. It was there that you were given a hint. If an unmarried girl dreams of triplets, in reality she does not need money. But relationships with young people do not work out.

If you dreamed of other people's children

  • If in a dream you give birth to one of your relatives, in real life you are doing everything right. You move towards your goal confidently and clearly. Material well-being awaits you.
  • If your friend gives birth in a dream, your life will soon change for the better. You've done a lot for this, it's time to rest.
  • If your sister gives birth, this is a warning dream. In real life you will face difficulties.
  • If your friend gives birth in a dream, you will soon receive good news. Your personal life will begin to play with new colors. Your loved one will make an offer that you cannot refuse. You may already be pregnant.
  • If a pregnant woman dreams that her mother or even her grandmother is giving birth, this is a good sign. Don’t worry so much, your birth will be easy and without complications.

What actions did you perform in the dream?

Seeing a newborn girl in a dream means well-being in the family and in relationships with loved ones

Why do you dream of a newborn baby in your arms? A dream in which you hold a newborn in your arms, cradle it, or carry it somewhere, means new troubles for you. What they will be associated with depends on the situation that you dreamed about.

If you are carrying a child in your arms at home, it means that problems at home will not allow you to spend the near future in peace; you will be constantly busy “sorting out” some small issues. Reconsider your attitude towards family life - maybe you just began to pay little attention to your loved ones.

If a child sleeps peacefully in your arms, this means stability and no ups and downs in the near future.

If a child is crying in your arms, you are with him in a strange place, then most likely some kind of illness or trouble awaits you related to your internal emotional state. Pay attention to your health and mood - if you have been depressed lately or are overcome by negative thoughts, then you should change your environment or take a vacation to avoid emotional burnout.

A child is a great happiness. If in a dream you are holding a newborn in your arms, this is a good sign. Family relationships are smooth and calm. Everyone treats each other with respect and love. If an unmarried girl had a dream, she will soon receive a marriage proposal. Agree, the marriage will be strong and for life. do not miss your chance.

If in a dream you are breastfeeding a baby, good news awaits you in reality. Family relationships are stable, your spouse treats you with trepidation and love. Apperciate things which you have. If you had a dream about a girl who is not yet a mother, you will have success in achieving your goals and prospects for a promotion at work.

Did you dream that in a dream you were bathing a newborn? There are many obstacles on your life's path. You are a purposeful person and persistently move towards your goal. If in a dream you are bathing a boy, a surprise awaits you, be careful. If it’s a girl, in reality something is bothering you. If an unmarried girl bathes a newborn in a dream, your loved one has been deceiving you for a long period of time. You will soon find out about the deception. It's time to end this relationship, it won't bring anything good.

A person who swaddles a newborn in a dream is worried and puzzled about something in reality. Fate brings new blows? Do not give up. Remember, there is a way out of any situation. Make every effort to resolve problems. If in a dream you are swaddling someone else's child, a new round in your life begins. Relationships at work are good, you feel confident in the team.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man

If a man dreams of a newborn child, in reality something is bothering him. What could the fears be related to? Try to understand yourself. If in a dream a man saw a very beautiful newborn, he will soon meet old friends. You haven't seen each other for long enough, it's time to remember the past years.

If a woman sees a newborn in a dream, she is ready to become a mother. If the newborn was a girl, prepare for pregnancy in reality. Did a girl dream about a newborn baby? This means that material wealth awaits her. A bright streak in life begins. If a girl gives birth herself in a dream, this is not a very good sign. Quarrels and conflicts at work are possible, and arguments with relatives often occur.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep for pregnant women

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a newborn baby? It is not surprising that a pregnant woman dreamed of a baby, because all of her consciousness and subconscious is aimed at anticipating the birth of her child.

  • If an expectant mother sees a baby boy in a dream, this may mean an easy birth for her;
  • If she dreamed of a girl, then difficulties may arise during childbirth;
  • If she dreams that she is breastfeeding a baby, this is a sign that prosperity and prosperity will come to the family with the birth of the baby. Read also: .

Dreams about a newborn baby in the first and second trimester of pregnancy can mean some surprises, mostly pleasant and related to the emotional situation in the family. If expecting her own baby puts a woman in a positive mood, if she receives a lot of attention from loved ones, then a dream about a small child will add optimism and joy to her.

Seeing a newborn in a dream in the third trimester (closer to childbirth) may mean premature birth or some kind of health problem for the child.

A dead baby in the dreams of a pregnant woman is a reflection of her fears and uncertainty that she will be able to raise and raise a child normally. In this case, the expectant mother needs to set herself up for a positive attitude, thank the universe every morning for giving her the opportunity to become a mother, and convince herself that everything will be fine.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep according to various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Children are different: funny and sad, serious and not so serious. The thought of having a baby can also cause different feelings: from bright joy to horror and panic. If you dreamed of a newborn, the dream book will tell you an approximate vector of interpretation, but it is better to come up with a description of the meaning of the dream yourself. After all, the dream book contains a description based on the personal opinion of its compiler, and you can perceive newborn children in a completely different way. And only you can understand what your subconscious wanted to tell you by sending such a dream.

Miller's Dream Book - problems in personal life

If in a dream a person sees a newborn child who is not feeling well, in reality one may encounter problems in his personal life. If the baby is cheerful, then you can achieve your goal.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation - you will encounter problems

Newborns cause a lot of trouble, so in dreams they are often associated with problems.

If in a dream a person sees a large number of newborns, in reality he may face many problems. If a person sees himself as a newborn, he is surrounded by mean and envious people. If in a dream a person is looking for a newborn, in reality he will have to look for a way out of a rather difficult situation.

Freud's Dream Book - be careful

According to the famous psychoanalyst, newborns in a dream are associated with the human reproductive system. If in a dream a person saw many newborns, in reality he experiences self-satisfaction. If a child was born in a dream, it means that in reality the person has many sexual partners. Be careful and take care of your health, check with your doctor regularly.

Modern dream book - your life is harmonious

If a person saw newborn twins or triplets in a dream, in real life everything is harmonious for him. Joy and success await a person. If a girl saw a newborn in a dream, she will soon marry successfully or become pregnant out of wedlock.

English dream book - take care of your health

A newly born screaming baby is a reminder of your natural self. You may be harming your health, acting contrary to your natural desires, or neglecting important needs.

Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras - someone needs your help

A dependent, indecisive person will need your help. Many newborns, a maternity hospital - leadership over a team incapable of working, responsibility for infantile people who do not want to act.

Dream interpretation for the whole family - you are afraid of failure

Difficulties. Holding a baby in your arms - you think that the upcoming task is too difficult for you, you are afraid that you will not be able to cope. Breastfeeding means surpassing yourself, learning new skills to achieve your goal. A screaming and crying newborn is a fear of failure. On this day, it is recommended to accept, understand, and take a closer look at yourself and your loved ones.

Chinese dream book - troubles in the future

A dead baby in a dream is a harbinger of future troubles, alarming premonitions, deceit and bad intentions of your imaginary friends. Your soul is in an extremely confused state - you are dissatisfied with yourself and those around you.

Esoteric dream book - start acting

You are given a sign that an idea that you have been thinking about for a long time cannot be realized at the moment. At the same time, the idea is one of those that, when implemented, will become the starting point of your further prosperity. There is a high probability that today your dream needs to be accepted, understood, and not told to anyone.


In any case, if you dream of newborn children, you should take a break and really understand yourself and your place in this world. Maybe it’s worth going on vacation or breaking off a relationship that has already become unnecessary, or maybe it’s time to change jobs or refuse some lucrative but very troublesome offer. And of course, love, appreciate and respect your children, because many obstacles and disappointments await them in life.

Video “Why do you dream of a Newborn”

What is a dream that appears every day in the subconscious of every person? This is not only a reflection of worries and experiences, but also a fateful hint that allows you to understand a difficult life situation. Have you ever wondered why a baby dreams? What happens if you happen to see a tiny person?

Why do you dream about a baby girl?

A person may dream of children of different sexes. The girl always dreams of pleasant events, unexpected joys and positive moments. This will only appear if the baby was healthy and neat.

Esotericists claim that not only the dreamer himself, but also someone from his close circle can receive good news. According to modern dream books, such a picture can have different meanings:

  • Tsvetaeva recommends to treat such dreams with caution. A dirty or unkempt body symbolizes serious troubles and worries. If a woman in a dream sees how she takes care of her child, rocks him in her arms or breastfeeds, then she will not have health problems for a long time;
  • Vanga claimed that a child bathing in water dreams of imminent joy. If the girl cried or was sick, then someone close to you held a grudge against you;
  • The French dream book states that if a person saw a crying baby in a dream, then he will have to undergo a full examination by a medical specialist.

It is worth considering that when the dream book talks about positive news, this does not concern material wealth. The dream speaks of pleasant emotional sensations.

Why do you dream about a baby boy?

A newborn boy carries different meanings, depending on who dreamed of him.

  1. Man Whoever sees such a dream will soon feel like a strong and important person. If the child had a cheerful face, it means that he will easily achieve success on his own. A crying baby warns of the appearance of envious people who will begin to block the road to success;
  2. For female such a dream portends a surprise. The emotions the child experienced in the dream are also influenced here. A satisfied face means pleasant events, a sad face means disappointment. A very beautiful baby may dream of soon meeting an influential gentleman.

Depending on the actions that the boy performed, such a dream may take on a different coloring.

  • Did you dream of a very smart boy who thinks like an adult and gives wise advice? Unexpected trouble will appear in your life. Remember all the hints he says and use them;
  • Caring for a boy: changing diapers, bathing, feeding - dreams of betrayal committed by a loved one;
  • A very large child appears in a dream as a sign of quick profit;
  • If the boy is trying to pronounce words, it means that you will soon experience changes in a positive direction.

When you dream about a baby of any gender, the first thing you need to do is remember what mood was he in?. This carries a key meaning in the interpretation of sleep.

Why dream of feeding a baby breast milk?

Have you observed yourself as a nursing mother? A pleasant dream, especially if you are female. As practice shows, such a dream can occur to absolutely everyone, a girl, a man, and even a child. Dream books interpret this dream differently.

  • Today one of the most famous is the dream book Miller. It is interpreted that if you see yourself as a nursing mother in a dream, it means that his plans will soon be realized. For a male, such a dream indicates that he will be able to successfully get out of a difficult situation;
  • In the most truthful source, in the dream book Wangi, they write that breastfeeding portends unexpected joy. But, this will only happen when she is feeding her baby;
  • Loff in his dream book tells that such a dream symbolizes well-being and improved health;
  • Hasse's dream book says that breastfeeding symbolizes the acquisition of successful connections and relationships. This will bring prosperity for you in the distant future, do not miss the opportunity.

Dreams related to breastfeeding represent prosperity and pleasant moments. The dreamer will experience success in all matters and the onset of a white streak. If you see another person breastfeeding, pay attention to him, he is the one who will help you in solving difficult situations.

Why do you dream of holding a baby in your arms?

What can the action of holding a baby in his arms mean? It is rather a warning that his life is about to change. To figure out exactly how this will happen, you should remember your dream in detail.

  • Rocking a tiny baby portends work on a complex project. It will be accompanied by troubles and worries, but its result will radically change life priorities;
  • For single people, a dream indicates that the time has come to continue their family line;
  • You should remember who was in your arms. If you had to rock the boy, it means that problems will soon appear that will be difficult to cope with alone. A little girl indicates to the sleeping person that it is time to do what he loves, which will allow him to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle;
  • For pregnant women, such a dream foreshadows an early birth and a quick recovery after it.

In most cases, holding your own child in your arms indicates troubles for a sleeping person, while someone else’s child indicates new problems for loved ones.

What was the child like?

The main narrative of the dream may change depending on what was the child like:

  1. A healthy child lying in a stroller appears in the subconscious before the pleasant chores associated with moving, buying an apartment or transport. A sick baby portends problems at work;
  2. A well-groomed baby dreams of improving your life for the better. An unkempt child symbolizes loss and disappointment;
  3. Gemini becomes the personification of a happy and harmonious life;
  4. A dream in which triplets were born foreshadows the appearance of a partner in life who will lead to wealth;
  5. If you dream of a doll instead of a baby, it means that you may soon become seriously ill. Treatment can bring you a lot of trouble.

It is also necessary to pay attention to what nation the baby belonged to. A fair-skinned, beautiful child will warn you of success and good news. A dark-skinned child narrates: take off your rose-colored glasses, everything that is happening to you now is a deception.

Who had a dream about a baby?

It is also important that Who exactly I saw a dream.

  • For a young girl, a baby in a stroller portends a happy marriage;
  • For a married woman, he predicts the birth of offspring;
  • For a pregnant woman, such a dream has a positive meaning. It portends an easy birth. Sometimes an expectant mother may see her unborn child in a dream;
  • For a man, the dream foreshadows emptiness and loss of hope.

When analyzing the question of why a baby is dreaming, do not forget to reconstruct in detail each plot of the dream. Perhaps these little things will have a serious impact on your future destiny.

Video: what does a dream about a baby mean?

In this video, esoteric astrologer Peter Leonidov will tell you why a baby can appear in a dream, what such a dream promises:

A newborn first of all symbolizes a new life and the beginnings of the sleeper in its various spheres. Most often, a baby from a dream turns out to be a favorable harbinger, but more precisely, what a baby is dreaming of is worth considering in more detail.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a baby?

In the Women's Dream Book, a baby turns out to be a harbinger of a pleasant surprise. In addition, it notes that a girl often dreams of beautiful newborn babies if she dreams of becoming a mother in reality.

The Wanderer's Dream Book interprets the plot with the baby somewhat differently. The book states that a well-groomed, healthy and strong baby promises a person quick creative growth. New successful ideas will be generated in his head at an unprecedented speed, so the main thing at this time is not to be lazy, but to try to squeeze the maximum out of the successful period. If a person sleeping in his night dreams holds a baby by the hand, it means that the dangerous and risky business he has begun at first glance will be completed successfully.

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, the dreamer has to hold his own baby (who does not exist in reality) in his arms on the eve of the collapse of his hopes and plans. To minimize losses, in the near future you should not make any plans for the future and rely on other people.

Seeing a newborn in a dream: a girl, a boy

The interpretation of a dream often even depends on what gender the baby turns out to be.

It’s great if the sleeper can clearly remember who exactly he dreamed about.

  • If in a man’s dream there was a baby boy, in reality he will have a brilliant idea.
  • A woman often dreams of a crying male baby in a state of anxiety. This plot suggests that most of her worries are unfounded.
  • Interestingly, a sick, weak boy promises unprecedented success in the financial sphere for sleeping people of both sexes. New prospects will suddenly open up before a person, which he could not even dream of just recently.
  • If a newborn girl is dirty and naked, this portends troubles for the dreamer in the near future.
  • A baby who is taken care of promises the appearance of a helper in reality. An unkempt female child dreams of the dreamer's loneliness.

The baby symbolizes happiness and prosperity. Seeing a baby in a dream is a sign that everything will turn out great in your life, the main thing is to believe in yourself and your strength. A dream about a beautiful and sweet baby is a sign that your family will have well-being, constant wealth and prosperity.

Infant according to Aesop's dream book

If you dreamed of a baby, it means that some situation is haunting you, and you are quite worried about it.

Holding a baby in your arms, while rocking him and putting him to sleep, means that in reality you will be required to work hard, since the road to your success will be winding and quite difficult.

A dream in which you are feeding a child promises you troublesome affairs that will end in profit and bring with them mental and material satisfaction.

Miller's Dream Book - Infant

Seeing a baby in a dream is a favorable sign that promises you an unexpected surprise. A dream where a baby is bathed means a successful way out of a difficult situation. Seeing a baby crying in a dream is a sign of poor health and disappointment.

Being near a newborn’s crib is a sign of pleasant chores associated with a neat and well-groomed child – a sign of pure love. If in a dream a girl is nursing a baby, in reality she will be deceived by the person she trusts most.

In a dream, it is considered a bad sign to pick up your sick and feverish baby. This dream is a harbinger of mental suffering and sadness. If you dream that you are near a newborn's crib, it is a sign that in real life you will soon have troubles associated with significant changes among your family.

If a baby cries in a dream, and you can’t calm him down, this symbolizes your fear of problems that have arisen. If an older man dreams of a baby, this means that in the near future he will have a lot of pleasant troubles that are directly related to his work.

A dream where you are holding someone else's baby in your arms is a sign that close friends are trying to use your kindness for their own purposes. Make every effort not to succumb to their provocations. If in a dream you lost your own child and cannot find him, be prepared for the fact that fate has in store for you difficult tasks.

Dream about an infant according to the Vedic dream book

Nursing a small child in a dream means approaching sadness and despair. A dream in which you see a sick baby predicts in reality the death of your relative.

Women's dream book

A baby in a dream symbolizes a pleasant surprise. Crying babies promise disappointment and health complications. A dream where babies are smiling and happy means a large number of loyal and true friends.

Why do you dream of an infant according to the Lunar Dream Book?

A baby seen in a dream symbolizes great work. Hearing a baby cry is a sign of regret for your stupidity.