Winter night wool painting. Wool painting Tit

Required tools and materials

1. Wool (combed tape) in the following colors: white, light blue, blue, turquoise, dark blue, brown, dark brown, orange, yellow, red.

2. Scissors, tweezers, photo frame 18x24cm (hardboard + glass), non-woven fabric 18x24cm as a backing.

Do not forget to apply glass at each new stage of laying out the picture so that you can see the final result of your actions.

1. We cover the surface of the non-woven fabric with strands of white wool. We work in different directions. We pull the strands out of the combed tape and lay them out so that their ends extend 1-2 cm beyond the picture. Then we apply glass and trim off the wool extending beyond the edge of the picture.

2. By pinching we form wool wool, with the help of which we form the background for the winter plot. We work from dark to light. First blue, then blue and a little white. We apply glass as often as possible during the process to evaluate how well the layers of wool are laid.

3. We draw snowdrifts with white strands. To do this, we pull out dense strands of wool and lay them parallel to the horizon.

4. We pull out thin strands from a dark blue combed ribbon. We twist them slightly to make them thinner and denser. We draw trees with such strands.

5. We additionally draw the dark blue silhouettes of trees and bushes with strands of white wool.

6. By pinching the combed ribbon we collect a mass of white wool. At the same time, we try to get a very dense fluffy ball. Using our hands we give this lump the desired shape. And with such cotton balls we draw the crowns of trees and bushes.

7. With a thin strand, rolled into a ring, we outline the outline of the full moon. Then we fill the resulting contour with wool fluff (to obtain fluff, cut a strand of wool as finely as possible).

8. Let's draw a house. To do this, from a strand of brown and dark brown wool, we cut out the details of the base of the house, as shown in the photo. The right side of the house is darker than the left. It turns out quite rude and even untidy. This is fine

9. From a dense and wide white strand we cut out the roof for the house according to the details. We work carefully. When cutting out parts, take into account the direction of the wool fibers.

Let's imagine for a moment that we are working not with a strand of wool, but with an ordinary sheet of paper. After all, it’s easy and simple to cut out any figures from paper! It will be a little more difficult to work with wool, because it is a bulky fibrous material. You just need to get used to it.

10. We hide the lower part of the house under the snow (we lay it horizontally with strands of white wool, simulating snowdrifts). We make sure to control all our actions by applying glass to the picture. It is glass that teaches us how to work with wool correctly, showing the results of our efforts.

11. We cut out windows from a white strand. Add turquoise to the snow (in thin transparent strands) and blue (see next photo).

Please note that some of the blue-turquoise falls on the roof of the house, shading it.

12. We create warm light on the snow, pouring from the windows of the house. For this purpose we mainly use yellow wool. And we add just a little bit of red and orange fibers. We lay thin strands while entering the house. This is why it becomes yellower and the windows almost cease to be visible. Additionally, we clarify them with white color. We cut the fluff and place it with tweezers, as shown in the photo.

13. We pull out wide translucent strands of white wool and lay them on top of the yellow snow. In this way, the brightness of the previously used shades of wool is muted and the snow surface is evened out in color.

For picturesqueness, we add turquoise in thin strands, or even individual fibers, to the tree crowns and along the horizon line.

14. At the end of the work, we visually evaluate the picture to see if we like everything, correct it if something is wrong, and then cover it with clean glass (glass washing liquid and paper napkins/toilet paper are useful here).

Please note that under the glass the picture looks more contrasting than without it.

The picture is ready! Can be framed.


Glass needs to be applied to the painting very often. This way you can promptly detect flaws in your work and quickly correct them. After all, the end result is a picture under glass, therefore, when working with wool, you need to focus on exactly the image that you see under the glass. Glass serves as a kind of indicator. By attaching it to the layers that have already been laid out, you will see how well these layers of wool lie (you can see, for example, that the layer is not dense enough and does not cover the working surface well) or you can see how small details look under glass (usually with glass and without him everything looks different). The wool is voluminous, when you press it with glass, the details of the picture “flatten” and thereby increase in size. It often happens that you put a thin stem, but when you apply the glass, you realize that it turned out to be too big for this flower and you have to make it smaller.

Paintings made from wool are quite easy to correct. You can rewind the process as you work with wool and layer it; you just need to carefully (!) remove part of the layer or remove those details that you didn’t get. You will lose a little time, but gain invaluable experience. Don’t be afraid to dare - you always have a chance to change everything. Just don’t overdo it with “alterations”, otherwise the picture will lose its freshness and lightness and become “tormented”.

If the painting has been put aside to be completed tomorrow, or simply gone somewhere, you need to cover it with glass (under the weight of the glass it will rest and settle, which will make further work with the painting more comfortable).

Good luck with your wool work!

Best regards, Alexandra Fedorova

I invite you to my group.

Wool painting is for those who do not have an artistic gift, but really want to learn the beautiful art of needlework. An entertaining technique of dry wool felting in the form of wool paintings is a rather exclusive designer gift for a family celebration. Such a product is especially attractive due to its simple implementation and moderate costs.

Wool painting for those who do not have an artistic gift, but really want to learn the beautiful art of needlework

You will need:

  • Photo frame;
  • Manicure scissors;
  • Wool for felting;
  • Tweezers;
  • Iron;
  • Glue stick;
  • Viscose napkin;
  • Small clips (paper clips).

How to make a picture step by step:

  1. Disassemble the frame. Place a napkin on the wooden or cardboard base of the frame and secure it carefully with paper clips.
  2. Wrap the wool of the background chosen for the base tightly around your index finger, and sequentially pinch off the material in pieces.
  3. Place the prepared strands on a napkin and secure with glue. It is important that the edges of the wool extend beyond the base of the frame by 1-2 cm.
  4. From the edge corners of the picture, lay out the background in a darker shade; towards the middle, we reduce the color gamut by introducing lighter tones. Lightly secure each strand with glue.
  5. After the base has dried, iron it through a clean paper sheet. The process fixes the wool after just two strokes of the hot iron.
  6. We also sequentially lay out further plucked strands of the selected pattern. Each element of the design is ironed through a clean sheet of paper.
  7. Remove excess hairs with scissors. Visually, a pattern to add volume can be made by rolling the strands in the palm of your hand in one direction. If you twist it in different directions, the strand unwinds.
  8. After finishing the painting, iron it again, this will remove volume and excess hair. We cut off excess hairs and imprecise contours with nail scissors.

Carefully place the glass on the picture and trim the hairs along the edges. Close with a frame.

Gallery: paintings made of wool (25 photos)

Painting from wool: master class (video)

What tools are needed

To work you will need:

  1. First of all, you need the basis of the future painting - a glass frame 30 by 40 cm, you can focus on the size of an ordinary A4 paper sheet. A regular photo frame will also work.
  2. To attach the original material, we use viscose napkins or non-woven fabric.
  3. When applying smaller pieces of fur and aligning parts, tweezers will come in handy.
  4. You can trim off excess hairs without disturbing the ornament using nail scissors. Stationery scissors are useful for coarser cuts of material.
  5. Iron with adjustable mode – for smoothing individual picture elements.
  6. Dry glue pencil will perfectly fix the components of the drawing.

To create masterpieces you will need certain tools

The following types of wool are widely used in the dry felting technique:

  1. Sliver is a white wool thread that does not have guard hairs. Suitable as a basis for a drawing.
  2. Troitskaya is a rough, factory-dyed wool with a lot of thick fibers. Mainly used to create toys.
  3. Merino sheep wool is a uniform color and consists of thin curls that are soft to the touch. Characterized by elasticity. Widely used in felting technique.
  4. Mohair is the wool of the Angora goat. Light, silky, with long fibers.
  5. Semenovskaya - Angora wool and Australian merino are used in the composition. Factory painting in warmer tones, guard fibers are visible.
  6. New Zealand sheepskin is characterized by its exceptional white hue. Thin and strong, long and wavy. It has antibacterial properties and is hypoallergenic. Retains heat perfectly and is used in making blankets.
  7. Carded wool has a loose structure and lends itself well to felling. Gives wool paintings a watercolor effect.

DIY wool watercolor

When creating the painting “Winter Forest in the Morning,” use carded wadding or felt.


  • A drawing is a plot for a painting;
  • Frame;
  • Wool for the base in white, brown and blue shades;
  • Scissors;
  • Soap.

With due diligence, the picture can turn out simply charming

How to do:

  1. Take the cardboard base of the frame, wet a piece of soap, and rub the base.
  2. Make strands from a piece of white wool, pulling them out from the last hairs of the skein.
  3. Lay out horizontally on the base, then vertically selected colors of the blue background of the picture, forming the sky. The cardboard base should not be transparent. Make the edges of the hairs of the strand protrude beyond the base.
  4. Place a white pellet in the right corner of the picture, with a few blue hairs on top of it. It turns out to be a white oval of the winter sun, covered with clouds.
  5. To make the pattern smooth, periodically press the laid wool with your hand while working.
  6. Pulling hairs from a skein of wool, we form flagella by rolling them with our hands - an image of a clear line depicting a tree and branches.
  7. Depicting voluminous caps of snow on tree branches, use scissors to finely chop chaotic wool shavings ranging in size from 2 to 3 mm. Here you can also place barely noticeable pellets of red rowan under the white background of snow.
  8. Applying the glass to the picture and lightly pressing down the drawing, this will allow you to see inaccuracies so that they can be eliminated later.
  9. If desired, you can make animals or a bird sitting on a tree in the picture by forming flagella of the appropriate color and fluffing them in the middle. For the nose and eyes, use black wool.
  10. Secure the finished craft with a light spray of hairspray. Place under glass.

Painting in a watercolor style is great for winter images.

Wool painting: how to create a flower

The composition is quite accessible for creativity by children's hands with competent adjustments from adults. If you follow the instructions, working with wool together will seem like an exciting and unusual game.


  • Claying frame (with clamps);
  • Non-woven fabric for backing;
  • Scissors;
  • Tweezers;
  • Six for the background are white and light yellow;
  • Wool for drawing (shades of green, colors of the future flower).

The composition is quite accessible for creativity with children's hands under competent correction by adults

What to do:

  1. Draw a white background for the image. Pulling the wool thread from the skein, fluff it a little with your fingers and lay it on the base, fix the first layer with glue.
  2. At the bottom of the picture, make a mixture of yellow and white fibers, starting from half of the picture.
  3. Lay out the grass in pieces of wool, cutting them randomly with 3 mm scissors.
  4. We form the stem of the flower. Pinch off several fibers of different shades of green. Twist them into a twig with your palms. Place it on the image and carefully use tweezers to shape the stem.
  5. To form the petals, take a wide strand of the desired color. Spread the fibers well in your palm. Outline the required petal size by cutting off both ends with scissors.
  6. Place the petal on the surface and use tweezers to push the fibers apart.
  7. Place a small skein of wool felted in a circle in the middle of the flower. To give the flower an elegant natural look, add a couple of fibers of adjacent colors to each petal.
  8. With wool of a darker shade you can highlight the contours of the flower image.
  9. While working, periodically apply glass to the drawing. This will ensure a tight fit of the wool and allow you to detect errors in the execution of the painting in time. After finishing, clamp the painting under the glass with clamps, trim off the excess wool around the edges.

Without limiting the child’s imagination, you can add flowers of other colors to the same picture. For example, chrysanthemums go well with a bright red poppy. Multi-stage petals of such a flower can be easily made by twisting wool of similar shades into thin flagella and placing them on top of each other. And by slightly twisting the tips of the three petals with tweezers, you can depict a tulip.

Light autumn landscape made from wool with your own hands

When drawing autumn and nature, we use thin felt and trinity wool as a basis. To create a believable effect, it is recommended to cut the leaves before forming flagella-trees in the picture. This format visually creates the range of the image in the work.

You will need:

  • Frame with glass;
  • A piece of felt;
  • Nail scissors, tweezers;
  • The wool comes in red, orange, yellow, green, burgundy and white shades. For trees, take brown tones;
  • Hair fixation spray.

When drawing an autumn landscape, we use thin felt and Trinity wool as a base.

How to do:

  1. We cover the entire felt backing with a light shade, leaving a little white background. The strands must be laid out horizontally.
  2. Lay out the sketch of the drawing itself in a darker tone, adjusting the height of the wool strands with tweezers.
  3. We form the decorative element of tree branches in a corresponding brown tone, twisting them into strips with our palms. When applying to the image, adjust with tweezers and press down with your hand.
  4. Leaves - pieces of wool are cut with scissors immediately into the image, removing excess hairs with tweezers. When forming the leaves, we use three different colors to make the drawing more believable.
  5. Form the fruits of the tree into small pellets, scattering them over the branches.
  6. You can make a small lawn around the image of a tree with leaves by mixing hairs of brown and green wool. We form flower petals into small pieces, and opening buds into pellets.
  7. Before placing the design under the glass, adjust the hairs of the fur again.

Cover the finished work with glass and frame it.

Wool paintings by Nina Mazyreva

Nina Manzyreva became famous in the technique of felting paintings. The skill of the skilled artist and blogger amazes with its enchanting beauty, simplicity of execution and realism of the work performed.

Speaking in programs, she gives beginning needlewomen the opportunity to master the technique of dry and wet felting from wool at home through video and photo lessons on the Internet. Watching visual examples of her creating another hand-made masterpiece, it is much easier for a housewife to imagine her future work in reality.

Lilac: DIY wool painting (video)

As you know, Russian winter is not only about spruce trees in the snow, snowdrifts shimmering in the distance, but also about the moon in the high, clear sky above cold expanses with no visible edges. Very beautiful idea to create wool paintings. For painting we can use not only wool, but also silk fibers, fluff, and felt. Also, in addition to flannel, you can use velvet paper. In addition, natural materials can be added to such paintings - for example, dry herbs, thin branches, leaves. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment when creating your own interesting works.
We will need: frame with glass, white flannel (or velvet paper), colored spun wool, tweezers.

First you need to cut a rectangle out of white flannel, the size of the hardboard backing, which we remove from the frame. Glue the cut out rectangle onto the backing. To do this, use pencil glue. The picture should start from the background. We lay out the background of the picture using almost transparent strands, which we tear off thinly from the main strip of wool. Since the strands overlap each other, the result is a mixture of colors. And we can observe a smooth transition from one color to another.

Next, we lay out the snowdrifts (foreground), in layers of different thicknesses, thus creating the perspective of our picture.

We cut the strand of wool over the paper into small pieces, since it is impossible to lay out small details of the picture with long fibers of wool.

We use tweezers. With its help, we lay out our chopped scraps of yarn in the form of a house, which seems to be lost in large snowdrifts.

We lay out the roof of the house, cutting a strand of white wool into pieces. Add some colored wool to the white strand to make it look like the roof is slightly reflecting the sunset sky.

We make other small details of the house (window, pipe) by cutting colored wool. Make smoke by twisting a strand of white wool.

Next, we will create a tree trunk by twisting a thin dark strand in our fingers. Cutting finely white wool, lay out the snow-covered tree crown.

In the same way, plant several Christmas trees near the house, placing cut pieces of wool with tweezers. For Christmas trees, use dark green, blue, light blue wool. The more color in the image, the more voluminous and beautiful the picture looks. Put the multi-colored strands together, mix the colors, and cut them. From white wool we make some snow on spruce branches. Thinly weaving together the strands, we make a wattle fence near the house.

Let's make the outline of the moon by wrapping a thin strand of yellow wool around your finger several times.

Place this circle on the background. We fill it with chopped white wool. Place an image of a snow-covered Christmas tree in the foreground. The image should be made large, taking into account the perspective.

Taking the white wool and raising your hands to a height of about 50 cm above the picture, we begin to cut the wool. Pieces falling onto the picture will randomly create an imitation of snow. If you cut the yarn from a low point, the snow will look completely unnatural.

Next, we cover the picture with glass, cutting off excess strands of wool extending beyond the edges.

A magnificent winter landscape made of wool is ready. It can be hung on the wall or given as a gift.

You can paint not only landscapes with wool, it can be anything. Portraits of animals look very beautiful, they look like they are alive. Here are some more pictures.

Wool painting “Winter mood”

Master class on making a painting from wool “Winter Mood”.

The master class is designed for everyone who is interested in handicrafts and strives to create unique things with their own hands!

Target: Making a painting from wool with your own hands.

Tasks: Develop artistic taste, form creative abilities and the desire for creative knowledge and self-expression

Purpose: interior decoration, gift.

Technique: wool painting

Winter dressed up the spruces and pines in heavy snow coats, dressed them in snow-white hats, and didn’t even forget about the branches - she gave them downy mittens. And a gift to the rowan tree - a white shawl. From under it, clusters of berries, like red earrings, can be seen.

The winter sun came out. Everything around sparkled, sparkled, the shaggy branches of the fir trees shuddered and reached towards the sun. Birds call to each other more cheerfully. Nimble, bright yellow, fidgety tits jump along the branches, enlivening the winter, snow-covered landscape.

Birds jump early in the morning,

Along snow-covered branches -

Yellow-breasted tits,

They flew to visit us.

Tin-shade, Tin-shadow,

The winter day is getting shorter and shorter -

You won't have time to have lunch,

The sun will set behind the fence.

Not a mosquito

Not a fly.

There is just snow and snow everywhere.


What do we need feeders for?

Made by a kind person.

Sinitsyn Yu.

Necessary materials:

Felting wool (combed tape) in white, blue, yellow, black, grey, brown, red and several shades of green;

A4 photo frame;

White flannel or non-woven fabric.

Step-by-step job description

Step-by-step job description

1. To prepare the base for the picture, we will need a piece of white flannel which we will place on thick cardboard.

2. Let's start forming the main background. We pull out thin strands of blue wool and lay them on a fabric base.

Olga Melnikova

Will need:

Picture frame;

White interlining;

- Wool of different colors;


Remove the backing from the frame. Cut out a rectangle from non-woven fabric to the size of the backing and glue it onto it. This is the "canvas" for the painting. We apply a drawing with a simple pencil onto the non-woven fabric. We will “write” starting from the background. Tear off from woolen very thin multi-colored ribbons (yellow, pink, purple, white, lilac) strands and lay them on the background so that they overlap each other. The paints are mixed, the colors smoothly flow into each other and it turns out very beautiful.

We lay out yellow shades around the sun. We will form the sun itself from strands of white wool.

Lay out white, blue and lilac wool snowdrifts in the foreground. Perspective is also created by the different thickness of the layers.

In the foreground we lay out a path with traces of lilac wool.

The main background is almost ready, let's move on to the image of tree trunks. Roll from brown wool the threads are different in thickness and lay out the trunk and branches.

To make the trees covered with snow and frost, take small strands of lilac, pink and white wool and finely plant directly on the branches.

Well, the picture is almost ready, all that remains is make huts. Take brown wool. Let's cut the strand wool into small pieces, we will not make them into small parts. Take small pieces with tweezers wool and build them into houses lost in the snow. From white wool Let's lay out the roofs of the huts. Let's add a blue tint to the roof. From a piece of yellow wool Let's make a glowing window in the house.

The landscape is ready. Cover it with glass and cut off the protruding edges wool. Carefully insert the picture into the frame. Now winter landscape You can hang it on the wall or give it to someone.

As you can see, felting from wool paintings are a rather painstaking process, but very interesting and creative. Agree, the result is worth the effort. Dry felting perfectly calms the nerves and allows you to create real masterpieces.

Publications on the topic:

Integrated lesson “Winter landscape” Goal: enriching children's vocabulary when familiarizing themselves with the world around them. Objectives: To develop children’s coherent speech through the composition of complex subordinates.

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Master class for teachers, schoolchildren and older preschoolers “Seascape” (oil painting technique) Materials: Primed, pressed.

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