The Elder Scrolls movie. Bethesda will make a film based on The Elder Scrolls, but only under one condition

Perhaps, if any of the RPG game series can compete with the magnificent The Elder Scrolls is both Warcraft in terms of the popularity of the gameplay and the sophistication of the ENT, and quite recently a film was released based on this universe. Surely, many of the TES fans believe that the series could also use a film adaptation, since the universe of the ancient scrolls is on this moment one of the deepest and most developed among all, in the gaming and book space.

I see potential cultural value such a film only if it is primarily made for fans, and not for uninitiated viewers, but before I tell you in all colors how wonderful a film like this can be made, I would like to mention one point. Not long ago there was a rumor that the management of Bethesda, which creates the TES game series, said that they are not planning a film adaptation yet and will think about it only if Peter Jackson, director of The Lord of the Rings, offers them his candidacy. But no negotiations have been held with Jackson and a film adaptation is not even being considered.

I will begin to describe the film of my dreams not with the plot threads that I would most like to see on the screen, but with a listing of the boundaries that, in my opinion, are necessary for this film, as well as with the rake that a film based on the Elder Scrolls should never should not come.

It must be canon regarding shared universe The Elder Scrolls, i.e. all its events should be part of this world, which all fans can refer to in disputes regarding the ENT of the series. For example, the Warcraft film is not canonical relative to the main game universe. Although he takes as a basis the characters and events of a single game, they are all greatly changed and rewritten. Therefore, the film is officially considered not related to the game and it is impossible to refer to what happened in it as part of a discussion of the ENT of the game series.

The film should not be a simple adaptation of the main plot, one of the games in the series. Unless you can still think about the first two, which came out already in the 90s. If you want to see a film adaptation of Skyrima, where Dovahkiin in a horned helmet will be trained by the Greybeards, kill a couple of dragons, then destroy Alduin in Savngarde, in general, where everything that you already saw in the game will be, I have to disappoint you - this movie is not for fans need to. Nobody comes to see a movie where everyone will be known in advance. And in order for such a film adaptation to still be able to surprise the player with the plot and narrative, at some points it will be necessary to change and move away from the original source, and this will automatically make the film non-canonical.

We also don’t need film adaptations of Oblivion and Morrowind, which many of the players have played through several times and know their plots by heart. To make a choice between the first two games in the series - Arena or Daggerfall, it would be interesting solution. First of all, most fans didn't play these games. Secondly, the technologies of that time were not able to convey the beauty and epic nature of what was happening. And despite the fun gameplay and story, it was still just a bunch of pixels. Accordingly, see these games in modern graphics and on big screen, that wouldn't be too bad.

But what really needs to be filmed? These are moments that were not in the games themselves and which we know about only from in-game history books and documents. Some of the events took place between the games in the series, and some hundreds and thousands of years before them. The ENT of the Elder Scrolls is so rich and so well written that it’s simply mind-boggling to see what kind of stories filmmakers can tackle.

On the screen, of course, large-scale and grandiose events will look best. And here there is where to roam: the rebellion of Alessia, the cue ball at Red Mountain, the War of the Red Diamond, and so on Great War between Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion, which ended just 26 years before the events of Skyrim. But I want to draw your attention to the very first event mentioned.

Alessian Rebellion

This period of history concerns the beginning of the First Era, it was several thousand years before the events of all the numbered games in the series. In those days, the lands of Cyrodiil, through which we traveled in Oblivion, were ruled by a cruel elven people called the Ayleids. They rounded up the human tribes that they managed to catch into their slavery. And being a slave to the Ayleids sometimes meant about the same thing as being imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps during the Second World War.

People were completely powerless, they were subjected to savage experiments and poisoned by tigers, for the amusement of the elven masters. This continued until one of the slaves, the girl Perrif, later received her famous name Alessia did not decide to rebel in order to get rid of the Ayleid shackles. She succeeded and thanks to her leadership qualities and with the favor of certain gods, humans seized control of all of Serod. Having recaptured even the most important stronghold - the White Gold Tower, which has since become an imperial city, the capital of all human empires.

It was these events that were most ideal to film. Firstly, it’s good from a historical point of view, in order to show and clarify those points that are not written about in the in-game books. And it’s even possible to refute some of the moments that we see in the game; in fact, they are only partially preserved pieces of the document ancient times, relative to the validity period of the numbered parts, and therefore are not necessarily completely reliable. Secondly, this choice of setting is also ideal from a commercial point of view, because if everything is done correctly and in accordance with ENT, the film can become a masterpiece for all three categories of viewers: ardent fans of ENT, ordinary players and people who have not even heard of this universe.

Most modern players, even very young ones, have played at least Oblivion or Skyrim. And the ENT surrounding the Alessian Rebellion allows us to show both provinces from these games in the film: Cyrodiil and Skyrim. Accordingly, seeing the White Gold Tower or some recognizable Nordic architecture in the trailer, players will quickly remember these images and go to the movies. Cyrodiil will become the main setting and most of The film will take place there. But many scenes can also be dedicated to Skyrim. The fact is that the Nords contributed to the victory of the rebels. We even know the name of the king who ruled Skyrim at that time - Vrage the Gifted, the son of the famous King Harold.

Also, if you carefully read the book of Adabal, you will find out that the Ayleds drove people from the city of Falkrid into slavery. Therefore, I would add to the film scenes with the majestic Windhelm, where rebel messengers from Alessia come to King Vrage, who wears a jagged crown, asking for help in the uprising. At first, Vrage does not see any benefit in this, but when he is reminded that the elves are taking people from Falkrid into slavery and when his lackeys report that, according to rumors, their Nordic hero Morihaus, after whom the city of Morphol is even named, is fighting in the ranks of Alessia, Vrage agrees to join the union.

What about those viewers who are not familiar with games at all, then they too should like the film if the plot is made adult and dramatic, while diluting it with good action, of which there is a dime a dozen in the Alessian Revolt. For example central character The character that audiences would love should not even be Alessia herself, but Pelinal Whitestrake. It was this man who single-handedly won half of that war. Not only was he the incarnation of the god Lorkhan, but also had the corresponding power, but he was also a cyborg who arrived from the future of Tamriel to help in the uprising. The screenwriter who invented it spoke about this, and direct hints can also be found in the in-game books about Pelinal.

For those who didn’t understand, he was not a soulless robot, but a person with cybernetic implants, like Sotha Sil. Pelinal was famous for hating and violently exterminating elves. One day he wandered into Elsweyr and mistook the local Khajiit for new uniform elves and destroyed many of them before realizing his mistake. He was insane and sometimes, in fits of madness, he even destroyed entire layers of the earth. One day he was asked over drinks what he felt during such attacks. To which Pelinal replied: as if the dream ceases to need a dreamer. I love phrases like this in Elder Scrolls lore and would definitely include them in the film's dialogue.

The second face of this uprising is another demigod winged bull Morihaus, the son of the goddess Kin. He was almost as strong, but was not prone to madness. He and Alessia had love story and it was because of their connection that the race of minotaurs appeared. The film can also show love line between them and to play her up dramatically, because Morihaus was ashamed of his appearance. It would be nice to show the fight between Pelinal and Morihaus before the assault on the White Gold Tower.

Alesia suggested postponing the assault, like everyone else, but Pelinal reacted very caustically to this and went to take the tower alone. This fight is not in the ENT, but in theory, Morihaus could have attacked Pelinal at that moment to prevent him from going there. You can show a real super hero battle between two demigods in the style of Thor and the Hulk, this will certainly appeal to all viewers. But naturally they will not cause mortal damage to each other. Pelinal will still go alone to the White-Gold Towers, where he will single-handedly destroy all the Ayleids, and at the end he will be waiting for him to be killed by the Unfeathered.

Of course, these are not all the details and subtleties of this story; the film would not only show it, but also add many new details that would please ENT experts. There is another suitable plot that would be nice to make into a second film - the Battle of the Red Mountain, during which the Dwemer disappeared from Nirn.

The following is worth saying about the game Skyrim:

  • Part name - elder scrolls, argonia,
  • Recognized as one of the most complex projects in the genre,
  • Development by Bethesda.

At the moment, there is no exact information about when Skyrim 6 will be released, but there is information that the release will be soon, in 2016. But will the developer have time to present his brainchild, since the year is already quickly passing? Be that as it may, the information that the work is underway and that it is already at the completion stage is correct, so the wait will not be long in any case.

Yesterday and today

While waiting for the release of the sixth Skyrim game, do not forget that the franchise was released not only in 5 parts, but also in an additional online version, which was presented in 2014. Today, the game takes place two hundred years after the events of the fourth episode, and a dragon appears in this world. The main character must defeat him.

In Skyrim you can play as a character chosen from a dozen races, you can also freely walk around the world - it is very spacious. You can independently explore new territories and receive new tasks. The new product will present complex world, where there is a visible and invisible part, there is the planet Nirn and the space around it, Oblivion. Available whole line continents. So, space for new developments and new locations will be presented even after the release of the new part of the Skyrim game - this project is probably not over yet. Although in times of crisis it becomes difficult to finance it. The project, however, has considerable commercial success, so in any case it is unlikely to be suspended.

The sixth part of the cult game. The release date of the project is currently unknown. Fans have been waiting for the continuation of their favorite game for more than five years, namely since 2011. Currently, almost nothing is known about this game, and what becomes public knowledge is nothing more than rumors. Many fans of the “The elder scrolls” series generally believe that this is a mythical project that was invented in order to maintain interest in the series of games as a whole.

A release date for The Elder Scrolls 6: Argonia has not yet been set. The game will be released around the summer of 2018

The possible release date of spring 2016 was widely advertised on the Internet, but this did not happen, although some fans believed in this news until the very end. The setting for the sixth part was supposed to be one of the four provinces of Tamriel, which had not been used before, players only heard about them during the gameplay. Possible events new history, will take place on the islands of Summerset, Vallenwood, Elsweyr, or the Black Swamps of Argonia. But there are also active rumors that the plot will take place in Skyrim. This theory is especially popular among fans of the game, but there are also those who want the action to take place in another, preferably previously unused location.

The Elder Scrolls VI part release date in Russia.

Namerelease date
The Elder Scrolls VI: ArgoniaNot earlier than 2018

Among other rumors, it is said that in the sixth part of the game, it will be possible to make your own own house, and decorate it at the request of the player. For fans, this would be a very interesting feature, because they carefully choose and create a hero for themselves, and now it will be possible to do the same with his home. It is expected that manufacturers will make "TES 6" on a new, more modern engine that will make game process, even more exciting, and the picture even more realistic.

Fans' wishes that new part They returned the so-called long weapons, including various spears, halberds, etc. Many people want the toy’s combat system to change, to become even more thoughtful and “smarter.” First official information about "TES 6" was supposed to appear in 2015, at the famous gaming forum "E3", but this turned out to be untrue, and very disappointed and even angered the fan base of the project.

Nothing is known about the plot of the sixth part of the game, but knowing the excellent scenarios of the previous parts, we can conclude that “TES 6” will not lag behind in this aspect.

Trailer, review of the game The Elder Scrolls VI: Argonia

Publishers are increasingly turning their attention to making movies based on video games, while Softworks is in no hurry to adapt its games into films. Be that as it may, company representatives admitted that they are ready to make a film based on The Elder Scrolls series, but only under one condition.

As the site learned, the head of the marketing department Pete Hines in one of latest interviews stated that the publisher is ready to make the film only if the famous Peter Jackson becomes the director of the film. According to him, Bethesda often receives proposals to make a film based on this or that game, but they are steadily rejected.

« We don't want any person to make their own interpretation of Fallout or The Elder Scrolls or Dishonored. We want our developers to be able to determine the course of the series themselves, and not directors, producers or film studios. I think if Peter Jackson showed up in our office with a proposal to make The Elder Scrolls, we would seriously discuss everything. But I think he is already very busy. So I don't think we'll be releasing a movie based on one of our games in the near future."Hines explained.

« I don't know anyone who has complete control over a movie adaptation of their video game. If someone could, why didn't they make the film themselves? Of course, the film studio, the scriptwriters, and the director will have their own point of view on the series. Therefore, we consider such proposals as an activity distracting from our main business. We work with video games, so we do what we can».