Transformers in life. The Autobots Will Save the Earth: Our World

Does the robot carry out commands that benefit certain individuals? If you say so, you will be right. We would all like to have someone in front of us who would carry out requests and instructions. Agree, it is very profitable and resources are not wasted, and you get pleasure. Let's talk about how to become a robot. We will recommend and get closer to this order of things.

In the distant future, everyone will have such an opportunity, but you and I live in the present, where there is no place for such things yet. amazing things. If we start with ourselves, the result will be greater than when we start making a certain machine a reality. This makes it easier and accessible to every decent citizen. Let's consider not the robot itself, but naturally our productivity, and its increase.

Well, you can pamper yourself and recharge yourself with positivity, and look in the mirror. What will you see? More likely, common man who has sins and his own vices. It's incorrigible because human heart will always want to fight hard for survival.

A robot is someone who does at least one thing every day that is not for himself. Urgently, to so-called repay the debt, then live, in the hope of receiving. Good sign. The first thing you may encounter is healthy competition.

Millions of people exclaim looking at successful person, and they say: “Oh, where does he get so much strength and energy?” After all, this is good. By productivity they mean only the leader, and no one else. If they look at the meek and humble, they don’t look at all and let them pass by. This is how they evaluate and become.

Surely this isn't fair? The fact is that everyone has a different concept of positivity and niceness. For some, one is a dream come true, another is just another dirty trick.

First What I advise is that in front of whom you want to look like a robot. In front of your parents, friends? It is enough to thank them for all the good things and give them a round sum of money. For others, please and take care in every possible way. Live for yourself, focus not on their well-being, but only on your own. So you can soon forget about yourself, and not remember for a long time about what how to become a robot.

Second how long will it last. An hour, two, or maybe a few minutes? It is advisable to have as little time as possible, because then maybe you won’t like the whole real world, and then how can you live in peace and harmony? It's difficult, really. In all theatrical productions they have their own unique voice! For what? To rise slowly but surely. Yes, you can be a hero and not even suspect it at all.

These features can be purchased without spending money. This is just for yourself, you don’t need to tell anyone about your “wonderful” purchase. Earn the title of crazy. Not everyone wants to always be made a laughing stock. Especially when a person is modest and regrets turning away from this world. Like a robot.

This means the phrase that if you are defeated you need to try to surpass your opponent. Is there anyone who agrees with this? This means you need to anticipate future events and try to make an important decision. Or you agree to live for the sake of a “future” life, which cannot promise anything worthwhile, like a machine.

1. Be a purposeful person. Professional quality there should only be good ones. When you are completely satisfied with yourself, then you will painstakingly think about your other role on this wonderful earth, and not about how to become a robot.

What happens is that you immediately rejoice over it. Then it’s wonderful and instantaneous, as if some higher being is helping you. After all, in a moment of joy, you believe that there are all the conditions for captivating development. Then there will be the long-awaited admiration. A robot is another object for artists, landscape painters, and film directors.

Without them, not a single innovation can take place. Make a great joke in the midst of the holiday, make everyone think that you are the reason for everything. They will believe it. And this is not even a fiction, but a matter that will then turn into a way of life. We ourselves don’t notice how we believe the most mysterious and incredible things.

2. You appear where there is unusual and innovation. Maybe then, after a few years, you will be mistaken for a “half-human”, it is very prestigious to be next to him, anyone will hit the rich jackpot. That's all. But can you like this image? They will only use you, not as a friend, but simply as some kind of magical object. But in this way you will find yourself in the most comfortable places, where harmony and young, healthy laughter reign and smell. There are plenty of advantages, in my opinion.

Don't stop thinking. I don’t want to stop in my self-development; let every hour be filled with very important things.

Nobody wants to be a slave, to be used for someone else's hidden intentions. Protect yourself with an invisible wall in every possible way to obstruct the plans of other characters.

3 . Robots can be not only rich people, but also coaches and teachers. After all, these are the same children whose smile and look are worth the most seductive compliments. And of course, speed speaks of purity of feeling and kindness of heart. Everyone wants to be one, even the oldest ones.

Everyone is looking for ways in their own way. You can dig through the diagrams to try to create a unique machine, but you always have to start with your mind. After all, all the roots of problems lie within us, and we will have to be responsible for their continued existence.

Always only by respecting your personality, they will receive friendliness from you. Without respect and gifts it is not even permissible to approach you. You will gradually get the hang of it and won’t be able to tear yourself away from your favorite pastime. Only a cheerful or cyborg can learn how to become a robot; a simple boy is simply not allowed to do this.

4. No matter how neglected you are, this gift will not disappear without a trace. And why should he disappear? When it's profitable. They will make concessions and surprise you with your simplicity. This is the whole secret, if you can call it that. But let you not stop becoming better, and then you will not regret that the moment has come when you wanted to change into the system. Yes, remember all this with a smile on your face.

I wish you good luck! The article turned out to be quite lengthy. I wrote everything hastily and quickly. It will not be superfluous if you comment and add in order to eliminate the shortcomings.

We were interested in the question: will we see robots with the capabilities of Transformers in our time? While full-scale Transformers seem a little unrealistic - and impractical - it turns out there are robots that have a lot in common with Transformers. In this article we will look at what these robots look like, how they work and how they are similar to Transformers like Optimus Prime.

Let's start with an analysis of Optimus Prime himself. It's huge and impressive, but can it really exist? To answer this question, we asked engineer Michael D. Belote what it would take to build a full-scale, multi-ton truck that can transform into a bipedal robot. In other words, what would it take to create a real-life Optimus Prime?

First of all, Prime must be a self-restructuring robot. Self-reconfiguring robots, or robots that can change their shape to suit the tasks they perform, still exist today. However, they are very different from Optimus Prime. As Michael Belote explains:

“When creating self-reconfiguring robots, engineers generally prefer to make individual, mobile modules small, inexpensive and easy to replace; however, in the case of Optimus Prime, we are dealing with a robot whose individual modules are as large as the cab of a semi-trailer. Even if building such modules were possible, the cost would be enormous, and the extreme complexity would make it virtually impossible to get all parts of the system to work smoothly.”

Even if engineers figured out how to make self-restructuring modules on the scale of Optimus Prime, supplying them with the energy to move would remain impossible. In vehicle form, Optimus Prime can run on regular diesel fuel. But walking is much more difficult than rolling on wheels! To walk, Prime requires much more power than a diesel engine can provide. Below is Belote's analysis on how to cope with Prime's demands in obtaining the necessary energy:

“Traditionally, robots use one of three energy resources: electric, pneumatic, hydraulic. Considering the Prime's enormous weight, its most likely energy resource is hydraulic, as hydraulic power drives provide a very high energy-to-weight ratio ( a large number of energy output at low energy input)".

So, hydraulic energy can allow Prime to walk, but creates a series of additional problems by her own. “A tank or reservoir must be added to store the hydraulic fluid,” says Belote. “Hydraulic pumps are necessary, a second power source is needed to drive them, valves are needed to maintain the desired pressure and flow. In addition to this, a hydraulic powered Prime would have to be lined with pipes to carry the hydraulic fluid. These pipes, as well as the fuel tanks and electrical wiring, should have remained intact, or even untouched, during the transformation.

Having safely undergone the transformation into his robot form, Prime must then walk on two legs. Belote describes what is needed for this to happen: since most often the weight of semi-trailers reaches 30 tons, the weight of the Prime could easily reach 35 - 40 tons. Comparing it with the world's best "walking" robot ASIMO from Honda, which weighs 54 kilograms and can walk for no more than 40 minutes (on electricity) at a speed of less than 3 km per hour. ASIMO's weight ratio is 1.04 kilograms per inch, compared to Prime's weight ratio, which would reach 30 - 36 kilograms per inch, that is, 30 times more.

In addition, robots cannot easily perform walking movements. “In the case of a robot,” says Belote, “there is a specific command (raise your leg by an “x” amount, move your body forward by a “y” amount, extend your leg down by a “z” amount, and so on). People don't have a mechanism" feedback- your brain is not constantly in contact with your feet about where to put them. Instead, you simply lean forward and 'fall', placing your foot to cushion the impact when your foot hits the floor."

Thus, we are unlikely to see a functioning Optimus Prime or any other robot of the same type in our time. In reality, there are many different configurable robots that can perform up to several different tasks. For example, a Mars exploration rover could generate solar energy and store it in batteries, drill into rocks, take photographs, drive around, use spectrometers to record temperature, chemical compounds, infrared rays and alpha particles, send the received data to Earth. This is, of course, very different from the abilities of Transformers, who can take on two forms with vastly different powers and capabilities, which is what makes them so exciting.

Science of Cybertron

Technologies of "Transformers"

The time will come when science will outstrip imagination.

Jules Verne

Robots and technology- these are two sides of the same coin. The creation of intelligent mechanical creatures is impossible without scientific and technological progress - and having appeared, robots, in turn, begin to actively develop high technologies. The technical development of the Transformers universe has not yet reached its limit: Michael Bay's new film awaits us whole line"technological" surprises.

Any robot, especially an alien one, is an inexhaustible storehouse of unimaginable technologies. And what if we're talking about about transformers, then doubly inexhaustible. The technologies of these creatures are not limited to " gentleman's set robot": engines, weapons, artificial intelligence. Many of the scientific and technological miracles that we will talk about today would be impossible without the main ability of transformers - the ability to change their own appearance by displacement of individual components of bodies, simply transformation.

For “classic” transformers, the process of transformation took certain time: all the parts moved one after another, strictly in order. This limitation was primarily associated with toys: it is quite difficult to simultaneously turn the robot’s head and bend its limbs at different angles. However, in the film "Transformers" we will see for the first time automorphing, a technology that allows you to simultaneously move an entire group of robot segments when changing modes. It is possible that automorphing will be implemented in toys based on the film.

Robots with Spark

One of the most attractive features of transformers, which sets them apart from the general mass of fantastic robots, is the presence of what, in relation to a person, could be called a soul. Like people, transformers are born, grow up and die; they are capable of not only thinking rationally, but also feeling. Of course, all this happens in a slightly different way than with you and me.

In the April issue last year we told you that there are two versions of the emergence of transformers. The company's original eighties animated series and related comics Marvel adhered to the option according to which the transformers were made by the Quintesson race, gained intelligence and rebelled against the creators. However, the canonical and most developed version was the one that was born in 1995 with the release of the series “ Beast Wars».

According to legend, initially there were two gigantic robots: the good Primus and the evil Unicron. Having defeated the enemy, Primus became the planet Cybertron and created on its surface new uniform life - transformers. Primus gave each transformer a source of life - the Spark. It is thanks to her that the inhabitants of Cybertron have intelligence and individuality. The nature of the Spark is unknown even to the Transformers themselves, so it cannot be reproduced using the highly advanced science of Cybertron.

It is generally accepted that the Spark is a piece of Primus's essence, which he shared with his creations. Therefore, you can get a new Spark either from Primus himself (which has not happened since the emergence of the first transformers), or from a mysterious container of Sparks called the Allspark. Access to the Allspark is opened by legendary artifacts, which include the Autobot Matrix and the Cybertronian supercomputer Vector Sigma.

Autobot Leadership Matrix- a source of inexhaustible energy and power, capable of giving life to new transformers. Only selected Autobots whose name ends with the proud “Prime” can use the Matrix. In addition, the Matrix can modify its host - improve its body and abilities (most shining example- Rodimus Prime from the cartoon " Transformers"1986).

In the full-length film "Transformers", the stumbling block was another Allspark - a cubic-shaped object with hieroglyphs all over its surface, combining the properties of the classic Allspark and the Autobot Matrix.

Raw protoform.

Vector Sigma- the core of Cybertron, a huge supercomputer controlled by the most ancient transformer Alpha Trion. Like the Autobot Matrix, it infuses life into a mechanical body and has a number of limitations on its use. In particular, to activate it you need a special key, which has the ability to transform organic life into mechanical life.

As soon as the Spark becomes part of a mechanical body, a newborn transformer is born, possessing the knowledge and body of an adult robot. However, there is a special technology that allows you to implant Sparks into a damp shell, but not awaken life in it - protoforms. Protoforms first appeared in Beast Wars and were a container with raw liquid metal and a Spark that did not disappear thanks to special devices. As soon as the need for a new transformer arose, the scanner built into the container explored the area and gave the robot a body capable of transforming into the first suitable object found by the scanner.

There are others non-standard methods creating new transformers - cloning, experimental technologies of immortality (after the creation of the terrible Protoform X, they were abandoned forever) and the fusion of Sparks of two robots (it was used by Optimal Optimus and Megatron in last season"Beast Wars")


Energon, the primary power source for Transformers, exists in both raw form (as crystals) and as liquid plasma for use by the Transformers themselves. It was believed that the planet Cybertron was the birthplace of energon, but it was later discovered on other worlds, including prehistoric Earth. Crystalline energon is very dangerous for Cybertronians: it is unstable and can explode with weak vibrations, and also interferes with communications and radar. But the most important thing is that if they were in close proximity to raw energon for a long time, the transformers could fall into a state of system blocking.

The device is temporarily blocked...

Cryonic regeneration chambers.

The question of whether robots are capable of aging in the full sense of the word still remains open. However, there are examples of both young (for example, Hot Rod or Willie) and old Transformers like Cap and Alpha Trion, but there is no precedent for robots dying from old age.

Most often, transformers die from damage inflicted on them or a critical lack of energy. There are two types of “death” of a transformer - temporary and final system locking (stasis lock). The first state, similar to a human coma, occurs when the robot has been seriously damaged, but the Spark can still exist inside the half-destroyed body. Technologies that first appeared in Beast Era, - cryonic regeneration chambers. Using nanorobots, the cameras stimulated and accelerated the self-healing mechanisms built into transformers, with the main emphasis being on the most damaged areas.

However, getting caught in a temporary block is an incredible success: as a rule, robots immediately find themselves in a state incompatible with life. With the final blocking, the Spark of the deceased returns to Allspark, where the experience and knowledge of the robot flows into the general essence of Cybertron. The deceased transformer becomes monotonous gray. Only a miracle in the person of Primus or the Quintessons, who were able to revive Optimus Prime at the end of the third season of Transformers, can bring the robot out of the final blockage. But even here there are exceptions, for example, the immortal Spark of Starscream, which itself inhabits a suitable body. Starscream's immortality is believed to be due to mysterious mutations in his Spark.

In symbiosis

Unique “symbiotic” technology master control was first mentioned in the final season of the classic animated series and formed the basis Japanese sequels Headmasters And Masterforce. Master Control, discovered by the inhabitants of the planet Nebulon, allows humanoids to become part of the Transformers through the so-called pair bond. In this case, the “symbiont” can perform the functions of a headmaster, targetmaster or powermaster.

Some mistakenly classify Action Masters as master control - a series of figures with characters of different generations, which, unlike their transforming counterparts, could boast of good detail and adequate proportions.

Headmaster Brainstorm.

Headmaster- these are creatures endowed with the ability to turn into the head of a transformer when the latter is in robot mode. In alternate mode, headmasters typically become pilots. Initially, headmasters were small inhabitants of Nebulon, who, thanks to the experiments of the Autobot Brainstorm, gained the ability to become heads for huge lifeless bodies - transtectors. Subsequently, headmaster control was finalized on Cybertron, and bracelets were born that allowed people to become part of the transformer.

Powermasters(in Japan - Godmaster) serve as a source of bioenergy for the transformer-carrier. In alternative mode, the powermaster allows the robot to reduce its fuel requirement by redirecting its energy to the latter. Powermasters were created by the energy entity Devil Zed in an attempt to create a perfect robot and absorb all the energy of the Earth.

Targetmaster become a transformer's weapon. As in general in master control, the target master and the transforming partner act as a well-worked team: the first increases fire assistance at the expense of the robot and takes care of aiming, the second takes any additional actions during shooting.

Micromasters, unlike all of the above creatures, have nothing to do with master control. These little robots appeared as a result of the energy crisis on Cybertron. The main goal that guided scientists when creating them was to reduce energy consumption due to their small size and limiting a number of abilities.

Important and interesting technology, which was born as a result of the arms race on Cybertron, became " pretender's shell"(pretender shell). The transformer wearing it is called a challenger. Initially, the shells were intended to provide additional armor, but over time they were transformed into a unique alloy of the latest developments in nanotechnology and volumetric modification. Along with unique opportunities each shell (for example, by remotely controlling it), this technology allowed robots to look almost like an ordinary person.


The opportunity to combine several transformers into something whole has always excited the imagination of the creators of toys and cartoons. In the traditional form of merging, groups of robots were combined into a huge gestalt. Subsequently, many new interpretations of this process appeared. Transformers were created that, in their alternate mode, were one item - thus, they became dependent on their partners and could not transform without them. Such robots include duocons, as well as many teams of micromasters.

IN Japanese TV series Superlink the association acquired new meaning and became the basis of the entire cartoon. Primus gave the Cybertronians the Fusion Spark, which allowed two robots to turn into one: as a rule, one formed top part above the waist and became the leader, and the second - the lower part of the robot. This merger enhanced the combat power and abilities of the new robot, but did not in any way affect the alternative mode - the transformers had to separate to switch to it.

Military developments

Although not all transformers prefer battles to a peaceful existence, war has become an integral part of the world of mechanical giants. To survive and defeat their opponents, robots constantly improve their weapons - and transformers with unique abilities are born. Of course, every warrior has basic military equipment - blasters, lasers, communicators. But the main word on the battlefield belongs to robots with special weapons.

Ironhide's chemical attack.

Despite the fact that transformers are non-biological life forms, chemical weapon may cause them irreparable damage. Ironhide is rightfully considered a master of combat using chemicals, with the help of a built-in reactor he is capable of independently producing various mixtures and gases: hot water awaits his enemies liquid metal, acids, liquid nitrogen and other equally pleasant substances.

The chief medic and repairman of the Autobots, Ratchet, has in his arsenal not only rifles and missiles, but also point and super-sharp laser scalpels, which he uses both for peaceful purposes and for close combat. There is a known case when Ratchet's scalpels almost cost the life of Megatron himself.

Nature telepathy Robots are much more prosaic than people. Soundwave is recognized as the main expert in this field, capable of picking up minor impulses in the heads of nearby robots at a distance of up to 30 meters and interpreting their thought processes. Telepathy is an indispensable tool for espionage and predicting enemy actions on the battlefield.

Ability teleport during a fight from one point to another - one of the most effective combat maneuvers. Decepticon Skywarp, who transforms into an airplane, often and skillfully uses this talent, unexpectedly appearing behind his opponent. At the same time, the range of teleportation is very limited.

Along with these remarkable skills, one can highlight the super speed of the Autobot Blurr, which is limited only by the amount of his energy, Starscream’s “zero” beam and force shields that can be projected during battle - the Autobot Trailbreaker can boast of such protection.

Research into the main source of energy for transformers - energon - led to the creation of weapons based on it. Energy weapons serves exclusively for close combat and is presented, as a rule, in the form of swords. Owners of more than exotic options Optimus Prime and Megatron became: the first acquired an energon ax, the second - a mace. Energy blades pierce the most with ease and grace durable metal.

Volume change


There are cases where the alternative mode of the transformer was strikingly different in size from the robot mode. Classic examples- Soundwave and Astrotrain. The first of the multi-meter giant was transformed into a small tape recorder, the second became huge compared to the robotic form space shuttle. This ability, called “mass-shifting,” was achieved in two ways.

Offset segments- a simple and unpretentious technique, the essence of which is to “compress” parts in robot mode. During transformation, the fragments move out from each other like segments of a telescope, which allows you to increase the volume. This technology has two drawbacks - thin armor in larger mode and restrictions on resizing.

Mass conversion- a unique technology available to only a few. The “rebuilding” of the robot occurs at the subatomic level: when transitioning from one mode to another, the robot acquires a new molecular structure, and at the same time its size.

Space travel

Transport - essential element infrastructure both in peacetime and during war. In the era of transformers, the search for new energy sources and emergency communications between strategically important planets became a vital necessity. There are several in various ways travel over cosmic distances - instantaneous movement (in other words - teleportation) or starships.

The creators of the Transformers movie abandoned both methods. They decided that the technologically advanced inhabitants of Cybertron could navigate the expanses of the universe on their own, without the help of spaceships.

Space bridge.

The very first development for interstellar travel was space bridge, created under the leadership of Megatron. Matter was transferred by teleportation method: sending and receiving platforms were installed on both sides of the space bridge. Already the first experiment with the bridge showed its instability, and this technology was considered too dangerous for everyday use. Over time, the space bridge began to be used as a regular garbage disposal: all waste from Cybertron was dumped into sending pads, which sent the trash into deep space.

Exit from the wormhole.

The failure with the space bridge resulted in new round developments in the field space travel. Its result was transwarp-an engine that combined the ability to reach the speed of light and bend space. Despite high level development of the science of Cybertron, it was possible to accelerate to the speed of light only at ultra-short distances, so there was a need to shorten the path between two points. Transwarp made it possible to penetrate the cosmic fabric and open wormhole portals in it, a kind of “holes” in time and space. During the Beast Era, transwarp drive became such a common technology that all ships capable of going into space were equipped with it.

Of course, transwarp without a carrier ship was useless - that is why Transformers flew on starships of the Cybertronian space lines. History includes several of the largest and most famous interplanetary combat and research transport vehicles - “Ark”, “Nemesis”, “Axalon” and “Darkseid”.

The Ark is a research ship built by the Autobots to search for energy beyond Cybertron. This is a huge self-sufficient complex capable of carrying more than 300 robots on board. The Ark was the first ship to be equipped with a transwarp drive. In addition, there was a powerful supercomputer “Teletraan-1”.

Nemesis is the Decepticon's answer to the Ark. Megatron built the Nemesis as a giant warship equipped with last word technology. Despite its size and transwarp drive, the Nemesis was not intended for space travel and was used primarily for landing troops and capturing Autobot bases.

"Axalon" and "Darkseid" - two ships of the Beast Era, vehicles Maximals and Predacons. These are small-sized shuttles equipped with transwarp technology. "Axalon" under the command of Optimus Prime and "Darkseid" under the control of Megatron crashed on prehistoric Earth, temporarily served as bases for the opposing sides and were subsequently completely destroyed.

* * *

There is no limit to the imagination, just as there are no limits to all kinds of transformer technologies. The universe of aliens from Cybertron is growing and developing: new details, faces, planets and weapons appear. We have already seen something in other sagas, something new and unusual. But in any case, the saga of highly developed robots will again and again present us with many pleasant surprises. And one of these surprises will be feature film"Transformers", which will open a new chapter in what once began as a simple series of toys.

The premiere of the next part of the Transformers film franchise took place in Russia. Over the past 7 years, an army of fans of intelligent alien robots, capable of transforming into a variety of equipment, has grown throughout the world. Fans, artists and engineers from scientific laboratories are developing Transformers and similar machines, inspired by what they see in the movies. We remembered the 10 most impressive, technologically advanced and ridiculous real-life Transformers.

Bumblebee costume

On the streets of Michigan last spring, children were literally mesmerized by the way a car turned into a robot and back again. It turns out that behind this act was Jocelyn Page, a 28-year-old street performer from New Orleans who traveled around the state in the form of a transformer. Page created his stunningly detailed and functional suit in less than five weeks, and its components cost him $700-$800. The cost was quickly worked out: Page admitted to the Free Press that with the help of the suit he earns up to $700 a day. True, in the modification of the car, the suit is quite tight, and after wearing it throughout the day, Page’s knees hurt terribly.

Page's costume is not completely original. Similar designs (albeit less impressive) and have previously appeared on YouTube.

Red One

Carlos Owens, who lives in the town of Wasilla, Alaska, built with his own hands a terrifying six-meter robot with flamethrowers in his hands. The inventor was previously a US Air Force engineer and steelmaker, so he is quite accustomed to working with metal and complex mechanisms.

Owens spent $25,000 on a hydraulic monster weighing one ton. In addition to Transformers, the inventor was inspired to create the robot by the animated series Gigantor, the films Aliens and Starship Troopers. Carlos also made other machines based on sci-fi paintings, for example, a flying bike. And although all his creations do not work, he is very optimistic about improving them in the future.

Bravo Robot

The next transformer is more in line with what is expected of it. It may only be a small toy, but it's more functional than many of the robots on this list. The car model is completely transformed into operating robot, while doing it quickly and with grace. In the robot modification, the machine does a good job of boxing with imaginary Decepticons. The model, called Bravo Robot, was developed by Japanese engineer Keji Ishida of JS Robotics. It uses 22 servos to accurately control motion parameters.

The Japanese company Himeji Soft Works previously developed an equally technologically advanced toy. The miniature WR-07 vehicle is capable of transforming into a fully functional 15-inch android that walks on two limbs. According to the developers, the robot is quite combative and even knows kung fu techniques, but the creators reassure that it has a completely submissive disposition and is not prone to escape.

Silverbolt Costume

Marc Derepentigny, a former machinist and network administrator, father of four children, designed a motorized suit Silverbolt. According to him, he created various costumes from the early childhood. On your ABS robot outfit plastic and it took him two years (two hours of work a day) and about $ 2,000. As for all other projects (before that, Mark created the Gundam suit and the Autobots Lamborghini and Mazda), he did not have any a clear scheme and worked on a whim.

Transformers at Universal Studios

The theme park Universal Studios Hollywood introduced a 3D attraction in 2012 Transformers ride based on the popular franchise. Visitors to the 3D attraction were greeted by Autobots Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. Mechanized suits, controlled by people inside, are, of course, more impressive than homemade transformers. But the budget that went into their creation is incomparable with what enthusiasts master in their workshops. In April 2013, Universal Studios Florida also introduced Megatron, made using the same technology. However, this time the transformer not only walks and takes pictures with park guests, but also speaks in a terrifying voice.

Citroen C2

Three Transformers fans from China built their own Autobot from a Citroen C2 in three months. Sui Lulu admitted that they always wanted to construct their Optimus Prime from a truck, but in the end they realized that it would be too huge - the height of a seven-story building. Therefore, they opted for a smaller machine. Some Chinese flavor was added to the design of the transformer. For example, the robot’s head resembles an ancient Chinese military helmet. The metal monster's legs bend - they are equipped with hydraulic mechanisms. The robot's finger joints are also movable.

Optimus Prime
art project. As part of the performance TRANSFORMERS #01, he collected vehicles of public utilities of the Swiss city of Vevey, making up of them giant robots, which can be viewed from a bird's eye view. Videos and photographs depicting the art project were presented during the Images"08 festival.

TransForder squatting

One of the most interesting amateur transformers was presented by British designer Khetan Patel. He turned an old 1988 Ford Fiesta into a squatting Autobot. Patel created the sculpture together with his father and brother (a mechanic and a big Transformers fan). Unfortunately, unlike the heroes of the franchise, his creation cannot take other forms.

Fairies are fairy-tale creatures that have been present in the world since ancient times. different stories and fairy tales different nations. And at the same time, almost every girl has ever dreamed of becoming a real fairy, getting magical powers, acquire wings and flutter around the world. Over the years, many others have appeared in the world magical creatures, which were invented by people, but fairies still remain one of the most popular, especially among girls. This is evidenced by the fact that great amount children are now watching the adventures of the Winx fairies. But watching is one thing, and quite another to turn yourself into one of these mysterious magical creatures. That is why now many girls are looking for the answer to the question of how to become a fairy with transformation, that is, to get everything required attributes, such as wings and magical powers. Below we will look at some of the most popular options that you can try yourself.

Paper in water

There are quite a large number of methods that are discussed on the Internet. Everyone says that they know exactly how to become a fairy with transformation, but no one can prove it. Therefore, you just need to consider the most well-known methods, which are most often found both on the Internet and in the literature, in order to get greatest chance success. So, the first method is to use colored paper. Here you need to approach the choice responsibly, since the color determines what kind of fairy you will get in the end. For example, if you choose green paper, you will end up Forest Fairy, and when choosing blue - water. In addition to paper, you will need a plate of water, a candle and a mirror. Using a candle, you need to light the paper and put it in water, and then reflect it in the mirror. Then you will need to look into this mirror and wait for the paper to burn out. If the candle goes out after this, then the ceremony was a success. But this is only one option on how to become a fairy with transformation. To be on the safe side, it’s worth considering a few.

Fairy Dream

The second method will require more time from you, namely the whole night. But don't worry - you won't have to stay up until the morning, you just won't be able to achieve everything right away. If you want to learn how to become a fairy with transformation, then you will have to be patient. So, on a piece of paper you need to write what kind of fairy you want to become, after which this sheet needs to be lowered into water, buried in the ground or thrown into the wind. It is important to remember that under no circumstances should you say anything or make any sounds at all. After the ceremony, you need to immediately wake up as a fairy the next morning. Success can also be affected by whether your window is open - a flying fairy can drop by to visit you, thereby ensuring your success in the transformation.

Fairy Elixir

The next method will take you even more time. You need to create a special elixir that you don't need to drink - you just need to touch it with your fingers every night before going to bed. If your goal is a flying fairy, then you need to add feathers to the water, if it is natural, a pinch of earth, and so on. An additional ingredient is sugar, which serves as a bait for fairies. You need to silently touch the resulting elixir every evening for a week and imagine yourself in the image of the one you want to turn into. And then on the seventh day you will go to bed so that in the morning you will wake up as a full-fledged fairy. As you can see, the transformation of fairies can take quite a lot of time, so you should not think that everything will be simple and easy for you - you will have to put in a lot of effort, but the result is worth it.

Moon water

Again, arm yourself with a piece of paper and a bowl of water. Write on a piece of paper what kind of fairy you want to become, after which you need to put it in a bowl of water. Remember that the Winx fairies are not the most reliable creatures in this regard; they were invented for broadcast on television. It is best to use more classic options to have more chances. At night, when the moon shines through your window, you need to place a bowl of water and a leaf so that the moon is reflected on the surface of the water. You need to drink water, then immediately go to bed - the next morning you will see the finished result. You may even get fairy wings, so think about it before you go to bed, you might be better off sleeping on your stomach this night.

Fairy Call

If you do not want to take detours, then there is always a direct path for you - you can contact the fairies directly. Maybe something will work out for you, or maybe nothing will work out. There is a chance that you will only see fairy tail, but it doesn't matter - this won't be your only chance, so don't be discouraged. So, your main goal is to really want and believe in what you are doing. Call the fairy you want to become with all your heart so that she will believe in your words, and when she arrives, you will need to convince her even more. How to feel that the time has come? It’s very simple - a slight vibration in the air will mean that the fairy has arrived to you. And if the same vibration occurs above your head, it will mean that you are lucky and have been sprinkled with magic powder. If you wait one more day, you will become a full-fledged fairy. Well, if this doesn’t happen, then don’t be upset - rest for a week or two, think carefully about what exactly you need to tell the fairy when she comes. Remember that there are different fairies - the mystery of their origin has never been solved, so you can try contacting different ones.

Fairy from the mirror

There is another way that will take you a week of time. Naturally, you won’t have to spend whole days on the transformation, but you will have to devote some time. You will need to take one item that matches the type of fairy you are interested in. This method will not be convenient if you are interested winter fairies. The fact is that you will need to put this object in front of the mirror and look at it for a while, and the snow melts very quickly. But other versions of fairies turn out very well when using this method. All you need is a desire to become one of them - you will need to look in the mirror every day and imagine yourself after the transformation. Don't worry if nothing happens - nothing should happen for a week. But after seven days you should receive a signal from those fairies you want to join - spilled water, blazing flames, crumbling earth, and so on. That's when the transformation will begin. "Winx" is primarily an animated series, so don't really hope that you will be able to transform. As stated earlier, it is better to try to become a classic fairy rather than a cartoon character.

Good deeds

It has been said more than once that to turn into a fairy you need to really want it. However, desire alone will not be enough. Otherwise there would be very, very many fairies. In fact, you will need much more than just desire. First of all, you will have to swear that you will use your newfound powers only for good and will never use them for your own gain. This is the main code of any fairy, so if you are not ready for this, then you better not try to complete the transformation. Secondly, you will need to keep everything you do, see, hear or feel a secret from people. If someone finds out that you are a fairy, then they are unlikely to believe you, but you will definitely lose your powers, and at the same time the trust of fairies. So you won't have a second try.

Fairy wings

An integral attribute of any fairy is wings; they appear on her at the same moment when she completes her transformation from ordinary person. Naturally, these are not ordinary, but magical wings - they are not very large, but beautiful and bewitching. But it is always worth remembering that people cannot see them. Thus, wings can serve as a kind of indicator among fairies, allowing them to distinguish each other in a crowd of people. After all, sometimes this can be quite difficult to do, so wings can be useful. You need to keep a close eye on them, as the world is full of evil, and there will definitely be those who want to steal your magical treasure from you. And as soon as your wings disappear, your powers will also disappear, and irrevocably - you will not be able to become a fairy again.

Development of forces

You should not think that after transformation you will immediately become a strong and powerful fairy - you will only be given the opportunity. You will have to develop your abilities, learn and achieve new heights of knowledge. Therefore, you should not chase great opportunities - unfortunately, you will not get them. After transformation, you will be an ordinary fairy who can do almost nothing. Only hard work and a lot of time spent studying the right materials can bring you closer to success. The more you practice, the more successful you will become. This means that your opportunities as a fairy will expand. Naturally, you have the right to independently choose which path to take. There are fairies who decide not to advance further and always remain at the same level, but of course it is much better to strive for more and achieve success along the way.

Good company

Fairies are friendly, sociable creatures, so it is very rare to meet loners who do not communicate with anyone. But, given that some girls who have just become fairies find it difficult to find new friends and make acquaintances, you can pay attention to those you already know. As noted earlier, a fairy can be distinguished by its wings, which only it has, and only other fairies can see them. Therefore, it is quite possible that among your friends there are already fairies - this will make it much easier for you to join a new company. It is quite possible that you will be able to form a full-fledged team that will work together effectively. You will be able to help your friends, and they will also be able to help you. This is exactly how fairy society works.

Attracting new fairies

Now it seems to you that the process of transformation into a fairy is very difficult and requires a lot from you. Indeed, this is not an easy walk, it is hard work that will require your time, effort, knowledge and belief in yourself and in what you are doing. However, one day the day will come when you will remember with a smile your first steps as a fairy, but then you will already be respected fairy-tale creature having their own spheres of influence. And that’s when a situation may arise that will force you to look into the past. The fact is that to select new fairies to ordinary people existing creatures come, that is, this time you will simply be on the other side. Perhaps you will have the honor of flying into the house of some girl who madly wants to become a fairy, who believes in what she does, and is ready to do only good. And then with one stroke you can turn a little girl into a budding fairy, remembering that one day one of them awarded you this wonderful gift in the same way. Becoming a fairy isn't just a matter of getting wings and fairy dust. The most important thing is what is inside you, in your heart.