Transformers people. How Transformers Really Reproduce

Zenina Anastasia

Of all the insects, butterflies are the most famous. You can easily breed butterflies yourself. In order to raise a butterfly, it is enough to find a caterpillar and create the necessary conditions for this. During the work, the literature on this topic was studied and the first experience in transforming a caterpillar into a butterfly at home was presented.




"The Miraculous Transformation of a Caterpillar into a Butterfly"

I wanted to touch you with my hands
To the most beautiful flower.
And he, waving his petals,
He took off and flew under the clouds!

T. Nesterova


Butterflies are the most beautiful insects on Earth. They are like flowers come to life.In our country you can find truly beautiful butterflies, endowed by nature with wonderful patterns or unusual shapes.It is also interesting that a butterfly turns into such a beauty from an unattractive caterpillar. For a long time, scientists could not understand that a caterpillar and a butterfly are one insect. Only in the 17th century was it scientifically proven that caterpillars are a stage of butterfly development.

I wonder if I can hatch a butterfly from a caterpillar at home?

Target : find out whether it is possible to grow a butterfly from a caterpillar at home.


  • Find information in encyclopedias and the Internet about the birth of butterflies.
  • Find out what conditions are necessary to transform a caterpillar into a butterfly at home.
  • Determine the type of butterfly by the caterpillar and find information about its life.
  • To conduct an experiment.

Research methods:

  • Get information from encyclopedias.
  • Get information from the Internet.
  • To conduct an experiment.

Hypothesis: Suppose that at home it is possible to transform a caterpillar into a butterfly.

What I learned

From encyclopedias I learned how a butterfly is born. Butterflies lay eggs on plants. Each egg hatches into a caterpillar. Small caterpillars have strong jaws and immediately begin to eat leaves. By feeding, the caterpillars grow. Their shell can stretch, so they form a more spacious new one under the old one, which bursts.

When the caterpillar sheds its penultimate shell, a new one hardens and a pupa is formed. Inside, the larva transforms into an adult.

When the hard shell bursts, the back, head, and paws gradually emerge from it. What remains of the doll is a transparent case. The butterfly crawls out. She rests a little until her soft wings straighten and get stronger. The entire process of change is called metamorphosis.

Four stages of butterfly development

From encyclopedias and the Internet, I learned what conditions are necessary for the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. If you find a caterpillar, you must take the leaves on which the caterpillar was located. Place it in a jar and tie it with gauze. The leaves need to be fresh, and droppings must be removed - a source of caterpillar diseases. The home should be protected from direct sunlight. When the butterfly emerges from the pupa, it will need to spread and dry its wings. Otherwise the butterfly will not be able to fly. To do this, you need to place the branches vertically in the jar in advance.

We found a caterpillar in a carrot patch. It was necessary to find out what kind of butterfly this caterpillar was. Information found on the Internet. It was the Swallowtail caterpillar. Swallowtail caterpillars feed on a variety of wild plants of the Apiaceae family, but are often found on human-grown carrots and dill.

Swallowtail is a butterfly that belongs to the Swallowtail family ( Papilionidae ) and is considered one of the most beautiful in our mid-latitudes.


On September 27, 2015, we brought home a caterpillar found on carrot leaves. We placed it in a jar and added carrot leaves. The caterpillar crawled in the jar and behaved actively. We gave her

fresh leaves.

On September 29, we discovered that the caterpillar was located vertically on the can and was not crawling, but was hiding. Her head was slightly tucked down. From the Internet I learned that in the front of the head, at the bottom, it has a “spinning apparatus”, with the help of which

it makes a silky bedding.

On September 30, instead of a caterpillar, we saw a green pupa, which was attached to a jar and was in an upright position. The doll was motionless. We began to wait for the butterfly to be born.

And so on November 15, 2015, in the morning, we discovered that only one shell remained of the pupa, and the butterfly, with its wings spread, was sitting at the top of the jar. It was a Swallowtail butterfly. A miraculous transformation took place.

By lunchtime we let her out of the jar and brought her to the window. Soon she began making her first flights.

We diluted honey in water in a plastic container. They put the butterfly in the container so that it satisfies its hunger. The butterfly spent most of its time on the flower. In the following days she flew around the house, sat on the curtains, the windowsill, places where more light and warmth.


Using information from encyclopedias and the Internet, I managed to remove the butterfly from the caterpillar. The experiment confirmed our hypothesis that at home it is possible to transform a caterpillar into a butterfly, provided the necessary conditions are met.

The Transformers universe originates from a series of toys from Hasbro from the USA and TakaraTomy from Japan. Intricate products for children, which are robots that transform into something else like cars and other equipment, have gained popularity, and manufacturers are thinking about expanding their idea. The next step was the creation of animated series and comics, and in 2007 the first Transformers film was released.

If we delve deeper into the origins of the idea of ​​​​a transformer, it is necessary to mention that Hasbro developed and finalized the toy line of the Japanese company Microman, which existed in 1980. Then, as an addition to Microman, Diaclone toys were released, which are small humanoid drivers that turn into robots. In 1983, these evolved into the new MicroChange products, which transformed robots into cars, weapons, and audio cassettes. In the same year, both lines of toys took part in the Tokyo Toys exhibition, where they were noticed by the head of Hasbro's R&D, George Dunsay, and decided that it was necessary to release them as a single series of toys. Teaming up with Marvel Comics to promote new G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero used a special marketing strategy - a three-pronged one, in accordance with which toys, Marvel comics and cartoons from Sunbow Production and Marvel Production studios began to be released. In 1984, the same strategy was used to promote The Transformers cartoons.

Cartoon characters about transformers

The idea of ​​two warring races was proposed by Jim Shooter, editor-in-chief of Marvel. The war was between the Autobots and Decepticons. The characters of the main characters were created by Dennis O'Neill, but he failed the task the first time and refused to redo the work. As a result, Bob Budiansky became the creator of the names and characters of the characters, and soon the first four issues of comic books and three pilot episodes of the cartoon were released.

Japanese designer Sohei Kohara and designer Floro Deri were involved in the creation of the characters. Kohara's works were not used immediately, but only when creating a cartoon about Transformers in 2007.

There are two versions of how transforming robots appeared. According to the first, 11 million years ago there was a planet called Cybertron, where Quintessons lived - mechanical creatures who discovered a powerful source of energy - energon. The Quintessons created transformers, and thanks to special energon radiation, they gained intelligence, but became slaves. Transformers were used as gladiators, fighting for the amusement of their owners and builders. But one day the day came when intelligent transformers decided to rebel against the Quintessons and won. This war was called the First Cybertronian. Transformers-builders, aka Autobots, continued to engage in science and other crafts, and transformers-gladiators, aka Decepticons, took on the function of soldiers protecting the planet. However, due to the difference in lifestyle and thinking, a struggle for power began, which turned into the Second Cybertronian War. This is how the Autobots defeated the Decepticons for the first time. But after some time, the Decepticons decided to take revenge and started the Third Cybertronian War, the outcome of which would decide the fate of the Universe.

According to the second legend, initially there were two giants - Primus and Unicorn, who were always at enmity as good and evil. Primus, having won, became the planet Cybertron and created a race of transformers, and Unicorn went into the Universe to absorb other planets and become overgrown with cosmic dust.

Optimus Prime 1986

Transformers are very different in appearance. Their growth starts from 3.5 meters and reaches hundreds of meters. Each Transformer has a "transformation gear" that allows you to change from one alt form to another. Judging by comics and cartoons, Transformers are immortal, but they can be destroyed. They are affected by critical temperature conditions. So, at high temperatures their bodies melt, and at low temperatures they become covered with ice, putting the transformers into a comatose state.

The belonging of transformers to one of the factions is determined by the software installed during manufacture. This means no right to choose. But the cartoons showed examples when transformers doubted their true nature, and the heroes Six-Shooter and Sideways remained neutral and did not identify themselves with any of their races.

Transformers Movies

Thanks to the popularity of comics and cartoons, the creators of the Transformers universe decided to turn to the world of cinema and make a full-length Transformers film, which fully met their and the audience’s expectations. The decision to make the film was made back in 2002. Initially, producer Don Murphy was thinking about a film about the G.I.Joe toy line, but when the war in Iraq began, Hasbro came up with a proposal for a film adaptation of the Transformer cartoons. Together with Tom DeSanto, Don began exploring the universe of Transformers, heroes, characters and stories. The first Transformers movie, like all of its installments, was filmed as a fantasy action-disaster movie and viewed from a human perspective. This made it possible to bring the viewer closer to the events taking place. The executive producer was Steven Spielberg and the screenwriter was John Rogers. It was Spielberg who came up with the idea of ​​a young guy and his car.

The Transformers films tell the story of the struggle between Autobots and Decepticons for the Great Spark, an artifact that can destroy the Galaxy. The spark lands on Earth and the Autobots race to an unfamiliar planet to protect it from the Decepticons.

The first Transformers film was released in 2007. The director was Michael Bay, who was never a fan of Transformers. It was he who developed the design of robots, but it was people and their peaceful existence on Earth who brought to the fore. By the way, the contract with GMC by the US Army was concluded to preserve the budget. Such cooperation made it possible to use cars and equipment, and use the saved funds for spectacular special effects.

The film "Transformers 1" begins with the story of the destruction of Cybertron and the essence of the Great Spark, which was lost in space. The leader of the Decepticons named Megatron found out the coordinates of the artifact, but due to the disaster he ended up in glaciers on planet Earth. Megatron's minions are sent to Earth, penetrate the databases of the American army and the US President, receiving the coordinates of their leader and the name of the owner of the map on which the location of the artifact is marked.

Poster for the film "Transformers 1"

At this time, the unsuspecting Sam Witwicky calmly goes to school, dreams of a new car and the beautiful Michaela. He is the owner of his great-grandfather’s glasses, on the glass of which are the treasured coordinates of Iskra. One day, his father takes him to a used car market and buys an old, falling apart Chevrolet Camaro, which turns out to be the Autobot Bumblebee. For some time he does not reveal his identity, creating comic situations, but the time comes and Bumblebee transforms into a robot before Sam's eyes. After this, the time comes to meet Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ironhide and Ratchet, who explain to him what the matter is and how important it is to destroy the Great Spark. Just as Sam is trying to find his great-grandfather's glasses at home, government agents burst in and arrest him. In order to convince the US government of who is good and who is evil, they waste time, which the Decepticons use to free Megatron and achieve their goal. With the leader freed, a devastating battle begins in the city. It is in these scenes of Transformers 1 that you can see the beauty of the amazing special effects. In the final showdown between Megatron and Optimus Prime, Sam places a spark in the Decepticon's chest and it rips open. The Autobots decide to stay on Earth, while their enemies fly into space.

“Transformers” became a real sensation in 2007 and brought the creators more than $700 million. In Russia, the movie “Transformers 1” collected $15 million.

It would seem that the story has a complete ending, but this was only 1 part of the epic called “Transformers”.

The film Transformers 2 was released in 2009 and was called Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Michael Bay remained the director, immersed in the creation of scientific fantastic action movie.

Box office receipts for the movie Transformers 2 amounted to $836 million, of which $18 million came from Russia. This made Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen one of the highest-grossing films of 2009. The films Avatar, Harry Potter and Ice Age 3 were more successful.

According to the plot of Part 2 of the film “Transformers”, Sam and Michaela meet; the Autobots live peacefully on Earth and suspect nothing. 2 years have passed since the events described in the first Transformers film. All that remains of Megatron is buried in the Atlantic Ocean. The Autobots work with the US government in the NEST squad, but the peace is disrupted by the Decepticon Demolisher. Optimus defeats him, but the Transformers are asked to leave planet Earth to protect it from the Decepticon attack. Then it turns out that the Spark was not destroyed and two fragments remained from it: one in Optimus Prime, and the other in Sam. The Decepticon Soundwave takes advantage of this fact, steals the fragment and resurrects Megatron.

He returns to Saturn and obeys the powerful Decepticon Fallen, who talks about the need to restore the Spark and disconnect the Sun from the Earth. Sam breaks up with Michaela and leaves for college, taking the shard of the Spark with him. He is kidnapped by the Decepticon Grindor and sent to Megatron, Optimus Prime saves him, but dies.

Poster for the film "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen"

The Decepticons attack Earth and demand Sam, who has the coordinates of the Matrix of Leadership in his head, which will help the villains extinguish the Sun. It is later revealed that Optimus Prime can be resurrected. During the destructive struggle between earthlings, Autobots and Decepticons, Sam is killed by Megatron's fusion cannon. Once “in heaven,” the guy meets the Primes, who revive him, and he revives Optimus. The great Autobot rushes to the rescue, wounds Megatron and destroys Fallen. Starscream and Megatron fly away, Sam and Mikaela are reunited.

The film Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen was very rich in special effects and scenes of destruction. In one scene, Khafre's pyramid was destroyed, as were military fighters and bombers. Due to the presence of violent scenes, the action movie Transformers 2 received an age rating of 12+ in Russia and 13+ in the USA.

Part 3 of the Transformers epic was released in 2011. The premiere of Transformers 3 in Russia was timed to coincide with the opening of the 33rd Moscow International Film Festival. The worldwide box office of this fantastic action film amounted to more than $1 billion, and in Russia $45 million. At the time, Transformers 3 was the fifth film worldwide to cross $1 billion.

Already at the stage of the trailer's appearance, fans were disappointed that the cast of the film "Transformers 3" had changed - the beautiful Megan Fox disappeared, and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley appeared in her place.

Poster "Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon"

The action movie "Transformers 3" was called "The Dark Side of the Moon" (English: Transformers: Dark of the Moon), because it was based on an important event for humanity - the first landing on the Moon in 1969. In this Transformers movie, an Autobot starship crashes on the far side of the moon, and the President of the United States sends astronauts to investigate the object. Astronauts find robot bodies. Next, the plot takes the viewer to the 21st century, where the Autobots are fighting terrorists. Sam breaks up with Michaela, meets Carly, and starts a new job.

An interesting scene is in which the Chernobyl disaster is explained as the intervention of Transformers. Autobot Lennox, together with scientist Yuri Vokhodchuk, travels to Pripyat and finds a part of the Autobot ship, which is snatched by the Decepticon Driller. At the right moment, Optimus Prime appears and kills the villain, but his henchman Laserbeak kills Yuri.

Sam meets Jerry Wang at work, who gives him secret papers with information about the dark side of the Moon, and the Decepticons begin hunting for him. Optimus and Ratchet fly to the moon, find Sentinel, their former leader, and revive him. It then turns out that it was a trap by the Decepticons, who needed a living Sentinel. It is revealed that a deal has been made between him and Megatron to save Cybertron. Sentinel builds a bridge between the Earth and the Moon to allow entry for the Decepticons. After this, he makes a proposal to people that they must deport the Autobots, let the Decepticons take the necessary resources, after which they will leave Earth. The Autobots leave the planet, at which point Starscream destroys their ship and the Decepticon attack on Chicago begins. It turns out that the main resource that the aliens wanted to take with them was the people needed to build a new Cybertron.

The plot of Transformers: Dark of the Moon is so confusing that sometimes viewers were lost in who was bad, who was good, and what people should do.

The Autobots turn out to be alive and run to the aid of Sam, who saves his girlfriend Carly. To do this, they begin to advance to Chicago to defeat the Decepticons. The final battle unfolds; Optimus Prime, fighting Sentinel, loses his right arm and is in danger of death. But at this moment Megatron intervenes and breaks Sentinel. Sam helps destroy the column that is the link between Cybertron and Earth. The main threat is eliminated, the Decepticons fly into space. Optimus Prime kills Megatron and Sentinel.

The film Transformers 3 ends with the saying of the great Optimus Prime: “In any war, battles give way to calm. There may come a day when we lose faith, a day when our allies turn against us. But the day when we abandon this planet and the people living on it will never come.”

The new film “Transformers 4: Age of Extinction” was released in 2014 in IMAX and 3D formats. The motto of the film was: “Fight together or die together.”

The box office receipts for the film Transformers 4 again exceeded $1 billion. In Russia, the action movie grossed $45 million.

In part 4 of Transformers, the cast of heroes has changed. There was no more Sam, Carly, Michaela. Cade, Tessa and Lucas came instead.

As in previous installments, the film "Transformers Age of Extinction" got its name for a reason. It all started from the time of dinosaurs, and aliens were involved in their destruction, turning a section of the Earth into a metal called transformium, which people found in the 21st century.

Poster "Transformers 4: Age of Extinction"

After the events in Chicago, people began to hate transformers, the killer Lockdown appears and kills them. And in Texas, unsuspecting mechanic Cade buys an old truck and realizes that it is a Transformer Optimus Prime. Lucas calls the CIA and tells them about the discovery. Cale, his daughter Tessa and her boyfriend Savoy escape from operatives in Paris. Optimus Prime defeats Lockdown in battle. Next, he summons Bumblebee Drift, Crosshairs and Hound, reuniting with them. The dead transformers were sent for processing in 2014, but upon learning this fact, Optimus Price destroys this laboratory. But people managed to create Galvatron and Stinger, who are activated before the remaining transformers decide to leave Earth. Lockdown kidnaps Optimus and Tessa, but Cade and Shane and the Autobots free them. It is then revealed that the remains of Megaron served to create Galvatron, so he disobeyed the people and created his own army. He calls on the Transformers to steal a certain “grain” that serves as a device that turns everything into metal. Now Optimus Prime's task is to remove the "grain". Interestingly, in the 2014 film Transformers: Age of Extinction, the Autobots are enemies rather than allies of humans. The era when transformers protected humanity from the Decepticons has passed. Robots have become objectionable to people. But their technologies began to be used by earthlings for military purposes.

Just when things get really bad, Optimus revives the Knights of Temenos and the Dinobots, who become assistants to the Autobots. Viewers have been waiting for the appearance of Dinobots in the film “Transformers 4” from the very beginning, but they appeared on the screen only just before the denouement.

According to the basic concept of the Transformers films, the basis is the enmity between Autobots and Decepticons, Optimus and Megatron, which, of course, cannot be avoided. Each time he dies, but in each subsequent film he is reborn. In 2014, in Transformers 4: Age of Extinction, the villain was resurrected in the body of Galvatron.

Incredible fights took place in the final battle. Bumblebee fought with Stinger, Optimus with Lockdown, Optimus with transformers created with humans. As a result, Galvatron, defeated, flies away from Earth, completely transformed into Megatron.

Optimus Prime also leaves Earth and takes the "grain" with him, while the Autobots remain to guard Cade's family. At the very end of Transformers 4, the Autobot leader says: “There are mysteries in the Universe that we are not destined to unravel, but who we are and why we are here is not one of them. These answers live within us. My name is Optimus Prime, and this is a message to my Creators. Leave planet Earth alone because I'm coming for you!

If Megatron is alive, that means the fight continues. Even being in another body, he seeks revenge. Therefore, in 2017, everyone had to see the rise of Galvatron in the film Transformers 5: The Last Knight. Viewers assumed that the release date of the new episode of Transformers 5 was set for 2016, but this information was not confirmed. The creators decided to prepare the Rise of Galvatron more carefully.

Transformers 5 was supposed to be a huge sensation when it came out and be the start of an expanded universe. At the end of the previous part of the Transformers epic, Optimus Prime left the planet along with the “grain”, but was faced with the fact that the Earth must be protected from the impending uprising of Galvatron. According to the plot of the new film, the Transformers must unite again. Optimus begins to look for allies in space, and Bumblebee, Drift, Crosshaze and Hound help people create new transformers.

Optimus Prime and Galvatron fight

The film premiered on June 21, 2017 in the USA, in Russia on June 22. Time will tell whether the box office returns for Transformers 5 will be as big. But the success of the film began to be predicted back in 2016, when it was announced that Anthony Hopkins and Mark Wahlberg would play the main roles in Transformers 5.

Despite the fact that the Transformers 5 movie has not yet been released, it is known that Transformers 6 will be on cinema screens in 2018. The director will remain the same Michael Bay, and the producer will be Lorenzo Di Bonaventura. Nothing is known about the plot of the film "Transformers 6", but, as we know, it will not be left without Autobots and Decepticons. Moreover, new transformers and the 9th part of the epic film of the century are expected in 2019.

Actors of the films "Transformers"

In the Transformers films, the actors played the roles of representatives human race, while only professional voice acting was used for the robots.

In the film "Transformers 1" the main actors were: Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Rachael Taylor, Anthony Anderson, Jon Voight. The same actors remained in the film "Transformers 2".

In the film Transformers 3, the actors and audience were missing Megan Fox, who was replaced by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

Completely new actors were invited to the film "Transformers 4". The cast included: Mark Wahlberg, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor, Stanley Tucci, Kelsey Grammer, Titus Welliver, TJ Miller.

The events of the first three Transformers films center on the Witwicky family. Shia LaBeouf played Sam Witwicky, an ordinary 16-year-old high school student who accidentally finds himself in the middle of a war between the Autobots and Decepticons.

Kevin Dunn played the role of Ronald Witwicky - Sam's father, fussy but good-natured. Julie White played Judy Witwicky, Sam's mother.

The role of Archibald Witwicky went to Morgan Sheppard. Archibald is Sam's great-great-great-grandfather. While participating in an expedition to the North Pole in 1897, he accidentally fell into an ice cave where Megatron had been frozen for many centuries.

The beautiful Megan Fox played Sam's classmate Michaela Banes. The main character is secretly in love with her, and she is good at cars. It is after her ironic remark regarding the appearance of Bumblebee that he turns from an unprepossessing car into an elegant model of the new generation Chevrolet Camaro. In the film Transformers 2, I thought about leaving the main character, considering him too “boring,” but decided to prolong the relationship a little. In the film "Transformers 3" Michaela finally breaks off relations with him.

Actors of the film "Transformers 1" and "Transformers 2"

In the film Transformers 3, Sam's new girlfriend was Carly Spencer, played by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. She was captured by Dylan Gold and Soundwave to force Sam to do their bidding.

Josh Duhamel played Captain William Lennox, the commander of a special forces unit in Qatar. Tyrese Gibson played the role of Sergeant Epps, an Air Force sergeant who, along with Lennox, survived the Decepticon attack.

Glenn Morshower was Colonel Sharp, commander of the US military base in Qatar.

John Turturro is Agent Seymour Simmons, the head of Sector 7, a secret government structure storing and researching the Allspark and Megatron.

Rachael Taylor played Maggie Madsen. Despite her youth, this girl is an expert in the field of signal recognition and decoding. She is the first to realize that these signals are of extraterrestrial origin.

In the film "Transformers 4" the actors and main characters have changed. At the center of the events was Cade Yeager, played by Mark Wahlberg, a mechanic with golden hands from Texas, the father of Tessa Yeager. She was played by Nicola Peltz, who nailed the role of a girl who just wanted to go to college and date her boyfriend. One day, her father bought her an old truck, which turned out to be Optimus Prime, and everything went wrong.

Tessa's boyfriend, Shane Dyson, was played by Jack Reynor. Shane is an experienced racer who can perform various stunts, who loves his girlfriend and helps her and Cade, together with the Autobots, save humanity.

Cartoons and animated series "Transformers"

The Transformers cartoons appeared in 1984 as a result of a marketing move by Hasbro and Marvel. Management decided that it was necessary to enhance the effect of the toys and introduce themed comics and a television presence by creating the Transformers cartoon.

Although it is believed that “Transformers” are cartoons for children, the plots of the series were so twisted that even adults could not resist watching new episodes.

"Transformers G1" (Transformers: Generation 1) is the first original cartoon, shown in the period 1984-1987 and consisting of 4 seasons. At that time, the world saw for the first time a cartoon where transforming robots from the planet Cybertron turn into cars and military equipment.

Still from the cartoon "Transformers G1"

Season 1 of Transformers consisted of 16 episodes, created by Toei Animation. It tells about the existence of the metal planet Cybertron, where intelligent robots live, divided into two races - Decepticons and Autobots. Autobot leader Optimus Prime wants to preserve peace, and Decepticon leader Megatron wants to seize power. The war between them has been going on for many centuries and the planet's resources are being depleted, pushing the inhabitants to look for a new source of energy. The Autobots on the Ark ship and the Decepticons on the Nemesis ship ended up on Earth and remained motionless for 4 million years. Having awakened, the first generation of transformers scanned objects on the new planet and took on the appearance of earthly technology. The war continued, because the Decepticons decided to turn the Earth's resources into energon, and the Autobots defended humanity.

The success of the first season allowed the number of episodes in season 2 of Transformers to be increased to 49 episodes. Good and fair Autobots and unprincipled Decepticons continue to fight on Earth, adhering to their goals.

In 1986, Season 3 of Transformers appeared, created by the Korean animation studio AKOM. The plot of the cartoon became darker, and the scene expanded into other planets and outer space. This season, cartoons about Transformers gained history. The viewer was told that the Autobots and Decepticons have a common enemy - the Quintessons. Once upon a time, it was they who created transformers on Cybertron, but used them as slaves. The robots rebelled against their cruel masters and drove them off the planet. The Quintessons began to destroy the transformers in their favorite ways, but were still defeated, not without the help of a man named Spike Witwicky. After the victory, the war between Autobots and Decepticons resumed. The viewer is then transported to 2006, in which a “plague of hatred” was released into the Universe, which was destroyed thanks to Optimus Prime.

The 1986 animated film Transformers acquired the status of a science fiction series.

Characters from the 1986 Transformers cartoon

In season 4 of Transformers, released in 1987, thanks to screenwriter David Weiss, the heroes were divided into types: brainstorms, headmasters, targetmasters and others. According to the plot, the war on Cybertron was over, but the Decepticons were not happy with this. The planet Nebulon was discovered, Gort joined the Autobots, and the Hive organization led by Lord Zarak joined the Decepticons.

Cartoons about first-generation transforming robots also have a 5th season, consisting of 15 episodes of the first four seasons. In addition, the scriptwriters came up with a full-length cartoon “Transformers”, divided into 5 separate episodes. A piece was added to each episode where Optimus Prime meets the boy Tommy Kennedy and tells stories from the Transformers series.

In 1986, the Japanese company released an alternative sequel to Transformers season 2 called Battle City. The idea was to create a new cartoon about transforming cars and giant robots transforming into cities. But this idea did not receive any continuation.

Transformers: Powerheads

Transformers: The Headmasters is a Japanese continuation of the first animated series Transformers, created by Toei Animation in 1987-1988.

The plot tells about the never-ending battles between Autobots and Decepticons, focusing on two heroes - Ultra Magnus and Strong Maximus, who knows the secret of the Master Sword. In the series Transformers: The Headmasters, the leader of the Decepticons is Galvatron, and Scorponus helps him.

Transformers: Warriors of Great Power

Transformers: Warriors great power"(English: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce) is a continuation of the series "Powerheads", consisting of 42 episodes. This cartoon was shown in Russia in 1993. According to the plot, the head of the Decepticons, the Overlord, created transtectors - robots with a human mind. The person puts on the bracelet and his body connects with the robot, turning into a “warrior of great power.” The Autobots are trying to prevent the transtectors from going over to the side of the Decepticons.

Still from the cartoon "Transformers: Warriors of Great Power"

Transformers: Victory

Transformers: Victory is a series released in 1989 that tells the story of the new Autobot leader, the Exterminator, who helps protect the Earth from the Decepticons led by Deathbringer. The goal of the villains is to resurrect the space station “Space Fortress”, which was destroyed by the Autobots.

Transformers: Beast Battle

"Transformers: Beast Wars" is a cartoon about Transformers from 1996-1999, created by a Canadian cartoonist, presenting an alternative history of robots. The series has 4 seasons, telling about the Maximals and Predacons, who came to Earth during the era of dinosaurs, so instead of technology, robots transformed into animals. Optimus Prime turned into a gorilla, and Megatron turned into a tyrannosaurus.

Transformers: Autorobots

Transformers: Robots in Disguise is a 2000 cartoon where transforming robots continue their struggle. Megatron, in the form of a dragon, captures Dr. Onishi and with his help gains access to Earth's resources. Transformers Autobots take on the form of cars and electric trains to stop the sinister plans of the Decepticons.

Transformers: Armada

"Transformers: Armada" is a series shown in 2002-2003 and became another alternative story about Transformers. The basis of any plot is the struggle between the Decepticons and Autobots, and the plot of the cartoon "Transformers: Armada" was no exception. However, in this series, mini-cons intervened in the battle - small transformers that enhance the power of any robot. The hunt began for the mini-cons and they, having escaped from Cybertron, ended up on Earth. Later it turns out that these small robots can combine to form the Star Sword, Star Shield and Requiem Blaster, and together - Hydra Cannon. The Decepticons receive this weapon and want to destroy the Earth and resurrect Unicorn, but the Autobots stop the villains.

Optimus Prime and Bumblebee in the cartoon "Transformers: Armada"

Transformers: Energon

Transformers: Energon is a 2004 cartoon that tells the story of a quiet time when Megatron went missing and Unicorn faded into oblivion forever. The Autobots, together with Kicker, mine energon on Earth. But suddenly they discover that an unknown enemy has destroyed the Autobot fortifications on Mars. The robots go there, find everything destroyed, and return to Earth. There, having defeated the strange transformers, the Autobots understand that this is the beginning of a new war.

Transformers: Cybertron

The cartoon "Transformers: Cybertron" was shown on TV screens in 2005-2006 and consisted of 52 episodes. In this cartoon, a black hole becomes a threat to the Universe. The Autobots move to Earth from Cybertron and try to get along with people. But one day they meet a transformer named Vector Prime, who talks about a way to destroy a black hole. To do this, you need to collect 4 cyber keys and an Omega Lock. In addition to the Autobots, the Decepticons also want these artifacts.

Transformers: Animated

Transformers: Animated is an animated series that existed between 2007 and 2009. According to the scenario, the Autobots are repairing space bridges and discover the Allspark, which is being hunted by the Decepticons. As a result of the battle, the Autobots and Megatron end up on Earth, and the rest of the Decepticons settle on the Moon. After 50 years, the transformers are activated and continue their war, in which people find themselves involved. Some specialists support the Autobots, and some support the Decepticons.

Still from the cartoon "Transformers: Animated"

Transformers: Rescue Bots

Transformers: Rescue Bots is a series that viewers have been able to watch since 2001. The main place of action is the island of Griffin Rock, where transformer rescuers on the instructions of Optimus Prime live with human rescuers and learn earthly life and customs.

In the first season, transforming bots adapt to the people who become their partners, and to the Earth with its magical nature and a large number of new objects.

In Season 2 of Transformers: Rescue Bots, the Autobots and Greens work together. Morocco returns to the cartoon, and Madeleine Pinch becomes the main enemy.

In Season 3 of Transformers: Rescue Bots, robots transform into dinosaurs. Optimus Prime has little control of himself in his new disguise, but after one rescue mission it is no longer necessary.

In season 4 of Transformers: Rescue Bots, transformers stop hiding under the guise of earthly objects and begin to help the people of the island. A training camp for rescue bots is being built on the mainland, and Agent Quickshadow becomes the main character.

Transformers Prime

"Transformers: Prime" is an animated series released in 2010 on the Hub Network channel. In Russia, the series began to be shown in 2012 on the Karusel channel. The cartoon "Transformers: Prime" was the first TV series to use computer graphics.

According to the plot of the film "Transformers: Prime", three years have passed since Megatron's last attempt to enslave all the planets. The Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, live on Earth, but their peace is interrupted when Megatron arrives with Dark Energon. The Transformers are helped by the US armed forces and three people - Miko, Jack and Raf. The struggle begins for ancient relics that will help revive Cybertron again.

Poster for the cartoon "Transformers: Prime"

By the way, all seasons of “Transformers: Prime” are characterized by a high mortality rate of characters and an incredible number of cunning Decepticon schemes.

In Season 1 of Transformers: Prime, Dark Energon is discovered on Earth, which can be used to resurrect dead Transformers and turn them into an army of zombies. The Decepticons build a dimensional gate between Earth and Cybertron to relocate the army of the dead, but the Autobots stop them. Starscream becomes the leader of the Decepticons, but not for long. Megatron is alive, but in suspended animation.

Season 1 of the cartoon "Transformers: Prime" introduces viewers to new characters, such as the Decepticons Bulkhead and Wheeljack, as well as Arcee and Airachnida. In addition, in the series, the Autobots acquire additional enemies in the form of the human organization MECH, led by Silas.

The plot develops when the Autobots crash on a ship, Optimus is badly injured and in order to save him, a cure is required, which is in the mind of Megatron. Saving their leader, the Autobots resurrect both. Megatron seeks to punish the traitor Starscream in the dark Energon mine, but a collapse begins, and Starscream saves the former leader of the Deceptics, receiving forgiveness.

Later it turns out that the core of the earth is the transformer Unicorn, which awakened due to the eruption of dark energon. As things move towards the end of the world, the Autobots and Decepticons team up to stop Unicorn. When it all ends, Optimus loses his memory, and Megatron takes him with him, suggesting that he is the Decepticon Orion Pax.

After such an ending to “Transformers: Prime 1,” viewers were unbearably curious about what would happen next.

In Transformers: Prime season 2, Megatron sends Orion Pax to Earth to find Iacon artifacts, but the former Optimus questions and senses something is wrong. Meanwhile, Jack Darby flies to Cybertron to download Optimus' memory and return him to the Autobot side.

Starscream joins the MECH organization and steals the transformation gear from Bumblebee, and as a result becomes disabled himself. MECH build a copy of Optimus Prime under the name Nemesis Prime, who eventually dies anyway.

Ratchet in the cartoon "Transformers: Prime"

The plot of season 2 of “Transformers: Prime” is full of events in which the Decepticons are constantly building new conspiracies and machinations, each more complex than the other. Starscream tries to stop Megatron in everything, sometimes helps the Autobots and is an enemy for both races.

In one of the episodes, the transformers Smokescreen joins the Autobots and deprives Starscream of his strong armor. The villains are always defeated, but not completely, and in this case Starscream receives red energon to give him super speed.

After the next battle, Optimus gains control of the Star Sword, the power of which would allow him to destroy the Decepticon ship forever. Meanwhile, Megatron visits the tomb of one Prime, stealing a hand that can control Solus Prime's Hammer. He then creates a copy of the Star Sword and, in a fight with Optimus, destroys the original, and the Hammer goes to the leader of the Autobots.

The writers of Transformers: Prime 2 realized that confusing the viewer in each episode helps to maintain interest, and the intertwining of Autobots, Decepticons and people gives rise to new intrigues. The most cunning hero Starscream deceives everyone and receives 4 powerful artifacts, comes to Megatron to bargain for them, and as a result receives a pardon and reinstatement into the Decepticon squad. Optimus Prime, with the help of Solus Prime's Hammer, builds a new Star Sword, and then flies off to Cybertron with all the Autobots. Megatron sends a beam to Earth that could turn Earth into Cybertron and destroy all life, but Optimus takes Megatron's stolen hand away in time.

In season 3 of the animated film “Transformers: Prime,” Autobots and humans unite in the fight against the Decepticons and to destroy Darkmount. Optimus Prime was resurrected and improved, because a new danger began to threaten the Earth. By order of Megatron, Cybertronian dragons flew to Earth to guard energon. The Autobots want to deprive the Decepticons of the ability to resurrect ancient dragons, but they are not completely successful. As a result, the villains create new Predacons. "Transformers: Prime 3" was called "Monster Hunters" precisely because of the Predacons and vampire Terrorcons. It later turns out that Shockwave created a Predacon, but in reality he turned out to be a transformer named Predaking, who wants to be the king of the Decepticons. Megatron gathers a council and decides that the Predacons must be destroyed. The cunning Starscream proposes to carry out an operation in which the Autobots will be to blame for the death of the Predacons. The plan is partially successful, but the Autobots escape from Predaking. Megatron, meanwhile, obtains Cybertronian matter and plans to restore the Omega Lock, which will help turn the Earth into a copy of Cybertron.

Predacon developed by Shockwave

Towards the end of season 3 of Transformers: Prime, Ratchet comes to the fore, having developed synthetic energon and proving to Predaking that the Autobots are not to blame for the death of the Predacons. The king rushes at Megatron, but he, along with Starscream, defeats him and begins the final battle with the Autobots. Megatron kills Bumblebee, but he is revived with the help of cybermatter and gains a voice. The climax of the season is the death of Megatron from the Star Sword in the hand of Bumblebee.

Still, Starscream Shockwave and Predaking manage to escape. Season 4 of Transformers: Prime does not exist, and viewers who were waiting for the revival of Megatron had to wait until the next series. The creators didn’t even think about season 4 and season 5 of the cartoon “Transformers: Prime”, but they released standalone film, which served as the final conclusion to the series.

But the uncreated 4th season of the cartoon “Transformers: Prime” gave an impetus to fans to come up with and film their own cartoons using Transformers toys.

Transformers: Prime – Monster Hunters – Rise of the Predacons

"Transformers: Prime - Beast Hunters - Predacons Rising" is an animated film released in 2013 to complete the cartoon "Transformers: Prime". The plot centers on the grand awakening of Unicorn and the destruction of Cybertron.

While the Autobots celebrate their victory, on Earth, Unicorn was able to transform Megatron into Galvatron. The purpose of such a resurrection is to destroy the spark of Primus, which will entail the death of Cybertron. The title of the cartoon "Transformers: Prime - Rise of the Predacons" is associated with a series of events. The Decepticons Shockwave and Starscream create new Predacons - Darksteel and Skylynx. Meanwhile, the Predacon Predaking encounters Unicorn, who extracts information about the Predacon graveyard from his mind. He brings mechanical dragons to life and turns them into zombie terrorcons - real monsters.

The problem becomes global, and transformers-monster hunters are trying to stop the death of the planet. At a place called the “Well of Sparks,” Unicorn and the Predacons attack the Autobots, but Optimus Prime, who appears in time, kills Unicorn’s spirit, freeing Megatron. The main villain admits his mistake and flies away from Cybertron. However, in order to save the planet, Optimus connects with Primus's spark and dies, throwing himself into the planet's core.

Autobots prepare for battle

The film “Transformers: Prime - Monster Hunters” ends with the words of the great Optimus: “The main thing is not to mourn my absence, in the depths of my Spark I know that this is not the end. But just a new beginning. Simply put, another transformation.”

Transformers: Robots in Disguise

Transformers: Robots in Disguise is a new series about Transformers, broadcast since August 2015 on the Karusel channel.

The cartoon "Transformers: Robots in Disguise" gained success thanks to two seasons, and season 3 is expected to be released in the summer of 2017.

Bumblebee occupies a central place in the cartoon "Transformers: Robots in Disguise". He was awarded the title of war veteran, and he works as a police lieutenant. He gathers his team of Autobots and becomes their leader in a special operation on Earth. Bumblebee's main weapon is a laser pistol and a device that transforms into any weapon called the Decepticon Hunter. Bumblebee's partner in the cartoon "Transformers Undercover" is Strongarm, a robot girl who strictly follows all the rules, controls a laser pistol and a plasma gun, and transforms into a police SUV. Bumblebee's right hand is Sideswipe. In Transformers Undercover, he is young, hot and ready, but has a reputation as a bully. Swideswipe controls the sword and transforms into a sports car. Grimlock becomes a controversial character in the 2015 series Transformers: Robots in Disguise. He is a Decepticon Dinobot and a prisoner of Alkemore Prison, but despite this, he helps Bumblebee and eventually receives the Autobot emblem. He doesn't have a weapon or alt form, but Grimlock is incredibly powerful in his own right.

Season 1 of the series “Transformers: Robots in Disguise” talks about the revived Cybertron and the life of robots on their home planet. Bumblebee quietly works as a police officer, protecting the peace of the inhabitants of Cybertron. One day in a dream, he sees Optimus Prime, who asks him to protect the Earth and find the Alkemore ship, led by the bot Fixit. Bumblebee, Strongarm and Sideswipe fulfill the request, find the ship and learn that it is a Decepticon prison from which they escaped. Now undercover transformers must find the criminals and return them to stasis capsules.

The Autobots prepare for battle

Once on Earth, Bumblebee forms his squad: Fixit, Grimlock, Denny and Russell Clay, the female Autobot Windblade and Drift. In the final episodes of season 1 of Transformers: Robots in Disguise in 2015, Optimus Prime appears to stop the revival of Megatronus. The remaining Autobots manage to defeat the Decepticons and return everyone to prison except the leader Stiljaw.

Season 2 of Transformers: Robots in Disguise continues the story of battles with the Decepticons on Earth. The escaped Steeljaw wants to unite the remaining Decepticons. Besides him, another group of villains, controlled by Glowstrike, Scorponok and Cyberhorn, is preparing an attack on the Autobots. Due to the fact that the remaining spark from Optimus Prime was taken by Micronus, the Autobot leader lost a lot of power. Bumblebee took command and divided the squad into two groups to stop the Decepticons. As the plot of Transformers: Robots in Disguise progresses in season 2, the Autobots find criminals from Cybertron, but they are not present in the Alkemore prison base. The secret of the hidden Transformer robots lies in the existence of a “Decepticon Island” made from half of a prison ship. The Autobots unite again and defeat the villains. Then Optimus Prime, Ratchet and Windblade return to Cybertron, while Bumblebee and his friends remain on Earth.

In season 3 of Transformers: Robots in Disguise, which is being prepared in 2016 and will be released in 2017, a new squad of Decepticons led by Kleptrap, Paralon and Scatespike arrive on Earth, which means there will be new intrigues and battles.

Characters from the films "Transformers"

In the Transformers story, events unfold around the feud between Autobots and Decepticons. The main characters are the Autobots who want to protect humanity, these are real transformers-heroes, and the Decepticons want to enslave the Universe and everyone in it.


Optimus Prime- the central character of the Transformers story, the leader of the Autobots, distinguished by his generosity and courage. He is the wisest, protecting the rights of all beings to freedom. It is Optimus Prime who stands up for humanity and is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of people. It transforms into a six-wheeled Peterbilt tractor, armed with cannons with plutonium warheads, two energon blades and a shield. In tractor mode, Optimus Prime uses surface-to-air missiles. Not everyone knows what the names of transformers are, but the name Optimus Prime is known to many. Voice – Peter Cullen, Russian voice – Andrey Yaroslavtsev.

Bumblebee- a reliable friend of Optimus Prime, whom the leader completely trusts. Bumblebee protects Sam Witwicky in the Transformers films. In one of the battles with the Decepticons, he was seriously wounded and lost the ability to speak. The transformer Bumblebee uses music tracks to express his thoughts. He transforms into a Chevrolet Camaro, armed with a cannon, machine gun, rocket launchers and a titanium sword.

Optimus Prime and Bumblebee

Jazz– Optimus’s lieutenant, an energetic and dexterous robot. I quickly got comfortable on Earth and learned youth jargon. The brave Autobot was ready to get involved in any battles and eventually died in the battle in Mission City at the hands of Megatron. Jazz transforms into a Pontiac Solstice Roadster, armed with a sword and shield with a cryo emitter. Voice: Darius McCrary.

Ironhide- A militant weapons specialist who, unlike Bumblebee and Optimus, does not really like people and hates dogs. Transforms into a GMC Topkick, armed with rocket and plasma cannons. Voice – Jess Harnell, Russian voice – Andrey Chubchenko.

Ratchet- Autobot physician and scientist. On Earth, he transforms into a Hummer H2, armed with a cannon and a circular saw. In robot mode, he uses welding tools and a laser scanner. It was he who treated the Autobots after battles. Voice – Robert Foxworth, Russian voice – Alexander Klyukvin.

Grimlock- a transformer from comics and animated series. He is the leader of the Dinobots and fights against the Decepticons.

Prime Arcee– a transformer girl who appears in animated series, comics and in the film “Transformers 2”. Arcee is a scout and warrior who trained under Ironhide.


Decepticons- Transformers - opponents of the Autobots. Their name comes from the combination English words deception and construction, i.e. “cheating robots”. They consider themselves Autobots. Decepticon Transformers names were developed first.

Megatron– the transformer is powerful and cruel. He is the leader of the Decepticons, who wants to take possession of the Allspark and establish power over the entire world. Long years he was motionless in the Arctic ice. In the old days there was best friend Optimus Prime, but then became his worst enemy. Megatron transforms into a starship. It is armed with a flail, an electromagnetic cannon, plasma engines, dispersive laser blasts and two cannons in the nose in starship mode. Voice – Hugo Weaving, Russian voice – Vladimir Zaitsev.

Starscream- Megatron's main assistant who hates him. Transforms into an F-22 Raptor fighter. Starscream is armed with a machine gun with mercury bullets, a rocket launcher and two circular saws. Voice: Charlie Adler.

Decepticon Starscream

Barricade- The first Decepticon Sam met. Transforms into a Saleen S281 police car with a hologram of the driver. Armed with maces and a pistol. Voice: Jess Harnell.

Blackout- The first of the Decepticons to appear in the film. He attacks a military base in Qatar. Transforms into an MH-53 helicopter with a hologram of the pilot. In robot form, he uses propeller blades as weapons, transforming them into a rotary blaster. Can also fire an electromagnetic pulse. Carried by Scorponok.

Frenzy- the smallest Decepticon, spies and breaks electronic systems. Can turn into a tape recorder and a mobile phone. He dies from his own weapon, a shuriken. Voice: Reno Wilson.

Music and songs "Transformers"

The music and songs of Transformers films and cartoons have always been selected very carefully. In the first season of the Transformers cartoon, viewers heard main song, a kind of epigraph to the entire cartoon and film epic. Written by Anne Bryant and Ford Kinder.

Hidden from view...

We live among you.
For millions of years we have been waging our battle,
The fight between good and evil -
With the Decepticons!

Hidden from view."

Each Transformers soundtrack was released separately and received millions of downloads through official sources on the Internet. To the main song about Transformers for the movie "Transformers 3" by Iridescent band Linkin Park a video was shot that occupied high positions in the charts. But the audience’s favorite songs were in the animated film “Transformers: Prime,” the music for which immediately won hearts and was etched in the memory. Fans created songs and remixes for the final quotes from transformer Optimus Prime, and made videos with clips from cartoons.

The music for the animated film "Transformers: Rescue Bots" was created by Starr Parodi and Jeff Fair, and in the second season, composer Christopher Elves was responsible for the songs. The intro was a song called Land of Tech by Nicole Dubuque.

Transformers video games

The Transformers industry originally included toys, comics, and cartoons. Then it spread to feature films and did not bypass video games. About 15 games about Transformers were released for consoles, which became successful and gained their fans.

A game Transformers: Fall of Cybertron(Russian: “Transformers: Fall of Cybertron”) is an action game from High Moon Studios, published by Activision 3 for Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, 2012. It is a game divided into missions. You can play with three characters, each of which has its own gameplay. The main action is to destroy enemies, create your own transformers, and move around the map.

A game Transformers: War for Cybertron(Russian: “Transformers: Battle for Cybertron”) is a 2010 game created by Activision 3 for Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and Wii. In it you can make a choice and play either as Autobots or Decepticons.

If you play as the Decepticons, then your task is to obtain energon and restore Cybertron to its former glory. If you play as the Autobots, then you need to fight the Decepticons and get the matrix of leadership and destroy Trypticon. By the way, in addition to the main version, there are also alternative flash games available on our resource, for example, “Transformers: Battle for Cybertron 2”, where you need to navigate through levels and kill opponents. You can aim at enemy robots and fire shots using the mouse.

A game Transformers: Rise of the dark Spark(Russian: “Transformers: Battle for the Dark Spark”) is a 2014 computer game from the company “Edge of Reality”. It consists of 14 chapters and features more than 50 characters. The game takes place on Cybertron and Earth, the fight is on for the artifact “Dark Spark”, which is the opposite of the “Matrix of Leadership” and gives unlimited power. In the story, Megatron and Lockdown capture the Spark to destroy the Autobots and resurrect the Decepticon leader. During battles between characters, heroes gain experience points and improve their abilities.

Transformers: The Game is an arcade video game based on the 2007 film Transformers. Versions were released for PS2, Xbox 360, Wii, PS3 and PC. In Transformers: The Game, the player can choose the side he wants to play for, and this determines what tasks and missions he will have to complete. However, the plot of the game itself is inseparable from the film itself. In addition to the main missions, there are bonus tasks and Easter eggs.

Computer game "Transformers"

Transformers: Cybertron Adventures- a computer game that is alternative version games Transformers: War for Cybertron. The player chooses his side - Autobots or Decepticons. Each side has its own set of missions, and each task has its own character. There are several game modes, but in order to unlock them, you must first complete everything that is outlined in the plot. For example, completing one level unlocks a challenge mode in which you must kill a certain number of enemies within a limited time. There is an interesting mode in which two people can play, with one controlling the character’s movement, and the second controlling his weapon.

Transformers: Devastation– game of 2015 for platforms PC, PS3, PS4, X360, XONE. Unlike others computer games, where artists laboriously copied characters from movies, in Transformers: Devastation the creators returned to cartoons and old models. Favorite Transformers are transferred to 3D, but still look like they are from the eighties. The Autobots classically save the world, and Megatron wants to destroy it. There are only 5 Autobots and about 20 Decepticons in the game.

Transformers: Universe is an online Transformers game developed by Jagex. The player recruits a squad of transformers and fights together with other players against enemies from other factions for some goal. He is given a map, places where battles are taking place, and the opportunity to upgrade his character. To win a battle with another transformer, you need to snatch the Spark from him and dodge the blow using your defense.

Transformers: Prime The Game is a game released in 2012 by Nowpro for the Wii and Nintendo platforms, which was based on the animated series Transformers: Prime. The gameplay is classic: you need to kill Decepticons and go through 13 levels. In the multiplayer version, you can choose sides, but in normal mode, you can only play as the Autobots.

Transformers: Mystery of Prime(Russian: Transformers: The Riddle of Optimus Prime) is a game consisting of 10 levels. The gamer controls Ultra Magnus, who went in search of Optimus Prime. Some levels look like labyrinths and are filled with enemies that must be destroyed. In addition, the game has secrets: letters falling out of enemies spell the word Rodimus. By collecting it, the player receives the additional character Rodimus Prime.

One of the most successful collaborations for the Transformers brand was the game Angry Birds. It was released in 2014 and is available for Android and iOS. Angry Birds Transformers tells the story of how an energy egg lands on the island of pigs, turning birds into Autobirds, pigs into Swinepticons, and bird eggs into Eggbots. It is the latter who want to enslave the birds and pigs, so the enemies unite to save the island. But still, the main goal of the gamer remains the destruction of pigs. Transformer birds can receive additional skills for successfully completing levels.

Heroes of the game "Angry Birds: Transformers"

For those who do not want to buy or download complex video games about Transformers, mini flash games are available on our resource. For example, the game “Transformers for Two” will also allow you to immerse yourself in the fantastic world of robots, control them with the mouse and keyboard. You can play with a friend, and one gamer will control the legs of the transformer, and the other will control the hands. Two parts of one robot exist both separately and together. For fans of the alt-form of robots in the form of cars, there is the game “Transformers Racing”, where the Autobots dealt with the Decepticons and decided to race each other. The player chooses a robot and fights with an honest opponent.

In Game "Super Transformers" the gamer will encounter controls without using a mouse. All movement is done from the keyboard. The goal is to destroy the enemy and protect yourself from fire.

Transformers comics

The entire history of Transformers began with comic books, which detailed the exciting story of warring races of alien robots. Transformers comics were published by three major publishers, and with the increase in popularity, a real battle broke out for the right to publish stories in pictures.

Marvel Comics published Transformers comics from 1984 to 1994. Dreamwave Productions took over the Transformers comic book period from 2002 to 2004. IDW Publishing began publishing comics in 2005 and continues to do so to this day. In addition, a number of comics were published by very small publishing houses. It is difficult to imagine how many magazines appeared over such a long period of time. There are special maps on the Internet that describe the order in which you should get acquainted with the stories of Transformers.

Comics "Transformers"

A distinctive feature of Marvel comics was the scale and complexity of the plot, which was ahead of cartoons. The cast of characters was much wider, and the Decepticon power struggle was more intensely depicted. There are two main lines of Transformers comics: American (80 issues) and English (332 issues), but in most cases the English line is a reprint of the American one. The most famous author of the Transformers comics was Simon Furman. The rest of the lovers and fans of this phenomenon remained at the level of Transformers fan fiction.

Transformers toys

The entire Transformers universe began with the 1980 toys and comic books. The Japanese company produced Microman toy cars, and then they made an additional Diaclone line, which were humanoid drivers of these cars. In 1983, these lines were combined into MicroChange toys - robots that turn into weapons and cars. At a Japanese exhibition, a representative of Hasbro saw these copies and agreed to release the same toys on the American market.

After a long time, since 1980, tremendous work has been done to promote toys, comics, cartoons and films about Transformers, and now the children's product market is overflowing with various modifications of goods under the Transformers brand.

Kre-O Transformers

Transformers toys come from several lines of official and unofficial manufacturers. Lego Transformers sets have become very popular, where you can collect your favorite cartoon characters. The best-selling toys are Optimus Prime, the leader of the Transformers, and the Bumblebee toy, the yellow transforming Autobot.

Thanks to Lego Transformers toys, little viewers began to create their own cartoons and willingly share them on Youtube.

The main manufacturer of Transformers toys that every little fan wants to get is Hasbro. The newest collectible line of Transformers toys is called Robots in Disguise and features quality transforming robots. These are scaled-down figures with a classic 10-step transformation. This transforming construction set adds interest and play, developing ingenuity and fine motor skills in children.

For example, the Optimus Prime transforming toy can transform in a few steps, great attention is paid to details, and he always has different weapons in his hands with which he can defeat the enemy. All transforming figures turn into cars. In just a few steps, powerful robots change their appearance and transformers transform into cool cars. All Hasbro Transformers toys are made of high-quality plastic with many moving parts. After the release of the film "Transformers 4", the demand for toys increased by 1.5 times.

Hasbro Transformers figures are divided into classes:

Ultimate– large robots with additional sound and light effects.

Leader– figures about 30 cm in height with high detail and complex transformation.

Human Alliance– transformers produced based on films, including those with human figures, about 18 cm high.

Voyager– these are transformers no more than 20 cm high without sound effects, but with additional weapons and transformation of medium complexity. There are models of transforming airplanes.

Deluxe– small transformers about 15 cm high.

One-Step-Changer– transformers for kids that turn into cars in 1 step.

Kre-O Transformers- a separate series from Hasbro, similar to Lego, where the figures consist of a large number of parts.

Transformers Combiner Wars- a premium collection of toys from Hasbro, characterized by high cost and precision in matching all the smallest details to the characters from the film.

Transformers toys

In addition to toys, cartoons, films and comics, there is a Transformers magazine, and even in Russian. It is published by the Egmont publishing house and tells about the new adventures of the Autobots. Since 2012, “Transformers” cards with a full description of each character began to be issued as supplements to magazines. Such cards are very valuable for true collectors and fans of the Transformers universe.

For young artists, on the pages of the magazine you can find “Transformers” coloring books, and if they are not enough, then black and white pictures You can always download from the Internet.

Transformers are a very popular theme for children's parties. For a boy’s birthday, he should order a “Transformers” cake and come to the party in a transformer costume. And as a gift to a young child prodigy, for example, you can give “Transformers” puzzles to develop logical and strategic thinking.

Other manufacturers of toys and children's goods with other brands also took advantage of the transformation technology. For example, kids really fell in love with transforming eggs with characters from the cartoon “Cars,” when the cars fold into a round shape.

Based on the South Korean cartoon “Robocar Poli,” transforming toys for the little ones were released. Bright little cars turn into baby robots.

Criticism and public perception

Such a large-scale phenomenon as “Transformers” could not fail to find responses in the hearts of children and adults around the world. As with any phenomenon, opinions were divided into positive and negative.

The first full-length cartoon "Transformers", released in 1986, amazed with its plot and graphics. At that time it was a real breakthrough. The cartoon stood out as extremely dynamic, without a single unnecessary scene, but many themes still remained unexplored.

In the 2007 film Transformers, audiences enjoyed transporting the Autobots to Earth and a funny sense of humor. The views from the rooftops and from the air were spectacular, and the special effects were top notch. However, fans of Transformers criticized the main character. The boy was called a brat and a loser, and his love for the most popular girl was called a primitive move. Critics called this film a weak children's parody of the epics "Armageddon" and "Terminator".

The film "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen", released in 2009, amazed with its technology. Computer graphics have really advanced and reached a new level. Transformers looked realistic and there were no complaints about the special effects. But at the same time, the directors devoted too much time to the “tedious stuff” about the difficult life of the main character, his relationship with his parents and girlfriend. The humor that the creators used in the script was also received negatively. The jokes were called vulgar and inappropriate.

"Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon", which appeared in 2011, immediately captivated audiences with its special effects. Spectacular battles in a collapsing metropolis in 3D caused a lot of fun and admiration. But in their attitude to the script, many viewers were unanimous - mediocre plot twists, lack of character development. The jokes were also criticized. Another disappointment befell the audience while waiting for the premiere, when everyone learned that Megan Fox was no longer participating.

Transformers Cake

The film "Transformers: Age of Extinction" was released in 2014. Michael Bay remained true to himself and created real chaos on camera. The scale of destruction remained at a high level with a huge number of explosions and disasters. The script has a serious tone of storytelling, which was so lacking in the previous two films. Viewers called the Dinobots completely inappropriate and unnecessary, which were not even remembered due to the tiny time they were present in the film. Separately, the love story of the new heroes from Texas was noted - a father and a young man share a capricious girl, scenes of family warmth and love interfere with the film, which is annoying in anticipation of the finale and denouement. In general, the entire three-hour film was made for the final battle, which turned out to be a disaster. Fans and critics were disappointed that the epic battle didn't happen. The ending was called a dull spectacle, filled with a lot of slowdowns. But overall, Transformers: Age of Extinction was an explosive and huge blockbuster, but without the lack of a dynamic ending.

  • Decepticons, Autobots and other characters from the Transformers cartoon appeared in the Minecraft game in a special mod developed by fans of the game.
  • The line of characters from the Transformers cartoon has been replenished with Dinobots – transforming dinosaurs.
  • Due to the popularity of the characters and the plot of the cartoons, the “Transformers Show” was added to the services of holiday organizing agencies, in which animators act out famous scenes of fights between Autobots and Decepticons.
  • One of the famous and exciting mods for GTA was “GTA: Transformers”, in which the protagonist turns from a robot into a car and moves independently.
  • In honor of the thirtieth anniversary of the appearance of Transformers, the organizers of the “Robot Ball” have prepared a special exhibition of Transformers about metal giants capable of transforming into cars and other mechanized objects.
  • In amusement parks there are special transforming rides for children.
  • Slogan for the film “Our World. Their War" was supposed to appear on the posters for the film "Alien vs. Predator", but at the very last moment it was replaced with "Whoever wins... we lose."
  • According to ILM's special effects team, it took about 38 hours to render each frame of CGI animation. The previous record was held by Weta Workshop, which spent 20 hours processing a frame while working on The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
  • The film's producer, Don Murphy, after talking with fans of the franchise, decided to resort to using well-known voices from the Transformers series. Veterans Peter Cullen and Frank Welker, whose voices spoke the leaders of the Transformers - Optimus Prime and Megatron, were personally auditioned by Michael Bay himself, who was afraid that their aged voices might not be suitable. The fears were exactly half justified: Cullen’s voice was approved, and Welker’s voice was replaced with the voice of Hugo Weaving, known for his role as Agent Smith in “The Matrix.”
  • Arcee, considered one of the most feminine Autobots, was included in the original script, which did not cause the slightest stir among fans. Arcee soon disappeared from the script and was replaced by Ironhide.
  • In the animated version, Bumblebee was transformed from a Volkswagen Beetle, but in the film version, the Volkswagen was replaced by a Chevrolet Camaro. This was done at the request of Michael Bay, who was afraid of comparing the character with another famous “car movie bug” - Herbie. Fans of the original series will likely notice the yellow Volkswagen in the scene where Sam buys the car.
  • Michael Bay, who was invited to direct the film, initially considered the future film to be a “silly toy story,” but soon changed his mind after he remembered his initial attitude towards the Indiana Jones project, which became a real box office hit in 1981. In April 2005, he was officially announced as the director of the project, beating out candidate Ronald Emmerich.
  • The first Transformers comic was released in 1984 by Marvel Comics. Initially, only four issues were planned.
  • The film's producer, Steven Spielberg, did not pay any actor more than $70,000, promising high fees in subsequent sequels.
  • Transformers' eye colors are divided into blue for Autobots and red for Decepticons, just like in 1986's Transformers: The Movie.

The ancestors of modern transforming robots first appeared on store shelves in 1980 in Japan - the TakaraTomy company presented the Microman and Diaclone toy series to the public. The first Transformers could turn into various equipment or, for example, into objects. In 1983, at a specialized exhibition, these toys were noticed by the head of the Hasbro company, George Dunsay, and he offered cooperation to the Japanese: in fact, the rights to distribute robots in the United States were transferred to the Americans. Together with the Marvel publishing house, a new story was invented: two factions of robots at war with each other - the Autobots and the Decepticons. The idea was turned into a short comic book series.

Still from the animated series "Transformers" (1984)

Before the release of the Transformers film series, Hasbro used a rather unusual advertising model to promote its toys on the market. Often, the release of one or another souvenir product helps to attract the attention of the audience, for example, to comics or animated series. At Hasbro, on the contrary, comics and animated series attracted attention to new toys.

One of Hasbro's modern toys

From 1984 to the present, Hasbro has released more than 20 animated series and feature-length cartoons about Transformers. In 2007, the premiere of the first part of the future film series “Transformers” took place. Since then, four films have been released - and - earned almost $3.8 billion at the global box office. The fantastic action movie, which will be released on Russian screens on June 21, will not be the final one for this story: the Paramount studio has already announced that there is more to come for viewers at least three films.

Still from the film "Transformers" (2007)

For many years, Hasbro has not decided on a single version of the birth of Transformers. According to some sources, they owe their birth to the giant creature Primus, who personified good. Many thousands of years ago, Primus fought and won an epic battle with another giant robot, Unicron. Primus became the planet Cybertron, and the deactivated Unicron became one of its moons. According to other sources, Transformers were created by the highly developed Quintesson race: some robots were used by them as builders and workers, while others fought with each other in the arena. Initially, the Quintesson creatures did not have intelligence, but after they discovered a powerful source of energy - Energon, under the influence of its radiation, the robots evolved and turned into modern Autobots and Decepticons. It seems that this particular version will be considered as the main one in the film "Transformers: The Last Knight".

Primus toy

In addition to animated series, cartoons, comics and feature films, Hasbro began producing Transformers games in 1985. Until 1998, only three games were published, which did not gain popularity among the audience due to the lack of a clear plot in them. For the premiere of the action film “Transformers” (2007), Hasbro released the game “Transformers: The Game”, partially repeating the plot of the film. Then there were games for the films “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” and “Transformers: Dark of the Moon,” which gamers also did not appreciate. After a barrage of criticism that hit the manufacturers, the game “Transformers: Battle for Cybertron” was published in 2010, in which the authors worked on the plot, characters and missions: surprisingly, Transformers fans liked it.

Trailer for the game "Transformers: Battle for Cybertron"
The total number of toys created by Hasbro has already exceeded five hundred - each of them has appeared at least once in one or another animated series, as well as on the pages of comic books. The logic of Hasbro management is as follows: a child saw a particular robot on TV and persuaded his parents to buy it. Many adults criticized Hasbro for being too “commercialized” of the brand. In order for children to “switch” to the new robots that have been occupying store shelves for a long time, a decision was made to simply kill the main characters of this story: Optimus Prime, among others, became a victim of this approach, and the robot Rodaimes Prime was called upon to replace him. Over time, it became clear that children who became attached to the very first Transformers perceive such plot devices negatively, that is, they do not at all lead their parents to the Hasbro store for the next robot.

Screensaver of the animated series "Transformers" (1984)
Michael Bay, the permanent director of five films in the Transformers film series, has already refused several times to film a continuation of the story. True, for some reason he kept changing his mind. On the eve of the premiere of the action film Transformers: The Last Knight, Bay announced that he was now definitely resigning as director. According to him, “Transformers” is very exhausting - over the past ten years he has become very tired of such an exorbitant load. Interestingly, when Hasbro approached him in 2005 to film the story, Bay initially refused. As the director explained in an interview, this idea seemed rather stupid to him. Only remembering his attitude towards the film “Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark,” which later became a hit, did he sign an agreement with the studio.

Trailer for the film "Transformers"
Since the very first film, the authors have invariably relied on seemingly insignificant details: according to the producer of all films in the film series, the transformation of each robot was deliberately calculated mathematically. Attentive viewers can easily see this for themselves: when the transformer turns into a car, all its components are in place. Partly for this reason, in the film "Transformers" (2007), viewers are shown in such detail the moment of Optimus Prime's first transformation from a truck to a robot.

Trailer for the film "Transformers: Age of Extinction"
It is clear that there is a lot of computer graphics in Transformers, but the scale of the work can be assessed in numbers. For example, the second part of the film series with all the visual effects, based on the results of production, occupied 145 terabytes on hard drives. Let us remember that one terabyte is 1000 gigabytes. And 145 terabytes is like 35 thousand DVDs.

Trailer for the film "Transformers: The Last Knight"
According to statistics, in each new film in the Transformers film series, Michael Bay and his team destroy about 500 cars, including expensive supercars. In the ten years since the release of the first film, on average, just over 2.5 thousand cars were destroyed. According to this indicator, “Transformers” easily surpasses the “Fast and Furious” film series, during the filming of eight films of which about 1.5 thousand cars were destroyed.

Video about the filming of the film "Transformers: The Last Knight"

Autobots and Decepticons, who have long filled toy stores, occupied cinema screens for a long time with the release of the first Transformers film. Robot names such as Optimus Prime and Megatron became known as Harry Potter and Voldemort. The cars, which are actually aliens that transform into humanoid creatures, were a hit with audiences. And the yellow Chevrolet Camaro named Bumblebee has become the favorite of many.

Very soon the fifth part of the film series will be released on screens, it's time to review the previous parts. Do you know what the heroes of Transformers look like? Are the names all familiar too? Let's check it out on the last one this moment movie "Transformers: Age of Extinction". Moreover, the events of the new film are a continuation of the previous one.

A little about the film itself

Age of Extinction takes the film series in a new direction. After the invasion of Chicago, the Autobots fell out of favor. The film touches on the theme of the soured relationship “people/transformers”. The names of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and the team become known throughout the world, because these are the names of dangerous creatures.

It is noteworthy that Age of Extinction touches on the diverse mythology of Transformers, the plot covers a significantly larger number of events than the first three films, which were built solely on the battle of Autobots against Decepticons. A new subspecies appears - Dinobots - further evidence that the film team is serious about moving away from the previous storyline.

Considering that the director was originally going to focus on three films, we can assume that this new era for the movie "Transformers"

Autobot names

Optimus Prime- the wise and formidable leader of the Autobots. At the beginning of the film, he appears as a rusty, crippled Marmon truck, but is later transformed into a Western Star 4900 long-haul tractor.

Bumblebee. From the very beginning, he was Optimus Prime's loyal assistant and protector of humanity. Despite the damaged voice module, Bumblebee actively communicates, switching radio stations and selecting suitable songs. It initially appears in the film as a 1967 Chevrolet Camaro and later becomes a shiny 2014 Camaro.

Ratchet. He is not a fighter by nature, but is a valuable member of the team - a medic. He decides to side with the Autobots because he feels that they are the ones who have the best chance of achieving peace - the only thing that really interests him. Transforms into a rescue SUV, which once again shows his peaceful attitude.

Hound. A cartoon character who, despite his terrifying appearance, loves to call the Earth his home and rejoices like a child simple things. In the film, he appears as a heavily armed artilleryman with a robotic beard and a love of using bullets as cigars. His mechanized appearance is the Oshkosh tactical vehicle.

Crosshairs- weapons master, paratrooper. He replaces Ironhide, who died in the third part of the film. Crosshairs is not a big fan of Earth and doesn't mind leaving it on occasion. Transforms into a 2014 Chevrolet C7 Corvette.

Drift. Initially he was on the side of the Decepticons, but later went over to the Autobots. In the film, he appears as a calm samurai, skillfully wielding swords and having practically no equal. Transforms into the stunning 2013 Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse and loves to drift around the city streets on occasion.

Junkhip. A Decepticon soldier whose sole reason for existence is to fight the Autobots. Transforms into a garbage truck.

Lockdown. Despite being on the Decepticon list, Lockdown is not technically part of either side. He is a ruthless intergalactic bounty hunter hired to track down one of the Autobots hiding on Earth. Who hired him and who he is hunting is not revealed. Transforms into a 2013 Lamborghini Aventador.

Dinobot names

Grimlock. The stubborn leader of the Dinobots. Doesn't like to listen to anyone, including Optimus Prime. The bosses hate the Decepticons more. Transforms into a powerful metal Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Slash. The cunning hunter Velociratops, Hound's partner.

Instead of a conclusion

Some of the robots had only a couple of seconds of screen time, others won a significant share of the plot, but thanks to the efforts of the team, each of them - Autobots, Decepticons and Dinobots - look stunningly detailed and impressively powerful on the screen.

As in previous films, the creators tried to include as many characters as possible, to the delight of fans of the Transformers film series. The names of the characters in our favorite story were discussed by us in this article.

How Transformers Really Reproduce

From the compiler. 1

I. Reproduction methods . 2

1. Mechanical construction. 2

2. Revival with the help of the Great Spark, Matrix, etc. 4

3. Restoration of a previously living transformer. 7

4. Budding. 8

5. Cloning. 8

6. Sexual reproduction (bot + female). 12

7. Transformers are people. 14

II. The concept of protoform. 15

III. Childhood. 19

IV. Family ties among transformers. 19

From the compiler

This text is basically a translation of the corresponding article from the TF-wiki with some additions. The illustrations are also mostly from there. All material is supported by examples from TV series, comics, and films. So it contains reliable and complete information for today about how new transformers are born, and not bizarre theories created by the imagination of various fans and appearing in fan fiction.

In the original article from TF-wiki, the restoration of a previously living transformer was also included in the methods of reproduction (for example, Unicron remaking Megatron into Galvatron in the 1986 film). And since reproduction was understood in such a broad sense, I found it necessary to include cloning here as well. Moreover, in the latest third season of Transformers: Prime and the feature film Predacons Rising, cloning led to the emergence of completely new heroes.

Terms and names when they first appear in an article are usually in bold. The names of transformers can be written in several translations. If the character is little known (at the discretion of the compiler), the name in the original is given in parentheses. The titles of series, comics or films are written in brackets in blue in the original. I hope you find this material interesting and useful.

I. Reproduction methods

So, below are described the ways to create a new transformer life, shown in TV series, films, and comics.

Mechanical construction

Sometimes new transformers are assembled from spare parts and even any available materials. The body of a new transformer is constructed, and then it gains life.

The Autobots, despite all the machinations of the Decepticons, collect Godbomber– a robot that serves to upgrade Optimus Prime (Jinrai). But over time, the Thunderer begins to demonstrate independence.


In comics "Transformers: Generation 2" the concept of “budding” was introduced as reproduction not related to the sex of the transformer. A bubble or some kind of swelling appears on the robot’s chest, apparently filled with liquid metal. Its appearance is accompanied by a discharge of energy. It grows more and more intensively, until finally the increased mass liquid metal not released from the chest. She then slowly forms into a protoform-like faded figure, and then hardens into a full-fledged transformer.

In the Marvel comics, the first Transformers reproduced in this way until they reached the population level that Primus desired. After this, reproduction stopped, and the memory of all transformers was erased. When the Transformers (possibly influenced Liege Maximo) rediscovered this method approximately 4 million years after the loss of the Ark, subsequent generations of new robots turned out to be less and less intelligent and capable of feeling (since, apparently, the life force of Primus was distributed between them less and less), and Dangerous life forms called Swarming as a by-product.

It is noteworthy that a transformer that reproduces in this way retains something like a connection with its offspring, even if they are separated by galaxies. First generation Decepticon Osilka (Onslota) a sharp pain pierces when his "son" Mindset dies. And Liege Maximo claims that he will feel if his descendant Megatron dies.

5. Cloning

Transformers have genetic material (analogous to human DNA). It is called CNK, which stands for Cyber/Nano Constructs (in Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac II) or Cyber ​​Nucleic Acid (in Transformers: Prime). This genetic material can be used in the laboratory to create clones of an existing or once living transformer.

Insecticons have the ability to spontaneously clone themselves from scrap materials ("A Plague of Insecticons").

Megatron creates a superior clone of Optimus Prime, and later a clone of Starscream ("A Prime Problem").

There is a subgroup of transformers that are called clones. These are just two Autobots: Fastlane And Cloudraker. And two Decepticons: Pounce And Wingspan. They appear in passing in the fourth season of G1 in the episode “The Rebirth, Part 1”. There is no information about their origin, but the name itself may hint at the method of their birth.

At Headmasters

Fastlane, Cloudcracker, Pounce and Wingspan reappear in the Headmasters series. And their peculiarity is also revealed - the clones look completely identical only in the form of a robot, but their transformations are completely different. In addition, it turns out that the Autobot and Decepticon clones were initially connected by friendship (series where Autobot clones appear: “Mystery of the Space Pirate Ship”, “The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1)”; series where Decepticon clones appear: “ Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2)", "The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1)", "The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)").

In the Beast Era

Megatron in the TV series "Beast Wars" creates a clone Dinobot for a sabotage mission. This clone was later eaten by Dinobot ("Double Dinobot").

At the end of the video game Beast Wars Transmetals, Ravage uses a "cloning device based on transreplication technology" to clone the first generation Decepticons deactivated on the Ark into new protoform bodies.

In Dreamwave comics

Transformer clones such as Pounce, Wingspan, Fastlane and Cloudcracker were created artificially by splitting a spark and injecting it into protoforms. The resulting pairs of twins are less balanced and more attached to each other than other transformers.

After Great Shutdown Shockwave begins cloning research. He developed several clones of famous Transformers, thanks to the technology he received when Megatron made a deal with the Quintessons. But when Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus ruined his plans, the clones were not yet ready. Decepticons from the subgroup Battlechargers stumbled upon his laboratory while looking for medical capsules (CR Chamber), and found some surviving clones. At the same time, the computers were still processing the information that Shockwave had downloaded from Vector Sigma, and distributing it to any memory available at that time... For example, in Sunstorm, clone of Starscream (“Generation One”).

Comic " Descent into"Evil"

Deathsaurus clones Insecticons to conquer the universe.

In a comic from IDW

Mad Scientist Jhiaxus, experimenting with CNK, creates a new transformer, moreover, female (Arsi).

In "Transformers Animated"

Starscream falls into the hands of a fragment of the Great Spark, and he creates five clones, each of which most clearly embodies one of his traits: cowardice, selfishness, deceit, meanness and... femme Slipstim(“A Bridge Too Close, Part I”).

Twins Jetfire And Jetstorm were created by Autobots using technology they took from Starscream (“Safeguard’s toy bio”). But in the comic book “First (and Second) in Flight” they are not called clones.

Swindle (Fingal) creates two more clones of Starscream ("The AllSpark Almanac II"). Megatron uses Starscream's cloning technology to create a clone Omega Supreme with personality Lagnata(“Endgame, Part I”).

In the Prime universe

In the game "War for Cybertron" Zeta Prime incites his energy clones to attack.

According to information received from the creators of TFP at the event Comic-Con (2013) The Vehicons "started out as clones but evolved over the course of the series." Meanwhile, many viewers initially thought they were drones without sparks.

Insecticons in the Prime universe, as in G1, are capable of cloning.

In Transformers: Prime, Starscream, in exile, finds a laboratory on an abandoned ship. "Harbinger" (Harbinger), where there is everything needed for the cloning operation. Having created five clones, he sends them to take revenge on Megatron. To Starscream's surprise, the clones are not only indistinguishable from him in appearance, but are also well aware of Starscream's true character and intentions. He is also overcome by an attack of pain if the clone dies. (“Armada”).

In the third season of Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters, betrayed by Starscream and forgotten on Cybertron, Shockwave returns to experiments in cloning the Predacons, a prehistoric Transformer race that went extinct on Cybertron many years ago. He creates Predaking (Pest) and introduces him to Megatron as "the most formidable hunter of the Autobots" ("Scattered"). Later, the Decepticons try to clone more of Predaking's kin, using the bones of Predacons found on Earth (since Megatron once already had an army of cloned Predacons, which terrified the Autobots and inspired the ancient people to create legends about dragons). A real hunt is underway for the bones (“Project Predacon”). But Predaking turns out to be not just a beast, but an intellectual being, a personality, and also has the ability to transform. Megatron begins to see him as a competitor and understands that he will follow through Project "Predacon"" means to undermine his power. The Decepticons arrange it so that the Autobots find the cloning laboratory and blow it up, preventing the monsters from being born. For this, the Autobots are persecuted by Predaking, who is beside himself with grief, rage and restlessness (“Evolution”). However, in the end, Predaking learns the truth from Ratchet and turns against the true culprit of the death of his brothers - Megatron. But she loses to him in battle (“Synthesis”). In the series finale, the miraculously surviving Predaking ends up on the restored Cybertron and flies away (“Deadlock”).

IN full-length film"Predacons Rising" Shockwave and Starscream, having escaped after Megatron's death, secretly try to create an army of cloned Predacons. But so far they have only got two cocky, not too smart, but strong and beautiful Predacons in their own way: Darksteel And Skylinks. Predaking, sitting alone on the edge of a plain strewn with Predacon bones, learns about them from the Autobots. But unfortunately, when trying to find his relatives, he encounters the restored Megatron, whose body is under the control of Unicron, and tells him that there used to be many Predacons. Unicron defeats him in combat and learns the details by reading information directly from Predaking's mind. After this, with the help of dark energon, he raises a legion of dead Predacons and sets off to destroy with it the core of Cybertron, that is, Primus himself. Predaking finds Darksteel and Skylynx and emerges victorious in the fight with them, thus forcing them to recognize their dominance. Since Unicron's threat spells destruction for all living things, the Predacons become allies of the Autobots. They turn out to be the only ones who can really hold off the army of rebel Predacons on the way to the Well of the Great Spark until Prime arrives.

6. Sexual reproduction (bot + female)

Finally we got to the most interesting section. J

The possibility of offspring appearing in male and female transformers, similar to how it occurs in humans.

At first glance, it is strange to see the separation of the sexes in robots and their attraction to each other. But transformers are creatures that are extremely drawn to others. This can be seen in their community, which is so similar to the human one, in interpersonal relationships and even in the extraordinary practice of uniting bodies and minds (Gestalts). Therefore, if transformers are very familiar with the feeling of friendship or hatred, why should the feeling of love be inaccessible to them?

In many works about transformers there is a romantic line, or hints at it. Appearance female characters along with men’s, it is often accompanied by the fact that they develop an interest in each other that is far from the transformer war. And, figuratively speaking, a spark runs between them. As a result, in Transformer works one can observe love couples, Transformer families and offspring.

There is such a concept "sparkmates" that is, “the union of sparks” or “spark-consort.” It is analogous to the human concept of “marriage”. The term appears primarily in fan fiction, but has been used twice in canon: in the video game "Beast Wars Transmetals" For "Nintendo 64" when describing the relationship between Airazor and Tigatron and in the Transformers magazine "Venus" for Decepticons (“Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac”).

Also in the Unicron Trilogy, the character Downshift has fembot lifebond partner), with which he was “combined, according to the Testament of Primus.”

And in IDW's More Than Meets The Eye comics, Transformers have a concept Conjunx Endura which actually means a spiritually related spark. However, this can mean not only love, but also deep, devoted friendship.

In the book “The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson” (1986) there is information that Willie ended up on the planet Quintesson after crashing on a ship with his parents.

In the Victory manga, at the end it is revealed that Desaras and the rest of the Decepticons have been fighting all along to ensure the survival of their families, that the space fortress is the home where their loved ones are. The leader of the Decepticons himself is married to a female Esmiril. Children of the Decepticons can also be seen in the manga. They look like smaller versions of adults.

Sexual reproduction may well have taken place in the Beast Wars series, where Rattrap very often made dirty jokes, especially in relation to Silverbolt And Blackarachnia. The first was a Maximal, and the second was a Predacon. However, their feelings for each other turned out to be stronger than the ancient conflict of Transformers and continued in the sequel "Beast Machines" Also, in Beast Machines, Transformers become techno-organic creatures. And since sexual reproduction is typical for highly developed organic beings, it could well have taken place there. In what appears to be a dream or vision, Silverbolt and Blackarachnia are shown uniting in some ethereal form and their sparks merge. But perhaps for transformers this process is more significant spiritually than physically.

There are hints in Michael Bay's franchise that Transformers might be born through more than just mechanical assembly. At the end of the first film in 2007, Optimus Prime sadly calls Megatron brother over Megatron's body. It might be assumed that he did not mean the relationship literally, but in the Nintendo DS game Transformers The Game it is mentioned that Megatron "took the spark" from their common father. In the movie Revenge of the Fallen, Jetfire proudly talks about his father, who was a wheel (which means Bay's Transformers have some kind of concept of family). And in issue 4 of the comic book “Revenge of the Fallen” Rampage calls Sam's parents the initiators of the release of his protoform batch initiators.

The same term also appears in IDW's Generation 1 comics and Transformers Animated. So, in the comic book “Infiltration, vol. 3" Ratchet remembers the teachings of his protoform initiator. And in "Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac II" Ironhide says that Brawl is "his brother from another protoform initiator."

In the first generation Dreamwave comics, the term is slightly different - proto-hatcher. Autobot Getaway in The Age of Wrath, vol. 2" suggests that his proto-carrier would be proud of him.

In Transformers: Prime, Ratchet, under the influence of synthetic energon, tries to flirt with Arcee ("Stronger, Faster"). And in the same episode, Breakdown admits to the Vehicon that he is not indifferent to the Aerachnid.

In general, the list of romantic couples in the Transformers universe is more than a dozen. You can read it at the link:

Transformers people

Sometimes increasing the transformer species is possible with the help of people.

People have long been interconnected with the transformer race. They often act as irreplaceable partners. By chance, they even accomplish or help to accomplish global events in transformer history. Transformers draw strength from friendship with them. But sometimes people become more than allies.

In G1 and Headmasters

The first such case is observed in the series "Autobot Spike". Spike's father Torch (Sparkplug) designed a body which he called Autobot X. But when his son is seriously injured, there is nothing left to do but transfer Spike's mind into the body of this robot. However, Spike experiences terrible mental suffering and, having been deceived by Megatron, turns against the Autobots. But everything ends well.

In Season 4 of G1 and the Headmasters series/comics, the Autobots see the only way to escape and effectively fight their enemies is by teaming up with humans. Person or inhabitant of the planet Nebulon, dressed in metal armor, can transform into the head of a transformer (hence the meaning of the term headmaster). Seeing what the Autobots were capable of after such an upgrade, the Decepticons followed suit.

However, with this method, there is rather a symbiosis between a person and a transformer rather than the emergence of new creatures. It is noteworthy that not only a person can use such technology, but also a smaller robot to turn into a large transformer. This technology can be seen in Japanese Transformer series up to "Zone".

In "Masterforce"

The main theme of the Masterforce series in general is how transformers emerge from people. Known since the time of Headmasters, technology from the planet Master allows people to connect with transtectors (Transtector), empty transformer bodies. A person also has to put on metal armor and transform into the head or body of a robot. But in this way, new transformer personalities are actually formed. This is reminiscent of how a spark animates a protoform.

In Transformers: Prime

Driven by bad intentions Silas- leader of a terrorist organization "MECH" creates an evil double of Optimus - Nemesis Prime which can be controlled remotely. But his machinations are destroyed by the real Optimus along with his earthly allies (“Nemesis Prime”). Later, the seriously injured Silas is integrated into the body of the deceased Breakdown, after which he even tries to join the Decepticons (“The Human Factor”). As a result of a crazy experiment by Starscream and Knockout, Silas, in Breakdown's body, is exposed to dark energon and turns into an energy vampire of sorts, causing a big commotion on the Decepticon ship. In his thirst for energon, he awakens the Aerachnid from the stasis capsule. But in the end, Silas dies at her clutches, accepting death as liberation (“Thirst”).


Based on the above methods, it can be assumed that transformers can simultaneously have several methods of reproduction. And if there is an urgent need for procreation, they are able to invent new ways.

II. The concept of protoform

Protoform is one of the forms of a transformer. It is a fairly fluid metallic substance that covers basic robotic systems. The protoform is similar to a humanoid figure, colorless or metallic in color, without pronounced features. In many Transformer works, the protoform is the first stage of the Transformer's life cycle. Such protoforms wait until they are given the spark and alt-form information to transform into a full-fledged transformer. It is not uncommon for protoform mode to be used during interstellar travel. Also in some Transformer works, the Transformer can place a spark into a new protoform or remake an old one. This is a radical way of repair.

In "Beast Wars"

Protoforms were mostly kept in stasis capsules when sent to unexplored worlds. On the ship "Axalon" transported many of these stasis capsules, including protoform X (Rampage)- an unsuccessful attempt to create an immortal spark, which was intended for burial due to sterility. When the ship crashed on prehistoric Earth, Optimus Primal gave the command to throw the protoforms into space ("Beast Wars (Part 1)"). A little later, when the first stasis capsules fell to Earth, Dinobot managed to activate the DNA scanner to search for compatible life forms and remake the proto-form inside into Tigatron ("Fallen Comrades").

While Blackarachnia was in her protoform state, Tarantula set her predacon shell program, and she became an enemy of the maximals (“Double Jeopardy”). A little later, Rhinox miraculously saved another protoform and a spark, successfully bringing Airazor (“The Spark”) into the white light. Tarantula's new attempt to create a third Predacon spider failed because the stasis capsule scanned the life form before him, and the proto-form turned into Inferno ("Spider's Game").

As a result of the activities of mysterious aliens Wok the remaining stasis capsules fell from orbit. Two of them were damaged upon impact and reformatted the protoforms into fusors, and the third, found by the Maximals, turned out to be a “dummy” - a proto-form without a spark (“Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1)”). Rhinox saved Optimus Primal from death using this empty protoform ("Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2)"). Protoform X suddenly also turned out to be viable and was turned into a Predacon by Megatron ("Bad Spark"). One of the protoforms, trapped in a malfunctioning capsule, mutated into a defective creature known as Transmutate unfortunately, it seems to have retained the mind of a fully-fledged transformer (“Transmutate”).

Megatron used the dummy proto-form to recreate Dinobot ("Feral Scream Part 1").

In Beast Wars II

Predacon warriors, who appeared to be protoforms, were shown moving around the Predacon ship. But it's unclear whether they had sparks or personalities. Then the Predacons collected enough information about the machines of the past on Gaea and transmitted this information to protoforms through energy waves. Thus, the protoforms turned into Autorollers(“White Lion, Run!”).

The atmosphere of the planet Gaia caused rust on the protoforms (“The New Forces Arrive!”). Despite this, the protoforms seen on the ship's bridge Galvaburg II, are sent to the planet (“The Insect Corps Arrive”).

In "Robots in Disguise"

The Autobots, and possibly the Predacons, are able to transform into their protoform during long journeys, presumably to conserve energy. Some properties of the original form remain in the new form that the transformer takes. So, Skurge retained the ability to detect artifacts O-Part. The disadvantage of the protoform is that the Autobot is very vulnerable in this state. Megatron managed to use the energy of his spark to convert some Autobot protoforms to his side ("The Decepticons").

In IDW comics

On a crashed planet Clemency Decepticon ship "Worldsweeper" there were faulty prototypes inside the tanks (“Rules of Disengagement”).

In the animated series "Cybertron"

Protoforms are the first stage in the life of transformers. It is usually followed by Primary programming, an analogue of school for people.

In the Michael Bay franchise

Protoforms grow and develop inside energon containers (Revenge of the Fallen). The protoforms themselves represent more than the first stage of life. This is kind of the base form of every Transformer. Protoforms are made of ultra-dense liquid metal and are very difficult to damage.

On rare occasions when Transformers needed to travel interstellarly, they shed their exo-structure and returned in a proto-form state. Such a protoform is capable of accepting transition form: armored, resembling a comet in appearance. After landing on another planet, she transforms back into her protoform, and the transformer immediately begins scanning for a new suitable altforms. Once a new form is selected, the protoform's superdense matter and any suitable matter nearby can be used to create a new cloaking exostructure (Transformers: The Movie Guide).

Starscream's attempts to create a new army fail due to a lack of energon, and the "little ones", as he affectionately calls them, die. Many Decepticons arrived on Earth with Fallen to extinguish the sun. But they didn't bother to choose an alternative form and remained in the form of a proto-form. These Decepticons helped attack the forces NEST in Egypt, but most of them died in a shootout with the Autobots and the earth's military. And the rest were killed by the military during an air strike (“Revenge of the Fallen”).

Many Decepticons in protoforms were hiding on the moon, they arrived on Earth through a space bridge activated by Sentinel Prime ("Dark of the Moon").

In "Transformers Animated"

Protoforms are created from protomatter, which is extracted from Sonic Canyons on Cybertron ("The AllSpark Almanac II"). At the first stage, they resemble faceless mannequins and are stored in capsules that are lined up along the wall in a secret Chamber of the Matrix (Matrix Chamber) hidden in the dojo Autobot cyberninja corps (Cyber-Ninja Corps), who are charged with the duty of protecting them ("Five Servos of Doom"). As a rule, at first the protoforms go through the “casting” stage, acquiring the form of a robot (“Endgame, Part I”). Either the Great Spark or Vector Sigma is then used to imbue the protoform with a spark ("The AllSpark Almanac II"). However, the “casting” stage can be skipped and the spark can be injected directly into the proto-mold (“Five Servos of Doom”). The same casting can be used for many prototype forms, resulting in similar types housings and transformation schemes. For example, the type was very popular "65356-9292-346", which included Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Wasp and others (“Autoboot Camp”). If a person says about himself that he was “born,” then transformers can say that they “came out of protoform.” Additionally, the word "protoform" is sometimes used in a derogatory sense to refer to a young and inexperienced Transformer.

In the Prime universe

Protoforms are created by the Great Spark in the Well of the Great Spark and, apparently, are endowed with sparks there. However, on board the Decepticon ship Harbinger, Starscream was lucky to find five protoforms ("Armada").

III. Childhood

In some Transformer works, Transformers are born as fully functional creatures. For example, in many cases in the G1 series. And in others they need to grow, develop and learn. This is seen in the Prime universe, in the Cybertron series, and, apparently, in the Victory manga, where the offspring of the Decepticons look too small and weak to live full adult lives.

In the toy description Thrust the term was used "Alpha unit" to characterize this character in “childhood”. At the moment there are no other similar official terms. As well as there is no information about the timing of the increase in the transformer, etc.

Many Transformer works lack information about childhood as a special period in the life of a Transformer. But this does not necessarily mean that such a period does not exist at all. It may not be disclosed or discarded as unimportant.

In G1 and the Beast Era

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker

· Fastlane and Cloudraker

· Frenzy and Rumble

Topspin and Twin Twist

· Blaster, Karmen and Toaster in Marvel comics

· Blaster and Bluster in IDW comics

Pounce and Wingspan

· Hot Foot and Piranha in the collection “The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual” (1994)

· Electro (Electro) and Volt (Volt) – in the same place.

· Gearhead and Greasepit – toys based on “Generation 2”

· Roulette, Shadow Striker and unknown third sister - in "Transformers Universe"

· Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus are brothers in the Dreamwave comics and the manga Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Vol. 4"

· Starscream and Sunstorm in the Dreamwave comics

· Dreadwing and Darkwing in IDW comics

· Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker - in the same place.

· Rampage and Dinobot II are considered half-brothers, as Megatron placed part of Rampage's spark into Dinobot.

· Cataclysm and Cub are called fission-brothers. Apparently, they were born by budding.

· Rumbler and Sprocket in the Wings of Honor comics

· Aquafend and Jetstorm – in the same place.

· Springarm, Wheelarch and Valve in The Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers comics.

Rack, Ruin, and an unknown third brother are triplets in IDW comics.

Boncrusher and Gravedigger

In Unicron Trilogy

Flashbang and Failsafe

· Inferno and Rodimus – toys only

Jetfire and Overcast

Landmine and Landquake

Shockblast and Six Shot

· Superion Maximus and unknown brother

Signal Flare and Offshoot

· Hardtop and Swindle

Undermine and Repugnus

Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus

· Leader-1 (Leader-1) and Clench (Clench) can be brothers (“Clench"s More Than Meets The Eye profile”)

In Go-Bots

· Racer-Bot ALPHA and Racer-Bot BETA (Racer-Bot BETA)

In the Michael Bay franchise

· Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, according to Ironhide in Revenge of the Fallen.

Arcee, Chromia and Elita-One

· The first Primes are considered brothers

Optimus Prime and Megatron

· Tread and Trample in the comic “Transformers: The Veiled Threat”

· Skids and Mudflap

In "Transformers Animated"

· Jetstorm and Jetfire

· Scrapper and Mixmaster - “friends and brothers”

Huffer and Pipes

In "Shattered Glass"

· Jazz and Ricochet

· Sideswipe and Sunstriker

In "Prime"

· Skyquake and Dreadwing

In G1 and the Beast Era

· Willie's parents are mentioned in "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson".

· Six-mode Autobot Quickswitch is named the son of Sixshot

· In the Victory manga, the Decepticons from the Dinoforce have offspring.

Speeder – son of Dai Atlas

· Serpent O.R. (Serpent O.R.) or Serpent Organic Robot proclaims himself the son of Megatron in the G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers"

Lio Junior – son of Lio Convoy

· There is a mention of Stampy's parents from Beast Wars Neo

· There is a mention of makstmal Cohrada's father ("A Battle Fought Alone")

· There are also references to father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc. Longrack

· Metals Ravage – son of Ravage in the manga “Beast Wars Metals”

· Alpha Trion – father of Optimus Prime and Elita-1 in G1

· Daredevil – creator of technobots

· Rampage has offspring (comic book “Dawn of Future's Past”)

· Tantrum has offspring (ibid.)

· Headstrong has offspring (ibid.)

· Rattrap calls Arcee his great-grandmother

In Unicron Trilogy

· Sideways calls his mom when he is in danger (“City”)

· Starscream also acts in a similar situation ("Titans")

In the Michael Bay franchise

· There is a mention that Megatron and Optimus Prime had a father who was killed by Megatron

· Jetfire talks about his parents in the movie "Revenge of the Fallen"

· The thirteen original Primes had descendants, which included Optimus Prime and Sentinel Prime

In "Transformers Animated"

· In the Japanese dub, Bulkhead often calls his mom when he feels bad

Cousins and sisters

In "Shattered Glass"

· Crasher and Blurr

In the Beast Era

Scuba and Ikard

In Unicron Trilogy

· Skywarp and Starscream

· Swindle and Zapmaster

Bulkhead and Quickstrike

· Overhaul and Brushguard

Other family connections

In "Robots in Disguise"

· Artfire and Fire Convoy are relatives

· Midnight Express believes that Grandpa is his grandfather ("Secret Weapon: D-5")

In "Transformers Animated"

· Kup has a nephew (“Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac II”)

In "Prime"

· In Episode 1 of Season 1, "Darkness Rising, Part 1", Arcee introduces Bumblebee to Jack as his family. In Episode 9 of Season 3, "Evolution", Optimus Prime tells Ultra Magnus that the Autobots have become what in human terms is called a "family" and that it is more significant than an army.

· The Thirteen Original Primes had several descendants who became the founders of some Transformer races. So, the shifters, which included Makeshift, originated from Amalgamous Prime(Alex Irwin's novel Exiles).

· It is believed that Optimus Prime was a descendant of the very first Prime – Prima(in the book “Transformers Vault” - a 160-page description of the Transformers universe, published in 2011)


We should also not forget that in the third season of G1 it is revealed that transformers were created by the Quintessons. How exactly is not explained, but, apparently, it was mechanical assembly in factories and conveyors.

Beast Era or "Beast Era" is a franchise that includes the series "Beast War", "Beast Wars II", "Beast Wars Neo", "Beast Machines", as well as text materials and toys "Transtech" and "Universe" (2003 G.).