Review of the anime Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo (“The Cat from Sakurasou”, “The Pet Girl of Sakurasou”).

If you want, the world will change color in an instant.

  • Have you heard of Sakurasou? No? Very strange. Almost every student at Suimei School knows about the dormitory for troubled teenagers. Oh, you haven’t even heard about Suimei and the University of Arts under it...
  • Well, then it's waiting for you interesting story.
  • In every room of the amazing hostel lives bright personality. Creative people like a magnet attracts unusual situations; each of them is electrified with feelings, emotions and desires.
  • It is here and now that you can read, hear and carefully examine one day in the life of the inhabitants of Sakuraso, be drawn into a whirlwind of friendship, love, tears and marvel - after all, even behind the mask of geniuses lie ordinary teenagers with ordinary problems.
  • We'll take a look at the residents of Sakuraso and maybe we'll even be able to... understand them a little?.. No, no, we definitely don't promise the latter, but we assure you that it will be fun and interesting!


  • Readers will find an interesting story about how Rita’s friend from Britain comes to visit the heroes and thereby starts a chain extraordinary events. Under the pressure of tension, the problems of the relationships between the heroes will be revealed, blood will be shed, a whole festival will thunder and a dangerous maniac will be found. Or maybe not so dangerous...
    In general, come in and find out everything!

  • The visual novel will tell about events during the anime that were not shown, but could nevertheless happen. We love “The Kitty from Sakurasou” very much and will try to create unique story, imbued with attention to detail and atmosphere.
  • The authors of the visual novel have enough tact and lack of arrogance not to change or distort events before or after the anime. We just want to once again briefly plunge into our favorite setting and give you this opportunity.
  • Plus, if you've never heard of “Sakurasou Kitty,” that won't stop you from enjoying the twists and turns of the plot.
  • The duration of the novella is from two to five hours.

Sorata Kanda:

  • The main character of the visual novel passionately wants to become a game designer, is famous for his love of cats and has a truly inexhaustible supply of patience and care for others. In our story, he will test his own endurance and try to understand his own feelings. The main thing is to shout less.
    Mashiro Shiina:

    • The brilliant artist, known throughout the world, the magnificent mangaka and beauty Shiina Mashiro... has difficulty coping with the morning toilet and may well forget that she needs to put on panties before going to school.
      For her gift of conveying reality with the help of paints and inks, Siina paid with absolute ignorance of her own feelings and the nature of human relationships. Who would have thought that the most difficult task for a genius would be to figure out what is beating so warmly in his chest?
    Nanami Aoyama:

    • Strict with others and with herself, Nanami Aoyama dreams of becoming a voice actor. To achieve her goal, the girl makes every effort and even goes against the will of her parents! You can say that she is a robot... but then we would be lying, because Aoyama is kindest soul a person who hides concern for those around him behind a screen of demandingness.
      Undoubtedly, the lovely Nanami wants happiness for herself and her friends. In pursuit of this, the girl forgets that, in essence, she is not a titanium made of steel, but an ordinary teenager.
    Misaki Kamiigusa:

    • Apparently, fate itself decided that one genius was not enough for Sakuraso and gave the world Misaki Kamiigusu. There was only one thing Fortune did not take into account - the world was not ready for such a girl. What can we say about the residents of the hostel?
    • Misaki is a charge of ebullient energy, boundless imagination, a ton of love for life, a mountain of talent and an unrequited girl in love in one bottle. We just have to see what happens when the fragile glass cracks and the crazy genie bursts out.
    Jin Mitaka:

    • Ah, Mitaka Jin... any girl... woman will tell you with a breath... married woman. But don’t rush to label yourself a womanizer! A courteous, cold as snow from Hokkaido and friendly young man pores over the scripts for the anime Misaki and day after day suffers defeat in the fight against his own pride.
      Mitaka believes that his stories are not worthy of the talent of his childhood friend. It will be interesting to see how soon the young man's ice shield will burst under the swift blows of Kamiigusa's creative genius.
    Ryunosuke Akasaka:

    • Ryunosuke long ago decided on his interests - programming and eating tomatoes. He works for huge corporations and allows himself to ignore lessons and other people - well, they flounder in the whirlpool of their own emotions, like beetles in a jar of water, run back and forth like ants - so what?
    • But what to do when these same beetles begin to demand something from you and, moreover, show feelings? They demand reciprocity! This is already a disaster that needs to be dealt with.
  • Sometimes I wonder why people watch anime about the everyday lives of cartoon characters. After all, it would seem that each of us has our own life, which can sometimes be both rich and interesting and gray and mundane. In fact, the answer lies on the surface. It’s just that sometimes everyone wants to escape from their problems at least for a while and see how life could have turned out if you lived differently - the way anime characters do. Well, let's do the same and plunge into the everyday life of a not-so-ordinary anime hostel Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo(“The Kitty from Sakurasou”, “The Pet Girl of Sakurasou«).

    Brief information

    An anime about the daily life of a dormitory called "Sakura", released in 2012-2013 by the studio J.C.Staff. The anime consists of 24 episodes. Based on the series light novel. In addition to the anime, a manga was drawn based on the light novel, and a visual novel was also released. If you ask me to describe “The Cat from Sakurasou” in one sentence, I will answer without hesitation: “This is with ecchi, improved art and a weak romantic line.”. For a person who watched both anime, it will not be difficult to find similar motifs that were borrowed from Toradora (which, by the way, was released in 2008). Perhaps the fact that both anime were filmed by the same studio played a significant role. Although, most likely, the reason lies in the original source (light novel), and the studio has nothing to do with it.

    an ordinary guy with kind hearted, a student at Suimei University of the Arts High School. Each student is given a dorm room, so Sorata lived in an elite dorm, lived happily, but good things cannot last forever. One day he picked up a kitten on the street and took it into his room. But the rules in the hostel are strict: no pets. So either put your cat outside or go to a hostel called "Sakura", where rules are treated with disdain. Naturally, the good-natured Sorata chose the second option - not to abandon the poor animal to the mercy of fate.

    Since then, Sorata’s life has changed radically, because “Sakura” resembles a madhouse. No wonder there are rumors about this hostel that only madmen and eccentrics live there. So Sorata has to put up with his new neighbors: the hyperactive Misaki, Don Juan Gene and recluse Ryunosuke. And just recently, the niece of the owner of this establishment moved into the hostel, who, as it turned out, is absolutely helpless in everyday life. She can't even dress herself! So now Sorata, in addition to his cats, takes care of another “pet” - a girl named Mashiro Sina. This is such an unusual Kitty from Sakurasou!


    The characters are the first and most obvious parallel between Sakurasou Pussycat and , so don't be surprised if I keep comparing them. By tradition, I provide only basic information without spoilers.

    anime protagonist. He ends up in Sakurasou because of his love for cats. Almost immediately she becomes a nanny for Mashiro. Unlike all the other residents of the dorm, he does not have any talents, which is why he suffers greatly and complains at every corner. But under the influence of Ryunosuke, he begins to engage in game design. The most ordinary guy.

    Sorata is similar to Ryuji in his responsibility to look after a dependent adult girl. Except Ryuji has at least some interesting features like an excessive love of cleaning, which I can’t say about Sorata. The most ordinary Japanese schoolboy, constantly yelling with or without reason. You can’t make such characters the main characters...

    main character. Talented artist completely unprepared for adult life. Comes to Japan from England to draw manga. Kind, sweet and spontaneous.

    I liked Mashiro. Perhaps the only character whose development was truly interesting to watch. Similar to Taiga in her lack of independence even in the most simple things, and the fact that the main character has to look after her.

    a hyperactive girl who draws a promising anime, the plot of which is invented for her by Jin. They have been friends since childhood. She is always cheerful and energizes those around her with her optimism.

    Incredibly similar to Minori Kushieda: just as active and cheerful, but at the same time possessing a deep inner world and hiding her worries behind a wide smile. Misaki simultaneously brings both freshness to the plot and a bunch of cliches to boot.

    Sorata’s friend, studies at the same school with him, and a little later also moves to the Sakura dormitory. She has to work very hard to pay for her training in seiyuu courses, since she doesn’t want to ask her parents for money out of principle.

    The most likable character of all. I really wanted everything to work out well for Nanami, I literally rooted for her success. She is just like main character, acts as a source common sense V general atmosphere madness, but, unlike Sorata, is not annoying with his constant screams.

    a Don Juan who disappears every day in the arms of all kinds of women. Lives in a dormitory, is in his last year high school. He comes up with a plot for an anime that Misaki draws, even though he is inferior to her in talent. IN good relations with Sorata, they often discuss their plans for the future.

    Illogical character. No, I understand that there is a struggle going on in his soul, that it is not easy for him, but all his problems can be solved with one simple action (as, indeed, this is what happens). Why connected with Jin and Misaki storyline it was necessary to inflate it into several episodes - I don’t understand.

    hostel owner. Thirty years old single woman, actively looking for a rich man. Likes to dress up revealing outfits. Worried about his age.

    An obvious parallel to the homeroom teacher from Toradora, their age and personality are absolutely similar... An ordinary character who adds some good jokes to the anime. No more, no less.

    a recluse who rarely leaves his room. He wrote a computer bot that communicates with the outside world for him. Computer genius, works remotely for large companies.

    Well, how can an anime about schoolchildren do without a computer genius? Another cliched character who was given too little screen time to really develop.

    That's basically all the residents of Sakurasou. There are several in the anime minor characters, but their role is insignificant, so I see no point in writing about them. I’ll just mention Mashiro’s friend from England by name Rita, whose character is like two peas in a pod and Ami Kawashima from Toradora (well, I can’t stop drawing parallels, sorry...). If we discard the obvious heredity of the characters and evaluate “The Kitty from Sakurasou” independently, then my opinion is the following: they are deep enough to be interesting, but not deep enough to be exciting. Yes, the types of heroes chosen are stereotyped, yes, similar heroes can be seen in almost every anime about everyday life. However, you don't often see characters everyone characters with the development of the plot are viewed from different angles. This made them really interesting to watch. It is difficult to demand originality from a genre that has already been traveled far and wide. It's like any anime about school, in each of which you will see a) school festival, b) New Year's celebration, c) exams, d) Valentine's Day. The only significant drawback, which catches the eye - this is the main character. An ordinary, boring main character, whose constant screams sooner or later begin to irritate.


    I watched “The Pussycat from Sakurasou” twice and enjoyed it both times. For the first time, I actually watched all twenty-four episodes in a matter of days, which already says a lot. The anime has cleverly intertwined elements Everyday life, romance, drama and comedy. Each element adds variety and depth to the plot. Their skillful combination allows you to alternate funny moments with serious ones, thanks to which you want to empathize with the characters. And it somehow doesn’t matter what the plot contains a large number of cliches and template scenes. You also need to be able to use templates so competently.

    anime literally permeated with an atmosphere of high aspirations and ambition. Every resident of Sakurasou strives at all costs to become better and fulfill his dream. This may seem strange to some: it looks too rosy and optimistic, as if they are telling us “let's hold hands and move forward towards a bright future.” In fact, everything very much depends on the environment. If you find yourself in a company of people who work hard on themselves, you will certainly want to become like them. And in a dorm you experience this to the greatest extent, since you are surrounded by your peers. If everyone is drinking, you will most likely start drinking too. If everyone is a bot, you will be a bot too. If they improve themselves... well, you get the idea.

    Despite all the advantages, I can’t help but highlight one significant drawback of “The Cat from Sakurasou” - The plot is very predictable. I can't remember a single moment when I felt even the slightest intrigue or saw unexpected turn plot.


    This is the best thing about Sakurasou. What questions can there be when an anime greets you with such a beautifully drawn female butt... Seriously, the drawing is truly wonderful. The first thing that catches your eye is soft, bright and unusual colors. Blues and pink colors. Backgrounds contain great amount small parts, which you begin to notice if you look closely.


    Two hours of calm, pleasant music. A large number of pleasant piano motifs that highlight the chosen drawing style so well. There are no questions about the music, the composers tried and did quality soundtrack. The openings and endings also did not disappoint, there was no desire to rewind them. The first ending turned out to be especially successful; the chorus can be listened to endlessly.


    And here lies weakness"Cats from Sakurasou." If you are expecting interesting romantic line, then you will be severely disappointed. The outcome is predictable, there is no intrigue. And if we talk about the relationship between Jin and Misaki, they generally seem somehow strange. Problems arise out of the blue, everyone starts running around like crazy and screaming, and then everything is resolved just as easily. Why there was a need to escalate the situation, why the problems were solved so easily - it’s not a damn thing. In general, I somehow didn’t get into the romance of “The Cat from Sakurasou”, in this regard it looks much stronger, at least there is intrigue there.


    A lot of vulgar humor, which I don’t like so much. Yes, there are a certain number of funny moments in each episode, but there was never one that made me burst out and laugh non-stop. Still, for rom-coms, the presence of at least one or two “crown” jokes has long been a standard. So I was somewhat disappointed. You can't go far with just a hyperactive Misaki and a screaming Sorata.


    Characters - 7.0. The stereotyped types of heroes were chosen, however, due to the proper depth of their characters, it is still interesting to watch them. The only one who turned out to be frankly unsuccessful is the main character.

    Plot - 8.0. Predictable and formulaic. But it's hard to stop watching.

    Drawing - 10.0. This is definitely the best thing about "The Cat from Sakurasou". Bright, detailed and with an unusually chosen color scheme.

    Music - 9.0. Great for a romantic comedy, and enhances the effect of the art.

    Romance - 6.0. Sakurasou's weak point. The outcome is obvious almost from the beginning of the series. In addition, the relationship between Jin and Misaki looks strange and unnatural.

    Humor - 7.0. Yes, there are funny moments, but there are very few sparkling jokes.


    Despite the large number of templates used, the anime does not look like a first-grader’s handicraft piece glued together from disparate pieces. Properly polished templates in an ideal way adjacent to each other, and make up a single, very attractive picture. I would compare Sakurasou to candy in a beautiful wrapper. But behind the cover of music and art lies the toffee of history: some will like it, but others will simply break their teeth on it after watching a couple of episodes. For example, I was lucky. Despite the obvious shortcomings, I got a lot of pleasure from watching it, and I wish you the same.


    Rudean, special for site

    P.S. The ending theme of the third episode gives you an overdose of emotion. Sweetness-kindness.

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    Review of the anime Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo (“The Cat from Sakurasou”, “The Pet Girl of Sakurasou”) was last modified: September 9th, 2018 by Rudean