Alla Koscheeva is a talented artist at just under seven years old. Educational games from Elena Koshcheeva

Continuation of the issue Let them talk - “They say and do”! In the studio we already know the heroes of past broadcasts. What changed in their lives after participating in the program? Today you will see Olesya Shapovalova, who was in serious condition for 8 months, the girl Alla Koscheeva, people affected by spice, as well as the famous group “Yudi” from Tomsk! Watch the episode Let them talk “They talk and do” - the second part from 06/24/2015.

Song at the beginning of the broadcast “They say and do”: Max Fadeev – Breach The Line

They say and do - part 2! Read more about each hero from past issues below.

Sochi instead of a daughter - Olesya Shapovalova

Yudi Group

“Yudi” demonstrated their dances right in the showroom. It's worth seeing! And tomorrow, June 25, you will see the THIRD broadcast of “They Say and Do”! Who else will come to the show and make us happy? Watch the broadcast of Let Them Talk “They Speak and Do” part 2 and write your comments below, and also subscribe to the latest latest episodes of “Let Them Talk.”

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But here, as in any seemingly hopeless situation, you can find a way to overcome obstacles. A question that both adults and children ask me very often is how does a girl who has small hands from birth with only three fingers instead of ten write, how does she hold a pen, a pencil?

We are moving firmly forward, and when the doctors announced the diagnosis of my daughter Allochka - “aplasia of the forearms and hands of both hands” - I went against everything and everyone, proving my girl’s competence in this world. Of course, I was not alone - it’s just that everyone who finds themselves in a similar situation should not isolate themselves in it, it is important to be open to possible help. I am sure that every person has fateful meetings and acquaintances. So, in 2010, we met a talented puppeteer and a good teacher who trained many generations of gifted actors and directors - Boris Andreevich Shcherbakov. Unfortunately, he is no longer alive, but while I am writing scripts and while young actors and puppeteers are performing various plays on stage, the memory of the talented artist and teacher will live on and be passed on from mouth to mouth.

Alla was three years old, she was already drawing, but she didn’t know how to hold a pencil, brush, or spoon correctly on her own. And then Boris Andreevich created a glove that was put on the hand and into which a brush was inserted, and then a pencil. This simple device made it possible to hold the pen in a certain position, subsequently control the inclination of writing and, to some extent, replaced the absence of fingers.

We have understood, and all parents need to understand, that visual and graphic analyzes play an important role in the formation of future writing skills. The child perceives visual images, and this is deposited in the hemispheres of the brain. I came up with games intuitively, using all the knowledge that I gained while working in kindergarten, and which could be used in simple home conditions.

There can be a lot of games and exercises, but the main thing is to play sincerely with the baby. Children sense falsehood very quickly, and then it is difficult to regain children's trust. Help them overcome uncertainty, encourage independent movements and actions, even if they are difficult for the baby and bring new troubles to you. It will all pay off. And even though the first letters will be clumsy, and maybe even completely unreadable, but written by the child himself, they will certainly cause him joy and a desire to write further. From the first letters - to the first words, from the first sentences - to the first expressions of your thoughts. Don't give up - and you will succeed!

Educational games from Elena Koshcheeva

1. Draw on the sand. We pour sand into a flat plate (it can be replaced with semolina or other small grains) and, holding the child’s hand in yours, together we begin to draw the sun, a tree, a house, signing with letters.

2. Patterns on glass. When the windows are a little foggy, we draw patterns and drawings on the glass - this is useful for the fine motor skills of the child’s hands, different sensations remain in the baby’s memory.

3. Books for the blind. At one time, my daughter and I took part in a competition and, having won it, received magnificent books for blind children as a gift. In them, each plot is drawn, squeezed out on paper, so the child, with his eyes closed, listened to his mother’s reading and felt the contours of the images on the page, creating images for himself and storing them in memory.

4. Our favorite dough! You can write and draw in it and on it, put stamps on it, and cut out figures with molds; it can be rolled up, sprinkled with flour or sugar, and much more. All this is very useful for the development of fine motor skills of a child’s fingers.

Dear readers, we remind you that last year in our newspaper we opened an author’s column “Special Children”, run by the mother of the young artist Alla Koshcheeva, Elena Alekseevna. She answers questions from readers raising special children who, due to congenital or acquired health limitations, do not have the opportunity to develop in a familiar environment, helping with advice and best practices from her own experience.

Send questions to Elena Koscheeva Can by phone 8-913-248-1607 or by email: [email protected] .

You can also contact the author of the column on the social networks “Odnoklassniki”, “VKontakte”, “Facebook” or send a question to the editorial office with the note “ Special children. For Koscheeva».

Photo by Elena Koshcheeva.

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In our article today:

Alla Koshcheeva is a talented artist; at just under seven years old, she is the author of two personal exhibitions, an actress in a home puppet theater, and simply a courageous person with a rich imagination and inner world. The fact is that Allochka achieved all these successes as a special child; since birth she has been diagnosed with aplasia of the forearm and hands of both hands.

Musical talent

Nature took away the girl’s arms from elbows to hands, but at the same time gave her enormous talent. And not alone. On the advice of the staff of the Social Assistance Center, Alla’s mother, Elena Koshcheeva, took the girl to an audition at the Mozart School. “She was one of the first to ask to play the instrument and began to select melodies,” says Elena. – Later, I asked the teacher if Alla could play the piano, they told me that she could. Moreover, Alla has talent, she feels and hears music well.”

So from the beginning of the school year, Alla will go not only to Lyceum No. 3, but also to a music school. And she already has the tool. It was presented to her by the famous Altai Stepan Mezentsev. After Alla discovered a talent for playing music, Elena was faced with the question of an instrument. There was a broken synthesizer at home. During a chance meeting with Stepan Mezentsev, with whom she studied in the same parallel class, Elena asked for advice on where she could repair the instrument. The violinist, having learned her story, gave the talented girl a new modern synthesizer.

– What do you like more – drawing or music? – I ask Ali.

“Drawing and music,” she answers, drawing the sun and flowers, and, after thinking a little, adds. - I need to draw a goat.

And with the words “it will be a black crazy goat,” he takes a black felt-tip pen. It’s a pleasure to listen to how this girl fantasizes over the picture. Here the goat stands “as if stuck to it”, now she has already raised her leg, and she is playing sports. So the name for the goat was born - Zhu-zhu-zhu...

“They wanted to buy this painting from the exhibition from me,” Elena Koshcheeva demonstrates the drawing “Migration of Birds.” - Only I didn’t agree. I like her the most. Look, each bird has its own expression, its wings are folded in its own way, its tails stick out in its own way.

Alla also dresses herself, puts away her toys, laces her shoes - her mother lists such simple achievements for many children, and for our little heroine, each of them is no longer an overcoming. After all, she has such skillful, strong hands. “And I do the laundry myself,” adds the young assistant.

To first grade

Alya is looking forward to the start of school with impatience and slight apprehension. They have almost everything ready - they bought a blue uniform, a beautiful snow-white blouse with frills, shoes, bows and a pink satchel. The blue uniform clearly suits the blue-eyed girl, and she expertly poses for our photojournalist. She has experience. This summer she was a participant in the photo project “Ordinary Childhood of Special Children.” You can see her in the role of Fairy at the photo exhibition in the Prospect Gallery.

Alya went to preparatory school, so she knows her future classmates and the teacher. “At first, my classmates were surprised and asked where Ali’s hands were and what was wrong with them,” says Elena. “After two weeks, they stopped paying attention to her hands, accepted her into their team, even the older students came to play with her. Everyone who was nearby helped collect the briefcase; there were always people willing to carry it.”

Alya listened with interest, and suddenly, before my eyes, a serious conversation between mother and daughter took place:

“If bad boys offend me, then I’ll hit them right in the face...” for some reason the girl spoke.

-Who will offend you, Alya? You are good, kind, beautiful.

- Well, there are all sorts of boys in schools.

“We need to negotiate with them verbally, not by force.”

– And if they do offend me, should I contact you?

- To the teacher, to friends. Friends are the most important thing.

Such a simple family conversation probably happened in every family. In any case, my daughter and I went through exactly this. But behind Alina’s anxiety lies something else - how can she, the special one, stand up against all those who will look askance at her or even point a finger?

Alya first asked the question why she was not like others at the age of four. “I explained that all people are different,” says Elena. – Some are tall, some are short, some are thin, some are fat. You were born special too. But although you have small hands, you can do even more with them than others. And when they tease her for being armless, I teach her to answer the offender: “You are telling a lie. I have hands, they're just small. But I can do everything with them that you can do.” I teach her to be proud of herself."

Golden mother

The story of the Koshcheev family is an example of the fact that limited health opportunities do not actually limit the world. And to achieve success, you don’t have to fight and overcome obstacles, you just need to do what you know, develop your talents and share them with the world. “When my daughter was born, the doctors assured that she would not be able to walk or would limp, she would not be able to care for herself, she would be disabled,” Elena now says with a smile. “I cried for a whole year, got over it, and then decided to make sure my child became the best.”

Allochka’s mother not only surrounded her with care and love, she vigilantly monitored her daughter’s desires and capabilities. Having seen how the five-month-old baby diligently traces circles with her finger in plates with porridge, on the table, on paper, she bought her paints. I found drawing lessons on the Internet. Took me to the early development center.

Moreover, Alla’s peculiarity helped Elena herself. A decorative artist by training, she worked for a long time as a teacher in a kindergarten. Taking care of her daughter, developing her abilities, Ali's drawings, and meeting theater artist Boris Shcherbakov prompted her to create a mini-theater of two actors - the Sineglazki Theater. And recently Elena Koshcheeva won a grant from the Altai Center for Social Innovation to open her own theater. “People with disabilities of all ages will play in it,” Lena shares her plans. “We are already preparing the play “The Dressy Chipmunk” based on an Altai fairy tale, in which I will play the jew’s harp, and my daughter will play the whistle.”

“Golden mother,” people around her say about her. After all, everything that Alya achieved happened not only thanks to her talent and hard work, but also to her mother, who, with an iron will and a loving motherly heart, canceled all diagnoses. And if at first she dreamed that prosthetics would provide them with a full life, she recently came to the thought: Alya lives a full life without them. Moreover, Arsen Ashotovich Osipov, head of the orthopedic department of the regional children's clinical hospital, frankly admitted that in Russia they could not offer them anything worthwhile. Only doll hands that do not provide motor functions and therefore do not develop the brain. Bionic prosthetics, indistinguishable from real hands and powered by brain impulses, are made only in Germany. The cost of one such prosthesis will cost 3 million rubles. But they can only be used after 14 years, when the skeleton is formed. Elena Koscheeva plans to save the required amount. “But I don’t know if she will want to change anything at that age,” my mother doubts.

Alisa Trostnikova