Interview with the Play group: “Family is the most important thing for us. Lyrics (lyrics) Lip balm

Almost every lady has a real Narnia hidden in her bag. Sometimes you can actually find something amazing there: shoes, colored pencils, electrical tape or even a wrench. But what do our star girls keep in their purses? We learned about this from Lisa Chepel from the PLAY Group.

1. Perfume

Every girl should have perfume in her bags. Especially when you live non-stop and you simply must always not only look perfect, but also leave behind a trail of a light, pleasant aroma. It is important for me to choose a universal scent that can be used both in everyday life and at social events, while its bottle should be compact and easily fit in a purse.

2. Headphones

I always have headphones with me. I love listening to music, it inspires me and gives me a positive mood. They are especially indispensable on long trips: you can watch a movie or listen to an audiobook on the road.

3. Lip balm

Our lips always need protection. In summer - from the scorching hot sun, in winter - from frost. Lip balms provide us with hydration and nutrition. Now there is a wide variety of these care products on the cosmetics market: strawberry, banana, peach, bright red and soft pink. You can choose the taste and color that suits you, and at this time your lips will always be under reliable protection.

4. Sunglasses

I can find sunglasses in my bag any time of the year. And it’s not even about the bright sunlight, but about the ubiquitous paparazzi, who strive to take pictures of you at the wrong moment. We all have days when we don't look as flawless as we'd like. Sometimes endless rehearsals and tours make themselves felt in the form of small dark circles under the eyes, and that’s when glasses come to the rescue.

5. Book

Despite my busy schedule, I really like to read. I believe that you need to instill the habit of reading any literature that interests you. You can start with 50 pages a day, and a little later you will notice that you are immersed in the work. That's why I almost always have a book in my bag.

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I want to

PLAY group: Vasya Klimenko and Liza Chepel

The PLAY group is friends Vasya Klimenko and Liza Chepel. Before the stage, the guys tried their hand at photography and fashion. However, the music won and on August 25, the premiere of the debut work “I Want” took place.

The video was shot by famous director Alan Badoev. Despite being seriously busy, he found a window in his filming schedule to film the debut work of young artists in one of the most prestigious country complexes in Ukraine “SunRay” “I love to open and I do it with love and pride” - so Badoev, who opened more than one to the audience a portrait of famous and emerging artists, commented on the upcoming premiere on his Instagram account.

Reference. Lisa Chepel is a talented director, as well as a casting director for the Miss Ukraine beauty pageant, and is also involved in charity work as part of the Beauty with a Purpose initiative. Vasya Klimenko is one of the most fashionable Ukrainian photographers, his portfolio includes work with such celebrities as: Alan Badoev, Max Barskikh, Anna Sedokova, Tatyana Kotova, Stas Piekha, Maria Yaremchuk and many others.

A young promising musical group called “Group Play” wins the hearts of viewers and listeners. The young duo is represented by Liza Chepel and Vasya Klimenko.

The Play group always appears to the public only as they are in real life: a little crazy in their youth, loving life and music, without trying on other people's images. This is how they captivate the audience.

Lisa Chepel

Lisa was born in Novomoskovsk into a close-knit family. The girl's love for music arose from childhood: she liked to come up with rhymes and compose songs. At school she discovered her talent as a choreographer. She staged dance performances for school events.

In addition, Lisa enjoyed participating in school plays. And then I entered theater directing. The theater became an integral part in Lisa’s life, but at the same time the girl began to engage in modeling.

After graduating from college, the girl was invited to the position of casting director for Miss Ukraine. She immediately went to Kyiv and passed an interview.

Vasily Klimenko

Vasya was born in Kharkov. He was an excellent student at school, never memorized anything, but at the same time, studying was easy for him. At the same time, the young man was a hooligan, which greatly surprised the teachers. As a result, he still graduated from school with a gold medal.

In his youth, he studied vocals and taekwondo. After school, he graduated from the Faculty of Management, and then received a master's degree with honors.

Having moved to Kyiv, Vasya began to study not only music, but also discovered a new talent in himself - photography.

How the duet came about

Future members of the group Vasya Klimenko (star photographer) and Lisa Chepel (casting director of a beauty contest) met at a photo shoot and, as both say, immediately realized that this acquaintance was not accidental.

The guys were truly united by Los Angeles, the city of music and cinema, in which they both found themselves at the same time by a happy coincidence. It was there that they decided to create a group, since both had long ago realized that the only thing they saw as their life was music.

Upon returning to their homeland, they create the group PLAY and turn for help to producer Alexander Dikol, known for his long-term collaboration with the eminent director Alan Badoev.

First clips

The first debut video was the work for the song “I Want,” directed by Alan Badoev. The premiere of the video was supported by many Russian stars; the press even called it a Star Flash Mob in support of the PLAY group.

To date, the group already has 4 videos, the premiere of the last of them, directed again by Alan Badoev, took place quite recently. The video was filmed in the guys' favorite city - Los Angeles.

Now the artists’ videos are in rotation on the most famous TV channels, and their songs can be heard on music radio stations.

Lisa Chepel and Vasya Klimenko always dreamed of being on stage. The guys studied music from an early age, but they started performing only a year ago. Despite this, their popularity immediately soared, so now we can hear their tracks both on the radio and on music channels. Women's magazine "Prelest" talked to the lead singers of the Play group:

  • Guys, your group is only a year old, but your videos are already playing on all TV channels, how did you achieve this?

Vasya: Lisa and I got to know each other through mutual friends. We saw each other several times at general get-togethers, but for some reason we didn’t exchange contacts. But it so happened that we crossed paths by chance in Los Angeles and realized that we wanted to create a group.

  • Was it difficult to start your vocal career?

Lisa: It was extremely difficult for us to explain to our parents why we want to become artists. They believed that this was a frivolous profession. Vasya’s father, for example, wanted him to become an economist, but mine thought that I would become a director. But one fine day we came and said that we were creating a vocal group. They were shocked, but accepted our choice in the end.

  • Have you ever had any doubts: is it worth studying vocals?

Vasya: No, we never doubted it. We liked music since childhood. Lisa sang and wrote poems, I was also interested in her. But our parents didn’t think that we could later connect our lives with music. And at this time we dreamed of a stage.

Lisa: I remember how I loved watching clips of stars that were shown on TV and always wanted to be on the other side of the screen.

  • Do you remember your first performance?

Vasya: Certainly. There was a beauty contest. More than three thousand people gathered in the hall. At first it was incredibly scary to perform, but not even a minute had passed from our appearance on stage before we had literally blown up the hall. The audience clapped for us, and we felt the atmosphere so much that we wanted to sing again and again.

  • Are there conflicts in your team?

Vasya: Rarely. Basically, our work together is based on fun and positivity, but nevertheless, we understand that we cannot relax and work hard. And we solve all problems peacefully and together.

  • Do you spend a lot of time together outside of work?

Lisa: Yes, we see each other often, we go for walks, go to the cinema and cafes, and we also fly together on vacation. That's why some people think there's more to you than that?

Vasya: Yes, many people think that we have love, but this is not so. We have a strong friendship.

  • What does family mean to you?

Lisa: Family is the most important thing for us. But, unfortunately, due to constant rehearsals and concerts, we devote catastrophically little time to it. The second big problem: our parents live with us in different cities. But these rare meetings, when we still manage to get out to them, are the happiest and warmest.

Vasya: And in the future, of course, we also want to create a family in which harmony, mutual understanding and love would reign. But we understand that this is extremely difficult for artists. Due to constant touring, there is practically no time left for personal life.

  • How often do you manage to rest? And how do you prefer to do it?

Vasya: Sometimes we get the feeling that we spend all our time on work. Our schedule includes constant rehearsals, filming, working on new tracks, vocal and choreography classes, and sometimes we don’t even have enough time to meet with friends and family. If we have a day off, we rush to visit our parents or have warm evenings in the company of friends.

Lisa: During the year, we don’t often manage to go somewhere to relax, so in January we take a vacation for a whole month and fly abroad.

  • Do you like to cook? Share the recipe of your favorite dish with our readers.

Lisa: I really like to cook, but I hardly go home lately. I arrive closer to night, and in the morning there are already things to do. But I still have a recipe for an easy breakfast. I try to eat healthy, so sometimes I start my day with protein.

Delicate cottage cheese with melon is an ideal option for breakfast. The recipe is extremely simple: you need to mix cottage cheese and small pieces of melon in a blender until smooth to get a delicate fruit and curd cream, which will soon become your favorite breakfast.

  • Do you have your own signature beauty secrets?

Lisa: I’m lucky - I have fairly clean skin by nature, but still, once every two months I visit a cosmetologist and do light scrubs and nourishing face masks, go through a hardware cleansing procedure to always keep my skin in good condition and use expensive and high-quality cosmetics

In addition, you need to carefully monitor your diet. The more vitamins and minerals you get from foods, the better you look and feel.

  • What motto always helps you in difficult situations?

Vasya: You have to believe in yourself and think positively. If you are positive, then everything will be fine. Also make it a rule to treat everything with humor.

  • Where do you get your inspiration?

Lisa: We draw inspiration from communicating with interesting people who share their experiences and observations with us. Movies, quality music and nature also motivate.

  • What would you wish to the audience of the magazine “Prelest”?

Vasya: Never stand still, develop and listen to your soul, because it is she who knows in which direction you need to move.