At The Disco. Biography Panic! At The Disco Translation of songs by panic at the disco

Genre: alternative rock, pop punk, baroque pop, indie rock, pop rock

A country: USA

Years of activity 2004 - present, since 2015 - solo project


Panic! At the Disco is a rock band from Las Vegas, Nevada (USA). The original lineup included: Brendon Boyd Urie (vocals, guitar, piano, accordion), Spencer James Smith Fifth (drums), George Ryan Ross III (lead guitar, vocals, songwriter), Jonathan Jacob Walker (bass guitar). In 2009, Ryan Ross and John Walker announced their retirement. Throughout its history, the group has released 5 studio and 2 live albums. The debut album, 2005's A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, which peaked at No. 13 on the Billboard charts, has sold 2.2 million copies since its release on September 27, 2005. The group's second album, Pretty. Odd" was released on March 25, 2008 and debuted at number two in the US. The group's third album, "Vices & Virtues", was released on March 22, 2011 with a "half lineup". In 2013, the fourth album “Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!” was released. Spencer Smith left the band in 2015.

Oh well, imagine me walking down the church aisle past the pews
And I can’t help it, all I hear is, no, I can’t help it, all I hear is an exchange of words
“What a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding!” says the bridesmaid to the waiter,
“And yes, what a shame, what a shame, the poor groom’s bride is a whore.”

No, it's better to face such things with a sense of self-control and rationality

Well, actually, well, I'll look at it this way, technically our marriage is saved
Well it calls for a toast, so pour out the champagne

I barge into the conversation and say, “Haven’t you people ever heard of shutting the damn door?”
No, it's better to face such things with a sense of self-control and rationality
I barge into the conversation and say, “Haven’t you people ever heard that you should close the damn door?”
No, it's better to face such things with a sense of self-control and rationality

I barge into the conversation and say, “Haven’t you people ever heard of shutting the damn door?”
No, it's better to face such things with a sense of self-control and rationality
I barge into the conversation and say, “Haven’t you people ever heard that you should close the damn door?”
No, it's better to face such things with a sense of self-control and rationality

For a second, forget everything you already knew about Panic! At The Disco. This means forgetting that the group debuted in 2005 with the album “Fever You Can"t Sold Out,” which sold two million copies, and their video for the song “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” took first place on MTV and grabbed one of the music awards for best video in 2006, and finally, erase from your memory all the concerts that the group has played over the past three years, all appearances on radio stations, television programs and all press interviews.
The band's history can begin with the moment when twelve-year-old Ryan Ross was given a guitar for Christmas, and his friend and neighbor Spencer Smith persuaded his parents to buy him a drum kit. These two were also united by their sympathy for the work of the group Blink 182. Having gained musical experience by performing cover versions of Blink 182 in schools, they decided that it was time to take on their own creativity, and invited classmates Brent Wilson (bass) and Brandon to join their future group Uri (vocals).
The group's creativity was distinguished by some unpredictability - Panic! At the Disco mixed everything from guitar rock to techno dance rhythms in their songs. In 2005, they sent Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz a link to a page with their songs in his Livejournal diary. Wentz liked what he heard and traveled to Las Vegas to meet the musicians. After meeting them, he signed them to his own label. The band's debut album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, was released in September 2005, after which the band immediately began playing concerts as part of various joint tours. And already in May 2006 Panic! At The Disco played their own shows throughout Europe. In the spirit of David Bowie and Pink Floyd, Panic! At The Disco plan their shows in detail. At performances they can be seen in circus costumes surrounded by acrobats.
In 2008, the group’s second album, “Pretty. Odd”, in which the group experiments in every possible way with style and sound. The band seems to have dug deep into their parents' records, and you can hear Brian Wilson, The Beatles, and the lesser-known Zombies on the album. The first single of the album “Nine In The Afternoon” (the video for this song was released even before the release of the album itself) with a clear Beatles influence, the country song “Pas De Cheval”, the indie rock composition “Northern Downpour” - with these songs the guys seem to prove how they have grown compared to the first album.
“We tried to give each song its own personality, writing them so that they weren't like anything we'd ever written before,” Ross explains.
The album was produced by Rob Mathers, who previously worked with Lenny Kravitz and Avril Lavigne.
Unlike the first album “Pretty. Odd" was recorded almost entirely in the band's hometown of Las Vegas, with final arrangements taking place at the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London.
"I hope you get the idea of ​​'Pretty.' Odd” and you’ll immediately see the difference between our two albums,” says Ross, “give us a chance!” I think a lot of our songs are more musical and original than most of what's on the top of the charts right now."
We couldn't agree more, and we're sure you'll support us!


American rock band Panic! at the Disco was formed in 2004 in the suburbs of Las Vegas by school friends - vocalist and guitarist Ryan Ross and drummer Spencer Smith. Later, the lineup was supplemented by bass guitarist Brent Wilson and guitarist/backing vocalist Brendon Urie. Uri later became the lead vocalist. The group's first material was songs. PATD did not perform, but tried to make demo recordings. Soon the musicians decided to quit their studies and focus entirely on music - as a result, Ross had a fight with his father, and Uri was kicked out of the house altogether.

Later, the musicians posted several songs on the Internet and sent a link to the bass player fall out Boy Pete Wentz. He, clearly impressed by what he heard, went to Las Vegas, where he was convinced with his own eyes (at rehearsals) that PATD were a worthy team, and signed them to the new Decaydance Records label in December 2004. In addition to the Internet, the team received great help from Wentz, who in every possible way advertised it. In the spring of 2005, the musicians went to the studio in the state. Maryland.

According to Ross, the studio sessions were hard, seven days a week, 12-14 hours a day. Naturally, the situation within the group could not help but become tense. However, the debut album A Fever You Can't Sweat Out was released in September 2005 and sold approximately 10,000 copies in its first week. In terms of material, the album itself was divided into two parts - more synthetic and more lively. The group itself, having recently given its first concert, went on tour as part of the Nintendo Fusion Tour along with fall out Boy, Motion City Soundtrack, The Starting Line and Boys Night Out. By the end of the year, PATD's first video clip for the song " I Write Sins Not Tragedies", and sales exceeded 500,000. As a result, the disc went platinum, and the video received an MTV award. In May 2006, it was announced that bass player Wilson was fired as he was not responsible enough and did not want to develop, and John Walker became a new member of the band. The band toured extensively all year and even performed at the Reading festival, where the musicians were pelted with bottles - Uri lost consciousness, but as soon as the vocalist came to his senses, the performance continued. At the end of the tour, PATD They focused on new material, and in May 2007 they went into the studio to work on their second album. After that, after traveling with concerts in the summer, the musicians suddenly decided to remake the already recorded material.

At the beginning of 2008, the group published a new logo without an exclamation mark, and a new album, Pretty. Odd. was released in March - it sold 54,000 copies on its first day and sold 139,000 copies within a week. Despite more moderate sales in the end, critics accepted the new work better than the previous one. This was followed by a tour again, which resulted in the release of a live album. Live In Chicago. The musicians themselves focused on environmental issues during the tour.

In the spring of 2009 Panic! at the Disco went into the studio again, but in July it was announced that Walker and Ross were leaving due to creative differences, but this did not disrupt the band's plans. The first song recorded without departed musicians “ New Perspective"sounded in the film "Jennifer's Body." The exclamation mark soon returned to the PATD logo, and in August 2009 the band, complete with session musicians (Ian Crawford on guitar and bassist Dallon Weeks), toured tour with Blink-182. The team, officially reduced to the duet of Uri and Smith, spent almost the entire 2010 recording the third album, and in March 2011, the Vices & Virtues disc was finally released and was well received by the public. PATD had already been on tour for a month at that point. Song " Mercenary"was featured on the soundtrack to the video game Barman: Arkham City.