Competition of children's choreographic groups. Children's dance competitions

Hitler and his dog Blondie on the Berghof terrace.

On May 4, 1945, Private I. D. Churakov drew attention to the bomb crater to the left of the entrance to the Fuhrer’s bunker. At the bottom of the crater lay the half-burnt corpses of a man and a woman, covered with a layer of earth. Only the next day the bodies were taken out, and in the same crater they found the corpses of two dogs, a German shepherd and a puppy...

Blondie(German) Blondie) is a German Shepherd that belonged to Adolf Hitler. It was given to the Führer by Martin Bormann in 1941 and remained with Hitler even when he moved to a bunker under the Reich Chancellery in April 1945. In the bunker, Blondie gave birth to a litter of five puppies from the German shepherd Harass, which belonged to the widow of the architect Paul Troost. Hitler named one of the puppies Wolf ("wolf") in his honor (" noble wolf" - the meaning of the name Adolf). Before committing suicide, the Fuhrer ordered his attending physician Ludwig Stumpfegger to kill Blondie by giving her cyanide tablets. When representatives entered the bunker Soviet troops, they discovered the corpses of Blondie and one of her puppies, the fate of the other four puppies remained unknown.

Adolf Hitler, he said, loved dogs. In his “Table Talks” of 1942, the Fuhrer calls himself a “friend of animals” and declares: “I especially love dogs, preferably bitches.” He also spoke about the behavior of his beloved shepherd Blondie.

Adolf Hitler was very fond of dogs. In his “table conversations” of 1942, the Fuhrer calls himself a “friend of animals” and declares “I especially love dogs, preferably bitches.” He also talked about the behavior of his beloved shepherd Blondie...

Hitler poisoned his “girl” Blondie with his own hands. This happened on April 29, 1945, when Soviet troops were already a kilometer from the Reich Chancellery bunker, where Hitler and his entourage were located.

Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun at the Berghof. Hitler walks Blondie.

The next day, almost at the same time, after lunch, around 15:00, Hitler put a bullet in his mouth. His wife, whom he married two days ago, Eva Braun, after the wedding Eva Hitler, took a capsule of potassium cyanide. She was not yet 35 years old, and by this time the shepherd Blondie was 7 and a half years old

In the letter of the Chief Forensic Expert of the 1st Belorussian Front F.I. Shkarovsky, regarding Blondie and her puppy there are the following lines .

Blondie's corpse

« On May 5-7, 2 dog corpses and 2 charred corpses were delivered - Hitler and Eva Braun. No documentation. All these corpses were also opened by us without any objections from Smersh. (Acts No. 12, 13, 3, 4.)

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the autopsies of 3 corpses.

1. The corpse of a small shepherd; he had a penetrating bullet wound to the head with brain damage and a penetrating bullet wound to the chest. These two perforating wounds were quite possibly caused by one shot.

In our act, we indicated that the method of killing this dog could be as follows: an ampoule of hydrocyanic acid was introduced into the dog’s mouth, possibly with food, she crushed it with her teeth and immediately threw it out, but a certain amount of poison got into the respiratory tract, convulsions occurred, but death did not occur immediately, then the dog was shot...

2. The corpse of Eva Braun, significantly burnt. There is multiple penetrating intravital fragmentation wound [of the chest with a wound to the heart sac, lung, with large hemorrhage into the pleural cavity, as well as small metal fragments in the lungs. There are fragments of the ampoule in the mouth again!

We believe that Eva Braun’s body was hit by fragments of a mine or artillery shell”...

The Mueller interrogation report contains the following lines:

… “A little earlier he replaced the Fuhrer when he went for a traditional walk with his dog. Such walks were quite common and no one paid attention to them, so no one noticed the forgery when it was not Hitler who returned to the bunker, but his double with a shepherd dog similar to Blondie”...

Adolf Hitler walks his dog - a German shepherd named Blondie .

As Müller said, “We created a double, dressed him in Hitler’s uniform, then shot him and buried him where he was sure to be found. So why bother now with questions about whether Hitler is alive or dead? In any case, after the events of the spring of 1945, the Fuhrer never appeared before a large public, which, at least, spoke of his political death.

Hitler and his dog Blondie on the Berghof terrace.

On May 4, 1945, Private I. D. Churakov drew attention to the bomb crater to the left of the entrance to the Fuhrer’s bunker. At the bottom of the crater lay the half-burnt corpses of a man and a woman, covered with a layer of earth. Only the next day the bodies were taken out, and in the same crater they found the corpses of two dogs, a German shepherd and a puppy...

Blondie(German) Blondie) is a German Shepherd that belonged to Adolf Hitler. It was given to the Führer by Martin Bormann in 1941 and remained with Hitler even when he moved to a bunker under the Reich Chancellery in April 1945. In the bunker, Blondie gave birth to a litter of five puppies from the German shepherd Harass, which belonged to the widow of the architect Paul Troost. Hitler named one of the puppies Wolf ("wolf") in his honor ("noble wolf" is the meaning of the name Adolf). Before committing suicide, the Fuhrer ordered his attending physician Ludwig Stumpfegger to kill Blondie by giving her cyanide tablets. When representatives of the Soviet troops entered the bunker, they discovered the corpses of Blondie and one of her puppies; the fate of the other four puppies remained unknown.

Adolf Hitler, he said, loved dogs. In his “Table Talks” of 1942, the Fuhrer calls himself a “friend of animals” and declares: “I especially love dogs, preferably bitches.” He also spoke about the behavior of his beloved shepherd Blondie.

Adolf Hitler was very fond of dogs. In his “table conversations” of 1942, the Fuhrer calls himself a “friend of animals” and declares “I especially love dogs, preferably bitches.” He also talked about the behavior of his beloved shepherd Blondie...

Hitler poisoned his “girl” Blondie with his own hands. This happened on April 29, 1945, when Soviet troops were already a kilometer from the Reich Chancellery bunker, where Hitler and his entourage were located.

Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun at the Berghof. Hitler walks Blondie.

The next day, almost at the same time, after lunch, around 15:00, Hitler put a bullet in his mouth. His wife, whom he married two days ago, Eva Braun, after the wedding Eva Hitler, took a capsule of potassium cyanide. She was not yet 35 years old, and by this time the shepherd Blondie was 7 and a half years old

In the letter of the Chief Forensic Expert of the 1st Belorussian Front F.I. Shkarovsky, regarding Blondie and her puppy there are the following lines .

Blondie's corpse

« On May 5-7, 2 dog corpses and 2 charred corpses were delivered - Hitler and Eva Braun. No documentation. All these corpses were also opened by us without any objections from Smersh. (Acts No. 12, 13, 3, 4.)

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the autopsies of 3 corpses.

1. The corpse of a small shepherd; he had a penetrating bullet wound to the head with brain damage and a penetrating bullet wound to the chest. These two perforating wounds were quite possibly caused by one shot.

In our act, we indicated that the method of killing this dog could be as follows: an ampoule of hydrocyanic acid was introduced into the dog’s mouth, possibly with food, she crushed it with her teeth and immediately threw it out, but a certain amount of poison got into the respiratory tract, convulsions occurred, but death did not occur immediately, then the dog was shot...

2. The corpse of Eva Braun, significantly burnt. There is multiple penetrating intravital fragmentation wound [of the chest with a wound to the heart sac, lung, with large hemorrhage into the pleural cavity, as well as small metal fragments in the lungs. There are fragments of the ampoule in the mouth again!

We believe that Eva Braun’s body was hit by fragments of a mine or artillery shell”...

The Mueller interrogation report contains the following lines:

… “A little earlier he replaced the Fuhrer when he went for a traditional walk with his dog. Such walks were quite common and no one paid attention to them, so no one noticed the forgery when it was not Hitler who returned to the bunker, but his double with a shepherd dog similar to Blondie”...

Adolf Hitler walks his dog - a German shepherd named Blondie .

As Müller said, “We created a double, dressed him in Hitler’s uniform, then shot him and buried him where he was sure to be found. So why bother now with questions about whether Hitler is alive or dead? In any case, after the events of the spring of 1945, the Fuhrer never appeared before a large public, which, at least, spoke of his political death.

Hitler's dogs This year the whole world celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany. How more years passes since then, the more historians find new facts. And they, one must think, are sometimes interspersed with amazing myths. Adolf Hitler's love for dogs was well known. As a soldier, he went to fight in the First World War with a smooth fox terrier. Adolf carried his beloved dog in a duffel bag, never parting with him on the front line. Photos of this dog have been preserved in the archives. Even in love adventures the future Fuhrer, according to his biographers, could not do without his four-legged friends. In his youth, he more than once, overcoming his shyness towards the female sex, met girls on walks with dogs. ...The last period of the Fuhrer’s life is associated with his beloved shepherd Blondie. All of Germany knew about her. The nickname Blondie has become very popular. Therefore, restrictions were introduced that it could only be given to purebred dogs and only to females. Before the collapse, Hitler, already preparing for death, made sure that his shepherd did not go to the winners. He himself fed her the fast-acting poison. FOX TERRIER FOXEL Adolf has passionately loved hunting and guard dogs since his youth. When did the first one begin? World War, he went to the front with his favorite smooth fox terrier Foxel. Hitler took him with him more than once when he went on the attack, ate with him from the same bowl, and carried him in his knapsack during tedious marches. In 1917, unknown attackers stole Foxel. Hitler could not come to his senses for a long time, and after the loss of his brave friend he never got fox terriers again.

GERMAN SHEPHERD - BLONDI Blondi (German: Blondi) is the nickname of a German shepherd that belonged to Adolf Hitler. It was given to the Führer by Martin Bormann in 1941 and remained with Hitler even when he moved to a bunker under the Reich Chancellery in April 1945. In the bunker, Blondie gave birth to a litter of five puppies from the German shepherd Harass, which belonged to the widow of the architect Paul Troost. Hitler named one of the puppies Wolf ("wolf") in his honor (wolf is the meaning of the name Adolf). Before committing suicide, the Fuhrer ordered his attending physician Ludwig Stumpfegger to kill Blondie by giving her cyanide tablets. When representatives of the Soviet troops entered the bunker, they discovered the corpses of Blondie and one of her puppies; the fate of the other four puppies remains unknown. From Goebbels' diary, May 30, 1942. “He protected a young German shepherd named “Blondie” like the apple of his eye. Those who were close to Hitler say that he enjoyed walks with the dog because only with it he could be sure that [his companion] would not start a conversation about war or politics . The Fuhrer slowly but surely became lonely, and you should have seen him playing with this young shepherd dog. The animal grew so attached to its owner that it could not take a step without him. It is very nice to see the Fuhrer with his dog. The dog is the only thing Living being, which is next to him at any given time. At night she sleeps at the Fuhrer's feet in his bed, in his sleeping car in the special train, and enjoys a number of other privileges... not available to ordinary people." Fräulein Jung describes Hitler's state after he saw Blondie's body: "His face was like his own death mask. He locked himself in his room without saying a word." Regarding the puppies, she wrote: The dog whelped in early April 1945 and was now nursing five puppies. As Schaub and his secretaries would later report, Hitler was very attached to the puppies and personally fed them several times a day. The dog and puppies even ran into the bunker bathroom, and within final days Hitler spent a lot of time with them throughout his life. He would often pick up one of the puppies and then sit on the unupholstered bench in the waiting room, silently holding it in his arms and not paying any attention to those around him. In his last days, Hitler talked a lot about dogs. IN final hours in his life they were more important to the Fuhrer than the people who betrayed and deceived him.

Hitler's dogs could talk and read The new book "Amazing Dogs in History" talks about unusual experiences Nazis It turns out that Hitler had a “psychological weapon” in his arsenal - talking dogs. This was a little-known Nazi plan to defeat the enemy. This is exactly what the author of the new book “Amazing Dogs in History”, Ian Bondeson from Cardiff University (UK), says. According to him, he obtained his information from the Nazi archives. The Germans considered their four-legged friends to be as smart as people, and therefore tried to teach them to talk to their SS owners, read (reports?), and also instill their thoughts in them at a distance, that is, they conducted telepathy experiments, reports the Daily Mail. For this purpose, a special school for dogs called “Tier-Sprechschule ASRA” was created. It was located near Hanover in 1930 and existed under the leadership of a certain Margaret Schmitt until the end of the war. Our own were no exception to such upbringing. german shepherds Fuhrer Blondie and Bell. Even photographs from those times show that Hitler not only admired his pets, but talked to them about something. Although, this did not stop the dictator from killing his favorite Blondie a few minutes before his suicide in 1945. Dr. Karl Kroll conducts experiments on telepathy between dogs and people. The dogs were taught to give special signals using their paws - to tap words with their paws on special keys. Each letter was designated by a certain number of clicks. And, for example, a dachshund named Kurwenal, the letters were designated by a certain number of pronouns “woof”. Some of the tailed "disciples" are said to have even been able to imitate human voice. For example, some could say the words “Mein Fuhrer” to the question “Who is Adolf Hitler?” And the German pointer Don uttered the following phrase: “Hungry! Give me a cookie!” And there were also such sources as testifying that they “wrote” poetry! The Germans' goal was to use animals to work alongside the SS and guard concentration camps in order to free officers. But they certainly could not be used as a “psychological weapon” against Soviet troops. Before they had time to bark at us like human beings.

Here's another one dog story bordering on the absurd. However, dictators always did not tolerate ridicule. The Case of the Mockingdog, or a Personal Insult to Hitler The Nazi government in Germany was furious with a dog trained to imitate Hitler, which launched a real campaign against its Finnish owner. This whole story became known thanks to recently discovered documents. During World War II, the Foreign Office in Berlin ordered its diplomats operating in a Nazi-friendly country to collect detailed information about the dog and its owner. The dog, named Jackie, was an ordinary mongrel owned by Toru Borg, a businessman from the Finnish city of Tampere. Borg's wife, Josephine, a German citizen who does not recognize Nazism, taught the dog a trick that it performed on the command "Hitler" - the dog raised its paw high up, which was very reminiscent of the Nazi salute. This is stated in documents recently found in the political archives of the German Foreign Ministry. On January 29, 1941, the German vice-consul in Helsinki, Willi Erkelenz, wrote that “a witness who does not want to give his name said ... that he himself saw and heard how the Borg dog responded to the command “Hitler” by throwing its paw up.” Borg, who survived the war and died in 1959 at the age of 60, was summoned to the German embassy in Helsinki, where he was asked questions about his dog's unusual habit. He denied ever naming the dog after the German dictator, but admitted that his wife called him that. He tried to downplay the accusations by saying that the paw trick only happened a few times in 1933 - shortly after Hitler came to power. The Finnish merchant assured Nazi diplomats that he had never done anything “that could be considered an insult to the German Reich.” Zealous diplomats in Helsinki did not believe him and sent him to Berlin: “Despite Borg’s assurances, he is clearly not telling the truth.” Various ministries were involved in this dog scandal - the already mentioned Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economics and even Hitler's Chancellery - all of them methodically presented their reports... about the dog. The Ministry of Economic Affairs announced that the German chemical concern IG Farben, which supplies Borg with wholesale pharmaceuticals, has been ordered to liquidate his company by ceasing all cooperation with him. Through all this fuss, the Foreign Office looked for ways to put Borg on trial for insulting Hitler, but in the end, none of the potential witnesses were prepared to repeat their accusations before a judge. On March 21, 1941, the Foreign Office asked Hitler's office whether to bring charges against Borg, and five days later the answer was received: "Given that the circumstances cannot be fully proven, it is not worth bringing charges." Klaus Hillenbrand, an expert on the history of Germany during the Nazi period, calls this episode "completely idiotic." "A few months before the Nazis launched an attack on Soviet Union, they couldn’t find anything better than to deal with some dog,” Hillenbrand marvels.