Hemingway about love. Ernest Hemingway: quotes, aphorisms, sayings

Wise statements about life and love with meaning from great people - philosophers and writers, sages and geniuses of past centuries. The whole world knows these people. Their words have become the rules of life for millions of people on the planet. Quotes from the past, but they have so much life meaning.

Jean-Paul Sartre, quotes

“True freedom begins on the other side of despair.”

“A person is not the sum of what he has, but a derivative of what he does not yet have, but may have.”

“Stating “I can” leads to positive result, saying “I can’t” does not lead to any result.”

“Smart people are not evil; anger presupposes narrow-mindedness.”

“Love has nothing to do with possessions. Her highest manifestation- provide freedom."

“The same stupid thing should not be done twice; in the end there is quite a lot to choose from.”

“Dying is not everything. It's important to die on time."

“A woman, a friend or a city is not abandoned in one fell swoop.”

“You cannot become a saint by working sixteen hours a day.”

“We cannot tear out a single page from our lives, although we can easily throw the book itself into the fire.”

“A person has a hole in his soul the size of God, and everyone fills it as best they can.”

“We are only important in our decisions.”

“Only those who don’t row have time to rock the boat.”

“If you break down victory into its smallest details, it cannot be distinguished from defeat.”

“Nothing changes as often as the past.”

Albert Camus, quotes

“After a certain age, each person is responsible for his own face.”

“When religion meets politics, the Inquisition is born.”

“It’s easier to live with a bad reputation than with a good one, because a good reputation is hard to maintain, you need to be on top all the time - after all, any failure is tantamount to a crime. At bad reputation breakdowns are forgivable."

“Men and women either devour each other too quickly in what is called the act of love, or they gradually form the habit of being together. Most often there is no middle ground between these two extremes.”

“The mind is powerless before the cry of the heart.”

“True concern for the future is to give everything to the present.”

“Injustice is either cooperated or fought.”

Confucius: Wise Quotes Chinese philosopher

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

Confucius was once asked the question: “Is it right to return good for evil?”
To which he replied: “You need to respond to good with good, and you need to respond to evil with justice.”

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.

I’m not upset if people don’t understand me, I’m upset if I don’t understand people.

If someone wants to seriously offend you, it means it’s even worse for them.

We take advice in drops, but give it in buckets.

There are three ways for a person to act wisely: the first, the most noble, is reflection; the second, the easiest, is imitation; the third, the most bitter, is experience.

The attraction of hearts gives birth to friendship, the attraction of the mind - respect, the attraction of bodies - passion, and only all three together give birth to love.

You can curse the darkness all your life, or you can light a small candle.

Never tell anything good or bad about yourself. In the first case, they won’t believe you, and in the second, they will embellish it.

When it is obvious that a goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your plan of action.

It doesn’t matter how fast you move towards your goal, the main thing is not to stop.

In fact, life is simple, but we persistently complicate it.

If you want to feed a person once, give him a fish. If you want to feed him for life, teach him to fish

If they spit in your back, it means you are ahead!

Beware of enjoying pleasures that may cost your neighbor tears.

When your parents are alive, do not go far, and if you do, make sure your place of stay is known.

Best Oscar Wilde Quotes

We cannot stand people with the same shortcomings as us.

You love everyone, and loving everyone means not loving anyone. You are equally indifferent to everyone.

A person is very embarrassed when he speaks on his own behalf. Give him a mask and he will tell you the whole truth.

To be good means to live in harmony with yourself.

There is a kind of voluptuousness in self-flagellation. And when we blame ourselves, we feel that no one else has the right to blame us anymore.

People call their mistakes experience.

Be yourself, the rest of the roles are taken.

To regain youth, you just have to repeat all its follies.

You should never trust a woman who tells you her age. A woman capable of this is capable of anything.

As one witty Frenchman said, women inspire us to do great things, but always prevent us from doing them.

Women exist to be loved, not to be understood.

There are only two real tragedies in life: one is when you don’t get what you want, and the second is when you get it.

People always laugh at their own tragedies - this the only way carry them.

The best quotes from Frederic Stendhal

Trying to be yourself is the only way to succeed.

Love - only passion, which is paid with the same coin that it mints.

When we are confident in the love of a woman, we are interested in the degree of her beauty; when we doubt her heart, we have no time to think about her face.

A great man is like an eagle: the higher he flies, the less visible he is; for his greatness he is punished by spiritual loneliness.

Extremely beautiful women cause not so much amazement at the second meeting.

Flexibility of mind can replace beauty.

The ideal woman should be a mistress in the living room and a courtesan in bed.

Love forgives everything, except for voluntary absence.

In love-passion, perfect happiness lies not so much in intimacy as in the last step towards it.

A woman considers herself beautiful if she is well dressed.

When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, after less than two months, the water of the source becomes bitter.

The greatest pleasure that Love can give you is when you take your loved one's hand for the first time.

Love has only one law: you need to make your loved one happy.

Oh, how many flattering poems, quotes, stories have been written by humanity... About love, it would seem, what else can be added - about such a wonderful feeling as love? But no, you can write about love endlessly, because every word in the Russian dictionary can blend harmoniously with the word love.

I was convinced of this myself, how diverse the Russian language is and how many flattering quotes, aphorisms, statuses and statements about love were written by famous and not so famous famous people. Do you read some quotes and statuses about love and wonder where they get the ideas for writing such powerful quotes and statuses? In fact, everything is simple, when a person is in an elevated state, when the soul opens, when a person loves, then the lines literally flow themselves... I think this can be confirmed by everyone who has loved. Here you don’t have to be a poet or a poet. You just need to try, and then inspiration will arrive...

In the meantime, please enjoy the ready-made quotes, aphorisms and of course modern statuses about love.

Short statuses, quotes, aphorisms about life and love from Great People

Nicholas Sparks "The Notebook"

Love doesn't always come when you want it. Sometimes it happens against your will. Virginia Andrews "Flowers in the Attic"

Only strong love can smooth out those minor misunderstandings that arise when life together. Theodore Dreiser

For every woman there is one all-consuming love; everything after it is a conscious feeling when you just feel good that he is nearby.

Elchin Safarli. If you could know..

Not to be loved is just failure, not to love is misfortune. Albert Camus

In one hour of love - whole life... O. Balzac

There is only one remedy for love: to love even more. Henry David Thoreau

Real love born in hard times. And only after going through pain and suffering can one truly appreciate happiness. John Green

The horror and darkness of death are powerless before love.
Henrik Ibsen

I really like her, but I'm not in love with her.
- And she’s in love with you, although she doesn’t like you very much. Oscar Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

Stone fences cannot stop love. "Romeo and Juliet"

Where there is a lot of love, there are many mistakes. Where there is no love, everything is a mistake. Thomas Fulle

It is amazing how little a person feels his poverty when he loves.
John Bulware

Love is a knife with which I dig into myself. Franz Kafka

The one you love and the one who loves you can never be the same person. Chuck Palahniuk "The Invisible Men"

... people who deeply and seriously love each other care little about the opinions of strangers. They love - and that's enough! Theodore Dreiser. "American tragedy"

Imagine how you need to love in order to endlessly imagine your loved one next to you. Mark Levy

It's easier to live without love. But without it there is no point. L. N. Tolstoy

Does it matter who you are and what you look like if you are loved? !Roald Dahl, "The Witches"

Love is when someone can give a person back himself. Ray Bradbury

It is not beauty that causes love, but love that makes us see beauty.L Ev Tolstoy

Love can only be lived.
You can't do it. Oleg Roy

Love knows no middle: it either destroys or saves. Victor Hugo

Dying for love is not difficult. It's hard to find a love worth dying for. Frederic Beigbeder

I thought that love is a miracle, and that two people together are much easier than one - like an airplane.

Erich Maria Remarque. Tell me that you love me

Where there is a lot of love, there are many mistakes. Where there is no love, everything is a mistake. Thomas Fuller

To love means to stop comparing. Bernard Grasse

Love is the only thing that sharpens the mind, awakens creative imagination, that which purifies us and liberates us. Paulo Coelho

If in the absence of a person you are completely indifferent to him, and his presence intoxicates you with happiness, what is really happening? Agatha Christie

I love you.
- But you practically don’t know me?
- What does this have to do with Love? Erich Maria Remarque

It seemed to me that a woman should not tell a man that she loves him. Let her shining, happy eyes speak about this. They are more eloquent than any words. Erich Maria Remarque

When you love, you strive to become better. Paulo Coelho

Beautiful and timeless quotes, sayings, aphorisms about love

After reading the first part, you understand the mechanism for writing beautiful quotes, sayings, and aphorisms about love. If you are inspired and inspired by any quote or aphorism, then you can easily continue it, or write your own.

In the soul of every person there are various impulses, excitement, sparkling feelings, a seething fire of feelings - all this is typical when we love another person - at this time we especially want to write poetry, sing songs and simply discover something new in ourselves.

Each quote, written from the heart and in a fit of feeling, carries a huge layer of knowledge, if you break down the most strong quotes on the shelves, then an explanation of encrypted information in a quote or aphorism about love can hide a whole book - which is what they do modern writers. They take an idea and break it down into small parts; in fact, the entire book can be fit into a quote or aphorism of several lines.

Of course, the brain of modern man has suffered from various postulates, and in order to understand this or that information, one has to write entire books. After all, what is a book - thoughts written down on paper, where thoughts come from? Harmonious thoughts are born from feelings, then harmonious books are written, but there are inharmonious thoughts that are born from (sorry) ass, then books are written that clog the poor brain modern man- like trash in a basket. Real books are written with feelings and emotions - then such a book becomes a bestseller! For now we just enjoy - eternal and beautiful quotes, sayings and aphorisms about love..

Love is stronger than self-love: you can love a woman even when she despises you.

True love cannot be found where it is not, and cannot be hidden where it is.

A truly worthy person can be in love like a madman, but not like a fool.

When you love, you don't think about anything. If you start to think about it, it means you no longer love.

He who loves his neighbor in the world commits no greater or less injustice than he who loves himself in the world. The only question that remains is whether the former is possible.

“My new heart has decided to love you and there’s nothing I can do about it, so deal with it.” Love: Instructions for use

A wife who loves her husband more than he loves her will certainly be a victim of his tyranny.

In old age, love turns into a vice.

Facelessness, similarity, equanimity - this is the triune motto of a world where there is no love.

To be jealous of a woman who loves you would be illogical, to say the least. Any of two: you are loved or not loved. In both of these extreme cases, jealousy turns out to be completely aimless. Honore de Balzac

It is better to know less and love more than to know more and not love.

I know what love means: love is a clouding of reason.

True love helps you endure all hardships.

Unforgivable pride is not wanting to owe your happiness to your loved one.

Wise sayings about love and relationships

Here I have collected the wisest sayings about relationships and about love, of course. Try to turn off logic and analysis while reading, and just try to read the statements with your feelings. Are feelings or emotions born at the moment of reading any statement? If feelings and emotions are revealed, then the quote or statements are harmonious and hit the mark. If, on the contrary, after reading an unpleasant feeling or thought arises, then weed out such a quote from your head.

Why am I writing this? Because wise sayings need to be read correctly and understood so that they help a person!

If you read statements simply with your head, then they fly away and are not remembered, so it is better to read all statements with your soul, then the effect will be significant, if, of course, wisdom brings harmony. I think the idea is clear to you! Enjoy wise sayings and thoughts about love and relationships...

Love is too great a feeling to be only a personal, intimate matter for everyone! (Bernard Show)

Love is the strongest, the holiest, the most unspeakable. (Karamzin N. M.)

The one deceived in love knows no mercy. (Cornel Pierre)

The first sign of love: in men - timidity, in women - courage. (Victor Hugo)

Every obstacle to love only strengthens it. (William Shakespeare

Love alone is the joy of a cold life, Love alone is the torment of hearts: It gives only one joyful moment, And there is no end in sight to sorrows. (Pushkin A.S.)

…Any discussion about love destroys love. (Tolstoy L.N.)

...Where you can no longer love, you have to pass by! (Nietzsche F.)

Love is not tarnished by friendship. The end is the end. (Remarque E.M.)

Love is so omnipotent that it regenerates ourselves. (Dostoevsky F. M.)

Love is one of the evils that cannot be hidden; one word, one immodest look, sometimes even silence gives her away. (Abelard Pierre)

Wounds from love, if they don’t always kill, never heal. (Byron D.)

In love there is despotism and slavery. And the most despotic is female love, which demands everything for itself! (Berdyaev N. A.)

Joy and happiness are the children of love, but love itself, like strength, is patience and pity. (Prishvin M. M.)

Love is an amazing counterfeiter, constantly turning not only coppers into gold, but often gold into coppers. (Balzac O.)

There must be love in life - one great love throughout life, this justifies the causeless attacks of despair to which we are subject. Albert Camus.

There is no force in the world more powerful than love. I. Stravinsky.

One day you will understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is in the world. G. Zukav.

Love is priceless gift. This is the only thing we can give and yet you still have it. L. Tolstoy.

Love is a lamp that illuminates the Universe; without the light of love, the earth would turn into a barren desert, and man would turn into a handful of dust. M. Braddon

Love is the beginning and end of our existence. Without love there is no life. That is why love is something that a wise person bows to. Confucius.

Well, how can a woman and a man understand each other, because they both want different things: a man wants a woman, and a woman wants a man. Fridesh Karinthi

The only thing that matters at the end of our stay on earth is how much we loved, what was the quality of our love. Richard Bach.

Love should not ask and should not demand, love should have the power to be confident in itself. Then it is not something that attracts her, but she herself attracts. Hesse.

Love is the only one of all spheres of human communication that represents an amazing interweaving of spiritual and physical pleasure, creating a feeling of life being filled with meaning and happiness. S. Ilyina.

If you seek to solve a problem, do it with love. You will understand that the cause of your problem is a lack of love, for this is the cause of all problems. Ken Carey.

In jealousy there is more love for oneself than for another. La Rochefoucauld.

Love takes on meaning only when it is mutual. Leonardo Felice Buscaglia.

The truth is that there is only one highest value- Love. Helen Hayes.

False love is, rather, the result of ignorance, rather than a lack of ability to love. J. Baines.

You must always live in love with something inaccessible to you. A person becomes taller by stretching upward. M. Gorky.

- No relatives, no honors, no wealth, and indeed nothing in the world can teach them better than love. Plato.

Separation is for love what the wind is for fire: it extinguishes the weak, and fans the great. Roger de Bussy-Rabutin.

There is no sight in the world more beautiful than the face of a loved one, and there is no music sweeter than the sound of a beloved voice. J. Labruyère.

A woman is created in order to love her, and not in order to understand her. O. Wilde.

- If every person loved all people, then everyone would possess the universe. Johann Friedrich Schiller.

Wherever the sinner comes? he will create hell. Wherever the righteous come? there is heaven. Shri Rajneesh.

To love deeply means to forget about yourself. J. Rousseau.

Love? there is a joyful acceptance and blessing of all living and existing things, that openness of souls that opens its arms to every manifestation of being as such, feels its divine meaning. Semyon Frank.

A full vessel of emotional love is as important to a marriage as a full fuel tank is to a car. Navigating your marriage down the road of life on an empty “love tank” can be even more hopeless than trying to drive a car without gas. And it can cost much more. No matter how good your marriage is now, it can always be improved. The relationship of marriage itself is originally intended to convey love and intimacy. Marriage is also the primary place where the inner “vessel of love” can be filled. Geri Chapman.

Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find the bottom and does not see the limit! Johann Friedrich Schiller.

True love? it is the finding of oneself in the renunciation of oneself and in the disappearance of oneself in another. Hegel.

Love stronger than death and fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move. I. Turgenev.

Respect has boundaries, while love has none. M. Lermontov.

Love is known only by love. We must not forget that spiritual experience there is, first of all, the practical experience of love. And in love there are no rules. Can we try to study textbooks, curb our emotional impulses, and develop a behavior strategy? all this is nonsense. The heart decides, and only the decision it makes is important and necessary. Paolo Coelho.

Love cannot be rejected, because it? food of our existence. Will you give it up? will you die of hunger, looking at the branches of the tree of life laden with fruits and not daring to pick these fruits, although here they are? just extend your hand. All knowledge consists, first of all, in the ability to listen to the voice of one’s own soul. Paolo Coelho.

To say that it is impossible to love the same woman is as meaningless as to believe that a famous musician needs different violins to play different melodies. Honore de Balzac.

The mirror that women trust most is the eyes of a man. Sigmund Graff.

It is interesting to marry only for love; marrying a girl just because she’s pretty is the same as buying an unnecessary thing at the market just because she’s pretty. A.P. Chekhov.

Love that is not reborn daily dies daily. Kahlil Gibran.

There is no need to abstain from pleasures, but to rule over them without submitting to them. Aristippus.

Loving those who make mistakes and are mistaken is a special property of a person. Such love is born when you understand that all people are your brothers; that they are mired in ignorance and are mistaken against their own will. Marcus Aurelius.

Let's not talk about love, because we still don't know what it is. K.G. Paustovsky.

Destroy love - and our land will turn into a grave. Robert Browning.

People who are distrustful of themselves want to be loved more than to love, so that one day, at least for a moment, they will be able to believe in themselves. Friedrich Nietzsche.

Marital love, which passes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary. Francois Mauriac.

“Where they love us is only where our home is. J. Byron.

In minutes true love you love everyone. I.I. Lazhechnikov.

Great people develop love in themselves, and only petty soul cherishes the spirit of hatred. Booker Taliaferro Washington.

One should never regret that a person is overwhelmed by passions. It's the same as if we began to regret that he is a person. Andre Maurois.

A thinking person usually engages in trying to reconcile his idea of ​​things with new facts that refute it. In this shift, in this variability of thoughts, in this conscious correction lies the truth, that is, the lesson taught by life. A. Camus.

Anyone who wishes to see the living God should look for him not in the empty firmament of his own mind, but in human love. F.M. Dostoevsky.

Only the one who loves something means something. Not being anything and not loving anything are the same thing. Ludwig Feuerbach.

Passion can do a lot. It can awaken unprecedented superhuman energy in a person. She can, with her unrelenting pressure, squeeze titanic strength out of even the most balanced soul. Stefan Zweig.

Someday you need to realize that even between the closest people there is infinity, and wonderful Life The relationship between two people can continue if they are able to maintain a distance between themselves in love, which gives everyone the opportunity to see the other person’s world in all its immense completeness. Rainer Maria Rilke.

For some, family? refuge from everyday hardships, for others? theater of war. I. Shevelev.

Depravity comes from nothing other than a lack of love. John Chrysostom.

They do not enter into the truth except through love. Augustine.

You contemplate a star for two reasons: because it sparkles, and because it is incomprehensible. But next to you is a gentler radiance and a deeper mystery: a woman. V. Hugo.

It’s interesting to marry only for love, but marrying a girl just because she’s pretty is the same as buying an unnecessary thing at the market just because she’s pretty. A.P. Chekhov.

Abe Lincoln: Most people are only as happy as they decide to be.

F. Nietzsche: There are two ways to save you from suffering: quick death and lasting love.

Constancy in love is an eternal impermanence that encourages us to get carried away in turn by all the qualities of a loved one, giving preference to one of them, then to another. F. La Rochefoucauld.

Better a dish of greens, and with it love, than a fattened bull, and with it hatred. Bible. Proverbs 15,17.

Leland Foster Wood: A successful marriage is about much more than finding the right person; this is also the ability to be such a person yourself.

An ideal husband is a man who believes that he has perfect wife. Bernard Show.

Two people who have chosen each other over all other people in order to bring each other love and support must show a sense of humor, friendliness, prudence, the ability to forgive, patience and cordiality, must remember how fragile and fragile the life of a human being is , and respect each other until the end of our days. Joseph Addison.

I want unanimity, but we need to appreciate a different world, different views. And you can only convince with love. Anna Shirochenko.

In my opinion, the most important thing? this is to be able to live with someone, to be able to constantly compromise, to take into account the interests of another person, because it is impossible to live in a family, thinking only about yourself and your desires. So in the family we learn a lot: character, firmness... and at the same time compliance, gentleness, tolerance. Tamara Gverdtsiteli.

If you make a promise to be with a person both in joy and in sorrow, then additional opportunities appear to survive the circumstances. I have a feeling that in life we ​​pass certain exams, and the result goes to the top. And if you don’t pass such an exam, you will return to the same situation again. Yulia Menshova.

Love, like heaven opening for saints, reveals everything for a moment to even the most boring person. best opportunities the human race. Arthur Helps.

Love understands and shares everything - with sympathy. Love loves to find goodness in everything, it believes in it. He is looking for him everywhere. Love forgives even hardness of heart and excuses the condemner. The hardest task of love is to forgive the absence of it in others, to find an excuse for intolerance, to forgive someone who himself does not know how to forgive. There is no more comforting and wonderful sight in the world than love, obscuring greatest crime- lack of love.

Love that is expressed in kind words, in quiet, even communication, which fills the whole house, makes life easier and brings light and joy into every heart, like the sun looking into every corner of a modest home to warm and sanctify it.

Love? this is the basis of life. No child can grow up to be a model citizen if he has not received enough love. No one could survive without love. And it doesn’t matter who you are. Myrtle Armstrong.

On the highest level love is the song of a heart that is open to other people, that has emerged from the prison of selfishness, isolation, isolation, and loneliness. Alexander Men.

Fall in love? doesn't mean love? You can fall in love and hate. F.M. Dostoevsky.

Essential for any love is that the loved one is perceived as something beautiful, precious, accessible to love. If a person is only useful to me, if I can use his qualities to my benefit, then in this case there are no prerequisites for love. Is sacrifice necessary for any love? either parental love, love of children for parents, love for friends or conjugal love? necessarily assumes that close person seems to us something extremely valuable and beautiful? objectively worthy of love. Hildebrand, Catholic theologian.

The path of self-love? the basis of love for everyone without exception. A person who loves himself (and who doesn’t? too!) treats others the way he treats himself.

All our lives we... formulate and revise our answers to questions that are called “eternal.” J. Budgetal.

If a person wants to come to himself, his path goes through the world. Victor Frankl.

A.A. Ukhtomsky: Love as a guide to knowledge and truth is not understandable to those who know only the criterion of self-affirmation and self-preservation!

Love can only give when it forgets about itself. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh.

We all think we know what love is and know how to love. In fact, very often we only know how to feast on human relationships. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh.

While a person expects love and attention from others, lives by it, he will never be satisfied, he will demand more and more, and everything will not be enough for him. In the end, he will end up at a broken trough, like the old woman who wanted a goldfish to serve her. Such a person is always internally unfree, dependent on how he is treated. You need to discover this source of love and goodness within yourself. And the discovery must take place not in the mind, but in the heart of a person, not theoretically, but by inner experience. T.A. Florenskaya, psychologist.

We think of ourselves that we are all involved in this love: each of us loves something, someone... But is this the love that Christ expects from us?.. From an infinite number of phenomena and persons, we choose related us, include them in our expanded self and love them. But as soon as they deviate a little from what we elected them for, we will pour out on them the full measure of hatred, contempt, best case scenario- indifference. This is a human, carnal, natural feeling, often very valuable in this world, but losing its meaning in the light of eternal life. It is fragile, easily transforms into its opposite, accepts demonic character. Alexander Elchaninov.

• True essence love consists in renouncing the consciousness of oneself, forgetting oneself in another Self and, however, in this same disappearance and oblivion finding oneself for the first time. Hegel.

A person in marriage is immersed in life, entering it through another person. This is the pleasure of real knowledge and real life gives that feeling of completeness and satisfaction that makes us richer and wiser. Alexander Elchaninov.

When love blooms between husband and wife, it shines in everything and takes possession of everything... Subtlety and purity mutual love not only do they not stand outside of bodily proximity, but on the contrary, they feed on it and there is nothing kinder than that one deep tenderness that blooms only in marriage and the meaning of which lies in a living feeling of mutual completion of each other. The feeling of one’s “I” as a separate person disappears... both husband and wife feel like only part of some common whole - one doesn’t want to experience anything without the other, they want to see everything together, do everything together, always be together in everything. V. Zenkovsky.

• Intimacy husband and wife is part of human nature created by God, God's plan for human life. That is why such communication cannot be carried out accidentally, with anyone, for the sake of one’s own pleasure or passion, but must always be associated with complete dedication of oneself and complete loyalty to another, only then does it become a source spiritual satisfaction and joy for those who love. Archpriest Foma Khlopko.

Even a pagan marriage can be holy and pure if there is genuine love in it and the spouses are forever given to each other in endless fidelity and mutual worship. St. John Chrysostom. Christian saint.

The meaning and dignity of love as a feeling lies in the fact that it forces us, with our whole being, to recognize in another the unconditional central significance that, due to egoism, we feel only in ourselves. Love is important not as one of our feelings, but as a transfer of all our vital interest from ourselves to another, as a rearrangement of the very center of our personal life. This is characteristic of all love, but especially sexual love; it differs from other types of love by its greater intensity, more exciting nature, and the possibility of more complete and comprehensive reciprocity; only this love can lead to a real and inextricable union of two lives into one, only about it and in the word of God it is said: the two will become one flesh, that is, they will become one real being. Vladimir Solovyov, Russian philosopher.

Dialogue is for love what blood is for the body. When the blood flow stops, the body dies. When dialogue stops, love dies and hatred and rejection of each other emerge. But dialogue can restore and dead connection. This is the real miracle of dialogue. Riwell Howe.

Love is a meeting forever. Victor Krotov.

Shakespeare: love is omnipotent! There is no sorrow on earth - higher than her punishment, no happiness - higher than the pleasure of serving her.

When the satisfaction, security and development of another person becomes as important to you as your own satisfaction, security and development, then it can be said that it is love. Harry Sullivan.

Love is an active action, not a passive acceptance. This is “standing in...”, not “falling somewhere.” In the very general view The active nature of love can be described by the statement that love means primarily to give and not to receive. Erich Fromm.

People really need each other. They need each other by the commonality of their nature, which is love, and by the difference of their gifts they are called to mutual replenishment. Arch. John (Shakhovskoy).

A person cannot be at peace with others until he learns to be at peace with himself. Bertrand Russell.

If you love and trust yourself correctly, you will love and trust your neighbor. Rabbi Joshua Libman.

To be loved for some merit, because you “deserve” love, always leaves room for doubt. What if the one from whom I expect love does not like this or that about me? There is always a fear that love may suddenly disappear. Moreover, “deserved” love always carries a taste of bitterness, that it is not me who is loved in me, that I am loved only because I give pleasure, that, in the end, I am not loved at all, but only used. Erich Fromm.

Lovers who accept each other's ideals become more and more attractive to each other over the years. Richard Bach.

wise, beautiful thoughts, words about the love of great people. Theme of love from ancient times to today- one of the leading themes of humanity.
Love inspires a person to new beginnings, achievements, and exploits.
And anyone who has carried this wonderful feeling throughout his life can confidently say: “I did not live in vain.”

Someday you need to realize that even between the closest people there is infinity, and the wonderful life of two can continue if they are able to maintain a distance between themselves in love, which gives everyone the opportunity to see the other person’s world in all its immense completeness. Rainer Maria Rilke.

You contemplate a star for two reasons: because it is brilliant and because it is incomprehensible. But next to you is a gentler radiance and a deeper mystery: a woman. V. Hugo.

While a person expects love and attention from others and lives by it, he will never be satisfied, he will demand more and more, and everything will not be enough for him. In the end, he will end up at a broken trough, like the old woman who wanted a goldfish to serve her. Such a person is always internally unfree, dependent on how he is treated. You need to discover this source of love and goodness within yourself. And the discovery must take place not in the mind, but in the heart of a person, not theoretically, but by internal experience. T.A. Florenskaya

It is much easier to grieve for someone you love than to live with someone you hate. J. Labruyère

Anyone who wants to see the living God should look for him not in the empty firmament of his own mind, but in human love. F.M. Dostoevsky.

The lover wants happiness for himself, the happiness of a creatively beautiful community. If at the same time he does not want the happiness of his beloved being, if his heart does not think in its depths about sacrifices, if it does not put the happiness of his beloved being above his own, then his love is selfish and selfish: oh, then this is not true love...Ilyin Ivan

To fall in love with a person who loves you back is a miracle in itself. But it’s even better, even more important, to find a kindred spirit in him. A truly soulmate is someone who understands you like no one else, loves you like no other, who is always there for you, no matter what happens.

“A lover is blind, but the visible trace of his passion leads to places where sighted people cannot go.”

“Girls, take pity on someone who talks about love without being in love, because he who pretends to be in love will soon fall before his game and seriously fall in love.” Ovid.

“Love forgives everything except voluntary absence” Stendhal

“A jealous person spends his life in search of a secret, the discovery of which destroys his own well-being.” Axel Oxenstierna

“Respect has limits, but love does not.” Lermontov

Jealousy is not connected with human freedom. In jealousy there is an instinct of ownership and dominance, but in a state of humiliation. It is necessary to recognize the right of love and deny the right of jealousy, ceasing to idealize it... Jealousy is the tyranny of man over man. Female jealousy is especially disgusting, turning a woman into a fury. Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev

With her I can be who I am. And not the way I'm used to. Aglaya Durso.

The heart of a woman, offended by betrayal in her love, is like a fortress captured, devastated and abandoned. Washington Irving

Love rewards with stability. Not that generally accepted stability with an established life routine - here there is extraordinary calm and confidence that the same soul mate in search of which went through fire, water, hundreds copper pipes, found. True love, unlike falling in love, cannot be noisy and impulsive. True love, like a newborn stream, makes its own course. Elchin Safarli.

You have no right to demand that the one you love love you... No one is obliged to share your feelings and respond to them. If feelings coincide, this is great and rare happiness. If they do not match, this is a common occurrence. Sergey Rudenko

To say that it is impossible to love the same woman is as meaningless as to say that a famous musician needs different violins to play different melodies. Honore de Balzac.

The stronger a person’s character, the less prone he is to inconstancy in love. Stendhal

To be happy, you need to know not passionate, but voluptuous love. Helvetius Claude

Two people who have chosen each other over all other people in order to bring each other love and support must show a sense of humor, friendliness, prudence, the ability to forgive, patience and cordiality, must remember how fragile and fragile the life of a human being is, and respect each other until the end of our days. Joseph Addison

Essential for any love is that the loved one is perceived as something beautiful, precious, accessible to love. If a person is only useful to me, if I can use his qualities to my benefit, then in this case there are no prerequisites for love. The sacrifice necessary for any love - be it parental love, the love of children for parents, love for friends or marital love - necessarily presupposes that a loved one appears to us as something extremely valuable, beautiful - objectively worthy of love. Hildebrand, Catholic theologian.

Traitors see betrayal everywhere. Anne and Serge Golon

True love is not real if it is not mutual. Alexandra Marinina

Love is poor if it can be measured. William Shakespeare

In my opinion, the most important thing is to be able to live with someone, to be able to constantly compromise, to take into account the interests of another person, because it is impossible to live in a family, thinking only about yourself and your desires. So in the family we learn a lot: character, firmness... and at the same time compliance, gentleness, tolerance. Tamara Gverdtsiteli.

A woman in love with you can help increase your creativity, can inspire you to heights you never even dreamed of. And she doesn't ask for anything in return. She just needs your love, and this is her natural right. Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh).

To love means to see a person as God intended him to be. F. M. Dostoevsky.

Loving is not everything, you also need to be loved.

Love is the only one of all spheres of human communication that is an amazing interweaving of spiritual and physical pleasure, creating a feeling of life being filled with meaning and happiness. S. Ilyina.

Love is like the sea. Its breadth knows no shores. Give her all your blood and soul: there is no other measure here. Hafiz

Love is a wise invention of nature: the one who loves easily does what he should. Wilhelm Schwebel

Love is the universal energy of life, which has the ability to transform evil passions into creative passions. Nikolay Berdyaev

Love is the discovery of oneself in other people and the delight of recognition. Alexander Smith

Love is life itself, but not unreasonable, suffering and perishing life, but blissful and endless life. Lev Tolstoy

The meaning and dignity of love as a feeling lies in the fact that it forces us, with our whole being, to recognize in another the unconditional central significance that, due to egoism, we feel only in ourselves. Love is important not as one of our feelings, but as a transfer of all our vital interest from ourselves to another, as a rearrangement of the very center of our personal life. This is characteristic of all love, but especially sexual love; it differs from other types of love by its greater intensity, more exciting nature, and the possibility of more complete and comprehensive reciprocity; only this love can lead to a real and inextricable union of two lives into one, only about it and in the word of God it is said: the two will become one flesh, that is, they will become one real being. Vladimir Solovyov, Russian philosopher.

Love that wants to be only spiritual becomes a shadow; if she is deprived spiritual origin, then she is vulgar. G. Senkevich
in less than two months the spring water becomes bitter. Stendhal

Many men are afraid of women whom they need to grow up to; it’s easier to use those to whom they can stoop...

A man capable of action is doomed to be loved. Coco Chanel

We are made for love. The meaning of life is a mystery, and it is revealed in love, through the one we love. Thomas Merton

Never be afraid to voice your feelings. After all, you never know at what moment they will do it for you. And, perhaps, you will never know whose sincerity the heart of your passion was waiting for. Perhaps it is your words that will give birth to something extraordinary strong feeling, capable of captivating the mind and stopping time for a moment.

Passion is a constant hangover, without harsh heaviness, it is eternal flowers under your feet. In front of you is an idol that you want to pray to and die for. Stones are falling on your head, and in your passion you think that roses are flying towards you, you will mistake the gnashing of teeth for music, blows from an expensive hand will seem more tender than your mother’s caresses. Ivan Goncharov

Infatuation and love are different things. You can fall in love with a person you don’t know at all - it’s romance, dizziness, eyes like stars... But you can’t love a person until you really get to know him, go through some trials with him, share with him life is both joy and sadness...
Falling in love cannot last forever, but sometimes love comes in return. Stan Barstow

Being loved for some merit because you “deserve” love always leaves room for doubt. What if the one from whom I expect love does not like this or that about me? There is always a fear that love may suddenly disappear. Moreover, “deserved” love always carries a taste of bitterness, that it is not me who is loved in me, that I am loved only because I give pleasure, that, in the end, I am not loved at all, but only used. Erich Fromm.

People who are in love are like a drunkard: whoever drank will drink; whoever loved will love. Guy de Maupassant

Where they love us is the only place where we are born. George Byron.

If you want someone to stay in your life, never treat them with indifference! Richard Bach.

Thirst vivid impressions leads us through life, forcing us to jump with a parachute, dive to the bottom of the ocean, storm high inaccessible peaks, or... change. Oleg Roy.

How can you love someone without loving them for who they really are? How can you love me and at the same time ask me to completely change, to become someone else? Romain Gary

When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage

When another person's satisfaction, security and development become as important to you as your own satisfaction, security and development, then it can be said to be love. Harry Sullivan.

Only in the raptures of love do they feel the happiness of existence and, pressing lips to lips, exchange souls. Claude Adrian Helvetius.

Love life, and life will love you too. Love people, and people will love you back. Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein.

Often women, although not loving at all, still imagine that they are in love: carried away by intrigue, the natural desire to be loved, the rise mental strength, caused by the adventure, and the fear of offending by refusal - all this leads to the idea that they are passionately in love, when in reality they are only flirting. Francois de La Rochefoucauld.

Feeling our imperfection, we are always looking for someone who could complete us. When in a few years or months love affair We still feel like we're missing something, so we blame our partners for it and rush headlong into a new, more promising relationship. This can last as long as we like and turn into serial polygamy, until one day we realize that another person can bring many sweet moments into our lives, but only we ourselves are responsible for our own completeness and perfection. No one but us can realize our self-realization, and to say otherwise is to be dangerously mistaken and to pre-doom any relationship we enter into failure. Tom Robbins.

Well, how can a woman and a man understand each other, because they both want different things: a man wants a woman, and a woman wants a man. Fridesh Karinthi.

You need to have something in common in order to understand each other, and be different in some way in order to love each other. Paul Geraldi.

What in ordinary human language is called love, this passion that awakens from the contact of two personalities, is not only the means through which generations come to earth. She also creates life in the other world. It is a way of transition from earth to heaven, from material things to spiritual things. Annie Besant.

There's no use wasting your whole life on one the only way, especially if this path has no heart. Carlos Castaneda.

Prudence and love are not made for each other: as love increases, prudence decreases.

You only fall in love with someone else’s, your own - you love. Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva.

...The first and main meaning of love lies in the care of nature for the maintenance and reproduction of the human race. But if in the love of people everything was limited only by this calculation of nature, people would not be above animals. Consequently, this sensual desire in love of a person of one sex for a person of the other sex is only one of the elements of the feeling of love, its first moment, followed in development by higher, more spiritual and moral moments. Vissarion Belinsky

A woman is weakest when she loves, and strongest when she is loved. Erich Osterfel

The mirror that women trust most is the eyes of a man. Sigmund Graff.

Love cannot be rejected, for it is the food of our existence. If you refuse it, you will die of hunger, looking at the branches of the tree of life laden with fruits and not daring to pick these fruits, although here they are - just stretch out your hand. All knowledge consists, first of all, in the ability to listen to the voice of one’s own soul. Paolo Coelho.

A woman is created in order to love her, and not in order to understand her. Oscar Wilde.

Love understands and shares everything - with sympathy, finds and seeks goodness in everything. Love forgives even hardness of heart and excuses the condemner. The hardest task of love is to forgive the absence of it in others, to find an excuse for intolerance, to forgive someone who himself does not know how to forgive. There is no more comforting and wonderful sight in the world than love, overshadowing the greatest crime - the absence of love. Section topic: wise thoughts, words about love.