Gogol's quotes about life. Wise sayings of Gogol

“Gogol had no model, there were no predecessors either in Russian or in foreign literature. All theories, all literary legends were against him, because he was against them. To understand him, it was necessary to completely get them out of your head, to forget about their existence - and for many this would mean being reborn, dying and being resurrected again.”- Belinsky wrote about Gogol. You can’t say better than him about the amazing gift of this genius.

Classic French literature XX century Henri Troyat spoke about Nikolai Vasilyevich: “In the eyes of the Western reader, the two pillars of Russian literature are F. M. Dostoevsky and L. N. Tolstoy; in the eyes of the Russian reader, both of them are in the shadow of the short stature of a man with long nose, a bird's eye look and a sarcastic smile. This man is perhaps the most extraordinary, pure genius the world has ever known. Among the writers of his time, he appears as a unique phenomenon, who, having very quickly got rid of the influence of others, carries his admirers into the world of phantasmagoria, in which the funny and the terrible coexist.”

We have selected 20 quotes from Gogol's works:

1. It is, of course, Alexander the Great, a hero, but why break the chairs? "Inspector"
2 .I will marry you so that you won’t even hear. "Marriage"
3. Lift my eyelids: I can’t see! "Viy"
4 .I gave birth to you, I will kill you! "Taras Bulba"
5 No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse smart person. « Dead Souls»
6 .I tell everyone openly that I take bribes, but with what bribes? Greyhound puppies. This is a completely different matter. "Inspector"
7. Eh, Russian people! He doesn't like to die his own death! "Dead Souls"
8. There is nothing angrier than all kinds of departments, regiments, offices and, in a word, all kinds of official classes. Now everyone private person He considers the whole society insulted in his own person. "Overcoat"
9 .Do you know Ukrainian night? Oh, you don’t know Ukrainian night! « May night, or drowned woman"
10. The Fatherland is what our soul seeks, what is dearer to it than anything else. My homeland is you." "Taras Bulba"
11. The child was christened, and he began to cry and made such a grimace, as if he had a presentiment that there would be a titular councilor. "Overcoat"
12. The newspaper may lose its reputation. If everyone starts writing that his nose has run off, then... And so they already say that a lot of inconsistencies and false rumors are being published. "Nose"
13. There's only one there honest man: prosecutor; and even that one, to tell the truth, is a pig. "Dead Souls"
14. What grief does time not take away? "Old World Landowners"
15. You need to treat your word honestly. It is the highest gift of God to man. “Selected passages from correspondence with friends”
16. There is no bond holier than fellowship! A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that’s not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood. "Taras Bulba"
17. Everything is a deception, everything is a dream, everything is not what it seems. "Nevsky Avenue"
18. The Russian man has an enemy, an irreconcilable, dangerous enemy, without whom he would be a giant. This enemy is laziness. Letter to K. S. Aksakov, March 1841, Rome
19. Why are you laughing? -Laughing at yourself!.. "Inspector"
20. It's boring in this world, gentlemen! “The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”

Gogol's quotes have become firmly entrenched in our speech. They will never lose their relevance. Everyone knows the saying about two troubles in Russia. It is believed that Gogol first said it. This quote, according to another version, belongs to another writer - Saltykov-Shchedrin. This is an apocryphal phrase. It is not in any of Gogol's works. Quotes that truly belong to the creator" Dead souls", are presented in the article.


It is not for nothing that the sayings about it as one of the troubles of Russia are attributed to the author of “Dead Souls”. If you wish, you can give a lot of quotes from Gogol about the road. For example, he discusses it in one of the first chapters of the famous poem. “Road” is a strange, alluring, wonderful word. The writer speaks about the Russian thaw in an unusually poetic and sad way. Her image is perhaps one of the main ones in the book about the swindler Chichikov. But N. Gogol also paid attention to fools in this work.

Quotes about stupidity

The creator of amazingly colorful characters argued that the words of a fool, no matter how stupid, can confuse an intelligent person. Here, in the work “Dead Souls,” he is surprised at both stupidity and self-confidence: a person can be smart only when it comes to others, but not to him.

Sayings belonging to literary heroes are often attributed to the author. But this does not happen with Gogol's quotes. He created images that could highlight the vices inherent in most of the inhabitants of Russia. But these characters don’t speak words of wisdom.


Chichikov is an adventurer and a scoundrel. But this is one of the most interesting literary heroes. In him amazingly stupidity is combined with cunning, caution with imprudence. Chichikov lies, absolutely not embarrassed, goes straight towards his goal. Gogol says about him: “above all else he loved fast driving.” Thus emphasizing his adventurism, his inability to stop before his plans.

But how did Chichikov manage to fool everyone (or almost everyone) around his finger? " Great mystery to like" - he had this useful quality main character"Dead Souls". It is worth saying that Gogol, like his character, preferred driving fast. He thought better on the road. And one day, on the way, one of the storylines future book. This was in Italy. Gogol interrupted his trip, went to the first drinking establishment he came across, and wrote several chapters of the novel there.


Wise sayings are present, of course, not only on the pages of the book mentioned above. Deep philosophical thoughts are kept in the "Overcoat". In the story, written in the 19th century, today the reader discovers much of what surrounds him in Everyday life. “There is a lot of inhumanity in man,” said Gogol, discussing the cruelty that Bashmachkin faced. At the same time, the writer emphasizes that inhumanity, “fierce rudeness” can be hidden behind the guise of a noble and honest person.

Giving a characterization of the general, who, although not intentionally, insulted the main character to the depths of his soul, he said: “his rank prevented his ability to be compassionate from being revealed.” Writer XXI centuries spoke about stupidity, arrogance - character traits that are often inherent in people who have reached high social status. Something similar often occurs in our time.

Other sayings

Gogol knew how to amazingly note features human nature. His characters are not without very common vices, but at the same time they evoke sympathy. In one of the works there is a rather witty remark about the envy that the fairer sex feels towards each other. According to the classic, it is easier for a woman to kiss the devil than to call her rival a beauty. Gogol also very aptly said about the state of falling in love - being in it, a person is “like a sole.”

The most characteristic feature of Gogol's talent is originality and originality, which distinguishes him from all Russian writers.
...Gogol had no model, no predecessors in either Russian or foreign literature. All theories, all literary legends were against him, because he was against them. To understand him, it was necessary to completely get them out of your head, to forget about their existence - and for many this would mean being reborn, dying and being resurrected again. To make our thought clearer, let's look at Gogol's relationship to other Russian poets. Of course, in those works of Pushkin that present pictures alien to the Russian world, without any doubt, there are Russian elements, but who will point them out? How to prove that, for example, the poems: “Mozart and Salieri”, “The Stone Guest”, “ Stingy Knight", "Galub" could only have been written by a Russian poet. Why couldn't they be written by a poet of another nation? The same can be said about Lermontov. All of Gogol's works are devoted exclusively to depicting the world of Russian life, and he has no rivals in the art of reproducing it in all its truth. He does not soften anything, does not decorate anything due to love for ideals or some previously accepted ideas, or habitual preferences, as, for example, Pushkin in “Onegin” idealized the life of a landowner. Of course, the predominant character of his writings is negation; any negation, in order to be alive and poetic, must be done in the name of an ideal - and Gogol’s ideal is also not his own, that is, not native, like all other Russian poets, because our public life has not yet been formed and established to give literature this ideal.
...However, talents, even geniuses, do not always escape the influence of theory. Gogol is one of the few who completely escaped any influence of any theory. Knowing how to understand art and marvel at it in the works of other poets, he nevertheless went his own way, following the deep and true artistic instinct that nature generously endowed him with, and not being tempted by the successes of others to imitate. This, of course, did not give him originality, but it gave him the opportunity to preserve and fully demonstrate the originality that was an accessory, a property of his personality and, therefore, like talent, a gift of nature. This is why he seemed to many to have entered Russian literature as if from the outside, whereas in fact he was its necessary phenomenon, required by all its previous development.
Gogol's influence on Russian literature was enormous. Not only all the young talents rushed to the path shown to them, but also some writers who had already gained fame followed the same path, leaving their previous one. Hence the emergence of a school that its opponents thought to humiliate with the name natural. After Dead Souls, Gogol wrote nothing. On the stage of literature now only his school.

It seems to everyone that he could do a lot of good in the place and position of another, but he just cannot do it in his own position. This is the cause of all evil. A lady is pleasant in all respects. There is hardly the highest of pleasures, like the pleasure of creating. If only one farm remains for Russians, then Russia will be reborn. It is easier for a woman to kiss the devil than to call someone a beauty. What grief does not carry away time? What passion will survive in an unequal struggle with it? Whoever has a fist cannot straighten into a palm. Youth is happy because it has a future. There is no word that would be so sweeping, smart, so bursting out from under the very heart, so it would boil and vibrate like an aptly spoken Russian word. Believe me, it was not for nothing that God commanded everyone to be in the place in which he now stands. You just need to take a good look around you. The mind is incomparably highest ability, but it is acquired only by victory over passions. It is determined for us to obtain grains of wisdom that cannot be acquired in books through suffering and grief. Often through visible to the world laughter, tears invisible to the world are shed. The higher the truths, the more careful you need to be with them: otherwise they will suddenly turn into commonplaces, and common places no longer believe. I solved the science in a fun and happy life, I was surprised how people, greedy for happiness, immediately run away from him when they meet him. To be in the world and have nothing to indicate your existence - this seems terrible to me. Anger is inappropriate everywhere, and most of all in a matter of justice, because it obscures and muddies it .You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, large, like the pearl itself, and, truly, another name is even more precious than the thing itself. Even if you happen to be angry with someone, be angry at the same time and at himself, at least for the fact that he managed to get angry with another. The Russian man has an enemy, an irreconcilable, dangerous enemy, without whom he would be a giant. This enemy is laziness. No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse an intelligent person. When a person falls in love, he is like a sole, which, if you soak it in water, take it, bend it, and it will bend. Mine thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia. Misfortune softens a person; his nature then becomes more sensitive and accessible to the understanding of objects that surpass the concept of a person who is in an ordinary and everyday situation. One must deal with words honestly. What is pronounced accurately, the same as what is written, is not cut down with an ax. One has only to take a closer look at the present, the future suddenly will perform by itself. The theater is such a pulpit from which you can say a lot of good to the world. Man is such a wondrous creature that it is never possible to suddenly calculate all his merits, and the more you look at him, the more new features appear. I do not dwell on importance folk songs. This folk history, living, bright, full of colors, truth, revealing the entire life of the people.

About life

Breeding a few fine characters that reveal the high nobility of our breed will lead nowhere. It will only arouse empty pride and boasting. Many of us even now, especially among young people, have begun to boast excessively of Russian virtues and are not thinking at all about deepening them and cultivating them in themselves, but in order to put them on display and say to Europe: “Look, Germans: we are better than you.” ! This boasting is the ruin of everything. It irritates others and harms the braggart himself. The best deed can be turned into dirt if you just boast about it and brag about it. And here, without having done the deed yet, they brag about it! They brag about the future! No, for me, temporary despondency and melancholy from oneself is better than self-confidence. In the first case, a person, at least, will see his contempt, his vile insignificance and involuntarily remember about God, who exalts and brings everything out of the depths of insignificance; in the latter case, he will run away from himself straight into the hands of hell, the father of arrogance.
No, there is a time when it is impossible to otherwise direct society or even an entire generation towards the beautiful until you show the full depth of its real abomination; There are times when you shouldn’t even talk about the lofty and beautiful without immediately showing, as clear as day, the paths and roads to it for everyone.
Often, through the laughter visible to the world, tears flow invisible to the world.
Reason is an incomparably higher ability, but it is acquired only by victory over passions.
What is life? This is the destruction of a dream by reality...
Now, truly, if God wants to punish, he will first take away the mind.
Youth is happy because it has a future.
Lord God! What an immense distance between the knowledge of light and the ability to use this knowledge!

About a human

I know that there are some of us who are ready to laugh with all our hearts at a person’s crooked nose and do not have the courage to laugh at a person’s crooked soul.
Misfortune softens a person; His nature then becomes more sensitive and accessible to the understanding of objects that surpass the concept of a person in an ordinary and everyday situation.
He who is captivated by beauty does not see shortcomings and forgives everything; but whoever is embittered will try to dig out all the rubbish in us and put it out so brightly that you will inevitably see it.
In the depths of cold laughter, hot sparks of eternal, powerful love can be found.

Now every little bitch already thinks that he is an aristocrat.
Who are you laughing at, are you laughing at yourself!
We all have a small weakness to spare ourselves a little, but let’s try better to find some neighbor on whom to take out our frustration.
There are people who have a passion to spoil their neighbor, sometimes for no reason at all.
No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse an intelligent person.
There is no person who does not have some sins behind him.
... how much inhumanity there is in man, how much ferocious rudeness is hidden in refined, educated secularism, and, God! even in that person whom the world recognizes as noble and honest...
Go and get along with the man! does not believe in God, but believes that if the bridge of his nose itches, he will certainly die.

About the meaning of life

If you happen to be angry with someone else, be angry with yourself at the same time, at least for the fact that you managed to get angry with someone else.
Believe that it was not for nothing that God commanded everyone to be in the place in which he now stands. You just need to take a good look around you.
There is nothing more pleasant than being obliged to do everything to yourself.
I like to eat. After all, you live to pick flowers of pleasure.
I love cordiality, and I confess that I like it better if people please me. pure heart, and not just out of interest.

About the woman

If one senseless whim of a beauty was the cause of worldwide upheavals and forced people to do stupid things the smartest people, what would happen then if this whim were meaningful and directed towards good.
...it’s easier for a woman to kiss the devil than to call someone a beauty...
Apparently, what people say is true, that the girls have a devil in their lives, inciting their curiosity.
... women, this is such a subject... there’s simply nothing to say... Their eyes alone are such an endless state into which a person has driven - and remember what their name was! You can't get him out of there with any hook or anything.

About creativity

Art certainly strives for good, positively or negatively: whether it shows us the beauty of all the best that is in a person, or whether it laughs at the ugliness of all the worst in a person. If you expose all the rubbish that is in a person, and display it in such a way that each of the spectators will receive complete disgust for it, I ask: is this not already praise for everything good? I ask: is this not praise for good?
They write not because they want to compete with anyone, but because the soul longs to be poured out with sensations.
The source of poetry is beauty.
There is hardly the highest of pleasures than the pleasure of creating.
You need to treat your word honestly. It is the highest gift of God to man.
“What is accurately spoken is the same as what is written; it cannot be cut down with an axe.”

About Rus'

You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift; everything is grainy, large, like the pearl itself, and truly, another name is more precious than the thing itself.
What a strange fashion has started in Rus' now! The man himself lies on his side, is lazy about the real thing, and hurries the other, as if the other must certainly pull with all his might for joy that his friend is lying on his side. They will barely notice that even though one person is seriously engaged in some business, he is being rushed from all sides, and then they will scold him if he does something stupid - they will say: “Why did you hurry?”
Thank God that you are Russian. For the Russian, a path now opens, and this path is Russia itself. If only a Russian loves Russia, he will love everything that is in Russia.
If you really love Russia, you will be eager to serve her; preferring one grain of your entire current, inactive and idle life...
The Russian man has an enemy, an irreconcilable, dangerous enemy, without whom he would be a giant. This enemy is laziness.
In our proverbs one can see the extraordinary fullness of the people's mind, which knew how to make everything its instrument: irony, mockery, clarity, the accuracy of pictorial considerations in order to compose a burning word that penetrates right through the nature of the Russian person, pulling at all its living beings.
If the Russians have only one farm left, then Russia will be reborn.
Eh, Russian people! He doesn't like to die his own death!
But Russia is such a wonderful land that if you talk about one collegiate assessor, then all the collegiate assessors, from Riga to Kamchatka, will certainly take it personally. Understand the same about all titles and ranks.
Our people are smart: they will explain, without racking their brains, even what baffles smart people.
No, brothers, to love like a Russian soul - to love not just with your mind or anything else, but with everything that God has given, whatever is in you, but ... - said Taras, and waved his hand, and shook his gray head, and He blinked his mustache and said: “No, no one can love like that!”
So in holy Rus' everything is infected with imitation, everyone teases and makes fun of his boss.
To the credit of our national pride, it must be noted that in the Russian heart there is always a wonderful feeling of taking the side of the oppressed.
To be in the world and not have anything to indicate your existence - this seems terrible to me.
There is no word that would be so sweeping, lively, would burst out from under the very heart, would seethe and vibrate so much as a well-spoken Russian word.