The theme everywhere is good people around, creative work. Presentation on the topic: “Goodness is all around us.” A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to help them in difficult times

Research project"Everywhere good people live"

Category: ethics social life, primary classes.

named after V. Lesunov Varitsky Vladimir,

Ionina Anastasia, Kurmaeva Victoria,

Minniakhmetov Niyaz, Ponomareva Anna.

Scientific supervisor: teacher primary classes

Fakhretdinova L.P.

With. Ulu-Telyak 2013

    1. Introduction.

      Goals and objectives of the project.

      Research methods.

      Main part.





While studying the topics “Good and Evil”, “Virtue and Vice” in the ethics lesson of secular life, we encountered social problem: people have become evil, greedy, indifferent to the fate of other people, and rarely perform virtuous acts. Relevance this topic is beyond doubt. Problem what we will grow up to be modern society concerns not only us, our parents, teachers, but also the state, which is why such a person appeared at school interesting lesson like ethics. Taking all this into account, it was chosen The topic of the study is “Good people live everywhere.”

Object of study: the society of people around us, actions, relationships between people, students in our class.

Subject of research are the virtuous actions of people in current situation who can serve as role models for us.

Purpose of the study: We decided to find out which people in our time still have a virtuous feeling and continue to do good, to show the significance of their charitable activities for those who need help.

1.2. Tasks:

- expand our knowledge about modern society, about relationships between people;

- familiarize classmates, relatives and friends with the collected information and convince them of the truth folk wisdom that “life is given for good deeds.”

- hold a charity event “Help Children”;

- to study the impact our work had on the cultivation of a virtuous feeling in us and our acquaintances.

The basis research hypotheses made the assumption that as a result of studying this topic, people would become kinder, more responsive to the misfortune of others, that there would be less evil in society, and more good.

1.3. Research methods:

- theoretical: study and analysis of literature on the topic under study, modeling the general research hypothesis and designing results at various stages of search work;

- empirical: survey and diagnostic methods (questionnaires, conversations), analysis of creative works, observations.

- statistical: assessment of the statistical significance of the hypothesis.

1.4. Main part

“Kindness for the soul is the same as

Health for the body: it is invisible,

when you own it and it gives success

in every matter."

L.N. Tolstoy

In our modern times There are few noble, kind people in society and a lot of anger and cruelty. Probably every good moral person has thought about this and asked himself the question:

“Why does evil prevail over good? After all, 25-30 years ago there weren’t so many selfish people!” And we were no exception to them and decided to find out in which people the virtuous feeling remained and continues to do good.

Leo Tolstoy said: “To believe in goodness, you must begin to do it.”

But, unfortunately, not everyone understands this, and this is one of the problems of our society, that we have become callous to the troubles of others. We think that “life is given for good deeds” and the main qualities of a person are that he sincerely wishes happiness for someone else and knows exactly what needs to be done for this. In our opinion, such a person is Chulpan Khamatova.

Chulpan Nailevna Khamatova - People's Artist Russia, laureate State Prize, leading actress of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, mother of three daughters. Chulpan Khamatova is known for her social activities, which consists in attracting public attention to the problems of children with cancer.

Together with actress Dina Korzun in 2005, they organized Sovremennik on stage. a charity concert"Give me life" to help these children. In 2006, Chulpan and Dina co-founded the Gift of Life charity foundation, which helps children suffering from cancer and oncohematological diseases. By the summer of 2009, the fund had collected and allocated more than 500 million rubles for treatment.

Largely thanks to her efforts - constant charity events and stories about suffering children - free help has become at least fashionable in Russia. Even in bouquets of flowers from spectators, she finds envelopes with money with the inscription “for children”.

“My whole history in charity began with a meeting with doctors. I saw extraordinary people, sensitive doctors with unpetrified hearts, and realized that they needed help. If there are such fireflies on this planet who fight for the lives of children, then I have no right to leave them alone in this fight. I saw how volunteers work, these people with big, kind hearts. I was amazed by their dedication. And, of course, I met the children. It’s a special happiness for me to come to them, play, chat..." “We must always remember that there is nothing more important in life than the health of the people around us..." (Ch. Khamatova)

We heard a lot about the Chulpan Khamatova Foundation, and decided to help children who live with incurable diseases by sending an SMS via MTS Easy Payment. We encourage everyone who has a kind, sympathetic heart to support our charity event.

Before the New Year in district newspaper“Iglinskiye Vesti,” the children of our class saw the article “They need our love and care,” which said that the editors were announcing an action to help young patients in the children’s department of the Central District Hospital, who for various reasons were left without parental care. We unanimously decided to support this action. In that noble cause Our parents and teachers supported us. The money raised was used to purchase baby care items and donate them to the children's department of the Central District Hospital. Our action was held under the motto: “Let there be more good people around!”

While researching information literature on our chosen topic, we learned that many organizations, entrepreneurs and simple people They organize charity events before the New Year, visit children in hospitals, shelters, and orphanages. For example, the editorial office of the newspaper “Evening Ufa”, where Volodya Varitsky’s sister works, supported All-Russian action « New Year every child." When buying a gift for their child, parents could also buy a gift for someone else’s child, for whom there was no one to buy it. It was not just a gift - it was the child’s confidence that he was not alone in this big world that someone remembers and cares about him. Thanks to this event, many children from orphanages in our country received gifts.

During winter holidays The guys and I conducted a sociological survey. We decided to find out how people feel about charity, whether they know about the Gift of Life foundation, and which people in our society are more numerous: good or evil. From the results, we learned that the majority of respondents have a positive attitude towards charity, but they themselves do not often perform noble deeds. Many have not heard about Chulpan Khamatova’s “Give Life” foundation, but the majority believes that there are more good people in our society than evil ones, and this despite the fact that our country ranks 2nd in the world in crime, and this makes everyone think about what awaits us in the future.

“And how we need kind words!

We have convinced ourselves of this more than once,

Or maybe it’s not words but deeds that are important?

Deeds are deeds, and words are words.

They live with each of us,

To pronounce them at that very hour,

When others need them."

1.5 . Conclusion.

1. Having studied the information and literature on our chosen topic, we learned about people’s charity, about Chulpan Khamatova’s “Give Life” foundation, which helps children suffering from cancer. We learned that there are many people in our country who have provided free assistance to those in need at least once in their lives. We read works about good people, noble people, selected aphorisms, proverbs and sayings about virtue, wrote essays about good and evil. Summing up the results of the work on the project, it can be noted that we achieved our goal and were convinced that the virtuous feeling still remains in people and continues to do good.

2. We expanded our knowledge about modern society, introduced our classmates, relatives and friends to the information we collected, and learned to do good deeds not in words, but in deeds. We carried out charity events: we helped patients of the children's department of the Central District Hospital in the area and provided free assistance by sending SMS to the “Give Life” fund (with money withdrawn from your account), and in the future we decided to take part in such events. We saw that our work interested our relatives and friends, and they responded to our call. This means that our work was not in vain and we hope that other people will hear us and become more responsive to the misfortune of others.

Media materials, newspaper “Evening Ufa”.

Proverbs and sayings.

Articles of the newspaper “Iglinskiye Vesti” in No. 144, No. 150 2012.

Annex 1.

Survey questionnaire.

    Your full name.

    How do you feel about charity?

3.What have you heard about Chulpan Khamatova’s “Give Life” foundation?

4.Could you provide free assistance to someone who needs it?

5. What kind of people do you think are in our society? more - kind or evil?

6.What do you think needs to be done to make people kinder?

For some reason, nowadays people are fixated on their problems and do not notice what is happening around them. They don't believe that someone outside can help or just tell kind word. But in fact, there are good, sympathetic people nearby, we just don’t notice them. Users shared touching stories, which prove that there is still a place for good in this world.

In contact with


I always come to work before everyone else. I pour myself some tea and fill both teapots to the brim. And at 08:55 I turn them on. How nice it is to see the joy on the faces of people who have not yet woken up, who do not have to wait for the kettle to boil to make tea or coffee.

My best friend finally introduced our entire company (all of whom have been family members for a long time) to his chosen one. Lips, eyelashes to eyebrows, selfies - the company did not accept her. Unexpectedly mine youngest daughter Donated blood was needed, we asked for help on social networks, people with whom we had been friends for years disappeared. Imagine my surprise when I saw that same diva in the hospital. The girl came to my daughter every day with gifts, food, and even helped my wife with cleaning the house and with her eldest daughter.

I’m standing on the side of the road, a car stops, and a guy with a gesture and a smile lets me cross the road. I don’t dare make a move, but he nods, saying, “Go, don’t be afraid.” So I switched over so as not to offend the dude. I was just waiting for a friend, I didn’t need to go anywhere.

When I had no money at all, I lived for a month with an unfamiliar Tajik and his family. He is the driver of the minibus, which I often rode and in which one day, out of despair, when I was evicted from a rented apartment, I began to cry. We talked and offered to help. There were no other options, I was in a foreign country, no friends, no family. I agreed. They fed me delicious pilaf and didn’t let me do anything around the house, they said, I was a guest. I pulled through, I’m very grateful to him and his wife, we still communicate.

When frost hits and snow falls, I can’t get rid of the thought that somewhere out there a cat or dog is freezing. When I have time, I go around the nearest areas in search of such loners. This way I settled two cats and a dog. We recently adopted a dog, and it was a miracle that on our first walk we found a kitten in a snowdrift and brought it in between our teeth. It seems I have a companion now.
The kitten has already been handed over to loving hands.

Winter, 2000. Odessa-Kyiv highway. An old Muscovite with a poorly working stove. I really need to go home. Night falls, the headlights go out. We can’t stop until the morning - we’re running out of gas, we’ll freeze to death, and they might even shoot us down, we’re crawling 10-20 km without light. We are 20 and we are scared. A huge truck grows behind us, doesn’t overtake, slows down to 50 km, turns on the high-speed one and crawls behind us until dawn, illuminating the way and protecting us. When it was dawn, he overtook, honked his horn and drove off into the distance.

As a student, he lived from bread to water. Ten years later I have an apartment, a car, and a business. Every week I go to the library, take atlases/manuals/manuals and hide money in them. I won’t lose money, but someone else will get an increase in their scholarship.

I went to the pharmacy, and my grandmother was sitting there, and one of the pharmacists measured her blood pressure. I’m standing at the checkout, they’re punching the goods for me, and I hear a conversation: “You throw away this device, it’s old and doesn’t work, but this one (he takes the pressure device off his grandmother’s hand and puts it in a box, put it in her bag) I’ll pay for it.” myself, I understand everything, there are different situations, please take it.” Grandma got emotional, and so did I.

My husband has worked as a lawyer all his life, he is a rather stern person, which plays a significant role in his profession. But one day, when I opened the door, I found him shaking and very worried. Near the house near the pipes in winter I found a tiny kitten that was already covered with frost. The kitten was released, the very affectionate baby is growing, and I was once again convinced that harsh people have a big heart sometimes.

One day I was crossing a two-lane road with my little daughter in my arms. A “bekha” was driving along the nearest lane and stopped to let us pass. I went, but noticed that an old Lada was rushing along the second lane. So this “beha” suddenly occupied the right side, creating a human shield between my daughter and me and the second car. The Lada slowed down somehow. We probably wouldn’t have been hit, since I was on alert, but I’ve been remembering this act of the guy from “beha” for several years now with goosebumps on my skin. Supermen are among us.

Once they gave me a huge soft bear (as tall as me), and I was living in a rented apartment at the time, and when I moved out, so as not to have to worry about transporting it, I decided to leave it. I had a bad relationship with the owner of the apartment, and I didn’t leave her such a gift, but went out into the entrance, listened and called the apartment from which the children’s squeals were coming. I explained the situation to the parents of a cute girl of about four years old, they, after thinking a little, agreed to accept the toy, but were slightly surprised when I asked my dad’s help to move the bear to them. I will never forget those huge eyes and the child’s undisguised happiness when she saw a toy 10 times larger than herself.

My mother works in a social center and every year, before the New Year, she takes a list of low-income families in the area. She and dad buy gifts for all the children and go to secretly congratulate them. Dressed as Father Frost and Snow Maiden, they give a surprise to the kids. My parents don’t tell anyone, not even everyone in the family knows, but I’m so proud of them! Wizards!

When I was studying at university, I rode home by train, naturally as a hare. And on one of my trips, the controllers (platform control) who had noticed me a long time ago decided to punish me - they simply did not let me onto the arriving train. All my attempts to escape were in vain... The doors of the cars closed, my subconscious began to picture not the most fun hours at the station. The controllers went home with a sense of accomplishment. Then I hear the driver shout: “Run!” — the doors of the carriages open, and under the mat of the controllers I run into the carriage.

When I was 8 years old, I pulled a drowning boy of the same age from the sea. 15 years have passed, this guy found me and asked me to be his son’s godfather, with the wording: “You saved me, so I’m ready to entrust you with the most precious things.” It was incredibly nice, especially when I saw pride in myself in the eyes of my parents and wife.

I go to work by tram. One route goes the way I need, the second does not turn off. It happens that it is not my route that goes to the depot along the street I need. So the driver, when the tram comes along my street, approaches, nods at me, saying, get in, and the conductor always says hello.

I went to the bank to pay off a loan. It was a fucking terrible day! There is a tiny parking lot near the bank, there is nowhere to turn around. I arrived, I saw that there was a place at the very end, I squeezed into it (fortunately the car is small), but still I couldn’t fit. I try to turn around and finally get stuck, running wild in the middle of the cars. I'm sitting in the car, crying. The workers were building the façade of the bank, they saw me, about six people came and turned my car 180 degrees in their hands, saying “don’t cry.”

I traveled by bus from St. Petersburg to Moscow. It was already night and it was very cold on the bus. Since I was sitting alone, I was able to sit on two seats, but because of the cold I could not sleep. And then suddenly something very warm fell on top of me, and I quickly fell asleep. Waking up in the morning in Moscow, I saw that the man who was sitting behind me covered me with his jacket, and he remained sitting in just a T-shirt... This was a couple of years ago, but I still remember that warmth.

When the child went to school, I bought him a phone number to contact me.
One evening I’m walking home after work and see notices on the entrance door, written with a felt-tip pen in a child’s handwriting and all in tears: “The phone is missing. Please return,” and our apartment number! I tear down the announcement, run home, and my son greets me tear-stained (he was playing with the guys and dropped it somewhere). During the evening, four residents from our entrance timidly knocked on the door and brought the “found” phone.

I have a friend who is a schoolgirl. They are three sisters, she is the eldest. There is an orphanage in the courtyard of their high-rise building. And in the company they met an orphan boy from there. They started talking, playing, hanging out in the yard. After a while, he began to come to their house. Then I met my parents and sometimes drank tea with them. In general, the guy became more frequent. And then the girls began to ask to adopt this boy, they became very close friends. And the parents didn’t refuse! Thus, the girls suddenly had an older brother, and he found a family.

I'm walking along underground passage, someone is singing inside, and my child in the stroller is about to fall asleep... I didn’t even have time to think that, dammit, the child will wake up now, when the musician began to quietly play a slow melody. This is such a small and at the same time great goodness!

“I live in St. Petersburg. To get to work, I have to go out. Vasileostrovskaya is one of the oldest stations of the St. Petersburg metro, small, completely unsuited to such a huge passenger flow. The lobby narrows towards the escalators, forming a funnel. At rush hour the crowd is terrible, even for me, a young man who is not deprived of strength by God, it is, to put it mildly, very uncomfortable to get out of the subway, they press so hard that my bones crack. I often visit Moscow and I saw how many people there are in the metro, much more, but there is no special crush, just people moving in a dense crowd. On our “Vaska” there is a real morning press.

So that means, today I got out of the train as usual and began to make my way to the escalator, slowly moving towards the mouth, next to my mother, a meter with a cap, skinny, small. And a little boy with her, about four years old, wearing glasses. Well, as expected, we are starting to get squeezed. The mother tries to cover the child, but there is a lot of pressure. The child begins to whine pitifully, broadcasting something like: “Oh, oh, mommy, it hurts, oooooh...”. The smartest ones start giving advice like: “Mom! Take the baby in your arms." But where is it... It’s too late to rush about, and a wave went through the crowd. In short, it’s terrible, the mother panicked, she’s pushing, sobbing, the baby is whining, it’s kind of scary. I tried to push the man away from them, I leaned against him, I pressed him, it doesn’t matter, I just move back on my own, it’s like I’m pressing against a wall.

Well, I began, as best I could, to push people away from the child in every possible way. There’s a guy next to me, yelling at me: “I’ll help you!” He climbed in and started pushing me away, then the guy joined in, and again. As a result, we built a battle formation of six men around this mother, popularly called a “turtle.” We put our shoulders together, made a circle, they are in the center, and they are pressing like a scribe, their feet are walking on the tiles, our circle is about to collapse.

There was some excitement. The guy with the mustache from our cordon yelled, “Keep the line! Sons! If we survive, I’ll give you three days to plunder.” Someone from the crowd yelled back, “This is SPARTA!” The people started laughing. And then we were spat out onto the escalator, the crush was over!

Mom was full of gratitude, the men began to discuss that the crush today was more serious than ever. And I was the last one standing on the steps: there was no one to discuss with, and I thought that this was all nonsense, that “our people are indifferent, the men are gone, they’ll pass you by to die.” The drunks actually passed by, and the mother and child all rushed to help. And by no means are we a lost nation.”

Actress Ksenia Alferova and her husband, actor Egor Beroev, established their own charitable foundation, “I am.” His mission is to help children with special needs. These are children suffering from autism and Down syndrome.

Russian actress theater and cinema Chulpan Khamatova is known for her social activities, which include helping children fight serious illnesses. In 2006, together with actress Dina Korzun, they co-founded the Gift of Life charity foundation, which helps children. By the summer of 2009, the foundation had collected and allocated more than 500 million rubles for treatment.

Russian actor theater and cinema Konstantin Khabensky founder of a charitable foundation for children with cancer. At the ceremony of awarding him the title " National artist Russia" he came to the Kremlin with a homemade badge "Children are out of politics.

Theater and film actor Evgeny Mironov is the founder of the Artist Charitable Foundation for the support of artists, founded in 2008.

A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to Hard time come to their aid. A kind person loves nature and takes care of it. A kind person loves birds and animals and helps them survive in winter cold. A kind person tries to be neatly dressed, polite and respectful in his interactions with friends and adults.

Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others. Good - everything positive, good, useful. Mercy is the willingness to help someone; - willingness to forgive a person; - wishing good to another is participation in someone’s fate; - humanity, selflessness, etc.

What is good? This is all good, kind, beautiful. What is evil? This is something opposite to good: bad, bad, misfortune, misfortune. We live with you on planet Earth. If good and evil exist on our planet, then people can do both good and evil deeds.

Good and evil are the main, basic concepts of morality. Everything that helps people and nature is good for them. What harms it is evil. Supreme manifestation good: peace and love for the Motherland, for the mother, for other people, near and far, for the living and the dead, for business, nature, etc. The highest manifestation of evil is war, murder.

There are, as always, not enough good people, There is, as always, a shortage of good people. Kind people are not always understood; the hearts of the kind hurt more. The kind ones generously help the sick, the kind ones give warmth and comfort, the kind ones walk in step with the weak and don’t expect any thanks. He who stands confidently in the world does not reproach another for anything, he who is kind turns everything for good, his heart glows with courage.

Our lesson is coming to an end. You are still children, but many glorious deeds await you ahead. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first you must grow up to be real people. This means that you must be brave, sympathetic, polite, kind, hardworking

Regardless of whether they expect good from you or not, do good. Regardless of whether your goodness is noticed or not noticed - Do good. Regardless of whether your goodness is accepted or rejected - Do good. Regardless of how they will pay you for doing good: good or evil - Do good. Do good and don’t ask anyone’s permission, For no one has power over your good. Sh.A. Amonashvili (Each of the children receives a memo with the words of Sh.A. Amonashvili)