Can the other world communicate with a person? The dead do not leave us forever

Messages from the afterlife

The main source of the strange cases listed below is the book “Secrets of Death” by Camille Flammarion (France), in which he tried to summarize several thousand messages sent to him from all over the world.

Flammarion, having analyzed cases of the appearance of phantoms from the afterlife, wrote: “All these examples show us that the dead return from the afterlife to settle some personal affairs, collect their debts that were not paid during life, or make amends for their unseemly deeds.”

Let's turn to his archive, starting with Russia: a letter dated October 13, 1899: “My grandfather’s brother Count Thaddeus Chatsky, after the death of his father, saw him in a dream, and the deceased told him that on the eve of his death he took ten gold chervonets from a neighbor (in those times a decent amount!), and for this amount the creditor did not want to take a receipt from him. He asked his son to pay this debt for him. The Count treated this dream as if it were an ordinary one and did not react to it in any way. But the next night the dream repeated itself. Then in the morning he harnessed his horse and headed to his neighbor. Everything was confirmed, and he returned the money to him. On the third night, his father came to him again in a dream and thanked him.”

An absolutely similar case from modern life, which was sent to the editor by former pilot A. Aleksandrov (Alma-Ata). “A neighbor, whom I know very well, his wife died. On the 9th day, she came to him in a dream and said: “Lift up the sofa, under the plywood there is a notebook in which debts are written down. Please return them to the people." In the morning, the husband did as she said - everything turned out to be correct. He knew nothing about this notebook or his wife’s debts.”

A request from the other world

The personality of Helena Blavatsky is quite controversial. Some consider her a brilliant medium and almost a guru, while others consider her a clever fraudster, a swindler and a plagiarist. She died on May 8, 1891 and immediately appeared to her friend, the famous French writer Juliette Adam. Through a medium she said: “I died and left Colonel Olcott my will, in which I asked that I be cremated. Only the way they burn it in India, in the open air. Here, when a person is burned in a closed furnace, he loses his psychic essence. I beg you to write to the colonel so that he does not dare to burn me, although I have a presentiment that you will not convince him.” At the same time, the spirit of Blavatsky addressed the same warning to Madame Adam, because she also wrote a will in which she asked to be cremated.
Adam was amazed - no one knew about this will. Blavatsky's faithful associate Colonel Olcott either did not receive the letter on time or did not heed it: Blavatsky was cremated in London.

Unmasking the killer

Count Ubaldo Beni (Italy), was director of the Montecorvino plant. A certain Garibaldi Veneziani worked there as an accountant. As often happens, the accountant stole, and the director promised to report this to the company’s management.
1916, August 24 - the count went to Mocera to buy a horse, and it is unclear why he took an accountant as an accompanying person. The next morning, passers-by discovered the count's corpse with multiple wounds near a small forest.
Suspicion, of course, fell on the accountant, he was arrested, but there was not enough evidence. And then the judge received a message from the police commissioner of Spoletto, where the count’s family lived, with two letters from Countess Annie Beni, the widow of the deceased, and from his mother Catherine Beni:
“I hereby declare that on the night of August 24, I saw my husband in front of me, who said: “The horse I bought was stolen. Find the intruder. He has a spot on his eye. Annie Beni."
“On the night of August 26, I saw how my son was killed. I saw him driving along a deserted road when he was attacked by a criminal. The attacker had a special mark - an eyesore. Ekaterina Beni."
By the way, between Spoletto and the place of the murder is 500 km.

It should be noted that the ghost of the count, rather prudently, did not name the killer: he was already arrested, and this did not give anything to the investigation. But mother and daughter reported the telltale sign of a killer they had never seen.

Transcommunication methods

According to my assumption, what we call the astral or, in fact, consists of two fundamentally different worlds. One of them is virtual, somewhat similar to a virtual computer game world. The only players in it are the sleeping and the dead, as well as stable thought forms. Such a world is unpredictable and phantasmagoric, and can be equally blissful and nightmarish. There is no passage of time that is familiar to us; it is rather an endless change of pictures, like in a kaleidoscope.

But since the sleeper is strictly localized in the space and time of earthly life, the astral body of the deceased, if the coordinates of the addressee are known, is easiest to meet with him in a dream to transfer the necessary information.
At the same time, the astral bodies of both the living and the dead can leave this virtual world into a full-fledged real, four-dimensional world, and move both in three-dimensional space and along the arrow of time (hence the prophetic ones).

They often communicate through intermediaries, formerly called mediums, now called psychics. The method of such communication is well demonstrated in the American film “Ghost”. Unfortunately, non-charlatan mediums are rare these days. However, it has been established that small children aged approximately two to five years can see and even communicate with the phantoms of the dead.

The next method is reincarnation. Most often, the same young children become its victims, but gradually the alien consciousness is replaced by the consciousness of the owner. But there are also very rare cases when, after a head injury, the consciousness of the alien completely or partially displaces the consciousness of the owner of the body. As a result, the deceased gets the opportunity to continue existing in someone else’s body.
Much more frequent cases are a short-term invasion of the consciousness of the deceased into the consciousness of an adult, the so-called MSD - a disease of multiple personnel.
Finally, in recent years, the progress of science and technology has not left the other world unattended. More and more often with our world, and with the help of tape recorders and computers, and even appear on TV screens.

Grigory Telnov

The souls of the dead were contacted via the Internet.
St. Petersburg scientists are studying devices that allow
communicate with the afterlife

"Life", 04/28/2010

Life does not end with the death of the body - now this is no longer a matter of faith, not a bold hypothesis, but a scientific fact. Scientists from Russia, the USA, Germany, Sweden and many other countries have been able to establish contact with the afterlife using technical means.

In response, there was a flood of information from deceased acquaintances and relatives. “We are all alive with the Lord!” - this message was received by candidate of technical sciences Vadim Svitnev from his son Mitya, who has passed into another world. Inspired by Svitnev’s success, thousands of Russians are using instrumental transcommunication (as scientists call technical methods of communicating with another world) to communicate with the souls of the departed

Enthusiasts use radios, computers and even try to communicate with another world via the Internet, explains Vadim Svitnev. The number of successfully established contacts numbers in the hundreds.

The Americans were the first to try to use Internet telephony for such contacts. They began a large-scale experiment in transmitting digital data through the channels of the well-known popular voice communication system Skype, which has more than 100 million users. American radio engineer Bill Chappell ( has created portable devices capable of picking up voices from this world. All of them are varieties of word generators and standard sentences; in fact, it is something like a deck of cards, from which the one you need is thrown out in response to your survey. The attachments and programs developed by Chappell for computers and iPhone and iPod smartphones respond to speech. Having heard a question asked, they retrieve from memory a certain answer and even a typical phrase. A dictionary of up to 2000 words is “hardwired” into the memory. It looks like a game, but the most amazing thing is that the answer most often comes “at stake”! Of course, skeptics may admit that someone is deliberately broadcasting the necessary words and phrases through Skype to gullible, mystically minded people.

But another portable device Bill released this year completely shatters all doubts - his FM Ghost Box picks up messages on the radio. This receiver quickly switches the tuning frequency and generates a “waveform” consisting of a mixture of random fragments of radio transmissions and noise from the airwaves for further processing on a computer. The researcher himself can monitor each track of the recording and check them for possible matches, which eliminates any manipulation of imposing the broadcast by another person.


Russian researchers of instrumental transcommunication methods have united in the RAIT association, headed by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Artem Mikheev; their website ( presents experiences of audio contacts with another world. In order not to be unfounded, I send those who doubt there - let him who has ears hear. The souls of the dead knock on all our doors, proving that they are alive, that earthly existence does not end with death.

The most interesting of the communication sessions was conducted by Artem Mikheev with the participation of Doctor of Technical Sciences Vitaly Tikhoplav and his wife Tatyana, Candidate of Technical Sciences - scientists dared to ask contactees from another world a question about the end of the world!

The contact was established through a computer with the Windows XP operating system and a sound editor. A Genius microphone for Skype was used to pose questions and as a source of low-level noise. The transcommunication process was carried out using the MNTR method (author's development of Vadim Svitnev).

Tatyana Tikhoplav: “Who am I talking to, please answer?”

Answer: “Center Group - we are in touch!”

(The Center group, broadcasting from another world, had previously come into contact with researchers from Germany Adolf Homs, Friedrich Malkhoff and the Harsch-Fischbach spouses from Luxembourg - now it has also contacted Russian scientists. - Author.)

Question: “Tell me, is this the Center group that made contact in Germany?”
Answer: “Europe will help.”

Question: “Can the Center group become our permanent contact?”
The Center's answer: “Perhaps.”

Scientists decided to ask a question that worries the whole world regarding predictions about the possible end of the world on the date indicated in the ancient Incan calendar: “Please tell me what will happen in 2012?”
Answer: "The people will be at home with the Lord"

« The unknown is a signal from Nature that our knowledge about it is not complete, which should encourage science to study this unknown».
Anatoly Evgenievich Akimov, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics.

One of the most striking phenomena of the twentieth century (which assumed significant proportions in its second half) can be called recordings of so-called “electronic voices”. These voices, which came first through a tape recorder and radio, and later through other specially designed devices, clearly identified themselves as people who lived on Earth in a physical body and are now living in other dimensions of existence. Thousands of specialists and enthusiastic researchers around the world were able to verify from their own experience the reality of what was happening. The recorded voices had a large number of unusual characteristics, and at the same time demonstrated the human knowledge and psychology of their owners. In subsequent years, this phenomenon developed both in its qualitative and quantitative characteristics, turning into what was called “instrumental transcommunication.”

In 1952, Father Pelegrino Ergetti, with a diploma in particle physics and quantum physics, worked with Father Gemelli, then president of the Pontifical Academy, in the experimental physics laboratory of the Catholic University of Milan. It was about attempts to remove overtones in recordings of Gregorian chants. At that time, tape recorders used thread rather than tape, and it often broke. Every time this happened, Father Gemelli would exclaim, “Oh, Dad, help me!” Once, while listening to the recording corrected after the break, he heard not Gregorian chants, but the voice of his own father: “Of course, I will help you, I’m always with you!” Stunned, both clerics carefully checked their audibility after the next chant. And again we heard the voice of Father Gemelli: “Silly, can’t you see that it’s me!” Considering this incident very important, Ernetti took his friend to Rome to talk with Pope Pius XII. The head of the Catholic Church reacted surprisingly favorably to their story, saying the following: “Be calm, this is a scientific fact, it has nothing to do with spiritualism. The recording apparatus is objective, it is not suggestible. It catches and records sound waves wherever they come from. Perhaps this experience will mark the beginning of new scientific research to prove the existence of life beyond death.”

In 1959, Friedrich Jurgenson, an artist and opera singer, recorded birdsong in the forest near his home in the small Swedish town of Molvo. When playing the recording, along with the trills and chirps, he heard a sonorous male voice saying something in Norwegian about “night birdsong” or “bird voices in the night.” Jurgenson was so captivated that he decided to make some more recordings, and among many other voices, he discovered the voice of his late mother, warning: “Friedrich, you are being watched!” “When I heard my mother’s voice,” said Jurgenson, 70, “I was convinced that I had made an important discovery.” Jurgenson played his recordings at an international press conference, and in 1964 he published a book in Swedish entitled Voices of the Universe, reflecting his four-year study of the phenomenon of voices from the other world.

Jurgenson's book "Radio contact with the other world", published in 1967, was translated into German and at some point read by the Latvian psychologist Dr. Konstantin Raudiv. Shocked by the prospect of communicating with the dead, but moderately skeptical, Dr. Raudive visited Jurgenson and studied his recording technique. Soon he himself took possession of it. After conducting many of his own experiments, Raudive brought the phenomenon of voices to the world's attention with his book Breakthrough, in which he cites some of the messages he received from twenty-seven thousand different voices. In the United States and England, the taped voices are known as "Raudive voices". Scientists and electronic engineers subjected Raudive to the most rigorous tests, trying to discover the source of his voices. Raudive never doubted that he heard the dead, because many voices called their name and declared that they were in another dimension of existence. True, along with voices recorded on more complex modern equipment, the “voices of Raudive” are noticeably different from ordinary human speech in pitch, timbre and strength. And their soft, irregular rhythm often gives special modulations. Raudive says about this: "The construction of a phrase is subject to laws radically different from the rules of ordinary speech, and although voices seem to speak the same way as we do, the anatomy of their speech apparatus must be different from ours." Raudive believed that the fact that voices are heard and we can understand speech, although sometimes with difficulty, confirms their physical, independent existence. The most stringent check was carried out shortly before Raudive's death. Many prominent scientists and electronics experts have analyzed thousands of recordings made by Raudive. No one had any doubt that the voices existed - the questions related only to their source. Most engineers were convinced that voices were randomly picked up waves from radio and television.

To resolve doubts, several scientists decided to record the “voices of Raudive” in the studio of the recording company Pye Records in March 1971. Engineers installed special equipment to block any accidental radio and television broadcast waves. The experiment used the best samples of then existing equipment and high-quality magnetic film. Raudive used one recording device, while another, connected and synchronized with it, served as a control. Raudive was not allowed to do the setup himself; all he could do was give commands into the microphone. A third recording machine, synchronized with Raudive's tape recorder, recorded all the sounds in the studio. The recording of the “voices of Raudive” lasted eighteen minutes, and none of those present heard a single unusual sound. But when the scientists played the tape again, they found more than a hundred voices on it, some of which were so clearly audible that they did not need amplification. Electronics experts were stunned. In addition, the control recording device recorded absolutely nothing. “This is impossible from an electronics point of view,” admitted the English engineer who headed the test. Raudive's records continue to be analyzed to this day.

In the early 1970s, having learned about Jurgenson's experiments in Sweden, in the city of Grosseto (Italy) Marcello Bacci began experiments in the field of the phenomenon of electronic voices. In his experimental work he tried and tested a variety of devices and methods. He initially practiced recording through a microphone, achieving some encouraging results. After a few years, the voices improved significantly - they became loud and clear. In subsequent years he received his contacts via an old tube radio. His experiments took place in the presence of many people (sometimes up to seventy people were present at the sessions). Currently, the sessions proceed as follows: He tunes his radio to a frequency between 7 and 9 MHz in the short wave range, an area free of normal radio transmissions. After a ten to twenty minute pause, the static “white noise” of the radio undergoes changes. Instead of loud, static “white noise,” a characteristic sound signal appears, similar to the sound of approaching wind. It is repeated 3 - 4 times in short periods of time. This is followed by silence, at the end of which a voice from a loudspeaker begins a direct dialogue with Bacci or other participants in the session. Paranormal voice utterances are not continuous, but are interspersed with pauses that last from ten seconds to three to four minutes. Sometimes the contact ends with the singing of a very touching and lush choir. Once the contact is complete, the normal static noise of the radio returns again. The entire experiment in each case lasts about forty minutes. Invisible entities claim to be "Spiritual Beings". Sometimes they say, “The Spirit speaks to you,” other times they begin communication without introducing themselves. All contacts unequivocally indicate the presence of autonomous intelligent beings, differing from each other in acoustics, fluency of speech and, finally, in the emotional and conceptual content that characterize each individual. The voices speak on various topics, randomly chosen by them, since Bacci usually does not interfere, only occasionally asking some questions. The main topic of communication concerns the purpose and meaning of contacts, the main purpose of which is to help people understand what lies “on the other side.” Often listeners are invited to “awaken again,” to undergo inner change and conscious modification of the “gnoseale structure.” The word “gnoseale” is a neologism derived from the ancient Greek word “gnosis”, which means “knowledge” or “study”. By this, communicators mean that we should not reduce all our knowledge to rational laws, thereby trying to rationally explain a phenomenon that, in their words, is “not scientific, but of a different order.”

Below are two examples related to this topic (translated from Italian).

« The Spirit is here, he says, Bacci. He says something new. This is a new path to comprehend the new truth and true values ​​of life, our Life».

« Here is "il Saggio" ("The Wise"), and here is my voice, or better said, the objective presence of my words. This path is a personal path to clarify wonderful things and to convey my thoughts. Listen and allow yourself to be guided by these words in order to increasingly enrich your great treasure born in distant lands. For all of you, it is necessary to replace the assertion of yourself as the chosen one with the truth with a commitment to seek the truth with others, for the benefit of everyone».

Sometimes the entities exhibit traits of criticism and irony, calling on listeners to overcome the human inability to project themselves onto a higher plane.

« Some of those present are driven not by the search for truth, but by curiosity. Many of you have come here, obviously, looking for a sign. Live your life wisely and reflect carefully on these extraordinary events. Dear Bacci, this is a wonderful opportunity to be here next to you, in this dark and cozy room. It is wonderful of you that you welcomed the Spirit with hospitality! I speak for the grieving mothers who did not understand correctly what I said: life does not end with earthly death, do not forget this! There will be a new world! Throw away your uncertainties, your doubts, your anxieties: dear children, look at me, I am alive here!»

As already mentioned, Bacci's early experiments were carried out using the same technique as that used by famous experimenters such as Friedrich Jurgenson and Constantin Raudive. However, in recent decades the quality of the phenomenon has improved significantly. This improvement has been facilitated by many factors - for example, Bacci's diligence and persistence, the regular encouraging presence of colleagues and close friends who have collaborated with Bacci for years in his work, in the process of which the harmony essential to good group work has been built in the field of transcommunication. Another decisive factor was opening up access to the laboratory for bereaved parents, as contact with loved ones brought them significant comfort. The combination of the above factors certainly led to an improvement in Bacci's mediumship, which caused a significant increase in the duration and sound quality of contacts, as well as some associated phenomena including physical effects. That Bacci's mediumistic abilities play a significant role in achieving a successful outcome is unequivocally confirmed by the fact that paranormal contacts occur only in his presence. Sometimes, when Bacci is away from the laboratory, some of his regular visitors try to work with his radio to make contacts, but this does not bring results.

It was 1982 when it was announced that an American group of researchers led by George Meek, president of the Metascience Foundation in Franklin, USA, had sensational contacts with the other world. For approximately ten years, a group of engineers and electronics specialists, led by George Meek, tried to make contact with deceased physicists and technicians. Initially, this contact did not involve resorting to any technical means, but was carried out only through mediums. These mediums reported groups on the other side attempting to contact those on earth in the same way. Following this, the earth side sent electromagnetic signals, and at the same time the transmedium transmitted a reaction from there. Ultimately, William O'Neill, an electronics specialist and amateur radio operator, built electromagnetic transceiver acoustic equipment, through which in 1981 he was able to organize many hours of dialogue with electrical engineer Dr. George Jeffrey Muller, who died in 1967. During these dialogues, the deceased Dr. Müller handed over a large amount of personal data. The authenticity of the recordings of these messages was checked extremely carefully, and was completely confirmed.

On April 6, 1982, the equipment, called "Spiricom" (from the words "spiritual" and "communication"), along with the results obtained, were presented to the American public at a conference at the National Press Club in Washington. A large amount of information has been published not only in the United States, but also in other countries, such as Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, South Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan and Brazil. In Germany, Dr. Ralf Determeyer, who was active in communication research, published a fifty-six-page report in German. In his report on this phenomenon, Dr. Ralph Determeyer reproduces verbatim conversations that took place using the electronic communication system "Spiricom Mark IV" between Metascience employee William O'Neill and Dr. George Jeffrey Mueller, who died of a heart attack in 1967. They present an overview of many hours of dialogue, some of which lasted more than half an hour. Having only the English text at my disposal, and refraining from translating it due to the no longer relevant situation, I would just like to briefly talk about the content of some of these messages.

Evidence of the integrity of Dr. Mueller's memory, mind and personality, as well as their impressive activity, was given during a conversation in which this former electronics specialist made technical advice. One time he said that the problem was around the third transistor and preamp block. The problem was an impedance failure, and could only be overcome by using a 150 ohm 0.5 watt resistor in parallel with a 0.0047 microfarad ceramic capacitor (conversation April 1981). In another communication session, Dr. Muller had conversations with an entity standing next to him on "his side", which could neither speak through Spirit nor be seen or heard by O" Neal. The entity identified itself as "Nathaniel" and stated, that he knew William. Dr. Muller acted as an intermediary, and then a conversation took place between William and Nathaniel on the subject of their childhood memories and boyish pastimes in which they both participated more than half a century ago. Dr. Muller talked about scientific things with the same. accuracy as about everyday life and showed a fair amount of humor. Once, for example, he mentioned his great love for carrots and cabbage. On another occasion, he argued that in his world there is no such perception of time as it was with him on earth. level. It was a great surprise for George Meek and his staff to learn that Dr. Muller could see everything in their laboratory. Therefore, they often left letters and journals so that Muller could read them and then discuss their contents. And this actually happened. One day Mueller said that George Meek and his staff needed to find a small book he wrote in 1947 called Introduction to Electronics. Mick found this book at the State Historical Society in Wisconsin, Dr. Mueller's home state. Here is another interesting incident: Dr. Muller gave William O'Neill a design diagram for an electronic assembly that made it possible to build a small device to cure arthritis. Metascience built two prototypes, called I-F-R-T, which showed good results after a small series of tests in Japan and Florida. Dr. Muller also gave several telephone numbers not listed in the telephone directory and suggested calling them. The results were amazing. Dr. Muller's personality - after all, he managed large and important projects during his earthly life. - obviously shown by the tone of his voice when he asked for the camera and sound to be adjusted so that he could make some extremely personal remarks to William. Dr. Mueller's phrase, "I can't stay here forever," proved prophetic: soon after, the volume and duration of the messages decreased. Less than a month after this instruction, communication with him completely ceased.

In 1981, an electronics specialist from Germany, Hans Otto Koenig, presented a new device he invented based on ultrasonic vibrations, called the “Generator”. The fact that the starting point of research goes back to a much earlier period of time fully applies to Hans Otto König. Like many others, he once encountered the phenomenon of tape-recorded voices, but as a really thinking electronics engineer, at first he could not accept the paranormal interpretation of the phenomenon. Being a technical expert, he thought that he could prove the inconsistency of the "votes" by applying suitable tests. But circumstances decreed otherwise. Koenig began to receive surprisingly high-quality records, contacts with his deceased mother, friends and acquaintances, so that he was eventually forced to accept the concept of afterlife. Now he devoted his entire efforts to improving the quality of recordings, deepening contacts and developing new devices. Success did not come to him immediately. It took many years to fully realize his ideas and plans, and finally present his inventions to the public. He made his last presentation at the symposium of the VTF (Verein fur Tobandstimmenforschung), an association for the study of tape-recorded voices, held in Fulda on November 6, 1982. The device was functioning and various paranormal voices were heard clearly and loudly. While at the symposium only a few hundred people witnessed the debut, on January 15, 1983, millions of people heard how König's device was presented on Radio Luxembourg in Rainer Holbe's "Incredible Stories" program. The following messages were received with a hitherto unprecedented volume.

When Koenig asked the question: “Can I try to get in touch with you?”, the answer came: “ Try!"

When asked, "Can you hear me? I think I'm tuned to the right frequency," a particularly loud and clear voice responded, " We hear your voice".

After Hans Otto König addressed his acquaintance, calling his godname “Helmut,” the above-named said: “ I'm going to Fulda" (Fulda is the city where the symposium took place).

This voice created a particular sensation because, on the one hand, it mentioned the name of König, on the other hand, it mentioned the neologism “Radio of the Dead,” which exactly corresponded to the situation in the Radio Luxembourg studio.

In 1986, a teacher from Luxembourg, Maggie Harsch-Fischbach, and her husband Jules, after visiting one of the congresses on the phenomenon of electronic voice, held in the German city of Fulda, began to independently conduct tape recording sessions. It so happened that a voice was recorded on their tape recorder, introducing himself as Konstantin Raudive, the pioneer of the electronic voice phenomenon, who had not been among those living on Earth for ten years!

Then even more incredible events followed: messages from their departed relatives, friends and acquaintances began to arrive through the radio. It seemed as if the door between Earth and Heaven began to open slightly. Among other voices that announced themselves, an extremely loud and beautiful voice came, which announced that representatives of the Higher Intelligence had chosen Maggie and Jules for a very important and responsible task - to show all people on Earth that death does not exist, but that everything those who have lived a human life with dignity make the transition to another, beautiful world, full of joy, happiness and new opportunities. The owner of the voice announced that he would assist with communications and they could call him “technician.” He said this about himself:

"I am not energy and I am not a light being. You are familiar with the picture of two children walking across a bridge, and behind them is a creature protecting them. This is who I am, but without the wings. You can call me Technician, as it is my role to open this bridge of communication. I am assigned to planet Earth"

The small apartment of the Harsh-Fischbachs became a place where miracles happened. Many scientists, reporters, and simply people who experienced the loss of their loved ones came to them. Many of them were able to talk to their friends and family who had left Earth, and even saw images from the spiritual world appear on the television screen.

Konstantin Raudive, a scientist who came into contact with them from the very beginning, also sent his image. He said:

"I decided to give something to those who still doubt... to convey my own image that shows me as I am on this side, on the banks of the River of Eternity".

This is how another of their interlocutors, a woman scientist from the other world named Sven Salter, described life on the other side of existence:

" After his bodily death, a person continues to live on a different level of existence... We have the same body as yours, but it has a more subtle level of vibrations than yours. There are no diseases here, lost limbs regenerate again. Bodies crippled on Earth are being restored again in our world. We live in nicely furnished houses. The landscapes are of impressive beauty, and the average age of people who continue to live here is from twenty-five to thirty years. People who died on Earth in old age wake up here in full consciousness after a restorative sleep. According to Earth time, this sleep lasts approximately six weeks. For some people it may be shorter. The children are taken in by relatives who are here and take care of them. Children continue to grow and develop until they are twenty-five to thirty years old. We live here together with other forms of life: with people who lived on other planets before their bodily death, with dwarfs, giants and gnomes, as well as with incorporeal beings. About sixty billion humanoids from all existing worlds are collected here. Friendship and partnership continue. Sexuality is by no means rejected, since it is inherent in the human essence. The prerequisite is that both partners are in harmony and desire sexuality. Animals also continue to live after death. They have everything and people who love animals care and look after them. We eat and drink just like you. Our food is produced synthetically. This means that we can materialize earthly food. The meat we eat is only a reproduction of matter and no animal should die for the sake of another living being. There are animal species here unknown on Earth, such as birds of paradise and magnificent, colorful butterflies. The ambient temperature is very pleasant. The personality and character of the people who come here remain unchanged. All living beings can continue the process of learning. They do not awaken at our level with new knowledge. Psychological problems and conflicts have not yet been eliminated here either. Our level of the other world is the reproduction of the human mind. People whose ideas and perceptions coincide gather in groups and form a unity. This unity constitutes the first step on the path to the fourth dimension. After the transition to the fourth dimension, a person is freed from the law of reincarnation. To build these connections, we must approach your world and adapt in the best possible way. Our biggest challenges are time and energy"

Many questions were asked to the highest being who led the contacts - the “Technique”. Here are the answers to some of them:

What does it take to communicate with you?

Important conditions for contacts with our world are a pure heart and a pure soul..

Why do so many people on Earth have to experience suffering?

The suffering that a person must or is forced to experience and endure is part of his own self, partly earned by his own actions in this or past lives, or directed by a Higher Power to accelerate the process of learning, for better knowledge and improvement.

Did the Fall of Man take place as described in the Bible?

Much of what has been written on this subject is wrong: it is not true that people should regain anything they have lost. They are on the path of progress. There has been no departure from God, but people are on the way to becoming what they call "gods." This is an ideal that people will one day achieve.

Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ is a very highly developed spiritual entity, the leader of humanity, who also plays an important role in our spheres. He is a light lit in darkness, a lifeboat on the high seas.

Do previous lives exist?

Even if you don't like it, nevertheless I will tell you: reincarnation exists. Parallel worlds exist! People evolve in the ceaseless wheel of life. Some have arrived today at a stage of development that allows them to better understand certain things. Reincarnation implies continued progress in moving forward, not backward. Animals are also subject to a cycle of reincarnation. People do not incarnate in animal bodies. Famous earthly personalities are born again as simple people if they used their previous life only to exercise power over people. Disease and illness have their significance in human progress. Don't judge other people's destinies. If we feel it is important to inform you about why some people are particularly affected, we will let you know. Some people need advice and help, others do not want to be helped, as you may have already noticed. These people already before incarnation decided to go through a life full of suffering.

What is happening on your side with those who had power and authority on Earth?

Many of them do not find their way because they never learned to create with the power of thought. Some of them are not suitable for our world, and we are forced to send them back to Earth. Such people are too accustomed to using only negative force in their thoughts. Others here do manual work, you can compare it to your side. There are workers in the mountains, on farms, on real dairy farms from the Middle Ages.

Contacts between Maggie and Jules continued for more than ten years, gradually fading away in the late nineties.

At the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, developed associations of instrumental transcommunication appeared in many countries - America, Europe, including Russia. The work begun by predecessors continues, and the ardent aspiration of researchers leaves no doubt that many amazing discoveries and breakthroughs still await us in this area.

In June 1831, at the end of the sermon, one of the parishioners approached Cure Pascal Sonia, from a village near Nantes in France, and, very embarrassed, asked for a pen and paper. The curé was greatly surprised by such a request - after all, this peasant could neither read nor write - but he complied with his request. The peasant, staining and scratching the paper with crooked lines that came out from under a hand unaccustomed to such an occupation, very quickly covered the entire sheet and asked for another.

And while the parishioner, sticking out his tongue from tension, wrote on a new sheet of paper, the priest tried to read the scribbles from the first sheet of paper and was even more amazed - the letter was written on behalf of a woman! And this woman accused her own husband of her murder! And more than that, he knew the story of this woman from the newspapers - about a month ago, the wife of a large landowner from a town located 200 km from Nantes disappeared without a trace. And the inconsolable husband announced a large reward for any information about the missing woman.

And from the scribbles written by an illiterate peasant it followed that it was her husband who killed her and personally buried the corpse. And besides, he robbed the murdered woman, removing an old family pendant from her neck. The murdered woman described in detail how everything happened and where her body was buried. In her message, she especially showed concern for her eldest daughter, who was at enmity with her father. And her husband committed murder in order to marry someone else.

Realizing that he had witnessed a real miracle, the priest took the sin to his soul and, having copied the scribbles of this peasant, sent them to the police, explaining that this was told to him by an unknown person in confession, who accidentally witnessed the murder. The police quickly found the body, and the details of the murder, stated by a “random witness,” did not require a confrontation: the killer immediately repented and confessed to everything.

And the fact is that there are quite a lot of similar cases that were solved thanks to evidence these days, although the police don’t really like to advertise them. Alas, much more often otherworldly graphomaniacs come into contact with the world of the living and try to send here their unwritten or unfinished novels, plays and even musical works. This phenomenon is called automatic writing and in general it looks like this: a certain person, not necessarily a psychic (the intermediary is chosen by the otherworldly author according to his criteria), suddenly falls into a kind of trance and begins to write words, musical notes on paper, or even draw paintings, having nothing to do with music or painting. For example, Dickens finished one of his novels with the help of a young guy who had not read the novel at all. Literary scholars unanimously recognized the hand and style of the deceased writer.

In 1913, St. Louis resident Pearl Curran and several of her friends staged a seance. A certain Patience Worth came to meet with the descendants, claiming that she lived in Dorset in the 17th century and was killed by Indians. Pearl Curran's hand seemed suitable to her, and as a result, an ordinary housewife began writing sheets of paper one after another at a speed of 100 words per minute, producing novels on a historical theme. There were as many as five of them. Writers and literary critics simply shrugged their shoulders. But she was surpassed in this regard by the Irishwoman Geraldine Cummins, born in 1890. As many as 15 novels came out of her “automatic pen”!

By the way, not everyone writes in their native language. There are phenomena that write in foreign languages ​​unknown to them, including Latin. Of course, without understanding anything from what they wrote without a translator.

At the beginning of the last century, Russia also had its own, then very famous “automatic machine gunner” Kryzhanovskaya, who wrote under the dictation of a certain long-dead Englishman Rochester and, naturally, signed her mystical opuses with his name. Now they look quite naive, but the girls of that time fainted from fear from reading them.

Apparently, spirits in some cases try to do without a human intermediary with his subconscious showing tricks. And if our reader is sufficiently aware of “automatic writing”, or psychography, then another, similar phenomenon remains practically unknown. In the book of the famous French spiritualist of the mid-19th century, Alan Kardec, this phenomenon is called pneumatography, although this concept has nothing to do with pneumatics or pneumography (recording movements of the chest).

This is a phenomenon when the inhabitants of the other world write themselves, without the help of a living person. At least you can’t attribute it to any subconscious mind. They write in the same way as living people, on paper, most often with a pencil, but they can also use other means at hand. Particularly advanced people can use typewritten or even typographical font, of course, in the complete absence of a typewriter at the recipient of the message. And they don’t always need paper and writing instruments - they can use their own.

This circumstance, absolutely unacceptable to inveterate materialists, does not bother Kardec at all. “With pneumatography, the spirit does not use either our materials or our instruments. He himself produces both the substance and the instruments that he needs, extracting materials from the original universal element, subjecting it at his own will to those changes that are necessary for the action he produces.”

But let us return again to the beginning of the 19th century. Eight-year-old Marie (from France)'s mother died, whom the girl missed very much. And somehow, in a sad outburst, she wrote on a piece of paper: “Mommy, where are you, I miss you very much!” What’s amazing is that the mother responded by writing a few soothing lines on the same sheet. The girl suspected that her father had written it, but he almost fainted when he recognized his wife’s handwriting. Thus began a correspondence between the daughter and the deceased mother, which lasted about two years. The father nevertheless decided to do several experiments: he took his daughter’s letter, put it in the secretary’s drawer, and kept the key for himself. The answer appeared exactly the same. Another time he put only a letter in the box, without leaving a lead pencil there - nothing changed.

One time the girl got sick and couldn’t write a note to her mother. There was no other paper in the secretary's drawer, but it appeared out of nowhere, and the mother, whom no one had notified of her daughter's illness, wished her a speedy recovery. We do not know what the relationship between the spouses was like during life, but the deceased wife very rarely addressed her husband, and all the time through her daughter: “tell dad ...” or “tell dad ...” Moreover, these messages were of a predictive nature, warning of a possible misfortune. And although the daughter was happy communicating with her mother, the father was burdened by this invisible presence of his wife in all household affairs. And when he met another woman, he decided to sell the house and move to another city. Otherworldly messages stopped appearing there.

It’s interesting, but all the messages from the other world were extremely brief, as if the correspondent was given only limited time to write them. It was never possible to see how the message appeared on paper - it appeared only in complete darkness. When Marie was sick, candles were left burning in her bedroom at night, and on such days no messages were received. When asked about the afterlife, the mother’s answer was short: “I feel good here.” She ignored clarifying questions. But it seems that otherworldly censorship did not prohibit the release of information about future events.

The phenomenon of “pneumatography” is well known to modern poltergeist researchers. Very often, when apartment outrages of a “noisy spirit” appear, in addition to breaking dishes and light bulbs and throwing jars of jam through intact glass, literary masterpieces also appear directly on the wallpaper or ceiling. Moreover, in most cases they are completely illiterate - this is reflected in the general decline in literacy in the country.

At teacher Olga Vladimirovna’s house, the carpet poltergeist not only overturned the refrigerator and tore the bed linen to shreds, but also tore out sheets of school notebooks brought for inspection and wrote the following threats without punctuation: “You will all end soon, remember me...”, “I’ll come tomorrow if call your physicists, I’ll burn everything” - On the advice of psychics, the teacher also entered into correspondence with the “noisy spirit” and communicated with him as with an ordinary school bully. Surprisingly, the “hooligan” got carried away, scribbled a farewell message on the glass of the bathroom and disappeared.

Do you know how to talk to the soul of a deceased person and open a portal to the afterlife? Since ancient times, people have tried to establish connections with other dimensions, in various ways to call the souls of the dead for dialogue. But is this really possible or is it just a trick of the imagination?

In the article:

How to talk to the soul of a deceased person?

Throughout the history of mankind, everything unknown and mysterious has attracted people. And what could be more amazing and unreal than a dialogue with the deceased? That is why, for a long time, fortune tellers, sorcerers and magicians have tried to find the most effective way to contact the soul of the deceased.

In some cases, a person may even enter into dialogue against his will. Perhaps the spirit of the deceased will come to talk on its own and the person will not have to make any effort to do this. Today, there are many stories about how living people receive messages from the subtle world.

The deceased may come into your dream of his own free will, on his own, in order to convey some important information. In addition, you can call a person into your dream. Before going to bed, it is enough to ask the deceased for help, to tell him to come to you.

Spiritualism as a way to contact the soul of the deceased

One of the most popular and sought after (due to its simplicity and effectiveness) ways to contact the other world is a spiritualistic seance. Several versions of this ritual have survived to this day.

Often performed in the company of several people. To do this, you need a special board (with a pointer) on which the letters of the alphabet, numbers and words will be depicted: “Hello”, “Goodbye”, “Yes”, “No”.

However, there are many variations of this method. Instead of a pointer, there may be a special charmed needle or saucer. Often, instead of a professional board, they use a sheet of paper on which all the necessary signs and words are written in a circle.

Experts still recommend resorting to such a method not on your own, but in the company of a person who has already made contact with the other world. At the very least this will keep you safe. In addition, a more experienced practitioner will better understand the mood of the spirit, its willingness to talk, be able to formulate the right questions and better decipher the answers received.

How to open a portal to the afterlife?

Probably the easiest way to open a portal to the afterlife is to perform a ritual using a mirror. For those who are familiar with magic and have been involved in summoning any entities, this method is familiar.

Very important:
If you use this method, protect yourself in advance. Position yourself in front of the mirror, draw a protective circle around yourself using salt or chalk. This is necessary, since anyone can come after the called soul from the other world. This “anyone” can not only quietly slip into our world, but also attack you.

Next, you need to peer at your reflection in the mirror, and then say who you are calling and why. Wait a few minutes and listen to your feelings. Some people say that after this they began to see another reflection in the mirror, the silhouette of the summoned person.

Others claim that the fact that the soul has come can be felt. You will feel the presence of another person in the room, you may even hear the characteristic smell with which this person is associated, you may even hear her voice.

A spirit can make its presence known in any way, so listen to all your sensations. After the spirit appears, you can talk to it, ask what you want.

Very important
: When the dialogue is completed, the spirit must be sent to another world. Often, if you come into contact with a person with whom you had a good relationship, he understands that he cannot stay in this world and leaves on his own. However, to be on the safe side, it’s better to say goodbye to your soul and ask it to leave.