Crime and punishment is all about sleep. Characteristics of Sonya Marmeladova - briefly

Sonya - main character novel by the great Russian classic Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. On the pages of the book, the love story of Sonya and Rodion Raskolnikov, the main character of the novel, unfolds.

“Sonya was small, about eighteen years old, thin, but quite pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes».

Fate rewarded Sonya's youth with an alcoholic father, a sick, hysterical stepmother, and three half-brothers and sisters who needed to be fed. And young Marmeladova diligently helps all of them. Raskolnikov is amazed to see such self-sacrifice: “Oh yes

Sonya! What a well, however, they managed to dig! And they use it! That's why they use it! And we got used to it. We cried and got used to it. A scoundrel of a man gets used to everything!”

In order to feed herself and her family, Sonya goes to work as a girl in a brothel. This closes the door for her to marry any more or less decent young man. After this, many people refuse to communicate with her and consider Marmeladova an equal person. They create a scandal for Raskolnikov after he seats Sonya next to his sister, and they try to compromise him with this acquaintance.

“She was also in rags; Her outfit was a penny one, but decorated in a street style, according to the tastes and rules that had developed in her own special world, with a brightly and shamefully prominent purpose. Sonya stopped in the entryway at the very threshold, but did not cross the threshold and looked as if lost, not seeming to realize anything, forgetting about her silk dress, bought fourth-hand, indecent here, with a long and funny tail, and an enormous crinoline , blocking the entire door... about a funny round straw hat with a bright, fiery-colored feather...."

Alas, her loved ones are not able to fully appreciate Sonya’s feat; they really take advantage of the girl’s kindness. Official Marmeladov speaks frankly about his consumer attitude towards his daughter:

“After all, now she must observe cleanliness. This cleanliness costs money, it’s special, you know? Do you understand? Well, you can buy sweets there too, because you can’t, sir; starched skirts, a fancy shoe of sorts, so that you can show off your legs when you have to cross a puddle. Do you understand, do you understand, sir, what this purity means? Well, here I am, the blood father, and stole these thirty kopecks for my hangover! And I drink, sir! And I’ve already drunk it, sir!..”

Outside of her work, Sonya is a girl “with a modest and decent manner, with a clear, but seemingly somewhat intimidated face.” She is devout and reads the Bible. Raskolnikov’s words that there is no God strike her to the core. The rules of decency, the norms of society and the rules of the church for Sonya are, oddly enough, very great importance: “...after all, I... am dishonest... I am a great, great sinner!”- she says about herself, referring to her occupation of prostitution.

Despite sad story in her life, Sonya Marmeladova maintains femininity, external and spiritual attractiveness:

“But her blue eyes were so clear, and when they came to life, the expression on her face became so kind and simple-minded that you involuntarily attracted people to her...”

The father still asks Sonya for forgiveness before his death. Sonya falls in love with Raskolnikov, follows him to Siberia, and settles next to the hard labor camp to take care of him. Rodion is amazed by her humble feeling: “She smiled at him warmly and joyfully, but, as usual, timidly extended her hand to him. She always extended her hand to him timidly, sometimes she didn’t even give it at all, as if she was afraid that he would push her away...”

Whenever possible, Marmeladova helps convicts and their families, writes letters for them and sends them to the post office. The convicts love her: “She didn’t curry favor with them... She didn’t give them money, she didn’t provide any special services... Their relatives who came to the city, on their instructions, left things for them and even money in Sonya’s hands... Everyone took off their hats, everyone bowed: “Mother, Sofya Semyonovna, you are our mother, tender, sick!” - these rude, branded convicts said to this small and thin creature. She smiled and bowed, and they all loved it when she smiled at them. They even loved her gait, turned to look after her as she walked, and praised her; They even praised her for being so small; they didn’t even know what to praise her for. They even went to her for treatment...”

Sonya's good deeds are rewarded handsomely. By the end of the novel, Raskolnikov’s love can no longer be restrained by his coldness and rudeness. It is endless and revives not only the hero himself, but also warms Sonya’s heart. For the sake of this love, they are ready to wait for the seven years remaining until the end of his term:

“Sonya! Poor, meek, with gentle eyes... Darlings!.. Why don’t they cry? Why don't they moan?.. They give everything... they look meekly and quietly... Sonya, Sonya! Quiet Sonya!..”

Sonya Marmeladova - central female character Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. Her difficult fate evokes in readers an involuntary feeling of pity and respect, because in order to save her family from hunger, the poor girl is forced to become a fallen woman.

And although she has to lead an immoral lifestyle, in her soul she remains pure and noble, making us think about real human values.

Characteristics of the main character

(Meet Sonya)

On the pages of the novel, Sonechka does not appear immediately, but after Radion Raskolnikov has committed two crimes. He meets her father, a minor official and bitter drunkard Semyon Marmeladov, and he, with gratitude and tears, talks about his only begotten daughter Sonya, who, in order to feed her father, stepmother and children, goes to terrible sin. Quiet and modest Sonya, unable to find another job, goes to work and gives all the money she earns to her father and his family. Having received a so-called “yellow ticket” instead of a passport, she has the legal opportunity to work as a prostitute, and is unlikely to ever be able to quit this terrible and humiliating profession.

Sonya became an orphan early, her father married and started another family. There was always a shortage of money, the children were starving, and the embittered stepmother started scandals and, in despair of such a life, sometimes reproached her stepdaughter with a piece of bread. Conscientious Sonya could not stand this and decided to take a desperate act in order to earn money for her family. The sacrifice of the poor girl struck Raskolnikov to the depths of his soul, and he was impressed by this story long before meeting Sonya.

(Soviet actress Tatyana Bedova in the image of Sonechka Marmeladova, film "Crime and Punishment" 1969)

We first meet her on the pages of the novel on the day when her father was crushed by a drunken cab driver. This is a skinny blonde vertically challenged, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with gentle and remarkably beautiful blue eyes. She is dressed in colorful and a little ridiculous outfit, directly indicating the type of occupation. Timidly, like a ghost, she stands on the threshold of the closet and does not dare to go there, which is why her conscientious and naturally pure nature makes her feel dirty and vicious.

Meek and quiet Sonya, who considers herself great sinner, unworthy to be near ordinary people, does not know how to behave among those present, does not dare to sit next to Raskolnikov’s mother and sister. She is humiliated and insulted by such low and vile people as the court councilor Luzhin and the landlady Amalia Fedorovna, but she endures everything patiently and meekly, because she cannot stand up for herself and is absolutely defenseless against arrogance and rudeness.

(Sonya listens to Raskolnikov, understanding, goes to help him, to his repentance)

And although outwardly she looks fragile and defenseless, she behaves like a hunted animal, inside Sonya Marmeladova there is a huge mental strength, in which she draws strength to live on and help other pitiful and disadvantaged people. This power is called love: for her father, for his children, for whom she sold her body and destroyed her soul, for Raskolnikov, for whom she goes to hard labor and patiently endures his indifference. She doesn’t hold a grudge against anyone, doesn’t blame anyone for her crippled fate, understands and forgives everyone. In order not to judge people and forgive their vices and mistakes, you need to be a very integral, strong and generous person, which is what you are ordinary girl with difficult fate, Sonya Marmeladova.

The image of the heroine in the work

Timid and driven, aware of all the horror and shame of her situation, Sonya ( Translated from Greek, her name means wisdom.) patiently and resignedly bears his cross, without complaining or blaming anyone for such a fate. Her exceptional love for people and ardent religiosity give her the strength to bear her heavy burden and help those in need. kind words, support and prayer.

For her, the life of any person is sacred, she lives according to the laws of Christ, and every criminal for her is an unhappy person demanding forgiveness and atonement for his sin. Her strong faith and a huge sense of compassion forced Raskolnikov to confess to the murder he committed, then to sincerely repent, come to God, and this became for him the beginning of a new life and his complete spiritual renewal.

The image of the heroine, which has become an immortal classic, teaches us all great love to one's neighbor, self-giving and self-sacrifice. Sonya Marmeladova, the favorite heroine of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, because she embodied his innermost thoughts and ideal performances about the Christian religion. Life principles Sonya and Dostoevsky are almost identical: this is faith in the power of goodness and justice, that we all need forgiveness and humility, and the most important thing is love for a person, no matter what sins he has committed.

Dostoevsky wrote his novel Crime and Punishment after hard labor. It was at this time that Fyodor Mikhailovich’s beliefs took on a religious overtone. Denouncing the unjust social order, the search for truth, the dream of happiness for all humanity during this period were combined in his character with disbelief that the world could be remade by force. The writer was convinced that evil cannot be avoided under any social structure. He believed that it came from human soul. Fyodor Mikhailovich raised the question of the need for moral improvement of all people. Therefore, he decided to turn to religion.

Sonya is the writer's ideal

Sonya Marmeladova and Rodion Raskolnikov are the two main characters of the work. They seem to be two counter flows. The ideological part of Crime and Punishment is their worldview. Sonechka Marmeladova is a writer. It is the bearer of faith, hope, empathy, love, understanding and tenderness. According to Dostoevsky, this is exactly what every person should be. This girl is the personification of truth. She believed that all people have equal right for life. Sonechka Marmeladova was firmly convinced that through crime one cannot achieve happiness - neither someone else's nor one's own. Sin always remains sin. It doesn’t matter who committed it and in the name of what.

Two worlds - Marmeladova and Raskolnikov

Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova exist in different worlds. Like two opposite poles, these heroes cannot live without each other. The idea of ​​rebellion is embodied in Rodion, while Sonechka Marmeladova personifies humility. This is a deeply religious, highly moral girl. She believes that there is something deep in life inner meaning. Rodion’s ideas that everything that exists is meaningless are incomprehensible to her. Sonechka Marmeladova sees divine predestination in everything. She believes that nothing depends on a person. The truth of this heroine is God, humility, love. For her, the meaning of life is great power empathy and compassion for people.

Raskolnikov mercilessly and passionately judges the world. He cannot tolerate injustice. It is from here that his crime and mental torment stems in the work “Crime and Punishment.” Sonechka Marmeladova, like Rodion, also steps over herself, but she does it completely differently than Raskolnikov. The heroine sacrifices herself to other people rather than killing them. In this, the author embodied the idea that a person has no right to personal, selfish happiness. You need to learn patience. True happiness can only be achieved through suffering.

Why does Sonya take Rodion's crime to heart?

According to the thoughts of Fyodor Mikhailovich, a person needs to feel responsible not only for his actions, but also for any evil done in the world. That is why Sonya feels that the crime committed by Rodion is also her fault. She takes this hero’s actions to heart and shares his difficult fate. Raskolnikov decides to open his terrible secret exactly this heroine. Her love revives him. She resurrects Rodion to a new life.

High internal qualities of the heroine, attitude towards happiness

The image of Sonechka Marmeladova is the embodiment of the best human qualities: love, faith, sacrifice and chastity. Even being surrounded by vices, forced to sacrifice her own dignity, this girl maintains the purity of her soul. She does not lose faith that there is no happiness in comfort. Sonya says that “a person is not born to be happy.” It is bought through suffering, it must be earned. Fallen woman Sonya, who lost her soul, turns out to be a “person of high spirit.” This heroine can be put in the same “category” with Rodion. However, she condemns Raskolnikov for his contempt for people. Sonya cannot accept his “rebellion”. But it seemed to the hero that his ax was raised in her name.

The clash between Sonya and Rodion

According to Fyodor Mikhailovich, this heroine embodies the Russian element, folk origin: humility and patience, and to man. The clash between Sonya and Rodion, their opposing worldviews are a reflection internal contradictions writer, disturbing his soul.

Sonya hopes for a miracle, for God. Rodion is convinced that there is no God, and there is no point in waiting for a miracle. This hero reveals to the girl the futility of her illusions. Raskolnikov says that her compassion is useless, and her sacrifices are ineffective. It is not because of her shameful profession that Sonechka Marmeladova is a sinner. The characterization of this heroine given by Raskolnikov during the clash does not stand up to criticism. He believes that her feat and sacrifices are in vain, but at the end of the work it is this heroine who revives him to life.

Sonya's ability to penetrate a person's soul

Driven by life into a hopeless situation, the girl tries to do something in the face of death. She, like Rodion, acts according to the law free choice. However, unlike him, she did not lose faith in humanity, which Dostoevsky notes. Sonechka Marmeladova is a heroine who does not need examples to understand that people are kind by nature and deserve the brightest fate. It is she, and only she, who is able to sympathize with Rodion, since she is not embarrassed by either the ugliness of his social fate or his physical deformity. Sonya Marmeladova penetrates into the essence of the soul through its “scab”. She is in no hurry to judge anyone. The girl understands that behind external evil there are always incomprehensible or unknown reasons that led to the evil of Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov.

The heroine's attitude towards suicide

This girl stands outside the laws of the world that torments her. She's not interested in money. She, of her own free will, wanting to feed her family, went to the panel. And it was precisely because of her indestructible and strong will that she did not commit suicide. When the girl was faced with this question, she carefully thought about it and chose an answer. In her situation, suicide would be a selfish act. Thanks to him, she would be spared pain and shame. Suicide would get her out of the "fetid pit." However, the thought of family did not allow her to take this step. Marmeladova’s measure of determination and will is much higher than Raskolnikov expected. In order to refuse suicide, she needed more fortitude than in order to commit this act.

For this girl, debauchery was worse than death. However, humility excludes suicide. This reveals the full strength of character of this heroine.

Love Sonya

If you define this girl’s nature in one word, then this word is loving. Her love for her neighbor was active. Sonya knew how to respond to the pain of another person. This was especially evident in the episode of Rodion’s confession to murder. This quality makes her image “ideal”. The sentence in the novel is pronounced by the author from the standpoint of this ideal. Fyodor Dostoevsky, in the image of his heroine, presented an example of all-forgiving, all-encompassing love. She does not know envy, does not want anything in return. This love can even be called unspoken, because the girl never talks about it. However, this feeling overwhelms her. It comes out only in the form of actions, but never in the form of words. Silent love only becomes more beautiful from this. Even the desperate Marmeladov bows before her.

The crazy Katerina Ivanovna also prostrates herself in front of the girl. Even Svidrigailov, that eternal libertine, respects Sonya for her. Not to mention Rodion Raskolnikov. Her love healed and saved this hero.

The author of the work through reflection and moral quest came to the idea that any person who finds God looks at the world in a new way. He begins to rethink it. That is why in the epilogue, when it describes moral resurrection Rodion, Fyodor Mikhailovich writes that “it begins new story"The love of Sonechka Marmeladova and Raskolnikov, described at the end of the work, is the brightest part of the novel.

The immortal meaning of the novel

Dostoevsky, having rightly condemned Rodion for his rebellion, leaves victory to Sonya. It is in her that he sees the highest truth. The author wants to show that suffering purifies, that it is better than violence. Most likely, in our time, Sonechka Marmeladova would be an outcast. The image of this heroine in the novel is too far from the norms of behavior accepted in society. And not every Rodion Raskolnikov will suffer and suffer today. However, as long as “the world stands,” the soul of a person and his conscience are always alive and will live. This is the immortal meaning of the novel by Dostoevsky, who is rightfully considered a great psychological writer.

Essay on literature on the topic “Crime and Punishment”: Sonya Marmeladova (with quotes). The truth and spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova. My attitude towards the heroine

"Crime and Punishment" is the most famous novel Fyodor Dostoevsky, both in Russia and abroad. The writer managed to grasp the subtle organization of the human soul, reveal it and see the reasons that prompt a person to perform certain actions.

The image of Sonechka Marmeladova in the novel is the embodiment of spiritual purity and kindness. The reader learns about her from the words of her father Semyon Marmeladov, who has long lost faith in improving his situation and in his own correction. He is a former titular councilor who has deprived himself of benefits and human respect, and has descended into poverty and daily drinking. He has children and a wife who is smitten terrible disease- consumption. Marmeladov speaks of Sonechka with all his father’s warmth, gratitude and simple human pity. Sonya is his only natural daughter, who meekly endures oppression from her stepmother, and in the end decides to desperate step- becomes a public woman in order to somehow provide for the needs of the family.

This is how the author draws Sonya Marmeladova: “It was a thin, very thin and pale face, rather irregular, somehow pointy, with a pointy small nose and chin. She couldn’t even be called pretty, but her blue eyes were so clear, and when they came to life, the expression on her face became so kind and simple-minded that you involuntarily attracted people to her.” The difficult fate of Sonya Marmeladova was reflected in her sad appearance.

At the beginning of the story, the reader has sincere sympathy for the girl, whose fate consisted of suffering and humiliation. Sonya put her body up for sale, this act covered her with shame in the eyes of noble and prosperous people who saw her only as a street woman. But only relatives and friends knew the real Sonya Marmeladova, and after that Rodion Raskolnikov recognizes her, main character novel. And now not only a humiliated and poor girl appears before the readers, but a strong and persistent soul. A soul that, under the pressure of circumstances, has not lost faith in people and in life. The role of Sonya Marmeladova in Raskolnikov’s fate is very important: it was she who pushed him to repentance and awareness of his guilt. Together with her he comes to God.

Sonya loves and pities her father, and does not hold a grudge against her sick stepmother, because she understands that they are all unhappy, just like herself. The girl does not condemn Raskolnikov for his crime, but asks him to turn to God and repent. Small and timid Sonya did not instill in her heart hatred for the world that treated her so cruelly. She may be offended, insulted, because the heroine of the novel is a modest and unrequited girl, it is difficult for her to stand up for herself. But she finds the strength to live on, sympathize and help others, without demanding anything in return, without losing humanity and kindness.

The source of Sonya's spiritual fortitude lies in her ardent and sincere faith in God. Faith did not leave the heroine throughout the entire novel; she instilled strength in the unfortunate soul to meet a new day. Spiritual feat Sonya Marmeladova is self-denial for the sake of her family. It is very symbolic that for the first time she sells herself for 30 rubles, the same number of pieces of silver that Judas received when he sold Christ. Like the Son of God, the heroine sacrificed herself for the sake of people. The motive of Sonya's self-sacrifice permeates the entire novel.

Instead of challenging and entering into a struggle with her miserable existence, responding to all those who trampled and humiliated, collecting all the grievances that had been concealed in her heart for so long, Sonya Marmeladova chose a different path. The path that God himself laid out is honesty, kindness, compassion and love. That is why Raskolnikov chose her to pour out his mental anguish, imbued with true respect for her. After all, a small and weak-looking person is capable of great and noble deeds. The significance of the image of Sonya Marmeladova is that by her example she showed Rodion how to save humanity without ritual murders: with strong and devoted love to the point of self-denial.

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The image of Sonya Marmeladova in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Sonya is a girl of about eighteen, small in stature, with blond hair and wonderful blue eyes. Her mother died early, and her father married another woman who has children of her own. Need forced Sonya to earn money in a low way: selling her body. But she is distinguished from all other girls engaged in the same craft by her deep faith and religiosity. She chose the path of sin not because she was attracted to carnal pleasures, she sacrificed herself for the sake of younger brothers and sisters, a drunken father and a half-crazed stepmother. In many scenes, Sonya appears to us completely pure and innocent, be it the scene of her father’s death, where he repents of his actions that doomed his daughter to such an existence, or the scene when Ekaterina Ivanovna asks for forgiveness for her cruel words and treatment of her stepdaughter. literary Sonya Marmeladova Dostoevsky

I justify the fragile Sonya, who chose this difficult path. After all, the girl does not plunge headlong into the pool of passion, she is still spiritually pure before God. She may not go to church, fearing accusatory words, but in her small room there is always a Bible on the table, the verses of which she knows by heart. In addition, Sonya not only saves the lives of her relatives, in the novel she plays another important role: Sonechka Marmeladova saves the lost soul of Rodion Raskolnikov, who killed the old pawnbroker and her sister Lizaveta.

Rodion Raskolnikov, who had been looking for a long time for a person to whom he could tell about what he had done, and who already wanted to commit suicide, comes to Sonya. It was to her, and not to Porfiry Petrovich, that he decided to tell his secret, because he felt that only Sonya could judge him according to his conscience, and her judgment would be different from Porfiry’s. This girl, whom Raskolnikov called a “holy fool” upon learning about committed crime, kisses and hugs Rodion, not remembering himself. She alone is able to understand and experience their pain with people. Recognizing no one's judgment except God's,

Sonya is in no hurry to accuse Raskolnikov. on the contrary, she becomes a guiding star for him, helping him find his place in life.

Sonya helps Raskolnikov “resurrect” thanks to the power of her love and ability to endure any torment for the sake of others. Immediately after she learned the whole truth, she decided that now she would be inseparable from Raskolnikov, would follow him to Siberia and, with the power of her faith, would force him to believe too. She knew that sooner or later he himself would come and ask her for the Gospel, as if a sign that things were beginning for him. new life.. And Raskolnikov, after rejecting his theory, saw before him not a “trembling creature”, not a humble victim of circumstances, but a man whose self-sacrifice is far from humility and is aimed at saving the perishing, at effectively caring for his neighbors.

All that can be used to characterize Sonya is her love and faith, quiet patience and endless desire to help. Throughout the entire work, she carries with her the light of hope and sympathy, tenderness and understanding. And at the end of the novel, as a reward for all the difficulties she endured, Sonya is given happiness. And for me she is a saint; saint, whose light illuminated the paths of others...

From Marmeladov's story we learn about the unfortunate fate of her daughter, her sacrifice for the sake of her father, stepmother and her children. She committed a sin, dared to sell herself. But at the same time, she does not require or expect any gratitude. She does not blame Katerina Ivanovna for anything, she simply resigns herself to her fate. “...And she just took our large green draded shawl (we have a common shawl, draded damask), covered her head and face completely with it and lay down on the bed, facing the wall, only her shoulders and body were all shuddering...” Sonya closes face, because she is ashamed, ashamed of herself and God. Therefore, she rarely comes home, only to give money, she is embarrassed when meeting Raskolnikov’s sister and mother, she feels awkward even at her own father’s wake, where she was so shamelessly insulted. Sonya is lost under Luzhin's pressure; her meekness and quiet disposition make it difficult to stand up for herself.

All the heroine’s actions surprise with their sincerity and openness. She does nothing for herself, everything is for the sake of someone: her stepmother, stepbrothers and sister, Raskolnikov. The image of Sonya is the image of a true Christian and righteous woman. He is revealed most fully in the scene of Raskolnikov’s confession. Here we see Sonechka’s theory - “the theory of God.” The girl cannot understand and accept Raskolnikov’s ideas; she denies his elevation above everyone, his disdain for people. The very concept of “ extraordinary person”, just as the possibility of breaking the “law of God” is unacceptable. For her, everyone is equal, everyone will appear before the court of the Almighty. In her opinion, there is no person on Earth who would have the right to condemn his own kind and decide their fate. "Kill? Do you have the right to kill? “- exclaimed the indignant Sonya. For her, all people are equal before God.

Yes, Sonya is also a criminal, like Raskolnikov, she also committed a crime moral law“We are cursed together, we will go together,” Raskolnikov tells her, only he transgressed through the life of another person, and she transgressed through hers. Sonya calls Raskolnikov to repentance, she agrees to bear his cross, to help him come to the truth through suffering. We have no doubt about her words; the reader is confident that Sonya will follow Raskolnikov everywhere, everywhere and will always be with him. Why, why does she need this? Go to Siberia, live in poverty, suffer for the sake of a person who is dry, cold with you, and rejects you. Only she could do this,” eternal Sonechka", With kind hearted And selfless love to people. A prostitute, respectful, the love of everyone around, is purely Dostoevsky, the idea of ​​humanism and Christianity permeates this image. Everyone loves and honors her: Katerina Ivanovna, her children, neighbors, and convicts whom Sonya helped for free. Reading the Gospel to Raskolnikov, the legend of the resurrection of Lazarus, Sonya awakens faith, love and repentance in his soul. “They were resurrected by love, the heart of one contained endless sources of life for the heart of the other.” Rodion came to what Sonya called him to, he overestimated life and its essence, as evidenced by his words: “Can her beliefs now not be my beliefs? Her feelings, her aspirations at least...”

By creating the image of Sonya Marmeladova, Dostoevsky created the antipode of Raskolnikov and his theories (goodness, mercy opposing evil). Life position The girl reflects the views of the writer himself, his belief in goodness, justice, forgiveness and humility, but, above all, love for a person, no matter what he may be.