Game program “Merry Artists” for elementary school students. Fun watercolors

Developing creativity

In an apartment where there is a child, there will definitely be a lot of markers, paints, pencils and crayons, sketchbooks and coloring books. As a child, everyone draws without thinking about how well the picture turned out, because they do it for fun. For some time now, the style of drawing simply with fingers dipped in paint has become popular, and children especially like this method. But the very first artwork appears on the wallpaper if parents do not keep an eye on their child. Through drawings, children learn about the world, giving them their own vision of the environment. From them you can read the child’s thoughts and understand what worries him. Already becoming an adult, he takes a closer look at what he has done, compares it with the paintings of other children, and if he own creativity inferior in beauty, he experiences discomfort and gradually stops drawing.

Not everyone can become a great artist, because everyone has their own talents, but while children are at an age when the topic of drawing is relevant to them, drawing games are another wonderful way to express themselves. The options for these toys are varied and offer novice painters:

  • color black and white pictures,
  • draw something yourself
  • repeat the task on the computer,
  • play logic games that do not require special drawing talents.

Nobody demands that the pictures be realistic and it is only important to fulfill the condition correctly. Cute drawing games for girls allow you to create an original card for your friend using virtual instruments artist:

  • brushes and paints,
  • pencils and erasers,
  • crayons and markers.

There is no limit to creativity, because wild imagination throws up new images every second, ready to be imprinted on canvas. - This A New Look to an activity that is so pleasant to indulge in during leisure time. But now the clothes and table won’t get dirty, and you won’t have to clean up after a pleasant time. You don’t even have to draw a pencil yourself, but choose from the proposed options the one that you like and create an identikit of a person you know or come up with a funny one of a little man, exposing the ears, nose, eyes, hairstyle, lips and other facial features. Send what you get to the printer and show it to a friend who is so similar to the cartoon you created, so that you can laugh together and continue having fun together. Just send your friend a link to this fun and compare the results when you meet.

Educational games Drawing games

Logic drawing games for children not only entertain, but also educate. We offer you the most different tasks, for example, direct sugar beans into a cup, drawing guiding lines for their movement. You can connect the numbers in order and see what kind of pattern you get, and use a drawn line to show the falling colored balls the path to a cell of the same color. Even the game about three in a row, familiar to all of you, acquires the new kind when to remove chains of balls with one color range above the line drawn on them. Sometimes there are also drawing games for girls, where the passion for clothes and art is united. From your wardrobe it’s easy to choose a true artist’s costume with an apron smeared in paint or come up with a completely new one creative image. And when the clothing style is completed, you can proceed to the still empty canvas placed on the easel to capture the great creation on it. There are many more different entertaining versions of drawing games that will entertain you and teach you a lot interesting techniques, and you can place those pictures that you especially like on your social pages and discuss them with friends.

Material game program will be useful for teachers visual arts, teachers additional education, class teachers- 5 - 7 classes for extracurricular activities.

2 teams take part in the game program (these can be teams from different classes or from the same class - divided into 2 groups, or teams compiled by random choice). The game program is intended for children 11 - 14 years old.

The number of people in each team is from 3 to 5. The remaining participants in the game are spectators, who are also divided into 2 groups - by lot they become fans of one of the teams (or fans of a team in their class). A jury (from 1 to 3 people) is selected to evaluate the game. The quiz game is structured in such a way that both spectators and team members take part in it.

Game materials:

for task 1 - illustrations of small format paintings by artist Yu. Vasnetsov “Three Heroes”, “Ivan the Tsarevich on a Gray Wolf”;

for task 2 - for each team: sheet of A 1 format, felt-tip pens, blindfold;

for task 3 - for each team: sheet of A 1 format, felt-tip pens;

for task 4 - for each team: illustrated magazines, A 3 sheet of paper, glue, scissors;

for task 5 - cards with text prepared in advance are attached to the board (easel, tablet or sheet of Whatman paper) so that the text is not visible. The number of cards is equal to the number of team members.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the work of Russian artists Yu. Vasnetsov, I. Shishkin, I. Levitan. Know what collage is and how to make it. Know the basics of color science. Know the basics architectural monuments Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Purpose of the game program: instill interest in fine arts, masterpieces of Russian artistic culture.



Introduce various types visual arts, consolidate acquired skills and abilities and show students the breadth of their possible application.


To develop sensory-emotional manifestations in children, artistic taste, creative imagination;

Develop communication skills that ensure joint activities in a group, cooperation, communication (adequately evaluate one’s achievements and the achievements of others, resolve conflict situations);


To form in children a sustainable interest in art;

To cultivate such personality traits as independence, initiative, attention, and determination. Develop group work skills. Encourage kindness towards each other.

Progress of the game:

Participants in the game program are divided into teams of participants and teams of spectators.

Teams of participants are located in front of the audience.

Task No. 1 - score max 5 points

Teams are given illustrations famous paintings artist Yu. Vasnetsov. The team must draw a “living picture” from the illustration.

The team of spectators must guess the name of the painting and name the artist Yu. Vasnetsov. If the audience guesses the name of the painting and the artist, the team receives 5 points. If the audience did not name the painting - minus 2 points, if they did not name the artist - minus 1 point. Thus, the minimum number of points a team can receive is 2 points.

Task No. 2 - score max 3 points

Teams are given cards with the name of the animal. All team members take turns with eyes closed must draw the proposed animal.

The spectator team must guess given topic your team. For the correct answer, the team receives 5 points, for a partially guessed topic - 4 points, if they did not guess - 3 points.

Task No. 4 - score max 5 points

Teams are given cards with proverbs, magazines, scissors, glue, A 3 format. Teams are asked to make a collage based on a given proverb.

The spectator team must guess the given proverb of their team. For the correct answer, the team receives 5 points, for a partially guessed topic - 4 points, if they did not guess - 3 points.

Task No. 5 - estimate max = number of team members

Individual competition.

Cards with questions are attached to the board (easel, tablet, Whatman paper) so that the text is not visible. Each team member comes up and chooses one card, reads the question and gives an answer. For a correct answer, each participant receives 1 point.

Questions and answers

1 team

1. White paint- chromatic or achromatic? (achromatic);

2. Did Shishkin paint a portrait or a landscape? (scenery);

3. Isaac's Cathedral is located in Moscow or St. Petersburg? (Saint Petersburg);

4. blue paint- cold or warm? (cold);

5. picture " Golden autumn"Drew by Shishkin, Levitan or Vasnetsov? (Levitan).

2nd team

1. black paint - chromatic or achromatic? (achromatic);

2. painting "Morning in pine forest"Drew by Shishkin, Levitan or Vasnetsov? (Shishkin);

3. Is St. Basil's Cathedral located in Moscow or St. Petersburg? (Moscow);

4. red paint - cold or warm (warm);

5. Did Levitan paint a portrait or a landscape? (scenery).

Jury list

Max score

Team No. 1

Team No. 2

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Educational
Developer: New school
Publisher: New Disk
Platform: PC
Publication type: pirate
Interface language: Russian only
Tablet: Not required

Game Fun watercolors. Little artist designed for the youngest users - those who like to draw watercolor paints. Watercolor painting promotes freedom of expression of thoughts and feelings, development of thinking and acquired skills. With the help of this program, children will be able to learn correct selection colors, mastery of various brushes and will complete a number of tasks to train attention and memory. This program will teach children how to communicate with a computer, how to work with a mouse, and how to open and close programs. Overall, this game will bring a lot of fun to your kids!

Screenshots for the game:

System requirements:
operating system Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista
Pentium® III 1 GHz processor
256 MB random access memory
50 MB of free hard disk space
Screen resolution 640x480
4 speed CD reader

10 themed design studios
100 unique objects to decorate
Exercises to develop attention and memory
Exercises to develop a sense of shape and color
You can play with the painted pictures!
You can practice without parental participation
Possibility to print all pictures for classes with real paints