How to place bets so as not to lose. How to bet on sports without losing

Many young bettors have been trying for a long time to find a “philosopher’s” stone for themselves in sports betting, developing a super universal strategy that does not allow a single mistake. They believe that there is a theory in which you can make 100, 1000 and even more bets and not one of them will lose. All this really only applies to young players taking their first steps in the world of betting. But why don't professionals care about such ideas? Maybe betting on sports without losing is not possible at all?

Below we have to answer the indicated questions. And in the course of our analysis, quite interesting points will be revealed that, due to their inexperience, young bettors slightly miss.

How not to lose on sports betting

This is exactly how professional players pose the question; they are more concerned about how not to lose over the long haul, rather than how to place bets so as not to lose even once. And there are 2 ways to do this:

  • independently develop a working theory and tactics for betting;
  • use the services of professional cappers.

Let us consider both methods in detail, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.

Independent development of a betting strategy

The goal of every young player is to bet 100 percent on sports, without allowing a single losing bet. And this is their main mistake. Why? Sometimes, when trying to achieve such a doomed goal, young bettors discard really winning theories of the game. How does this happen?

They begin to analyze a strategy they developed on their own or adopted from someone else until one bet was lost. And such a strategy is discarded after the first loss. But if they continued to analyze and test it, they would be able to make sure that over a long distance they could get a good positive result. This is where the difference lies.

Young bettors are looking for an answer to the question of how to bet on sports without losing a single loss. Experienced bettors try to understand how to win over a distance, which allows, for example, to lose 20-30-60 bets out of 100, but in the end achieve an overall plus.

You see, the bettor lost 14 out of 38 bets, but he is still in the black by $123.

It should be understood that for more than 100 years, when people all over the world actively play bets, not a single theory has been invented where the result was 100%, there was not a single loss, this is simply unrealistic. But a lot of theories have been developed that, with a competent approach, give a positive result over a distance or a certain period of time: a week, 2 weeks, a month, etc.

For clarity, you can take one such theory from those proposed by our experienced specialists: “Working strategies for betting on Formula 1.”

Everything is written here in simple language, even for those who have never been interested in this sport at all. At the same time, do not be lazy and carefully read the material offered for your attention; it discusses a really working theory, which is used even by many experienced bettors. It doesn’t require a lot of time, but if you use it wisely, it will give you a really positive result at a distance. This theory will not ensure a 100 percent win for each bet, but the overall result will be positive.

Using the services of professional cappers

Many people understand that for various reasons they will not be able to develop a successful theory of the game, so they conduct a painstaking search for professional cappers. But it so happens that the vast majority of young bettors fall for scammers who offer to buy an “iron” forecast from them, the probability of winning is 100%.

As soon as you see this phrase: “iron sports forecasts,” you shouldn’t come here anymore.

Not a single decent professional capper will say that his forecast is “iron” or 100%. He can say that his proposed bet has a high probability of winning. Why? Everything is very simple. A professional has his own working theories. He knows that they are profitable in the long run, he also knows that out of 100 bets he may lose 20-40, but in the end he will be in the black. He does not know which bets will lose, but the probability of winning each bet is extremely high. This is why a professional will never say that such and such a bet is 100% winning. If someone has decided to buy the forecasts of a real professional, then they must buy everything.

But there are a number of resources where you can use free, intelligent forecasts. Such forecasts can also be found in our “Forecasts” section.

We do not give, so to speak, “iron” forecasts, but we offer our subscribers bets with a high probability of winning. Forecasts are published every day for many sports: football, tennis, hockey, basketball, boxing, etc. It happens that a series of failures comes, but it is always followed by a series of good victories. Many subscribers, by the way, have developed entire strategies based on this and are achieving good results at a distance.

Let's sum it up

You shouldn’t make a popular mistake, don’t look for a universal strategy, and if someone offers you one, don’t pay attention to such a charlatan. If you want to independently develop a successful theory of the game, you must take into account that winning bets will always be accompanied by losing bets, you must try to ensure that there are significantly more of the former than the latter.

In an effort to use the experience of professionals, never rely on “iron” forecasts, such things do not happen in nature, even the most reliable bets can accidentally play.

The most important key to success is self-confidence and high performance.

Do you like sports? Do you want your hobby to also generate income? Then you can try to make money by betting on sporting events. And 10 simple rules for novice players will help with this.

1. At the very beginning you should determine what it is for you rates. If winning is not your goal, then there is no point in reading the article further. But if sports betting for you a way to get rich, then you need to treat them as work.

To do this you need:

Develop your own or use ready-made game strategies (passive - bet on the most likely event, aggressive - bet on a controversial match);

Determine your gaming bank (how much money you are willing to spend on bets, how many bets you want to place, what size of bets will suit you so as not to go bankrupt right away);

Be constantly up to date with the events of the sport on which you decide to bet your money.

2. Eliminate the word “surely” from your vocabulary. How can you be 100% confident in betting in such an unpredictable area as sports? Moreover, this forecast is most likely based only on odds. It is unlikely that your game needs such a risk that does not fit into the overall strategy for making a profit. Such a bet, of course, gives the probability of winning, but a bet on the favorite usually has a small coefficient (1.1-1.4), and this is a too slow increase in capital.

3. You should also make it a rule to only play in large bookmakers, because the larger the company, the more it values ​​its reputation. Therefore, first make inquiries about how long the company has been in existence, what reviews they leave about it, and only after that place your bets. Here are some names of major bookmakers: Pinnaclesports, Bet365, Bwin, Betfair, WilliamHill, Unibet, Sportingbet, Planetofbets, Pari-match, 10Bet.

When you see high odds offered by small bookmakers, remember that free cheese only comes in mousetraps. Are there any guarantees that tomorrow they will not evaporate along with your money?

4. Also, you should not bet on obvious favorites, because the odds are low, and they can end up in a draw or even lose; there are a lot of such examples. But the funny thing is that these bets are the most popular among players. If suddenly you decide to do this, do not place a large bet on the favorite to win.

Because of this, you can lose a considerable amount, and in order not to go into the red and win back the lost money, you will need to place bets and win several times in a row. To prevent this from happening, try to bet on the total odds (a bet on the total number of goals scored), the handicap (the difference in goals scored) or the exact score.

5. Don't place parlay bets. These are bets that include several outcomes, the odds of which are multiplied. But the bet does not win if even one event does not play out, so the higher the final odds, the more events there are and the higher the risk of loss.

But if you still decide to try put express, then try to choose a chain of no more than 2-3 events in which the coefficient is not higher than 2. Selecting such events will not be easy, you need experience and knowledge, so advice for beginners - put in singles.

6. It happens to everyone when luck turns around and all your bets win, at such a time you need to continue playing as long as you are lucky, but when a couple of bets have not played out, you need to be able to stop so as not to lose the bank and go bankrupt. This is not easy to do, because at such moments the mind fades into the background, and a person is controlled by emotions. “Now he’ll trample again, now I’ll win and get back everything I lost” - this is the beginning of a big loss, because you start increasing your bets with the hope of winning back, but you lose again and again. So the whole bank goes to nothing, and you are left with nothing.

7. It is always necessary to follow the chosen strategy, calculated in advance, with a certain degree of probability. In it, you have already determined for yourself the size of each bet (approximately 1-3% of the total bank amount, so losing will not hit your budget too much), the number of different bets per week, how many single and how many express bets you need to make to increase your income . If you begin to retreat from the strategy that you yourself have chosen, then this will be the beginning of the path to bankruptcy. And make it a rule not to increase your fixed rate by more than a few points. This will also help you avoid going bankrupt soon.

8. Also, you should not place your bets out of personal attachment to any teams or athletes. They should not be related in any way to your future profits. After all, if you bet on your favorite football team, and it’s not going through the best of times, someone was injured, the coach decided to save someone and left someone in reserve, someone is simply out of shape. This can easily trigger the loss of the entire bank. And if you bet on your opponent and win, then at the next game of your favorites you will be able to go to the stadium and cheer for them live, thereby proving your love and devotion to the team.

9. As with any job, when placing your bets, you need to be aware of events. You can’t just come at the behest of your heart and put your hand on someone. First you need to do research, read reviews, . The Internet can help with this in the best possible way; here, in addition to articles, you can also review all the games of a team or athlete to see what shape they are in and how they feel. Spend a little of your personal time analyzing the situation in a particular sport, and only then place a bet. This will help avoid unnecessary expenses.

10. The most important thing is to never forget that life without stakes exists. Don't change your bets on your family, children, parents, friends. These people will always support you, even if you fail, they will be there and help you get through any difficulties.


Experienced betters do not make rash decisions, because they know how not to lose money on bets. First of all, you need to choose a convenient strategy. You can use the Martingale, D’Alembert, Grind, Miller method, bet on the time match, outcome, total, score. Do not use risky strategies to avoid sanctions from bookmakers. Paid forecasts from experienced and reliable cappers, who predict the results of matches by conducting analytical work, help you win.

Make smart bets to avoid losing your sports bet!

Do not use funds intended for other purposes. If you cannot save a certain amount that you are willing to spend on entertainment without regret, save it first. Do not place a bet if losing will result in a significant deterioration in your financial situation.

To successfully start your career, stock up on optimal starting capital. If you place bets on relatively large amounts, you can get significant income. Be prepared for a possible negative outcome, but carefully calculate the likely outcome of a particular match in order to make the right bet with the highest probability.

At the initial stage, use no more than 3-5% of the allocated amount for each bet. As a result, you are guaranteed to save money for as long as possible. A significant amount will remain in the account even in the event of a series of incorrect bets. If you are not well versed in a particular sport or do not know the characteristics of a particular team, but believe that the outcome of the match is a foregone conclusion, bet on the smallest amount.

If you want to find out how not to lose on football bets, calculate the likelihood of the following unpleasant events occurring:

  1. Wrong bet.
  2. The decision was made untimely.
  3. Too high and unjustified risk.
  4. Rate freeze due to unforeseen circumstances.

Experienced betters avoid all-in bets and try to use their capital wisely. Even if you are new to the field of sports betting, you need to wisely spend the funds in your gaming account in order to make a profit and not disappointment.


Take into account every detail, keep your own statistics, periodically analyze your wins and losses for a month, quarter, year or other period. If you treat the statistics of your activities in sports betting wisely, you can intelligently form bet sizes, choose their type and quantity. Find out which strategies are most profitable for you, evaluate your chances and skills in working with various schemes. If certain types of bets consistently generate optimal income, their size can be gradually increased. Based on statistical data, you can not only select the size and type of bets, but also determine suitable upcoming events.

Bookmaker rules

Each bookmaker develops its own policy for working with clients. If you have not previously worked with a specific office, you need to study the basic rules and find out what types of bets are accepted. Some companies make unique offers that are almost impossible to find from competitors. If you do not read the rules carefully, there is a risk that even if you use a winning strategy, you will lose. To avoid disputes with the bookmaker and be able to withdraw your winnings without any problems, you need to carefully study the rules and, if there are any controversial issues, contact the support service.

Bet on the sports you understand

Place bets on those sporting events that interest you not only because of work. It is advisable to bet on those sports that you were interested in even before interacting with bookmakers. If you don’t know the composition of the teams, the features of the game, or statistics about the opponents in the upcoming event, you need to glean as much information as possible from the Internet or from cappers’ forecasts.

You should focus not only on the statistics of certain teams, but also on the features of a particular tournament or championship. It is important to consider statistics for several years on similar events. Be sure to regularly check news about your chosen sport so that any changes are not unexpected. To effectively analyze events, you should regularly attend matches, discuss the news with other fans, and follow the results of popular teams in each season.

If you often ask the question “why do I lose on bets,” you should reconsider your attitude towards sports betting. If you make rash bets, situations will often arise where the money has already been spent and the result is negative. Only with luck can you win large sums several times without understanding the chosen sport. To turn sports betting into income and not lose on bets, you need to study the most detailed information about the teams. Initially, you should bet on small amounts so that you don’t lose a significant amount of money while learning how to bet.

Paid forecasts

Purchasing sports forecasts is advisable for those players who want to learn how not to lose on sports betting, but do not have enough experience or time to analyze upcoming events. To choose a reliable capper, you should study statistics, reviews, and the number of successful bets in a particular season. It is important to focus on the cost of services. Once you have made your decision, you can purchase one or more forecasts.

One bet may be enough to make a profit. Often there is a need to make a series of bets. It is necessary to select predictions in advance for the events on which you plan to bet. If your opinion matches the forecasts, there is a high probability of making significant profits.


In bookmakers, odds are constantly changing, due to factors influencing the outcome of the event. Also, the odds are adjusted depending on the number of bets. Odds often fall when betting on the favorite to win, which is caused by the desire of bookmakers to reduce possible losses. If strong team members drop out of the game or other unforeseen events occur, the odds may increase upward. Due to the great competition among bookmakers, many odds are specially increased to attract new players.

It is advisable to pay attention to small changes in odds if you place a lot of bets at once. To get a significant win, you should not bet on events for which the odds are greatly reduced. As a result, you may suffer losses. If you can predict the outcome of an event on which a high odds are placed, your income will immediately increase.

Some beginners believe that by betting on low odds they are almost guaranteed to win. Don't forget that sporting events often end unexpectedly. Betters do not have the opportunity to know all the events in the lives of players on different teams, or the exact motivation of each participant in the competition. Also, due to constant training, players' results may vary. If you constantly bet on low odds, then even with 30% of unsuccessful outcomes there is a risk of going into the negative. Choose matches with odds of 1.7 or higher.

From reliable bookmakers, you need to choose those that offer the highest odds for sporting events that interest you. The higher the odds, the more chances players have to make a profit if they constantly engage in sports betting.

What types of bets are the most profitable?

At the initial stage, you should strive to bet small amounts, while receiving relatively large winnings. You can use express bets to increase your odds. If you take several events, the coefficients are multiplied among themselves. If you win, a person receives more profit than when betting on each event separately.

If you are not exactly sure of the outcome of each sporting event, you should bet on a small number of matches. 2-4 events are enough. Place bets only on events whose outcome you are confident of. Wait until you can bet on several matches at the same time with minimal risk.

What to do if the money is lost?

If you have lost all your money betting, you need to figure out whether you have a gambling addiction. If this disease is absent, and a major loss is associated with a one-time thoughtless bet on a high odds, you need to reconsider your gaming strategy and pay off debts, if any. You can continue to play only after complete relief from stress. There is no need to rush to recoup. It is important to understand your mistake, develop a new strategy, or turn to well-known tipsters who provide sports forecasts.

Some people place bets to cheer themselves up and take their mind off work or problems. In this case, you should avoid betting large amounts to avoid disappointment. It is important to ensure that you get only positive emotions from sports betting. If there is a big loss, you need to take a break. You should calculate your money correctly and develop successful strategies so that betting on sports does not bring significant losses.

If you want to know what to do if you lose betting, don't lose control. Resist the urge to act out. Be careful when betting on totals in live games. Even if you want to continue the game, before each bet you should conduct an analysis of the upcoming sporting event. If stress sets in after a loss or you feel symptoms of addiction, you need to take a break for at least a day. Learn to take your mind off bets and spend your free time chatting with friends. During a break, you can consult with experienced bettors, read sports forecasts in order to improve your skills and prevent another major loss.


If you notice that you are using sports betting as entertainment, you have started losing money, but you feel almost no discomfort, you need to stop. Even if gambling gives a lot of positive emotions, there is a risk of disappointment if you lose a large sum of money. Gambling can negatively affect the logical thinking of players, as it does not allow them to place bets based on an analysis of upcoming events. Some people bet on the victory of their favorite teams, choose the highest odds, but do not calculate their real chances of winning.

In order for sports betting to become a profitable activity for you, you should analyze each event, taking into account the maximum number of factors. If your emotions begin to affect you, it is advisable to take a break. Place a small number of bets, alternate betting with other interesting activities.

Don't rely on premonitions

Professional cappers often accurately predict the results of sporting events, as they conduct high-quality analytics. The outcome of each match depends on explicable factors that must be properly balanced. You should not take into account signs or trust your own or someone else’s intuition, since as a result you can incorrectly predict the outcome of an event.

Some bettors try to focus on the mood of the players on a particular team. If the results of the tour were disappointing, they hope that the players will improve their performance in the last match. Even with strong motivation, players cannot surpass themselves. It is possible that even if the outsider has the last opportunity, the game will be stable.

If a bet made on the basis of intuition wins, you should not make a strategy out of it, timing your winnings to specific dates or events. It is possible that this is an accident. Experienced players calculate the results of the match based on their knowledge. You should not blindly trust your intuition. It is important to analyze the factors that may affect the victory of a particular team.

The right strategy

To make as many profitable bets as possible, you need to choose the most optimal strategy in a particular case, and then adhere to a pre-prepared plan. Each strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages, but with the right approach you can regularly stay in the black. After selecting a strategy, you need to adjust it based on your own experience.

Each player has the opportunity to develop a strategy independently and use it for stable winnings. If you don't analyze your actions, the chances of earning a large sum of money are extremely low. Choose only permitted strategies. Some of them, such as arbs, bets on erroneous odds tracked by bookmakers, can lead to trouble. If you place bets in a proven bookmaker and use optimal strategies, you can make significant profits from sports betting.

Promotions and bonuses

Many bookmakers regularly hold promotions and award bonuses to new or regular players. Often, additional funds are credited when you first top up your account. Also, each player has the opportunity to participate in competitions and receive not only cash but also specific items as prizes. You should also pay attention to bookmakers that hold large-scale tournaments.

If you often win money by betting on sports, you can make additional profits by participating in lucrative promotions and taking advantage of bonus offers. To increase your profits, study the rules for receiving bonuses at several bookmakers. Take advantage of profitable offers if they do not interfere with your betting strategy.

Reasons for losing

Many betters want to know how not to lose on bets, but they make the following mistakes:

  1. Lack of self-organization, irresponsible approach to betting.
  2. Hope for the favorite to win, which is based on the experience of previous competitions, and not on an analysis of the team’s readiness for a specific match.
  3. Bets on sports in which the player is poorly versed.
  4. The desire to win back after a loss.
  5. Focus on emotions, not analytical data.
  6. Failure to comply with the chosen strategy.
  7. Working with a bookmaker that provides unfavorable conditions for players.
  8. Mismanagement of the money bank.
  9. Unstable psychological state.
  10. Bets on sports whose rules the player has no idea about.
  11. Lack of pauses, which reduces concentration.
  12. Frequent and irrational use of express bets.
  13. Wrong choice of a bookmaker company that provides unfavorable odds.

To reduce the risk of loss, you need to focus on previous mistakes and not repeat them.


To reduce the risk of losing a large sum of money, you should make optimal bets, choose a competent strategy, keep statistics, and focus only on analytical data. To make a significant profit from betting, luck and the ability to select upcoming sporting events are important. You can use the help of professional cappers by ordering forecasts. It is important to plan your budget correctly, betting on moderate amounts.

We often say that winning bets means beating the bookmaker. But do you know who you really have to play against? How well do you know the bookmakers whose line you try to beat every weekend?

We managed to arrange an interview with a person who has been working as an analyst in a domestic office for several years. He told us a lot of interesting things about the inner workings of offices, how work works in large bookmakers, and what problems they most often face in reality.

In order not to expose either the analyst or the employees who work with him, we publish the material without mentioning the name of the person and without the name of the office. Non-disclosure agreements, trade secrets, corporate ethics - these are all very boring, but very important things that we respect. So, let's go.


How did you get involved with the company? What knowledge is needed to work in a large office?

The way I got into it and the way other people usually get there are completely different things. I can first tell you about myself, then a little about the stories I heard.

After I finished my studies at the university, it was difficult to find work and it was not very clear what to do next. I auditioned for different jobs in completely different fields, but didn’t stay anywhere for long. I ran in this mode for about six months, and one fine evening the guys told me that one of the popular domestic offices was recruiting for technical support. There you had to pass several tests, spend some time on probation, but then stay at the bookmaker and work.

Given the lack of prospects, I decided that I wanted to try. True, the lack of knowledge in sports slowed me down a little. I played football at school and university, but I never followed the championships closely, I didn’t study the players or the teams, there was no need. Here it was necessary to know all this at least superficially, so I had to tinker for some time.

Wait, so you didn’t need any special knowledge in sports when you were hired? It is very strange

Yes, quite normal, if you think about it. I didn’t initially go to become an analyst, but rather to go to support. All they required as much as possible was to know how the service works in order to help users who call or write at any time. At the same time, everything you needed to know about working with the site or calculating rates could be learned on the spot; for this purpose, special courses were held plus a trial period. In short, they took a lot of people, arranged several stages of testing and training for them, at each of them some of the people broke away, but in the end the strong ones remained. Like everywhere else, in general.

Okay, how long does the training last?

The first stage took place over two weeks. There was a reading there, at the same time they gave us all sorts of tests to cut off those who did not understand the topic at all. Afterwards, the remaining ones were given a real exam, and then they were allowed to work if everything was fine. From our group then they recruited 5-7 people, I think. But in the end, after a year, I and one other guy were left to work, two in total. Not everyone can handle a tough work schedule.

Tell us a little more about working in technical support, were there any funny or interesting situations?

There are no stories that I could tell, and after which people would not understand which office we are talking about. I'll be careful to say that 80% of the time it's a very boring routine job that involves answering very stupid questions from very stupid people. In the remaining 20%, you have to understand really difficult situations, and somehow help the client, or, conversely, save the company’s money (and reputation). I didn’t like this job, but many felt comfortable in such a place and stayed there for more than one year. Communicating regularly with assholes is difficult; girls do it best. I don’t know why, maybe they are a little more lenient towards different people by nature. Many of them even liked it, but I personally didn’t; at the first opportunity I was looking for a chance to move somewhere.

And when did this chance appear?

About six months after I was hired, I learned that the office periodically recruits new people to the team of analysts of various sports. It is clear that football has always been and remains the most popular, but basketball, baseball and hockey can also be played if you have a good base.

That is, if one of our employees has been following some sport (or better yet, a championship) for more than one year, then he will have his chance. True, you need to understand not only sports, but also mathematics. Without a good understanding of its application in probability theory, no one will be hired, this is a fact. In general, you can either know all this, or you can study it all on the spot. Right in the office, special courses were held for everyone who wanted to take the analyst test in the future, where teachers from different institutes came to improve our equipment. It was all very difficult, and in fact little of all the material was useful in the end, but it was still more interesting than not.

I attended these courses, talked to the guys who are already qualifying for some sports, learned the most important things and passed the selection. As a result, I transferred from technical support to the position of full-time analyst. The task was to work on not the most popular championships (almost no one makes bets there, but they also need to be given) like Israel or Colombia. I worked with them for several months, then they began to trust me with something more interesting.

One of the most interesting questions: how does your company combat dishonest gaming (arbers, gamblers, bonus hunters)? Are these methods similar for all bookmakers, or does everyone invent something different?

The method of dealing with players who are trying to squeeze money out of the blue from the office is approximately the same for everyone. Regarding the agreements, everything is simple. If just a few years ago bookmakers had to monitor the nature of bets on certain events, and make decisions about refusal (closing a line) purely at their own peril and risk, now things are done differently. All, or almost all, bookmakers have a partnership withFederBet | Anti Match Fixing Organization is a company that monitors all suspicious bets on matches of top leagues. Moreover, it doesn’t matter where exactly the bet is placed and on what particular event, if there were abnormal bets on a certain match (and there cannot but be them if you are trying to make money through dishonest play), then information on them will definitely be sent to all offices, this is just It's a question of time. It happens even simpler: instead of a long dialogue with some distant FederBet, our bookmakers simply communicate with each other every time there is suspicious activity at a match.

I heard about this, but I can’t understand why companies would share such information and deprive competitors of problems, for example?

Well, this is beneficial for all of us. Many people believe that match-fixing is a joy for bookmakers; supposedly, bookmakers can also make great money from them by seeing what bet they make cash on. But in fact, this is a huge headache for several reasons.

Firstly, if an hour before the match, for example, it turns out that a deal is about to take place, in which there is an obvious overload on the TB in terms of goals, then you need to make decisions on all bets here. Which accounts could place bets knowing about foul play, and which ones could not? Is it just the TB that is overloaded, or will it be loaded onto something else later? If a user with a “clean” account (hasn’t been involved in any fraud with the account before) has deposited money for the same outcome, should he bet with odds of 1, or should he be given the opportunity to win a relatively small amount? He could very well not know any additional information.

In general, it’s a complete headache on internal issues alone. And the most unpleasant thing: any agreement attracts a lot of noise, which is not needed by any domestic bookmaker. The fact that you see a lot of advertising of our offices on the Internet or before broadcasts of matches on TV is one thing, but any media attention to the work of bookmakers is completely different. Our people don’t like to answer requests for interviews, hand over some reports to someone, and don’t like to shine too much light. We all work in the gray zone, one way or another. If we are given this opportunity, this does not mean that at the first scandal they cannot attack us with some kind of “mask show”. Even if they can, a friend of mine in the office has this as a regular occurrence. Nobody writes about this, but it happens often.

In short, no one wants noise, but everyone wants the game to be fair. What should you do in such a situation? Of course, try to resolve such issues on your own and not disclose them too much. If the media wrote about all the suspicious matches in the season, just tennis... Well, let's just say that many viewers would come to the conclusion that almost no one plays honestly. But they don’t write because no one needs it. Yes, agreements are being played. Yes, the poorer the championships and tournaments, the more often this happens there. But the offices are becoming more and more clever and more and more quickly cutting off the bills of those who are trying to make money on them. And, of course, he doesn’t shout about it anywhere.

In the same way, useful knowledge on forks is exchanged. Before you have time to deposit money for another account, we and all other offices will know who, where and how exactly is going to raise something on a fork. Believe me, these pennies are not worth all the problems that you will have later when renewing your account - I would simply forget about this method.

Okay, everything seems clear with agreements and arbers, but what about bonuses?

What's wrong with them?

Are there any sanctions against those who try to climb them?

All bonus programs are calculated before launch, tested in small groups, analyzed and only then reach the players. We are given figures in advance about how much money the average player should leave in the office with such a bonus. And most often the numbers end up matching.

Interesting. Okay, but in general there are cases when some random person wins too much. What does bookmaker do in such situations?

Well, with large amounts won (this is from $50,000, let’s take it roughly), of course the office feels bad, like everyone else in it, but what can you do? If you win and are able to withdraw money, no one will tell you anything.

What does “could remove” mean?

No office will allow you to withdraw a large winning just like that at the moment when the player has an amount on his balance. They will look for some tricks, reasons for delays, checks, payments in installments or something else. Firstly, there is always a chance to find something to cling to so as not to pay out the winnings and calculate the bet with odds of 1. This is the best thing that can happen for a bookmaker, but out of the blue no one can come up with such a reason for you - for the sake of big money, people are ready make a scandal. Secondly, if the check does not yield anything, all the offices begin to invent about “the amount for payment exceeding the limits.” It seems that at the moment the bookmaker does not have the opportunity to take and give out all the winnings in one tranche at once.

In reality, of course, there is an opportunity, but no one wants to simply part with the money and let it be withdrawn immediately from the account. We once had a case. The guy won a large amount, having made very few bets before. It was clear to everyone that his next desire would be to withdraw funds as quickly as possible and enjoy life. But our guys first told him that everything was fine, then they said that a check was needed, then that the amount was too large, then they split the payment into several parts. And in exchange for all these troubles, they offered him a free virtual bonus of 20% of the amount he won, which he had to wager 10 times. OK it's all over Now.

In what sense is everything? Did he lose everything?

Certainly. This is a worked out scheme. First you deprive the player of payment, then you throw money on top, and then they all lose. If all the big winnings were withdrawn from the accounts, who knows how many of our companies would remain afloat. Maybe there would be a couple, maybe not.


That's all for now - end of the first part. In this article we will tell you a little more about the working day of an analyst in the office. Write in the comments what exactly you would like to know more about, we will try to ask all your questions.

The vast majority of bookmaker players lose all their money on bets. Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon and how it can be avoided.

If you are interested in the question “how to stop losing money on bets,” then there are only two options: either you are just starting your capper journey, or you have already lost your game bank and are looking for an opportunity to fix it.

First, let’s define what is considered losing money on bets. Losing bets are a natural part of a capper's job. You can’t win all the time, at least the bookmaker won’t like it.

A systematic loss of money is considered a loss. When 8 out of 10 bets do not go through and this is not the first time, then this is a reason to think about your work.

In any case, these tips will help you understand the reasons for regular failures and give you an idea of ​​how to proceed.

How not to lose money on bets

Conventionally, 90% of success depends on your gaming strategy. Only it determines your income over the course, and this is the most important indicator in sports betting.

Let's look at what gaming strategies consist of and how they help you stop losing money on bets so that you can compare your actions and find your mistakes, or better yet, prevent their occurrence.

Gaming strategies in sports betting

We conventionally call gaming strategies what you bet on. They include all the most important aspects of working in a bookmaker’s office: selecting matches, calculating odds, working with statistics, analyzing bets made.

Players begin to think about their gaming strategy when it gets late, although this is where they should begin their work with sports betting.

First of all, remember that without a specific gaming strategy, it is useless to even try to place bets.

To achieve real results, you need to move away from chaotic attempts to make money quickly, and systematically select certain outcomes.

Watch for patterns in certain sports, or better yet, in a limited list of tournaments. Start your work by writing down the expected outcomes in a regular notebook and track their effectiveness.

From the very beginning, do not try to play on top events, as they are often not subject to statistics.

Only experienced players should take a closer look at big markets. Take the French second league as an example, study the average number of goals scored and the time when this happens. Make it a habit to read news about teams and coaches; they contain a lot of practical advice to help you avoid embarrassing losses.

For example, the bookmaker places Team A as the favorite over Team B, but news comes out that several key players on Team A are injured. The bookmaker does not specifically change the quotes, so for unknowing players this match does not raise any suspicions, but you have the necessary information and can simply view this match for statistics.

If you don’t understand anything about sports, then there is still a way out - study the natural outcomes.

Consider any football tournament. It is easy to determine the average number of goals in matches of a given competition. And this approach applies to absolutely everything: from goals in halves to yellow cards. Sports events lend themselves to patterns that you need to be able to find.

This is the basis of profitable forecasts.

Remember that one or two losses is not scary, but even natural. The result of your work is measured not in the number of bets lost or won, but in percentage.

Based on the results of a certain period of time, the bank should grow steadily. If you have 10 bets for small amounts, and 3 large ones lose, then you will still be in the red.

For all those who do not understand how you can consistently make money on bets, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our proprietary gaming strategies -. This way you will save a lot of time and money.