Anne Hathaway facts from life. Shakespeare Anne (nee Hathaway) (1556–1623)

IN former village Shottery, now within the boundaries of Stratford, shows the “house of Anne Hathaway” (a fairly rich house with a garden for that time), which until 1846 belonged to the descendants of her brother. It is believed that she was born and raised in this house, but this legend may be later. Since 1890, Anne Hathaway's house has housed a museum, in the garden of which sculptures based on the plot of Shakespeare's works were erected.

It is known that William and Anne married in November 1582, when he was 18 years old and she was 26. In the parish register of the Bishop of Worcester, an entry dated November 28, 1582, was preserved with the guarantee of two witnesses about the legality of the marriage between Shakespeare and Hathaway. At the time of the marriage, Anne was pregnant with her eldest daughter, Susanna, who was born in 1583 (baptismal record May 26 of that year). In 1585, Anne gave birth to William's twins, Hamnet and Judith. Son Hamnet died at the age of 11 in 1596, and both daughters survived their father, as did Anne herself.

In the period from 1586 to 1613, Shakespeare lived in London, his wife remained in Stratford, and they spent only the last 3 years together again. In his will, Shakespeare included the famous order to leave his wife the second best bed with all its accessories.

Sonnet 145

All other information about her is hypothetical. For example, it is often assumed that in Shakespeare’s sonnet 145 the words “I hate” from hate away she threw / And saved my life - the surname Hathaway is punously hidden (and even that And saved should be read as Anne saved; cf. play with own name I am Will in other sonnets). In terms of the level of skill, this sonnet is classified as an early one and it is assumed that it could have been written back in Stratford. It stands apart among the sonnets both in size (iambic tetrameter instead of pentameter, which is present in all the other 153) and in style (it does not have Shakespeare’s lush metaphors, the choice of words is very simple). In Marshak's translation, sonnet 145 looks like this:

I hate - these are the words that fell from her sweet lips the other day in anger. But as soon as She noticed my fear,

How I held my tongue, Which until now had whispered to me now a kindness, now a reproach, and not a cruel sentence.

“I hate,” the lips uttered in silence, and the gaze was already replaced by anger, And the night rushed from heaven to hell.

Other hypotheses

The unusual circumstances of William and Anne's marriage also attract attention. It is believed that Shakespeare could seduce an over-aged girl and then, under fear of revenge from her relatives, was forced to marry; but there is no evidence of this. Others believe that Anne was a woman of lax behavior and seduced the young man herself, and then, having become pregnant, forced him to marry, but these are pure assumptions.

It is also debatable whether the "second bed" is a good or bad inheritance for Anne; most likely there is no insult in this. Historians have pointed out that at that time the best bed in the house was usually intended for guests, and Shakespeare bequeathed to his wife, in fact, their own marriage bed; in addition, according to the law, the widow was already entitled to a third of the inheritance, regardless of the will, and both daughters were married and could support her. Gaps in the sources are readily filled in by historical novelists (this is also true, however, for the relatively poorly documented biography of Shakespeare in general).


  • Burgess E. William Shakespeare. Genius and his era. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2001.

Ann Hataway(English) Anne Hathaway) was born in Brooklyn. Irish roots provided the girl with an expressive appearance, and Anne Hathaway’s deeply religious family - proper upbringing. So correct that as a child she sincerely wanted to renounce the world and devote herself to God.

  • Real name: Anne Jacqueline Hathaway
  • Date of birth: 11/12/1982
  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Height: 173 centimeters
  • Weight: 59 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 66 and 89 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 38 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Brown, brunette.

However, from the very first day of life, mother, theater actress, instilled in her a love of art and literally infected her with drama, singing and dancing. She even chose the name for her daughter not by chance: that was the name of the wife of the brilliant W. Shakespeare. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the development creativity was the main thing. This was subject to elementary education Ann by pedagogical system Montessori. She was never forced to study and memorize great amount information. She was given a choice. And she chose the stage.

True, with the condition that before she plunges into theater world, will still graduate from school. So, in our heroine’s piggy bank there were graduation diplomas high school Milburn and Vassar College, which gave her excellent knowledge in the field English literature. Naturally endowed with a beautiful soprano, Hathaway enjoyed vocal training and sang in the choir that performed on the stage of Carnegie Hall.

Theater and cinema

Young actress Hathaway made her professional stage debut at the age of ten. WITH light hand she sang to her mother musical production"Jane Eyre." Success inspired her, and after graduating from school, the girl decided to become a Broadway artist. But she was not accepted into her favorite musicals, despite her talent. The actress’s appearance let her down: high growth did not allow children to play roles, and children’s faces to be played by adults.

Having experienced this theatrical tragedy very difficult, Ann thought that she shouldn’t give up and went to audition for the series “Be Yourself.” She got the role, the series came out, but the public’s love fell neither on him nor on the girl. But directors and critics noticed her! This is how Hathaway's film career began.

She became Garry Marshall's muse and the main character"The Princess Diaries". The eminent director, who has successful films behind him: “Pretty Woman”, “Runaway Bride” - and work with celebrities, predicted Star Trek unknown Anne.

But she couldn’t bask in the glory of the first film for a long time: she got bored. She wanted to work on new roles and new characteristic images, don't stop there. This is how “Crazy”, “Brokeback Mountain”, “The Devil Wears Prada”, “Jane Austen”, “Les Miserables”, “Alice Through the Looking Glass”, different in genre, appeared. Some of these films not only became beloved all over the world, but also brought Hathaway the most important American film award.

About personal

Today the girl no longer remembers her first love, businessman Raffaello Folieri, who brought her a lot of suffering with his financial fraud in the Catholic Foundation, one of the organizers of which was our heroine.

Actress Anne Hathaway: the biography of this actress and singer has been updated with joyful significant event. “Princess” found her personal happiness with Adam Shulman (actor, designer jewelry), who sought her attention for three years, and married him in 2012. The wedding was not on a Hollywood scale and took place in a quiet circle of relatives and closest friends in a small Californian town. In 2016, the couple became happy parents: their son Jonathan was born in March.

Ann - happy woman. She had both a career and family life. She tries to avoid social events and meetings with journalists. The 35-year-old star values ​​her family and spends any free time from work at home with her son and husband.

Documents have been preserved according to which the minor (he was under 21 years old) Shakespeare received permission to marry Anne Whattley. Despite complete coincidence first and last names are too different from each other to make a clerk mistake. In addition, the document mentioned that Anne Whattley was from Temple Grafton, while Anne Hathaway lived in Shottery. Probably, Shakespeare really wanted to marry Anne Whatley, information about whom has not survived, but Anne Hathaway, who at that time was practically an old maid at twenty-six, seduced the inexperienced young man.

The wedding took place in December 1582, and already on May 26 next year was baptized eldest daughter Susan, which makes the reason for the marriage very clear. The story of this marriage is reflected in some of Shakespeare's works. Thus, in Twelfth Night, when Viola, dressed as a boy, must answer Orsino’s question about how old her mythical lover is, she, with her inherent ability, speaks the pure truth without getting into trouble, and answers: “No more than to you" (hereinafter translated by E. Linetskaya). Duke Orsino believes that a wife must be younger than her husband, and advises:

Find yourself a younger girlfriend
Otherwise, you will quickly lose interest in her.
All women are like roses: the day will come -
The flower will bloom and fade away instantly.

Since Shakespeare's wife was eight years older than him, and was already forty-four when the play was written, it is difficult not to see a personal motive here.

Even more often they talk about the inadmissibility of close relationships before marriage. Thus, in the comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hera says to Lysander:

For a boy and a girl, human shame
Doesn't allow such closeness...

      (Translation by T. Shchepkina-Kupernik)

Sixteen years later, Shakespeare's opinion has not changed, and in The Tempest Prospero warns Ferdinand:

But if you use a blasphemous hand
Untie her chastity belt
Before the marriage ceremony -
Your union will not be blessed.
Then discord, sullen contempt
And barren hatred like thorns
Will shower your wedding bed,
And both of you will reject it.

      (Translation - M. Donskoy)

It’s hard to resist the thought that this is about Shakespeare’s own marriage. When he moved to London, he did not take his family with him. Although, apparently, he visited Stratford quite often, such a relationship with his wife cannot be called normal marital relations. Most likely, there was no longer any closeness between them.

IN " Winter's Tale» Florizel says:

After all, I'm over the heart
He put duty, and above desire - honor.

      (Translation by V. Levik)

It was probably for exactly the same reasons that Shakespeare got married.

Anne Hathaway was born and raised in the village of Shottery, where her ancestors had long lived. Shakespeare's wife's relatives were wealthy Warwickshire yeomen.

Her grandfather, mentioned in the military levies as an archer, was in his parish constable, certifier, and one of the twenty authorized citizens of Stratford. When taxes were distributed, his property was valued at a fairly significant amount.

Father, Richard Hathaway, died in 1581. Having three daughters, he did not mention Anne in his will, but left money to his daughter Agnes for her wedding. In those days, these two names coincided. Thus, Philip Henslowe named his wife Agnes in his will, but she was buried as Anne.

Anne Hathaway apparently inherited a large farmhouse with twelve rooms. It has survived to this day, and in those days, apparently, was located almost on the edge of the Arden Forest.

Shakespeare's wife died at the age of sixty-seven, having outlived her husband by seven years.

May 16, 2015, 21:30

Anne Hathaway was born on November 12, 1982 in Brooklyn, New York. Anne's father, Gerard Hathaway, was a lawyer, and her mother, Kate McCulley, was an actress. Anne has a younger brother, Thomas, and an older brother, Michael. Anne was named after Shakespeare's wife Anne Hathaway. Graduated from Millburn High School. As a child, she played in the theater.

Anne first appeared on screen in the 1999 television series Be Yourself, where actor Jesse Eisenberg made his debut alongside her. younger brother her heroines. In 2001-2003, she played in Disney children's films, such as "The Princess Diaries" directed by Garry Marshall. Marshall compared Hathaway to Julia Roberts, Audrey Hepburn and Judy Garland. Then Hathaway studied at Vassar College for several semesters.

In 2004, Hathaway starred in the film Ella Enchanted, directed by Tommy O'Haver, and in the sequel The Princess Diaries 2: How to Be Queen. She was offered a role in the film "The Phantom of the Opera", but due to lack of time she refused. Then she voiced her role in the cartoon " True story Red Cap" (2005).

In 2005, Hathaway starred in the teen drama Krazy and in Ang Lee's three-Oscar-winning film Brokeback Mountain, playing the role of a bisexual cowboy's wife. In The Devil Wears Prada (2006), Hathaway played the role of an assistant to the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine.

In 2007, the film "Jane Austen" was released, where she played the role of the famous English writer. Hathaway refused to participate in the filming of Judd Apatow's comedy Knocked Up. In 2009, Hathaway was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe for her role in the film Rachel Getting Married.

In 2009 she was named the best young actress according to LoveFilm.

On February 27, 2011, Anne Hathaway co-hosted the 83rd Oscars with James Franco.

In 2012, she starred in the role of Selina Kyle / Catwoman in the continuation of the story about Batman " The Dark Knight: Revival of a legend." This role was the most difficult for her in terms of physical training.

This film was followed by an adaptation of Victor Hugo's novel Les Miserables, in which Hathaway played the role of Fantine, Cosette's mother, which brought her almost all the key prizes of the awards season, including the Golden Globe, BAFTA, Screen Actors Guild Award, Critics' Choice and "Oscar".

Anne Hathaway dated Italian businessman Raffaello Folieri for almost 4 years, accused of embezzling $50 million donated by billionaire Ronald Burkle to a relief fund Catholic churches. Anne Hathaway was a co-founder of this and several other foundations. Personal diaries The actresses were included in the case as evidence of the accusation, but the actress herself was not charged.

Shortly after breaking up with Raffaello Folieri, Anne began dating actor and jewelry designer Adam Shulman. In November 2011, the couple announced their engagement. On September 29, 2012, the couple got married at a private estate in the small town of Big Sur, California. The organization was handled by Yifat Oren, a famous Hollywood organization specialist. wedding ceremonies. Only close family and friends attended Ann and Adam's wedding.

Almost five months have passed since the birth of Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman's first child, and the actress decided to no longer hide her baby from the public. Yesterday, paparazzi captured Anne and her son Jonathan walking around Manhattan. Anne did not try to cover her son's face with her hand or diaper, so we can see him for the first time.

Anne recently spoke about pregnancy and motherhood during morning show Good Morning America on ABC.

I wasn't going to talk about my pregnancy at all. But one day, while on vacation, I saw a photographer taking pictures of me. I thought that this experience, when it arises in you new life, so happy and so special that I don’t want my first photos of me in position to be me trying to cover my belly or frowning at someone. These pictures would not have captured the joy of my experience, so I chose a photo that matched my condition and posted it.

Anne Hathaway with her son Jonathan

In addition, Ann told Funny case, which happened to her and the newborn Jonathan. It turns out that the actress was forced to miss the first twenty minutes of the premiere of “Alice Through the Looking Glass” because she was breastfeeding her son.

I didn't see the beginning of the film, sorry. But I am a young mother, I have not yet gotten used to the feeding schedule, I have not learned to control the situation. My baby was hungry and I needed to feed him, so I skipped the first twenty minutes, so I can't tell you about the beginning of Through the Looking Glass. I liked the rest of it! I could lie and say that the beginning of the film was amazing, but I won't do that.

Let us remind you that the first child of Anne Hathaway and her husband, actor and producer Adam Shulman, was born on March 24. Full name boy - Jonathan Roseman Shulman.