National Academic Theater named after Lesya Ukrainka. National Academic Theater of Russian Drama named after Lesya Ukrainka (Kyiv)

Theater is a wonderful art that gives an unforgettable experience. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer fans of theatrical performances, and the genre is gradually dying. But theater workers and actors are confident that unique art will not perish, since the theatrical spirit is present in every person, even those who are far from art.

How to find the Russian Drama Theater named after. Lesya Ukrainka?

The famous theater can be found in the very heart of Kyiv. Tourists and city residents simply call it “Russian drama.” The building is located in the historical part of the city, just not far from the Golden Gate, and at the intersection of two beautiful sophisticated streets - Bogdan Khmelnitsky and Pushkinskaya.

History of the theater

The official start date of the Theater was 1926, when the city authorities decided that it was necessary to create a Russian State Drama. The first season at the theater opened on October 15. In 1941, the theater was named after Lesya Ukrainka.

The National Theater of Russian Drama by Lesya Ukrainka dates back to the 19th century, when the Russian Empire was full of one-day theatrical enterprises that appeared and disappeared in large numbers. In 1891, a Russian theater was created in Kyiv. It was the enterprise of Nikolai Solovtsov, a talented actor and director. The members of this troupe later became the “old men” of Kyiv. It was here, in the modern building of the Lesya Ukrainka Theater, that Nikolai Solovtsov’s troupe played its first productions. The sophisticated building on a Kyiv street went down in history as the “Bergonier House”.

Those who still remember the old days remember with trembling in their hearts the first productions that became legends (“The Living Corpse”, “The Morals of Mrs. Dulskaya”, “Trees Die While Standing”, etc.).

But time moves forward. In 1994, Mikhail Reznikovich became the head of the theater. He first visited this building back in 1963, when he graduated from directing courses. It was this visit that forever chained Reznikovich to the walls of the theater, to the team. He himself calls it his “first feeling.” He gave many performances in Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Beijing, Varna... Each time the director returned to the walls of his native theater.

A little about the director

Russian Drama Theater named after. Lesya Ukrainka is headed by a well-known representative of the theatrical art of the Russian Federation, academician Mikhail Reznikovich. He was born in Kharkov, his creative path began in 1955 within the walls of Lvov. Then he enters the exact sciences at Lviv State University. I. Franko. Mikhail Yuryevich studied there for only 3 years. After that, he decided to go to the Leningrad State Institute of Music and Cinema to become a director. The number of directorial works by Reznikovich is simply impressive - about 50 productions.

Famous people

Any theater is valuable, first of all, for its outstanding actors and directors. Russian Drama Theater named after. Lesya Ukrainka is very rich in talented artists. It should be recalled that the theater remains an ensemble theater to this day. The most talented actors who worked here include: Mikhail Romanov, Viktor Dobrovolsky, Viktor Khalatov, Ada Rogovtseva, Lyubov Dobrzhanskaya, Kirill Lavrov. Among the directors, we cannot forget about Konstantin Khokhlov, Vladimir Nelli, Georgiy Tovstonog, Anatoly Petritsky. The theater is also proud of its artists: Leon Alshits, Daniil Leader, David Borovsky.


The Russian drama named after Lesya Ukrainka is famous for its repertoire, which will not leave any viewer indifferent. Its pleasant feature is that the repertoire always includes performances for every taste, and everyone can watch their favorite production.

Foreign and Ukrainian tourists highly praise the theater’s repertoire, because no matter when you come, you can always see something beautiful and impressive. Today the repertoire consists of the following performances: “Edith Piaf: Vie En Rose”, “Alexander Vertinsky. The Lord's Ball...", "Indian Summer", "Angel or the sexual neuroses of our parents", "Mad Blood", "Warsaw Melody", "Valentine's Day", "Marriages are made in heaven", "Alone everywhere", "The Cherry Orchard" , “Captive of passions”, “We all come from childhood”, “Two, not counting the dog”, etc. The variety of theater productions is constantly updated, delighting audiences with comic, serious and profound performances. At the same time, you can always watch gorgeous old productions.

Russian Drama Theater named after. Lesya Ukrainka: poster

The theater poster is edited every day. On weekdays, actors perform about 3 performances, on weekends - 4 performances. You can get a ticket to the show at any time, the main thing is not to miss it. The theater's poster is scheduled 10-11 days in advance, so you can choose a convenient time and day of the show in advance.

Theater Museum

The Russian Drama Theater named after Lesya Ukrainka has its own museum. This tradition was started by S.I. Filimonov back in 1961. The current museum workers continue it with great passion and diligence, establishing direct contacts with their audience.

The museum boasts many unique and valuable items, photographs, and documents. Modest photographs capturing a theatrical performance or an actor amaze with their grandeur. Also here you can find sheet music, outdated posters, play texts, various outfits, autographs, role texts. In the museum you can learn about the pedigree of the theater, the first performances, outstanding figures, and also look at their photos.

Separately, it is worth highlighting all the actors’ props, wigs, clothes, furniture, musical instruments, and antique jewelry. All this amazes the imagination of the guest who enters the museum. Another separate group of museum treasures are works of artists, sketches, and models. The visual arts go straight back to the roots of theatre.

Crossing the threshold

Inside, the Lesya Ukrainka Academic Russian Drama Theater resembles a real fairy tale come to life. It seems that the whole world is returning to another era, and as if reality does not exist. The main stage is impressive in scope, brightness and saturation. In addition to it, there is also a space by David Borovsky, a parterre foyer, a mezzanine and 2 tiers. Great importance is given to lighting, which creates a solemn and spacious atmosphere that matches the spirit of the performance.

The historical part of the capital of Ukraine is rich in attractions, memorable places and venues for cultural leisure. It is here, at the intersection of two ancient Kyiv streets - Bogdan Khmelnitsky and Pushkinskaya - very close to Khreshchatyk and the Golden Gate - that the National Academic Theater of Russian Drama named after. Lesya Ukrainka.

History of the theater

Back in 1878, the French entrepreneur Auguste Bergonier decided to erect a two-story building on this site, part of which was allocated for theatrical productions. The building was reconstructed, and various troupes and creative groups performed there. Officially, the history of the theater’s creation is considered to be 1926, when the decision was made to open the Russian State Drama, which 15 years later received the name of the famous Ukrainian writer Lesya Ukrainka. Such bright individuals created here as:

Yuri Lavrov;

Mikhail Romanov;

Victor Dobrovolsky;

Lyubov Dobzhanskaya;

Ada Rogovtseva.

The names that appeared on the posters of performances of the Lesya Ukrainka Theater in Kyiv over the years can be listed for a long time - fans of acting probably remember them. Every visitor will be captivated by the richness of the interior decoration, its spaciousness; the thoughtful decorations for performances, the lighting and other attributes of theatrical performance will not go unnoticed.

Plunge into the world of theatrical culture

To attend a performance at the Lesya Ukrainka Theater is to plunge into the world of genuine high art, to enjoy the stunning atmosphere of creativity that will not leave anyone indifferent. All you have to do is study the schedule, choose how many and what seats you need, buy tickets (or book an e-ticket online), be happy with the price and you’re ready to go!

The repertoire of the Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Theater of Russian Drama is always varied, and its prices are distinguished by concern for the viewer. Visit this place this weekend and you will forever be an admirer of theatrical art!

Capacity: 750

Address: Kyiv, B. Khmelnitsky, 5

In the very center of the historical part of Kiev, a stone's throw from Khreshchatyk, not far from the Golden Gate, on the corner of two ancient streets - Pushkinskaya and Bohdan Khmelnitsky - there is a building well known to Kiev residents and guests of the capital of Ukraine as the Lesya Ukrainka Theater (Russian Drama).

The value of any theater and its popularity among the audience is always determined by the presence of bright individuals in it.

The Kiev Theater named after Lesya Ukrainka has always been famous for its acting and directing individualities. The theater has always been and remains an ensemble theater. People who worked here were: Mikhail Romanov, Yuri Lavrov, Maria Strelkova, Lyubov Dobrzhanskaya, Nikolai Svetlovidov, Evgenia Opalova, Viktor Dobrovolsky, Viktor Khalatov, and a little later Oleg Borisov, Pavel Luspekayev, Kirill Lavrov, Ada Rogovtseva - actors, Konstantin Khokhlov, Vladimir Nelli, Nikolai Sokolov, Leonid Varpakhovsky, Georgy Tovstonogov - directors, Anatoly Petritsky, Moritz Umansky, David Borovsky, Daniil Leader, Leon Alshits - artists, Boris Lyatoshinsky, Yuri Shaporin - composers.

All these names are well known, as is the fact that the brand of the Lesya Ukrainka Theater has always attracted not only professionals, but also ordinary spectators in hundreds of cities in the current CIS region, where the theater’s tours took place. The official biography of the NATIONAL ACADEMIC THEATER OF RUSSIAN DRAMA named after LESIA UKRAINKA begins in 1926, when, by the decision of the Kiev Regional Executive Committee, the Russian State Drama was organized in Kiev, and on October 15 of the same year the theater opened its first season. In 1941 he was named after Lesya Ukrainka.

However, the roots of the theater go back to the 19th century, to those distant times when various theatrical enterprises were born and ceased to exist throughout the Russian Empire. In Kyiv, a permanent Russian theater was created in 1891, and it became the enterprise of the outstanding Russian director and actor Nikolai Solovtsov. The cast of this particular troupe later became the basis of the Kyiv State Russian Drama Theater. N. Solovtsov’s troupe showed its first performances in this very room, where the Lesya Ukrainka Theater still operates today. This building went down in history under the name "House of Bergonier".

Old theatergoers still remember the performances of the Lesya Ukrainka Theater, which became its legend: “The Living Corpse” by L. Tolstoy with the inimitable M. Romanov, “The Morality of Mrs. Dulskaya” by G. Zapolskaya and “Trees Die Standing” by A. Kasona with the brilliant duet of Evgenia Opalova and Viktor Khalatov, “Warsaw Melody” by L. Zorin with the excellent Ada Rogovtseva, “Good People” by L. Zorin with the sparkling Yuri Mazhuga, “My Mocking Happiness” by L. Ialyugin with excellent acting by Nikolai Rushkovsky, Vyacheslav Ezepov, Larisa Kadochnikova, Ada Rogovtseva, Isabella Pavlova, Sergei Filimonov, “The Winner” by A. Arbuzov with the magnificent Valeria Zaklunnaya, “The Tale of Monica” by S. Shaltyanis with newcomers Lyubov Kubyuk, Anatoly Khostikoev, Alexander Ignatusha, and, of course, the favorite of fifteen theater seasons - the comedy O .Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest" with a whole constellation of acting names.

Years go by, the names of performances, the names of directors, actors, and artists change.

Since 1994, the theater has been headed by People's Artist of Ukraine Mikhail Reznikovich.

Photo: Russian Drama Theater named after. Lesya Ukrainka

Photo and description

History of the Russian Drama Theater named after. Lesya Ukrainka takes its origins from the first permanent theater, the enterprise of actor and director Nikolai Solovtsov. The Solovtsov Theater began operating back in 1891. Solovtsova gave the first performances of the corpse in the room where the theater named after them flourishes today. Ivan Franko. The cast of this troupe will in the future become the base of the Kyiv State Russian Drama Theater.

On March 15, 1919, an event that shocked the entire cultural community took place: the Solovtsov Theater was nationalized and awarded the title of the Second Theater of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic named after V. I. Lenin. It was very honorable, it was a real achievement. On July 31, 1919, the theater ceased operation as a result of the entry of Denikin’s troops into Kyiv, but on January 8, 1920 it reopened. At the beginning of 1926 the theater was closed again. But in the same year, thanks to the decision of the Kyiv District Executive Committee, the Russian State Drama was opened, and in October of the same year, the theater successfully opened its first season.

And the name of Lesya Ukrainka, by which it is known today, was given to the theater in 1941. At the very beginning of the war, the team broke up, and the actors had to work in evacuation. In 1942, the troupe was restored in Karaganda by the main director Konstantin Khokhlov, and already in May 1944 returned to Kyiv.

In 1994, the theater was headed by People's Artist of Ukraine Mikhail Reznikovich.

On the ancient streets of Kyiv is located the National Academic Theater named after. Lesya Ukrainka. From 1891 to this day, he never ceases to delight the public with his performances. The love of the viewer has always been won by bright individuals who set the tone and character of any performance. Not a small part of the director's and actor's individualities in Ukraine is concentrated in the drama theater. Over the years, famous actors have gifted audiences with their talent. Here you could see an unsurpassed game:

Mikhail Romanov, Yuri Lavrov, Maria Strelkova, Lyubov Dobrzhanskaya, Nikolai Svetlovidov, Evgenia Opalova, Viktor Dobrovolsky, Viktor Khalatov, Oleg Borisov, Pavel Luspekayev, Kirill Lavrov, Ada Rogovtseva

Thanks to the directors:

Konstantin Khokhlov, Vladimir Nelli, Nikolai Sokolov, Leonid Varpakhovsky, Georgy Tovstonogov, brilliant masterpieces were created.

By these composers:

Anatoly Petritsky, Moritz Umansky, David Borovsky, the best melodies were written.

The names of the “creators” are known not only in a narrow circle of theatergoers, these people are known throughout the country. Having gained popularity and won fame in its native lands, the theater successfully tours throughout the CIS. In all cities where the National Academic Theater of Russian Drama takes place on tour. Lesya Ukrainka tickets sell out at the box office in a matter of days.

Located in the very heart of the capital, between Khreshchatyk and the Golden Gate, this impressive building has become a real abode of high culture over the many years of its existence. In the repertoire of the Russian Drama Theater you can always find at least 40 productions, among which the audience is most delighted with:

  • “The Living Corpse”, L. Tolstoy
  • “The Importance of Being Serious,” O. Wilde
  • “Stone Lord”, L. Ukrainka
  • “Taibele and her demon”, I. Bashevich-Singer
  • “Last Love”, V. Mukharyamov
  • “Warsaw Melody”, L. Zorin

In order for the viewer to be able to immerse himself as deeply as possible in the atmosphere of the story told from the stage, some of the most talented artists and directors in Ukraine work hard here. In addition, the hall is equipped with the latest modern audio and video equipment and lighting technology, which makes it possible to organize full-scale performances of the European level.

Where to buy tickets for the premiere at the Russian Drama Theater named after. Lesya Ukrainka

The theater's extraordinary acting team always surprises the viewer with its bright and rich images. Posters offer a wide selection of productions of various genres, from romantic comedies to children's fairy tales, so every viewer, regardless of age and preferences, will be able to choose a show to their liking. Buy a ticket to the Russian Drama Theater named after. You can buy L. Ukrainka at the city box office, as well as on our website, online. Follow the Kyiv poster on so as not to miss the most interesting cultural events this year!