Anne Hathaway showed her son for the first time. Love Stories: Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman

The parents named them after the life partner of the great Shakespeare. Therefore, it is not surprising that one day she herself had to go through Shakespearean passions. But all this was before meeting Adam Shulman...

Premonition of love

Anne was born in New York, the middle of three children, to a lawyer and an actress. She grew up with her brothers and was a tomboy just like them. Until the age of 14, Ann wore only her older brother and boy’s shoes, and after 14 she generally wore some kind of rags with an ethnic accent and despised cosmetics. Anne's teenage hormone riot resulted in depression, bouts of rage and self-hatred, and own body. At 18, the hormones began to subside, and Ann suddenly realized that she was not so ugly. From an angular teenager, Anne suddenly turned into a beautiful girl. Shiny hair, perfect porcelain skin, fluffy eyelashes, almond-shaped eyes, sensual lips... Anne was created for love, and, like everyone else, young girls, was passionately waiting for her.

Instead of a thousand words

Raffaello Follieri led fairy tale life Deputy of God: an apartment in Trump Tower on 5th Avenue, the rent of which cost $37 thousand a month, an office on Park Avenue, travel on a private jet, a huge yacht in the Caribbean, a two-story loft in Olympic Tower, a mansion overlooking Central Park , a bodyguard constantly following him, a personal doctor coming to New York from London for just 30 thousand dollars...

His story is exactly reminiscent of Gogol’s “The Inspector General”. The young man, finding himself in a country where no one knew him, pulled off a fantastic scam, making the most influential people in America believe that he was a member of the highest circles of the Vatican.

In 2001, the Catholic Church was shocked by a series of revelations of pedophile priests. To fend off claims from victims, the Church began selling off real estate it owned. Raffaello came up with a truly brilliant idea - to sell it on behalf of the Catholic Church on market conditions. A few correct contacts, deceptive maneuvers and a little dust in the eyes - and Follieri has $55 million in initial investments in his pocket.

Raffaello was 25 when he met Anne. He understood perfectly well what it was beautiful woman For business man. Hathaway, 21, had already starred in The Princess Diaries and was a sophomore at Vassar, a private liberal arts college. The continuation of “Diaries” was released in the summer, and work in “Brokeback Mountain” loomed on the horizon. She was balanced and reasonable beyond her years, but at heart she remained a teenager.

He was late for the first date. She was furious, but she waited. At first she tried to keep her distance, but could not resist his charms. Besides, he was so fabulously rich and generous. On New Year he took her to the Bahamas. A beautiful house on the ocean shore awaited them there, which Follieri rented for three thousand dollars a day.

Raffaello dazzled Anne with his external brilliance, but she was even more impressed by his project for a charitable foundation to help children from poor families in developing countries. Charity is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs in the world. Do you want to impress a girl? Fund vaccinations for children. Anne became a member of the foundation's board and began organizing children's vaccinations. Latin America from hepatitis A.

In July 2006, they flew to Nicaragua, where they announced the start of a five-year vaccination program. This event was widely covered by the press due to participation in it Ann Hataway. Approximately a thousand children were vaccinated. When the journalists left, it turned out that there was no money in the fund to continue the program. Raffaello assured his friend that he would soon make a lot of money from church real estate, and the money would have nowhere to go.

Vaccination of Nicaraguan children remained a project. Follieri ran out of money and began to have problems. Anne was now paying for the loft in Olympic Tower. She was still crazy about her boyfriend, and when asked by interviewers about why they weren’t getting married, she answered: because he hadn’t proposed to her yet.

Meanwhile, Ann's father, a successful lawyer, hired a private detective to investigate the activities of his daughter's boyfriend. In addition to the detective, FBI agents and the New York prosecutor had been watching Raffaello for several months.

Anne was accused of leaving her lover immediately after a trial loomed on the horizon. The actress assures that it was not Raffaello’s financial scams that caused the breakup. By that time, things had been going very badly for them for a year, and one day she simply decided to call it a day. Ann packed her things and went to her brother.

Adam's Rib

Accustomed to being correct and reasonable, Anne suffered the scandal that broke out with Raffaello very painfully. His monstrous reputation cast a shadow over her impeccable biography. In addition, the FBI was involved in the case personal diaries actresses...

Anne wanted to disappear, to shrink and disappear, as if she had never existed. And, of course, I didn’t even want to think about new relationships. But Adam upset all her plans.

Adam Shulman turned out to be the complete opposite of Raffaello Follieri. He was much inferior to the cunning Italian in everything related to external gloss, but Anne firmly decided not to be fooled by wealth and chic appearance anymore. Adam was an aspiring actor and quite an ordinary New Yorker. His main film success was The Dukes of Hazzart in 2007 - a rather modest achievement compared to the roles of Anne. However, let’s not suspect him of self-interest: soon after meeting Ann, Adam took up design jewelry under the James Banks brand, and left his film career as an elective.

They met at a party with mutual friends. Her brother had long advised Anne to go out in public more often. Anne was absolutely devastated, Raffaello had just been sentenced to four and a half years in prison, and he begged her to wait for his return.

Hathaway thought Adam was cute. But at the party he was with a girl, and therefore the thought of something more did not arise in her head. Adam was stunned.

Upon returning home, all he could think about was Anne. The sad look of his huge eyes could not leave his head. Adam sat down at his computer and typed her name into Google. The Internet offered tons of news stories detailing Hathaway's relationship with Follieri, and even more photos of her looking unspeakably beautiful.

Adam decided to meet with Ann again at any cost. The second meeting, again in the company of mutual friends, was more productive: they even talked a little. Anne liked this cute guy, it seemed like they had known each other for a thousand years. “It’s a pity he has a girlfriend,” Anne thought.

A few months later they met again. By that time, Adam was already free: thoughts of Ann haunted him, and he did not want to deceive his girlfriend. Adam couldn't buy Anne half the world like Raffaello did. But he could give her peace of mind and restore her faith in love.

Anne fell in love. She didn't want to lose her head again, but Adam was so gentle and caring, so romantically devoted to her, that she couldn't resist happiness. Undoubted, long-awaited and now considered.

Two years later, Shulman asked Ann to move to Brooklyn with him. It was not a two-story loft - just a modest apartment by New York standards. Hathaway happily agreed. They enjoyed walks around the city, lunches in cafes and even smiled at the ever-present paparazzi. They were happy.

Adam decided long ago that Anne would be his wife. And I wanted to give my beloved the most beautiful ring in the world. Own design, of course. As soon as Hathaway was spotted with a ring on her finger, questions followed about when the wedding would be. But time passed, and the couple was still in no hurry to turn from bride and groom into husband and wife.

“I look terrible,” Anne told Shulman. For the role in the musical Les Misérables, the actress had to cut off her hair. chic curls and lose 11 kg. Would this dried herring with a boyish face look good in a wedding dress? In vain Adam tried to assure his friend that even so she was still more beautiful than all the women living in the world! Ann firmly decided to grow her hair, gain back the lost pounds, and only then go to the altar, especially since the great Valentino himself promised to sew the dress for the main event in her and Adam’s life...

A year after the engagement, the wedding finally took place. It was the most magical day in their lives! The heavenly nature of California, only close friends and relatives nearby... The bride was amazingly good at fluffy dress Ivory silk tulle with a long soft pink train. The bride's head was decorated with a veil in the style of the 20s with a wide lace ribbon with large flowers embroidered with tiny crystal beads.

Fairy tales always end with a wedding. But this story is just beginning, and I really want it to remain a fairy tale. “I always smile when my husband is around,” Anne Hathaway says in an interview. “And yes, I really like the word “husband.” But nothing else has changed.”

Photo: All Over Press,

Almost five months have passed since the birth of Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman's first child, and the actress decided to no longer hide her baby from the public. Yesterday, paparazzi captured Anne and her son Jonathan walking around Manhattan. Anne did not try to cover her son's face with her hand or diaper, so we can see him for the first time.

Anne recently spoke about pregnancy and motherhood during morning show Good Morning America on ABC.

I wasn't going to talk about my pregnancy at all. But one day, while on vacation, I saw a photographer taking pictures of me. I thought that this experience, when it arises in you new life, so happy and so special that I don’t want my first photos of me in position to be me trying to cover my belly or frowning at someone. These pictures would not have captured the joy of my experience, so I chose a photo that matched my condition and posted it.

Anne Hathaway with her son Jonathan

In addition, Ann told Funny case, which happened to her and the newborn Jonathan. It turns out that the actress was forced to miss the first twenty minutes of the premiere of “Alice Through the Looking Glass” because she was breastfeeding her son.

I didn't see the beginning of the film, sorry. But I am a young mother, I have not yet gotten used to the feeding schedule, I have not learned to control the situation. My baby was hungry and I needed to feed him, so I skipped the first twenty minutes, so I can't tell you about the beginning of Through the Looking Glass. I liked the rest of it! I could lie and say that the beginning of the film was amazing, but I won't do that.

Let us remind you that the first child of Anne Hathaway and her husband, actor and producer Adam Shulman, was born on March 24. Full name boy - Jonathan Roseman Shulman.

Anne Jacqueline Hathaway - famous American actress and singer. She became famous thanks to the films “The Princess Diaries”, “The Devil Wears Prada”, “Jane Austen”, “Rachel Getting Married”, “Alice in Wonderland”, “Love and Other Medicines”, “Les Miserables”, “The Intern”, etc. Winner Oscars, Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild Awards, and many other awards.

Childhood and education

Anne Hathaway was born in Brooklyn, New York on November 12, 1982, the daughter of lawyer Gerard Hathaway and his wife, actress Kathleen Anne McCulley. She has an older brother Michael and younger brother Thomas.

The parents named Anne in honor of William Shakespeare's wife, who in her maiden name was Anne Hathaway.

When the girl was six years old, the family moved to the small town of Millburn in New Jersey, not far from New York. Where and where she grew up. All three children were raised Catholic, and Anne said more than once that she was instilled with “strict moral principles.” As a child, she even considered joining a monastery, but by the age of fifteen her attitude towards religion had changed: “I realized that my older brother was gay, and I could no longer support a church that did not support my brother.” Since then, the actress considers herself a non-denominational Christian.

IN early childhood Ann was taught at a children's development center using the Montessori method, and then she completed primary and high school in Millburn. IN school years she played in football team, and also regularly performed on stage in school and amateur productions. Basic stage area for her at that time there was concert hall Paper Mill Playhouse, once a local pulp and paper mill and later transformed into the New Jersey State Theatre.

In parallel with her school education, the girl took a special course at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, the oldest school acting V English speaking countries, and graduated in 1993.

In addition to acting in the theater, she also studied vocals, and in 1998 - 1999 she performed soprano roles several times, performing with the choir at Carnegie Hall. Subsequently, the actress repeatedly said in interviews that she loves going on stage much more than acting in front of the camera. Her idols among actresses were Judy Garland and Meryl Streep.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the private women's college Vassar College in New York state and there, according to her own description, “gnawed through her life path through political science, American Gothic literature and British literature."

After a few semesters, Ann transferred to the Gallatin School at New York University, where students have the opportunity to independently choose the courses they need and compose learning programs. She subsequently called this transition one of best solutions in her life and admitted that if it weren’t for actor career, then she could become an English teacher or psychologist.

Film career

One day, when a 16-year-old girl was performing at Carnegie Hall, producers noticed her and invited her to appear in the television series “Be Yourself.” After this, the young actress was offered main role in the Disney teen film The Princess Diaries (2001), where she played an ordinary American high school girl who, by the will of fate, became a princess in a small European country. The film was a huge box office success, generally not typical for children's films, and Anne Hathaway became famous overnight.

She later played leading roles in children's film"Ella Enchanted" (2004) and in the sequel "The Princess Diaries 2: How to Become a Queen" (2004). Summing up this period of her life, the actress said in an interview: “You can only play princess roles while you are still a young girl - until you start to feel ridiculous. These are fun roles. And I felt like I should enjoy them as much as possible while I could. And then you have to move away and start playing drug addicts, and prostitutes, and good people– all these roles for which they give an Oscar.”

During the same period, Anne voiced the main characters in two full-length cartoons– English version Japanese anime“The Return of the Cat” (2002 – 2003) and the comedy detective story “ True story Red Cap" (2005). After that, the actress played the main female role in youth crime drama“Krazy” (2005) and a supporting role in the three-time Oscar-winning “gay western” “Brokeback Mountain” (2005) directed by Ang Lee.

In this film, the girl had to ride a horse, and the question of whether she could do this was asked at the very end of the audition, when she almost got the role.

My parents gave me many gifts in my life, and one of them was that when they ask me “can you do this,” you need to answer “yes.” If you have the motivation, you can learn anything in two weeks.

And she really learned, although she later experienced more than one fall on the set. The film turned out to be successful, and Anne's colleagues in this film - Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal and Michelle Williams - were nominated for an Oscar and other prestigious awards.

It was thanks to her first notable adult role in the film “Brokeback Mountain” that Anne Hathaway established herself as a fairly mature actress and got the opportunity to play one of her iconic works in the comedy-drama “The Devil Wears Prada” (2006) along with her idol, the wonderful actress Meryl Streep .

And although the success of this film is attributed mainly to the brilliant performance of Meryl Streep, who received a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination for it, Anne was quite pleased: “I am proud of this work. Just among others, bright characteristic roles my role was more relaxed.”

Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada. Interview

Anne Hathaway's next work was the title role in the British-Irish biographical drama Jane Austen (2007), which allowed the young actress to further demonstrate her dramatic potential. The press wrote: “Anne Hathaway, with her foal beauty and sincere demeanor, makes a wonderful Jane.”

When asked by a journalist how she felt about playing the great writer, the actress replied: “I was very worried, and not so much about how the audience would perceive my performance, but about how I could play this woman.” a legend that I respect and admire so much."

And again for filming it was necessary serious job over herself: Anne had to learn dancing in a short time, adapt to the British accent and get used to writing with an ink pen.

In 2008, the actress starred in the comedy spy action film Get Smart as an experienced superspy, and then played the leading role in family drama“Rachel Getting Married,” which brought her nominations for an Oscar, a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors Guild Award and other awards. And although the box office receipts of this film did not significantly exceed its budget, critics did not skimp on praise - both for the film as a whole and main character Anne's Kim: "Her nervous laugh, wild mannerisms and quick temper combine convincingly into a character with vulnerability and a need for attention."

After the film was released, the actress admitted: “I didn’t want to let Kim lose my temper. Honestly, I didn’t want to. I fell in love with her. She inspired me to be sincere. After playing this role, I felt determined to open up to the world and not be afraid of being judged, or misunderstood, or disliked for something.”

The third film in which Anne Hathaway starred in the same 2008 was the dramatic and partly mystical thriller “Passengers,” which was not so successful, despite some of its certain advantages.

She followed this up by playing one of the two leads in the romantic comedy Bride Wars (2009), opposite Kate Hudson. Critics did not rate this film too highly because of its simple plot about how two closest friends accidentally planned weddings on the same date and, because of this, entered into an irreconcilable struggle for guests and wedding services, but viewers liked it soul just with its ease and inevitably happy ending.

In 2010, another romantic comedy starring Anne Hathaway was released - Valentine's Day. Many people took part in this picture, the plot of which is made up of several lines that intricately intersect at the end. famous actors: Ashton Kutcher, Jessica Alba, Julia Roberts, Kathy Bates, Bradley Cooper, etc. And like the previous film, this film was also received differently by the general audience and professionals: despite the high box office receipts, critics responded coolly to it, criticizing it for fragmentary storytelling and lack of originality.

In the same 2010, the actress was lucky enough to take part in the fantasy adventure film “Alice in Wonderland” based on the Lewis Carroll fairy tale - unusual and very beautiful picture created by the beautiful creative union Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, with the participation of Mia Wasikowski, who played the main role, as well as Stephen Fry and other talented actors.

Anne Hathaway played the role of the White Queen, controversial nature which she described as: “She likes dark side, but she is afraid to go too far there and therefore wants everything to seem easy and joyful. She lives in constant fear that she won’t be able to control herself.” In addition, in one interview, she called her character “a vegan and a punk rock pacifist.”

"Alice in Wonderland". Fragment

The film received three Oscar nominations, two of which it won, as well as three Golden Globe nominations and many other nominations and awards, and its box office gross exceeded a billion dollars. Anne said that when she was invited to participate in this film, she felt truly happy: “... Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter - they are like the coolest rock band who suddenly asked me to play along with them for album recordings."

One more interesting role Anne Hathaway took the lead role in the drama Love and Other Drugs (2010), playing opposite Jake Gyllenhaal. For this work she received a Golden Globe nomination and a Sputnik Award. Here the actress appeared naked in front of the camera for the first time, which was not easy for her. According to her, she tried to follow the example of Kate Winslet and Penelope Cruz - actresses who posed nude “with deep sensuality and amazing dignity.”

After that, she participated in the dubbing of the animated musical film "Rio" (2011) and the sequel "Rio 2" (2014), and also starred in romantic drama“One Day” (2011) and as Catwoman in the famous superhero action film about Batman “ The Dark Knight: A Legend Reborn" (2012, starring Christian Bale, Tom Hardy and Gary Oldman), which grossed over a billion dollars.

In 2012, the actress took part in the filming of the dramatic musical Les Misérables based on the novel by Victor Hugo, along with such prominent actors as Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Amanda Seyfried, Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen. The film received eight Oscar nominations and won three of them, including Best Supporting Actress for Anne Hathaway.

In addition to this Oscar, the actress also received a Golden Globe - one of three that the film won - as well as music award"Grammy". Critics wrote: “Anne Hathaway is heartbreaking as she sings about how life killed her dream. Her performance is so beautiful – at first glance it’s clear that this is an Oscar.” Others agreed: "This movie is worth watching for Hathaway alone."

In 2014, the actress made her debut as a producer and participated in the creation of the drama film Once Upon a Time in New York, in which she also played the main role - but the film did not have great success. She then starred in the science fiction blockbuster Interstellar (2014) alongside Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain and Mile Kane.

Anne Hathaway raps

Despite the obvious scientific point Due to the "bloopers" in the script, the film was very well received by critics and audiences. Anne herself believes that its main idea is expressed in one of her heroine’s lines: “Maybe we should believe and love, even if we cannot understand much.” The film received many prizes and nominations, including five Oscar nominations, one of which it won.

Another interesting work The actress of this period was the comedy “The Intern” (2015), in which she played the main role in partnership with Robert De Niro. This film, known by the slogan “Experience is always in fashion,” tells the story of an elderly man who decides to learn a new profession and his friction with a young and ambitious boss.

After this, in 2016, Anne Hathaway again played the White Queen in the film “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” which can be considered a sequel famous painting"Alice in Wonderland". This film again featured Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen, but Tim Burton participated this time only as one of the producers, giving way to director James Bobin. Unfortunately, this film failed to repeat the success of the first Alice, and the press called it “incredibly expensive and terribly stupid.”

Views and social activities

Anne Hathaway is an active activist for the rights of women and children around the world. In particular, she is fighting against child marriage and has traveled on missions to Kenya, Ethiopia and other countries where this issue is especially acute.

In 2010, she was part of a group funded by the charitable World Bank to participate in a two-year program " The Girl Effect" to help girls and young women from developing countries obtain education and professions.

In 2013, the actress voiced the voiceover in documentary film CNN "Girl Rising", dedicated to girls from different countries who are trying to overcome social and cultural barriers on the way to their dreams. Together with Anne Hathaway, such famous actors as
In 2017, she publicly advocated for the introduction of equal paid parental leave for fathers and mothers.

Personal life of Anne Hathaway

In 2004, Ann began an affair with Italian businessman Raffaello Folieri, who a year earlier had opened a fund in the United States that financed the vaccination of children in poor countries of the world, but later could not document the intended use of the funds.

The couple’s relationship was not easy and made her life very difficult, so her colleagues on the set of the film “The Devil Wears Prada,” which was released in 2006, could not help but notice it

Ann was constantly on edge. She lived with a guy who was a criminal and a swindler. He wanted her not to work at all, and hated it when she stayed late in the evenings. When we filmed late into the night, she always became very tense.

In June 2008, Folieri was arrested for defrauding investors and embezzling millions of dollars in real estate donations for catholic church. Since Anne Hathaway was technically listed as his business partner, she was also included in the proceedings, but no charges were filed.

However, the girl had to go through serious public humiliation, and she managed to maintain her dignity: “At first I felt like such a fool! And it seemed to me that everyone would judge me. But it turned out that from family, and from friends, and from all people - literally from all sides - I met only sympathy. It helped me come to terms with everything and overcome everything.”

On March 24, 2016, the couple had a son, Jonathan Rosebanks Shulman. With the advent of her son, the actress’s outlook on life has changed in many ways: “I’m happy when my life is simple... My day begins with test questions: Is he breathing? He is healthy? He grows? Is it developing? And if all four answers are “yes,” then it’s hard to ruin my day with anything.”

Anne Hathaway now

Despite the fact that the actress Small child, she continues to actively act in films. Released in 2018 crime film"Ocean's 8" is a spin-off of the famous film "Ocean's Eleven" - in which she participates along with such stars as Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter, singer

In the summer of 2017, Ann became the victim of a hacker attack, as a result of which her private photos, including intimate ones. The actress and her agent refrained from publicly commenting on this topic.

IN former village Shottery, now within the boundaries of Stratford, shows the “house of Anne Hathaway” (a fairly rich house with a garden for that time), which until 1846 belonged to the descendants of her brother. It is believed that she was born and raised in this house, but this legend may be later. Since 1890, Anne Hathaway's house has housed a museum, in the garden of which sculptures based on the plot of Shakespeare's works were erected.

It is known that William and Anne married in November 1582, when he was 18 years old and she was 26. In the parish register of the Bishop of Worcester, an entry dated November 28, 1582, was preserved with the guarantee of two witnesses about the legality of the marriage between Shakespeare and Hathaway. At the time of the marriage, Anne was pregnant with her eldest daughter, Susanna, who was born in 1583 (baptismal record May 26 of that year). In 1585, Anne gave birth to William's twins, Hamnet and Judith. Son Hamnet died at the age of 11 in 1596, and both daughters survived their father, as did Anne herself.

In the period from 1586 to 1613, Shakespeare lived in London, his wife remained in Stratford, and they spent only the last 3 years together again. In his will, Shakespeare included the famous order to leave his wife the second best bed with all its accessories.

Sonnet 145

All other information about her is hypothetical. For example, it is often assumed that in Shakespeare’s sonnet 145 the words “I hate” from hate away she threw / And saved my life - the surname Hathaway is punously hidden (and even that And saved should be read as Anne saved; cf. play with own name I am Will in other sonnets). In terms of the level of skill, this sonnet is classified as an early one and it is assumed that it could have been written back in Stratford. It stands apart among the sonnets both in size (iambic tetrameter instead of pentameter, which is present in all the other 153) and in style (it does not have Shakespeare’s lush metaphors, the choice of words is very simple). In Marshak's translation, sonnet 145 looks like this:

I hate - these are the words that fell from her sweet lips the other day in anger. But as soon as She noticed my fear,

How I held my tongue, Which until now had whispered to me now a kindness, now a reproach, and not a cruel sentence.

“I hate,” the lips uttered in silence, and the gaze was already replaced by anger, And the night rushed from heaven to hell.

Other hypotheses

The unusual circumstances of William and Anne's marriage also attract attention. It is believed that Shakespeare could seduce an over-aged girl and then, under fear of revenge from her relatives, was forced to marry; but there is no evidence of this. Others believe that Anne was a woman of lax behavior and seduced the young man herself, and then, having become pregnant, forced him to marry, but these are pure assumptions.

It is also debatable whether the "second bed" is a good or bad inheritance for Anne; most likely there is no insult in this. Historians have pointed out that at that time the best bed in the house was usually intended for guests, and Shakespeare bequeathed to his wife, in fact, their own marriage bed; in addition, according to the law, the widow was already entitled to a third of the inheritance, regardless of the will, and both daughters were married and could support her. Gaps in the sources are readily filled in by historical novelists (this is also true, however, for the relatively poorly documented biography of Shakespeare in general).


  • Burgess E. William Shakespeare. Genius and his era. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2001.

Documents have been preserved according to which the minor (he was under 21 years old) Shakespeare received permission to marry Anne Whattley. Despite complete coincidence first and last names are too different from each other to make a clerk mistake. In addition, the document mentioned that Anne Whattley was from Temple Grafton, while Anne Hathaway lived in Shottery. Probably, Shakespeare really wanted to marry Anne Whatley, information about whom has not been preserved, but Anne Hathaway, who at that time was practically an old maid at twenty-six, seduced the inexperienced young man.

The wedding took place in December 1582, and already on May 26 next year was baptized eldest daughter Susan, which makes the reason for the marriage very clear. The story of this marriage is reflected in some of Shakespeare's works. Thus, in Twelfth Night, when Viola, dressed as a boy, must answer Orsino’s question about how old her mythical lover is, she, with her inherent ability, speaks the pure truth without getting into trouble, and answers: “No more than to you" (hereinafter translated by E. Linetskaya). Duke Orsino believes that a wife must be younger than her husband, and advises:

Find yourself a younger girlfriend
Otherwise, you will quickly lose interest in her.
All women are like roses: the day will come -
The flower will bloom and fade away instantly.

Since Shakespeare's wife was eight years older than him, and was already forty-four when the play was written, it is difficult not to see a personal motive here.

Even more often they talk about the inadmissibility of close relationships before marriage. Thus, in the comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hera says to Lysander:

For a boy and a girl, human shame
Doesn't allow such closeness...

      (Translation by T. Shchepkina-Kupernik)

Sixteen years later, Shakespeare's opinion has not changed, and in The Tempest Prospero warns Ferdinand:

But if you use a blasphemous hand
Untie her chastity belt
Before the marriage ceremony -
Your union will not be blessed.
Then discord, sullen contempt
And barren hatred like thorns
Will shower your wedding bed,
And both of you will reject it.

      (Translation - M. Donskoy)

It’s hard to resist the thought that this is about Shakespeare’s own marriage. When he moved to London, he did not take his family with him. Although, apparently, he visited Stratford quite often, such a relationship with his wife cannot be called normal marital relations. Most likely, there was no longer any closeness between them.

IN " Winter's Tale» Florizel says:

After all, I'm over the heart
He put duty, and above desire - honor.

      (Translation by V. Levik)

It was probably for exactly the same reasons that Shakespeare got married.

Anne Hathaway was born and raised in the village of Shottery, where her ancestors had long lived. Shakespeare's wife's relatives were wealthy Warwickshire yeomen.

Her grandfather, mentioned in the military levies as an archer, was in his parish constable, certifier, and one of the twenty authorized citizens of Stratford. When taxes were distributed, his property was valued at a fairly significant amount.

Father, Richard Hathaway, died in 1581. Having three daughters, he did not mention Anne in his will, but left money to his daughter Agnes for her wedding. In those days, these two names coincided. Thus, Philip Henslowe named his wife Agnes in his will, but she was buried as Anne.

Anne Hathaway apparently inherited a large farmhouse with twelve rooms. It has survived to this day, and in those days, apparently, was located almost on the edge of the Arden Forest.

Shakespeare's wife died at the age of sixty-seven, having outlived her husband by seven years.