Hair spells for those who want chic curls. How to properly carry out spells using a comb

Even the simplest things can be made assistants in various areas of life. Simple spells at home will create abundance and wealth in your family.

Every day we use a large number of household items and do not even think that they can benefit us not only with their direct functions, but also become a kind of talismans of good luck. Strong psychics can recommend special spells to make amulets at home. True, such protectors are usually jewelry or special figurines.
But in fact, you can use any object and charm it in a certain way to attract good luck, love, or give it protective properties. Choosing an item is very simple, just remember what you use most often: a comb, a toothbrush, a cup, a certain place to rest, and the like. In all these cases, you can perform a certain ritual and while using this thing, your desire will gradually begin to come true.

Conspiracies at home

We have provided only a few things that can be discussed. But if you have a desire to use another item, then the effectiveness of the plot will not decrease. You just need to feel its energy and purpose: it is logical that it is easier and more effective to charm a wallet with money than with love. You are unlikely to use your spouse's pillow to ward off evil spirits from the house, but a door lock is suitable for this purpose. Even in ancient times, girls used their combs to attract love. Through their hair they established contact with the Universe, sending it a request using their comb. He acted as an activator of desires.
Try this method too. Before going to bed, take the comb in your left hand, place it on your open palm and say the following words: “I let my hair down, I radiate beauty, I attract love. Amen". After this, transfer the comb to your right hand and comb your hair properly. Many psychics recommend using only wooden products to strengthen your connection with nature. And some use special rituals where, with the help of the elements, you can increase your strength and call on nature itself for help.
We can talk endlessly about the value of a broom in the house. With its help, they sweep away all the rubbish and negativity from the hut. They are also attracted to wealth and abundance. To do this, while cleaning the room, start sweeping from the front door deep into the house and at the same time repeat the phrase: “I sweep away dirt, I attract wealth.” In this way, you simultaneously cleanse everything of negativity and attract abundance to the vacated space. An important point: sweeping deep into the house without a conspiracy, you do not get rid of negative energy, so do not forget about the special words.
Scissors are also a universal tool with which you can change the course of events. If you are going through a bad period in your life and obstacles come one after another, you can use scissors to improve your situation.
Take a piece of paper and write on it everything you want to get rid of and what is preventing you from living happily. Write down absolutely everything that doesn’t suit you in life, even if it takes a certain amount of time, but you shouldn’t miss even the smallest details. After this, take a sheet of paper in one hand and scissors in the other and say the words: “I cut all misfortunes, I cut all obstacles. I am letting new rewards into my life. Amen". Repeat three times, and then cut the leaf into small pieces, the smaller the better. After this, burn it and scatter the ashes to the wind.
At first glance, everything is very simple, but it is these simple methods that have been helping people for many years.

There are rituals of white magic that help attract customers to your services. This is especially important for those people who directly depend on their customers: hairdressers, manicurists, massage therapists, salespeople, repairmen, etc. They work 100% and will help ensure an uninterrupted flow of people, their increased interest in your work, and therefore money in your pocket.

Most rituals can be performed at home. The main thing is not to tell anyone about the ritual of attracting clients, so as not to scare off your luck.

Strong bell spell

To perform the ritual you need to purchase a small bell. You should like it right away, since it determines how successful your business will be. To carry out the ritual, you should wait until the new moon and in the evening pronounce the words of the conspiracy over the bell:

“Ring the bell, long and loudly! Invite guests, invite rich people! Wake up all the animals in the forest, let the client come to me!”

After this, the good luck charm needs to be hung outside all night. Then bring the bell to your workplace. Thus, the little assistant will attract the necessary and rich customers for your services.

For money (ritual with a bill)

This ritual will especially help when business becomes stagnant and the influx of visitors does not increase or begins to dry up.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon:

  • you need to take a banknote (the larger it is, the better);
  • open the window at night;
  • Taking the bill in your hands, say the words of the spell: “Just as there is a lot of water and salt in the sea-ocean, and there is no counting of sand at the bottom of the sea, so may I never stop receiving customers, and the flow of money to me will not dry up forever. Let it be so!".

After this, the bill should be placed as far as possible in the work office, preferably hidden in the table. In just a few days, your business affairs will improve dramatically, as if by magic.

Honey spell

The ritual is carried out when there is a full moon in the sky. You need to purchase a jar of natural honey in advance, open it on the full moon and turn the following words to the Moon:

“Luna-Beauty, my clever girl and assistant! Give me good luck in business! Let it be sweet and healthy, like this honey! Let people flock to me, to my work, for the sweet smell and brilliant appearance!”

After this, in the morning before work, you need to smear a little honey on the front door through which clients come to you. The result will exceed all expectations.

This ritual is useful in trade, so that customers are more willing to come to your store and take goods. To carry out the ritual for sugar, you need to perform a number of such actions:

  • prepare a candle in advance, a little granulated sugar, any light, clean cloth and a strong green thread;
  • in the evening at home, light a candle, spread a cloth, throw in exactly three pinches of a sweet product and say a spell: “My sugar is sweet, an excellent product! Sweetness from your purchase to you, goodness and wealth to me. Let it be so!";
  • After that, roll up the fabric with sugar and tie it in a triple knot with green thread.

Bring the resulting bag of sugar to work and hide it in your workplace so that no one sees. People will start visiting your store more often and making larger purchases.

Spells for hairdressers and salons

White magic will help attract visitors to your beauty salon and increase the influx of customers if you work as a hairdresser. These rituals will also protect your business from the machinations of competitors and “recapture” potential customers for services from them.

To the comb so that clients come in droves

This simple ritual can be performed any day of the week. For him you will need to buy a new comb, pick it up and solemnly pronounce the spell:

“Tooth comb, bring me the people with ridges!” My hair is smooth, all my clients are attracted to me. For man - beauty, for me - wealth and praise! It will be good for the client, and money in my wallet! Let it be so!".

It is advisable to use the comb several times a day. After a month, the effective effect of the magic will begin to weaken, so you will have to repeat it, but with a new comb.

For salt

With the help of this famous magical product (salt gets rid of negative emotions and the machinations of evil competitors), you can secure your business and attract many customers.

The ceremony is carried out as follows:

  • add a pinch of salt to a glass of clean water;
  • Before the start of the working day, pronounce the words of the spell over a glass of salt: “I will speak salt and water, I will call all clients. Just as there are so many salty drops in the sea and ocean, I have so many clients that I can’t count them. Bring good, rich people to me, and take the evil and unkind people away from me! Amen".
  • then you need to splash a little water on yourself and around your workplace.

In this way, the master will be protected from attacks by unpleasant people and at the same time will attract many conscientious customers for services.

For scissors for nail salons

Scissors have long been known in magical rituals, so they require compliance with a number of necessary conditions. Among them:

  • you should not click scissors in vain: in this way you break the thread of luck;
  • during the ritual, scissors are held in the right hand, even if you are left-handed;
  • After the ritual, your scissors should under no circumstances be picked up by another person: this can lead to the “loss” of profits.

The ritual is carried out in this order. On a piece of paper you need to write down all the comments that, in your opinion, interfere with a successful business. We must try not to forget the slightest detail. Then use nail scissors to cut the paper into small pieces. At the same time say the following words:

“I cut out all troubles and obstacles, I accept only money and rewards.”

After this, small pieces of paper should be burned, the ashes should be thrown out in the toilet or scattered over a pond.

To trade in a store

Since ancient times, wealthy merchants have enlisted the help of black and white magic and used a variety of methods to successfully trade and attract rich buyers. Many mysterious rituals have reached our contemporaries. The power of ancient words and actions remains unchanged to this day and brings real success at work.

Large revenue

In order for business to go uphill and customers to purchase large goods, it is necessary to perform the following ritual:

  • at midnight on the waxing Moon, stay alone at your workplace;
  • obtain financial documents;
  • lay them out on the table and say the following text:

“Moon and Sun, silver and gold, share your strength, bestow favor on me. Fly to me, large bills, like moths to a flickering light. Let me be lucky in all matters, and let my competitors be the envy of me. Sun and Moon, Moon and Sun, thank you! Amen".

After that, you need to put the documents back in your place and go home. From the next day, the proceeds from the sale will become larger every day.

Help from evil spirits

Brave people resort to this ritual when they urgently need to improve business in trade. It will be especially useful for those merchants who need to sell stale goods and not be left at a loss.

“Damn, damn, come to me, help me. We need to sell goods, convene people and collect money. It’s a prank for you, it’s prosperity for me.”

Prayers to attract clients

People often turn to Orthodox saints for help in business. However, you should remember: prayers to heavenly intercessors need to be read when things have really gotten worse and people have stopped coming to you for services or goods. If things are going well enough, it’s better not to bother the saints in vain and ask them for excess income - the result may be such that you will be “taught” to live within your means.

Prayers for help should be offered at home in front of the image of the saint, and a candle purchased in the church should be lit.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

“Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, our intercessor and helper! Help me in my affairs, protect me from dashing misfortunes. I am not lazy, I work for the good of people and for the glory of God. Protect me from troubles and worries, protect and multiply the work of my hands! Amen".

Seraphim of Sarov

“Saint Seraphim, bless me and my righteous works! Give me support and give me your wisdom, a clear mind and strong strength to work for the good of people, so that clients come! Show me mercy, a sinner, hear my requests for help! Amen".

Use these conspiracies for your own benefit, but don’t be lazy yourself, but provide your customers with quality goods and services.

Since ancient times, the magical power of conspiracies has helped women attract the right man into their destiny, protected them from the evil eye and damage, added confidence to shy women and brought financial well-being. Grandmothers-witches passed on their knowledge from generation to generation, which has come down to us in the form of texts that are pronounced as a curse on any subject in a strictly defined sequence of words. For love spells and for wealth, a comb made of natural wood was most often used.

How to perform the ritual correctly

To increase the effectiveness of the magical action, you need to buy a wooden hair comb. New conspiracy - new comb. You can read only one text on the same subject, but several times. If you want to carry out two rituals - for your betrothed and for monetary gain, then you will need two for them that are not too expensive, so it is important to have a separate accessory on hand for each conspiracy.

The second necessary condition is that the ritual must be performed alone. No one should be present in the room in which you perform the sacrament. Moreover, try to hide your intentions from others.

The next important thing is to truly believe in what you are doing. No conspiracy will work if you do not imbue every word with your firm conviction in the action of this ritual. The sincerity of the spoken words and clear visualization of one’s desire is the foundation of any magical act.

Love spells

You can bewitch a man using a love spell on a comb. It must be made of natural wood, better than the type that grows in Russia. Oak, juniper or cedar work well.

It is customary to perform a magical ritual before bedtime. One of the most common rituals with a wooden comb is associated with the new place where an unmarried girl is going to sleep. When lying down in a new bed, you need to pick up a comb and comb your hair, saying: “I’m lying down in a new place, the bridegroom is dreaming about the bride.” A man who will appear in dreams and become a lover.

To attract a betrothed into your life, there is a special conspiracy, which is also carried out alone, before going to bed. You will need a mirror, a candle, holy water and a comb. Turn off the light, sit in front of the mirror, light a candle. Dip the comb into the illuminated water, comb the strands, look in the mirror and say the text of the spell:

“Come to me and become my support, become my hope, my love.

Your heart is in my hands, your soul is in my eyes.

You won’t turn away, you won’t deceive, you will become the only one forever.”

Say the spell in a quiet voice several times, visualizing the image of your man. Then place the comb next to the bed and go to bed. This plot can be repeated as many times as needed until the right man appears in your life.

If you are invited on a date by a young man you like, you can also enhance your charm and attract old spells to help. To prevent a man from taking his eyes off you at a meeting, before leaving the house, take a wooden comb, comb your hair and repeat the following words:

“I’ll comb my hair, I’ll come to you (Man’s name),

I let my hair down, I radiate beauty,

My beauty is in your eyes, I hold your heart in my hands,

I’ll captivate you with my gait, I’ll enchant you with my words,

As I have decided, so it will be.”

After the spell is pronounced, wrap it up and hide it from prying eyes. Take it out every time and comb it when you get ready to meet your lover.

Conspiracies to attract profit

In rituals to attract monetary well-being, it is important to follow the same rules as with love spells. No one should know about your actions; you need to choose a wooden comb that you like. The comb must be strong, without flaws or chips. The ceremony must be performed in the office where you work. It is best to do this on the days of the waxing Moon, as this will significantly increase the effectiveness of the conspiracy. Along with the waxing Moon, your financial condition will also increase.

Close the office so that no one can interfere with your ritual, take a handful of coins and passing them between the teeth of the comb, repeat the following words:

“In my hands is a comb, a faithful assistant and friend,

I decorate you with a coin and increase my profits.

Clients follow the straight path, I scoop up money with a big spoon.

Bring the comb good luck, good deals to boot.

Money is dripping into my palm, don’t touch my money with someone else’s hand.

The comb is considered a money comb, and I will be careful with money.”

You can carry out such a ritual every time you feel that your profits are starting to decline or at a time when you are planning a major deal that promises a profitable investment. To maintain the effect of the spell, try to comb your hair with a wooden comb every morning before starting work, restoring your magical connection with the Universe.

Do not forget that a prerequisite for the fulfillment of your desires is a firm belief in what you do and say. Under no circumstances perform rituals that are aimed at the desire to harm another person. Such “black” magic, as a rule, returns with redoubled force to the one who wished evil.

Trade is widely developed in the modern world. A large number of methods are used to ensure its prosperity. But not all of them can bring quick and effective results. You can use advertising, modern innovative technologies or introduce promotions, but this will not give you a guarantee of a successful business. Therefore, it is recommended to use a spell on a comb.

To reach the required number of clients, professional magicians have created a special direction in the world of magic. It's called "business magic." A large number of rituals will help you achieve your goals. Not a single client can pass by your company.

The effect of such magic

The start of business magic did not come as a surprise. It was not invented spontaneously. Many magicians worked on its development. Many thousands of years ago, there were merchants who turned to witches for help to increase their sales power. Let's consider their basic desires.

  1. A large number of clients. Everyone knows that if there is demand, then profits will soon appear.
  2. Quality goods. In the old days, a good product cost a lot of money. Therefore, if the merchant did not have the money to purchase it, then he turned to magic. Sorcerers could make the price of goods drop dramatically, or get them for free.
  3. Big profit. Living in that world was quite difficult. Every conversation, every trip always came down to money. Not a single person allowed himself to do work for free. Even ordinary passers-by could not show the way until they were given a few gold coins.
  4. Conversations between people. Despite the fact that the word “PR” appeared quite recently, in those days such a concept had a place. It was just called differently. Every merchant wanted to be popular in his area and far beyond its borders.

Helping a company in difficult times

Many centuries have passed since those times. Only a little has changed. In principle, only the strength of requests has changed. At the present time, the above desires are few. And, if they are satisfied, then their size has grown tens of times. The only thing that has remained unchanged is the magical rituals. If you need to make a profit, then use a spell to attract clients.

Even if your company has achieved good results, there is no confidence that you will not lose it. In order to repel competitors, it is necessary to resort to conspiracies.

The most effective conspiracies

The ritual must be performed at work. This can be either a work office or a place to store a large sum of money. The result of such a ritual will appear quite quickly. You won't even have time to get nervous. If you follow all the rules for conducting magical rituals, the effect will be amazing. First of all, you must conduct them in such a way that no one even suspects it. It is best to do this when the working day is over and everyone has gone home.

The second parameter is that your faith must be very strong. If you do not believe in what you say, the effect of the ritual will be significantly lower. And you will have to do it several more times. If you decide to perform a ritual in order to test its effectiveness, then you may not hope for a good result. Don't forget to visualize your desires. This will only enhance the effect of the ritual.

Third, which is quite important, you need to read the words from the bottom of your heart and do not voice sky-high desires. Requests must be such that they can actually be implemented. Moreover, you will have to work on the result yourself. A ritual can only push you a little towards your goal, but it cannot bring your desires into action. The fourth requirement is that you must understand every word of the spoken spell. If you encounter unfamiliar words, it is better to look up their meaning in the dictionary. You can use the Internet to help. The fact is that if a conscious word is pronounced, then the energy intensifies.

Conspiracy with a comb

Don’t think that only girls need a comb for personal care or beauty spells. A comb is an excellent assistant in carrying out money rituals. A spell for a new comb is being carried out. You can buy it at any store. And you shouldn't buy an expensive one. The most ordinary one will do, you just have to like it. It is best to use a flat wooden comb. Take a comb and walk around your place of work with it every day.

When walking, do not forget to comb your hair. You need to read the plot quietly:

“The flat path leads me to the threshold. If clients contact us, we will always help them. I will do kindness to people, and they will bring me a lot of money. I comb out all the tangles and tangles from my hair so that all my problems and debts disappear. Amen".

Hair must be combed at least thirty-three times. Under no circumstances should you give the comb to anyone. Only you can take it. You can consider it your personal amulet or talisman. If you want to get a lot of clients, then keep the comb at your workplace. It is prohibited to talk about your methods. The entire ritual must be kept in complete secrecy. Otherwise, it may not work.

Second version of the plot:

“My beautiful comb has sharp teeth. I use it to attract good clients who are always wasting money. Each of my hairs is smoothed with a comb. This is done so that no one can pass by my place of work. It doesn't matter whether a person is rich or poor, we will help him in any case. If you visit my company at least once, it is no longer possible to remain indifferent to it. May the comb bring me good luck. And I will give my clients change for their purchases. Let the money drip into my wallet, just like a cat’s hair falls out when she sheds. Amen".

In this case, it is not worth carrying out a plot for a new comb every day. It should only be used when success begins to decline. At this moment, take out the comb again, comb your hair, and say the spell. Men who have no hair should not be upset. They can also use the comb to increase profits. You can rub your bald spot with it. The effect will be the same as in the case of hairy users. The duration of the conspiracy is one month. A month later, you need to perform the ceremony again.

Using a comb to the moon

When addressing the moon, the power of the conspiracy only intensifies. The main requirement is that it must be carried out on a waxing moon. The waxing moon symbolizes growing profits.

  1. Open the wall calendar and select the appropriate day by day. During this day, you should purchase a flat comb.
  2. Pay attention to the material of the product. If the material is artificial, then do not buy it. To attract customers, it is best if the comb is made of natural materials. The fact is that the tree accumulates a large amount of energy, which is simply necessary for a quality ritual.
  3. Go outside on a dark night. Position yourself so that the moonlight completely envelops you. Hold the newly acquired comb in your hands.
  4. Raise your eyes and look at the moon. You can smile at her. This will only benefit you. Raise the comb up and show it to the moon. Now you can start combing and recite the spell:

“I recently bought myself an amazing comb. I decided to brag to you about my successful purchase. I ask you to become friends with the comb so that together you can help me increase the number of my clients. Let the number of my hair combed be equal to the number of tomorrow's clients. I comb my hair in order to ask for help from the night celestial body. Just as the moon is now increasing in size, so let my money increase. Customers will purchase goods for their mood, and I will increase cash flow. Amen".

Keep this comb with you every day. To ensure that the spell does not lose its power, comb your hair every day before work.

How to attract huge money into your life. Find out for yourself

They believe that if the first buyer is a man, then the trader

Hey! They donated 20 hryvnia to me! Who are you, mysterious bl

Ritual with comb and coin

Take a handful of coins and a new flat comb you purchased. The ritual is performed during the waxing of the moon. Place coins through the teeth of the comb, saying:

“Coins pass easily through the narrow teeth of a comb. Let my clients appear just as easily and bring me money. The comb is considered a money comb, and I will be careful with money. Amen".

A love spell on a comb is one of the types of magical actions that can help representatives of the fair half of humanity achieve the love of their chosen one. This witchcraft ritual can also be a help for men in love to attract the attention of their beloved lady.

Although witchcraft with a comb is not as effective as other, more complex rituals, it allows you to get the desired result if you have a strong desire and perseverance.

Features of a love spell with a comb

If you want to bewitch your chosen one or your chosen one, you must remember the general rules that apply to all love spells, including rituals with a comb.

  • Ritual actions are performed without prying eyes, in complete solitude. There are options when the object of the love spell is located in the room next door.
  • They don’t talk about the perfect ritual; it becomes a secret. Otherwise, it either loses its power or begins to harm.
  • The order of procedural actions in rituals does not change; they are performed in strict sequence.
  • To carry out the ritual, an appropriate appearance is required. As a rule, these are clothes of dark colors and the absence of any accessories or decorations. Magicians advise girls to perform love spells without makeup, with a clean face.
  • It is recommended to limit yourself in food a few days before the planned love spell ritual, following fasting.
  • The love spell made must be closed to secure it. This is usually done using words and phrases such as “key, lock, tongue,” “amen,” and others.

A love spell on a comb also has its own specific characteristics.

  • The love spell comb should belong only to your chosen one. No one else should use this item.
  • The spell is valid as long as the comb is near the object of the love spell.
  • It is better to pick up the comb immediately after your chosen one has used it.

Love spells have the best results when done on the waxing moon.

Simple rituals for a comb

Love spells with an object such as a comb are easy to perform. There are several simple universal rituals using it that can attract both male and female love.

  1. Take a comb from your loved one and forget to return it. When night falls, read prayer or love words on it, which according to the text can be absolutely anything, but must contain a call to attract love. For example,

    “... comb, help, tell your loved one (beloved) about love, push into my hands...”.

    The spoken comb is returned to its owner.

  2. Comb your hair with a comb that belongs to your loved one, while saying the following love spell:

    “ me (person’s name) as I love you. Miss me as I yearn for you...”

    Remove your hair from the comb and burn it, and scatter the resulting ashes near the home of the object of the love spell.

  3. Taking a comb from your chosen one, collect her hair at home. You will have to carry them with you until the love spell takes effect, so use either a cloth or a scarf. Before returning the comb to its owner or mistress, speak to it with these words:

    “...the comb puts your hair one next to the other and guides you into my arms, telling you about my love. So that he gets bored, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t eat, doesn’t look at anyone else...”

Love spell on a comb during Christmas time

Christmas time is a good time for making wishes come true and suitable days for casting love spells. For the ritual you will need a newly purchased wooden comb, with which you will need to comb your hair while sitting in front of a mirror and saying love words nine times.

On the first Christmas Eve, looking at your mirror reflection, mentally tune in to the person you love, smoothly moving the comb through your own hair:

“...I will comb my braids, a hair will come to a hair, and the servant of me...”

Love spell on a comb.

Love spell on an apple.

Love spell on hair and blood.

The comb used in the love spell is hidden under the pillow for the coming night, and in the morning the hairs are removed from it and burned with a church candle. The ashes obtained from burnt hair are not thrown away, but are saved so that at the first opportunity they can be added to the food or drinks of their chosen one.

It will be a good plus for getting an effective result from a love spell if the object of your love also combs itself with a charmed comb.

Rituals with a comb for male and female love

Rituals with a comb can be done on both men and women.

  1. In order to strengthen the feelings of your man, you can whisper a love spell on a comb that belongs to him:

    “ by hair, make me love just one, hair by hair, penetrate into my thoughts and oblige me to love...”

    The man's comb is spoken while the man is sleeping for three days in a row, each time returning it to its place.

  2. Before an important date, speak to a wooden comb, first covering it with a cloth and placing your left hand on top:

    “...I’ll come to you, I’ll comb my hair, I get beauty, from you comes love. If I want, I’ll keep your heart, if not, I’ll let you go...”

    Every time you go on a date, comb your hair with your own comb, hiding it from prying eyes until you are not at home.

  3. Men can also cast a love spell on a comb by taking a personal hygiene item to their loved one for a day so that she doesn’t realize it, and then returning it for further use. At home, take a container of water and two white candles. When darkness falls, with candles lit, say the words of the love spell on the water:

    “ love, I’m calling you, look at me, open your heart to me.”

    The comb is left in the charmed water until the candles burn out. Cinders are usually buried by pouring water on top with the words:

    “It will be as planned.”