5 roles of women. Five roles of a woman

Hello, Dear Viewers, my name is Yuri Lemekhov, and in today’s video, which is the third part of a series of videos about who and what a man wants from a woman, I will talk about .

The video itself is posted below. Well, for those who like to read, the text version of the article is, as usual, directly below the video.
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Hello, Dear Readers. In today's article I will briefly talk about roles and functions of women in relationships , i.e. about WHAT does a man want from a woman? WHAT does he want from her? WHAT should she give him? WHAT kind of woman does he want next to him? And, accordingly, WHAT she needs to develop in herself, and then SKILLFULLY AND APPROPRIATELY, i.e. psychologically competent, it can be used in certain situations, depending on the need, in order to keep your loved one.
You can read the first two parts in the articles “” and “”.

In a word, regardless of what a man says, a woman must clearly know and understand WHAT he wants from her - for starters - in general, so that, based on this data, she can gradually pick up her keys, i.e. . form your own behavior algorithms with the man you like. By the way, in order to better understand in what situations what roles and functions in a relationship a woman should use, I strongly recommend that you read my articles about the three stages in the development of relationships: “”, “” and “”. – After reading this material, you will understand much better where and at what stages which roles and functions will be most desirable and, accordingly, most often used for success.

In fact, everything a man wants from a woman, relatively speaking, can be divided into three key components:
1) Roles in which he wants to see his woman (to make it more clear what a role is - imagine that for someone you are a boss at work (this is one role), for someone you are a subordinate (this is another role), for for some - a colleague (this is the third role), for some of the colleagues - a close friend (this is the fourth role, etc.);
2) Functions, which you must fulfill while in one role or another. Each of the roles presupposes the presence and implementation of certain functions necessary for your man. Well, for example, the role could be a mistress, and the function could be great sex. Or, for example, the role of a mother, and the functions are care, unconditional acceptance, guardianship and support.
3) Third– these are directly Templates, Algorithms, Patterns, Personal manifestations, as well as Skills and Abilities of psychologically competent behavior, communication and treatment with your man, which are designed to directly carry out and implement one or another function, i.e. bring all this functionality to life. For example, your role is a lover, your function is great sex, and, for example, your skill is good oral sex, or, for example, the ability to make your man’s sexual fantasies and desires come true. The algorithm, for example, could be as follows: take a shower, brush your teeth, put on sexy lingerie, say some kind words to the man in a playful tone and start giving him a blowjob. Of course, all this is exaggerated and conditional, but I think you understand the essence.

In this video I will talk exclusively about roles and functions, and I will talk about everything else in more detail in subsequent articles and videos.

And now about the Roles in which a man wants to see his woman. I will read them according to their Importance and Significance for a man, i.e. what is in first place is more significant than what is in tenth place. Moreover, in this case we are talking exclusively about a woman for a Serious Relationship, and not just for one-time sex (it’s just that for sex everything would be completely different):
1) The role of a woman as a person who loves herself, takes care of herself and is satisfied with life.
2) A mother who will take care of a man and accept him unconditionally.
3) A mistress who will give a man great sex and bring sparkle, play and passion into their sexual relationship.
4) A daughter to whom the man himself will take care and who will admire him, give him recognition and emphasize his uniqueness and exclusivity.
5) A psychologist to whom a man can open up and entrust his soul to him, i.e. your emotions and feelings, your emotional experiences, as well as thoughts and views on life.
6) A muse that will inspire a man to great deeds, i.e. motivate him to achieve the goals and objectives he has set, which will contribute to conquering the peaks he has planned.
7) A spiritual like-minded person, and if necessary, then a Mentor and even a Teacher.
8) A friend with whom you can simply have a good time without sex, just have a good rest, for example, go out into nature with a group, play ball or barbecue.
9) Business partner. This should be understood as some feasible assistance in a man’s affairs from a woman, if he really needs it.
10) The housewife (who will keep the house clean, cozy, comfortable, and will also serve the man in everyday life: cook for him, wash, clean, etc.).

Of course, depending on each specific situation, a certain balance of these roles is necessary. Those. any of them must be included strictly according to the situation. How to understand where and when to include whom? To do this, just watch your man, be sure to use your brain (without this - well, just NO WAY!), analyze, listen to him carefully, read his voice intonations, mood, emotions, behavior, facial expressions, gestures, body position, etc. Put yourself in his shoes. Think about WHAT HE would like to hear or receive right now. In general, you can train these skills (and, I would even say, NEED!) anywhere and on anyone - at work, when communicating with friends and colleagues, or with any other men in general. – Use EVERY opportunity to do this. You must learn to understand men in general, understand HOW they think and WHAT they base their views on.

And when your man finds in you everything he needs, then he will not only NOT cheat on you, but will also want to formalize the marriage as soon as possible simply because if everything he needs is already in you alone, then Why should he look for someone else, why should he go to the left and why delay with registering his marriage, if in fact he is Absolutely Happy with you.

Also a very important component are those functions, which you can do in terms of satisfying the desires and needs of your man:

1) The role of a person who loves and takes care of himself and is satisfied with life. The main function of this role is to make your life (regardless of communication with anyone) as convenient, comfortable and cozy as possible, primarily for yourself. Of course, this is a function of self-love, self-care and self-care, as well as investing time and effort into your health, development in all directions and external attractiveness. Those. you invest NOT in work (working hard from morning to night), NOT in children (not seeing the white light in their upbringing), NOT in parents (endlessly playing the role of a servant or a donor from whom they draw psychological juices, as, for example, a psychological vampire “Caring Mother”, you can read more about her vampirism in the article “”). You invest in YOURSELF. Those. a person FOR YOURSELF. Further: this is an understanding of Who You Are, awareness of Your True Motives, Desires and Needs. Those. function of Self-Knowledge (self-knowledge). And also Accepting yourself as you are in those moments that you are NOT going to change about yourself. (I will tell you more about what to correct in yourself and what to accept in the article about complexes). Next: self-sufficiency, self-respect, a feeling of calm self-confidence and your internal and external attractiveness for the man you like. Those. the feeling that you easily reach his level, that you deserve him. (AND NOT, as often happens, a feeling of insignificance “he’s so cool, and I’m a piece of crap, I definitely do NOT deserve him”). You should feel like the mistress of your life, who knows how to manage it brilliantly. The ability to navigate well in life, to understand the principles, laws and patterns by which it is organized. In a word, the main function of this role is to love yourself and not be shy about investing as much effort, time and resources into yourself as possible. Believe me, girls, all this will definitely pay off.

2) The role of the mother. Functions: Care, guardianship, understanding the needs of a man, help, support, warmth and tenderness. The ability to accept a person with all his disadvantages or personality and character traits (i.e. the so-called unconditional acceptance of a man, as well as the acceptance of his emotions and feelings, and even his friends). Further, if this is necessary, then, depending on the situation: seriousness, decency, reliability, punctuality, responsibility - so that he sees in you not just a girl for relaxation, but sees you as the mother of your future children. And, of course, the attention you pay to your man. Those. in general, this is the role of the mother in relation to the child.

3) The role of the Mistress. Function: the most complete and classy satisfaction of a man in sex, his physiological needs, as well as the realization of his sexual desires and fantasies. The ability to be relaxed, to love sex, to enjoy its process and regularly experience orgasm, to be a skillful and skillful lover for your man.

4) The role of the daughter. Functions: Raising self-esteem and a sense of self-importance for your man. Emphasizing how cool, awesome he is, and how much you need him. A man's recognition that he is super. That he's worth something. He should feel that he is significant and special to you, that he compares favorably with others, unique and exceptional (i.e. that you are interested in him). Words of love, compliments and admiration addressed to him must come from you and be heard regularly. (I’ll tell you how to give compliments correctly in a separate article). The ability to sincerely enjoy his gifts, even if they are somehow insignificant or ridiculous. Flirting, sparkle, drive, lightness, playfulness, naturalness, spontaneity, feminine softness, carelessness, cheerfulness, the ability to have a great time, brightness. The ability to ask your man for help when necessary. Give him the opportunity to take care of you. Be able to calmly accept help from a man (even when he did something WITHOUT your request), as well as the ability to calmly accept compliments, flowers, gifts and signs of attention from him that he gives you. The ability to ask a man for advice or his point of view and follow them.

5) The role of the psychologist. The main function is to create spiritual intimacy in relationships. I will NOT talk much about this here. I’ll just say that this is one of the most important components on which normal, psychologically healthy relationships are built. Those. Without spiritual intimacy, normal relationships are simply IMPOSSIBLE. Well, as for intimacy in relationships, I will separately write a number of important articles on this topic. If we talk about intimacy very briefly, then, of course, there must be trust, the ability to show sincere and warm feelings. The ability to listen and hear a man, as professional psychologists do. The ability to give your man the opportunity to make independent decisions. The ability to give him freedom and personal space, i.e. lack of control over his every step. Trust him in terms of making any important and major decisions regarding your relationship or your family. The ability to NOT pull the blanket over yourself, NOT to strive to become a leader in relationships and NOT to fight for power. But, on the contrary, the ability to cede power to him, follow him through life, trust his choice, and NOT tell him what to do. Although SOMETIMES, I will emphasize again, SOMETIMES – you yourself must be able to take on the role of leader in some situations and at some moments. The ability and desire to constructively resolve and smooth out conflicts. The ability to give a man feedback.

6) The role of the muse. Functions: to motivate him and inspire him to set big goals for himself, achieve the goals and objectives he has set, and also realize himself in life for the benefit of his family, i.e. sought to obtain as many resources as possible for himself, his woman and your children. Praise and words of gratitude, even for minor actions. The ability to notice those actions that are done by a man for your good. You encourage and reward him for this. Approval, i.e. recognition of the correctness of a man’s actions, encouragement for them. Agreement with his thoughts and actions. The ability to BELIEVE in your man - that he can achieve everything he wants, that he will succeed. Sometimes it’s the ability to competently and wisely guide a man in the right direction.

7) The Role of a Spiritual Like-Minded Person, and if necessary, then a Mentor and even a Teacher (as a certain function of the Father, who shows the son how to do the right thing and how to act correctly to achieve the goal he has set). Functions: build spiritual intimacy. This should be understood as more or less similar views and positions, similar worldview, worldview, worldview, approximately the same cultural, spiritual and intellectual levels, more or less the same level of psychological maturity. Your social relevance and general education. Roughly speaking, so that he is not ashamed to appear in society with you, and so that you look in the ONE direction.

8) The role of a friend. Function: The ability to relax and have a good time that is NOT related to sex. Hiking in the mountains, going on a picnic, getting together in an interesting company, going to watch an interesting movie, barbecue, etc.

9) Role of the business partner. Functions: certain business functions in your family in general and directly in the affairs of a man in particular, if he needs it.

10) And finally, the role of the Mistress. Functions: the ability to create comfort not only in bed, but also in the home. Those. This is good domestic service for your family in all aspects it needs.

Now you already have some idea about roles and functions of women in relationships , i.e. about WHO and WHAT men ideally want. In the last article, I asked you to write a detailed autobiography - I think now you have finally understood WHY it was necessary to do this - so that now, even without being familiar with the material of the subsequent videos about templates, algorithms and patterns of behavior, you could understand , Which Roles and Which Functions did you NOT regularly add to your men, and which ones did you either give them in excess, or did it in those situations where this was absolutely NOT required (and your man wanted to get something completely different from you).

That's all I have for today. In the next article entitled “” you will find a continuation of the material on how to build a cool, harmonious and full of mutual love relationship with a man: then I will directly talk about your motivation, mistakes and pain in case of failures.
I wish you success. And see you again.

There is an old joke that inside every representative of the fair sex there lives a loving woman, a capricious queen and a real witch, whatever you wake up with is what you will encounter. Although this expression is humorous, there is more truth in it than fiction.

It is obvious that people in close relationships have an extremely strong influence on each other. A lot depends on a man’s behavior. However, most psychologists argue that the woman is the “first violin” in a couple. A girl or wife sets the tone for a relationship and models it. How healthy and happy they will be depends on the woman's role.

What are the roles typical for women?

There are many classifications describing women's roles. But the most fundamental system was proposed by the American psychologist Eric Berne. In accordance with his concept, the personality structure of each person is characterized by three ego states: “Child”, “Parent”, and “Adult”. If we take this theory into account when considering female roles, we can distinguish the following: “Girl” (“Daughter”), “Mother” and “Woman”. Representatives of the fair sex are characterized by all of these conditions. If they manifest themselves adequately to the situation, this indicates mental maturity. But often one role begins to dominate. When a woman behaves in a standard, inflexible way, no matter the circumstances, it leads to problems in the relationship.

Each situation is purely individual, but let’s consider the most typical forms of manifestation of the main female roles:

In the case when a woman constantly faces the same type of problems in a relationship, she should analyze her own behavior and understand which role predominates in her behavior. If it turns out that she wants to meet a Real Man, but behaves like a “Daughter” or “Mother,” then she will have to work on her own personality. This will help you become mature, successful and happy.

The changeable and rebellious nature of a woman makes her a stunning actress, capable of playing the most dramatic roles. It’s good if the repertoire changes from time to time, she tries herself in new roles, expands her hidden talents, and reveals the endless depth of her soul. But it also happens that a lady stops developing, merging with an image that completely destroys her.

In this article we will discuss 5 popular female roles that have a detrimental effect on her psyche, beauty, sense of self and the man next to her. Can a woman play too hard, turning into a pitiful semblance of her former self, driving away her beloved with her own hands? Read.

5 roles of women that are unacceptable in relationships

1. Capricious princess

She is all such a sublime, naive, emotional and completely dependent little girl who needs an eye and an eye. She is waiting for a strong man who will put Her Majesty on his neck and go fight the dragons. The dream is beautiful, but the implementation is lame: sooner or later the knight will get tired of walking on a leash, pulling her out of difficult situations, resolving “grievances,” buying ice cream and serving as a lightning rod for the overly sensitive royal nerves. He is also not made of iron, he will want care, stability, confident affection and some kind of support that the princess cannot offer. Then goodbye passion! A man will go looking for his equal, and not this bag of tearful manipulations.

2. A complex mouse

A woman of this type is so modest that she does not find any merit in her person at all. Men can sing serenades in chorus at her door, but this will not win her heart - she saw herself in the mirror! She has elephant legs, erect ears, faded lips, and in general she has a lot of shortcomings - she’s a bungler, a chatterbox, and even the cheesecakes she cooks aren’t fluffy. A man gets so used to listening to her dissatisfaction with himself that at some point the complexes come back. He agrees with her picture of the world and leaves for another who loves herself, focuses on her merits and accepts any of his compliments with a smile. But most importantly, who will be to blame?

3. Annoying mommy

She is the caretaker of the family hearth, miss “I’ll figure it out myself” and “get dressed, otherwise you’ll catch a cold.” In her hands is the family budget, a mountain of bibs and an impressive ladle, with which she drives the man into a corner and trains him thoroughly. With it, it is impossible to get sick, feel hungry or make a thoughtless waste. The downside is that you don’t expect any sex, spontaneity, or self-respect. At some point, the man realizes that he lives next to an authoritarian mother who imposes her own rules on him. And he runs away from this control to another who does not suffocate with care, who leaves the right of choice and freedom for self-realization.

4. Victim of Austerlitz

She is not used to defending herself, defending boundaries. If a partner demands it, our martyr with a devoted sparkle in her eyes will give up all her hobbies, cross out her best friends, achievements, and even herself. It’s convenient to wipe your feet on, it improves your self-esteem quite well, and the crocodile tears that it sheds from morning to night are worthy of an Oscar. Why does a woman play this role? Because it is convenient for her to throw off her weaknesses on others, to justify failures in life with family tyranny and the bad character of her other half. Self-sacrifice also helps to blackmail your spouse, asking for some bonuses for your scars. But are the gifts worth the price?

5. Personal Mother Teresa

Why waste time on starving children in Africa or dying white whales, if next door lives an alcoholic, a parasite and a loser all rolled into one, with whom you can sip on all the delights of a low-grade life? Our rescuer does not see the point in love, which is devoid of difficulties and a total feeling of hopelessness. The goal of her life is to find the most notorious quitter, a terminally ill martyr, and “bring” him good. Forcibly. She will definitely fall head over heels for him, see the sprouts of universal goodness in his rotten soul and begin to follow him like a tail in the hope of “healing.” The latter is unlikely to succeed, but at least she will have a meaning in life, and against the backdrop of an unsightly chosen one, she will always look like a saint.

Well, if you came to this world to work off karma, welcome. Just try not to lose your own soul in the pursuit of saving drowning people.

Both male and female natures are ready to reveal themselves only in intimate (close and trusting) relationships, legitimized in accordance with the moral and ethical standards of society. Without contact with each other, these two natures will forever remain mysteries. The world will never see all the best qualities of a man and a woman if they do not reveal themselves in the bosom of a proper marriage.

So. Everything that concerns family relationships, as usual, begins with the woman. A woman gradually opens up to a man, like a ripe bud. A woman's blossoming flower has five petals - five types of love relationships. These qualities are inherent in every woman by nature; there can be no exceptions. In all cases, these qualities must be manifested in doses, taking into account time, place and circumstances. Let's look at these roles:

  1. A wife is the first role of a wife! A woman should be the wife of her husband, be “behind her husband”, be with him! Under no circumstances should you become a wife for a “non-husband”, because... this will lead to deep heart trauma.
  2. The second role is the mother. There is no man in the world who would not like to become small again for a while. Maternal love is the MAIN component of the flow of feelings flowing from a woman’s heart. Washing, cleaning, cooking deliciously, that is, being the mistress of the house - all this is a manifestation of maternal love. Men outside the home (and at home too) make important decisions, they are engaged in responsible affairs, and therefore they need a reliable rear! As a mother, pray for him, kiss his forehead, press his head to your heart and wish him a good day when he leaves for work - all this will give him confidence and strength!
  3. Sister or friend is the third role. Husband and wife are on equal positions. What is it for? Yes, so that you can share your secrets, discuss plans, sort things out... The “Mother,” showing her love and care, is in a dominant position, and solving a number of social problems requires an equal partnership approach.
  4. The daughter is the fourth role. The woman here occupies a dependent position. “mother” and “sister” give a man a sense of confidence and responsibility; in the contact between his wife and daughter, a man is ready to show all his strong-willed character traits. Only a woman who knows how to say “I’m so small and defenseless” can count on expensive gifts. Being a daughter also means being obedient. Neglecting these three roles - "mother", "sister" and "daughter" - leads to the fact that a man becomes weak, insecure and apathetic.
  5. The fifth role, the most intimate and most misunderstood - mistress Many women think that a ring on their finger and a stamp in their passport free them from relationships of this kind. 100% of men who cheated on their wives went to the left due to a lack of love romance with their wife! They talk about this in courses on bitchology, any bitch now knows how easy it is to take a man away from the family, you just need to provide him with what his God-given wife does not give him.

The role of “wife” is official, it is accessible to the attention of external observers. “mother”, “sister” and “daughter” - these roles are more intimate, their manifestation is permissible only in the inner circle of communication, where only close family members are present. The fifth role, the role of a mistress, is a role of a purely intimate nature, it is inaccessible to anyone’s attention.

Correct disclosure of feminine nature in these five directions will certainly give a positive result. Even the desire to be in harmony with this simple logical scheme sometimes yields amazing results. What fruits exactly? Male nature immediately begins to open its bud, ready to bloom. This bud has three petals, personifying the manifestation of three types of male protection: physical, emotional and spiritual.

Good luck, love and prosperity to everyone! I hope this article will help you understand yourself and save your family!