Project on the theme of bazhs in kindergarten. Project "The Magical World of P.P. Bazhov"

“Korneevka gymnasium” KMM zhanyndagy shagyn-ortalyk.

Mini-center at KSU “Korneevskaya Gymnasium”

Holiday scenario

“Children of the whole Earth are friends”

Tarbieshi: Trebunskaya O.V.


Holiday scenario

“Children of the whole Earth are friends”

Leading: Guys, today we have a fun holiday, a holiday of friendship. We will sing, play, give each other smiles and greet guests. I invited a funny clown to our party. Listen, he's already coming.

A clown comes in (sad).

Leading: Guys, this is a funny clown. What's your name?

Clown: My name is Caramel. Only I’m not cheerful at all, you see, I’m crying.

Leading : What happened? After all, clowns give everyone joy, fun and smiles.

Caramel: So I wanted to give joy, fun and smiles. I even carried a bag full of giggles with me. She didn’t notice how she got caught in a bush and tore her bag. And all the laughs rolled out somewhere. There isn't a single one left. How can I cheer the guys up now?

Leading: Well, don’t be so upset, Caramel, I think our guys will be able to help you.

Guys, let's help Caramel find her funny side? What do you think we can do to cheer each other up? Guys, if we give Caramel a song, might it cheer her up?

Children sing the song “From a Smile”

Leading: Guys, look, here comes the first laugh.

Caramel , you see, you are no longer sad and begin to smile. Don't worry, we'll find the rest of the funny ones too. Tell me, do you like to solve riddles?

Caramel: Yes, I love it very much!

Leading: Guys, do you want to solve riddles with Caramel?

Children: Yes!

Leading: - The bunny went out for a walk, the hare’s paws are exactly... (four)

Who likes to run around on branches? Of course, red...(squirrel)

Look at the bird, the bird has exactly the same legs... (two)

I wanted to paint myself with red polish...(nails)

Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot brown...(bear)

Crowed on the fence in the morning...(rooster)

Teaches daughters and sons to grunt... (pig)

Curled up in a ball, come on, touch it, prickly on all sides... (hedgehog)

For lunch for son Vanya, mom cooks soup in... (saucepan)

The frost is crackling in the yard, you put a hat on ... (head)

Yulia’s mother asked her to pour some tea into her... (glass)

Birthday is around the corner, we baked...(cake)

Caramel: What fun riddles!

Leading : Caramel, look. And here's another funny one!

Guys, do you like to dance? Do you think a cheerful dance will amuse our Caramel?

Children dance the duckling dance.

Leading: Caramel, how are you feeling better?

Caramel: Yes, I’m not sad at all anymore!

Leading: Look, we found another one of your funny faces.

Caramel: guys, do you love magical transformations? Let us turn into bunnies, cats, a bear, a cow, a horse, little chickens, a merry train! We've arrived!!!

Leading: Look Caramel, we found another one of your funny faces.

Caramel: You guys are so funny, real friends.

Leading: Yes, we are real friends, because we not only have fun together, but also help each other.

Caramel: How?

Leading: For example, we help each other collect toys.

The game is being played.

Caramel: how fun you are!

Leading: Caramel, look. Here's another funny one! Our guys also know wonderful poems about friendship.

Children recite poems

Leading: Look Caramel, here's another laugh. Guys, what do you think, is riding on a carousel fun or not?

A carousel game is played.

Leading: Well, Caramel, your last laugh has been found.

Caramel: Guys, thank you very much! You are the truest friends.

Song "Big Round Dance"

Caramel: Guys, I have a surprise for you.

Caramel gives gifts to children.

Caramel: Well, friends, the holiday was a great success, but it’s time for me to go. Goodbye!

Scenario “Children on the planet are friends!”

- holiday program grand opening 1 shift LOU-2018

Date of: 07.06.

Time: 10.30

Place: dance PKiO site

Participants: children of the 1st shift of the Salsk educational institution, counselors, teachers, representatives of the Salsk district educational institution, parents, representatives of public organizations.

Equipment: musical instruments: beeps, drums, cymbals, spoons, harps and other instruments

Decor scenes: image of smiling children's faces,flowers, ribbons, dove of peace, colorful balls.

Unit registration : in hands - names of camps(not just a sign, but artistic image: suns, rainbows, brigantines, etc.);

Dress: elegantly ceremonial (multi-colored T-shirts, shorts, jeans). Marks of Excellence: identical caps or baseball caps, hats(hats are required) pirate emblems (120 pieces ); pirate tattoo on open areas of the body of each participant, appliedmarkers of different colors.

Target: create conditions for creative self-realization of schoolchildren,

gaining collective experience creative activity

during the period mass event dedicated to the Day

theater and the Day of Humor and Laughter.

    The event is held in the assembly hall of the Children's School, where the seats are arranged like a theater living room.

    The success of the event depends on the creation of the appropriate surroundings: props, costumes, musical accompaniment.

    Proper psychological preparation all participants of the event.

Preparatory stage:

    Participants are divided into groups and distributed to designated areas.

    Each team is assigned pirate nicknames and masks in the form of emblems on the chest.

    During the quest, team, group and individual competitions are held.

    Props are being prepared for competitions.

    The presenters learn their roles and learn pirate terminology

Form: quest game.

Musical accompaniment: songs by V. Shainsky “Smile”, “When my friends are with me”;a song about laughter by Vladimir Sidorov from the musical “Sold Laughter”;wduck song “Four Cockroaches and a Cricket”, “Lapti”; mmusical accompaniment of “Yermolash”; the sound of the ocean, the whistle of a ship;drumroll; the sound of a watch being stolen; mysterious music; the sound of a bell.

Update: The event is held twice on June 7 and 8. The day before, International Friends Day was celebrated all over the world. This fact influenced the form of the event - a quest. The organizers prepared it in a combination of various gaming techniques with the involvement of each participant of all squads of 12 educational institutions in Salsk in each game action.

Target: Create a good, positive mood in children by involving them in various mass games. Contribute to the creation of a favorable, friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the communication process.


Improve motor skills and abilities, develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed, coordination of movements.

Develop the ability to interact in a team.

Foster a communicative culture.

Preliminary work: preparation of musical accompaniment, attributes and props, learning the conditions for playing games.

Equipment and materials : costumes for presenters, music Center, CDs with recordings of moving children's music, air and helium balloons, paper pigeons.

Scenario move

Before the start of the holiday, songs about friendship, vacations, summer, and childhood are heard.

The Great Clock of Time will be stolen by people on the black ship. They were hidden on the island.

Any prediction is destined to come true someday...

(Clock theft music, appearance of 12 pirates with a clock.)

PIRATE 1.2: Stolen! They stole it! A hundred leeches in our side!

PIRATE 3 : (Capt. Jack Sparrow) Strike me with thunder, how glad I am to see

these are golden! (Rubs palms with pleasure)

PIRATE 4.5: What a loot! No wonder they struggled!

PIRATE 6 : (Blackbeard) Yeah! Strike me with thunder!

PIRATE 7: Have you seen their faces? Oh, laughter!

PIRATE 6 : (Blackbeard grins back)

PIRATE 8 : (Lady 1) Yes! Cool stealing is an art!

PIRATE 9 : (Lady 2) Don't be trendy, friend! I'm trudged!

PIRATE 3 : (Capt. Jack Sparrow ) That's why we are pirates!

PIRATE 5: ABOUT! Listen, the anchor is in my spleen!.. (Listens)

He says something...


( Music is playing . Pthe irats begin to swing from side to side)

PIRATE 1: Strike me with thunder! What was it?

PIRATE 5: I heard something needs to be twisted...

(Turns the clock mechanism and a card falls out)

PIRATE 6 : (Blackbeard) Treasure map! This is dcustom!

PIRATE 2 : (Sits on the floor, constantly hiccups, pokes index finger

to the air) It’s not for nothing that we stole this particular watch!

PIRATE 6 : (Blackbeard) Let's not forget about the danger!

PIRATE 3: Exactly! The card could be intercepted, and we have already risked so much!

PIRATE 8 : (Lady1) (Looks through a spyglass ) Bah! Beautiful park!

Huge plane! Where are we?

PIRATE 9 : (Lady 2) (grabs the telescope) I see some children!

PIRATE 4: What are they doing here?!

PIRATE 5 : They're on vacation!

PIRATE 7: ( Addressing Jack) Jack! Half-hearted! They heard everything!

We must take action!

PIRATE 8 : (Lady 1) You're always like this! These are children!

PIRATE 9 : (Lady 2) We wandered the seas for three years in search of

treasure, have you forgotten?!

PIRATE 6 : (Blackbeard) We'll have to capture everyone!

PIRATE 2 : (Sits on the floor, constantly hiccups) You'll have to give me something to drink!

(points index finger in the air)

(All the pirates make noise, scream, grab the ropes in their hands, wave them like nets to capture. THE METHODIST appears on the stage)

METHODIST: Stand! Who are you? What is this?

PIRATE 3: A hundred piranhas on my neck! We have our own interest here!

Who are you?

METHODIST: I am the organizer of the holiday and will not let you ruin it!

PIRATE 1: We are looking for treasure here on the map!

PIRATE 3: Your guys have found out our secret!

PIRATE 4: A hundred kilns down my throat! We don't need witnesses!

METHODIST: I definitely won't let you! Come on, give me the map!

She looks familiar to me!

PIRATE 3 : (Capt. Jack Sparrow) : And you can't wait!

METHODIST: Give me the card! We have our own laws here! And now everything

Guys, unite and there will be no wet spot left of you!

(The pirates reluctantly hand over the map)

METHODIST: So this is the map of today's adventure!

PIRATE 9: And do you know where she points the way?

(Pirate 2 stands up, listens, hiccups)

METHODIST: To real treasures!(The pirates gather in a circle, hugging each other, consulting about something, then turn to the Methodist)

PIRATE 4: We invite everyone to become one crew!

METHODIST: Let's ask the guys! Do you agree to play together and

find out the secret of the card?!(Players consent)

PIRATE 4: Yes, these children have the blood of a tiger!

(The pirates, having taken bottles with tasks for the squads, come down to them from the stage)

METHODIST: So …(drum roll sounds ) your task is to get

your cards. They suffered from bad weather, and for each

part you have to fight. (Looks through the telescope)

Ahead is Adventure Island, where we’ll check

Unity of every crew!( Recording tones )

Well? Pirate crews ready to travel?!

I can't hear you! Ready? Thenfirst task - encryption !

In 3 minutes, after opening the bottles, write down on pieces of paper

decrypted text.

(The pirates distribute bottles and pens to their teams. The teams are deciphered. The pirates present the results to the jury)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


29 30 31 32 33


15. 1. 11.20.10 12. 13. 1. 5. 3. 1. 14

17. 16. 14. 16. 8. 6. 20. 5. 18. 21. 8. 2. 1.

(Answer: friendship will help you find the treasure!)

The fanfare “Childhood, Childhood” sounds - 2 times. The 3rd grade leaders come out.

1st junior HOST: It's summer again -

Seventh day of June.

2nd junior HOST: Warmed by the sun,

Petunia blossomed.

3rd junior HOST: Circled her

The mischievous breeze.

4younger HOST: Let us only be children

But children also need...

TOGETHER: Your wonderful holiday!

The fanfare sounds again.

5jung. HOST: Children on the planet are friends,

Bell, young, as always!

1st junior HOST: And the sun alone shines for us!

And we have one land!

2nd junior HOST: There are no distances for friendship,

There are no barriers for hearts!

3rd junior HOST: We are this summer morning

We send to the children of the world...

TOGETHER junior LEADERS: "Hello!!!"

(Pirates also say this word when they appear on stage. They are distributed on both sides of each junior leader)

1, 2 PIRATE (Together):What is friendship?

4younger HOST: Everyone knows!

5jung. HOST: Maybe it’s funny to ask?

3.4 PIRATES: Well, what does this word mean?

5.6 PIRATES : So what is it?

1st junior HOST: Friendship in joy and friendship in sorrow!

2nd junior HOST : A friend will always give the last!

3rd junior HOST: A friend is not the one who flatters, but the one who argues!

4younger HOST: He who does not deceive will not betray!

5jung. HOST: Friendship never knows boundaries

There are no barriers to friendship!

1st junior HOST: Friendship on Earth unites

All children: both white and colored!

2nd junior HOST: Friendship is what children write

Letters to children from another country!

3rd junior HOST: Friendship is peace on the entire planet

Without orphans, without the horrors of war!

PIRATES: On a white fast ship

We can go everywhere!

TOGETHER juniors and PIRATES: And be the happiest in the world!

METHODIST: Dear guys, let me warmly welcome you!

We are pleased to officially open the 1st camp session!

7 PIRATE: Hello, summer, the sky is blue!

8 PIRATE: Hello, summer, river and grass!

9 PIRATE: Hello summer, rain and heat!

10 PIRATE: The kids are on vacation! HOORAY!


METHODIST: We are glad to welcome you all children's health centers school camps city ​​of Salsk!

4 junior HOST: We open camps for the best benefits!

5th junior HOST: And together we launch our beautiful red ball!

TOGETHER 1JR and 9,10 PIRATES: May we have friends!

TOGETHER 2 JR and 11,12 PIRATES: May our life be more fun!

TOGETHER 3 JR and 1.2 PIRATES: May peace reign throughout the entire earth!

TOGETHER junior LEADERS: And the children enjoy the sun!

( Launching red balloons with a dove, on which an appeal to children of other countries to take care of peace)

Text of the appeal letter

1 option

On our planet, on our Earth

We all live together in one family!

And even though we hardly know each other,

But together we solve our problems!

So that every child in the world is happy,

We ask you, adults: “Help us, children!”

So that we don’t know “hunger” and “fear” these words,

Abolish the war in the whole wide world!

Option 2

There are colorful children in the world,

They live on one colorful planet.

And this planet is for all time

All multi-colored ones have only one!

The planet is spinning big planet,

She is warmed by the palms of the sun!

But they warm the planet much warmer

Smiles and laughter of colorful children!

After all, it’s true, friends, it’s good on the planet,

When the planet's masters are children!

The choreographic composition " sun rays»

During the dance, junior leaders change into costumes for other roles, and senior leaders go to the teams

(A cloud girl appears with 3 balloons)

CLOUD: Hello, friends! I am a white cloud, descended to you from

heaven, to convey a message from Mrs. Leto herself.

METHODIST: I wonder what news is in this letter? Let's read

and we'll find out everything(takes off the letter tied to the balloons and reads it)

“Dear guys, I had to be delayed on the way, so

how my little ones - sunbeams - are terrible mischief-makers.

On the way they played hide and seek and hid in such a way that

still can't be found. But I can’t live without them at all!

Please help me find them! Thank you in advance

for your help.


Yes, guys, if we don't help Summer find sunny

rabbits, then the weather will be gloomy and rainy. Everyone will

Cold. We won't be able to swim or sunbathe!

Do you want this?(No!) Then we urgently need to get started

to the point.

Let's all catch everyone together sunbeams .

(Children catch sunbeams with mirrors)

Are you satisfied, Cloud?

CLOUD: Yes! Thank you! Summer will rejoice! Thanks guys! And I'm happy to

I'm returning to heaven! Goodbye!(The cloud leaves.)

METHODIST: Pirates, I ask you to hand the teams the 1st part of the cards.

(Pirates present the 1st part of the map. Music plays. Water appears)

METHODIST: And here is another guest.

WATER: I am the magical Voditsa.

You can't wash your face without me!

I dare to report to you:

You can't live without me!

And in the summer you especially need me!

Me and the river, me and the raindrops!

Stand next to each other

Follow me like a stream!

(After construction, against the background of music)

Stream, trickle, breeze, breeze!

The stream bends! Whose are you? Whose are you? Whose are you? Whose?

Do you choose? Choose!

Just grab your hand and run! Run! Run!

A trickle from the river!

(Together with counselors and Pirates, a mass game“Stream” in two directions in a circle until the teams return to their places)

WATER: What great fellows you are! Do you know how to play funny Games!

In parting I would like to give you helpful advice:

Wash yourself, toughen up!

Go swimming!

And believe me, then you

You will always be healthy!

METHODIST: Thank you, Voditsa, for interesting game!

We'll see you in the merry rains!

( The water is leaving.)

METHODIST: Pirates, I ask you to hand the teams the 2nd part of the cards.

(Pirates present the 2nd part of the map. Air appears to the music)

AIR: Do you recognize me? I am air!

To be healthy and strong,

We must be friends with the air!

Air is what we breathe!

We hear sounds through the air!

The bird is flying in the air!

My air can be different!

I can move quietly

I can - with enormous power!

Then it turns out to be a real hurricane!

I would like to see how you can cope with the wind!

(Pirates conduct a “Twisting” master class. Children fold dog figures)

METHODIST: Pirates, I ask you to hand the teams the 3rd part of the cards.

(The pirates present the 3rd part of the map.)

What's summer without music? Pirates, please hand out the texts.

Assignment to teams: skillfully usingmusical instruments:

beeps, drums, cymbals, spoons, harps, etc.,harmoniously, amicably

sing a pirate song.Educatorwith the help of the conductor

sticks leads the orchestra team during performance

pirate song.

Performance of 1st verse and chorus of the song “We are raz-bo-bo-boboyniki” from the film “ The Bremen Town Musicians»

METHODIST: In the summer, everything flies instantly.
It will just begin and pass.
I need to play sports

In summer and all year round.

How students of the judo department do it

Demonstration performances by students of the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Children's and Youth Sports School.

(During this period, the presenters read poetry "Ode to Sports")
Refined plastic movements.
Instant throw reaction.
Oh sport! You are the educator of generations.
Great friend true hand.
PRESENTER 2: To run, swim, move skillfully,
The enemy, playing, win,
Put your body to work without a doubt!
There is no greater honor than creating yourself!
SPEAKER 3: Sport gives us health energy,
Perseverance, fortitude, beauty.
Sport teaches us to look at the world with love,
Make your dream come true.

SPEAKER 4: These verses sound for the coaches of the Children's Youth

sports school

SPEAKER 5: The folds of a white kimono,
The authority of a leader without borders
You are destined to conquer the baby,
They will be born in the world of sports one day!

PRESENTER 6: Even if they are still far from being a team,
And they turn work into pampering -
You are destined to discover their talents,
Lead to your first successes little by little!

SPEAKER 7: And the kids, awkward in appearance,
They will become stronger, kinder, wiser:
They will not give offense to the weak,
A hand of support will be extended sooner.

SPEAKER 8: Speed, splits and kip kick -
Everything is working out little by little...
They don’t even cry when they’re seriously hurt -
They gallop home down the steps.

PRESENTER 9: Well, we only wish you patience,
In this sculpture of children - athletes.
Strength and courage to all of them, without a doubt,
A kind, experienced trainer can instill them!
1st junior HOST: Congratulations, athletes!
All the victories you desire!
You truly are supermen!
There are no barriers for you in the world!

2nd junior HOST: We wish you perseverance
Achieving your dreams!
At a distance - agility!
Conquering heights!
3rd junior HOST: So that later on the pedestal,
Once ahead,
You stood confidently
Putting your palm to your chest!
4younger HOST: Accurate passes, quick starts
We wish you, friends!
After all, without sports for us, guys...
TOGETHER: No matter how you throw it, it’s impossible anywhere!

5th junior HOST: It's always good to play sports
Take care of your health, eat right.
Going to the pool is not just about swimming,
And get stronger and get healthier!

1st junior HOST: Be sure to go for a run in the morning
SPEAKER 1: With dumbbells in your hands at the same time!

2nd junior HOST: This definitely helps
PRESENTER 2: Be strong, strong, mega-modern!
3rd junior HOST: Doing push-ups on parallel bars in the evenings -
SPEAKER 3: Try to pump up muscles of steel!
4 junior HOST: So, if you have to undress...
SPEAKER 4: Stop being shy about inquisitive looks!
5th junior HOST: There is no need to load your body instantly!
SPEAKER 5: Try to exercise alternately!
TOGETHER junior LEADERS: And the strength will be gained gradually!
TOGETHER HOSTS: The figure will be simply awesome!
TOGETHER junior LEADERS: Don't hesitate! Do not be shy!
Do without doctors!
TOGETHER HOSTS: Take care of your body!
Be healthy! Always healthy!

METHODIST: Let us thank our guests - the best young athletes

our city!(applause)

1st junior HOST: Each of you is in the mood to laugh!

Today is the birthday of all camps!

2nd junior HOST: Every camp is a fantasy

Creativity, search, success!

3rd junior HOST: Here everyone expresses themselves,

And the joy is shared by everyone!

4younger HOST: We are opening camps!

We wish you all the best!

5jung. HOST: It's time to play!

1, 2young. HOSTS: You well? Are you all healthy?

3, 4 junior HOST: Are you ready to have fun playing?

5jung. HOST: Well then, don't be lazy!

ALL junior HOST: Stand in large circles for the game!

All teams line up in circles, pre-marked with chalk in the center of the dance floor.

Exercise 1: Stand in big circle at arm's length.

The teacher is in the center of the circle. It turned out beautiful flower!

The teacher squats and lifts up right hand.

Children turn to the right and touch their left hand

teacher Let's go in circles. Now you are a carousel!

Well done! Thank you!

Exercise 2 “Restructuring”: You need to quickly change lanes: into a square,

in a triangle, in a circle, in an oval, in the letter P, in the letter L - a crane wedge.

Exercise 3"Caterpillar": Stand in a column one behind the other. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and reach your right hand between your legs to the person behind you. With your left hand, grab the right hand of the person in front of you.


(The pirates quickly go up to the stage, group up and listen to Jack Sparrow, who speaks in a low voice into the microphone.)

PIRATE 3 : (Capt. Jack Sparrow) Listen up, pirates.

With these schoolchildren, we have moved away from our main goal -

searching for treasure, a hundred leeches in my side!

PIRATE 6: It's time to take matters into your own hands and start searching for the treasure.

(The pirates agree with Jack, approach the METHODIST and say:

“It’s time to find the treasure on the map! The METHODIST smiles mysteriously)

METHODIST : The finale is called “Treasure”. I'll ask you to leave

1 Pirate with your team card, glued from 4 parts into one whole. There will be a treasure hunt on stage!(Jack Sparrow hits the pirates on the shoulder, rubs his hands)

PIRATES (vying with each other): We have been waiting for this moment for a long time!!!

(Children form a phrase from the letters on the backs of the cards: “Friendship and Summer!”)

PIRATE 3 : (Capt. Jack Sparrow) Half-hearted! This complete bummer!

PIRATES (vying with each other) : Caramba! They tricked us! Instead of treasure - only letters!

Where are the treasures? Where's the gold?

(The pirates are indignant and come close to the METHODIST, attack )

METHODIST : Stop! This is a treasure! There is both gold and treasure in this phrase!

1st junior HOST: A friend is not the one who will pull you out of the water, but the one who

won't let you get into it!

2nd junior HOST: A friend is not the one who says: “Everything is fine!”, but the one

who will say: “Everything is bad, but I’m with you!”

3rd junior HOST: Friends are those who know us well, and despite

That's why they love us!

4younger HOST: Winners have many friends, but only losers

they are real!

5jung. HOST: Never say “Just friends!”

Friends - it's not easy at all!

6younger HOST: Smile and you will have friends!


Let's give each other a round of applause for coming to this conclusion together! Do you agree with this statement?! Confirm this with applause! We thank each and everyone for their participation, for their creativity, for good mood, for the fact that we were together, and we all had fun and interesting!

/ The song “Smile” by V. Shainsky is played.

1st,2nd,3rd PIRATES:

So, Dear friends! During our holiday, we saw dazzling smiles and heard laughter: cheerful, infectious, joyful!

4,5,6th PIRATES:

You live in the world, not knowing grief,

Let everyone be jealous looking at you!

Be cheerful, be... happy!

A thousand, a thousand, a thousand times!

7,8,9th PIRATES:

Look for a smile, appreciate a smile,

Give a smile to your friends.

Love a smile, keep a smile -

We cannot live without a smile!

10, 11, 12 Pirates:

All. The holiday is over, the hour of parting has come,

They joked, played and kept us warm

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes!

Remember this fun Friendship Day,

And we won't forget about you!(All in chorus)

/Sounds funny music, and the participants descend from the stage to the audience/

Final Flash mob.

"Rodnichok" Tyumen district

- Fayzullina Liliya Ismagilovna;

- Minazova Olga Anatolyevna;

Deputy Head for Educational and Methodological Work;

- Yumasheva Asiya Saidrakhimovna.


evoke joyful emotions in children and enrich them with new ones vivid impressions; develop Creative skills children.


1. To form children’s ideas about kindness as an important human quality.

2. Encourage the child’s desire to do good deeds.

3. Develop transfer skills emotional condition a person using facial expressions, gestures, as well as in speech or drawing.

4. Strengthen children's knowledge about the world around them.

5. Develop creative initiative and emotional responsiveness to music.

6. Cultivate a friendly attitude, love for the Motherland, interest in native creativity Russia.

7. Strengthen interaction between teachers. team with parents of students.

8. Involve parents in organizing the holiday, develop parents’ ability to demonstrate their acting abilities.

9. Create a sense of unity.

10. Expand children's knowledge about cultural heritage of his people.

Equipment: the hall is festively decorated (photo)

Props: spaceship; globe; didactic game"Seasons"; 4 large painted scarves; music disc with a song about the Earth;

Baba Yaga's hut

Gifts for children: multi-colored cardboard “stars” with wishes; small toys, sand sets, multi-colored crayons, treats (mushrooms-cookies; cones-cookies, nuts-cookies, candies)

Characters: Presenter 1, Presenter 2, Summer Fairy, Aliens, Russian Beauty-Vasilisa the Wise, Baba Yaga, Shurale, Clown

1 presenter:

Hello, hello, hello

We are happy to greet you!

So many bright smiles

We see it on their faces now.

2 presenter

First day of colorful summer

Friends brought us together.

Childhood holiday, summer holiday

A holiday of peace and goodness.

1 presenter:

First day of summer

Become even brighter!

The first of June is celebrated everywhere.

After all, this is the day of protection of all children,

It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it.

2 presenter

Every holiday brings us

Joy, youth and laughter.

Games, songs and fun

And this holiday is the best!

The music of the song “Childhood is me and you!” children enter the hall, stand scattered around the hall

Roll call (photo 1)

1st child: I, you, he, she

2nd child: The whole country is together

3rd child: Together a friendly family

4th child: In the word “we are 100 thousand I”

5th child: Big-eyed, mischievous

6th child: Black, red and linen

7th child: Sad and happy

8th Reb: In cities and villages

1 presenter:

Moms and dads, adults

Let there be no nuclear explosions forever,

Block the path to war quickly!

1 child:

Let the sun shine on us

Let the rivers flow

Let our mothers

They bake us buns.

2nd child:

And let the dads plow

And they sow grain

Destroy the earth

Not given to anyone.

3rd child:

We need peace for you and me

And to all the children in the world

And the dawn should be peaceful

Which we will meet tomorrow.

4th child:

We need a colorful meadow

And a rainbow over the meadow.

We need to run, jump, sing

And talk to each other.

Song: “Sun” lyrics. E. Karaseva music. G. Chebakova

Olympic entrance phonogram sounds, children change lanes

1 presenter:

Long live childhood - the joy of the earth!

2 presenter:

Long live peace on the planet!

1 presenter:

So that they grow and bloom everywhere!

2 presenter

Children sheltered from the storm!

1 presenter:

Let's shout together, kids

Hurray for the Children's Day! Hooray! Hooray!

Children: Hurray!

2 presenter

Summer holiday

Hurray for the Friendship Festival! Hooray! Hooray!

Children: Hurray!

1 presenter:

Our world of flowers and smiles

Of sun, love and warmth.

2 presenter:

Childhood is filled with flowers,

Our land is filled.

The phonogram “Solar drops” of the music sounds. S. Sosnina lyrics I. Vakhrusheva

The fairy Summer enters and sings a song (photo 2)

Fairy: sings a song Song of the Summer Fairy

I am a fairy - a wonderful time,

Children's favorite time!

When it's warm all day

From bright colors beauty

I am a fairy - gardens and fields

Fruit and berry days

I'm the summer fairy of wonders

My home is a fairy forest

1 presenter

The summer fairy has appeared

She appeared like a bouquet:

All in beautiful flowers

Yellow, blue, red!


I brought it to you guys

Watering cans, rakes and shovels!

Lots of sun, lots of light,

Lots of joy and laughter!

Children, enjoy the summer!

Get wet, harden yourself,

Gain strength and health!

Space music sounds (see appendix “exit of aliens”)

The spaceship turns on

Piercing space through 200 thousand light years. A ship of galactic envoys materialized on the outskirts milky way. They were sent to search the universe for planet Earth. Find out how children live on this planet.

I see a planet

Navigator we are descending.

Get ready to land!

Get ready to land. ( aliens enter) (photo 3)

Hooray! We landed in the exact square.

Alien dance (see appendix) (photo 4)


Hello, children of the Earth. We are residents of a distant planet, we have come to meet you and find out how children live on different planets.


It is very interesting,

But it's still unknown

How do children live on another planet?


There are a lot of countries

On every planet

And in each they grow

The children are smiling.

Brunettes, blondes and fair-haired ones too,

Let their skin be of all possible colors.

Young smiles are blooming everywhere,

It’s as if there are wildflowers in a bouquet.


You're having fun here

Joy and laughter

What kind of holiday

Today for everyone?

1 presenter:

We are now celebrating summer

Let's celebrate childhood!


We are earthlings, and now we will tell you what our planet Earth is like.

The game “Good Planet” with children is conducted by the Fairy (photo 5)

Children stand in a circle

The good planet is a native home (spread arms from chest to sides)

On my planet the forest is so thick

(shaking hands up)

Rivers flow from the mountains (imitate waves with hands)

And the seas roar (smoothly raise and lower hands)

All this is my dear, dear Earth

(spread their arms to the sides, palms up, as if outlining a large ball; make a circle with their hands)

There are sands and dunes (make a semicircle with your right hand, then with your left hand)

And the camels are there (sway from side to side, hands on belt)

There is snow (hands on the belt, steps in place,

raising the leg bent at the knees high, imitating high snowdrifts) and the Northern Ocean splashes (tilt the torso down, swaying the hands from side to side)

There are monkeys in the jungle ( jumping up and down,raise their hand up and place it on their knee, and do the same with the other hand)

In cities there are houses (rise on their toes, raise their arms up, join their palms simulating a roof)

Mom and Dad live there too (take neighbors' hands)

My friends are there (run to the center of the circle in small steps)

In the morning the sun is shining (diverge from the center of the circle, holding hands)

The moon looks into the night (look through the telescope, slightly tilting the body forward)

The best in the world, you are my Earth.

(claps with hands raised up)

Presenter 2:

You and I live in a big and beautiful country Russia. Try to imagine how huge and vast it is: in the north it is snowing, the frost is crackling, people wear fur coats, the rivers are frozen, and in the south at this time flowers are blooming, butterflies are flying, you can swim and sunbathe in the sun. Doesn't this all sound like a fairy tale?

Children, let's show aliens how our planet Earth is changing?

Game “Seasons” (photo 6,7,8,9)

children are given elements

On the field, children create “pictures about the seasons” using pre-prepared elements cut out of colored cardboard.

Presenter 1:

Four times a year they

The earth's outfit changes to a motley one.

Days are running, days are running

Sisters come and go.

Winter will accumulate water for us,

Spring will plow and sow,

So that summer bears fruit,

And autumn will be able to collect them.


Yes, your planet Earth is truly amazing and beautiful, wonderful transformations are taking place on your planet!

2 presenter:

“RUSSIA” - The Motherland is the land where we were born, where we live, this is our home, this is everything that surrounds us.

1 presenter:

Russia is like a word from a song,

Birch young foliage.

There are forests, fields and rivers all around,

Expanse, Russian soul.


I love you my Russia

For the clear light of your eyes


Russia is our beloved country.

We are proud of Russia,

They are loyal to Russia.

And not in the world better country!

The phonogram sounds " Vologda lace» music V. Lapteva (inVasilisa the Wise walks to a Russian folk melody).

Vasilisa P.: Hello, good people!

Presenters and children: Hello, Vasilisa the Wise!

Vasilisa P.: I am Vasilisa the Wise - a Russian beauty, I came to you for a holiday. Do you guys know what “Motherland” is? What do we call Motherland?

Children's answers

1st child:

What do we call Motherland?

The house where you and I live,

And the birch trees along which

We walk next to mom.

2nd child:

What do we call Motherland?

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside the window.

3rd child:

What do we call Motherland?

Everything that we cherish in our hearts,

And under the sky is blue - blue

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

Vasilisa P.: And how many wonderful proverbs and sayings there are about the Motherland. Which ones do you guys know?

Children remember

1. Beloved homeland, like a dear mother.

2. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

3. On the other side, even spring is not beautiful.

4. To live - to serve the Motherland.

5. The Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

1 leading:

Each of us absorbs love for the Motherland with mother's milk... the first words we learn to write are “Mom” and “Motherland”.


Mom and Motherland are very similar.

Mom is beautiful, Motherland is too.

Take a closer look, mom's eyes

the same color as the sky.

Mom's hair is like wheat

The one that grows ears in our fields.

The Motherland has a lot in common with my mother

The most beautiful, most affectionate!

This is how it should be: what is dear to us -

Always reminds us of our mothers!

Song about mom: “I know for sure” (see appendix)

Children come out preparatory group in Russian national costumes

Dance "Tver quadrille" ( see appendix) (photo 10)

Song “My Russia” lyrics. N. Solovyova, music. G. Struve

1 presenter:

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world

And we cannot live in the world without them.

2 presenter:

The fairy tale is in a hurry to visit us.

Let him circle in our hall,

It will enchant you with magic.

The phonogram plays: Baba Yaga's exit (photo 11)


Open the doors wider

And meet Madame Yaga


Are you going to have some fun?

Well, it’s not like that!

I am a great craftswoman -

I'll make a mess for everyone.

If you want a holiday,

They owe me a whole basin

Sweet waffles, chocolate,

Apples, pears and marmalade.

In general, all your own sweets

And cutlets and omelettes

They must bring it to the hut,

What is at the edge of the forest.

1 presenter:

Guys, Baba Yaga decided to ruin our holiday. She is cunning and insidious, but we will outwit her, and together we will defeat her. Do you know proverbs and sayings about friendship?

Children answer


Who wants to frolic?

Play and have fun?

Do you know the song about Baba Yaga?

General rhythmic dance “Grandma – Ezhka”

(see Attachment)

1 presenter:

Children different nationalities live on planet Earth, communicate with each other, tell fairy tales, draw, sing and dance, play different games. And these games reflect national culture people.

Children in Tatar national costumes enter to the sounds of a Tatar melody and read poems in the Tatar language (photo 12)

Game “Stream” (musical accompaniment - Tatar dance) (photo 13)

Round dance: children perform a Tatar song (photo 14,15)

The phonogram sounds: entrance Shurale (forest man) is a hero of Tatar fairy tales who loves to tickle children. (photo 16)

I don't know what to do.

They don't want to be afraid of me.

And from these bad thoughts

My mind has become weak.

I'll ask riddles now

You will find answers to them!

Game "Additions"

ok-ok-ok- rolled…..bun

su-su-su- the cockerel drove away...... the fox

tso-tso-tso - the chicken laid ...... an egg

yat-yat-yat- Gray wolf didn't eat..... kids

na na-na-na - swans carry......Ivan

yok-yok-yok- don’t sit......on the tree stump

ok-ok-ok- standing in the field......... teremok


I love to have fun

Everyone get up for the game.

Who will fall into my clutches

He will dance with me.

Game with scarves (appendix) (photo 17,18)

The game requires 4 large painted scarves.

The children are located under a scarf, in the center of the hall there is Shurale, on the sides of it there is everything fairy tale characters Those present at the holiday organize a game with the children: each scarf is raised high above the children’s heads, the children are located under the scarf (“hiding” from Shurale).

To the sounds of a Tatar melody, children come out from under their scarves and dance. As soon as the music stops, they run away from Shurale under a scarf; the one Shurale caught dances with Shurale, the other children applaud them.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.


They played well.

Play, play, but don’t forget about me -

Invite me to visit more often.

presenter 1:

In our kindergarten children of different nationalities are walking around, now welcome the children who will perform their national Ingush dance for you

Ingush dance (see appendix) (photo 19)

1 presenter:

There are colorful children in the world

They live on one colorful planet.

And this planet is for all time

All multi-colored ones have only one.

2 presenter:

Come on guys, in spite of the bad weather

Let's embrace the planet with our round dance

Let's scatter the clouds and smoke over it,

We won’t let anyone offend her

Round dance: “The children of the whole earth are friends” lyrics. V. Viktorova music. D. Lvova-Kompaneitsa (photo 20)

1 presenter:

So you met our children. Did you like it on our planet?


Yes, we really enjoyed visiting you! We will take with us everything good and joyful that we encountered during space travel. How good and beautiful it is on planet Earth. The sun is shining and the birds are singing, the children are happy. Amazing Earth!

Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 4"

Valuyki, Belgorod region

Extracurricular activity scenario:


Methodological development

teachers primary classes

Kashirina Larisa Nikolaevna

year 2014

Target: Formation of ideas about moral universal values.


Educational: to form a positive assessment of such qualities as selflessness, decency; formation moral qualities students the ability to make friends, cherish friendship.

Developmental: developing students’ reasoning skills and the ability to argue their point of view; develop a personal attitude towards mastering one’s own internal position and life values.

Educational: to cultivate respect for others, the desire for mutual assistance and cooperation.

Formation of UUD:

1. Personal:

Understand the importance of friendship;

Be able to use the culture of friendship;

Maintain the traditions of friendship with the team;

Be a true friend.

2. Communication:

Ability to communicate;

Ability to work in a team;

Follow the rules of etiquette.

3. Regulatory:

Express your opinion, assumption;

Forecast upcoming work;

Ability to conduct dialogue.

4. Cognitive:

Development of skills to extract information from illustrations and texts;

Draw conclusions based on the analysis;

Summarize and classify according to characteristics;

Motivation to cognitive activity.

Equipment: recording of the song " a true friend", cards with words from proverbs, cards with names of qualities, books about friendship, memo with rules, palms, layout globe.


1. Organizational moment.

(The song “True Friend” plays.

2. Statement of the topic and goals of the lesson.

Guys, who guessed what we will talk about in class?

That's right, about friendship.

Friendship is always the main miracle,
One hundred real discoveries for everyone,
And any trouble is not a problem,
If you have real friends nearby.

Teacher. Guys, today in class we must understand what friendship is. Find out what qualities a true friend should have. Let's learn to notice and appreciate the good in people.

What would happen if there was no friendship?

Poem by M. Sadovsky “If the drops were not friends” (Read by a student)

If the drops weren't friends,

How would puddles live then?

How would the rivers flow?

Where would the ships sail?

If the notes weren't friends,

How would we put the song together?

How can birds sing?

How would the sun rise?

If people weren't friends, how would we live in the world?

After all, without friendship for a long time

There is nothing in the world!

Listen to the story “Friendship” and tell me your opinion, can the relationship described in the text be called friendship?

One day Sasha brought it to school electronic game"football".

Maxim immediately ran up to him and shouted 6 “You and I are friends.” Let's play together."

“Come on,” Sasha answered. Other guys also came up, but Maxim obscured the game about them.

I am Sasha's friend! – he said proudly. I'll play with him.

The next day Denis brought transformers to class. And again Maxim was the first to appear next to him.

I am your friend! – Maxim said again. - We'll play together. But then Sasha came up.

And accept me.

No, we won’t accept it,” said Maxim.

But why? – Sasha was surprised. “You’re my friend, you said it yourself yesterday.”

Yesterday,” Maxim explained. “Yesterday you had a game, and today Denis has a game.” Today I am friends with Denis.

Do you consider Maxim a true friend7 Why?

Individual people They are friends only with those from whom they can benefit. They live by the rule: “You give me, I give you.”

You need to be friends not so that he will do something to you, not because. that it is beneficial, but because the person is close to you, his interests, views are close, inner world.

Poem by W. Shakespeare (narrated by the student)

A true friend everywhere

Faithful in good times and in bad times,

Your sadness worries him.

You don't sleep - he can't sleep.

And always without further words

He is ready to help you.

Teacher. Everyone needs friendship: both children and adults. What qualities should a true friend have? In front of you are cards with the names of the qualities that a friend should have. Select the qualities you need.

Teacher. Now listen to the poem and think whether its hero can be called a friend.

A friend reminded me yesterday

how much good he did to me.

He once gave me a pencil

I forgot my pencil case that day.

In the wall newspaper, almost every one,

He mentioned me.

I fell and got wet, he helped me dry.

It's for a dear friend

I didn’t spare the pie either.

He once gave me a bite.

And now I presented the bill.

He doesn’t attract me, guys, he doesn’t attract me anymore to my friend.

(Children express their opinions when answering the question posed.)

Work in groups.

Teacher. There are a lot of proverbs about friendship in the Russian language. Each group was given cards with words from proverbs. You need to make a correct proverb and explain its meaning.

Group 1 - “If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care!”

Group 2 - “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!”

Group 3 – “A friend in need is a friend.”

Group 4 – “Make new friends, but don’t lose old ones!”


Stand up children, stand in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Turn left, turn right

And smile at each other.

Hands stretched out to the sun,

They caught the rays and quickly pressed them to their chest.

With this ray in my chest

Look at the world more clearly

Game "Chamomile".

Teacher. What qualities should a friend have? I offer you petal cards with words, choose the qualities that a friend should have.

(Children work in pairs. Words are written on the cards: modesty, goodwill, perseverance, sociability, responsiveness, envy, selfishness, indifference, boasting, anger, readiness to help at any moment. Select the necessary petals and attach them to the daisy)..

Teacher. What qualities did you choose? Why?

Why did they leave cards with the words: anger, boasting, indifference, selfishness?

Why do friendships fall apart?

What needs to be done to prevent the friendship from breaking up?

Teacher. And now we will play with you. I name a character from a fairy tale, and you have to say who he is friends with.

Game “Who is friends with whom?”

1. Green crocodile Gena and... (Cheburashka)

2. Trusting Pinocchio and... (Pierrot and Malvina)

3. Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and... (Piglet)

4. A boy named Baby and... (Carlson)

5. Funny chipmunks Chip and ... (Dale)

6. Good snow white and ... (seven dwarves).

Teacher. Do you think you can only be friends with people?

That's right, not only that. You can be friends with animals, nature, books. A lot of books have been written about friendship. By reading these books, you also make literary friends.

Look at this exhibition of books. Of course I recommend you read them. (I give brief description books).

    L. Voronkova “Sunny Day” (“Girlfriends Go to School”);

    And Gaidar “Timur and his team”;

    V. Dragunsky “Childhood Friend” (“Deniska’s Stories”);

    L. Kassil “My dear boys”;

    N. Nosov “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”;

    V. Lseeva “three comrades”, “Rain2”, “Vasiok Trubachev and his comrades”.

Teacher. Let's make some basic rules of friendship.

    Don't give away other people's secrets.

    Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness.

    Be honest in friendship.

    Do not be rude.

    Help your friend.

    There is no need to change friends, you need to be constant in friendship.

    Don't snitch.

    Don't get angry and don't be vindictive.

    Do not be greedy.

    Be careful and thrifty with your friends' things.

- By following these rules of friendship, you will never lose a friend.


If you value friendship,
You can argue and be friends,
And no quarrel will break out
From any dispute.

A student reads R. Gamzatov’s poem “Take care of your friends”

Know, my friend, the price of enmity and friendship
And don’t rush to a hasty judgment.

Anger at a friend can be instantaneous

Don't rush to pour it out everywhere.

Maybe your friend was in a hurry

and I accidentally offended you.

A friend was guilty and apologized

Do not remember his sin.

People, I ask you, for God's sake,

Don't be shy about your kindness,

there are not many friends on earth,

beware of losing friends!

Teacher. There are 5 billion people living on earth. People living in the same area can be friends different cities, countries, regardless of their nationality, skin color. All people of the world should be friends. In front of you is a model of the globe. Attach paper palms to it, because friendship is what helps you live peacefully and help other peoples in trouble.

(Children attach paper palms to a model of the globe).

3. Summary of the lesson.

What is friendship"?

What rules should you remember to maintain friendship?

Who do we call a friend?

What kind of friends would you like to have?

To reinforce the topic of our lesson, listen to the poem “On Friendship.”

Friendship is a warm wind.

Friendship is a bright world.

Friendship is the sun at dawn

a joyful feast for the soul.

Friendship is only happiness.

People have only one friendship.

With friendship you are not afraid of bad weather,

With friendship, life in spring is full.

A friend will share pain and joy,

A friend will support and save.

With a friend, even evil weakness

It will instantly melt and go away.

Believe, keep, value friendship,

This is the highest ideal.

It will serve you well:

After all, friendship is a valuable gift!

4. Reflection.

Exercise "Bridge of Friendship".

The teacher asks the children to form pairs if they wish, to come up with and show a bridge (using their arms, legs, and torso). Then “build” a bridge with three, four, etc. The exercise ends with everyone joining hands, making a circle and raising their hands up, depicting "Bridge of Friendship"

Now let’s tell each other the words of the famous cartoon character Leopold the cat “let’s live together!” (Children repeat in chorus.)


sports festival


Goals and objectives:

    Fostering friendships between students of different classes.

    Develop children's interest in physical culture, show the importance of sport in human life.

    Promote healthy image life.

Children from different classes (from first to sixth) participate in the competition. A-class team and a B-class team. One boy and one girl from each class participate. Only 12 people. (Team coaches are 11th grade students.)

To the sounds of a sports march, to the applause of the audience, the teams participating in the competition enter the sports hall: the “Energy” team and the “Optimists” team.

Teams line up on the front line.

1st presenter:

In our difficult century,

In our turbulent century,

No one without sports

Will not live forever

There is a champion in every person,

It is necessary that in this

The man believed!

2nd presenter:

Hello, dear guests and participants of our holiday!

We have gathered here to compete in strength, agility and endurance.

We also gathered to get to know each other better and become stronger friends. See what our youngest first-graders have learned and what older kids can do.

Children from different classes from first to sixth grade take part in our competitions.

Let the motto of our sports meeting be simple words: “Children on the planet are friends.”

(Command View)

    Warm-up: Each team defends its emblem with a motto and addresses the opponent with a short greeting.


Motto: “Only forward and only together. We have two hundred percent energy!”

Greetings to the opposing team:

“We wish you not to lose all your optimism as you approach the finish line!”


Motto: “Our motto is simple - you can’t get around us, even by half a meter, but we are ahead!”

Greetings from opposing teams:

“There is two hundred energy when you are all together. But as soon as one drops out, all chances are reduced to zero. Don't let your quantity outweigh your quality!..

1st presenter:

We are all happy about this meeting,

We did not gather for a reward,

We need to meet more often

May we all live together!

2nd presenter:

Everybody wants to compete

Make a joke and laugh

Show strength, dexterity,

And prove your skill!

1st presenter:

We wish everyone victories and good luck

If you lose, don't cry.

Gather your will into a fist,

Work hard, train

And go to the start line again!

2nd presenter:

Teams, all around! Team captains raise the competition flag!

(The Russian anthem plays).

I urge the teams to fight fairly and wish everyone success. And may the best man win!

1st presenter:

Well, are the teams ready? (Ready!)

Are the fans ready? (Ready!)

Who is missing?


To hold a competition

Do you need an experienced judge?

This, apparently, is a calling -

Of course, I will be the judge!

(Jury Presentation)


Today's competition will be judged by the most experienced fair judges…..

“Let the jury spend the entire course of the battle

He will follow it without fail.

Who will be friendlier?

He will win in battle!”

2nd presenter:

Hey, brave teams,

Friendly, skillful,

Come out to the site

Show your strength and agility!

(teams go to the starting point of the competition and line up in columns).

Competition program:

    Competition "TORCH". The teams line up in columns. The first participants are holding a “Torch” (a gymnastic stick with a red balloon attached to it). On command, the first participant runs to the turning post and back, passing the “Torch” to the next one. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Equipment: 2 gymnastic sticks, 2 red balloons, 2 swivel stands.

    Competition "Dogs and cats".

Ribbons are given to both teams different colors. One is green, and the other is blue. The ribbons are attached under the elastic band of the sports trousers, so that the end of the ribbon hangs down in the form of a ponytail. On command, participants must cut off the “tails” of the opposing team, but keep their own. One minute is given for the game. The participant who loses his tail is eliminated from the game. At the end of the game, the players who retained their “tails” are counted. The team that has the most players with surviving “tails” wins.

Equipment: stopwatch, ribbons of 2 colors according to the number of participants.


You've warmed up well

The holiday went more joyfully

New tasks await you,

Not simple tests.

3. Competition "Walking on hands"»

Teams line up in pairs of a boy and a girl from the same class. The girl takes the boy

by the legs, and the boy walks on his hands and pushes a large fitness ball with his head to the turntable. The two of them take the ball back with their hands and carry it to their team. Each pair repeats the same task. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Note : Be sure to run around the rotary post.

Equipment: rotating stands, fitness balls according to the number of teams.

4 . Competition "Crossing"

In front of each team, behind the starting line, there are two gymnastic mats, one after the other. At the signal, all participants run across the first mat to the second, and the first mat must quickly be moved forward in any way and jump onto it. And thus the entire team must melt to the opposite side. The team that is the first to cross to the other “shore” with the least losses wins.

Note: A player who touches the floor with his hand or foot is eliminated from the game.

Equipment : 2 gymnastic mats for each team.

5. Competition "Centipede"

On the center line in front of each team there is a hoop with volleyballs according to the number of participants.

At the signal, the first participant runs to the hoop, takes one ball, puts it on his stomach, gets into the “centipede” pose and returns to his team feet first. As soon as you put your ball in the hoop lying near the starting line, the second player continues the relay, etc. The relay ends when last participant puts the ball in the hoop.

Note: Players must not disrupt the start. The start for the continuation of the relay is when the ball touches the floor in the hoop. If a player loses the ball while moving, he must return to the place where he lost it and continue the relay.

Equipment: volleyballs according to the number of players in the team, 2 hoops.

6. Competition "Footballers"

Counter relay race. Boys on one side, girls on the opposite. In front of the first participant lies on the floor balloon. At the signal, the player, without using his hands (hands behind his back), with his legs, torso, or head, drives the ball to the oncoming column and passes it to the first participant. He does everything in reverse side. The columns must change places.

Note: For touching the ball with your hand, the team receives a penalty point.

Equipment : Balloons by the number of teams.

7. Competition “Two balls on the floor with your feet”

Participants line up in a column with their arms outstretched from each other, legs apart.

There are two basketballs on the floor in front of the first participant. At the referee's signal, the referee rolls both balls under his feet. The person behind catches the balls, runs to the turning post, runs around it, returns to his team and stands in front, continuing the relay. The relay ends when the guide is again first.

Equipment: two basketballs, swivel stands for each team.

8. Competition "Teremok"

On the middle line gym A “teremok” house is built from two mats.

Participants stand as follows: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth grades. Players line up in a column at the starting line. The first participant has a 1kg medicine ball in his hands. At the referee’s command, the first player runs, runs through the “teremok”, runs around the turning post and returns to his team, passing the ball to the second participant. Etc.

Note: Grades 1 and 2 run with one ball, grades 3 and 4 with two, and grades 5 and 6 with three balls.

Equipment : two gymnastic mats, three medicine balls, a rotating stand for each team.

9. Competition “Living Bag”

The team is lined up in a column. The first participant lies down on the skateboard. At the judge’s signal, pushing off with his hands, he rolls to the opposite side of the gym, where the bag lies on the line. He quickly gets up from his skateboard, climbs into the bag and jumps towards his team. The second player does the task in reverse order. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Equipment: skates, bags according to the number of teams.

10. Competition “Loading watermelons”

The team lines up with their arms outstretched. There are hoops in front of the first and last player. In the first hoop there are (2 basketball hoops, 2 volleyball hoops, 2 medicine balls 3 kg, 2 medicine balls 1 kg). At the judge’s signal, the participants quickly pass the balls to each other. The last player puts all the balls into his hoop. The team that loaded the watermelons faster wins.

Note: For falling "watermelons" on the floor, the team is awarded a penalty point

Equipment: (2 hoops, 2 basketball hoops, 2 volleyball hoops, 2 medicine balls 3 kg, 2 medicine balls 1 kg for each team).

11. Big final relay. Overcoming an obstacle course.

Stage 1 - girls (crawl along the bench on all fours), boys (lying on their stomachs, pulling themselves up with their arms), at the end perform a forward somersault.

Stage 2 - students of grades 1,2,3 perform a climb under the counter, and grades 4,5,6 jump over it.

Stage 3 - overcome a high obstacle (high jumping mat)

Stage 4 - crawl along two gymnastic mats without touching the small hoop fixed between them with their heads.

Stage 5 - all participants throw a dart at balloons mounted on the gymnastics wall. Each can only hit one target. To do this, the participant can use three darts. If the target is not hit by the third dart, the player returns to his team.

Note: if a player drops the stand or hits the hoop with his head, penalty points are awarded.

Equipment: (stands, gymnastic benches, 3 gymnastic mats, large mats, small hoops, 3 darts for each team, balloons according to the number of participants).

Summing up, rewarding teams.


A strong will is forged in struggle,

And everyone must believe in success.

Who looks at things sadly and gloomily,

Let ours accept good advice.

It’s better, more reliable to be friends with physical education,

Then success will certainly come to you!

Thank you all for your attention,

For the excitement and loud laughter,

For the excitement of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be short.

We say goodbye to everyone,

See you again!