Types of puppets used for puppet animation. Puppet animation – handmade masterpieces

When creating, a mock-up stage and actor dolls are used. The scene is photographed frame by frame, after each frame minimal changes are made to the scene (for example, the pose of the doll changes). When playing back the resulting sequence of frames, the illusion of objects moving appears.


This type of animation originated in Russia, where V. A. Starevich began making puppet films back in 1911. Among his most prominent followers is A. L. Ptushko, whose “Stone Flower” (1946) is one of the masterpieces of puppet animation. In Czechoslovakia, Trnka was engaged in puppet animation. Hungarian by birth, J. Pal worked in this field in the UK and the USA.

Puppet animation examples


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  • The first years of Russian cinematography. Memoirs, Khanzhonkov A. A.. Russia owes Alexander Alekseevich Khanzhonkov the fact that at the dawn of world cinema at the beginning of the 20th century, it received a successful national film industry. As one of the founders...

Do you want to quickly create beautiful and high-quality frame-by-frame animation? Then this utility is just for you.


The program is an advanced video editor. This application is used not only by children, but also by adults. Together with this application you will help your imagination break free.

Now you can create high-quality and beautiful frame-by-frame animations anytime, anywhere. The results will look spectacular and impressive. Animation made in this program resembles a theatrical performance.

You will have a huge number of effects at your disposal. You can create absolutely any animation.

There are many different plots available. The results obtained can be demonstrated to your friends on social networks.

This program will be especially interesting for children. With its help, they will be able to unleash their creative potential and turn into real animators. To do this, you just need to select a suitable photo from the memory of your mobile device and edit it.

Main advantages

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  • Unique effects.
  • Possibility to choose the soundtrack.
  • Quickly import photos from your mobile device gallery.
  • Animation.
  • Fast export and rendering.
  • The ability to share your results with other users via social networks.

Choreographer Mariinsky Theater, who created the world's first domestic puppet cartoon, which depicts 12 dancing figures against a background of stationary scenery depicting a scene. The film was shot on 17.5 mm film. Filming lasted three months; During this time, Shiryaev rubbed a hole in the parquet floor with his feet, as he constantly walked from the film camera to the set and back.

These films were discovered in Shiryaev’s archive by film expert Viktor Bocharov in 2009. Several more puppet cartoons were also found there: “Clowns Playing Ball”, “Pierrot’s Artists” and a love drama with a happy ending “Harlequin’s Joke”. Modern animators cannot yet unravel the secrets of the animator, since Shiryaev’s dolls not only walk on the ground, but also jump and spin in the air.

For a long time the first cartoonist was considered Vladislav Starevich, who worked in the technique of stop-motion animation since 1911. Among the most prominent early adopters are Willis O'Brien, known for his special effects for blockbusters " lost World" (1925) and " King Kong"(1933), Alexandra Ptushko, who participated in the creation of many pre-war Soviet cartoons (including the famous film " New Gulliver", which combined cartoon and live acting), as well as Germina Tyrlova And Karel Zemana- founders Czech 3D animation schools.

In the 1960s New names have come to Russian puppet animation: Roman Kachanov , Vladimir Degtyarev , Vadim Kurchevsky , Nikolay Serebryakov and others.

In Czechoslovakia, puppet animation was practiced Jiri Trnka , Karel Zeman And Jiri Barta. Hungarian by birth, J. Pal worked in this field in the UK and the USA.

In Japan, a student of Jiri Trnka and Roman Kachanov worked in puppet animation - Kihachiro Kawamoto.

Full-length puppet film completed in 2006 Christian Cejawski“Bloody Tea and the Red Thread” (filming lasted 13 years) was awarded numerous awards at international film festivals.

Some famous puppet films

see also

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An excerpt characterizing Puppet animation

– How beautiful it all is!.. And how delicious it must be!.. – How lucky you are to have something like this!
“Well, I don’t get that every day either,” I laughed.
My grandmother watched me slyly, apparently amused from the bottom of my heart by the situation that had arisen, but was not yet going to help me, as always, first expecting what I would do myself. But, probably because of today’s too strong emotions, as luck would have it, nothing came to mind... And I was already seriously starting to panic.
- Oh, here’s your grandmother! Can I invite mine here? – Stella suggested happily.
- No!!! – I immediately almost screamed in my mind, but there was no way I could offend the baby, and I, with the happiest look that I was able to portray at that moment, joyfully said: “Well, of course - invite me!”
And then, the same amazing old woman, now well known to me, appeared at the door...
“Hello, dears, I was on my way to see Anna Feodorovna, but I ended up right at the feast. Please forgive me for the intrusion...
- What are you talking about, please come in! There's enough room for everyone! - Dad suggested affectionately, and very carefully stared straight at me...
Although my grandmother did not at all resemble my “guest” or “school friend” Stella, my father, apparently sensing something unusual in her, immediately “blamed” this “unusual” on me, since for everything “strange” that was happening in our house, I usually answered...
Even my ears turned red from the embarrassment that I can’t explain anything to him right now... I knew that later, when all the guests had left, I would definitely tell him everything right away, but for now I really didn’t want to meet my dad’s eyes , since I was not used to hiding something from him and this made me feel very “out of place”...
- What's wrong with you again, honey? – Mom asked quietly. – You’re just hovering somewhere... Maybe you’re very tired? Do you want to lie down?
Mom was really worried, and I was ashamed to tell her a lie. And since, unfortunately, I couldn’t tell the truth (so as not to scare her again), I immediately tried to assure her that everything was really, really absolutely fine with me. And I myself was feverishly thinking about what to do...
– Why are you so nervous? – Stella asked unexpectedly. - Is it because I came?
- Well, what are you talking about! – I exclaimed, but, seeing her gaze, I decided that it was dishonest to deceive a comrade in arms.
- Okay, you guessed it. It’s just that when I talk to you, to everyone else I look “frozen” and it looks very strange. This especially frightens my mother... So I don’t know how to get out of this situation so that it would be good for everyone...
“Why didn’t you tell me?!..” Stella was very surprised. – I wanted to please you, not upset you! I'll leave now.
– But you really made me happy! – I sincerely objected. - It's just because of them...
– Will you come again soon? I miss you... It’s so uninteresting to walk alone... It’s good for grandma - she’s alive and can go wherever she wants, even to see you....
I felt wildly sorry for this wonderful, kindest girl...
“And you come whenever you want, only when I’m alone, then no one can disturb us,” I sincerely suggested. “And I’ll come to you soon, as soon as the holidays are over.” Just wait.
Stella smiled joyfully, and once again “decorated” the room with crazy flowers and butterflies, she disappeared... And without her, I immediately felt empty, as if she had taken with her a piece of the joy that filled this wonderful evening... I looked at my grandmother, looking for support, but she was talking very enthusiastically about something with her guest and did not pay any attention to me. Everything seemed to fall into place again, and everything was fine again, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Stella, about how lonely she is, and how unfair our Fate is sometimes for some reason... So, I promised myself as soon as possible to return to my faithful girlfriend, I again completely “returned” to my “living” friends, and only dad, who had been watching me very carefully the whole evening, looked at me with surprised eyes, as if trying hard to understand where and what was so serious He once “missed the mark” with me so offensively...
When the guests had already begun to go home, the “seeing” boy suddenly began to cry... When I asked him what happened, he pouted and said offendedly:
- Where are the nine?.. And the bowl? And there are no grandmothers...
Mom just smiled tensely in response, and quickly took her second son, who did not want to say goodbye to us, and went home...
I was very upset and very happy at the same time!.. This was the first time I met another baby who had a similar gift... And I promised myself not to calm down until I managed to convince this “unfair” and unhappy mother how her baby was truly a huge miracle... He, like each of us, should have had the right to free choice, and his mother had no right to take this away from him... In any case, until he himself will begin to understand something.
I looked up and saw dad, who was standing leaning on the door frame, and all this time he was watching me with great interest. Dad came up and, affectionately hugging me by the shoulders, said quietly:
- Well, let's go, you can tell me why you fought so ardently here...
And immediately my soul felt very light and calm. Finally, he will find out everything and I will never have to hide anything from him again! He was my best friend, who, unfortunately, did not even know half the truth about what my life really was... It was dishonest and it was unfair... And I only now realized how strange it all was this is the time to hide my “second” life from dad just because it seemed to mom that dad wouldn’t understand... I had to give him such a chance even earlier and now I was very glad that I could do it at least now...

Today we will talk about puppet animation of Soyuzmultfilm! But this is practically the main “trick” of Soviet animation!

Puppet animation is a method of volumetric animation. When creating, a mock-up stage and actor dolls are used. The scene is photographed frame by frame, after each frame minimal changes are made to the scene (for example, the pose of the doll changes). When playing back the resulting sequence of frames, the illusion of objects moving appears.
The creator of puppet animation in Russia and in general is Vladislav Starevich, about whom we have already written.
In Soviet times, Alexander Shiryaev was the first to take up puppet animation. In 1906, he created a cartoon depicting 12 dancing figures against a background of stationary scenery depicting a scene. The film was shot on 17.5 mm film. It took three months to create it. During creation, Shiryaev rubbed a hole in the parquet floor with his feet, as he constantly walked from the movie camera to the set and back.

These films were discovered in Shiryaev’s archive by film expert Viktor Bocharov in 2009. Several more puppet cartoons were also found there: “Clowns Playing Ball”, “Pierrot’s Artists” and a love drama with a happy ending “Harlequin’s Joke”. Modern animators cannot yet unravel the secrets of the animator, since Shiryaev’s dolls not only walk on the ground, but also jump and spin in the air.

Alexander Shiryaev

In the 1960s, new names came to domestic puppet animation: Roman Kachanov, Vladimir Degtyarev, Vadim Kurchevsky, Nikolai Serebryakov and others.

The film “Mitten” by Roman Kachanov won a number of prestigious foreign prizes at festivals, and also rediscovered the Russian school of puppet animation for foreign audiences. His films “Cheburashka”, “Crocodile Gena” and “Shapoklyak” became recognized classics of world animation. Yuri Norshtein began his career as an animator-puppeteer in Kachanov's films.

Director Aida Zyablikova created the puppet animated series “Kuzya the Little Brownie”, the cartoons “Akairo” and “Moomintroll”. Directors Joseph Douksha and Maya Buzinova worked in the genre of puppet animation - “Uncle Au (animated series)”, and also created a series of puppet cartoons based on the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen: “The Swineherd” (1980), “The Brownie and the Housewife” (1988), “New the king's dress" (1990), "The Nightingale" (1991). Mikhail Kamenetsky created such good cartoons as “The Littlest Dwarf” (1980), “Boatswain and the Parrot” (1982), “The Wolf and the Calf” (1984).

Soviet puppet animation was created with special warmth. This is probably why we love Soviet cartoons so much. There is something about them all that is so soulful and soft, like the dolls themselves. But for each doll, separate heads were molded, wire frames were built, and for each emotion - a new head. And the emotions are extremely good.

doll and scenery from the cartoon “Boatswain and the Parrot” (1982) in our museum