Wise fairy tales for children to read. Afghan wise tales (3 tales)

Fairy tale For a child, first of all, it is a means of understanding the world, a way of actively viewing the world. The fairy tale teaches bright and strong human feelings, it offers a path on which you can find your happiness.

Fairy tale amuses fairy tale touches fairy tale captivates. But with all this, she invariably poses questions; the fairy tale wants the child to think.

The authors (A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova “The Eternal Wisdom of Fairy Tales”. Books 3.4 / A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova. – M.: Amrita-Rus. 2008. – (Series “Education and Creativity”)) provided dialogue between children and adults - after each fairy tale, questions are given for discussion and assignments that allow you to better understand and deeply experience the knowledge that a particular fairy tale carries.


Are they hurting a brother or friend?

Are your loved ones having a hard time in life?

Hurry to them quickly

Defend them boldly!

Stand bravely until victory,

All troubles will disappear immediately!

Just, mind you, no fists,

We don't need bruises.

Do you consider yourself a brave person?

When do you act more bravely: when you are alone or when your friends are looking at you?

Give an example of brave behavior of your friends or acquaintances.

Can a brave person experience fear?

Do you think there are people who never experience fear?

Do you think courage is needed in everyday life, or is it only needed in difficult situations?

If you were asked to write a list of the most important qualities for a person, where would you rank courage?


Dagestan fairy tale

Once upon a time there was a boy. He went into the forest. I walked and walked and got lost. And it was high in the mountains. I searched and searched for the way and got tired. He broke himself a strong stick and moved on. He walked and walked and lay down under a bush to rest. So he lay down to rest and saw: a huge snake was crawling along a large tree. And there is a nest on the tree, and in the nest there are chicks. When the chicks saw the snake, they screamed and cried: “Help!” Help! But no one came to their aid. And the snake hisses, its mouth opens, its tongue sticks out. It climbs higher, creeps closer... The boy was very frightened at first, and then he felt sorry for the chicks: he took his strong stick, swung it and hit the snake. She turned around, curled up again and then jumped on the boy. The snake was strong, thick and long. The snake and the boy fought for a very long time, but the boy won. He threw the snake meat to the chicks, and he himself lay down again under the bush and fell asleep, because he was very tired.

Suddenly the forest rustled from the wind, the night animals hid in holes, the stars were covered with clouds. It was the miracle bird, flapping its mighty wings widely, that flew to its chicks. She saw the boy and screamed with a terrible squeal:

Man, man! I'll tear it up! Mom, mom,” the chicks cried, “this man killed the snake and fed us!” Then the miracle bird sank to the ground and spread its wide wing over the boy so that neither the wind nor the rain would disturb his sleep. In the morning, the brave boy woke up, saw a large wing above him and began to cry. “Don’t be afraid,” the miracle bird told him. - You saved my children, now I’ll do whatever you want for you. “Take me home,” the boy asked. - Sit on my back, put your arm around my neck. And the miracle bird lifted the boy high, carried him far and lowered him onto the roof of his home.

Questions and tasks:

Has there been a case in your life when you were very scared of something at first, and then were still able to do a brave act?

What else, besides strength, does a person need to have in order to come to the aid of someone?

Imagine that you are next to a boy. How would you help him deal with the insidious snake?

Come up with a fairy tale about how a magical bird decided to thank the boy and turned him into the bravest man in the world.

Make up a fairy tale about how the chicks, when they grew up, helped a boy in trouble.

Imagine that you are talking to the bravest person on earth. What did you ask him?

Why do some people only become brave when they protect someone?

Sketch “School of Courage”

Children are divided into groups. One person from the group is the director of the school of courage, the rest are students. In the skit, children must tell how and what they will learn at the school of courage.

Drawing "Miracle Bird"

Draw a miracle bird from a fairy tale.



The king had three sons. The eldest was a brave warrior and skillfully wielded his favorite weapons. He dreamed of becoming a commander, and the king put him at the head of his army. The middle son wanted to glorify the royal family by building temples and castles. His father agreed with him and gave him money for construction. Only the youngest son upset the king. He did not fight, did not build, but spent his days reading books. The king's youngest son studied the history, languages ​​and customs of different peoples.

Son, why are you studying the customs and languages ​​of foreign peoples? “You must love your Motherland,” the king often reproached the prince.

The son listened silently to his father, but continued his studies.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, trouble came. The king's neighbors united and declared war. The royal army suffered defeat after defeat. Finally the day of the final battle arrived. In numerous temples, everyone who could not fight prayed to the Lord for salvation. The day before the battle, the king's youngest son entered the commander's tent. - Why did you come here, scribe? Leave immediately! Tomorrow there will be a battle! - cried the young commander.

Yes, son, you don’t belong here,” supported the king, who was also preparing to win or die in the last battle. The king's youngest son took out the paper and calmly said: “I spent three days in the enemy camp.” The location of the enemy's guns and all their plans are drawn here. Tomorrow at dawn the main enemy forces will bypass our army along a narrow ravine and strike us in the rear. After the story of his youngest son, the king ordered preparations for battle. The battle was fierce, but the enemies ran into traps everywhere and were defeated.

Son, you turned out to be a hero. “How were you able to hide among your enemies for three whole days?” exclaimed the king, hugging his youngest son after the victory.

I did not hide, but walked freely everywhere, because I knew the languages ​​and customs of these people. That’s why they took me for one of their own,” answered the prince.

Weren't you scared? - his brother was surprised.

“Love for the Motherland is above the fear of death,” the youngest son calmly answered.

Questions and tasks:

Why did the king think that his youngest son did not love his homeland?

Do you think that if a person knows foreign languages ​​perfectly, does this mean that he does not love his homeland?

What language would you like to learn and why?

Think about what occupation is most worthy for the son of a king?

Imagine that you are a prince (princess). Tell us what you would do.


Children are divided into groups. One person from the group plays the role of the king, the rest are his children: princes or princesses. In the skit, the “king’s children” take turns telling their father what they can do for the glory of their homeland.

Discuss with children topic “What can I do for my Motherland?”


She is more valuable than gold

It has beauty and depth.

It's your first home in the world

And dear mother’s dear look.

Money can't buy her

And it’s impossible not to love.

And we love her the more

The longer we are apart from her.

Questions and tasks for conversation:

Ask the children to remember a place or event that they associate with the word “Motherland” and talk about it.

List all the good things that your Motherland has given you.

Do you think a person can have two or more homelands?

Imagine that you have to teach a lesson about

love for the Motherland in a class where children of different nations study. How

Would you conduct a lesson so that each of the students feels proud of their native land and is not offended?


Divide the children into pairs. In the dialogue skit, one person from the couple claims that a person’s homeland can be any place on earth that he fell in love with during his life, or even the whole world; and the second proves that the Motherland is the place in which you were born.

Three useful fairy tales that help our children feel more confident, braver, overcome fears and better understand and resolve some conflicts.

As you know, fairy tales have a huge influence on children. If the hero of a fairy tale is close to the child, then the child strives to use his example in the fight against his problems and fears. In addition, stories and fairy tales instill hope in the child, which will make it easier for him to succeed.

Mouse and darkness(fear of the dark)

On the edge of a large beautiful forest lives a Little Mouse with his mom and dad. He really loves the flowers growing next to their house, the hares that come running to the clearing, the birds that wake up the mouse family every morning with their ringing singing. The mouse enjoys the sun and the breeze, loves to look at the clouds, and admires the stars at night with his friend Firefly.
And before, Little Mouse was very frightened by the darkness, the night, when nothing is visible around and only mysterious rustling sounds are heard, terrifying.
One day Little Mouse walked and ran for a very long time and wandered so far that he had to return in the dark; the night was moonless, and very close by something was constantly rustling, shuddering and moving. And although it was just the wind walking in the branches of the trees, the Mouse was still scared. He wanted to get home as quickly as possible, but fear paralyzed him, he froze, and tears came to his eyes. Suddenly he heard a noise in the distance, he imagined that these were evil monsters chattering their teeth, his heart froze, and he hid. But it turned out to be just a squeak, and the Mouse thought that maybe it was screaming just like a small and frightened baby...
Looking around and shuddering at every rustle, the Mouse slowly followed the voice and came out to a small bush, between the branches of which a web was stretched, and the Firefly was entangled in the web. The mouse freed him and asked:
“Did you scream like that because you were scared in the dark?”
“No,” answered Firefly, “it’s not at all scary in the dark, as you think, but I screamed because I got entangled in the web and couldn’t get out myself.” My friends are waiting for me... Where are you going? - asked Firefly.
And the Mouse told him that he was going home and that he was scared.
“I am bright and glowing, I will help you get home,” said Firefly.
On the way they met Firefly's friends. Everyone thanked the Mouse for saving Firefly. And all the fireflies glowed so brightly and beautifully that it looked like festive fireworks. And then the Mouse saw that it was not scary at all in the dark, because at night everything was the same as during the day - there were beautiful flowers and birds. And even such extraordinary beauties as Fireflies.
They accompanied the Mouse home and thanked his parents for raising a wonderful, brave son. Mouse’s mother said: “I always believed in you, baby, you go to bed, and tomorrow we will have a big celebration. All the animals will know that you are now not afraid of anything and are always ready to help your friends!”
And there was a big holiday. All the forest animals learned about what happened to the Little Mouse, how he saved the Firefly. And at night, when the holiday was still going on, the entire edge of this large forest lit up, because all the fireflies had gathered and it became as bright as day, and the fun and congratulations of the Little Mouse and his parents continued for a long, long time.

In a small clearing(fear of being an outcast)

At the edge of a large forest there was a small clearing. During the day, the sun illuminated it and warmed the inhabitants of the clearing; at night, the ghostly light of the moon fell on it, and a fluffy fog enveloped it, saving it from the cold. All the inhabitants of this clearing loved their green island, which was lost among the dark, dense forest. In this clearing, many animals and birds lived in the neighborhood. And on the very outskirts lived a mouse family. In this family there was a very small, very tiny Mouse, who had never left the house alone, without his mother.
And then, finally, the day came when his mother allowed him to go for a walk without her, alone. Leaving the house, the first thing he did was run to the shore of a huge puddle, around which animals from all over the clearing usually gathered. He couldn't wait to meet everyone and, most importantly, make friends. Having run to the clearing, he saw that all the kids were busy; who plays, who builds castles, who runs races. And he also wanted to play, build and run with everyone. He: approached the animals and asked: “Can I play with you?” Everyone stopped, turned to him and began to study him from head to toe. Then one of the animals, Little Fox, said, stroking his bright orange fur, shining in the sun: “You are so gray, if you had the same bright beautiful fur as me, you could play with us.” Having said this, the Little Fox turned away and continued the game. The mouse approached another group of animals playing tag. And again he asked them: “Can I play with you?” And now the Little Bear looked at him and said: “You are so small that we won’t see you.”
“You’ll see,” answered the Mouse and began to jump as high as he could. But the animals continued to play without noticing him. The mouse felt very sad and offended. He walked to the edge of the puddle and, looking at his reflection, I thought: “I don’t have beautiful fur and I’m very small - that means I’m not good for anything. And I will always remain a useless little Mouse.” And he cried bitterly. Suddenly the Mouse heard someone calling for help. He looked around and saw that the Little Hare was floundering in the center of the puddle. The mouse looked back. Other animals stood nearby and watched the little hare drown.
The mouse, without hesitation, rushed to the alder tree that grew nearby, gnawed one of the twigs and handed it to the Little Hare. He grabbed it and climbed ashore. By this time, almost all the inhabitants of the clearing had gathered on the shore. They all surrounded the Bunny. The little mouse stood aside, watching them; suddenly the old wise Owl came up to him and asked: “Why are you sad?” The mouse answered; “Because I’m small and gray and no one wants to be friends with me.” Then Owl looked at him seriously and said: “Little mouse, don’t be sad, because it doesn’t matter how big you are or what kind of fur you have. The important thing is that you have a good heart and that you are very brave. And one more thing, Little Mouse, remember: never try to become what others want you to be, be yourself.”
The mouse listened to Owl's advice and stopped jumping and being embarrassed by his coloring. He became a little gray Mouse, very witty and cheerful. It was fun and interesting to play with him. The Mouse made many friends who loved him for who he was.

Little bear(pugnacity problem)

Not far from this kindergarten lived Little Bear. None of the animals were friends with him, because he fought with everyone. “Everyone wants to offend me, make me feel bad. I need to defend myself, because if I don’t fight, other animals will offend me,” thought the Little Bear.
He was sad to always be alone, and then one day he went for a walk. He walked and walked and came to a kindergarten where animals were playing.
- Look, Little Bear is coming towards us. Maybe he will be our new friend,” said Squirrel.
“But look,” shouted the Bunny, “he clenched his fists and is going to fight us!”
The little bear did not hear the animals’ conversation and, clenching his fists more and more, thought: “They are agreeing to start hurting me, and I will have to defend myself.”
“We want to be friends with him, but he wants to fight with us,” the animals shouted. “We will defend ourselves!”
And they ran to Little Bear. The little bear, seeing the animals running up, was very scared. He clenched his fists even tighter and prepared to fight.
- Oh you! “We wanted to be friends with you, but you want to fight with us,” said the animals. “We thought you were our new friend, but you!” they shouted.
- We will not be friends with you!
And they left Little Bear alone. The little bear felt that he was very ashamed that he wanted to fight with these animals. Sadness filled Little Bear's heart and he began to cry. He felt very bad because everyone was afraid of him and he had no friends. “What should I do, how can I make friends with the little animals?” thought the Little Bear. And suddenly he saw that his fists were still clenched and tears were dripping onto them.
“I understand, I need to unclench my fists, because, probably, because of them the animals thought that I would fight with them!” decided Little Bear.
The next day, Little Bear came to the animals in kindergarten and did not clench his fists. The animals saw that he did not want to fight, and decided to be friends with him. The bear cub and the animals began to play various fun games together, sing songs and dance. They laughed and told each other interesting stories. And Little Bear, playing with the little animals, thought: “I will never again clench my fists and fight for no reason, because the other little animals never thought of offending me. It’s so good that I unclenched my fists and realized for myself that it’s bad to be a brawler!” And this thought made Little Bear feel great.

These wonderful fairy tales were written by child psychologist Olga Vladimirovna Khukhlaeva.

And we all love allegorical tales called parables - they teach and entertain at the same time. They are full of wisdom and inspiration. And as we know, there can never be too many of these things.

The Parable of Two Snowflakes

It was snowing. It was quiet and calm, and fluffy snowflakes slowly circled in a whimsical dance, slowly approaching the ground. Two small snowflakes flying nearby struck up a conversation. To prevent them from being blown away from each other, they held hands and one snowflake cheerfully said:
- What an incredible feeling of flight!
“We don’t fly, we just fall,” the second answered sadly.
- Soon we will meet the earth and turn into a white fluffy blanket!
- No, we are flying towards death, and on the ground they will simply trample us.
- We will become streams and rush to the sea. We will live forever! - said the first one.
“No, we will melt and disappear forever,” the second objected to her.
Finally they got tired of arguing. They unclenched their hands, and each flew towards the fate they had chosen.
Parable of the Tree
One tree suffered greatly because it was small, crooked and ugly. All the other trees in the neighborhood were much taller and more beautiful. The tree really wanted to become just like them, so that its branches would flutter beautifully in the wind.
But the tree grew on the slope of a cliff. Its roots clung to a small piece of soil that had accumulated in a crevice between the stones. An icy wind rustled through its branches. The sun illuminated it only in the morning, and in the afternoon it hid behind the rock, giving its light to other trees growing lower down the slope. It was simply impossible for the tree to grow any larger, and it cursed its unfortunate fate.
But one morning, when the first rays of the sun illuminated it, it looked at the valley below and realized that life was not so bad. A magnificent view opened before him. None of the trees growing below could see even a tenth of this wonderful panorama.
A rock ledge protected him from snow and ice. Without its crooked trunk, knotted and strong branches, the tree simply could not survive in this place. It had its own unique style and took its place. It was unique.
A parable about why someone else's wife is sweeter
In ancient times, the Lord blinded ten Adams. One of them plowed the land, another herded sheep, the third fished... After some time, they came to their Father with a request:
– Everything is there, but something is missing. We're bored.
The Lord gave them the dough and said:
- Let everyone blind a woman at his own discretion, whatever he likes: plump, thin, tall, small... And I will breathe life into them.
After this, the Lord brought out sugar on a platter and said:
- There are ten pieces here. Let everyone take one and give it to his wife so that life with her will be sweet.
Everyone did just that.
The Lord frowned:
“There is a rogue among you, for there were eleven lumps of sugar on the platter.” Who took two pieces?
Everyone was silent.
The Lord took their wives from them, mixed them up, and then distributed them to whomever he got.
Since then, nine out of ten men think that someone else's wife is sweeter... Because she ate an extra piece of sugar.
And only one of Adam knows that all women are the same, because he himself ate the extra piece of sugar.

Parable about the real price
One merchant purchased a large diamond in Africa, the size of a pigeon egg. It had one drawback - there was a small crack inside. The merchant turned to the jeweler for advice and he said:
“This stone can be split into two parts, from which two magnificent diamonds will be obtained, each of which will be many times more expensive than a diamond.” But a careless blow can break this miracle of nature into a handful of tiny pebbles that will cost a penny. I don't dare take that risk. Others responded the same way. But one day he was advised to contact an old jeweler from London, a master with golden hands. He examined the stone and again talked about the risks. The merchant said that he already knew this story by heart. Then the jeweler agreed to help, citing a good price for the work. When the merchant agreed, the jeweler called his young apprentice. He took the stone in his palm and hit the diamond once with a hammer, breaking it into two equal parts. The merchant asked admiringly:
– How long has he been working for you?
- It’s only the third day. He doesn't know the real price of this stone, and that's why his hand was firm.
Parable about happiness
Happiness was walking through the forest, enjoying nature, when suddenly it fell into a hole. Sits and cries. A man walked past, Happiness heard the man and shouted from the pit:

– I want a big and beautiful house with a view of the sea, the most expensive one.
Happiness gave a man a beautiful house by the sea, he was happy, ran away and forgot about Happiness. Happiness sits in a hole and cries even louder. A second man walked past, heard the man’s happiness and shouted to him:
- Good man! Get me out of here.
– What will you give me for this? - asks the man.
- And what do you want? - asked Happiness.
– I want a lot of beautiful and expensive cars, of various brands.
The man was given Happiness by what he asked for, the man was delighted, forgot about Happiness and ran away. Happiness has completely lost hope. Suddenly he hears a third person coming, Happiness shouted to him:
- Good man! Get me out of here.
The man pulled Happiness out of the hole and moved on. Happiness was delighted, ran after him and asked:
- Human! What do you want for helping me?
“I don’t need anything,” the man answered.
So Happiness ran after the person, never lagging behind him.
A parable about looking at the world
There was a small crooked tree growing by the road. One night a thief ran past. He saw a silhouette from a distance and fearfully thought that a policeman was standing by the road, so he ran away in fear. One evening a young man in love passed by. He saw a slender silhouette from afar and decided that his beloved was already waiting for him. He was happy and walked faster. One day a mother and child walked past the tree. The kid, frightened by the scary fairy tales, thought that a ghost was peeping out by the road and burst into tears loudly. But... a tree was always just a tree. The world around us is just a reflection of ourselves.
A parable about where happiness is hidden
The old wise cat was lying on the grass and basking in the sun. Then a small, nimble kitten rushed past her. He somersaulted past the cat, then jumped up briskly and began running in circles again.
- What are you doing? – the cat asked lazily.
- I'm trying to catch my tail! – out of breath, the kitten answered.
- But why? – the cat laughed.
- I was told that the tail is my happiness. If I catch my tail, then I will catch my happiness. So I’ve been chasing my tail for three days now. But he keeps eluding me.
The old cat smiled as only old cats can do and said:
- When I was young, they also told me that my happiness was in my tail. I spent many days chasing my tail and trying to grab it. I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink, I just chased my tail. I fell exhausted, got up and again tried to catch my tail. At some point I despaired. And she just went wherever she looked. And do you know what I suddenly noticed?
- What? – the kitten asked in surprise.
- I noticed that wherever I go, my tail follows me everywhere. You don't have to run for happiness. You must choose your path, and happiness will go with you.

One greedy man lost his wallet, which contained one hundred gold coins. No matter how he searched, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how much he grieved, he found nothing. Then he announced: “Whoever finds my wallet and returns the money to me, I will give ten gold coins in gratitude.”

One good man found this wallet and gave it to a miser.

Give me the ten gold pieces you promised,” he tells him.

There were one hundred and ten gold pieces in this wallet,” answered the stingy one, “but now there is only one hundred.” You still have ten coins. You've already got your share! What else do you want from me?

The man went to the judge and told him everything. The judge called the miser and asked:

Why don't you give him his share?

“Yes, he himself already took it from this wallet,” he answers. “What will I give him?”

The judge took the wallet, examined it and tied it in the same way as it was tied before. Then he says to the miser:

If there were one hundred and ten gold coins in your wallet, but there are only one hundred here, then it is clear that the wallet is not yours. Go look for your wallet yourself, and give this one to the person who found it. When the owner of the wallet comes, he will return it to him.

The right remedy

Once upon a time there lived a very fat padishah. He was so obese, his body reached such dimensions that it became difficult for him to walk. The padishah gathered doctors so that someone could cure him - the padishah really wanted to lose weight. But no matter how much they treated him, he became increasingly fat. Finally, a smart doctor was found. He took the padishah by the hand and said:

If the kind padishah pleases, I will look into astrological books. I will study all the medicines that nature knows and give them to the padishah.

“Very good,” the padishah rejoiced, “go read all the books on astrology.” When you find a way to treat, bring me the medicine.

The doctor left, and the next morning he came and reported:

There is no cure for the merciful padishah.

How come! - cried the padishah. - Why is there no medicine?!

“The books say,” the doctor answers, “that the padishah has only forty days to live, and then he will die.”

The padishah became terribly angry:

Throw this charlatan into prison! And when forty days have passed, I will order the execution of the villain!

They threw the doctor into prison, but the padishah finds no place for himself: what if he really only has forty days left to live?! What if the astrologer's books don't lie? Day and night he was in despair, and his relatives and friends were already mourning him.

Forty days have passed. The padishah lost weight and became light and thin, like a reed. But still he didn’t die. Then he ordered the doctor to be brought to the palace.

“Tomorrow I’ll execute you,” he says. “Why did you lie to me?” See, I'm alive and well.

“I see,” the doctor answered. “I haven’t found any other medicine to make you lose weight.”

The padishah was delighted and generously rewarded the doctor.

Every cloud has a silver lining

There lived among the Arabs a wise and fair man, whose advice everyone always obeyed. Once, where he lived, all the dogs died in one night. The next morning people came to the sage and told about what had happened.

“Nothing, everything will be fine,” he answered.

And this is for the better.

Strange! - the people objected. “The dogs protected us, the roosters announced the onset of morning with their singing.” What good is it that they are gone now?

“Who knows, who knows,” the sage answered evasively.

On the third night, people in the village began to light a fire, but it did not light up.

What kind of trouble happened? “We can’t understand,” they pleaded.

At this time, the enemy army attacked that country, plundered, plundered and burned the captured villages. When the enemies approached the village, where all the dogs and roosters had recently died, the commander was surprised:

There is no light visible, no dogs bark, no roosters crow. There are probably no people here either. Empty village, empty houses. What should we do here?

With this the enemies left. But the village remained safe and sound.

It turned out that the sage was telling the truth: “Every cloud has a silver lining.” 

Fairy tales provided by the Russian Pilgrim publishing house. They are made up of books with fairy tales for children from 3 to 7 years old.

A tale of magic mittens and an axe!

The old man had three sons. So he died, and left them an inheritance. The eldest - a house, the middle - a cow, and the youngest - mittens and an ax.

And they began to live and live: the eldest in his father’s house, the middle one decided to sell milk, and the youngest - he cut bread and salt with an ax and earned money through labor.

Time has passed. The eldest son turned out to be a bad owner, and his father’s house became askew. The average cow has become old and the milk has decreased. Only the youngest with an ax and mittens will build a bridge, a hut, and a mill. He has already built himself a house, and bought a cow, and his work is going like clockwork.

Then the older brothers decided that his ax was enchanted, and they stole the tool. But the ax is a problem! - does not work. Then they stole the mittens, and again nothing!

And the younger brother just smiles, bought a new ax and is making it again. They realized then that strength does not lie in the axe, but in skill; they learned themselves and became masters. And the brothers began to live happily ever after.

A tale about the main road.

Somehow the roads gathered from all over the world. And there are big highways among them, and small paths. They decided to choose a queen for themselves, but they just can’t - each deserves it in her own way! Then they turned to the Lord God himself, so that he would judge fairly.

The wide, spacious highway spoke first:

- Why don’t I deserve to be called a queen? For me, there is so much traffic every day, regular cars, trucks, and buses! People are transported back and forth all over the country!

But the Lord said:

- You shouldn’t be a queen. You're too proud of yourself.

Then the railway said:

- Why am I not a queen? I see trains running day and night, fast trains, passenger trains, freight trains! And people travel by train every day.

“No,” said God. -You are very proud.

- Why am I not suitable? - the country road then asked. - I have the most work to do. For me, there are not only cars, buses and trucks, but also tractors and combines, and people also drive herds!

But the Lord answered:

- And you are not a queen. You're too self-confident.

All roads fell silent. And then God looked at the small, inconspicuous path:

- What will you tell me?

- What should I say, Lord? I used to be wide, people walked on me, but now it’s all overgrown. Just recently, children ran around, picked flowers in a clearing, and placed them in the church in front of the icon of the holy Mother of God.

And then the Lord said:

- In my eyes, you are the most beautiful and worthy of all! May you be the queen over all earthly paths and roads!

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