Zoshchenko’s most important analysis of the work. The most important

Summary of a literary reading lesson

on the topic: M. Zoshchenko “The most important thing.”

The meaning of the story.

(4th grade, educational complex “Perspective”)

Lesson type: a lesson in discovering new knowledge.

Target: formation of the ability to holistically perceive the image-character in

story, as an element that serves to reveal the idea.

Lesson objectives:

1. Subject: learn to characterize a hero, analyze a text, learn expressive reading and role-based reading; learn to determine the theme and main idea of ​​the story.

    educational: be able to conduct a study of the text read, select the necessary information from the text;

    regulatory: learn to set a learning task together with the teacher based on learned and new material; develop skills of self-mutual control;

    communicative: be able to integrate into a small group of peers and build productive interactions; learn to master monologue and dialogic forms of speech; defend your point of view, argue for it;

Personal: to develop the ability to evaluate the content of a fictional story and the actions of literary characters based on personal values.

Resources: multimedia projector, screen, presentation, handouts, textbook.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Psychological preparation.

We have guests today. Let's get ready for serious work. Close your eyes and quietly repeat after me:

I will mobilize all my strength.

I will work actively in class.

Open your eyes. Smile at each other. Smile at our guests. What's your mood now? I'm glad it's great for you. I hope the lesson goes well.

2. Speech warm-up.

- Read the poem in a buzzing manner.

Learn from your actions

look from the outside

There will be good luck right away,

and infidelity is visible!

And then your mistakes

you won't repeat it

And reasonable and cultured

you can become a man!

How many sentences are there in a poem? What can you tell us about the first one? About the second one?

3. Updating knowledge, reading anticipation.

1) -How do you understand the meaning of this poem? Explain his lines.

Today we will work on the story of M. Zoshchenko. Read its title, look at the illustrations. What do you think will be discussed?

What problems will we have to solve in class?

Please answer me one question: what kind of person do you consider brave? Can a brave and strong person always be called smart? I will ask you the same question at the end of the lesson. Now let's get to work!

2) - At home you were asked to remember the facts of the biography of Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko. What do you know about him? ( children's presentation)

What work of the writer did we study earlier? ("Do not lie".)

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

I suggest you not just get acquainted with the story in the textbook, but use the filmstrip. You will read in a chain of 1 frame.

Imagine that we have moved back to the 70s of the 20th century... The quiet hum of a film projector and a bright beam that turns a white sheet on the wall into a magic screen on which color pictures replace each other...

Reading a story.

How did you feel while reading?

Physical education.

5. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

1) - Open the textbook on page 122. Where possible, support your answers with quotes from the text.

Which episode reveals the meaning of the story?

What was the boy Andryusha like?

Why was Andryusha’s mother sad?

What did Andryusha say to the boys in the yard? What happened next?

Evaluate the boys' actions. Have you ever had such a situation? Could this happen to us too? How to avoid this?

Why did Andryusha quietly take the stick? What words made him do this?

What did the boy say to the dog? Didn't he want to show strength?

How did Andryusha sail in the boat?

How do you feel about Andryusha? What advice would you give him?

Did Andryusha understand what is most important?

2) - In literary reading lessons, you and I often turn to folk wisdom. Working in pairs, highlight those proverbs that most fully reflect the main idea of ​​Zoshchenko’s story.( Annex 1 )

Let's conclude: someone who studies knows a lot and can apply his knowledge in different life situations.

3) - We continue to work in pairs. Discuss with each other what character qualities you value in people: courage, strength, kindness, pride, resourcefulness, modesty, shyness, bravery, willpower, gentleness, goodwill? What is most important to you and why?

4) - At home you will work on a retelling of this work. I suggest that each row organize one group. Each group will try to create a picture plan for the story. Then a representative of the group that completed the task the fastest will draw up a plan on the board, and the rest will express their opinions. ( Appendix 2)

5. Homework.

Prepare a creative retelling on behalf of Andryusha.

6. Reflection.

Complete the self-assessment sheet. ( Appendix 3 )

Which of your friends would you give an “excellent” grade for the lesson?

7. Summing up the lesson.

So can a brave and strong person always be called smart?

Is a smart person always brave and strong?

Is Zoshchenko's story relevant in our time?

Did knowledge help you in a difficult situation?

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Self-assessment sheet

F.I. teaching___ ___________________________________________

1. I worked during the lesson


2. Through my work in class I

satisfied (satisfied)

not happy (not happy)

3. The lesson seemed to me


4. For the lesson I

not tired

5. I had the lesson material


not clear


6. Homework seems to me


Size: px

Start showing from the page:


1 Plan of outline of an open lesson on reading on the topic: “The most important thing” M. Zoshchenko Topic: Mikhail Zoshchenko. "The most important". Pleshkova E. E., teacher of the 1st qualification category, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School 567 Purpose of the lesson: analysis of the work of art by M. Zoshchenko “The Most Important Thing.” Lesson objectives. 1. Subject: learn to characterize a hero, analyze a text, learn expressive reading and role-based reading; learn to determine the theme and main idea of ​​the story; 2. Meta-subject: -cognitive: be able to conduct research into a read text, select the necessary information from the text; -regulatory; learn to set a learning task together with the teacher based on learned and new material; develop skills of self-control and mutual control; -communicative: the ability to integrate into a small group of peers and build productive interaction; learn to master monologue and dialogic forms of speech; defend your point of view, give reasons for it. 3. Personal: developing the ability to evaluate the content of a fictional story and the actions of literary characters based on personal values; Equipment: portrait of M. Zoshchenko, exhibition of his books; Dictionary; handouts on the desk; task card; interactive board; 1.Organizing children for class. We have guests, say hello. Check your readiness for the lesson: textbook, diary, pencil case, handouts. What task did you prepare for the lesson? (We should have read M. Zoshchenko’s story “The Most Important Thing”). Let's check your homework. Match the illustration with the point in the plan in accordance with the plot of the story (work in pairs) (Appendix 1) Check your results (answers on the board) Evaluate your work based on the assessment criteria. (Criteria on the board) 2.Communicate the topic of the lesson. Setting a goal. Let's continue working on the piece. What tasks should (can) be set for the lesson? - we will analyze - highlight the main idea - determine the topic 3. Working with text. Open the textbook to page Support your answers with quotes from the text. - What was the boy Andryusha like?

2 - Why was Andryusha’s mother sad? - What did Andryusha say to the boys in the yard? What happened next? - Evaluate the boys’ actions. Have you ever had such a situation? Could this happen to you too? How to avoid this? - Why did Andryusha quietly take the stick? What words made him do this? - What did the boy say to the dog? Didn't he want to show strength? - How did Andryusha sail in the boat? (lack of knowledge and rowing skills) - How does the author relate to his hero? What does he call it? (Andryusha) - How do you feel about Andryusha? What advice would you give him? - What is the idea of ​​the work? (the author showed the importance of knowledge) - Did Andryusha understand that the most important thing is to be strong and brave? (I will learn everything) - How did you complete the task, evaluate your work on the card with the evaluation criteria. - What words can express the main idea of ​​the work? - What did the author want to show and convey to us with his story? Complete the task on the card. (The pair chooses the level that they can complete) (Appendix 2) Level 1 Which proverbs most fully reflect the main idea of ​​the story. Emphasize. Knowledge is power. Without labor there is no good. Where friendship is strong, things go well. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. Learning is the path to skill. The family agrees that things are going great. Level 2 Insert the necessary words instead of dots. There is a lot... (to know). And in order to know a lot, you need to (study). He who studies becomes.. (smart). And whoever is (smart) must be brave. And everyone .. (loves) and (respects) the brave and smart. -Who chose the first level? Let's check. (Students read out their answers, correctly chosen proverbs are put on the board). Who completed the level 2 task? Read the proposals received. - Let's conclude: the one who studies means he knows a lot and can apply his knowledge in different life situations. - Evaluate your work in pairs. Let's return to the proverbs. Explain one of the proverbs, proving with your experience what happened to you and how knowledge helped you. 4. Physical education minute (standing). Along the path, along the path We jump on the right leg (jumping on the right leg). Along the path, along the path We are jumping on the left leg (jumping on the left leg). Let's run along the path, We'll run to the lawn (running in place) On the lawn, on the lawn We'll jump like bunnies (jumping in place on both legs) Stop. Let's rest a little

3 And we’ll go home on foot (walking in place) 5. - Find in the text the moment when Andryusha went out into the yard to the boys, and read the passage by role. Students role-play a passage from the text. 6. Creative work - Make up a syncwine: with the keyword Andryusha. Basic diagram for composing a syncwine 1 line one noun expressing the main theme of the syncwine. Line 2: two adjectives expressing the main idea. Line 3: three verbs describing actions within the topic. Line 4 is a phrase that carries a certain meaning. Line 5 conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word). - Let's check. Evaluate your performance on the self-assessment card. 7. Game “IDEAL” (work in groups). Let's do a good deed: let's help Andryusha Ryzhenky correct the situation. Remember what was the reason for Andryusha’s failures? I wonder what the problem is? (What should a hero do to become brave, strong and smart.) Let's find as many ways as possible to solve the problem! Is there any good solution? Now let's make a choice! Curious how to put this into practice? Conclusion: What life experience do we gain in this game? What does this game teach? (We learn to find a way out of difficult and unpleasant situations without upsetting anyone and maintaining peace and harmony). 7. Reflection - Let's summarize the lesson. Calculate the points you received on your self-assessment card. Using a mark scale, evaluate your work in class. 8-9 points mark “5” 6-7 points mark “4” 4-5 points “3” 8. Homework 1. Tell the situation on behalf of Andryusha. 2. Draw an illustration for the passage you like (optional)

4 Appendix 1 1. Andryusha was afraid of everything. 2. Andryusha and the boys. 3. Andryusha and the dog 4. Andryusha saves the boy 5. The most important thing

5 Criteria for assessing text analysis (underline as appropriate) assignments Full name of students working in pairs Ivanov I. Sidorov V. 2 3 points I put forward ideas, I had no difficulties; 2 points I only listened to what others said; 1 point I couldn’t handle it myself; 3 points I put forward ideas, I had no difficulties; 2 points I only listened to what others said; 1 point I couldn’t handle it myself; 3 4 cinquain 8-9 points mark “5” 6-7 points mark “4” 4-5 points “3”

6 Appendix 2 Level 1 Which proverbs most fully reflect the main idea of ​​our story. Emphasize. Knowledge is power. Without labor there is no good. Where friendship is strong, things go well. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. Learning is the path to skill. The family agrees that things are going great. Level 2 Replace the missing words with the correct words. You need a lot... And in order to know a lot, you need... He who studies, he happens... And whoever, he must be brave. And all the brave and smart...

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Teacher: Zhidkova Inga Evgenievna Subject literature Class 7 Lesson topic: “I love you, Peter’s creation...” (Based on the poem by A.S. Pushkin “The Bronze Horseman”). Glorification of the deeds of Peter I. The image of the author in an excerpt from the poem.

“Zoshchenko and Teffi” - Prepare a report on the topic: Laughter is a weapon of satire. Cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois. (1895 - 1958). Means of verbal expression of satire and humor. Teffi Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Lokhvitskaya. The absurdity of what is happening is combined with vernacular, jargon, and verbal puns. Humor-...Affordable to the poor. Conclusion.

“M. Zoshchenko” - Zoshchenko was endowed with absolute pitch and brilliant memory. At the turn of the 20s and 30s, Zoshchenko’s literary affairs were going quite well. I perceived it as the other side of the coin. Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko. Zoshchenko, while writing his stories, chuckled himself. No, Zoshchenko did not equate himself with Gogol.

"Mikhail Zoshchenko" - Occupations and professions. Zoshchenko Mikhail Mikhailovich. The books sold out with lightning speed. The postman brought stacks of letters, they called me on the phone, and they harassed me on the streets. Success in literature. About creativity. Zoshchenko's cheerfulness allowed him to imbue his works with laughter. Timeliness of writing stories.

“Zoshchenko’s Lesson” - Of course, it’s not difficult to lose a galosh on a train. Our motto. “intelligent” Find errors in sentences. Marathon. “You give me, I give you...” Brain ring. A very richly dressed man ran up to me. Replace one letter and get a new word. “Main points from the biography of M.M. Zoshchenko." Remember the names of the heroes of Zoshchenko's stories.

"Zoshchenko" - In the last century! In the old days, architects were called architects. Alexey Fedorovich at work. Zoshchenko's first book was published in 1921. Zoshchenko not only does not hide morality in his stories. Ruined my heart." “It's a wonderful life. The drawings of M. Skobelev look completely different. There has also been confusion over the years.

“Zoshchenko Life and Collar” - Retell the texts and answer the questions after the story. A satirical and ironic story about the past and present. Find episodes that show the absurdity of what is happening. Teffi “Life and Collar”, M.M. Zoshchenko “Case History”. In 1913 he graduated from high school in St. Petersburg. Light - 2010 Read the biography, the story of M.A. Osorgin “Pince-nez”.

Literary reading lesson “Stories by M.M. Zoshchenko for children"

UMK Harmony

Teacher Gorshkova Irina Vyacheslavovna








Start of the journey



Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko (1894 - 1958) Born on July 29 (August 9), 1894 in St. Petersburg in the family of an artist. There were 8 children in the family.

In 1915, during the First World War, Zoshchenko went to the front.

Was a platoon commander, warrant officer and battalion commander

Misha Zoshchenko

Museum-apartment M.M. Zoshchenko

Misha with his sisters Elena and Valentina

The uniqueness of this museum is that in the writer’s office all the things are original.








Presentation of stories by M.M. Zoshchenko

"Great Travelers"

“...We will go straight and straight, crossing mountains and deserts. And we will go straight until we come back here, even if it took us a whole year...”

Determine the title of the story

"Gold words"

“...When I was little, I really loved having dinner with adults. And my sister Lelya also loved such dinners no less than me ... "

Determine the title of the story

“...And Lelya was such a tall, long-knitted girl. And she could reach high. She stood on her tiptoes and began to eat the second lozenge with her big mouth...”

Determine the title of the story

"Do not lie"

“- Come on, give me your diary here! I'll put a unit there for you. And I cried, because it was my first unit and I still didn’t know what happened…”

Determine the title of the story

"The most important"

“From now on, mom, I decided to be a brave person. And with these words Andryusha went into the yard for a walk. And in the yard the boys were playing football. These boys usually offended Andryusha.

And he was afraid of them like fire. And he always ran away from them. But today…"






Determine what type of literature the works belong to

"Gold words"



"Do not lie"

"Great Travelers"

"The most important"

Find sentences in the text,

that express the main idea of ​​the story offered to you.

Find sentences in the text,

“...And in all these thirty-five years, I, children, have never again eaten someone else’s apple and never once hit someone who is weaker than me. And now the doctors say that that’s why I’m so relatively cheerful and good-natured.”

Find sentences in the text,

that express the main idea of ​​the story

"Do not lie"

“...The fact that you admitted this made me extremely happy. You confessed something that could have remained unknown for a long time. And this gives me hope that you won’t lie anymore...”

Find sentences in the text,

that express the main idea of ​​the story

"Gold words"

Find sentences in the text,

that express the main idea of ​​the story

"Great Travelers"

“It’s not enough to know geography and the multiplication table. To go on a trip around the world, you must have a higher education of five courses. You need to know everything that is taught there, including cosmography. And those who set off on a long journey without this knowledge come to sad results that are worthy of regret.”

Find sentences in the text,

that express the main idea of ​​the story

"The most important"

“Everything must be done taking into account the changed situation. And you need to write these words in golden letters in your heart. Otherwise it will be absurd.”

Find sentences in the text,

that express the main idea of ​​the story

"The most important"

“You need to know a lot. And in order to know a lot, you need to study. He who studies becomes smart. And whoever is smart must be brave. And everyone loves and respects the brave and smart.

What do M.M.’s stories teach us? Zoshchenko, whom we learned about today?

What stories by M.M. Zoshchenko, do you still know about Lela and Minka?”

“No, I may not have managed to become very good. It is very difficult. But this, children, is what I have always strived for.”

Plan – summary of an open reading lesson on the topic:
“The most important thing” M. Zoshchenko

teacher of 1st qualification category

GBOU secondary school No. 000

Topic: Mikhail Zoshchenko. "The most important".

The purpose of the lesson: analysis of the work of art by M. Zoshchenko “The Most Important Thing.”

Lesson objectives.

1. Subject : learn to characterize a hero, analyze a text, learn expressive reading and role-based reading; learn to determine the theme and main idea of ​​the story;

2. Metasubject:

Cognitive : be able to conduct a study of the text read, select the necessary information from the text;

- regulatory ; learn to set a learning task together with the teacher based on learned and new material; develop skills of self-control - mutual control;

Communication: the ability to integrate into a small group of peers and build productive interaction; learn to master monologue and dialogic forms of speech; defend your point of view, give reasons for it.

3. Personal: developing the ability to evaluate the content of a fictional story and the actions of literary characters based on personal values;

Equipment: portrait of M. Zoshchenko, exhibition of his books; Dictionary; handouts on the desk; task card; interactive board;

1.Organizing children for class .

We have guests, say hello.

Check your readiness for the lesson: textbook, diary, pencil case, handouts.
What task did you prepare for the lesson? (We should have read M. Zoshchenko’s story “The Most Important Thing”).

Let's check your homework.

Match the illustration with the point of the plan in accordance with the plot of the story (work in pairs)(Appendix 1)

Check your results (answers on the board)

Evaluate your work based on the assessment criteria. (Criteria on the board)

2.Message of the topic of the lesson. Setting a goal.

Let's continue working on the piece.

What tasks should (can) be set for the lesson?

We will analyze

Highlight the main idea

Define a theme

3. Working with text.

Open your textbook to page 122.

Your answers support with quotes from the text.

What was the boy Andryusha like?

Why was Andryusha’s mother sad?

What did Andryusha say to the boys in the yard? What happened next?

Evaluate the boys' actions. Have you ever had such a situation?

Could this happen to you too? How to avoid this?

Why did Andryusha quietly take the stick? What words made him do this?

What did the boy say to the dog? Didn't he want to show strength?

How did Andryusha sail in the boat? (lack of knowledge and rowing skills)

How do you feel about Andryusha? What advice would you give him?

Did Andryusha understand that the most important thing is to be strong and brave?

(I will learn everything)

What words can express the main idea of ​​the work?

Complete the task on the card.

(The couple chooses the level they can complete)(add.2)

Level 1

Which proverbs most fully reflect the main idea of ​​the story. Emphasize.

Level 2

Insert the necessary words instead of dots.

Who chose the first level? Let's check. (Students read out their answers, correctly chosen proverbs are put on the board).

Who completed the level 2 task? Read the proposals received.

Let's conclude: the one who studies means he knows a lot and can apply his knowledge in different life situations.

Let's return to the proverbs. Explain one of the proverbs, proving with your experience what happened to you and how knowledge helped you.

4. Physical education minute ( standing).
Along the path, along the path
We jump on the right leg (jumping on the right leg).
Along the path, along the path
We jump on the left leg (jumping on the left leg).
Let's run along the path,
Let's run to the lawn (running in place)
On the lawn, on the lawn
We'll jump like bunnies (jumping in place on both legs)
Stop. Let's rest a little
And we’ll go home on foot (walking in place)

5. - Find in the text the moment when Andryusha went out into the yard to the boys, and read the passage by role.

Students role-play a passage from the text.

6. Creative work

Make a syncwine: with the keyword “Andryusha”.

Basic diagram for compiling a syncwine

7. Game “IDEAL” (work in groups).

Let's do a good deed: let's help Andryusha Ryzhenky correct the situation.

Remember what was the reason for Andryusha’s failures?

AND I wonder what the problem is? ( What should a hero do to become brave, strong and smart?.)

D Let's find as many ways to solve the problem as possible!

E is there any good solution?

A Now let's make a choice!

L I'm curious how to implement this in practice?

Conclusion: What life experience do we gain in this game? What does this game teach? (We learn to find a way out of difficult and unpleasant situations without upsetting anyone and maintaining peace and harmony).

7. Reflection

Let's summarize the lesson. Calculate the points you received on your self-assessment card. Using a mark scale, evaluate your work in class.

8-9 points – mark “5”

6-7 points – mark “4”

4-5 points – “3”

8. Homework

1. Tell the situation on behalf of Andryusha.

2. Draw an illustration for the passage you like (optional)

Annex 1

Criteria for assessing text analysis

(Underline whatever applicable)

Job No.

Full name of students working in pairs

Ivanov I.

Sidorov V.


3 points

2 points

1 point– I couldn’t handle it myself;

3 points– I put forward ideas, I had no difficulties;

2 points– I only listened to the statements of others;

1 point– I couldn’t handle it myself;


3 points

2 points– 1-2 mistakes were made;

1 point– more than 2 mistakes were made;

3 points– the task was completed correctly;

2 points– 1-2 mistakes were made;

1 point– more than 2 mistakes were made;


3 points– the task was completed correctly;

2 points– 1-2 mistakes were made;

1 point– more than 2 mistakes were made;

3 points– the task was completed correctly;

2 points– 1-2 mistakes were made;

1 point– more than 2 mistakes were made;

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