Yellow skin nationality. People with different skin colors

We constantly hear that Russians are not a people united by blood, related by blood, but a conglomerate of people united by a common culture and territory. Everyone remembers Putin’s catchphrases “There are no pure Russians!” and “scratch every Russian, you will certainly find a Tatar.”

They say that we are “very different in blood”, “we did not sprout from the same root”, but were a melting pot for the Tatar, Caucasian, German, Finnish, Buryat, Mordovian and other peoples who have ever raided, entered, strayed onto our land, and we received them all, let them into the house, took them into our family.

This has become almost an axiom among politicians who are blurring the concept of Russian, and at the same time for everyone it has become an entrance ticket to the environment of the Russian people.

This approach, raised to the flag by numerous Russophobic a la “human rights” organizations and Russian Russophobic media outlets, has filled the airwaves. But, sooner or later, Putin and others like him will have to answer for their words of humiliation of the Russian people. The scientists' verdict is merciless:

1) In 2009, a complete “reading” (sequencing) of the genome of a representative of the Russian ethnic group was completed. That is, the sequence of all six billion nucleotides in the Russian human genome has been determined. His entire genetic makeup is now in full view.

(The human genome consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes: 23 from the mother, 23 from the father. Each chromosome contains one DNA molecule formed by a chain of 50-250 million nucleotides. The genome of a Russian man was sequenced. The decoding of the Russian genome was carried out on the basis of the National Research center "Kurchatov Institute", on the initiative of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" Mikhail Kovalchuk. According to information received from the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Kurchatov Institute spent approximately 20 million dollars on the purchase of sequencing equipment alone. National Research The Kurchatov Institute center has a recognized scientific status in the world.)

It is known that this is the seventh deciphered genome beyond the Ural ridge: before that there were Yakuts, Buryats, Chinese, Kazakhs, Old Believers, Khanty. That is, all the prerequisites for the first ethnic map of Russia have been created. But all of these were, so to speak, composite genomes: pieces assembled after deciphering the genetic material of different representatives of the same population.

The complete genetic portrait of a particular Russian man is only the eighth in the world. Now there is someone to compare Russians with: an American, an African, a Korean, a European...

“We did not find any noticeable Tatar additions in the Russian genome, which refutes theories about the destructive influence of the Mongol yoke,” emphasizes the head of the genomic direction at the Kurchatov Institute Research Center, academician Konstantin Scriabin. -Siberians are genetically identical to Old Believers, they have one Russian genome. There are no differences between the genomes of Russians and Ukrainians - one genome. Our differences with the Poles are negligible.”

Academician Konstantin Scriabin believes that “in five to six years a genetic map of all peoples of the world will be drawn up - this is a decisive step towards understanding the susceptibility of any ethnic group to medicines, diseases and products.” Feel what it costs... Americans in the 1990s gave the following estimates: the cost of sequencing one nucleotide is $1; according to other sources - up to 3-5 dollars.

(Sequencing (reading the genetic code) of mitochondrial DNA and the DNA of the human Y chromosome is the most advanced DNA analysis method to date. Mitochondrial DNA is passed down through the female line from generation to generation almost unchanged since the time when “the ancestor of mankind, Eve "came down from the tree in East Africa. And the Y chromosome is present only in men and therefore is also passed on to male offspring practically unchanged, while all other chromosomes, when transmitted from father and mother to their children, are shuffled by nature, like a deck of cards before being dealt. Thus , in contrast to indirect signs (appearance, body proportions), sequencing of mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome DNA indisputably and directly indicate the degree of relatedness of people.)

2) Outstanding anthropologist, researcher of human biological nature, A.P. Bogdanov wrote at the end of the 19th century: “We often use expressions: this is purely Russian beauty, this is the spitting image of a hare, a typically Russian face. One can be convinced that it is not something fantastic, but something real that lies in this general expression Russian physiognomy. In each of us, in the sphere of our “unconscious”, there is a fairly definite concept of the Russian type” (A.P. Bogdanov, “Anthropological physiognomy.” M., 1878).

A hundred years later, and now the modern anthropologist V. Deryabin, using the latest method of mathematical multidimensional analysis of mixed characteristics, comes to the same conclusion: “The first and most important conclusion is to state the significant unity of Russians throughout Russia and the impossibility of identifying even the corresponding regional types, clearly limited from each other” (“Questions of Anthropology.” Issue 88, 1995). How is this Russian anthropological unity expressed, the unity of hereditary genetic characteristics expressed in the appearance of a person, in the structure of his body?

First of all, hair color and eye color, the shape of the skull structure. According to these characteristics, we Russians differ from both European peoples and Mongoloids. And we cannot be compared with Negroes and Semites at all, the differences are too striking. Academician V.P. Alekseev proved a high degree of similarity in the structure of the skull among all representatives of the modern Russian people, while clarifying that the “Proto-Slavic type” is very stable and has its roots in the Neolithic era, and possibly the Mesolithic. According to the calculations of the anthropologist Deryabin, light eyes (gray, gray-blue, light blue and blue) are found in 45 percent of Russians, while in Western Europe only 35 percent are light-eyed. Dark, black hair is found in five percent of Russians, and in 45 percent of the population of foreign Europe. The popular opinion about the “snub nose” of Russians is also not confirmed. 75 percent of Russians have a straight nose profile.

Conclusion of anthropologists:
“Russians in their racial composition are typical Caucasians, who, according to most anthropological characteristics, occupy a central position among the peoples of Europe and are distinguished by slightly lighter pigmentation of their eyes and hair. One should also recognize the significant unity of the Russian racial type throughout European Russia.”
“A Russian is a European, but a European with physical characteristics unique to him. These signs make up what we call a typical hare.”

Anthropologists have seriously scratched the Russians, and there is no Tatar, that is, a Mongoloid, in the Russians. One of the typical signs of a Mongoloid is the epicanthus - a Mongolian fold at the inner corner of the eye. In typical Mongoloids, this fold occurs in 95 percent; in a study of eight and a half thousand Russians, such a fold was found in only 12 people, and in its rudimentary form.

Another example. Russians literally have special blood - the predominance of groups 1 and 2, which is evidenced by many years of practice at blood transfusion stations. Among Jews, for example, the predominant blood group is 4, and the negative Rh factor is more common. During biochemical studies of blood, it turned out that Russians, like all European peoples, are characterized by a special gene RN-c, this gene is practically absent in Mongoloids (O.V. Borisova “Polymorphism of erythrocyte acid phosphatase in various population groups of the Soviet Union.” “Questions of Anthropology ". Issue 53, 1976).

It turns out that no matter how you scratch a Russian, you still won’t find a Tatar or anyone else in him. This is confirmed by the encyclopedia “Peoples of Russia”, in the chapter “Racial Composition of the Population of Russia” it is noted: “Representatives of the Caucasoid race make up more than 90 percent of the country’s population and about 9 percent more are representatives of forms mixed between Caucasoids and Mongoloids. The number of pure Mongoloids does not exceed 1 million people.” (“Peoples of Russia”. M., 1994).

It is easy to calculate that if there are 84 percent Russians in Russia, then all of them are exclusively people of the European type. The peoples of Siberia, the Volga region, the Caucasus, and the Urals represent a mixture of European and Mongolian races. This was beautifully expressed by anthropologist A.P. Bogdanov in the 19th century, studying the peoples of Russia, he wrote, refuting from his far, far away today’s myth that the Russians poured foreign blood into their people during the eras of invasions and colonization:

“Perhaps many Russians married natives and became sedentary, but the majority of the primitive Russian colonizers throughout Rus' and Siberia were not like that. They were a trading, industrial people, who cared about organizing themselves according to their own, in accordance with the ideal of well-being they had created for themselves. And this ideal of the Russian person is not at all such that he can easily twist his life with some kind of “trash,” just as even now Russian people often dishonor the non-religious. He will do business with him, will be affectionate and friendly with him, will become friendly with him in everything, except to become related, to introduce a foreign element into his family. For this, ordinary Russian people are still strong, and when it comes to the family, to the roots of their home, then they have a kind of aristocracy. Often villagers of different tribes live in the same neighborhood, but marriages between them are rare.”

For thousands of years, the Russian physical type remained stable and unchanged, and was never a cross between different tribes that at times inhabited our land. The myth is dispelled, we must understand that the call of blood is not an empty phrase, that our national idea of ​​the Russian type is the reality of the Russian breed. We must learn to see this breed, admire it, appreciate it in our near and distant Russian relatives. And then, perhaps, our Russian appeal to complete strangers, but our own people for us - father, mother, brother, sister, son and daughter - will be revived. After all, we are actually all from a single root, from one clan - the Russian clan.

3) Anthropologists were able to identify the appearance of a typical Russian person. To do this, they had to transfer to a single scale all the photographs from the photo library of the Museum of Anthropology with full-face and profile images of typical representatives of the population of the Russian regions of the country and, combining them by the pupils of the eyes, superimpose them on each other. The final photographic portraits turned out, naturally, blurry, but they gave an idea of ​​the appearance of the standard Russian people. This was the first truly sensational discovery. After all, similar attempts by French scientists led to a result that they had to hide from the citizens of their country: after thousands of combinations from the resulting photographs of the reference Jacques and Marianne, gray faceless ovals of faces were seen. Such a picture, even among the most distant Frenchmen from anthropology, could raise an unnecessary question: is there even a French nation?

Unfortunately, anthropologists did not go beyond creating photographic portraits of typical representatives of the Russian population of different regions of the country and did not superimpose them on each other in order to obtain the appearance of an absolute Russian person. In the end, they were forced to admit that such a photo could get them into trouble at work. By the way, “regional” sketches of Russian people were published in the general press only in 2002, and before that they were published in small editions only in scientific publications for specialists. Now you can judge for yourself how similar they are to the typical cinematic Ivanushka and Marya.

Unfortunately, mostly black and white old archival photographs of the faces of Russian people do not allow us to convey the height, build, color of skin, hair and eyes of a Russian person. However, anthropologists have created a verbal portrait of Russian men and women. They are of average build and average height, light brown-haired with light eyes - gray or blue. By the way, during the research a verbal portrait of a typical Ukrainian was also obtained. The standard Ukrainian differs from the Russian only in the color of his skin, hair and eyes - he is a dark brunette with regular facial features and brown eyes. A snub nose turned out to be absolutely uncharacteristic of an Eastern Slav (found in only 7% of Russians and Ukrainians); this feature is more typical for Germans (25%).

4) In 2000, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research allocated approximately half a million rubles from state budget funds for the study of the gene pool of the Russian people. It is impossible to implement a serious program with such funding. But this was more of a landmark decision than just a financial decision, indicating a change in the country’s scientific priorities. For the first time in Russian history, scientists from the Laboratory of Human Population Genetics of the Medical Genetics Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, who received a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, were able to focus entirely on studying the gene pool of the Russian people, rather than small nations, for three years. And limited funding only spurred their ingenuity. They supplemented their molecular genetic research with an analysis of the frequency distribution of Russian surnames in the country. This method was very cheap, but its information content exceeded all expectations: a comparison of the geography of surnames with the geography of genetic DNA markers showed their almost complete coincidence.

Unfortunately, interpretations of family analysis that appeared in the media after the first publication of data in a specialized scientific journal could create a false impression about the goals and results of the scientists’ enormous work. The project leader, Doctor of Sciences Elena Balanovskaya, explained that the main thing was not that the surname Smirnov turned out to be more common among Russian people than Ivanov, but that for the first time a complete list of truly Russian surnames was compiled by region of the country. First, lists were compiled for five conditional regions - Northern, Central, Central-Western, Central-Eastern and Southern. In total, across all regions there were about 15 thousand Russian surnames, most of which were found only in one of the regions and were absent in others. When superimposing regional lists on top of each other, scientists identified a total of 257 so-called “all-Russian surnames.” It is interesting that at the final stage of the study they decided to add surnames of residents of the Krasnodar Territory to the list of the Southern region, expecting that the predominance of Ukrainian surnames of the descendants of the Zaporozhye Cossacks evicted here by Catherine II would significantly reduce the all-Russian list. But this additional restriction reduced the list of all-Russian surnames by only 7 units - to 250. Which led to the obvious and not pleasant conclusion for everyone that Kuban is populated mainly by Russian people. Where did the Ukrainians go and were they even here at all is a big question.

Over the course of three years, participants in the “Russian Gene Pool” project walked around almost the entire European territory of the Russian Federation with a syringe and a test tube and made a very representative sample of Russian blood.

However, cheap indirect methods of studying the genetics of the Russian people (by surnames and dermatoglyphics) were only auxiliary for the first study in Russia of the gene pool of the titular nationality. His main molecular genetic results are available in the monograph “Russian Gene Pool” (Luch Publishing House). Unfortunately, due to a lack of government funding, scientists had to carry out part of the research together with foreign colleagues, who imposed a moratorium on many results until joint publications were published in the scientific press. Nothing prevents us from describing these data in words. Thus, according to the Y chromosome, the genetic distance between Russians and Finns is 30 conventional units. And the genetic distance between Russian people and the so-called Finno-Ugric peoples (Mari, Vepsians, etc.) living on the territory of the Russian Federation is 2-3 units. Simply put, genetically they are almost identical. The results of mitochondrial DNA analysis show that the Russians from the Tatars are at the same genetic distance of 30 conventional units that separates us from the Finns, but between the Ukrainians from Lviv and the Tatars the genetic distance is only 10 units. And at the same time, the Ukrainians from the left bank of Ukraine are genetically as close to the Russians as the Komi-Zyrians, Mordovians and Maris.

Color symbols in Slavic mythology

The Slavs were very responsible when choosing one color or another in their lives. The Slavs chose certain colors for everyday life, and others for religious and ritual purposes. The costume was also made in accordance with one’s gender, social status and even mood.

In Slavic mythology, colors also have clear meanings.

But all this variety of color meanings is quite simple to arrange in a logical chain, and all the ambiguity and interestingness of interpretations of this or that color immediately begins to emerge.

The researcher of the worldview of the ancient Slavs, M.V. Popovich, studied a little about color symbols. We are interested not only in the color symbols used in clothing by the ancient Russians, but also in the color symbolism used in myths, epics, and fairy tales.

White color is the sun, air, insight, purity, innocence, purity, holiness, sacredness, salvation, spiritual power. Winter. This color represents daylight hours. Time for work and good deeds.

White color is absolute freedom from all obstacles, freedom for all possibilities. White is also a solution to problems, a new beginning.

Belbog was present in the pantheon of gods as the personification of all light forces.

The symbol of Svyatovit is white. This is due to the fact that Belbog and Svyatovit in tradition are the same force, only in different incarnations, and accordingly they have the same meaning.

Phrases are often found in myths: “white tent” - to designate the Slavic army, “white hands” - to dissociate the Slav from the Pecheneg. The epithet of the Danube River is “white river”. Also, the epithet “white” is associated with “living water.” The “white duck” is always a positive hero in a fairy tale, going back to the ancestor duck from the myth of the creation of the myth. “White birch” is a constant epithet in mythology for one of the Slavic sacred trees.

“Bel is a flammable stone” (Alatyr) – in mythology a sacred, pure place.

“White stone chambers” are a clean, bright, safe living place.

In the folk calendar, “white” days are Maslenitsa days among the Serbs and Macedonians (“white week”); holy days (when there is no fasting) in Serbia and Pomerania (“white days”); Holy Week for Ukrainians and Belarusians (Biliy Tyzhden, Biyela Nyadelya); Holy Saturday among Croats, Slovenes, Czechs and Slovaks (“White Saturday”).

The white shirt was used by the Slavs for religious and ritual purposes, for example, before a battle they dressed under chain mail or without it, just on a clean body.

Black appears almost universally as the color of negative forces and sad events. Black color is also a negation of earthly vanity and splendor.

Black, as the antagonist of white, expresses the idea of ​​“nothing”, nothing like absolute refusal, like death or like “no” in militant protest (like a concentrated clot of aggressive persistence). Black color symbolizes night. This is the time of dark forces. This is the time of sleep, temporary non-existence.

The most specific and unambiguous symbolism has the black color, which is associated with darkness, earth, death (acts as a sign of mourning; cf.: in families where there was mourning, Easter eggs were painted black or other dark colors - green, purple, blue) .

The characters of the Pekelny world are usually black in color (they also appear in the form of a black animal or object): bannik, ovinnik, field spirit “uselnitsa” (Russian). Wolfhound turns into a black horse (Serbian), vampires torture people by turning into a black chicken (Slovenian), witches turn into a black cat, dog, pig (O.Slav.). The appearance of a black animal after the death of the sorcerer is evidence that Viy (Serb.) came out of him.

In magical practice (apotropaic, love, healing), black objects were used, for example: a knife in a black sheath as protection from fright (Serb.), from pestilence (Slovenian); a black thorn thorn was driven under the nail of a dead man so that he would not walk (Serb.); the bone of a black dog scared away the veštica (Serbian); a black chicken was carried around crops to prevent hail (Serb.)

The symbol of Chernobog is black. He personifies the totality of all the dark forces of the Pekel kingdom.

In mythology, black epithets meant: “Black Army” - the enemy army, “Black River” - the one that brings death, “Black Stone” - the entrance to the Pekel kingdom, “Black Raven” - the harbinger of death, etc.

“Black Velvet”, “Black Sables” - the black color here acts as an indicator of the character’s wealth and stature.

Protective braid, as well as black clothing, was not used in ritual activities. In everyday life, she had no symbolic color.

In general, the color red is considered aggressive, vital and full of strength, akin to fire and denoting both love and life-and-death struggle. It is also the color of the sun (Vladimir Red Sun). Red color in Rus' is synonymous with beauty. Red color is blood - a symbol of life, but at the same time a symbol of death.

Bogatyrs in Rus' usually preferred red clothes (pants, boots, caftan, cloak, etc., only the shirt is usually white) hence the epic “red is well done”, and in the meaning “red maidens” - beautiful.

Red - The color of life, fire, fertility, health and at the same time - chthonic characters (red clothes or hats are worn by a brownie, a merman, shulikuns; red eyes, teeth, hair are worn by a witch, shulikuns, mermaids). Particularly significant in folk beliefs are the red thread, red cloth, and red (Easter) egg, which are endowed with protective properties and are used as a talisman.

The color of Yarila, the sun, red is primarily associated with spring, fertility, life and, of course, the spring sun that revives nature to life.

“Spring is red” - in epics and fairy tales it means the arrival of the Spring sun Yarila.

The choice of red clothing characterizes the fact that the owner is confident in himself.

Blue is the color most often seen as a symbol of all things spiritual. Unlike the energetic color red, blue has a “restraining” effect and makes most people thoughtful. This is the color of wisdom. Infinity, eternity, truth, devotion, faith, purity, chastity, spiritual and intellectual life. The blue color of the sky is the calmest and least “material” of all colors.

The color blue is associated with “dead water.” The mysterious “blue lightning” and “blue wine” also have a symbolic meaning and are associated with the Cumans. The black clouds coming from the sea are hordes of Polovtsians advancing on the Russians, and the blue lightning is the sparkling Polovtsian sabers. Blue is the color of the sea. “Deep blue sea” - there is a miracle there - the Yudo fish whale.

Buyan Island. And this epithet means thoughtful, wise infinity.

Blue braid on shirts is used by people who have embarked on the path of spiritual self-improvement.

Green color is ambiguous in meaning. It is life in bright green and death expressed in a deathly grey-green fluorescent light. Youth, hope and joy, but at the same time change, impermanence and jealousy. Green is spring, reproduction, joy, confidence, nature, paradise, abundance, prosperity, peace.

Green denoted the Tree of the World. It is also the color of the devil. But the most important thing is the symbol of the Forest. Also, the symbol of a sown field and young shoots was always painted in green.

The color green correlates with vegetation, variability, immaturity, and has productive symbolism (for the Serbs, the predominance of green in the rainbow means the harvest of cereals; in the Rhodope Mountains, evergreens were used at engagements and weddings).

At the same time, the green color is an attribute of a “foreign” space where evil spirits live: in South Slavic conspiracies on the “green mountain”, “green grass”, “green tree”, evil spirits are expelled. The color green characterizes the characters of folk mythology: green hair on the goblin, mermaid, and merman; water green; Leshys, mermaids, pitchforks, and mermen have green eyes.

“Green garden” - in mythology it is usually used in the metaphorical meaning of “blooming life”.

“Green Wilderness” - usually this phrase is close in meaning to “In the distant kingdom”, that is, very far away.

“Green wine” is a bready young wine. Close in semantic meaning to “green snake” is strong intoxication to the point of hallucination.

In Belarus, green color predominates in national clothing.

Symbol of evergreen nature.

Yellow (gold)

Yellow is the light of the sun, intelligence, intuition, faith, honey. Dark yellow means betrayal, betrayal, jealousy, ambition, stinginess, secrecy, deception, disbelief, theft. Golden yellow is a symbol of the sun and divinity. This is the color of Nobility and dignity.

Gold is an image of light, it symbolizes the light of the sun and in connection with this is an attribute of Russian princes. The sun, gold, Russian princes - they all emit light: the sun is “bright” and “three-bright”.

The color yellow also has a negative meaning; it is often interpreted as a symbol of death (the appearance of a yellow spot on the hand foreshadows death; eggs intended for commemoration are painted yellow). Mythological characters are characterized by yellow hair (the brownie, female forest spirits - “povitruli”); The soul of a woman can turn into a yellow butterfly. Plants with yellow flowers (roots, juice) and yellow objects are used in the treatment of “yellow” diseases (jaundice, fever).

The color symbol of Dazhbog is gold. This is due to the fact that Dazhbog is an image of the small solstice (day). Many artists depict it in golden tones.

"Yellow curls" are used in mythology to designate a character as a Slav.

The choice of clothes in yellow tones characterizes freedom. M.V. Popovich believes that in clothing the color gold is associated with the idea of ​​sacredness, with splendor and glory. White is close to gold as its semantic nuance.

Silver is the color of moderation, the color of old age, knowledge and wisdom acquired over many years. Many attributes of the Magi were made of silver, thereby emphasizing their significance, and they characterize the owner in an appropriate way. They silvered Perun's beard, that is, they aged him.

Silver has a powerful disinfecting property, so the Slavs, well aware of this property, used silverware.

Silver is the metal of the goddess Lelya. It symbolizes love, which, by definition, is true and, accordingly, wise.

According to legend, creatures who were inherently Dasun were afraid of silver weapons.

Magi often wore silver braid on their clothes during holidays.

It is a neutral color with a subtle beauty. The color of inconspicuousness, secrecy. Gray goes almost as well with other colors as black or white, but is often more expressive. The color of undyed linen. The Slavs wore such clothes in everyday life, and it was not scary to get dirty, and it was not noticeable. This color of clothing emphasized everyday life.

In mythology, the epithet “gray” can be given to both a hare and a wolf.

On the one hand, there is a cowardly animal, and on the other, a predator, and both are given the same epithet. This is due to the ability of animals to merge with the world around them.

Gray is the color of Stribog. It most accurately characterizes the neutrality and color invisibility of the wind.

Gray colors in clothes are preferred by those who are characterized by increased sensitivity or rudeness.

Blue - day, sky, life.

Svarog is sky blue. Everything is clear here, Svarog is the prince of heaven.

The choice of clothing in a Blue tone characterizes the fact that a person has achieved satisfaction or strives not to stand out. Girls often use blue colors in their outfits.

The blue color of the eyes made the Slavs stand out from other nations.


It was associated among the Slavs, first of all, with Mother Raw Earth - the wet nurse. Cheese's Mother Earth gives and takes away life. And the second, no less important image associated with this color is the brown bear, which is included in the circle of cult totem animals of the Slavic people. Often, Slavic knights were personified with this beast.

This color was rarely used in clothing and therefore did not acquire clear symbolism.

Introduction | Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Conclusion | | List of illustrations | List of abbreviations

Chapter I. Fabric as a thing and a sign in Russian traditional culture

§2. Semantics of color

Color is one of the characteristics of an object. For a modern person, a change in color does not mean a change in the essence of an object in most cases, however, there are exceptions: black mourning clothes, a white wedding dress, blue clothes for a boy and pink for a girl, etc. All of the above examples refer to the colors of clothing. These symbolic expressions of the purpose of certain things appeared in our culture relatively recently, some of them have no roots in it and came from outside, but their influence is quite strong, so strong that, when faced with a deviation from the rules, a person is perplexed. It is fair to assume that if the color of our far from traditional clothing, and perhaps some other things, is important to us today, then the symbolism of color in folk culture is quite important. Thus, color is a sign that receives a symbolic interpretation in folk culture.

The Russians used fabrics of a wide variety of colors, dyeing them with white, black, blue, red, and yellow dyes. The most significant are the oppositions of white and black (light and dark), correlated with the oppositions life/death, good/bad, etc., as well as the triad white-red-black. The symbolism of each of these colors is ambiguous; they often have directly opposite interpretations.

White color, white - in folk culture one of the main elements of color symbolism, contrasted primarily with black and red. White and black colors are at the polar points of the color spectrum, and their names and symbolism are antonymous. White color represents a generalized range of colors in light tones, as well as high color intensity, while black color generalizes dark colors and is associated with low color intensity or its absence. In addition, white represents the absence of color, it is neutral and can be turned into any other color and given any interpretation.

In the symbolic sphere, the correlation white/black (light/dark) can be included in an equivalent series with the pairs good/bad, male/female, living/dead, partly young/middle-aged (old), etc. A correlation between white/non-white is possible, and then the white color can mean sacredness, purity, fertility, light.

The mythological semantics of white color is most clearly manifested in fortune telling, omens, and beliefs. The semantic pair good/bad is identified in relation to the characteristics white/black in a series of signs associated with a butterfly or a sheep, bringing happiness or misfortune according to their color.

The idea of ​​the “kingdom of darkness” as an afterlife, opposed to the “white light,” is characteristic of all Slavs. A Vologda peasant, for example, believed that dead, unbaptized children live in “a dark place and do not see the white light.” White light is ours, “this” light, and it is opposed to “that”, not white light, just as day is opposed to night. White light, like white day, is motivated by the sign “clear, bright, clean.” A similar distinction is made between bad and good weather, predicted by the color of the cow walking ahead of the herd. Sunlight - and the sun itself - is white, so on the first day of the harvest, work must be completed before sunset so that the bread of the new harvest will be white.

The mythological connection of individual objects and phenomena is carried out according to the principle of similarity. So, sometimes the appearance of white moths or butterflies promises an abundance of milk. On the basis of similarity, some productive actions are also carried out: Belarusians placed a stone on a bed of cabbage and covered it with a white scarf so that the cabbage would be white as a scarf, and large and strong as a stone; the peasant put on a white shirt (women wore a headscarf) when going to sow wheat, “so that it would be clean and white, like a shirt,” flax. However, the Slavs were afraid of white things that could cause hail and frost: white things were not taken out into the yard or into the field on some holidays.

Many Indo-European peoples know white mourning. Russians traditionally announced death by hanging a white “plate” or towel on the hut, with which “the arriving dead person wiped away his tears for forty days.” In the Russian North, white funeral clothing is known; dressing deceased girls in white is associated with the funeral-wedding ritual. The image of a woman in white robes represented death. The phraseology “white death” is well known; in some conspiracies, the sick person is called white, and the healthy person is called red. Ryazan peasants believed that picking white flowers in a dream was a sign of a dead person. Death was foreshadowed in a dream by white geese, horses, goats; illness - a girl in white seen in a dream.

White clothes are typical for spirits and mythological characters. Belun is sometimes called a brownie, a white woman is a mermaid, and a huge white creature is a ghoul. Women performing some ritual roles were dressed all in white. Thus, almost all evil spirits dress in white, while the devil wears a black suit and is black himself. White animals and birds, especially rare or non-existent ones, are considered special, witchcraft or kings over their relatives. Treasures lying in the ground turn into white animals. At the same time, white color can protect against the evil eye and damage; Some (clean) days of fasting and holidays were considered white.

The most specific and unambiguous symbolism has the black color, which is associated with darkness, earth, death, and acts as a sign of mourning (in families where there was mourning, Easter eggs were painted black or other dark colors - green, blue, purple). Black characters are usually demonological characters (appearing in the form of a black animal or object): devil, banner, barn, field spirit. Black animal motifs are common: horse, chicken, cat and pig. The appearance of a black animal after the death of a sorcerer is evidence that the devil has emerged from him.

In magical practice, black objects and sacrificial animals were used. A knife in a black sheath protects against fright; a black thorn thorn was driven under the dead man’s nails “so that he would not walk”; A black chicken was carried around the crops to prevent hail and was sacrificed to the plague. The egg of a black chicken helped against night blindness, and the milk of a black cow extinguished a fire started by lightning.

Yellow color, yellowness is a sign endowed with a predominantly negative assessment in folk culture. The color yellow is often conceptualized as a symbol of death; In Slavic beliefs, the appearance of a yellow spot on the hand foreshadows death. Eggs intended for commemoration in Easter, Semitic and Trinity rites are painted yellow. On Easter, when commemorating the dead in cemeteries, they carried red and yellow eggs with them; In Semik, when cumming, girls, kissing through a wreath, give each other a yellow egg. In the “baptism of the cuckoo” ritual, participants in the nepotism ritual at the cemetery exchanged yellow eggs, broke them and left them on the graves. On Saturday, on the eve of Trinity Day, when they commemorated those who died a death other than their own and unbaptized children, eggs were painted not red, but yellow, and distributed to children. Yellow is one of the traditional epithets in the conspiracies of the Eastern Slavs. Plants with yellow flowers are used to treat “yellow” diseases (jaundice, etc.)” Yellow objects (scarves, rings, dishes), chickens with yellow legs, yellow butterflies are endowed with healing properties.

Yellow is rare in the color characteristics of mythological characters. Mythical creatures that lead souls to the “other world” appear in yellow tones, the brownie has yellow hair, one of the fevers is called yellow. Yellow circles appear on the grass where an old man “became a sorcerer” or the eldest woman in his family committed suicide with witches; sometimes the places of round dances and meals of mermaids are marked with yellowed, dried grass. Yellow, along with red, can act as a substitute for gold. In omens, yellow means misfortune, illness or death; whoever sees a yellow butterfly in the spring will be unhappy and in poor health this year.

In the Russian tradition, there is a perception of gold as a sign of chosenness, happiness and the highest court; a similar idea arose within the framework of the solar cult. Golden symbolism, pre-Christian in essence, functioned under conditions of gradual Christianization of culture, merging with religious concepts of retribution and retribution, good and evil. Gold is usually associated with a hero's test and is only received by a select few. Thus, gold objects are sacred in folklore. The mythology of pure, sacred, gold is manifested in conspiracies where the conspirator seeks heavenly protection; Thus, in a conspiracy for a good path, he imagines himself dressed in golden vestments, covered with a golden shroud.

Green color, green - in folk culture correlate with vegetation, variability, immaturity, youth. The perception of green color as shiny, shining, similar to gold and yellow is noted. Such ideas are especially typical for the southern Slavs.

The productive symbolism of the green color is manifested in spring and wedding rituals, for example, Trinity - green Christmastide, Trinity Week - green week. In wedding songs, images of green life, forest, and meadows are often found. In funeral and memorial rites, green acts as the color of the “other world.” Green eggs are known as a funeral meal among the Eastern Slavs. At Easter, eggs were painted green if there was a dead person in the house during the year; this procedure was designed to renew the life of the inhabitants of the house, cleanse them, and free them from the presence of the inanimate. Green color can be an attribute of a “foreign” space, where evil spirits live, where spirits are banished: a green mountain, etc. The color green is present in descriptions of chthonic creatures.

Red color, red - in folk culture one of the main elements of color symbolism, appearing in the opposition white/red, or in the triad white/red/black, where red is opposed to white as non-white, “colored”, “dark”. The symbolism of red is ambivalent. Red is the color of life, sun, fertility, health and the color of the other world, chthonic and demonic characters. The color red is endowed with protective properties and is used as a talisman. Particularly significant in folk ideas are the red thread, the red cloth, and the red egg.

The connection of red with fire is reflected in the language (let a red rooster fly), legends explaining the presence of red in the color of animals; Russian beliefs: about a red flying fiery snake (Russian North Siberia); about “a woman in a red cauldron” (personification of a fire; Russian North); about the fiery red field grass, which seems to people like a scattering of sparks (Vologda). The connection of red with blood is manifested in wedding symbolism; often a red belt is an integral part of the costume of an underage girl. The presence of fresh blood in the body of the “unclean dead” (ghoul, sorcerer) explains the red color of their faces.

The meaning of red as an extraordinary, exceptional color is determined by the evaluative semantics of red “beautiful, valuable, ceremonial.” According to popular beliefs, the main snake has a red crest (Russian North).

The productive semantics of red is realized in a wedding ceremony, in calendar and economic rituals, where it symbolizes abundance and fertility: for example, the last sheaf is tied with red yarn, thread or a scarf. During the first pasture, the cattle were hung with a bell on a red cord. In native rites, the color red acts as a symbol of life and health; the umbilical cord was tied with a red thread; it was believed that the red color of the newborn’s skin indicated his longevity. Funeral rituals express the symbolism of the color red as belonging to the “other world” and at the same time protecting against dangerous contact with the other world. The hands and feet of the deceased could be tied with red thread; Belarusians placed a red thread across the body of the deceased; often the headdress for the deceased was made of red material. The coffin was wrapped several times from end to end with red woolen thread; the pregnant woman tied the red thread on her finger when she went to say goodbye to the deceased. Sometimes on memorial days everything red was taken out of the house. During Rusal Week before Trinity Sunday, drowned people were commemorated by breaking red eggs on their graves. The color red (scarf, ribbon) is present in the East Slavic rites of “baptism” and funeral of the cuckoo.

The red color acts as a talisman; its semantics correlates with the apotropaic semantics of a colored object (the most significant are thread and wool) or a plant. They drew a magic circle with red paint, and on Easter they washed themselves with water in which a red egg or plant was placed. Red thread was widely used as an apotropaic and healing agent; it was tied to an arm or leg and left hanging on plant bushes. For pain in the joints, they tied their hands with red wool, threads, strips of fabric; it was believed that this would also protect against fever and fear. Red color can protect against snakes, mice, wolves; drive away evil spirits and bad weather.

Many mythological characters are marked in red: for example, a courtyard may look like a thick red snake. Witches and mermaids have red eyes; the skin of devils, mythical aliens; hair or hat of a brownie, mermaid, goblin; the goblin's dress and the brownie's shirt, the goblin's pants and the devil's scarf. "Women in red" are harbingers of misfortune.

Red in conspiracies is a constant epithet of mythical characters: red maiden, red horse. Everywhere among the Slavs, red thread and red plant seeds are used in love magic. When cattle go missing, they “take it” to the mermaids: bast shoes, onuchi, bread and salt are tied with a red ribbon and taken to the crossroads in the forest. In Christmas fortune-telling, a red ribbon symbolized the birth of a child. The predominance of red in the rainbow promises health and a good harvest, wealth. Red days in the folk calendar fall on Holy, Easter, and Fomina (Red Hill) weeks.

The combination of red-white is opposed to the combination of yellow-black in the meaning of life/death, light/darkness, health/illness. The combination of red and white is therefore typical for amulets. Red can also coexist with blue in the same meaning. The combination of red and black is typical for mythological characters and predominates in the costumes of mummers.

Within the framework of the Slavic tradition, it can be confidently stated that red is the dominant color in the semantic structure of the ritual. Marking in red is the most archaic and universal way of modeling ritual objects. This is clearly expressed in the functions of the red thread, the red belt, and the marking of ritual towels, the structure of which necessarily includes a red thread.

The semantics of red color is realized in the universal opposition white/black, which is transformed into a dynamic three-part structure white/red/black. This triad constitutes an invariant of color classification, on the basis of which a system of relations of color semantics in the traditional model of the world is built. The ritual meaning of the color red is ensured by its position as the middle member of the triad, marking boundaries in a system of binary oppositions. The intermediate position of red between white and black is identical to the position of shadow in the light/shadow/dark triad, where shadow is opposed to light, but at the same time does not coincide with darkness. This peculiar ambivalence of the red color forms the basis of its characteristics as a ritual symbol. In the time code day/morning (evening)/night, red corresponds to morning (evening), in the calendar cycle summer/spring (autumn)/winter, respectively, spring (autumn). In the spatial code, the red color corresponds to marginal zones: the threshold of a house, gates, fences - the essence of the boundaries of internal and external, one’s own and someone else’s space.

Thus, color is one of the features that determine the nature of an object. Color can determine the change in meaning of a thing; it is often more important than the name of the object, as, for example, in the case of a black cat. Using the example of the influence of color, one can see how the material qualities of an object “make” a sign, controlling its content.

© N.S. Koshubarova, 2003

Nationality is a set of character traits that have developed over centuries of history and external data that distinguish an individual from representatives of another nationality. It is noteworthy that people living in neighboring regions differ only slightly in national characteristics, while representatives of different continents differ radically. Such differences between nationalities turn into racial ones. Before determining a person’s nationality, you must know the basic characteristics in appearance by which you can distinguish representatives of different nationalities - hair and skin color, shape and shape of the nose, as well as eyes. Representatives of different nationalities also have speech differences, but they will not always allow one to determine a specific nationality, since half the world speaks English, not just the British.

National differences of Africans

The skin of Africans (or blacks) ranges in color from brown to black. Pure-blooded Africans will never have blue or gray eyes - only black or brown. The shape of the eyes can be either round or almond-shaped. The nose is slightly flattened, with wide nostrils. Representatives of the African continent have dark and, as a rule, curly hair, broad shoulders and long legs, and they are tall.

National differences of Chechens

Both Chechens and Ingushets have light skin. Eye color - brown or black, small eyes. Dark and thick hair, eyebrows fused on the bridge of the nose are distinctive features of Chechens, who also have a straight and large nose with a wide bridge. The height of representatives of this nationality is approximately average. The figure is proportional.

National differences of Georgians

Very often, belonging to a particular nationality can be determined by last name. For example, native Georgians have a surname ending in “dze”. Therefore, how to determine nationality by last name is written in the relevant literature. In addition to their surname, Georgians can be distinguished by their light skin, almond-shaped brown or black eyes, an elongated nose with a hump, and thick, pitch-black hair. Representatives of this nationality have a proportional figure; in terms of height, Georgians are usually tall people, and not only men, but also women.

National differences of Jews

Jews have light skin, often with freckles, protruding and round eyes, gray or brown in color, and they have a large nose with a downturned tip. As a rule, the edges of the nostrils of Jews are slightly raised upward. This nationality has either dark or red hair. If you need to identify a Jew from the male half of society, then take a closer look at his facial hair - it is often different in tone from that on his head. Jews are a short nation, so there are no tall people among them, and often men are characterized by below average height. The Jewish figure has a disproportionate structure - they have a wide pelvis and narrow shoulders.

National differences of Armenians

Before determining nationality by appearance, take a closer look at the eyes - perhaps an Armenian is standing in front of you if the person’s eyes are almond-shaped, wide-set, and brown in color. Armenians have fair skin and thick and curly hair. Especially in men, dense vegetation is observed throughout the body. Armenians have a long, hooked nose, medium to tall stature, and a proportional build.

National differences of the Chinese

In order to determine the nationality of a person, it is not necessary to see him in person, since you can determine the nationality from a photo. The Chinese nationality, the most numerous on our planet, is characterized by a small and narrow nose, slanted and wide-set eyes - they are black. The Chinese have yellowish or brownish skin color and short stature. The physique of representatives of this nationality is proportional. The hair of the Chinese is dark and coarse, straight, and there is practically no hair on the body of men.

National differences of the Tatars

Tatars have a yellowish skin tone and dark or red hair, and representatives of this nationality often begin to go bald at a young age. Their eyes are brown and narrow, as is their nose, which in profile practically does not protrude above the rest of their facial features. Therefore, the face of Tatars often appears flat. Proportional physique and average or below average height are the national differences of this nation.

We hope that this information has helped you in deciding the question of how to determine your nationality or the nationality of your friend or friend.

The Slavs call the Heavenly inhabitants -, and those Gods who live on Earth are called Asami (hence the image - As and Earth, i.e. God living on Earth). Until now, the best in their field are called Asami: ace pilot, ace driver, i.e. flies and drives like God.

Our country was called ASIA - Country of the Ases, and since our Ancestors lived, the abbreviation " RACE» – Clans of Ases of the Country of Ases. Therefore, the name “RACE” refers only to people with white skin color, there cannot be “black race”, “yellow race”, other peoples had their own names. When the Clans of the Aesir multiplied many times over, multiplied throughout the Earth, they became the Great Race, i.e. a large numerous people (great = big).

Relocation to Midgard-Earth

The Aesir flew to Midgard-Earth from space. During the Second Great Assa (the battle between the Light and Dark Forces), a large intergalactic ship of the type was damaged and stopped for repairs in, two Earths (planets) were already inhabited here: Oreya (Mars) and Deya (an asteroid belt remained), on them space navigation and communications stations were located. But closer to Whitemara was the unexplored Midgard-Earth, samples taken of air, land and water showed its suitability for life, and part of the crew landed on Midgard.

After the repairs, Vaitmara continued on her way (“The Gods returned to Heaven”), and some of the settlers remained to settle and ennoble Midgard-Earth, on which at that time there were no people, but only plants and animals. The continent on which our Ancestors settled was located at the North Pole and was divided into 4 parts by rivers. They named the continent DAARIA, i.e. "Gift to the Aryans", now better known under the Greek name Hyperborea. That is our Ancestors were the first to colonize Midgard-Earth, and people with different skin colors (red, yellow, black, green) appeared here much later, only about 40,000 years ago.

da'Aryans, x'Aryans, Rasen, Svyatorus

The crew of the Vaitmara consisted of representatives of the four Clans of the allied Lands: Da'Aryans, Kh'Aryans, Rasens, Svyatorus - these are people with white skin color, pure thoughts and pure Soul. The only difference between them is the color of their eyes (iris), since initially they lived in other star systems, and depending on what spectrum the Sun had, this iris color was deposited in the DNA.

Another feature is the blood type, initially white people had only blood groups 1 and 2 (this is like “northern”). Later, when moving to the south (RASA increased and a new territory was needed), due to changes in nutrition, climate, the Earth’s magnetic field, gravitational conditions, a gradual change in the composition of the blood occurred, i.e. Thus, Mother Nature improved and increased the immune system and protective functions of the body. Therefore, 3 and 4 blood groups appeared. But we will deal with blood later, do not think that everything is simple (see), because blood is the “energy of life”. Those. when they arrived on Midgard, each Clan had only the 1st blood group, and as they settled and adapted, some people's blood changed to the 2nd group, then 3 and 4. But let's say the Da'Aryans have immunity, energy potential so high that no matter where they move, they will still have the 1st group. Therefore, one cannot judge by one people. Now there are more than 500 types of blood groups in the world, and the 1st group of a white person is completely different from the 1st group of a yellow or gray, black, red person. Other blood groups are also different; for example, a person with blood group 1 cannot be given a second one, but the 1st group of a white person suits everyone.

The crew of Vaitmara. The pilots were representatives of the Da'Aryans, the X'Aryans were responsible for space navigation calculations, the Rasen were responsible for the service systems on the ship, and the Svyatorus were involved in the life support systems of the ship and carried out repair and restoration work.

Differences between the Aesir Clans (at the moment):
Da'Aryans– height 175-190 cm, in ancient times they lived more than 300 years, eye color is silver (gray, steel), hair color is light (brown, almost whitish), blood type 1.
x'Aryans– height 180-260 cm, green eye color, light brown hair color, 1st blood group predominates, 2nd is rare.
Rasen(Latin Etruscans; Greek Tyrrhenians) – height 165-185 cm, fiery eye color (k’Aryan and light k’Aryan), dark brown hair, blood group 2 predominates, blood type 1 is rare.
Svyatorus– height 155-195 cm, sometimes up to 220 cm, eye color heavenly (blue, lake, cornflower blue, black, etc.), hair color from white to dark brown, blood type can be 1 or 2.

This is, as it were, modern data, and before the Ice Age the growth was higher. The tallest are the Kh'Aryans, their height is up to 360 cm (although archaeologists found a skeleton and 4 meters), and in the time of Daariya the growth of the Race was even higher, this is due to the fact that before there was a different ecology, the air was more dense, ours There was Earth, which means the gravitational component was somewhat different. Let’s say that if dinosaurs appeared now, with the current gravity and pressure of the air column, they would not be able to move, and would only feel normal in water where there is softening. Therefore, it should not be surprising that people were so tall.

Race Symbol

There is Rune Inglia (in the picture there is a central “swastika”), which means the Primary Fire of Creation. There is a symbol of preserving Wisdom - it is a sword with the tip down. So, the symbol of the Race was depicted as the superposition of Primary Fire on Wisdom- preservation of Wisdom. And here four peoples are encrypted: Da’Aryans (gray eyes), Kh’Aryans (green eyes), Svyatorus (heavenly eyes), Rasen (fiery eyes). And note that in the figure there are two colors in each of the rays: red-green, gray-green, sky-green, green-red, i.e. like two colors.

Faith of the Race

No matter what Earth white people live on, they have one, and according to this Faith, having lived in the Manifest World, a person goes to the World of Glory (Light), then to the World of Rule, and so on - constant improvement, development, creation. The goal of the Ases is to pass on Wisdom from generation to generation. All foundations are built on, the highest degree of which is creative potential. The Aces are Creators, they instill in their descendants Hard work, namely hard work, and not the ability to work, for work is a soulless mechanical process; The aces work, i.e. put their Soul into the fruits of their labor.

The Great Migration from Daariya

According to ancient records, 300,000 years ago the appearance of Midgard was completely different, Daariya was connected with the Eurasian continent by a mountain isthmus, which on the Eurasian continent passed into the Riphean Mountains (Ural Mountains). The Sahara Desert was a sea. The Indian Ocean is land, there was a continent there. On the Russian Plain, where Moscow is now located, there was a sea. On the territory of Western Siberia there was a large island of Buyan, washed by the Eastern and Western seas. The river Iriy Quiet (Irtysh) flowed through Buyan Island. The peninsulas of Sakhalin and Korea, as well as the Japanese islands, did not exist, because they were a continuation of the Eurasian continent.

The life of the Clans of the Great Race and the Descendants of the Heavenly Clans on Midgard-Earth changed radically as a result of catastrophes on a cosmic scale, which in turn were often the result of the struggle of the Light Gods with the Dark Forces.

The First Great Flood on Midgard-Earth occurred as a result of the destruction of the Moon Leli, on which representatives of the Pekel World - Koshchei - concentrated their forces to invade Midgard. The Light One, who arrived from Ingard-Earth, did not allow the Koshchei to attack Midgard-Earth. He struck Lelya and destroyed the Forces of Darkness, but at the same time Lelya collapsed, and since there were 50 seas on it, salty waters and fragments of the destroyed Moon fell on Midgard, Daaria disappeared under the waters of the Great Flood. The impacts of the fragments shifted the axis of Midgard-Earth, which began pendulum-like movements, Daaria either sank into the ocean or rose from the ocean, but, in the end, the Sacred Ancestral Home of the Slavic-Aryan peoples sank under the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Some high-mountainous parts of Daariya remained on the surface - these are modern Greenland, Franz Josef Land and other islands.

However, the descendants of the Clans of the Great Race did not die along with Daariya; people were warned by the Great Priest named Spas about the upcoming Heavenly Battle and the death of Daariya. They began resettlement to the Eurasian continent in advance. 15 deportations from Daariya were organized. For 15 years, our Ancestors moved along the mountain isthmus (Ural Mountains) between the Eastern and Western seas to the Eurasian continent. 111,820 years ago there was a complete migration from Daaria. Some of the Rasichs were saved by ascending to low-Earth orbit on the Vaitmanakh. Others moved through the Hall of the Bear into the domain of the Da'Aryans. The main part of our Ancestors remained to settle in the new territory of Midgard-Earth (Ural and Siberia), where a subtropical climate existed at that time.
* Our First Ancestors recorded the events that took place during the period of their life in Daaria, and counted time from these events. Thus, the connection between times and events was preserved for many, many hundreds of thousands of years. And after these events they began a new one - from the Great Migration from Daariya.

In honor of salvation from the Great Flood, Leto was established on the 16th Easter holiday, which translated from means: “The Way AS Walked ETim” - i.e. The path along which the Gods walked. Our ancestors glorified the Heavenly Family for salvation from the Flood, and in memory of this event there appeared ritual - hitting colored eggs against each other on the great spring Slavic-Aryan holiday Paskhet. This ritual reminds us of the victory of Dazhdbog Tarakh over Koshchei. The broken egg is called the Egg of the Koshchei, which is reminiscent of the destroyed Moon Lele, and the whole egg is called the Power of Tarkh Dazhdbog.

After the resettlement from Daariya, RASA lived in the territory from the Ural Mountains (Ripei) to Lake Baikal (H'Aryan Sea) - the Country of the Ases (Asia); settled the territory of what is now the Southern Urals, then the large island of Buyan in the Eastern Sea, now the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia. Both Aryan peoples (da'Aryans and Kh'Aryans) and Slavic peoples (Rasen and Svyatorus) lived together on the same territory. They lived in peace, improving the land, planting gardens and forests, creating together Majestic Temples () and. The clans of the Great Race helped each other in a brotherly manner, this is where the concept “ White Brotherhood“, for in all creative acts Conscience and pure thoughts were the measure of everything. This Brotherhood had not only pure thoughts, but also white skin, and this is a philosophical unity of form and content.

RACE settled throughout the now so-called “Eurasian” space, and our Ancestors called this space DISCLOSURES- the territory where RACE settled. The Latins wrote Russenia as Ruthenia, and then they came into use: Silver Rus' (Serbia), Red Rus', Pomeranian Rus' (Prussia), God's Russia (Borus), but when Chervonnaya Russia divided it through the swamps, eastern Borus is now called Belarus , and the western one is called Borussia (see).

* The word “Children” is written with a capital letter when talking about all our Ancestors. And when it comes to the birth of children - from a small “birth”.