G sapgir working hands to emphasize the rhyme. Lesson summary on the topic: "Multi-genre works for children

At the end of April, Governor Sergei Sitnikov presented the certificate of Honored Master of Sports to Nadezhda Shemyakina. At 36 years old, she has achieved a lot. Seven-time world champion, twelve-time Russian champion, ten-time winner of the Russian Cup in hand-to-hand combat. In universal combat, she won the Russian Championship twice, the European Championship once and the World Championship seven times. Nadezhda also took the podium in MMA among professionals, becoming the European champion.

- Nadezhda, when did you start playing sports?

Sports have always been in my life. In first grade I went to figure skating. Then I changed my skates to skis. I trained for several years, but special results didn't achieve it. She won regional competitions only three times in a row. In parallel with the ski section, I went to the hippodrome. When I was seventeen years old, I won an equestrian match. She became a candidate for master of sports.

- So the desire to win is in your blood?

It was born at the first school ski race. Then I came to the finish line very last. I was terribly upset, and then there was the school director: “How can it be, Nadya, your mother was the chairman of the Komsomol organization, your father is the chairman parent committee, the elder brother participates in all the Olympics, but aren’t you ashamed?” I came home all in tears, and when dad asked what was the matter, I answered: “You will find out who I will be.” Even then I decided that I should be the first.

- How did martial arts appear in your life?

I'm with fourth grade I knew that I would go to study at the Faculty of Physical Education of KSU. Before this serious physical activity I didn’t have them; equestrian sport doesn’t provide them in such a volume. And at the institute, sports standards had to be passed almost like in the Olympic team. My uncle at that time was a freestyle wrestling coach and invited me to his section. I was twenty years old, I thought it was too late to start something new. But I went anyway. I trained in freestyle wrestling for three years, but didn’t achieve any special achievements - fifth place at the All-Russian tournament. And I wanted more. Therefore, when I was offered to enter the hand-to-hand combat tournament, I agreed. I came to the gym to see what it was all about, and they immediately gave me a kimono and offered me a sparring partner. So in two weeks I retrained from “freemen” to “hand-to-hand combat”.

- And the series of victories immediately began?

I realized that hand-to-hand combat is my sport. I started studying at the Dynamo school. It was very difficult at the first tournament, but my wrestling technique saved me. And since 1998, she has won tournaments every year. Later I discovered universal combat.

- How does it differ from hand-to-hand combat?

Hand-to-hand is when two opponents meet on the mat. In a universal fight, in the preliminary part you fight two rounds in the ring, then go through an obstacle course. It includes running, overcoming a two-meter fence, an eight-meter “running ramp” to which you need to jump three meters, throwing knives, and shooting from an air pistol. Then you need to climb onto the net, it is 15-20 meters, and go down on a rope. Then manage to put on your fighting gear in a minute and fight in the ring again.

- Many people consider these sports to be tough and “not for women.”

I do not agree. I don't see any particular harshness here. Martial arts are primarily a game of minds. There's a lot of psychology in them. Whoever suppressed who before the fight won. In addition, there are women who perfectly master fighting techniques. It's a pleasure to look at them.

- But what about physical pain, can you learn to endure it?

During training, it can, of course, hurt, especially the arms and legs in those places that you “punch” against your opponent. But when there is a battle going on during competitions, adrenaline splashes out in such quantities that you don’t even feel pain. There is also a saying: everything goes quickly for the one who wins.

-Have you ever had any serious injuries in battle?

Broken nose, but it didn't happen in battle. The horse also bit so hard that it broke. Once I turned over a barrier with my horse and broke my arm. Surprisingly, no injuries occurred in martial arts. There are dislocations, sometimes everything hurts after a fight, but it’s not serious.

- Probably, you are not afraid to go out alone at night; if necessary, you will repel hooligans?

Yes, but, fortunately, such situations have not happened to me yet. And in the evening, on the street, I am always accompanied by “security” - my dogs. I have two of them: the shepherd dog Nora and Gabriela, her breed is Cane Corso, they are also called dogs of Roman gladiators. It was given to me by my twin sister Natasha. She brought me and said: “You are our gladiator, take it!” Now we are inseparable. In general, dogs are my passion.

- Nadezhda, what is the key to your success?

My coach Nikolai Petrovich Ivanov admitted after the first World Championship that if ten years ago he had been told that Shemyakina would become first, he would never have believed it. “You don’t have any outstanding technique,” ​​he claims. “The key to your victories is character.” This is right. Technique is an acquired thing, but if you don’t have the character of a winner, you won’t reach the top. There was an incident that I remembered as a lesson for the rest of my life. At one of the Russian Cups I was sued. The coach said: “Don’t get used to being second.” Now this is my life rule.

- Which victory is the most memorable?

First World Championship. When I saw the girl with whom I had to fight in the final, I was almost speechless: I was as tall as her chest, and the difference in weight was 30 kilograms. But I was able to win. We met again at the European Championships, but she refused to fight me.

- Do you have sports signs or traditions?

I have a lot of them. I go to the final competitions wearing the same wrestling shorts. They are already old, a patch on a patch, but I will never throw them away, because I won my first world championship in them. And the underwear should also be the same. I also have a charmed incense. You can’t hang anything around your neck during a fight, so I secure it tightly under my kimono, and it’s always with me. Sometimes these signs make me laugh out loud, but something still makes me stick to them.

- Is sport somehow connected with your work?

I have been working in Butyrka prison for ten years. Chief Specialist department of service and combat training and sporting events Federal service execution of punishments. I control the training process for employees throughout Russia. This resonates with my passion for sports. And my transfer to Butyrka itself is connected with sporting achievements. In 2002 I served in Kostroma, in women's colony in Pribrezhny. She served on the tower. In the same year, she won the Russian hand-to-hand combat championship. Team Kostroma region invited to Moscow for a gala reception. Minister of Justice Yuri Chaika presented me with the medal “For Diligence”, 2nd degree, and the shoulder straps of a warrant officer. And after the ceremonial reception, Lieutenant General Mikhail Lvov, who oversaw the security of the Main Directorate, offered to transfer to Moscow.

- Don’t you forget Kostroma?

I live in two cities. In Moscow - work. Here - parents' house, beloved people.

- What other peaks do you plan to conquer?

Now I'm creating teams different types martial arts in our system. I defend the interests of the team, resolve issues with accommodation and meals. I am offered participation in the World and European Championships, but all my time is devoted to work. In a year I will retire. Maybe I’ll come to Kostroma and coach.

Interviewed by Olga Tyulandina

Literary reading

Topic: Works about children. N. Nosov “Patch”, G. Sapgir “Working Hands”. Tongue Twisters. Extra/Thurs. Nanai fairy tale “Ayoga”

Goals : introduce students to a new work, promote the formation of the skill of thinking and analyzing, the formation of the skill of monologue speech, and understanding the meaning of the work; promote development creative activity; promote a sense of mutual support.

Planned results:

Learn to listen to N. Nosov's story

Work with text

(in the notebook and in the textbook).

Define main idea(what the author wanted to show). Complete tasks in the textbook, find rhyming lines.

Cognitive: general education - Be able to work with a new work (optional): initial reading silently, modeling the cover, completing tasks. Be able to read tongue twisters and highlight their features.

Regulatory: Having motivation for results. The ability to overcome difficulties and bring work started to completion.

Communicative: Be able to own logical actions comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics in the formation of analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts.

Class 2 "F"

Lesson type ________ Lesson in learning new knowledge__________________

Form__ Lesson - travel____________________

Equipment: Textbook “Literary reading” - 28 pieces, Workbook No. 1-28 pieces, colored pencils, ballpoint pens; board, marker, projector, personal computer

During the classes

(teacher and student activities)

Formation of UUD

    Organizing time. Updating of reference knowledge

I. Organizational moment.

Check, buddy, are you ready to start the lesson?

Everything is in place, everything is in order: books, pens and notebooks

Checking homework.

1. Retelling the story “Currant”. (Children's answers)

2. Checking assignments completed in RT.

ΙΙ. Statement of educational problem. Discovery of new knowledge

II. Work on the topic of the lesson. Getting to know new material

Today we will get acquainted with creativity children's writer N. Nosova. You are probably familiar with his works.

Name them. (“The Adventures of Dunno”, “ Mishkina porridge, "Entertainers")

Let's read the funny and cautionary tale N. Nosova “Patch”.

(Students read the story “chain by line”).

Spiritual and moral development and education:

1) education moral sense, ethical consciousness and readiness to perform positive actions, including speech;

2) civic-patriotic education;

3) education of hard work and ability to learn;

4) education healthy image life;

5) environmental education;

6) aesthetic education.

ΙΙΙ. Application of new knowledge

Application of new knowledge

Who is the main character of N. Nosov’s story “Patch”? Bobka.

Why were the guys jealous of Bobka?

He had wonderful khaki pants.

How did Bobka tear his pants? Climbed over the fence.

Why did mom refuse to sew up Bobka's pants? Read her reaction.

“You will climb fences, tear your pants, and I have to sew them up?”

Why did the guys laugh at Bobka? “A soldier must be able to do everything himself: put on a patch, and sew on a button.”

Tell us how Bobka sewed on the patch.

How do you imagine Bobka? (Independent reflections of students).

Complete task number 7 on textbook page 49.

Reading the poem “Working Hands” by G. Sapgir. Reading tongue twisters on p.52.

What is a tongue twister?

Extra/Thurs. Nanai fairy tale "Ayoga". Reader p.119

Listening to a fairy tale

Describe his actions.

(Independent reasoning of students).

Cognitive UUD:

1) we develop the ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, and texts;

2) We develop the ability to present information in the form of a diagram;

3 ) we develop the ability to identify the essence and features of objects;

4) we develop the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;

5) we develop the ability to generalize and classify according to characteristics;

6) we develop the ability to navigate the spread of a textbook;

7) We develop the ability to find answers to questions in illustrations.

Communication UUD:

1) We develop the ability to listen and understand others;

2) we develop the ability to construct a speech statement in accordance with the assigned tasks;

3) We develop the ability to express our thoughts orally;

4) We develop the ability to work in pairs.

Regulatory UUD:

1) we develop the ability to express our assumptions based on working with the textbook material;

2) we develop the ability to evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task;

3 ) we develop the ability to predict upcoming work (make a plan);

4) We develop the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

ΙV. Lesson summary

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What was Bobka like from N. Nosov's story?

Who is the hero of the Nanai fairy tale “Ayoga”

Personal UUD:

1 ) we develop the ability to show our attitude towards the characters, express our emotions;

2 ) We create motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity;

3) We develop the ability to evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation.

V. Homework

Uch. Part 1 p.47-52, Chr. part 1 p. 119 expression reading, R.T. complete tasks

Get to know yourself literary concept paragraph. Learn the definition.

VΙ. Reflection

Guys, show your mood (sunshine, cloud):

Raise your hand those who smile today like the sun.

Now raise your hand, those who are as sad as this cloud.

Guys, thanks for the lesson!

Poetry is something that a child should be taught from a very young age. Having matured, he will be grateful to you, because poetry not only has a positive effect on mental abilities and intelligence, but also on the creative side of the personality and, most importantly, on spiritual development child. Fortunately, history knows many children's writers who gave their wonderful works, including in poetic form. One of the most remarkable children's poets is Genrikh Sapgir, whose poems have already found their way to many children's hearts.

Genrikh Sapgir is a writer and poet of the twentieth century, whose poems for children were very popular in Soviet years. He has written not only children's poems, but also scripts for cartoons. Sapgir has repeatedly been awarded literary prizes and was a writer recognized by the people. G. Sapgir wrote poems for children at the behest of his soul, to which he listened in search of a new harmony in language. Genrikh Sapgir worked in many directions and genres of literature, but never forgot about this important detail like poetry.

Genrikh Sapgir wrote poetry for children and for the sake of children, without chasing fame, prizes or monetary fees. Probably, not least of all, this fact influenced the fact that his work was not forgotten. Genrikh Sapgir, poems for children that came out of his hands - all this will be preserved in history and culture for many years.

At the present time, when Computer techologies are becoming more and more part of our lives, the opportunity has arisen not to read poetry, but to listen to them. Audio poems are gaining popularity at a fast pace, because now very young children who cannot yet read can get involved with poetry. There is no need to look for books in libraries or poems on the Internet, and then read them to your child - with this innovation you can simply turn on an audio poem and leave the child alone with it. And if you have never used this opportunity before, perhaps it’s time to try today. And a wonderful start for you and your child can be Sapgir, whose poems for children have long been translated into an audio version. They are easy to find on the Internet, and most importantly, on most sites you can listen to audio poems completely free of charge.

Lesson 15. G. Satir “Working Hands”

Goals: Formation of the skill to think and analyze. Formation of monologue speech skills. Formation of a theoretical apparatus. Get acquainted with a new work.

During the classes

I. Checking homework.

What work did you read at home?

A. Rubinov's story “Step”.

Briefly tell us what the story is about.

(Brief summary).

How did the grandmother propose to determine which of the grandchildren is the most hardworking?

The one who fixes the step without a reminder.

What else can you call Tolya?


How does his concern manifest itself? Read it.

“We need to fix the porch now. Grandpa and Grandma might fall.”

What literary concept did you become familiar with at home?

A paragraph is a red line, indented at the beginning of the line. The story begins with a red line.

Retell the story according to the outline suggested on page 154 educational textbook. _

Today we will read a work that also touches on the theme of labor. .

Read G. Sapgir’s poem “Working Hands” on page 49 of the textbook.

What is this poem about?

About labor, about workers, hardworking hands.

Read what it means (textbook page 49).

Having a desire, or desire, to do something.

How often do we use this word in colloquial speech?

This is an outdated word.

Indicate the rhymes in the poem.

Hand - in the area; Scooter - they will make it; For the old lady - toys; In trouble - everywhere; While the student; The workers are eager.

III. Practical tasks.

RT “Literary reading”: page 20 No. 1.

Kind, skillful, workers, eager to work.

RT “Literary reading”: page 20 No. 3.

They will make it, bring firewood, repair it, help out, help.

IV. Homework. 1. Read the fairy tale “Ayoga” on pages 119-122 of the textbook.

2. Complete tasks for the text.

Lesson 16. I. Krylov

Goals: Formation of the skill to think and analyze. Formation of monologue speech skills. Get acquainted with a new genre of literature. Expansion of the vocabulary theoretical apparatus. Get acquainted with a new work.

During the classes

1. Checking homework.

Homework should be checked using the tasks proposed in the RT “Literary Reading” (page 21).

Task No. 3 asks you to add a definition of dialogue. The author's definition is given on page 9 in the textbook.

II.Acquaintance with new material.

Today we will get acquainted with a new genre of literature - this is a fable.

Read the definition of fable on page 52 of your textbook.

Writers who write fables are called fabulists. Read the definition on textbook page 53.

A fable is an instructive work.

We will read with you Ivan Andreevich Krylov’s fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer”.

Do you understand all the words in the fable?

No. What is lad, luggage?

Find the definition of new words on textbook page 52.

Can a fable be called a great proverb?

Yes. In the fable, wisdom is hidden behind animal images. You need to figure out the meaning yourself; everything in the proverb is on the surface.

Read the first three lines of the fable. How do you understand them?

Are these words similar to a proverb? How?

(Independent reasoning of students).

Why were the heroes unable to move the cart?

The capabilities and needs of animals are different. And behind the images of animals are hidden the vices of people. Therefore, “their business will not go well.”

What fables of Krylov are still familiar to you?

“The Crow and the Fox”, “The Wolf and the Lamb”, etc.

III. Practical tasks.

Swan, Pike and Cancer.

Alright, unity.

RT “Literary reading”: page 22 No. 3.

Complete the sentence (at home): He authored such works as


IV. Homework. 1. Learn by heart I.A.’s fable. Krylov "Swan, Pike and Cancer".

2. Read some fables yourself. 3. Complete the sentence you started in class.

Lesson 17. L. Tolstoy “Terrible Beast”

Goals: Formation of the skill to think and analyze. Learn to identify the features of works of art. Formation of monologue speech skills. Formation of literary ideas and concepts; Get acquainted with a new work; Testing the acquired knowledge.

During the classes

I . Checking homework. Reading by heart the fables of I. Krylov.

How did you complete the house sentence?

In the last lesson we were introduced to the concept of a fable. Remind me of the definition of a fable.

An instructive work that ridicules the shortcomings and vices of people.

What type of literature are Krylov's fables similar to?

For poems.

There are rhymes.

Today we will read a fable by L.N. Tolstoy. It is an instructive story, or fairy tale.

Tell us, how do you imagine a little mouse and an old mouse?

(Independent reasoning of students).

Read how the mouse talked about the rooster.

“... scary, he walks around the yard like this: his legs are red, his comb is red, his nose is hooked. Screaming loudly..."

What impression does the mouse have of the cat?

How is the work constructed? What literary concept is a conversation between two characters called?

In this fable, the moral is hidden in the text. It must be understood and explained. Try this.

Not everything beautiful radiates goodness. Appearances are deceptive.

Read the fable by role.

III. Practical tasks.

RT “Literary reading”: page 22 No. 1.

RT “Literary reading”: page 22 No. 2.

Scary rooster. Good cat.

RT “Literary reading”: p. 23 No. 3.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy...

RT “Literary reading”: page 23 No. 4.

IV. Homework. 1. RT “Literary reading”: p. 23 No. 5.

2. Read the first part of M. Zoshchenko’s story “The Most Important Thing” (textbook, pages 55-56).

Lesson 18. M Zoshchenko “The most important thing”

Goals: Formation of the skill to think and analyze. Formation of monologue speech skills. Formation of literary ideas and concepts.

During the classes

I. Checking homework. Checking the assignment completed in RT “Literary reading”.

II. Getting to know new material.

Retell the first part of the story that you read on your own at home. (This indicates that homework has been completed.)

Retelling of the first part.

What did Andryusha’s mother teach?

Be brave, strong, smart, be able to competently apply your knowledge in practice.

Did you like the hero of the story - Andryusha the red-haired one? How?

What other stories about children do you know? Remember what works you studied in first grade?

S. Baruzdin “People”, “Red Ears”, “Parsley”.

N. Nosov “Dreamers”.

E.Ya. Ilyin “Noise and Shumok”, “Chick-chick with scissors”.

N.P. Sakonskaya “Mom and I.”

V.V. Chaplin's "Mushka"

V. Dragunsky “What Mishka loves.”

K. Ushinsky “Playing dogs”.

L.N. Tolstoy "Bone".

I. Severyanin “Her pets.”

E. Permyak “The Hasty Knife”, “The Worst Thing”, “ Kite", "Pichugin Bridge".

Agnia Barto "I'm the odd one out."

I. Akim “Mom”.

E. Uspensky “Everything is fine.”

M. Plyatskovsky “Good Horse”.

V. Golyavkin “About who Vovka is studying for.”

S. Vostokov “Who wins.”

I. Butmin “Coward”.

V. Berestov “Seryozha and nails.”

III. Practical tasks.

RT “Literary reading”: page 24 No. 1.

He was a cowardly boy. He was afraid of everything.

RT “Literary reading”: page 25 No. 2.

RT “Literary reading”: page 25 No. 3.

(Independent reasoning of students).

RT “Literary reading”: page 25 No. 4.

1. Be brave.

2. Be strong.

3. Have savvy.

5. Have knowledge.

RT “Literary reading”: page 25 No. 5.

The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

IV. Homework. 1. Prepare a detailed retelling of the story, based on the plan proposed in RT “Literary Reading”: page 25 No. 4.

2. Educational book: V. Oseeva “The Magic Needle”, start reading the fairy tale on pages 123-128 (before the words “And the black night is already approaching...”).

Savinov Approximate main educational program educational... Works by domestic composers about Homeland. Sacred music in creativity... by students of all health groups (at lessons physical education, in sections, etc. ...

Subject:Multi-genre works for children. G. Sapgir “Working hands”. Tongue Twisters. d/h Nanayskaya folk tale"Ayoga"

Target: determining the emotional mood of the work;

learn to correctly name works (author’s surname) and title;

develop educational and reading skills: compare poems,

stories; highlight the main idea of ​​the work; make up

schematic plan; relate proverbs to content

works; determine the main idea of ​​the work; form

moral concepts.

Cognitive UUD: general education-familiarization with tongue twister.

Regulatory UUD: accept and save learning task; adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher and peers; plan your action.

Communicative UUD: work in pairs: reading dialogues between mother and Ayoga, mother and neighbor girl. be able to form communicative speech actions, constructive ways of interacting with others (teacher, peers).

Personal UUD: express their opinion

During the classes.

I . Pure sayings: (game “Words-rhymes”)Slide 1

Sa-sa-sa a wasp flew to us.

Ju-ju-ju, I'm friends with this book.

Ra-ra-ra and it’s time for us to work.

II . Checking d/z.Slide 2

    What do the illustrations have in common? (Illustrations show children.)

    What kind of training did you receive in the last lesson? Slide 4

Work in groups: Slide 5

    Group 1 - “Analysts” - write down Bobka’s character traits.

    Group 2 – “Readers” - make a story plan.

    Group 3 - “Writers” - come up with a continuation of the story.

III Physical exercise.

IV . Working on a new piece.Slide 6

Reading by a well-read student of G. Sapgir’s work “Working Hands.” (p. 51) (Use “desks” while reading.)

Questions about the text:

1. What is this poem about?

2. Think about what hands are called workers.

3. Which word from the text is rarely used in speech? (Wanting)

4. Consult a dictionary. (p.52)

“Willing” - having a desire or desire to do something.

4. Indicate rhymes in the poem.

Toys for old lady

In trouble - and everywhere

Bye - student

V . Work in notebook p.20.

Write down the third and fourth lines and read them. Underline the rhyme.

(They will build the scooter themselves, they will make a birdhouse for the starling themselves.)

What will the hands do? Find the answer in the text.

(Hands will build, make, bring, repair, help out, help.)

Nanai folk tale “Ayoga” - audio recording (Slide 7_

VI . Reflection.

What do you remember from the lesson?

What can you tell your mom about the lesson?

VII . Homework assignment.

G. Sapgir “Working Hands” - read expressively.