Natalia Krasnova's blog. Natalya Krasnova is a combination of amazing perseverance with burning temperament and energy

Natalya Krasnova is a popular blogger who makes funny parodies of Instagrammers. And she started entertaining people many years ago, when she became interested in the famous game KVN.


Natasha was born on May 4, 1980 in Chelyabinsk. The girl showed creative abilities early. She went to a music school, did acrobatics, and attended a folk dancing section. Having received her certificate, Natalya decided to connect her future with teaching. Having decided on a profession, she entered Chelyabinsk State University.

While studying at the university, the girl became interested in playing KVN. At first, Natasha wrote texts for the performances of other guys, and then she began performing on stage. Krasnova joined the Kontor team, which took part in the KVN Premier League games.

After graduating from university, Natalya began working in her specialty. She worked at school for 10 years and then continued her career at a local institute. During this time, Krasnova won the prestigious title “Teacher of the Year,” and also defended her dissertation and became a candidate of pedagogical sciences.
Natalya's life changed after she unexpectedly changed her field of activity. The girl got a job as a manager for the Traktor hockey team. Krasnova organized events held before the games. Natasha did not work with Traktor for long, as she focused on her humorous career.

Woman with humor

After graduating from university, Krasnova stopped performing in the KVN team, but from time to time she had the desire to continue her creative path. Natasha became a resident of the regional Comedy Club, but she wanted to perform in front of an audience of millions.

In 2007, she tried her hand at the show “Laughter Without Rules,” but she failed to reach the final stage. A few years later, Natasha took part in season 1 of Comedy Battle. This time, the girl from Chelyabinsk “held out” until the finals, but failed to take the main cash prize. After participating in this project, Natalya gained fans, connections in show business and lucrative offers of cooperation.

Currently, Krasnova hosts various events, participates in comedy projects (performs on “Comedy Battle” and the show “No Sleep”), and writes scripts for programs. She doesn’t forget about KVN. Natasha is a member of the jury of the Ural KVN League. In her free time, she records video parodies of Instagram bloggers and posts the videos online.

Personal life

Natalya had several novels that the press knows about. Krasnova’s first life partner is the famous KVN player Alexander Alymov. Sasha and Natasha got married in 2006. A month after the painting, their twins were born. The boys were named Timur and Arthur. In 2012, the KVN family broke up.

Natalia's second chosen one is hockey player Deron Quint. They met in 2009, when the girl began working with the Traktor hockey team. Initially, their relationship was purely business, because both were married. Their next meeting took place 5 years later. Krasnova had already divorced Alymov, and Quint was free. They began to communicate, and soon mutual sympathy grew into love.

Deron and Natalya lived in a civil marriage for several years. The man had a wonderful relationship with the sons of his beloved. In 2016, Quint signed a contract with a hockey club in Germany and returned home. Krasnova periodically flew to visit Deron. In 2017, rumors spread that the couple had broken up. Natalya and Deron stopped posting photos together on social networks, but there were no official comments from them about the breakup.

Social media

Natalya is one of the country's popular bloggers. She makes parodies of girls talking about beauty secrets. Recently, the aspiring singer Olga Buzova became the object of ridicule of the comedian. Krasnova, under the pseudonym Black Russian Mama, shot a provocative video “Buzova, don’t sing,” dedicated to the host of “Dom-2.”

Natalya posts her creations on Instagram Here you can find her video posts, Black Russian Mama clips, as well as photographs. In the photographs, the blogger is depicted in various images. In the photo you can see her friends, as well as colleagues from KVN and Comedy.

Natasha Krasnova is very popular on Instagram. Each of her videos gets hundreds of thousands of views. Natalia has 1 million followers on Instagram.

Krasnova has a profile on the VKontakte network Here Natasha posts her photographs and videos, and also communicates with subscribers. Almost 6 thousand people have subscribed to her VKontakte page. Also on this network Natalia has a group Black Russian Mama | Natasha Krasnova (fan group) This is where her fans and critics communicate.

Natalia has a channel on YouTube, where you can find all her clips and videos.

It is believed that women are endowed with a sense of humor to a lesser extent than men. But Natalya Krasnova easily refutes this theory. She enjoys entertaining the audience and is not ready to leave this difficult craft!

Recently, a true comedy artist has not had to sit idle. Social networks, which have brought together in one place a huge number of people interested in various profiles, are replenished every day and are growing rapidly. Natalya Krasnova is a successful video and Instagram blogger, who is currently at the peak of her popularity. She was able to attract a sufficient number of followers to her own page through humorous videos. How she manages to interest a wide audience is not at all the main question of the presented article, and the main part of the material will relate directly to the biography and interesting facts from the personal life of a popular girl.

Life as it is

It’s worth starting the conversation with the biography of Natalia Krasnova. The life of the future artist did not begin in a major city, and she was not a child with a destined path leading to success and popularity. The girl was born on May 4, 1980 in Chelyabinsk. She is not the only child in her family; Natalya has a sister. The girls' parents are simple people, but the artist herself called them "classic." In her opinion, in her family, dad is the head, and mom is the neck. By the way, Krasnova sincerely believes that her parents are the standard of family relationships that many should emulate.

Childhood and youth

From an early age, the girl showed that same creative streak that many celebrities and those who have achieved something in life enthusiastically talk about: she attended all kinds of clubs and sections in gymnastics and music. Having entered a university in her small homeland, the girl became a member of the KVN club. Natalya Krasnova initially wrote texts for performances, but later tried herself on the stage. After graduating from Chelyabinsk State University, the girl worked for 10 years as a teacher in an ordinary average school, and then continued her chosen path at the institute of her native city. During this time, Natasha even managed to defend her pedagogical scientific work and win the honorary title “Teacher of the Year.”

Fate turned in the other direction quite unexpectedly when Natalya Krasnova became the manager of the Traktor hockey team. This position went to her, as they say, through an acquaintance, but the girl did not stay here for long. She was invited to work on texts and scripts for the TNT channel. At that time, no one could have thought that such a huge sensation awaited Natasha from Chelyabinsk.

Creative path

Throughout her short career, Natalya Krasnova has appeared in some successful television projects: “Comedy Battle”, KVN, “Don’t Sleep” and “Laughter Without Rules”. The girl showed herself everywhere and always to the maximum. Together with the Kontor team, Natasha participated in the KVN Premier League games. In 2007, she was completely absorbed by her participation in the humorous show “Laughter without Rules.” Three times she tried to reach the final stage, but nothing happened. Three years later, in 2010, the public again saw Natalya Krasnova in Comedy Battle. This was the very first and far from easy season, which was opened in honor of the memory of Vladimir Turchinsky. Initially, she was unable to surprise the judges and was almost eliminated, but in the end Krasnova lasted until the finals, but she did not manage to receive the main cash prize.

World of Instagram

Now Natasha’s page has a million subscribers, which is a very decent figure. Not everyone can gather such an audience. Here the girl makes short videos on topical topics, covering the latest news in a humorous manner and without trying to hurt anyone's feelings. Natalya Krasnova, whose “Comedy Battle” really helped to reveal some of her talents, runs a regular column in the image of a silly beauty goddess. In her small and cozy home, she talks about real-life incidents, gives advice on blogging and other things through the prism of humor. Such an interesting presentation really deserves attention!


On the most extensive video platform in the world, the number of Natasha Krasnova’s viewers is significantly less than on the aforementioned Instagram and equals 127 thousand people, which is also impressive. Her channel mainly consists of short and funny videos called vines. It is diluted with answers to various questions from subscribers and the girl’s personal thoughts about life. Not long ago she acquired a second channel, which is gaining momentum in popularity. Here the subscriber mark has reached 48 thousand people. The main idea was to create video clips for our own songs. The artist took on the image of a rude and straightforward Black Russian Mom. The lyrics reflect such sensational topics as typical girls on social networks or parodies of Olga Buzova's songs. At the moment, Krasnova has recorded 5 videos, and this is not the limit! Natasha’s work receives very mixed responses, but despite this, the girl continues to devote time to her favorite activity.

About the most important thing

Of course, such a bright and attractive girl, who also has a sense of humor, has thousands of fans. This is why everyone is so concerned about the topic of Natalya Krasnova’s personal life. Well, there is nothing to hide here, the artist has twice played the role of a wife and does not hide it. Natalya’s first companion was her colleague, and by the way, he was a member of the Chelyabinsk KVN team. In the eighth month of pregnancy, the couple legalized their relationship, after which the girl gave her husband two beautiful twins - Timur and Arthur.

However, we all know that accidents are not accidental, and in 2009, fate brought our today’s heroine together with American hockey player Deron Quint. The man signed a contract with the Traktor club, so their relationship at the very beginning was purely business in nature. On top of that, they were both married. But after 5 years the situation changed. By 2014, already young people free from previous relationships, the couple met again. A dizzying romance broke out between them, which soon ended in marriage for them. For the sake of his wife, Deron changed his citizenship, and the family remained in Natalia’s hometown. It is interesting that Quint does not speak Russian, but this did not become an obstacle in communicating with his beloved’s sons. All three managed to establish contact and establish trust.

Something went wrong again

Throughout his life, the man whom Comedy star Natalya Krasnova chose as his wife was and remains associated with big sports, namely hockey. She certainly supported this kind of activity of her chosen one. Therefore, when Deron signed a new contract and was forced to leave for Germany, Natalya calmly took the news. In addition, from time to time she flew to visit him. But all the same, sooner or later, such relationships end, given the enormous distance separating people in love from each other. Ultimately, the young people divorced, and now crowds of her permanent fans are eagerly awaiting news about Natalya’s new chosen ones.

Final word

Natalya Krasnova is an amazing person, amazing with her desire and stubbornness. Every time she looks for some new ways to develop and improve her talent. Her inexhaustible energy breaks through the screen, charging you with positivity and making you smile with openness and Of course, there are people who do not like the girl’s creativity at all. They constantly write nasty things in the comments on her page, insult her and make fun of her. It’s worth saying that Krasnova does an excellent job of dealing with the ubiquitous haters, and simply blocks the especially zealous ones. She always explains her point of view to such spiteful critics, which says that every person has the right to make his own choice. At the same time, Krasnova notes that she does not force anyone to view her work.

The latest news that Natalya Krasnova consecrated on her social network concerned the fact that a large army of her fans really believed that she was a complete copy of her beauty goddess. With the advent of Black Russian Mom, opinions were divided in two: one half continued to think that in life Natalya was a stupid beauty girl, and the other believed that she was a boorish rude person. If an artist can get used to the role so elegantly, then the work can be considered perfect.

Is Instagram a separate full-fledged project for you? Or a tool to advance your career?

Natasha Krasnova: Instagram- This is an opportunity to express yourself. And, of course, a tool for promoting my career as a writer of humorous content and a stand-up comedian.

Photo from personal archive

How long does it take to become famous on Instagram? What is needed for this?

N.K.: I have no idea, to be honest. One thing I know for sure is that if you do something really cool, there will be an immediate response.

Which photos get the most likes?

N.K.: Puppies? Titek? I don't know the correct answer to this question.

Photo from personal archive

Everyone is interested in “spying” on the life of a blogger. Please tell us how the work on the post is going. What is important to you?

N.K.: Photo is avaiable. You must first look at it with your eyes and think about it. And then write a caption for this photo. AND post. Here's a simple algorithm.

What not to do? Post a photo of your butt in a thong and write philosophical thoughts like “what is true wisdom.” True wisdom is not to make such posts.

About the video. I have been writing scripts for more than 15 years: KVN, advertising, songs, poems - any products of the epistolary genre. That's why before I shoot anything, I write a script. It doesn’t matter whether it’s on paper or just in your head. This is always a text that has been verified and edited by me. Then I film everything on camera. 50% of what is written goes straight into the firebox. Then I look at what I’ve filmed. If something doesn’t “play”, I throw it away.

To be honest, I don’t like my videos at all. I always think: “This joke could have been made funnier.” In general, I was a bore at school and still am (laughs - author's note).

How to find the line between irony and vulgar humor?

N.K.: How can you tell an elegantly dressed woman from a prostitute? Right! Sometimes not at all. So it’s the same with irony and vulgar humor.

Photo — Dmitry Belyaev

N.K.: You’d better ask the question “How can it be less offensive to tell a customer that you don’t want to write for money?”

That is, you decided to reformulate the first question and ask it again, but in different words?))

:) Yes, I agree. Okay, to which blogger do you like? Whose work do you follow?

N.K.: I like Gorbachev. But she's not a blogger. She is an actress. At least, I like this organic and cool quality about it.

Can blogging be called a full-fledged profession? Or is it just a hobby?

N.K.: I have a friend - Michael Garnett. He's a hockey player. His hobby is flying an airplane. And for some, “flying an airplane” is a profession.

Everything depends on you! If you want, someone’s hobby will become your main profession.

What do you think awaits the blogosphere in 2017?

N.K.: I'm more concerned about what to cook for the children for breakfast tomorrow.

I sincerely don’t care what awaits the blogosphere in 2017, or what awaits television in 2017. As, in principle, what will happen to the epistolary genre.

If the blogosphere disappears, I’ll go to work at a factory. I am the most adaptive species of creature.

Photo from personal archive

Give our readers 5 tips that they can implement in the next 24 hours.

FIVE TIPS from Natasha Krasnova:

1) take the camera;

2) sit in front of her;

3) turn on the camera;

4) talk about everything;

Just do it this way. If it's yours, you'll understand it right away. If you don’t understand right away, your followers will tell you. If followers don't tell you, go to the factory. I will be waiting for you there from 2017.

Main photo - Dmitry Belyaev

Russian comic actress, blogger, participant in KVN and humorous programs on the TNT channel.

Biography of Natalia Krasnova

Natalia Krasnova born and raised in Chelyabinsk. As a child, she studied music, dancing and sports: acrobatics and gymnastics. After school, Krasnova entered ChSU. While studying at the university, she became interested in playing KVN. At first, Krasnova only wrote lyrics for the performances of her team “Team”, but soon began playing on stage.

Natalya was married twice. For the first time, she married her KVN colleague Alexander Alymov. From this marriage the girl has 2 sons. Krasnova’s second husband was the American hockey player Deron Queen, who worked under a contract with the Ural team Traktor. The couple lives in Chelyabinsk.

Natalya worked at school for 10 years and defended her dissertation in pedagogy. In his free time he enjoys dancing.

The creative path of Natalia Krasnova

In 2007, Natalya began auditioning as a comedian on the TNT channel. The first project with her participation was “

A participant in humorous programs, blogger Natalya Krasnova was born on May 4, 1980 in the city of Chelyabinsk. She spent her entire childhood and youth in this city. Even in her student years, the girl became interested in KVN, and subsequently began appearing with humorous numbers on television. It was this program that helped the girl not only decide on her future profession, but also improve her personal life. Natalya Krasnova’s husband supports her in everything and tries to ensure that his beloved is not only a homemaker, but also a successful woman.

Natalia Krasnova's husband (photo)

The biography of Natalya Krasnova is filled with bright and colorful events that are associated not only with her professional activities. The artist’s personal life began to interest fans from the moment she began appearing on screen with her humorous routines. It is known that Natalia already had 2 official marriages. She met her first husband on her life’s path back when the girl lived in her native Chelyabinsk. The guy's name was Alexander Alymov and he also participated in KVN. The young people got married when the artist was already in the penultimate month of pregnancy. Soon Natalya Krasnova and her husband became the parents of two beautiful twins: Arthur and Timur.

In the photo: Natalya Krasnova and Alexander Alymov

However, even the appearance of children did not save Krasnova’s marriage. The comedian divorced her husband anyway. As Natalya says in her numerous interviews, men do not tolerate funny women around them. First they ask you not to joke about one topic, then about another, and so on ad infinitum. That’s exactly what Krasnova’s ex-husband, who was himself a comedian, did. Apparently, the guy couldn’t stand strong female competition nearby and constantly expressed his indignation.

In the photo: Natalya Krasnova and Deron Quint

In 2009, Natalia met American hockey player Deron Quint. At that time, both of them were officially married and had children. Deron had just signed a contract with the Ural club Traktor. Unfortunately, then the young people never admitted their feelings to each other. The next time they met only in 2014, when they were already completely free from family obligations from previous marriages. Krasnova’s current husband immediately made her an offer that the comedian could not refuse. It should be noted that for the sake of his beloved, the athlete renounced American citizenship and preferred Russian to him. Now the young family lives together with Natalya’s children from her first marriage in the capital of the southern Urals.

In the photo: Natalya Krasnova with her sons

Photos of Natalya Krasnova’s husband can be seen on social networks, where the girl shares parts of her life with fans. She is happy with her new husband and does not regret at all what she went through on the way to her happiness.