G sapgir working hands to emphasize the rhyme. Lesson summary on the topic: "Multi-genre works for children

Nadezhda Nikolaevna Shemyakina Chief Specialist department for providing service-combat training and sports events, department for methodological and regulatory support work with the personnel of the Central Scientific and Technical Institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, seven-time world champion in universal combat, European champion in universal combat, European champion in martial arts among professionals, twelve-time Russian champion in hand-to-hand combat, ten-time winner of the Russian Cup in hand-to-hand combat , two-time champion of Russia in universal combat

There are people who are inherently winners. For them, any obstacle, any failure is only a support for a new push towards the goal. And if honor, dignity and kindness are added to the qualities of the winner, then the woven portrait can only cause admiration.

Nadezhda Nikolaevna Shemyakina was born in Kostroma, in a friendly and loving family, where patriarchal morals reigned and the authority of the father was indisputable. To the first question of our conversation about how she came to the sport, Nadezhda said that a trip to sports life she and her twin sister Natalya were given almost in the form of an order.

- On September 1, at the age of six, we came to school - a festive line, bows, white aprons, an enthusiastic mood. And then dad, right at the festive dinner table, said: “That’s it, childhood is over! Choose: either figure skating or School of Music" We chose figure skating and began practicing this sport in 1983. We studied choreography for six months. When winter came and it was time to go to the skating rink, the fun began. My sister, as befits a normal girl, diligently practiced figure skating, and in between performing any elements, I somehow brought everyone together, and we began to play catch-up. At the same time, I put on skates not like figure skaters, but like hockey players. Thus, mined from with great difficulty dad, the “figurines” very quickly fell into disrepair. About two months after we started training at the skating rink, the coach told my father that “ eldest daughter She’s capable of skating, but the youngest (that is, me - I was born 15 minutes later than my sister) needs to be trained in another sport, a faster one, or something.”

True, we continued to do so, but one winter there were school-wide cross-country skiing competitions. And I was the last one out of the whole school to reach the finish line, to which the director, scolding me, said that this was not like our family. Because dad was the chairman parent committee, my mother is the chairman of the Komsomol organization, my older brother always competed for the school at Olympiads in physics and chemistry, and my sister, naturally, did better. But I turned out to be such a failure. I was upset, came home and when my dad asked “How are you?” I burst into tears. He asked what happened, and my sister replied that I was just the last one to arrive. I threw down my backpack and said, “You will find out who I will be, who I will become.”

So Nadezhda made a fateful decision. And she didn’t back down.

— The next day I went and signed up for the ski section at school, went there for two years, then moved on to study professionally with good coach at the Spartak stadium. And somewhere in the third or fourth grade I was already defending the honor of the school, later becoming three-time champion Kostroma region on skis.

From the age of 11, my sister began to engage in horse riding, and since our dad was the deputy chairman of a collective farm, where cows were herded on horses, from the age of four we already knew how to sit comfortably in the saddle. Once I came to the hippodrome, I looked at how Natasha was practicing professionally, and decided to join her. So on Monday, Wednesday and Friday I went skiing, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I went horseback riding.

At the age of 17, I won the All-Russian equestrian tournament and was appointed coach at a children's and youth sports school. I myself was involved in show jumping and eventing - these are jumping in the field over wooden barriers, called “dead”, because when a horse hits an ordinary barrier, it collapses, but in eventing these barriers do not collapse, and you and the horse can fall. And this happened more than once. But, not following the naturally occurring fear, I got up and got back on the horse, thinking at that moment not about myself, but about the children I was training. After all, when you show children that it’s not scary to try again after an unsuccessful attempt, you are simultaneously raising a horse. When you turn over with a horse, you need to get on it again and at least jump over a small barrier. Once, I remember, I turned over with a horse and broke my arm in the wrist, but I had to jump - the children were looking at me, and the horse stood with its eyes bulging from fear. They changed the torn rein, I sat down and continued jumping with one hand.

Nadezhda is a teacher by training. True, this is not her only profession...

— When my sister and I were 13 years old and we were in the 8th grade at the time, our father suddenly died. Even in the fifth grade, I knew that I would enter the pedagogical university at the Faculty of Physical Education and become a coach. But after the death of our father, everything in our lives changed dramatically. Before this, there was a well-established life, harmony in the family, prosperity, but then virtually everything collapsed. Mom had a very difficult period and she had no time for us, since she was very upset by the death of her father, because he was only 42 years old. And after we, in principle, never needed anything, we had nothing at all - we lived on bread and water. In addition, this tragic period of our life occurred precisely in the “dashing nineties”.

So after 8th grade, with my character, and even without the support of my father, school became not at all sweet. Somehow it happened that after my dad passed away and the first shock of what happened passed, I assumed the function of the family “settler” of problems. That is, for some reason I began to resolve conflicts related to members of our family, somehow replacing the head of the family. And this is still true today. To be honest, sometimes it’s a little stressful when people rely on me for everything. Like, why bother, there is Hope - she will solve everything.

For obvious reasons, I did not go to 9th grade, but entered school to become a cook. In parallel with her studies, she continued to play sports. At the age of 17, I repeat, I became an equestrian trainer, and at 18 I entered college by correspondence. When I was a first-year student, I became a second-category coach, since the athlete I trained won the regional equestrian championship. That’s when I realized that equestrian sport didn’t exactly prevent me from developing further, but what I had achieved in this field was apparently the limit. Plus, at the institute it was necessary to take physical training tests, and it became clear that equestrian sport did not provide good all-round physical training. And my mother has cousin Sergei Bezobrazov, master of sports in freestyle wrestling. He suggested that I take up this sport. I was almost 20 years old then.

I trained in freestyle wrestling for three years. And in 1998, I was invited to perform at the first Russian Hand-to-Hand Combat Championship, which was held in Kostroma. By the way, it was then that I first met the Olympic champion in judo and, one might say, my idol, Sergei Petrovich Novikov. My coach Nikolai Petrovich Ivanov introduced us to him. I won this Russian Championship then, and from that moment, let’s say, my journey as a hand-to-hand combat fighter began. Every year I competed, and every year I won. And in 2006, I was not allowed to participate in the Russian Hand-to-Hand Championship due to health reasons. Didn't pass the medical examination because they were discovered serious problems with the heart muscle. It took me quite a long time to recover, I ate great amount dried apricots and baked potatoes. Now I can't see them.

For about a year I was not allowed to compete. At the same time, I have already served in the penal system for five years. And in 2007, my coach called me and offered me to compete at the World Universal Fighting Championship. This was the first World Unifight Championship in general and it took place in Baku. I doubted it because I hadn’t trained yet. whole year. The coach said that this is not a problem, since there will be two months of training camps before the Championship. I couldn't miss this chance. I approached my commander so that he would let me go to the competition. He didn’t mind, however, when he found out that I was going to leave the very next day and for two months, he was indignant. For me, as an athlete who has achieved a lot, but wants even more, participation in competitions of this level was very important. And at that moment I was even ready to submit my resignation. The commander understood and supported me. I left without any problems.

So in 2007 it began for Nadezhda new stage life and sports path– a victorious march along the path of success in universal combat.

“I ran the track for two months,” Nadezhda continued the story, “I fought with the guys in the ring and was, in principle, quite prepared for the Championship. However, in the final my opponent was a girl who weighed 105 kg. At seventy, it was terrible. To be honest, I was scared of her, but, nevertheless, I won. The opponent was serious - a two-time silver medalist of the World Judo Championship. The more valuable the victory was. This girl and I met later in 2009 at the European Championships, and after I beat her on the obstacle course, she refused to fight me in the ring, citing the fact that she had had enough last time.

And so, since 2007, the top bar has always been gold: 2008 – Kaliningrad, 2009 – Prague, 2010 – Medyn, where I already performed in both light and classical, and 2011 – Moscow. By the way, in Prague I also took part in knife throwing competitions and came third at a distance of 5 meters. In 2011, before the World Championships in Moscow, I actually no longer trained myself, but came to the training camp as a coach of the women's team. And Sergei Petrovich Novikov invited me to act as a player coach. After a year of inactivity, I had a week to prepare and I did not disappoint. My coach, by the way, was surprised. He says I knew you would win, but I didn’t think it would be so easy. However, I can say that I don’t like fighting, but prefer hand-to-hand combat. Do you know why? I'm afraid to fall and that's why it's very hard to drop me, I'll cling. It’s just that when I was doing acrobatics in the third grade, I fell and hit my back. It was memorable.

For Nadezhda, the moment of her growing up is clearly marked - 23 years old. She joined the penal system, began winning competitions and came to the conclusion that not only she alone was responsible for her actions or words, but also her coach and mother. But Nadya could not let them down. She treats her work in the same way, so for 13 years of service she has not had a single reprimand, but only gratitude.

— Sports in my life are closely intertwined with my work. And it was in the service that sport gave me a lot. I was the only woman in Russia who was the deputy head of the security department at Butyrka prison. In general, there are no women officers who serve as security guards at correctional institutions. There are plenty of junior inspectors standing on the tower, working at the video surveillance console, dog handlers – plenty, but among those directly involved in guarding and inspecting personnel, there were no female officers except me. In December 2011 I was promoted, and now I work in the Main Directorate, where I am responsible for physical training all personnel of the Federal Penitentiary Service Russian Federation. Also under my control sporting events and athletes.

I started my career as a junior inspector of the security department in the Kostroma region. I stood on the tower for three years, and then I said, stop! I know that I am capable of more and I will no longer stand on the tower. In 2002, when we were awarded departmental awards by the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Yu.Ya. Chaika, I met Lieutenant General Mikhail Aleksandrovich Lvov. He was then the deputy head of the Main Directorate, in charge of security, and offered me a job in Moscow. In 2004, I became an officer and came to him. M.A. Lvov wanted to immediately take me to the Glavk, but I refused, since I was only a junior lieutenant and considered myself not competent enough to hold the position of inspector. Therefore, I worked in Butyrka for another 8 years, and now I have more than enough experience in security work.

Harsh work, the same sport, but in the soul of this “iron lady” there are also corners of tenderness in which her family and friends live, her beloved dogs and her favorite activities.

— I love my family very much - my mother, brother, sister. My brother is now an engineer, but was a sea captain and his element is the sea, the oceans. Although my sister Natasha and I are twins, we are completely different. The only thing in which, perhaps, we are similar is probably the desire to achieve a goal, perseverance. And over the years we become closer and closer to each other. She is very interesting person. She graduated with honors from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Kostroma Agricultural Institute and rescued a lot of animals. hind legs from the other world. People from many cities in Russia call her, even just to ask for advice about the health of their pets.

I love my dog, the Italian Cane Corso Gabriella, the second name of this breed is the dog of the Roman gladiators. I love traveling by car. I love going for mushrooms. I love music, of course I give preference to rock.

There are many interesting and memorable meetings and events in my life, many achievements, but I think that the main victories are still ahead. When I was about 22 years old, my mother and I were talking about my father. She then said that, in principle, she always knew that I would achieve a lot in life, because I took a lot from my father, who was the boxing champion of the Trans-Baikal District when he served. And we didn’t even know about it...

Victoria Khozyainova

For the first time in my life, I had to interview an athlete... in Butyrka. Don’t think that the prima of Russian hand-to-hand combat, Nadezhda Shemyakina, ended up in a pre-trial detention center.

She just works here. I was able to talk to the multiple champion of Russia in hand-to-hand combat in the office of the chief of Butyrka.

If it's not a secret, where are the girls born, about whom they say that she will enter a burning hut and stop a galloping horse...

Not far from Kostroma! In a simple Russian family. Mom is a teacher and teaches Russian language and literature, dad was the head of the feed department at the Leninsky state farm. I was born on December 28, 1976 in the urban village of Myakishevo. It is only seven kilometers from Kostroma. I was the youngest in the family, although I have a twin sister who was born a few minutes before me.

- Is she also an athlete?

Ex! She has been involved in equestrian sports for many years. She, like me, now works in the penal system as an inspector-dog handler in Moscow. She trains junior inspectors and dog handlers to serve in detention centers. Teaches how to properly train dogs. I also have an older brother, Valery, who is a sailor and disappears on long voyages. I haven't seen him for five years. In a word, Sinbad is a sailor!

- Did you fight at school?

I went to school number 13 every day by minibus to Kostroma and looked after my older sister. At school, I only had tolerable grades in physical education and music, but a C was enough. My favorite teacher was in physical education. Her name was Vera Leontyevna. In physical training, I even overtook boys on skis. At school, I could fight back any fighter. Since childhood, I have been physically resilient.

- Such that you had to endure the offenders?

Somewhere in the eighth grade, one guy called his sister bad words and I had to stand up for her. I asked him to apologize, but he didn’t want to. I miscalculated the blow, hit him on the nose and broke it. After that the guys respected me. I have had to stand up for my sister more than once.

- You weren’t expelled from school because of this?

No. The young man couldn’t complain about me, saying that the girl broke my nose. So I successfully completed the eighth grade and entered a trade school, receiving the profession of a fourth-class cook. In almost three years of study, I learned to cook so well that, as they say, you can’t pull it by the ears. It’s a pity that I didn’t get to work in my specialty.

- Did you stand up for your sister again?

I just turned 17 years old and was offered a job as an equestrian trainer. I couldn’t refuse the opportunity to work at the Kostroma Olympic Reserve School. Yes, and the position sounded - trainer-teacher! I have had a love for horses since childhood. I didn’t immediately go from rags to riches, as they say. While still at school, I went to riding school after school. She was involved in eventing and show jumping. So only to strangers could my appointment seem random.

- I could become a master of sports in show jumping...

Did not work out. The sponsors let me down and I had to take on a new business. At the age of twenty I signed up for the freestyle wrestling section. When I was young, I had so much strength that I needed to release my energy. It was necessary to either fight or throw it out in the gym. As a law-abiding person, I chose to fight honestly on the mat. Soon she became a candidate for master of sports and was one of the top five in the Russian team. I often went to training camps, but I was unlucky at the qualifying competitions and other girls made it to the European and World Championships. True, she distinguished herself at an international tournament in Moscow after three months of training. Then I managed to defeat an experienced American woman in thirty seconds.

- When did you become hand-to-hand?

I was 23 years old and one former wrestler suggested that I try my luck in hand-to-hand combat. My hands have been itching for a long time. So, thanks to Kamran Babaev, I came to new sport. I learned to fight quickly. In two weeks I got so crazy that I went to the Russian Championship and immediately won! This is the seventh year I have been fighting not only in my native category up to 65 kilograms, but also in the absolute category. In the absolute finals there are often girls who weigh about 100 kilograms. And I win. As they say, not by one weight! During this time, she fought hundreds of fights and became a seven-time Russian champion.

- Are there any injuries?

Several years ago, at the Russian Championships in Ivanovo, one girl from Orel performed a prohibited technique. As a result, she received a concussion, but continued the fight and brought it to victory. And my hardest fight was in the absolute category with a girl Olya from Obninsk, who was an international master of sports in weightlifting. She fought very competently and weighed several kilograms more than me. Before that, in the semifinals, I received a concussion and felt so sick that I was afraid that I might be removed from the competition because of this. Sports luck was on my side. Six seconds before the end of the fight, I managed to land several championship blows.

- Do you strike in the jaw?

Such blows knock girls out, but I'm not a fan of such blows. I never try to win with a strong blow to the jaw, although this has happened. I am a woman myself, and sometimes I feel sorry for girls in my heart, because many of them still have to give birth, but in our sport they can be injured. So I try not to hit the head area, especially the temple or jaw.

- And below the belt...

Such strikes are prohibited. For them you can get a remark, a warning, and then they can even award victory to your opponent. We even have special protection against such attacks. If for women it covers their breasts, then for guys it covers their main advantages. True, anything can happen. I even saw one fighter get kicked below the pager with such force that the protection burst and had to be replaced. Fortunately, he was not injured and is quite capable of reproducing. And my fastest victory was in 30 seconds. I’ll tell you a secret - I win almost all my victories ahead of schedule.

- You have a lot of medals, but which is the most memorable?

The one that was won in 1998 at the Russian Championship, which took place in my hometown Kostroma. I was 23 years old at the time and it was my first time competing at such a prestigious competition. In just a few days, my coach Nikolai Petrovich Ivanov, an honored coach of Russia, brought me to peak form. Now I have another mentor - Valery Ivanovich Kharitonov. He is an Honored Master of Sports. I am still a master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. Among women, I was among the first to be awarded this title in Russia.

- Do you hone your skills on prisoners?

I practically don’t see them, because my workplace- weapons warehouse. Although I used to see it more often when I worked in the correctional system in my homeland - in Kostroma. I managed to work in a women's correctional colony as a security guard. I can shoot no worse than hand-to-hand combat, because shooting takes place almost every month. She started her service as a private, now she is an ensign. Minister of Justice Yuri Chaika helped me with my promotion. I was a junior sergeant when he awarded me the medal “For Diligence” for sports success and promoted me to the rank of warrant officer.

- Isn’t there a gym in Butyrka?

The head of Butyrka promised that the wrestling hall would be there soon. This is necessary for the physical training of personnel. The renovation of the premises is now being completed.

- Do you like to spar with guys?

Guys are much stronger than girls, which is why it’s worth training with them. I had a sparring session in Kostroma - my partner was a former European champion in sambo and a world champion in Russian combat. So we fought with him on equal terms more than once. It was sometimes difficult for me when I won. He got so excited that he rushed at me like a bull at a red rag. There was a time when I ran away from him from the carpet into the locker room and locked myself in. I don’t even know how it could have ended. He would simply tear me apart.

- You for a long time was engaged in wrestling. Does it help in hand-to-hand combat?

And how! I think that I won most of the fights only because I was engaged in wrestling and I know a lot of techniques. After all, I often trot at my feet and carry out a hold. Points are awarded for this. To win, the difference must be five points. I often use chokeholds.

- Do you have a hobby?

It's music and a dog. It’s a pity that now his beloved dog named Drake is with his mother. She is six years old and I miss her terribly. In my free time from work, I like to listen to the player. I prefer rock and hard. Even during training I like to listen good music, she puts me in the right mood.

- How is it on the personal front?

Like Remarque - no change. I have a boyfriend, my fellow countryman, who encouraged me to move to work in Moscow.

-You have super hair...

I did this hairstyle several years ago. A friend of mine lives and works in a beauty salon in Kostroma. She tinted her hair with peroxide on top and after cutting it she often has to touch up the “plumage”. I prefer short hair- it's practical and convenient. In some ways, in this regard, I am similar to our famous track and field athlete Tatyana Lebedeva. True, Tatyana does more extravagant hairstyles, like her husband.

- Do you have an idol in sports?

Famous skier Raisa Smetanina. I was a schoolgirl when she set her records. I always wanted to be like her. She is a five-time Olympic champion.

- What do you like to do in your free time?

Horse riding. I have friends both on Planernaya and Sokolniki. So they will always give me Sivka-Burka. It’s a pity that I recently didn’t manage to go to equestrian polo, the competition for which was held for the first time at the Moscow hippodrome.

- What is your dream?

Get an apartment in the capital and work as a security guard for the president. I also dream that international competitions would be held in hand-to-hand combat.

Would you install an application on your phone to read articles from the epochtimes website?

Nadezhda Nikolaevna Shemyakina, chief specialist of the department for providing service-combat training and sporting events, department of methodological and regulatory support for work with personnel of the Central Scientific and Technical Institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, seven-time world champion in universal combat, European champion in universal combat, European champion in combat no rules among professionals, twelve-time Russian champion in hand-to-hand combat, ten-time winner of the Russian Cup in hand-to-hand combat, two-time Russian champion in universal combat

There are people who are inherently winners. For them, any obstacle, any failure is only a support for a new push towards the goal. And if honor, dignity and kindness are added to the qualities of the winner, then the woven portrait can only cause admiration.

Nadezhda Nikolaevna Shemyakina was born in Kostroma, into a friendly and loving family, where patriarchal morals reigned and her father’s authority was indisputable. To the first question of our conversation about how she came to sports, Nadezhda said that she and her twin sister Natalya were given a start in sports life almost in the form of an order.

On September 1, at the age of six, we came to school - a festive line, bows, white aprons, an enthusiastic mood. And then dad, right at the festive dinner table, said: “ That's it, childhood is over! Choose: either figure skating or music school" We chose figure skating and began practicing this sport in 1983. We studied choreography for six months. When winter came and it was time to go to the skating rink, the fun began. My sister, as befits a normal girl, diligently practiced figure skating, and in between performing any elements, I somehow brought everyone together, and we began to play catch-up. At the same time, I put on skates not like figure skaters, but like hockey players. Thus, the “figurines” obtained with great difficulty by dad very quickly became unusable. About two months after we started training at the skating rink, the coach told my father that “the eldest daughter is capable and will skate, but the youngest daughter (that is, me - I was born 15 minutes later than my sister) needs to be trained in another sport, a faster one.” , whether".

True, we continued to do so, but one winter there were school-wide cross-country skiing competitions. And I was the last one out of the whole school to reach the finish line, to which the director, scolding me, said that this was not like our family. Because my dad was the chairman of the parent committee, my mother was the chairman of the Komsomol organization, my older brother always competed for the school at Olympiads in physics and chemistry, and my sister, naturally, did better. But I turned out to be such a failure. I was upset, came home and when my dad asked “How are you? " burst into tears. He asked what happened, and my sister replied that I was just the last one to arrive. I threw down my backpack and said, “You will find out who I will be, who I will become.”

So Nadezhda made a fateful decision. And she didn’t back down.

The next day I went and signed up for the ski section at school, went there for two years, then switched to training professionally with a good coach at the Spartak stadium. And somewhere in the third or fourth grade she already defended the honor of the school, later becoming a three-time champion of the Kostroma region in skiing.

From the age of 11, my sister began to engage in horse riding, and since our dad was the deputy chairman of a collective farm, where cows were herded on horses, from the age of four we already knew how to sit comfortably in the saddle. Once I came to the hippodrome, I looked at how Natasha was practicing professionally, and decided to join her. So on Monday, Wednesday and Friday I went skiing, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I went horseback riding.

At the age of 17, I won the All-Russian equestrian tournament and was appointed coach at a children's and youth sports school. I myself was involved in show jumping and eventing - these are jumping in the field over wooden barriers, called “dead”, because when a horse hits an ordinary barrier, it collapses, but in eventing these barriers do not collapse, and you and the horse can fall. And this happened more than once. But, not following the naturally occurring fear, I got up and got back on the horse, thinking at that moment not about myself, but about the children I was training. After all, when you show children that it’s not scary to try again after an unsuccessful attempt, you are simultaneously raising a horse. When you turn over with a horse, you need to get on it again and at least jump over a small barrier. Once, I remember, I turned over with a horse and broke my arm in the wrist, but I had to jump - the children were looking at me, and the horse stood with its eyes bulging from fear. They changed the torn rein, I sat down and continued jumping with one hand.

Nadezhda is a teacher by training. True, this is not her only profession...

When my sister and I were 13 years old and we were in the 8th grade at the time, our father suddenly died. Even in the fifth grade, I knew that I would enter the pedagogical university at the Faculty of Physical Education and become a coach. But after the death of our father, everything in our lives changed dramatically. Before this, there was a well-established life, harmony in the family, prosperity, but then virtually everything collapsed. Mom had a very difficult period and she had no time for us, since she was very upset by the death of her father, because he was only 42 years old. And after we, in principle, never needed anything, we had nothing at all - we lived on bread and water. In addition, this tragic period of our life occurred precisely in the “dashing nineties”.

So after 8th grade, with my character, and even without the support of my father, school became not at all sweet. Somehow it happened that after my dad passed away and the first shock of what happened passed, I assumed the function of the family “settler” of problems. That is, for some reason I began to resolve conflicts related to members of our family, somehow replacing the head of the family. And this is still true today. To be honest, sometimes it’s a little stressful when people rely on me for everything. Like, why bother, there is Hope - she will solve everything.

For obvious reasons, I did not go to 9th grade, but entered school to become a cook. In parallel with her studies, she continued to play sports. At the age of 17, I repeat, I became an equestrian trainer, and at 18 I entered college by correspondence. When I was a first-year student, I became a second-category coach, since the athlete I trained won the regional equestrian championship. That’s when I realized that equestrian sport didn’t exactly prevent me from developing further, but what I had achieved in this field was apparently the limit. Plus, at the institute it was necessary to take physical training tests, and it became clear that equestrian sport did not provide good all-round physical training. And my mother has a cousin Sergei Bezobrazov, a master of sports in freestyle wrestling. He suggested that I take up this sport. I was almost 20 years old then.

I trained in freestyle wrestling for three years. And in 1998, I was invited to perform at the first Russian Hand-to-Hand Combat Championship, which was held in Kostroma. By the way, it was then that I first met the Olympic champion in judo and, one might say, my idol, Sergei Petrovich Novikov. My coach Nikolai Petrovich Ivanov introduced us. I won this Russian Championship then, and from that moment, let’s say, my journey as a hand-to-hand combat fighter began. Every year I competed, and every year I won. And in 2006, I was not allowed to participate in the Russian Hand-to-Hand Championship due to health reasons. She did not pass the medical examination because serious problems with the heart muscle were discovered. It took me quite a long time to recover; I ate a huge amount of dried apricots and baked potatoes. Now I can't see them.

For about a year I was not allowed to compete. At the same time, I have already served in the penal system for five years. And in 2007, my coach called me and offered me to compete at the World Universal Fighting Championship. This was the first World Unifight Championship in general and it took place in Baku. I doubted it because I hadn’t trained for a whole year. The coach said that this is not a problem, since there will be two months of training camps before the Championship. I couldn't miss this chance. I approached my commander so that he would let me go to the competition. He didn’t mind, however, when he found out that I was going to leave the very next day and for two months, he was indignant. For me, as an athlete who has achieved a lot, but wants even more, participation in competitions of this level was very important. And at that moment I was even ready to submit my resignation. The commander understood and supported me. I left without any problems.

So, since 2007, a new stage in Nadezhda’s life and sports journey began - a victorious march along the path of success in universal combat.

“I ran the track for two months,” Nadezhda continued the story, “I fought with the guys in the ring and was, in principle, quite prepared for the Championship. However, in the final my opponent was a girl who weighed 105 kg. At seventy, it was terrible. To be honest, I was scared of her, but, nevertheless, I won. The opponent was serious - a two-time silver medalist of the World Judo Championship. The more valuable the victory was. This girl and I met later in 2009 at the European Championships, and after I beat her on the obstacle course, she refused to fight me in the ring, citing the fact that she had had enough last time.

And so, since 2007, the top bar has always been gold: 2008 – Kaliningrad, 2009 – Prague, 2010 – Medyn, where I already performed in both light and classical, and 2011 – Moscow. By the way, in Prague I also took part in knife throwing competitions and came third at a distance of 5 meters. In 2011, before the World Championships in Moscow, I actually no longer trained myself, but came to the training camp as a coach of the women's team. And Sergei Petrovich Novikov invited me to act as a player coach. After a year of inactivity, I had a week to prepare and I did not disappoint. My coach, by the way, was surprised. He says I knew you would win, but I didn’t think it would be so easy. However, I can say that I don’t like fighting, but prefer hand-to-hand combat. Do you know why? I'm afraid to fall and that's why it's very hard to drop me, I'll cling. It’s just that when I was doing acrobatics in the third grade, I fell and hit my back. It was memorable.

For Nadezhda, the moment of her growing up is clearly marked - 23 years old. She joined the penal system, began winning competitions and came to the conclusion that not only she alone was responsible for her actions or words, but also her coach and mother. But Nadya could not let them down. She treats her work in the same way, so for 13 years of service she has not had a single reprimand, but only gratitude.

Sports in my life are closely intertwined with my work. And it was in the service that sport gave me a lot. I was the only woman in Russia who was the deputy head of the security department at Butyrka prison. In general, there are no women officers who serve as security guards at correctional institutions. There are plenty of junior inspectors standing on the tower, working at the video surveillance console, dog handlers – plenty, but among those directly involved in guarding and inspecting personnel, there were no female officers except me. In December 2011, I was promoted, and now I work in the Main Directorate, where I am responsible for the physical training of all personnel of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation. I am also in charge of sporting events and athletes.

I started my career as a junior inspector of the security department in the Kostroma region. I stood on the tower for three years, and then I said, stop! I know that I am capable of more and I will no longer stand on the tower. In 2002, when we were awarded departmental awards by the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Yu.Ya. Chaika, I met Lieutenant General Mikhail Aleksandrovich Lvov. He was then the deputy head of the Main Directorate, in charge of security, and offered me a job in Moscow. In 2004, I became an officer and came to him. M.A. Lvov wanted to immediately take me to the Glavk, but I refused, since I was only a junior lieutenant and considered myself not competent enough to hold the position of inspector. Therefore, I worked in Butyrka for another 8 years, and now I have more than enough experience in security work.

Harsh work, the same sport, but in the soul of this “iron lady” there are also corners of tenderness in which her family and friends live, her beloved dogs and her favorite activities.

I love my family very much - my mother, brother, sister. My brother is now an engineer, but was a sea captain and his element is the sea, the oceans. Although my sister Natasha and I are twins, we are completely different. The only thing in which, perhaps, we are similar is probably the desire to achieve a goal, perseverance. And over the years we become closer and closer to each other. She is a very interesting person. She graduated with honors from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Kostroma Agricultural Institute and pulled a lot of animals from the other world by their hind legs. People from many cities in Russia call her, even just to ask for advice about the health of their pets.

I love my dog, the Italian Cane Corso Gabriella, the second name of this breed is the dog of the Roman gladiators. I love traveling by car. I love going for mushrooms. I love music, of course I give preference to rock.

There are many interesting and memorable meetings and events in my life, many achievements, but I think that the main victories are still ahead. When I was about 22 years old, my mother and I were talking about my father. She then said that, in principle, she always knew that I would achieve a lot in life, because I took a lot from my father, who was the boxing champion of the Trans-Baikal District when he served. And we didn’t even know about it...

Victoria Khozyainova

Today our team will go to the second southern training camp in Krymsk, which will last two weeks.
02/24/2019 FC Kaluga Pupils of the sports school moved to FC Kaluga. Pupils of the secondary school "Kaluga" (coach - D.A.
02/22/2019 FC Kaluga On February 16, the XII Winter Rural Games took place in the city of Kaluga on the territory of the Annenki Center.
02/22/2019 Mayak newspaper On February 16, 2019, the International K-9 Mixed Martial Arts Tournament “Power of Russia” was held in Kemerovo.
02/22/2019 Federal Penitentiary Service Cold snap in Kaluga region brought an extensive cyclonic vortex moving from the Arkhangelsk region to the Volga region.
21.02.2019 Kaluga crossroads On March 3, the Vympel children's sports school will celebrate its 25th anniversary. During this time, under the leadership of Nadezhda Ulyashina, candidate master of sports in artistic gymnastics, the school has achieved success in all areas of its activities.
21.02.2019 Kaluga week

Lesson 15. G. Satir “Working Hands”

Goals: Formation of the skill to think and analyze. Formation of monologue speech skills. Formation of a theoretical apparatus. Get acquainted with a new work.

During the classes

I. Checking homework.

What work did you read at home?

A. Rubinov's story “Step”.

Briefly tell us what the story is about.

(Brief summary).

How did the grandmother propose to determine which of the grandchildren is the most hardworking?

The one who fixes the step without a reminder.

What else can you call Tolya?


How does his concern manifest itself? Read it.

“We need to fix the porch now. Grandpa and Grandma might fall.”

With which literary concept did you meet at home?

A paragraph is a red line, indented at the beginning of the line. The story begins with a red line.

Retell the story according to the outline suggested on page 154 educational textbook. _

Today we will read a work that also touches on the theme of labor. .

Read G. Sapgir’s poem “Working Hands” on page 49 of the textbook.

What is this poem about?

About labor, about workers, hardworking hands.

Read what it means (textbook page 49).

Having a desire, or desire, to do something.

How often do we use this word in colloquial speech?

This is an outdated word.

Indicate the rhymes in the poem.

Hand - in the area; Scooter - they will make it; For the old lady - toys; In trouble - everywhere; While the student; The workers are willing.

III. Practical tasks.

RT " Literary reading": page 20 No. 1.

Kind, skillful, workers, eager to work.

RT “Literary reading”: page 20 No. 3.

They will make it, bring firewood, repair it, help out, help.

IV. Homework. 1. Read the fairy tale “Ayoga” on pages 119-122 of the textbook.

2. Complete tasks for the text.

Lesson 16. I. Krylov

Goals: Formation of the skill to think and analyze. Formation of monologue speech skills. Get acquainted with a new genre of literature. Expansion of the vocabulary theoretical apparatus. Get acquainted with a new work.

During the classes

1. Checking homework.

Homework should be checked using the tasks proposed in the RT “Literary Reading” (page 21).

Task No. 3 asks you to add a definition of dialogue. The author's definition is given on page 9 in the textbook.

II.Acquaintance with new material.

Today we will get acquainted with a new genre of literature - this is a fable.

Read the definition of fable on page 52 of your textbook.

Writers who write fables are called fabulists. Read the definition on textbook page 53.

A fable is an instructive work.

We will read with you Ivan Andreevich Krylov’s fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer”.

Do you understand all the words in the fable?

No. What is lad, luggage?

Find the definition of new words on textbook page 52.

Can a fable be called a great proverb?

Yes. In the fable, wisdom is hidden behind animal images. You need to figure out the meaning yourself; everything in the proverb is on the surface.

Read the first three lines of the fable. How do you understand them?

Are these words similar to a proverb? How?

(Independent reasoning of students).

Why were the heroes unable to move the cart?

The capabilities and needs of animals are different. And behind the images of animals are hidden the vices of people. Therefore, “their business will not go well.”

What fables of Krylov are still familiar to you?

“The Crow and the Fox”, “The Wolf and the Lamb”, etc.

III. Practical tasks.

Swan, Pike and Cancer.

Alright, unity.

RT “Literary reading”: page 22 No. 3.

Complete the sentence (at home): He authored such works as


IV. Homework. 1. Learn by heart I.A.’s fable. Krylov "Swan, Pike and Cancer".

2. Read some fables yourself. 3. Complete the sentence you started in class.

Lesson 17. L. Tolstoy “Terrible Beast”

Goals: Formation of the skill to think and analyze. Learn to identify the features of works of art. Formation of monologue speech skills. Formation of literary ideas and concepts; Get acquainted with a new work; Testing the acquired knowledge.

During the classes

I . Checking homework. Reading by heart the fables of I. Krylov.

How did you complete the house sentence?

In the last lesson we were introduced to the concept of a fable. Remind me of the definition of a fable.

An instructive work that ridicules the shortcomings and vices of people.

What type of literature are Krylov's fables similar to?

For poems.

There are rhymes.

Today we will read a fable by L.N. Tolstoy. It is an instructive story, or fairy tale.

Tell us, how do you imagine a little mouse and an old mouse?

(Independent reasoning of students).

Read how the mouse talked about the rooster.

“... scary, he walks around the yard like this: his legs are red, his comb is red, his nose is hooked. Screaming loudly..."

What impression does the mouse have of the cat?

How is the work constructed? What literary concept is a conversation between two characters called?

In this fable, the moral is hidden in the text. It must be understood and explained. Try this.

Not everything beautiful radiates goodness. Appearances are deceptive.

Read the fable by role.

III. Practical tasks.

RT “Literary reading”: page 22 No. 1.

RT “Literary reading”: page 22 No. 2.

Scary rooster. Good cat.

RT “Literary reading”: p. 23 No. 3.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy...

RT “Literary reading”: page 23 No. 4.

IV. Homework. 1. RT “Literary reading”: p. 23 No. 5.

2. Read the first part of M. Zoshchenko’s story “The Most Important Thing” (textbook, pages 55-56).

Lesson 18. M Zoshchenko “The most important thing”

Goals: Formation of the skill to think and analyze. Formation of monologue speech skills. Formation of literary ideas and concepts.

During the classes

I. Checking homework. Checking the assignment completed in RT “Literary reading”.

II. Getting to know new material.

Retell the first part of the story that you read on your own at home. (This indicates that homework has been completed.)

Retelling of the first part.

What did Andryusha’s mother teach?

Be brave, strong, smart, be able to competently apply your knowledge in practice.

Did you like the hero of the story - Andryusha the red-haired one? How?

What other stories about children do you know? Remember what works you studied in first grade?

S. Baruzdin “People”, “Red Ears”, “Parsley”.

N. Nosov “Dreamers”.

E.Ya. Ilyin “Noise and Shumok”, “Chick-chick with scissors”.

N.P. Sakonskaya “Mom and I.”

V.V. Chaplin's "Mushka"

V. Dragunsky “What Mishka loves.”

K. Ushinsky “Playing dogs”.

L.N. Tolstoy "Bone".

I. Severyanin “Her pets.”

E. Permyak “The Hasty Knife”, “The Worst Thing”, “ Kite", "Pichugin Bridge".

Agnia Barto "I'm the odd one out."

I. Akim “Mom”.

E. Uspensky “Everything is fine.”

M. Plyatskovsky “Good Horse”.

V. Golyavkin “About who Vovka is studying for.”

S. Vostokov “Who wins.”

I. Butmin “Coward”.

V. Berestov “Seryozha and nails.”

III. Practical tasks.

RT “Literary reading”: page 24 No. 1.

He was a cowardly boy. He was afraid of everything.

RT “Literary reading”: page 25 No. 2.

RT “Literary reading”: page 25 No. 3.

(Independent reasoning of students).

RT “Literary reading”: page 25 No. 4.

1. Be brave.

2. Be strong.

3. Have savvy.

5. Have knowledge.

RT “Literary reading”: page 25 No. 5.

The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

IV. Homework. 1. Prepare a detailed retelling of the story, based on the plan proposed in RT “Literary Reading”: page 25 No. 4.

2. Educational book: V. Oseeva “The Magic Needle”, start reading the fairy tale on pages 123-128 (before the words “And the black night is already approaching...”).

Savinov Approximate main educational program educational... Works by domestic composers about Homeland. Sacred music in creativity... by students of all health groups (at lessons physical education, in sections, etc. ...

Subject:Multi-genre works for children. G. Sapgir “Working hands”. Tongue Twisters. d/h Nanayskaya folk tale"Ayoga"

Target: determining the emotional mood of the work;

learn to correctly name works (author’s surname) and title;

develop educational and reading skills: compare poems,

stories; highlight main idea works; make up

schematic plan; relate proverbs to content

works; determine the main idea of ​​the work; form

moral concepts.

Cognitive UUD: general education-familiarization with tongue twister.

Regulatory UUD: accept and save learning task; adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher and peers; plan your action.

Communicative UUD: work in pairs: reading dialogues between mother and Ayoga, mother and neighbor girl. be able to form communicative speech actions, constructive ways of interacting with others (teacher, peers).

Personal UUD: express their opinion

During the classes.

I . Pure sayings: (game “Words-rhymes”)Slide 1

Sa-sa-sa a wasp flew to us.

Ju-ju-ju, I'm friends with this book.

Ra-ra-ra and it’s time for us to work.

II . Checking d/z.Slide 2

    What do the illustrations have in common? (Illustrations show children.)

    What kind of training did you receive in the last lesson? Slide 4

Work in groups: Slide 5

    Group 1 - “Analysts” - write down Bobka’s character traits.

    Group 2 – “Readers” - make a story plan.

    Group 3 - “Writers” - come up with a continuation of the story.

III Physical exercise.

IV . Working on a new piece.Slide 6

Reading by a well-read student of G. Sapgir’s work “Working Hands.” (p. 51) (Use “desks” while reading.)

Questions about the text:

1. What is this poem about?

2. Think about what hands are called workers.

3. Which word from the text is rarely used in speech? (Wanting)

4. Consult a dictionary. (p.52)

“Willing” - having a desire or desire to do something.

4. Indicate rhymes in the poem.

Toys for old lady

In trouble - and everywhere

Bye - student

V . Work in notebook p.20.

Write down the third and fourth lines and read them. Underline the rhyme.

(They will build the scooter themselves, they will make a birdhouse for the starling themselves.)

What will the hands do? Find the answer in the text.

(Hands will build, make, bring, repair, help out, help.)

Nanai folk tale “Ayoga” - audio recording (Slide 7_

VI . Reflection.

What do you remember from the lesson?

What can you tell your mom about the lesson?

VII . Homework assignment.

G. Sapgir “Working Hands” - read expressively.