Old teeth were jubilee. Lyrics (lyrics) Jubilee (Nikita Kondratenko)

Not only because of his short stature, but also because of his terrible teeth. At the beginning of his career, directors and agents repeatedly hinted to the actor that as long as he did not spend money on a dentist and orthodontist, he could not dream of big roles. By the age of 16, the future star had a bunch of fillings, and one of his front teeth darkened after the nerve was removed. Tom was unable to cope with his growth, but after several years of torment he got rid of the second complex.

He did everything: whitened, wore braces of various designs for years, put in veneers... According to rumors, just whitening and correcting the bite to a relatively decent appearance cost him more than 30 thousand dollars. Only at the age of 40 did Cruise achieve what he wanted - he finally removed the hated braces and, as they gossip in Hollywood, put an implant in the place of the ill-fated dark tooth, and super-expensive crowns on the aligned rest.

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron

Due to the fact that the star was often sick as a child and took a lot of antibiotics, her baby teeth were destroyed. And, according to The Sun newspaper, before the permanent ones grew in, the actress walked without her front teeth and learned to smile with just her lips. Now at Theron no problems with teeth. But she still sees the dentist and hygienist as scheduled several times a year.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

The sexiest girl on the planet, according to Maxim magazine, Miley Cyrus If she had not corrected her bite and corrected the shape of her upper incisors and fangs, she would have been good at playing vampire roles. However, it must be said that the star, who has no complexes about her appearance, was not shy about appearing in public with fashionable braces. And once she delighted her fans by posting a photo on Instagram with false teeth.

Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole

A few years ago there was no star Cheryl Cole, and there was a simple girl Cheryl Tweedy from Newcastle, who was teased by her classmates because of her crooked and mismatched teeth. Especially let down, like Miley Cyrus, were the upper canines and incisors, which looked in different directions. Cheryl wore braces for several years, but her teeth were not perfect. According to rumors, one of the conditions that producers set for the young singer to join Girls Aloud was to clean up their act. I had to sharpen the protruding ones and build up the missing ones.

Matthew Lewis

Matthew Lewis

Matthew Lewis began acting in the Harry Potter saga with crooked yellow teeth of different sizes, they did not bother him - until that moment, as in the case of Tom Cruise, until it became clear that he would not be offered any other roles. In Hollywood, where the cult of snow-white ideal smiles reigns, such a “legacy” is a bit difficult. We had to whiten it, put veneers, etc. - all this cost several tens of thousands of dollars, but as a result we have another white-toothed darling.

George Clooney

George Clooney

The famous snow-white smile George Clooney appeared not so long ago - for a long time the star’s teeth were much yellower and not so even. The directors, of course, did not refuse him roles, but laser whitening, snow-white veneers and the same snow-white, even ceramic crowns on the most problematic teeth clearly rejuvenated the actor.

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham in childhood

In Victoria's childhood photographs, both a decent gap between her upper teeth and the different sizes of the teeth themselves are clearly visible. Unlike Vanessa Paradis, who has made the gap her “trick,” striving for absolute perfection, Beckham has been visiting the dentist once a month since she was a teenager and practically never took off her braces.

Victoria Beckham

She got rid of the gap by the time the Spice Girls emerged. And by the time she turned into Mrs. Beckham, the “peppercorn” had changed the color and shape of her teeth. According to rumors, whitening and veneers were not enough: crowns were used, and the whole pleasure cost approximately 40 thousand British pounds.

Jubilee (Jubilee) her real name Jubilation "Jubilee" Lee- a fictional superheroine, a mutant who appears in the universe. He first appeared in a comic called Uncanny X-Men#244 (May 1989), and was created by Chris Claremont and Marc Silvestri. In most cases, she is associated with the X-Men team. She has superhuman strength that allows her to generate energy from your hands.


Jubilation Lee was born in Los Angeles, California, where she lived with her wealthy immigrant parents. She is a very talented gymnast who has the potential to compete in the Olympic Games. However, Jubilation uses her agility to commit petty robberies with her best friend, using roller skates to escape the scene of the crime. She spent most of her time at shopping malls. One day, Jubilee was cornered by a pair of mall security guards. Fearing that she might be sent to juvenile detention and her parents' reaction, she panicked and her mutant powers activated for the first time, destroying the entire alley.

Jubilation told her parents about her new strange abilities, which she had learned to control to a certain extent. However, her parents were later killed by Reno and Molokai criminals (they were hired by Hunter Brown), who disguised the murder as a car accident. Jubilee was sent to a foster family, but soon ran away from them and went to live where she could at least somehow feel at home, in a shopping center. There she survived by holding performances at which she showed off her mutant plasmoid abilities, which impressed many, as well as by petty theft. While living in this mall, she meets the X-Men for the first time, after which she becomes a superhero.

Jubilee has gone through many changes in her life. She was featured in the comic Uncanny X-Men, but it took a long time before she became a member of the X-Men team. At the same time, she became one of the most prominent sidekicks in the early nineties, fighting alongside Wolverine. She eventually joined the X-Men as part of "Blue Team" when they were split into two teams. At the time, Jubilee was the youngest of the X-Men. Extremely active and outgoing, Jubilee was not at all embarrassed to show her emotions. Jubilee does not wear the standard X-Men uniform; instead, her signature style is a yellow coat, sunglasses, gloves, and boots. Although she did not use this costume during her time with the X-Men, all of her costumes incorporated aspects of her classic costume, particularly her yellow coat. A longtime member of the X-Men, Jubilee became a founding member of the Generation X team. Jubilee has been a part of the team throughout its existence, forming new relationships and developing her abilities, becoming one of the team's most powerful members. By the time the school was closed and the team disbanded, Jubilee had moved to Los Angeles and became part of the X-Corps. One of Jubilee's most dangerous brushes with death occurred when she was crucified by members of the Church of Humanity who hated mutants, an event that resulted in the death of one of her former Generation X teammate, Angelo "Skin" Espinoza. Angelo's death had a profound effect on Jubilee. ultimately decided that Jubilee needed a break and did not assign her to any of the X-Teams.

After the events M Day, Jubilee has lost her mutant powers, but still remains involved with mutant affairs. Jubilee then became a member and founder, as well as the leader of a new version of the New Warriors, a team of former mutants who have powers thanks to high-tech suits. During her time on the team, Jubilee became very outspoken in her discussions about Night Thrasher, leading to increasing conflict between them. She became more mature and proactive, taking on the role of team leader. After the team was disbanded, Jubilee became the victim of a vampire attack, which led to Jubilee's transformation into a vampire. For a time, she turned against the X-Men, but was eventually defeated and captured. For some time, Jubilee underwent rehabilitation to suppress her vampirism, using the healing factor from Wolverine's blood, which allowed her to maintain control. Over time, Jubilee became a darker and more brooding person. However, with the help of , and other friends from the X-Men team, she more or less began to live life to the fullest, and again became a valuable and caring member of the X-Team. Jubilee later stayed with Raizo Kodo and his Forgiven team, learning to control herself without relying on Wolverine's blood and to become more aware of her vampiric abilities. Jubilee recently returned to the X-Men, this time with an orphaned child in tow.

Other versions

DC vs. Marvel

In the crossover" DC vs. Marvel", Jubilee first met Robin when he suddenly appeared in her room. She begins to admire his suit and eventually develops feelings for him. Later, they were transported to a warehouse, but before they engage in battle, Jubilee kissed Robin. Even though Jubilee had the power, Robin used a sneak attack and defeated her. With the universe restored, both heroes and villains returned to their respective universes, Jubilee was disappointed that she would not be able to see Robin anymore. However, they later meet again with him in a subsequent crossover called Age of Amalgam Marvel/DC.


As a mutant

Jubilee has the ability to create brightly colored bursts of plasma energy in the form of balls or any other form (it looks like a fireworks explosion) that she could release from her hands. She can direct them wherever she wishes, which explode at her command. She could also absorb plasma energy back into her body. Jubilee can control the effects she creates, she has used them to blind her opponent, and the powerful blasts of plasma can leave burns on skin, pierce solid objects, and destroy metal objects (such as locks and bolts). Jubilee also has the ability to explode matter at the subatomic level, essentially making her a walking atomic bomb.

According to Emma Frost, Jubilee was one of the most powerful mutants she had ever encountered, but noted that her fear of harming others prevented her from using her powers to their fullest.

Jubilee is also invisible to the Guardians and their mutant tracking equipment, as well as telepathic characters such as Psylocke. The true nature and extent of this power still remains a mystery.

Due to events M Day, Jubilee has lost her mutant powers.

As a vampire

(After the events " Mutant Curses", Jubilee was transformed into a vampire)

As a vampire, Jubilee is practically immortal. Of course, she could be killed, but only in one of the following ways, for example, with a wooden stake in the heart, cutting off her head, or direct exposure to sunlight. Like all other vampires, Jubilee has a huge list of abilities to turn other humans and mutants into vampires using her bite. Her teeth can turn into razor-sharp fangs, which allow her to bite through skin and drink blood.

Although sunlight can harm or kill vampires, Jubilee was given a treatment that utilizes Wolverine's healing factor. This allowed her to be outside from time to time when the sun wasn't too bright. Since joining the Forgiven, Jubilee has used a protective amulet to protect her from exposure to sunlight.

Jubilee has a high level of strength (able to lift huge rocks or motorcycles above her head with ease). She is capable of moving at high speed. In addition, she is able to survive falls from great heights, withstand strong blows from the enemy, and has excellent endurance. As a result of Jubilee drinking Wolverine's blood from a bottle, she inherited his healing factor, which greatly speeds up the healing process of any type of wound received.


Jubilee is an excellent gymnast. During her time at Xavier's School, she honed her skills in hand-to-hand combat, stealth, agility, and investigative techniques. Even as a young teenager, she was able to defend herself and hold her own against the Hand (a group of ninja assassins). She often uses acrobatics to help her in battle.

In addition, Jubilee is a talented thief; has knowledge of the operation of internal mechanical and electronic mechanisms (gained from Forge); Excellent swordsmanship (trained by Wolverine, as well as Raizo Kodo , which isvampire samurai); and Emma Frost taught her how to defend herself. from telepaths; trained as a Blackbird pilot; talented artist.

In the media

Cartoon series

Jubilee appears in the 1992 animated television series "" and is voiced by Alison Court. In this version, Jubilee was one of the main characters and takes part in almost all episodes.

Jubilee appears in the Spider-Man animated series. She appeared in the episode "Mutant Passion" and "Revenge of the Mutants", in these episodes she appeared together with the rest X-Men. At Jubilee's friendly attitude towards .

Jubilee appears in the animated series X-Men: Evolution, voiced by Chiara Zanni. In his incarnation, Jubilee always wore a yellow jacket. Her role was minimal, she barely participates in any combat, and has no connection to Wolverine as she has in other incarnations.

Jubilee appears in the animated series Avengers: Disc Wars.


Jubilee appears in "", played by actress Katrina Florence. In this film, Jubilee there are several small ones episodic roles. There is also a deleted scene of Jubilee talking to Shadowcat and Rogue.

Jubilee appears in "", portrayed by actress Ki Wong. The deleted scene found on the DVD shows Jubilee in the museum. She also appears in the final classroom scene and talks with Professor Xavier.

Jubilee appears in "", portrayed by actress Ki Wong. Jubilees appear within the first ten minutes of the film and her can be seen sitting in class .

Jubilee appears in "", played by actress Lana Condor. Jubilee is one of Charles Xavier's students. She first appears at a class taught by Charles.

Video games

Jubilee appears in Marvel VS. Capcom.
Jubilee appears in Wolverine.
Jubilee appears in X-Men Legends.

One less meaning
The sky is falling
The last echo
Russian Winter
Grow old alone

Jubilee. Lyrics. Album: Emoji FM 2: night broadcast. February, 2017.

Other Jubilee song lyrics:

To the beat
I'll drink it out of my head
To end
Home Sweet Home
Clown (Festering diss)
All languages
Bring me a river (feat. Emeli & Dima Gambit)
Our days
Untouchable (freestyle)
Sing, little bird, sing
About the tragedy in Kemerovo
Requiem (Glory to the CPSU diss)
Pink Blunt (feat. Emelevskaya, Masha Hima)
The snow will rise
Bitch stylist
try me
Young Beatles

Jubilee (Nikita Kondratenko) biography, photo

Jubilee (Jubilee) is a young rapper from St. Petersburg (real name and surname - Nikita Kondratenko. Born February 26, 1992 in St. Petersburg), who at the age of 17 became one of the best punchliners in the country. For the first time they started talking about him at the suggestion Oxxymirona, who introduced him as his protégé.

Recording tracks in a hurry, this MC clearly stands out from the main circle of St. Petersburg lyricists, and considers it his duty to create the necessary alternative to the rap that currently prevails in his hometown.

Jubilee does not participate in any Internet battles, preferring street or club freestyle fights, and it is in the role of a battle MC that he appears in his songs. Founder of the "Sins of the Fathers" project, former multiple participant "Versus Battle" and organizer of the freestyle battle "Huyax".

Nikita among many listeners has the image of an evil battle rapper, but this is far from the case. Over the last period of his work, he tried to get away from this established image, and with the latest mixtape “Emoji FM”, which was released in February of this year, he succeeded: now the compositions have acquired a fresh sound, which is the right decision, and represent quite mature stories in content, in which everyone can find something of their own. But don’t forget about the old wonderful compositions.

On February 27, 2016, the debut album entitled “Emoji FM” was released. The tracklist consists of 12 songs, one of which is a fit with hvy & BARZ. All tracks were produced by drunk, except 1 - blow blow beats and 4, 10 - hvy; 4, 6, 12 - co-production by Monte Molotov. Mixing of all tracks - feedjee, except 10 - hvy and 3 - sted d. Cover by Yulia Petrova.

On September 5, 2016, Jubilee broadcast on Periscope, during which he told a lot of interesting things. Thus, the artist expressed his opinion about the new releases of Bumble Beezy and Matey, talked about the arrest of Sokolovsky and the conflict Rickey F VS Purulent, and also spoke about his attitude towards such performers as Galat And Redo.

On the eve of the release of the new release "EMOJI FM 2", Jubilee decided to warm up the fans with a new hot track with the participation of long-time comrades Emeli and Dima Gambit, joint tracks with whom always turn out to be extremely interesting.

The new track, released on October 28, is dedicated to the love affairs of rappers, and sounds in approximately the same vein as the compositions from the first “EMOJI FM”.

On November 25, 2016, the premiere of one of the most anticipated albums of the year from one of the most popular and relevant artists in the West, The Weeknd, “Starboy,” took place. Such a big news story couldn’t ignore Jubilee, whose release of “Emoji FM 2” is also just around the corner, and so he presented his freestyle on the title track from the Canadian’s record. The St. Petersburg rapper basically retained the theme of the original text: talking about fame, girls and dynamic life. This work is simply a pleasant appetizer before the long-awaited sequel to the rapper’s February project. To make the wait for the release less difficult, we suggest you read the lyrics to Ju’s new track.

In December 2016, Jubilee was actively working on the second part of the “EMOJI FM” album, devoting the lion’s share of his time to it. However, in order to stir up listeners’ interest in the upcoming record, on December 9th, the best battle MC in St. Petersburg presented his new track called “Young Beatles”. The work is a freestyle on a joint track by the duo Rae Sremmurd and Gucci Mane, which was released this summer as part of the album “SremmLife 2” and became a kind of anthem for the Mannequin challenge.

Literally the next day, Jub had a new line in his biography, and BifAbif happened: BOULEVARD DEPO vs JUBILEE! Apparently, Jubilee's latest work did not particularly impress Boulevard Depo, which is why he began provoking him. Of course, Ju did not ignore this and even gave an answer. Apparently, now two St. Petersburg rappers will be looking for Depot. See screenshot:

Jubilee in 2017!

At the end of 2016, Gnoyny, together with SD and D.Masta, released the track “Struya”, where he offended many rappers, including Jubilee, and then released a parody remix of the track “Young Beatles”, where he redid Juba’s lines. Of course, the artist did not ignore the situation and released a response diss track, in which he responded to all the caustic punches in his direction. In his diss, Jubilee explains that he was initially at the origins of battle rap in Russia, and also offends Slava by the fact that he contradicts himself when he speaks negatively about Versus Battle, and then he himself participates there, that he is “anti-hype”, and For the sake of hype, he tries to shine everywhere. Well, apparently another battle will be waiting for us soon.

In February 2017, the story is still ongoing! Two days - three disses right at the beginning of the month, just like the good old days. Following two tracks of Glory to the CPSU, Jubilee decided to post her answer online. The new work is called “Requiem”, and in it the performer analyzes the composition of his counterpart, released yesterday. However, due to the very similar content of Slava’s two disses, Jubilee’s track can be considered a response to everything that his opponent managed to present to him.

Emoji FM 2: night broadcast

On February 17, after numerous announcements in the tracks, and in the community, Jub finally presses the gas pedal and uploads the second part of his EP, which is called “Emoji FM 2: Night Live,” to the network. As you know, Nikita doesn’t really like it when the stories in his songs are interrupted, which is why all the tracks are connected by the voice of the presenter. The entire album is solo, i.e. in the literal sense, this is full-fledged work without a single fit. The work will delight those who like to listen to life stories in a slightly depressing way; and also check out the new punchlines and battle inserts. 10 new tracks! XX was responsible for mixing all the songs, and the cover was drawn by Maxi Max.

In May, Jub will present a new single from the upcoming album "Emoji FM 3" - the track "Bitch Stylist". Producer and beatmaker Alexey Babich aka DRVNK was responsible for the production of the composition.

Emoji FM 3

The final part of the Emoji FM Jubilee trilogy was presented by the Artist on October 12, 2017. We can safely agree with the opinion of the Performer’s fan base, people who claim that after all, the gambit from St. Petersburg should return to rap! The release of the year, and for many, the whole life, the tracklist of which consists of thirteen tracks, among which there is only one feature with Lemka Emelevska; The sparkling meaning accompanied by a high-quality instrumental from Nikita turns the soul inside out and shakes out all the secrets of his past in front of the microphone, completing the saga about the mysterious city of the Ninth Lot. Jubilee juggles skeletons from the closet, describing his life in detail to the latest sound, and in between songs, DJs from the Emoji FM radio station unravel the mysteries of the mystical snowy city.

Last update: February 20, 2018