Cool school scenes for March 8th.

Grandmother and grandson enter.

Grandma/concerned/-darling, why are you so sad? Something happened?

Grandson - Eh. grandmother, grandmother. if you knew.

Grandmother/frightened/ -What did you know?

Grandson / caringly / - Don’t worry, sit down, sit down.

/ sits the grandmother on a chair, she holds her heart, the grandson looks into her eyes, strokes her head

/sighs/ I’m suffering so much.

Grandma - Why are you suffering?

Grandson/rolls his eyes/ I am suffering. I'm dreaming. I do not know what to do?

/sublimely/ -What to my beloved grandmother. What to give for the holiday?

Grandmother /smiles joyfully/ - maybe a bouquet of flowers?

Grandson / screams indignantly / - No!

Grandma /thinking/ then a box of chocolates?

The grandson stomps angrily - No! No! and No!

Grandson / affectionately / On the day of spring and joy. We don’t need sweets!/licks his lips/

grandmother/ slyly/ yes, this task is not easy.

Grandson / remember, you had a dream. you have dreamed since childhood.

Grandmother/shrugs/but it was a big secret. shh! I’m a little ashamed even right

Grandson / with annoyance / -grandmother. fame will not pass you by, you still have a few years left /pause/

We will give you a gift / pause. moped!moped! Moped/chant

Grandmother/asks again in confusion/-Moped!

The grandson /convinced/ yes, a moped/ imitates riding a moped around his grandmother, who watches him carefully. stands up abruptly.

Grandson - so you agree. grandmother? /caresses her/

Grandmother/strongly/- I agree. honey. /pats his grandson on the head. grandson claps his hands. hugs her / I agree. grandson

Grandson shows thumb / - You are a true friend!

Grandmother proudly raising her head. with pathos -

I'll speed away on a moped/ makes a big circle with my hand

The grandson opened it in surprise. grandma casually waves her hand

I’ll only be back in the evening! /stomps/

grandson confused - What-oh-oh? Are you going to go for a ride yourself?

grandma nods her head in agreement

Grandson / angrily / And who. who will clean up?

the grandmother silently points to her grandson.

Grandson. stepping on grandma, “Who’s going to cook dinner for us?”

Grandma carelessly. with a smile. shrugs

Grandson /decisively/ I’ll tell you a secret. I don’t have enough money for a moped/it’s hitting my pocket

grandma makes scared eyes

Then will I wait for the sweets? I'm still a little old

I'll save up for a moped.

When you grow up later, we'll fly with the breeze

Hugging and leaving satisfied.

Publications on the topic:

Materials for the matinee on March 8. Song-remake of “Good Beetle” for the exit and skit MATERIALS FOR THE MORNING PARTY ON MARCH 8 OPTION FOR CHILDREN’S EXIT Under the backing track “GOOD BEETLE” (from the film “Cinderella”) Verse 1: EXIT: into the hall from the side.

New Year's scene Sketch “THE ANIMALS HAVE A NEW YEAR” Snow Maiden: A wonderful day is coming New Year is coming to us On the porch at the door The bunnies are waiting for guests. It comes out.

Sketch “I need physical education!” Host: The sun is shining. Children's laughter can be heard outside the window. The weekend has arrived for everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone! Dad and daughter gathered at the sports and recreation center S.

Scene for the New Year Ivan Tsarevich (adult) Ved appears: Who are you, good fellow? Ivan ts: I am not the only one with the Tsar, I am the third son. I'm called Ivanushka.

Sketch for Russia Day for a school holiday Sketch for Russia Day Participants: a girl in a Russian sundress (G.K., Genghis Khan (Sh.A.), Napoleon (R.A., Hitler (M.D., announcer (S.A., 3.

Scene “Forest School”“Forest School” - a skit for preschool children (A bear comes onto the stage to the music. There is a pillar on the stage and on it is a plaque, Bear. What kind of plaque is this?.

Sketch for March 8 “Old Grandmothers” Video Mitrofanovna: Hello, darling, light Ivanovna. Ivanovna: And you won’t get sick Mitrofanovna. Mitrofanovna: Oh, we haven’t met for a long time.

Every year, in early March, International Women's Day comes - one of the most favorite holidays for children and adults. Indeed, it is customary to prepare in advance for March 8th in order to beautifully congratulate the entire female population of the country. In kindergarten and primary school, children learn touching poems and songs in honor of their beloved mothers and grandmothers, as well as funny funny scenes for March 8th - such children's performances are simple thematic compositions of a comic nature. Alternatively, skits for high school students can be based on popular musical and humorous TV shows, commercials, parodies of famous songs, as well as stories “from the life of the school and class.” An interesting idea for a sketch about March 8th at school - scenes from the “immortal” creations of domestic and foreign classics, presented in a cool form. What scenes would be appropriate at a corporate party? A sketch about everyday work and office life will fit perfectly into the festive scenario of March 8 “for adults”, and the heroes of the production will be the colleagues themselves - women and men. In our selection you will find the most interesting ideas with videos of funny skits on March 8 for schoolchildren of different ages, which can be used when creating a script for an entertainment program in honor of the main women's holiday. We wish you inspiration and creative success!

Cool scenes for March 8th for middle school students - ideas with videos on how to congratulate girls

As a basis for a festive production for March 8, performed by middle school students, you can choose a plot from a Russian folk tale and remake it in a modern way. For example, in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” there is a famous episode where three girls dreamed of what they would do if they were queens. Boys are chosen to play the role of “girls” for the skit on March 8, and right in the classroom they begin to discuss how they would congratulate the girls on their holiday. Pretending to be diligently writing in a notebook and not noticing the teacher standing in front of them, each of the boys offers their own “version” of the script for March 8th. So, one advocates a short congratulation, the second undertakes to write beautiful poetry - it is clear that in the case of “if I were writing a script.” It wouldn't be difficult for a third student to write an entire novel! At the end of the skit, the teacher can’t stand it and calls on the “dreamers” to use their skills and congratulate the girls by making a big poster for the holiday. So one head is good, but three is even better! Of course, a poster with poems, congratulations in prose and beautiful drawings needs to be prepared in advance and then handed over to girls classmates. In addition to fairy tales-“alterations”, for the skit on March 8, you can use well-known programs - entertaining, humorous, musical. Such productions will create a festive atmosphere and lift the spirits of everyone present - the “actors” and the audience. We bring to your attention some interesting ideas with videos of funny skits about March 8th for middle school students. Take advantage of our ideas and your celebration of International Women's Day will be fun and exciting.

A cool pantomime scene about March 8th - “How do schoolchildren, boys and girls, celebrate the main women’s holiday?”, with video

How do boys and girls celebrate March 8? Schoolchildren are quite capable of conveying the essence of a skit to the audience - only with the help of movements! We select music for the pantomime production in a major and cheerful manner, taking into account the development of the plot. The video shows a wonderful performance by young actors, which is accompanied by a “cut” of popular modern songs.

Funny scene for the holiday of March 8 – “Festive Grandfather”, video

Gifts for March 8th are a separate topic, on the basis of which many wonderful scenes can be played out. It is known that every woman and girl looks forward to receiving a gift for their main holiday. But what if there are “too” many girls? Watch a funny scene in the video about how a resourceful grandfather dealt with the “invasion” of his granddaughters on March 8th!

Short funny skits for the holiday of March 8 – Ideas for holiday performances for elementary school students, video

When compiling a program for an entertainment event in honor of March 8, you should include beautiful and touching congratulation poems, songs, and dance numbers. In addition, it is customary to add cheerful funny scenes about March 8 to the script, which present various funny situations from ordinary school life, as well as “alterations” from folk tales, classical works of famous poets and writers. As a rule, elementary school students dedicate scenes for March 8 to mothers and grandmothers - the plots of such productions are simple and short in execution time. After all, not all little “actors” at the age of 6–9 can learn a long text and, moreover, pronounce it without hesitation on the “stage” in front of numerous spectators. Therefore, for younger schoolchildren it is better to choose a “collective” scene for March 8, in which each child will be able to make their congratulatory “mite” in the form of a short poem. If you want to surprise and delight mothers and grandmothers on March 8th, our ideas and videos will help bring your wildest creative ideas to life!

Fun dance scene for March 8th - from junior schoolchildren for mothers, with video

You can arrange an unforgettable holiday in honor of March 8th for your beloved mother by preparing a dance skit performed by gentleman boys. Such a musical production with elements of ballroom dancing will cause thunderous applause at a children's matinee at school dedicated to the 8th of March holiday.

An old fairy tale in a new way “How the princess was getting ready to get married” - a humorous sketch for March 8

Primary and secondary school students can take part in creating such a humorous skit for March 8th. The tsar, queen, and princess are “standard” characters in most Russian folk tales. However, add a little modern music, fashionable dance moves and you will get a fairy tale in a new way. In addition to musical accompaniment and costumes, to stage the sketch “How the Princess Got Married” you need to collect recordings of individual phrases and songs from famous films and cartoons. This “hodgepodge” will create an atmosphere of humor, fun and give the audience a lot of positive emotions on March 8th.

Funny scenes for March 8 in kindergarten - for senior, preparatory and junior groups, ideas, video

On the eve of March 8, the kindergarten traditionally prepares for the festive matinee. Mothers sew beautiful dresses for little “princesses”, and boys learn touching poems and songs of congratulations on Women’s Day. In addition, in the script for a matinee for a kindergarten dedicated to the holiday of March 8, you can include funny funny scenes on the appropriate topic. So, for pupils of the senior or preparatory group, “real” theatrical productions will be quite capable - with memorizing long texts, dressing up in costumes, making complex scenery and props. As for the little ones, it is better to choose simple scenes for March 8, with short poems and remarks. For example, you can prepare several congratulatory phrases for your mother or grandmother, which young “actors” can easily remember and can say on the “stage” at the right moment. Of course, each scene should be rehearsed as best as possible - and the festive performance will go off with a bang!

Children's very funny scene “without words” for March 8th – “Merry Family”

For this fun pantomime scene you will need not only boy “actors”, but also charming “actresses” - in the roles of “moms” and “dads”. According to the plot, the “parents” walk together with the “child” in a stroller, and the “dads” take an active part in this activity. Then the “dads” go to “work”, leaving the little “mommies” at home, because they need to earn money for the family! Of course, in the end, “mothers” happily run away to spend their earnings in “shopping”, and “children” remain with “fathers” - very touching, expressive and everything is clear without words! Such a fun and lively scene performed by kids trying on “adult” roles is an excellent option for staging on March 8 or Mother’s Day.

Sketch for a matinee in honor of March 8 “Old Grandmothers” - for kindergarten

Boys dressed in old women's colorful skirts and scarves look best in the role of cheerful "grandmothers". Indeed, it is interesting to observe such “metamorphoses” - grannies, who were just barely walking with a stick, suddenly start dancing to fiery music. Stormy applause from the audience is guaranteed! Undoubtedly, mothers and “real” grandmothers will appreciate the acting abilities of their children and grandchildren, who will act out such a comic congratulatory scene at a kindergarten matinee in honor of March 8th.

Funny skits for high school students on March 8 – Original ideas for humorous performances at school, with video

International Women's Day is an excellent occasion for students, teachers and parents to get together at a school gala event dedicated to this important date. In order for the holiday to be remembered for a long time for its sparkling humor, fun and warm atmosphere, preliminary preparation is required. Thus, in the holiday script for March 8 for high school students, you can include several funny humorous sketches on the “eternal” school theme, as well as performances with the participation of characters from famous literary works. Modern youth compositions or “cuts” of songs are selected as musical accompaniment, which can be easily done using a special program. What skits can be prepared for March 8th for high school students? We tried to collect the most original ideas for holiday performances for March 8th in high schools. Perhaps among the schoolchildren there will be a screenwriter who will come up with a real masterpiece - with the help of our video ideas, you can independently prepare a funny scene and act it out at the holiday dedicated to March 8th.

A humorous sketch about March 8 “Princess” - an example of a production for high school students

For this skit for March 8th, it is better to choose participants from among the recognized class “artists”. So, we will need: an author, a girl “princess”, a boy “king” and several “princes”. It is clear that costumes and props for the production need to be thought out and prepared in advance - a magnificent dress, crowns for the “royal persons”, luxurious shiny clothes. According to the script, the princess had to compose congratulations on March 8 for teachers and students of the school where she studies. However, it’s not so easy to come up with beautiful congratulations! After all, until now the “princess” has only been good at trying on new dresses, but finding words of congratulations and wishes is not so easy! Therefore, the “daddy king” decides to involve the “princes” in this matter and issues a decree: every guest must be welcomed to the palace with a congratulation dedicated to the beautiful ladies. After listening to all the invitees in turn, the cunning “princess” writes down beautiful poems and congratulations and is quite pleased with the result. And now you can choose a festive outfit! The essence of such a humorous scene is that even if you don’t know rhyme and eloquence, you can still pick up congratulations on March 8th and say them in your own words - sincerely and from the heart.

Comic skits for mothers in honor of March 8 – The best ideas for a corporate party on International Women’s Day, video

For many work collectives, celebrating March 8th has long become a good tradition. Every year, on the eve of March 8, female colleagues receive from the male “half” a “standard” holiday package: flowers, a gift and a solemn congratulation. However, in honor of International Women's Day, you can come up with more interesting options - for example, prepare a comic skit and please your female colleagues with a performance at a corporate party. Such a production with a touch of humor will appeal to the most beautiful mothers and grandmothers and will pleasantly diversify the entertainment program. As a rule, at corporate parties on March 8, funny skits and parodies of famous programs, actors and politicians are always a success. For example, the idea of ​​congratulating the ladies present on their main holiday on behalf of famous TV presenters is an excellent plot for a sketch on March 8th. By adding incendiary, cheerful music, you can arrange a real performance for the “heroes” of the occasion. Perhaps from our video you will get some interesting ideas and options for the festive “March Eight” performances.

Corporate skit-parody of the film “Titanic” - for the holiday of March 8

It is known that most women love romantic films - in particular, the famous “Titanic”, winner of 11 Oscar awards. Therefore, at a corporate party dedicated to March 8, a comic skit-parody of this famous cult painting will cause a lot of fun and laughter. Moreover, the role of the main character of this masterpiece of world cinema will be played by a man in disguise! Perhaps among the male team there will be their own “Winslet” and “DiCaprio”, no worse than Hollywood actors. We are sure that such a parody of March 8th will receive loud applause from grateful spectators.

What skits should you prepare for March 8? We tried to collect the most interesting ideas for skits about March 8 - for primary and secondary school students, and high school students. Use our videos and you can stage a funny skit dedicated to International Women's Day in kindergarten for mothers and grandmothers. Funny comic scenes for March 8 “for adults” will cheer you up and create an atmosphere of celebration and fun at a corporate party. Happy March 8th to you!

“That’s how we congratulated...”

Characters: 7th grade students Seryoga, Zhenek, Max; girls classmates Sveta, Irina, Dasha.

Props: three briefcases with soft toys

On the stage there is a fight “Who will win” between Seryoga and Max (clasped hands and butting head to head, briefcases lying nearby).

Zhenya (gesturing expressively): Press, Seryoga, press! That's it! Hey! What have I come to say! Enough for you, whoever I’m telling! (pulls friends away). Do you hear what I'm saying?

Seryoga (wiping sweat from his forehead with his sleeve): Well, speak up, don’t be shy.

Zhenyok:Guys, do you even remember that today is the eighth?

Max: Well, eighth! And what?

Seryoga: Eighth, ninth, tenth... Are you teaching us mathematics?

Zhenyok:It's March after all!

Max: Well, March. And what?

Zhenyok:Well, you give it! It's a holiday after all.

Seryoga : Zhenyok! Well, sorry, friend (pats him on the shoulder) High five. Congratulations (shakes his hand).

Zhenek looks at him dumbfounded.

Max: Zheka! (Offers his hand to him) Congratulations on your birthday. As they say, good health to you from the Health Center, sharp vision and keen hearing, a good C in physics, a diary without any comments.

Seryoga: And so that the girls love you and carry you in their arms.

Zhenyok:Are you congratulating me?!

Seryoga: Wrong question. Who else should we congratulate? Me or what? Max, tell me.

Max:Zhenya, of course, forgive us for not giving you a gift. It completely slipped my mind. But we will buy a gift, honestly!

Zhenyok:Are you going to congratulate me like a girl?!

Seryoga: What are you doing, Zhenya?! We weren't going to give you flowers or bouquets. A real kid will receive a real gift. For example, a laser. Zhenya, do you want a laser?

Zhenyok:Well, I want to.

Seryoga: You will give Svetka red eyes.

(At this time, smartly dressed girls quietly approach and listen to the conversation.)

Max: Would you like us to give you a spider like this? Just imagine, when you put it in Svetka’s briefcase, she will squeal!

(Svetka squeals).

Sveta: Does this mean these are the gifts you are preparing for us?

Seryoga: What do you have to do with it? It's Zhenya's holiday.

Dasha: Zhenya, what is your holiday, if it’s not a secret?

Zhenyok:No! I told them that today is the eighth! I told them it was March!

And they... mathematics..., laser...

Max: So today is March 8th?!

Seryoga: Well, Zheka! Well, let me down! So I would say that today is March 8th. He fooled our brains!

Irina: What else can we expect from our boys? Let's go, girls. It's not our turn to receive gifts.

Seryoga: Well, I do not! Some people don't underestimate us! For a week now we have been bringing you gifts instead of textbooks, so as not to forget.

(They take toys out of their briefcases and hand them to the girls.)

Sveta, Dasha, Irina : Thank you, boys, for your congratulations. We love you very much!

Girls and boys hold hands, boys read congratulatory poems to mothers and teachers.

Happy spring holiday,

With the first flowers in this bright hour,

With a festive drop,

In good spirits

We sincerely congratulate you today!

Please accept our congratulations

On International Women's Day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like lilacs

May your life be wonderful

And the children are always happy

Let your home be a full cup!

Good luck, happiness and goodness!

On stage is a disheveled, sleep-deprived and grimy guy in pajamas.
He goes to the chair and takes something wrinkled and dirty from it.

SERGEY: Ma-am! We should congratulate the girls today. Did you iron my shirt?
MOTHER: Good morning, son. I stroked it.
SERGEY : Hello! Which one?
MOTHER: White.
SERGEY: White?
MOTHER: White, white.
SERGEY: Was mine white?
MOTHER: Of course she was. We bought it last year. Don't you remember?
SERGEY: I do not remember…
MOTHER: You still wore it, remember?
SERGEY : For the New Year - I remember. And after that I don’t remember. And... Is she white?
MOTHER: Of course, I washed it. It was lying under your bed - I had a hard time finding it! Have you brushed your teeth?
SERGEY : Ah, so that’s where she was! It was Barsik who dragged her there! (Throws the dirty shirt under the bed and puts on a clean one.) Well, just wait, now you’ll get it from me! Barsik! Barsik! Kitty Kitty Kitty! Come here!.. He’s eating something in the kitchen again.

Fat Barsik enters. Chews.

SERGEY : Get out of here!!!
BARSIK: Ah-ah-ah... That’s what I would have said right away. (Leaves).
SERGEY: A pig, not a cat... Ma-am!
MOTHER: What, son? Have you brushed your teeth?
SERGEY : Yeah. And Barsik too.
MOTHER: Good girl! Did you wash your neck?
SERGEY: Now, I'll soap it up! (Takes a stick). Barsik!!! Come here!

Fat Barsik enters. Chews.

BARSIK: So what?
SERGEY: Cho-cho!.. No big deal!
BARSIK : Ah-ah... I would have said that right away. (Leaves).

The boy takes his trousers off the chair - also dirty and full of holes.

SERGEY: Ma-am! Have you ironed your new trousers?
MOTHER : I stroked it. And a jacket.
SERGEY: Do I have a jacket?
MOTHER : Of course have.

The guy throws his trousers under the bed and grabs his jacket with the sleeve torn off.

SERGEY: Well, then it will be a vest. (Tears off the second sleeve).
MOTHER: What's cracking there?
SERGEY : This is me doing exercises, mom!
MOTHER: Ah, well done, well done!
SERGEY: Today is the eighth of March for the girls (), I prepared poems for them, I’ll read them now, do you hear? (combs his hair).
MOTHER: I hear you! Nice poems!
SERGEY: What poems?
MOTHER: which you have prepared.
SERGEY: Ma, what are you doing there?
MOTHER: I'm making a pie, son. You won’t come to congratulate the girls empty-handed.
SERGEY: Why pie? I need flowers!
MOTHER: Flowers in the hallway. Money for lunch in the nightstand.
SERGEY : And the briefcase?
MOTHER: Right there, nearby. They're calling, open the door!
SERGEY : These are probably the guys from the class...

Neat boys enter with flowers in their hands.

SERGEY : Oh! Who do you want?
ANDREY: We need Sergei from 9 - "A".
SERGEY: I'm listening to.
ALL: Seryoga! Are you?
SERGEY: Well yes, I am. What do you care?
DENIS: Don't you recognize it?
SERGEY : Wait, wait! I'll find out!!! It seems like we were on vacation with you in the summer... Exactly - in the camp!..
DENIS: What summer? We are your classmates. Andryukha, Denis and Ilya.
SERGEY: Very nice... oh, I mean... Guys, is it you? Well, you're dressed up! Did not recognize…
ILYA: Look at yourself!

Sergei rushes to the mirror, sees himself - combed and neatly dressed - and faints.

MOTHER: And here comes the pie! Oh, Serezhenka, you’re so smart, you’re unrecognizable! Did you forget the flowers?
ILYA: No, I haven't forgotten. Only I’m not Serezhenka, I’m Ilya. Serezhenka is lying there.
MOTHER : Serezhenka, I beg you, please don’t lie around in the hallway in clean clothes. Wait until school.
SERGEY: Mommy, I didn’t recognize myself! What will happen now?
MOTHER: Nothing, nothing, nothing... You'll get used to it!

Sketch for March 8 “TEACHER”

The teacher enters the classroom and goes to her seat.

TEACHER : Hello!
ALL: Hello!!!
TEACHER: Sorry, what class is this?
ALL: 9 - “A”!!!
TEACHER: 9 - “Ah”? Aaaaand... What school?
ALL: General education school No. (such and such)!!!
TEACHER: Yeah, there it is! And... please tell me, is this the same school located (at such and such an address)?
ALL: The same one!!!
TEACHER: Yeah... And what, in this building before... well, there: yesterday or the day before yesterday... there was no other school No. (such and such) by chance?
ALL: No!!!
TEACHER: Well, well, well, interesting. So what class is this?
ALL: 9 - “A”!!!
TEACHER: 9 - “A”... Neither “B”, nor “C”, but simply “A”?
ALL : Just “A”!!!
TEACHERS A: But this cannot be!!!
ALL : Why?
TEACHER: Because this is a completely different class.
SVETOCHKINA: What are you, the same one!
TEACHERS A: How about the same one if I don’t recognize anything?
SVETOCHKINA: What don't you learn?
TEACHER: I don't recognize anything!
ALL: Not true!
TEACHER: Oh, isn't that true? Well, then let's check it out! What did we cover in the last lesson? You!
PETRUSHKIN: In the last lesson, you explained to us the properties and characteristic features of matter. It was very interesting...
TEACHER : Yeah, gotcha! I remember well: that time no one listened!
ALL: Not true!
TEACHER: Oh, isn't that true? Let's check further. What was the homework assignment? You!
PETRUSHKIN: The homework was to read, understand and learn paragraphs five, six and seven of the third chapter, which is called: “Antimatter”. I learned...
TEACHER: This can't be true! No one here ever taught homework!
PETRUSHKIN: And I learned it!
ALL: And I! And I!
TEACHER: I do not believe! And I won’t believe it for anything!
ALL: But why?
TEACHER: If only because I don’t know anyone here!
SVETOCHKINA: Don't you recognize me? I am an excellent student, I always sit on the first desk...
TEACHER : My God! Svetochkina, is that you? How did you get here?
SVETOCHKINA : I'm studying here.
TEACHER: Listen to me, Svetochkina: this is a very dangerous place - everyone here has been replaced!
SVETOCHKINA: Come on, everyone is the same here.
TEACHER: Do you doubt it? Or do you think I'm hallucinating? Then tell me the name of this student.
SVETOCHKINA: Petrushkin.
TEACHER: Yeah, that means it’s not me, it’s you who are mistaken! This student is not Petrushkin. I know Petrushkin personally!
SVETOCHKINA: Who is this?
TEACHER: That's the thing, I don't know myself. But I see perfectly well: this is no Petrushkin!
TEACHER: This is Antipetrushkin!!! And you are Antisvetochkina!!! And you are all Anti-Children!!!
ALL: Why?
TEACHER: Because normal children are not like that!
ALL : Why?
TEACHER : They don’t happen that’s all! First of all: they never listen in class! Secondly: they never teach homework! And thirdly: can normal children sit so calmly and look so neat? These are Anti-Children! And this is ANTI-WORLD!!!
PETRUSHKIN : Let me explain everything now. Please tell me what day is it today?
TEACHER: If you think that I am that... then you are deeply mistaken. I remember everything perfectly. Please: today is the eighth of March, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight!
PETRUSHKIN: Does this mean anything to you?
TEACHER: What do you mean?.. Oh, yes, yes, it seems that I’m starting to understand something... It’s all about time!
TEACHER:T I knew it!!! I arrived at a different time!!! It’s very possible - to another planet! What a phenomenon!!! Tell me, what is the name of this planet? And what day and year is it now?
PETRUSHKIN: This planet is called: "Earth". And on this day every year on Earth it is customary to congratulate all women on March 8th. You are a woman and we congratulate you! (Gives flowers).
TEACHER : This is some kind of joke... I don’t understand...
PETRUSHKIN : And on my own behalf, I want to add that you are our favorite teacher at school!!!
ALL: Yeees!!!
TEACHER: "Teacher"? Did you say "teacher"? Petrushkin, is that you?
TEACHER : God! Now I recognize you! Petrushkin! You are my favorite student!!!
ALL : Ur-r-ra-ah!!!

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