Job descriptions of the administrator and his responsibilities. Job description of an administrator, job responsibilities of an administrator, sample job description of an administrator


Relatively recently, a person whose work is supposed to manage and control the actions of a group was called a manager. Today such specialists are called administrators. This word came to us from the English language and literally means “manager, manager.”

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Administrator are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Administrators.

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Description of activity

Administrators are most often required in those social institutions that are visited by a large number of people: catering, sports clubs, theaters, large stores and others.

These specialists control the work of the rest of the team, coordinate the actions of visitors to the establishment, and maintain order. The administrator must be well acquainted with the peculiarities of his company in order to be able to answer any questions from clients. In addition, in most cases, administrators work with databases (for example, with a client database).


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Administrator cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Administrator, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Administrator You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Administrator(related or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become Administrator.

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Job responsibilities

The administrator's responsibilities depend on his field of activity. If a specialist is involved in maintaining databases in computer systems, then he needs to monitor the safety of information, make changes at the request of users, conduct consultations and determine the usefulness of databases. These are, for example, the responsibilities.

Well, if a specialist is engaged in administrative and management activities, then his responsibilities include solving administrative issues, filling out official documentation and providing the necessary information to visitors and employees.

As a rule, the administrator is the first person visitors to the establishment meet. Therefore, he must answer all their questions regarding the company’s work, current promotions and other features. The administrator also gives clients the necessary things: keys, towels, etc.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Administrator- This is a profession predominantly of mental work, which is largely associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Administrator the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

The profession of an administrator is a leadership position. Therefore, it is unlikely that this specialist will be able to advance his career in his company, especially if it is small. This specialist can either work in one position with the prospect of an increase in salary, or one day occupy a management position or open his own business.

Career Opportunities

There are enough opportunities

The vast majority of representatives of the profession Administrator believe that they have enough opportunities for career advancement. If an ordinary specialist has such a goal, then it is quite possible for him to occupy a leadership position in this area.

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But this does not mean that such work is available to everyone and has low requirements. Having a higher education will not hurt in any case, and it is desirable that it be something related to the work of clubs. You can safely apply for an administrator position by graduating from such faculties as:

  • economic;
  • psychological;
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages;
  • any department of a pedagogical university.

Administrator vacancy Regarding economics, everything is clear: the administrator is almost always vested with the authority to resolve financial issues, and as for obtaining an education in other faculties, this need is justified by the fact that the administrator, first of all, must be able to communicate with people, feel them and try to do so, to make visitors as comfortable as possible.

How to conduct an interview: asking the right questions

Above in the article there are several options for similar questions. Do not ask the employer about his personal life, do not invade his personal space. Nobody will like it. You may have questions about career growth, work schedule, vacation, weekends.

A question about bonuses and a direct question about salary would not be correct. Test during a job interview Employment testing is carried out by employers quite often.


Especially in cases where the company is interested in hiring the most suitable employee for the position, and not a person from the street. There are two types of tests:

  • To test professional knowledge
  • To test general knowledge

Tests to test your professional knowledge contain questions directly about your profession and related areas.

How to become a club administrator

Question - Answer QUESTION: How to write a resume for the vacancy of a beauty salon administrator? (Frequently asked question in the Yandex and Google search engines) ANSWER: Writing a resume is an important component when finding your dream job. Even if you have no work experience, even if you lack confidence at the beginning of an interview with a potential employer, a well-written resume can play a positive role in making a decision about your employment.

The basic rules are described on many job search sites. I will focus on one of them - the professional skills of the applicant.

In this section, you describe what you learned while working or at the University. Unlike other professions, a salon administrator is a specialist who combines the qualities and skills of several professions.

Frequently asked questions and answers about the beauty salon administrator course

The knowledge gained from an experienced teacher gives confidence during an interview with a possible employer. 2. The courses provide the opportunity to be at the center of all important news in the field of regulatory and legal aspects of doing business; materials and technical equipment used in the cabin.

3. Practical classes prepare you for solving complex issues that arise when working with staff or clients. 4. Psychological preparation for work, trainings, lectures and practice prepare the student for quick adaptation to the team and successful work.
Why do we go to the dentist if our tooth hurts? Right. He is a professional and MUST know his business perfectly.
An employee in any company MUST be a professional! This is why successful employers will not hire a person without proper education or a letter of recommendation from a previous job.

20 questions to ask during an interview


If the cleaner washed the floors poorly, he should be reprimanded. If the waiters work slowly, the administrator is obliged to take appropriate measures.

If musicians or DJs encounter any problems during their work, these problems must be resolved by the administrator. But control is not the most important thing. In the event of a rush situation, an emergency, or if one of the employees does not show up for work for some reason, the administrator must be ready to replace the employee who is “incapacitated.”
This does not mean that the administrator must complete a bartending course or clean the toilet himself.

In addition to all the above-mentioned functions of the IT manager, the system administrator is responsible for archiving all databases, purchasing digital equipment, and organizing the operation of the entire IT infrastructure system. No higher education required. If possible, it is better to grow from an assistant.

Head of the department - he is needed when the company has a large number of servers, the number of computers approaching 150 units and branches in other places. At this level you need to have a higher education, organizational skills, knowledge of English and at least 4 years of work experience.

The manager may be an advanced system administrator. It would be even better if he turned out to be once hired for a part-time job as an Enikey student who grew and developed in an existing company.
Name them

  • “Why should I (the employer) hire you?” - One of the most provocative questions. Talk about sales and your successes in this area. Establish yourself Interview questions for administrator
  • The administrator must be able to talk with people and resolve controversial situations that arise. His main qualities are sociability and the ability to quickly find the right solution. An employer has the right to ask you about communication skills. He is not interested in any sales, because the main thing for you is consultation on service issues and monitoring the activities of employees. Questions to ask an employer during an interview Oddly enough, it is possible and even necessary to ask questions to a potential employer. The main thing is to understand at what point you need to do this.

It’s good if he expresses his desire to receive maximum satisfaction from his work. His mood not only affects his health and the moral climate in the team, but is also the most important necessary condition for high productivity, the most reliable guarantee against mistakes, negligence and defects, and ultimately the main guarantee of the company’s prosperity. 10. How successful have you been in interviews in other places? It is important to find out why you failed an interview in some places and passed successfully in others. If he convinces you that your competitors are interested, then you try to keep him. 11. Will your personal life interfere with this job, which is associated with additional stress (irregular working hours, long or long-distance business trips, constant travel)? This question is often asked to women.
What attracts you to work with us in this position? It’s bad if they answer with common phrases: “I am attracted by growth prospects, interesting work, reputable company...”. Must provide serious and specific arguments: the desire to apply your qualifications and experience where they can give the greatest return and will be appreciated, the attractiveness of working in a strong team of professionals. 4. Why do you consider yourself worthy to take this position? What are your advantages over other candidates? This is the best question for a candidate to, without false modesty, name his main advantages over other applicants. At the same time, he must demonstrate his ability to persuade, emphasizing his advantages. It is bad if the candidate answers this question with weak arguments and cites his formal biographical characteristics. 5.
It's fast and free! Table of contents:

  • Who to hire?
  • System administrator levels
  • Summary
  • Interview

Who to hire? In order to hire someone, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what their responsibilities will be. The main work tasks of a system administrator are setting up, debugging and maintaining the functionality of digital equipment. Despite the rapid development of technology and the increasing awareness of ordinary users in computer matters, many still confuse the professions of a programmer and a system administrator. A programmer is an applied mathematician whose goal, using existing knowledge of a programming language, is to create an application capable of calculating the necessary practical data for subsequent use in production.

What parts of the system unit can cause this?

  • Main differences between FAT and NTFS?
  • What is RAID?
  • How to fix failed driver update?
  • The most important thing is that they relate to existing or planned equipment, and not to an abstract test of knowledge for versatility. It is better to check the latter in the form of the ability to quickly understand information unfamiliar to the applicant.

    An interview for an IT administrator position requires careful preparation on both sides. To do this, you need to take some topic unknown to the candidate, explain it to him, and then ask him to retell on a piece of paper everything that he understood. If the attempt is successful, he knows how to learn quickly. Such an employee is worth hiring even if at the moment his knowledge is rather meager.

Administrator is a fairly universal profession. In order to try yourself in it, you do not need to have deep knowledge of some narrow profile. Main qualities for a beginner specialist of this kind is:

  • sociability and ability to get along easily with people;
  • ability to speak competently;
  • attentiveness;
  • emotional stability;
  • interest in the matter, the desire to treat it informally.

Possession of the listed features will make it easy to navigate the responsibilities that are dictated by the unique nature of the organization - be it a dental clinic or a sports club.

However, there is no rule without exceptions: in some prestigious companies, quite strict requirements are imposed on administrators - impeccable knowledge of foreign languages ​​and certain legislative acts, having a higher economic or managerial education, etc.

Main responsibilities of an administrator

The administrator is essentially a manager. The specific scope of his responsibilities directly depends on the type of institution. Managers are needed:

  • hotels and hotels;
  • large stores;
  • cafes and restaurants;
  • fitness centers;
  • private clinics;
  • beauty salons;
  • entertainment clubs.

A specialist, as a rule, interacts with both clients and junior staff. For example, a restaurant administrator is responsible not only for receiving guests and organizing banquets, but also for training newcomers. He also has to deal with paperwork - filling out reports, maintaining inventory, drawing up employment and vacation schedules.

An employee working in a store is required to be on the sales floor almost constantly. There is usually a separate place for him, but in practice he rarely gets bored at the counter: he has to accept the goods, make sure that the sellers have correctly laid out the products on the shelves, and answer customer questions.

The clinic administrator primarily serves visitors - answers phone calls, creates individual cards, and accepts fees for appointments. He also has to carry out instructions from management - send faxes, sort out correspondence. Working in a medical institution, one inevitably has to become familiar with the basics of medicine - it is important to clearly understand what competencies each doctor or diagnostician has.

Constant contact with people, often dissatisfied and conflict-oriented, is perhaps the most essential minus profession. Even in cases where it would be humanely appropriate to respond sharply to someone’s complaints, the administrator must remain polite and smiling.

The manager's working day is most often coincides with company working hours: The administrator opens the hall in the morning and locks it in the evening. In cases where the company does not close at night (for example, a bar), a shift schedule is drawn up.

Prospects for employment and career growth

Is the profession of administrator in demand?

Quite. A very significant proportion of Russian employers are interested in personnel of this specialization. Our website is regularly updated, check them out. If you already have an idea of ​​what type of institution you want to work in, pay attention to the selection of recent vacancies for managers.

The administrator performs the following duties:

Provides effective and cultural service to visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.
- Consults visitors on the availability of available services, ongoing special promotions, the availability of bonus programs, etc.
- Keeps appointments, informs specialists about available appointments, maintains a client base.
- Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations, considers claims related to unsatisfactory service to visitors.
- Ensures cleanliness and order in the premises, supervises the work of the cleaners.
- Monitors compliance by employees of the organization with labor and production discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements.
- Informs the organization’s management about existing shortcomings in serving visitors and takes measures to eliminate them.
- Performs individual official assignments from his immediate superior.

The administrator has the right:

Get acquainted with the decisions of the organization’s management regarding its activities.
- Submit proposals to management to improve their work and the work of the company.
- Inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the course of your activities and make proposals for their elimination.
- Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties.
- Make decisions within your competence.

The administrator is responsible:

For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
- For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
- For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Responsibilities of a cafe administrator

The profession of a cafe administrator is also known as a hall manager, head waiter or manager. This is the person who manages the activities of the institution as a whole. The main thing that a cafe administrator does is organize the work of staff (cooks, waiters, cloakroom attendants, cleaners, security guards, etc.), control the quality of service, resolve possible conflict situations and create a good mood for visitors.

An administrator is needed in all catering establishments, be it a cafe, bar, restaurant or canteen.

The term "maître d'" originated in 18th-century France. This was the name given to the owner of the inn where travelers and tourists rested and dined. He greeted visitors, seated them in the dining room, took orders, made payments and commanded the servants in the kitchen.

Today, a head waiter is the administrator of a restaurant or cafe, without whom it is difficult to imagine any catering outlet.

Typically, the job responsibilities of a cafe administrator are as follows:

Organization of efficient operation of the cafe;
personnel management (work schedules, training, control of work processes and compliance with institution standards);
monitoring the operation of equipment and the quality of prepared dishes;
control of timing of finished product sales;
communication with visitors;
assistance to waiters;
preparation of necessary documents and reports.

Also, the functions of a cafe administrator may include:

carrying out inventories;
management of the assortment of prepared dishes;
working with the cash register;
organization of banquets.

The requirements for a cafe administrator are very simple - work experience. It is always needed.

As a rule, it is necessary:

Know the basics of working in a restaurant;
be able to organize the work process;
use a PC.

Depending on the nature of the establishment, there may be certain requirements for the age, appearance of the employee, or knowledge of a foreign language.

You can obtain a higher education in the specialty “Organization of services in public catering” or complete a course in restaurant management. However, in this profession, experience is everything, and a beginner can only count on the position of administrative assistant.

Responsibilities of a store administrator

This specialist is entrusted with a huge range of job responsibilities and functions:

1. He develops a work schedule for employees taking into account the specifics of the store.
2. On the sales floor, monitors the staff and their work, regulates the placement of people at the checkout or in the hall.
3. Controls the appearance of employees: it must be neat and clean.
4. Conducts general meetings of store employees according to the schedule established by the store, where he informs everyone of management decisions and reviews the good or unsatisfactory performance of duties by employees.
5. Trains staff in work skills, explains how, what and in what order should be done. This can happen either at a predetermined time during general training, or directly in the work process if the manager notices that someone is not doing their job correctly.
6. The administrator maintains an atmosphere of goodwill among employees and promotes the speedy and positive resolution of conflicts in the workplace.
7. He controls the quality of the goods put up for sale, their assortment, and expiration dates. If something does not meet the standards, then it takes measures to eliminate the problem.
8. The manager promptly places an order to the supplier for goods that are missing on the shelves.
9. Conducts periodic inventory of goods, makes reconciliations, identifies shortages of goods, and takes measures to eliminate such problems.
10. The administrator controls how the goods are laid out on the shelves; this must be done on time and optimally convenient for the buyer.
11. The manager monitors the condition of the store premises and surrounding areas, and, if necessary, interacts with utility services.
12. If necessary, he advises customers on the sales floor on the services provided by the store.
13. The administrator monitors the operation of the cash registers, controls the availability of small money in each cash register for issuing change from large bills.
14. If conflict situations arise with customers, the administrator negotiates to resolve the problem, resolves the issue so that the customer does not have an unpleasant impression of the store, writes reports to management about the employees through whose fault the situation occurred, and conducts a preventive conversation to prevent such violations.
15. The administrator resolves all current issues with landlords regarding the operation of the premises (monitors compliance with the terms of the lease agreement), payment of rent, and other instructions and wishes made by the landlord.
16. The manager monitors prices for goods from competitors and forms proposals for management on possible pricing policies. He also comes up with and organizes events that attract more customers.
17. The administrator is responsible for monitoring the renewal of all permits from administrative authorities, as well as licenses, patents, etc., necessary for the full operation of the store. If a document expires, the manager independently extends the documentation period, or entrusts this to the responsible person. It also monitors all changes in the Legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to documents regulating trade.
18. It is within the competence of the manager to inform the store management about all inspections.
19. At the end of each shift, the administrator submits a cash report and reconciles the documents. Resolving collection issues is also on it. He independently transfers money and documents to the bank.
20. The manager also prepares documents for calculating wages and makes notes regarding fines or bonuses for each employee.
21. If necessary, the administrator must replace any store employee.
22. The manager is engaged in optimizing store expenses, drawing up a store budget and taking the necessary steps to reduce the number of expenses.

Online store

When running an online store, you have a narrower range of responsibilities than is required in a large retail store.

The main activity of a store administrator is communication with dealers when ordering goods.

Also, the manager must monitor the quality, know its characteristics and expiration dates, application options and other information about the product.

He consults clients by phone or any electronic method of communication, and organizes the delivery of goods (either independently or through a courier).

It also “maintains” the order, controls payments, informs about what stage of processing the order is at (for example, it is still on its way, or is already in the warehouse and handed over to the courier, and so on).

The administrator's functions may vary depending on the size of the online store and the specifics of its work.

Clothing store

In the work of a clothing store administrator, there is a great need to organize events, promotions, sales, etc., in order to sell the remaining goods from the past season.

The manager focuses on training staff in techniques for successfully selling goods and motivating them to work.

He also pays special attention to the sales plan.

You definitely need to write about responsibility. A store administrator is a very responsible position. A person must be passionate about this matter.

This type of work requires leadership qualities; without them, it is very difficult to build a good job! It is necessary to have an active lifestyle, communication skills, and stress resistance. Attention is required for a manager, because he deals with serious documents.

It turns out that the profession of “administrator” is very creative, while at the same time requiring the presence of opposite personality qualities. On the one hand, he is a thoughtful, attentive strategist, on the other, a communicative manager who brings people together. An imbalance in one direction or another may not have a very good effect on work.

People who have worked in this position for more than one year, as a rule, love their work very much, because every day they successfully solve many diverse issues on which the success of the common cause depends.

Responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator

A competent, competent administrator is a real treasure for the director of a beauty salon. But, unfortunately, only a few purposefully apply for this position, but there is a large flow of applicants who view the job of an administrator in a salon as temporary, considering it not promising and not prestigious. Many people assume that the job consists only of greeting the client, offering tea or coffee, escorting them to the master and accepting money. Is it so?

Let's figure out what the responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator are and why this position in the salon is one of the key ones.

The purpose of the position is to provide quality customer service. To do this, he coordinates most of the business processes in the salon, providing the necessary materials and information to the client, staff, and manager.

Administrator – belongs to the category of specialists. Depending on the scope of responsibilities and the degree of independence in decision-making, the qualifications “senior” or “leading” may be assigned.

Tatyana Agapova, director of the Business Tools company: “In the book “Beauty Salon: Toy or Business?” I offer this summary table with the tasks, responsibilities, skills and competencies of a beauty salon administrator.

The main tasks and responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator:

Job responsibilities

Knowledge and skills required to perform duties

Personal characteristics

Increase sales

Create comfortable conditions for clients

Rules and methods for organizing the visitor service process

Fundamentals of Aesthetics

Principles of planning and design of beauty salon premises and shop windows.

Desire to help the client (empathy)


Good memory

Fast reaction

Ability to quickly switch attention

Stress resistance

Ability to maintain attention for a long time

Communication skills

Neatness (in clothing, workplace, documents)


Self-discipline The ability to plan your work day and carry out what is planned

No bad habits (smoking, alcohol)

Inform clients regarding the availability of available services

Presentation rules

Sales stages

Rules for telephone conversations

Types of services provided.

Quickly and accurately make payments to clients in cash and non-cash

Procedure for working with cash DS and bank cards

The procedure for returning DS Maintaining a cashier-operator book if you have a cash register

Ability to work in programs (1C, ARNICA, Malachite, Universe, etc.)

Inform clients about new services (decorate the interior of the salon, on the Internet, SMS mailings, holding open days)

Know the peculiarities of information perception and be able to apply it in practice

Basic internet skills

Plan client visits together with specialists, make pre-registration

Know the conditions for carrying out procedures, the time of carrying out procedures, frequency, the possibility of combining and other conditions.

Take measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

Fundamentals of ethics and social psychology

Fundamentals of conflictology

Reduce material wastage

Follow the procedure for working with inventory items

Rules for working with goods and materials

Rules for conducting inventories.

Know the internal standards for the consumption of inventory items

Minimize losses during inspections

(Rospotrebnadzor, labor inspectorate, tax office, prosecutor's office, etc.)

Consider complaints related to unsatisfactory customer service and take appropriate organizational and technical measures.

Consumer Protection Law

Procedure for resolving conflict situations

Monitor compliance by employees of the organization with labor and production discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements.

The structure of enterprise management, the rights and responsibilities of the organization’s employees and their work schedule.

Internal labor regulations.

Safety regulations

Ensure cleanliness and order in the premises of the beauty salon and in the areas adjacent to them or the building.

Procedure for cleaning the area

Production control program

Rospotrebnadzor requirements

Ensure the protection of personal data of clients and employees

Personal Data Protection Law.

Increase performance discipline

Monitor employees' compliance with the instructions of the organization's management.

Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management. Skill in drafting internal regulatory documents

Ability to work in programs (Megaplan, Outlook, etc.)

Carrying out instructions from the manager

Time management

The job responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator are divided into thematic blocks:

1. Organization and planning of salon activities, the purpose of which is to reduce costs and improve the quality of customer service. That is, control over the effective use of material, technical and labor resources in the process of the salon’s activities, work to reduce costs. Accounting and timely submission of reports to salon management.
2. Working with a cash register. Issuing checks, accepting payments for services rendered.
3. Work with personnel: keep a time sheet, monitor compliance with the work schedule, and the appearance of employees (dress code and uniform).
4. Control of cleanliness, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions when serving customers.
5. Work with the client base: maintaining, updating and replenishing, as well as working to build loyalty (sending information, congratulations, reminders, etc. to clients).
6. Communication with clients, namely, answering all incoming calls, consultation (services, prices, products) and recording clients. This also includes meeting the client, guiding the client to the master (meeting the master), accompanying the client after the service has been provided, as well as collecting information for subsequent use as the basis for new promotions in the salon.
7. Since the administrator is required to supervise the conduct of advertising and other promotions, he may be asked to practice the basics of marketing, advertising and merchandising.
8. In small offices, the work of an administrator is somewhat similar to the work of an office manager - he is responsible for the efficiency of the salon, monitors the availability of paper in the printer, stationery, and toilet paper in the toilets.

The administrator also regulates conflicts that arise, maintains a review book, and works with complaints.

The beauty salon administrator is the face of the company. He not only regulates and organizes the work of the salon, but also introduces the client to the salon and is often the determining factor in the client’s choice of a particular salon.

System Administrator Responsibilities

System Administrator:

1. Installs operating systems and software necessary for work on servers and workstations.
2. Configures software on servers and workstations.
3. Maintains the software of servers and workstations in working condition.
4. Registers local network and mail server users, assigns IDs and passwords.
5. Provides technical and software support to users, advises users on the operation of the local network and programs, draws up instructions for working with the software and brings them to the attention of users.
6. Sets access rights and controls the use of network resources.
7. Ensures timely copying, archiving and backup of data.
8. Takes measures to restore the functionality of the local network in the event of failures or failure of network equipment.
9. Identifies user and software errors and takes action to correct them.
10. Monitors the network, develops proposals for the development of network infrastructure.
11. Provides network security (protection from unauthorized access to information, viewing or changing system files and data), security of internetwork interaction.
12. Provides anti-virus protection of the local computer network, servers and workstations.
13. Prepares proposals for the modernization and acquisition of network equipment.
14. Monitors the installation of local network equipment by specialists from third-party organizations.
15. Informs his immediate supervisor about cases of violation of the rules for using the local computer network and the measures taken.

The system administrator has the right:

Set and change rules for using a local computer network.
- Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
- Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for management’s consideration.
- Require management to provide organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

The system administrator is responsible for:

Disruption of the functioning of the local computer network, servers and personal computers due to improper performance of one’s official duties.
- Late registration of local area network and mail server users.
- Late notification of management about cases of violation of the rules for using the local computer network.

The system administrator is held accountable:

For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
- For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
- For causing material damage to the company - within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Responsibilities of a hotel administrator

Hotel administrator:

1. Provides effective and cultural service to clients, creating comfortable conditions for them.
2. Monitors the timely preparation of rooms for the reception of those arriving at the hotel, maintaining cleanliness in the hotel, regular change of linen in the rooms, safety of property and equipment.
3. Informs hotel residents about the additional paid services provided, accepts orders for their implementation and monitors their implementation.
4. Provides oral information regarding the hotel, location of city attractions, entertainment, sports facilities, etc.
5. Receives and prepares the necessary documents.
6. Monitors employees’ compliance with the instructions of the organization’s management.
7. Monitors compliance by employees of the organization with labor and production discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements.
8. Takes measures to resolve conflicts that arise when serving residents.
9. Considers claims related to unsatisfactory customer service and carries out appropriate organizational and technical measures.
10. Informs the organization’s management about existing shortcomings in customer service and takes measures to eliminate them.

The hotel administrator has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the hotel management relating to its activities.
2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
3. Within the limits of your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the activities of the hotel (its structural divisions) identified during the performance of official duties and make proposals for their elimination.
4. Request personally or on behalf of his immediate supervisor from specialists and performers information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.
5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the hotel director).
6. Demand that the hotel management provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

The hotel administrator is responsible for:

For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
- For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
- For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Responsibilities of a restaurant administrator

Working as an administrator in a restaurant is a lot of work. But to achieve success, you should not always rely on the experience and advice of the person who held this position before you.

Think for yourself how you can improve your work. After all, for some reason the owner of the restaurant believed you and gave you this position. This means he believes in your abilities.

Here are 10 important points you need to think about:

1. Personal responsibility.

From this day on, all mistakes made by staff are your responsibility. This does not mean that you need to take up the whip and punish the guilty. We need to deal with the problem so that the situation does not happen again next time. A good leader always asks himself the question: “What lesson and benefit can I learn from this situation? “

2. You are an example for everyone and the “face” of the establishment.

From now on, your main duty is to be a worthy example for your subordinates. When working in a team where, one way or another, there will always be conversations and gossip, under no circumstances should you give rise to such discussions. Any decision you make will be visible. Your employees will definitely tell each other what they think about this. How not to lose authority in the team? It’s very simple - don’t be late for work, maintain a neat appearance and be sure to resolve internal conflicts by finding fair solutions. Your goal is to gain the trust and respect of your employees.

And the most important thing is to make sure that your employees understand that by doing poorly, they will not only make things worse for you and the restaurant, they will make their job more difficult.

3. Teamwork.

The success of the restaurant business depends on how well the team works. You, as an administrator, must always know the answer to any question, be able to track down and competently punish the guilty, and most importantly, make sure that your employees understand that by working poorly, they will not only do bad things to you and the restaurant, they will complicate their work.

But at the same time, working conditions must be comfortable for everyone, and you must know how to motivate your subordinates.

4. Invest in your personal growth.

The restaurant business, in the face of fierce competition, is moving forward by leaps and bounds. To stay in your job, you must never stop there and constantly continue to learn. There are a huge number of resources for restaurateurs on the Internet, where you can learn something new every day. Improve your knowledge by viewing restaurant trends and blogs from famous chefs and restaurant owners. Watch interviews with critics, etc. Learn to apply the accumulated knowledge to optimize the operation of the restaurant and you will definitely increase your authority.

Must-read books on restaurant management and restaurant staff. You can always listen to audio recordings and it won't take that much time. There are a lot of conferences and trainings where you can improve your skills without leaving your couch - just register and watch the broadcast. Self-education is an integral part of a modern successful person. A leader should always ask himself the question: “How can I improve myself and my team?”

5. Take care of your body.

As a restaurant manager, you must have absolute confidence in yourself and your decisions. In order to communicate with people, exchange offers, control the work of the entire establishment, especially if it works around the clock, you need to get enough sleep and feel good. Prepare for fatigue and irregular work hours.

You don't have to buy a gym membership and push yourself to the point of exhaustion after working out on the treadmill - but light exercise and proper nutrition can work wonders. Believe me, get enough sleep and have breakfast - and you will be able to spend the working day on your feet, in a good mood.

6. Always improve yourself.

Initiative and purposeful people who are ready to improve themselves are hired for the position of restaurant administrator. You want to listen to them, they are able to resolve a conflict with the most unpleasant client, respecting the reputation of the restaurant. In addition, the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include: training staff, solving economic issues, as well as monitoring the calculation of dishes, expenses, etc. To be competent in all these matters, you need to regularly study and improve your skills.

Don't neglect planning your restaurant events. Write a list of necessary achievements. Plan your work six months in advance and you will be on target.

Always be in trend. The administrator must know what dishes are currently in demand, what event will bring good revenue and interest new visitors.

7. Optimization of work.

What is the difference between an administrator and a leader? The administrator thinks and works two steps ahead of the team. A leader thinks and works 20 steps ahead of everyone else. How can this work be optimized? Use your phone or tablet and install cloud schedulers there - this will make your work much easier.

Thanking your employees is not difficult at all, and by giving simple compliments, you will not only gain respect, but also significantly improve the work environment.

8. Study the psychology of working with personnel.

Being a leader means understanding what motivates people. Many people believe that all people react the same way to a given situation, but in practice it turns out that your chef did not want to get an increase in salary instead of days off, and the bartender harbored a grudge against a meager fine, and he has long since taken revenge on you, taking home 10 “broken” glasses. You must understand and feel your employees in order to prevent this or that unpleasant situation in time, as well as praise and punish at the right time.

9. Be grateful.

Teamwork without motivation and praise is doomed to failure. Thanking your employees is not difficult at all, and by giving simple compliments you will not only gain respect, but also significantly improve the work environment. As a leader, you must understand that you did not achieve this yourself - you are supported by an excellent team of experienced employees, and your clients, expressing gratitude in the form of traffic and profits, make your business.

10. Step beyond the line.

When you become an administrator, you are no longer around your former colleagues. Many people make the mistake, after a promotion and a new position, of trying to maintain the same relationship with the team as before. But from now on, your interests are the interests of the restaurant owner and nothing more. A clear line between subordinates and their boss must be drawn immediately after your appointment, otherwise you will not receive the proper authority.

Responsibilities of the club administrator

In every nightclub there is always an administrator position and it seems that his job is to greet guests and seat them at tables, making sure that everyone is comfortable. But the administrator's job responsibilities do not end there. A club administrator is, first of all, a manager or otherwise a person of this establishment, who is fully responsible for the leisure and entertainment program. The functions of an administrator should not be confused with the responsibilities of a promoter; they are much broader.

The competence of administration includes three main areas - premises, employees and visitors. The administrator must, first of all, exercise complete control over the design of the premises, monitor the condition, updating and placement of advertising on the building and inside the club. The administrator must monitor the order and cleanliness of the entertainment area, as well as the surrounding area.

Under the supervision of the administrator are club employees - waiters, cooks, cashiers, bartenders, cleaners and office managers, as well as security. The administrator is simply obliged to fully monitor the compliance of the listed employees with production and labor discipline, norms and rules of labor protection, hygiene and industrial sanitation requirements (for example, hair that gets into the food or the cook’s dirty hands will be on the conscience of the administrator). The administrative employee has the responsibility to ensure direct control over the preservation of material assets.

The administrator must politely greet guests, escort them to a free table (or entrust this task to a waiter if the flow of guests is very large) and fully advise them on the services provided by the club. If complaints arise, the administrator is obliged to calmly listen to them and take measures to resolve the conflict as quickly as possible. Even if this is the tenth dissatisfied client of the evening, you cannot get angry or shout, all problems are solved with a smile. Report to your senior management about any difficulties that have arisen, suggest your ways to resolve problematic and controversial issues. The administrator must be aware of all the events that occur in the club establishment.

The administrator must be familiar with legal issues and, if a problem arises, be ready to replace one of the employees. Knowledge in jurisprudence can be divided into knowledge of regulatory and legal documents (federal laws, the labor code of the Russian Federation, internal labor regulations, job descriptions of employees, as well as a list of services provided by the club).

Responsibilities of a fitness club administrator

Many of my readers recently decided to open their own fitness club. And we immediately faced the problem of finding personnel. Based on experience, most resumes are received for the “administrator” vacancy, but their quality leaves much to be desired.

No experience. I have experience, but not in sales, but in geology. The lady lives three hours by bus from the club. But in one hundred percent of cases, the applicant for a vacancy is “communicative, responsible, and trainable.” Is this enough to work as a fitness club administrator?

Too good is also bad!

Accept it as a fact that finding the perfect employee is almost impossible. And it's not necessary. Firstly, such “diamonds” are always in great demand and, therefore, in 99% of cases they are already working somewhere. Secondly, when you have a person on your team whose personal charm holds everything together, this is bad. Imagine what will happen if he leaves? That's right, everything will collapse.

I don’t encourage you to hire shrews or girls with dull eyes. My point now is that most of the administrator's work should be automated. In this case, almost anyone can become the ideal face of your fitness club.

Include these items in the responsibilities of a fitness club administrator.

Your task is to create an environment in which the new employee simply will not have questions. Instructions, scripts, workflows, plans - these are your faithful assistants.

1. Administrator's handbook.

Don’t be lazy and spend one day writing down all the responsibilities of a fitness club administrator, all the intricacies of its work in one document.

The book should contain answers to all the questions that a beginner might have: how to make a return using a payment terminal, where to call if the water runs out, how to fill out a strict reporting form, how to respond to customer objections, etc.

This book is a living document. It can and should be supplemented, changed, absorbing all your experience. Be sure to involve your administrators in its creation.

2. Scripts.

A welcoming smile and a neat appearance are worth nothing if their owner is terrified of selling. You can overcome her fear in different ways, the simplest is to create scripts for all occasions.

Write down an approximate dialogue with a potential buyer who came to the club for the first time. Make a list of mandatory questions and answers to expected objections. Planning an event? Give the administrator a script for calling clients.

If you are afraid that this approach “loses the soulfulness” - do not be afraid. Very often, employees are afraid to call clients; they are lost and don’t know what to say. Your clear text will give them confidence. And a wide smile during a telephone conversation will add warmth. You forgot to write in the handbook that the administrator must smile when talking on the phone?

3. Work processes.

Work processes are minutely scheduled actions of the administrator. For example: The administrator comes to work at 9:30 and turns on the lights in the locker rooms and hallway. From 9:30 to 9:45 he walks around the halls, turns on the lights, checks the equipment. At 9:45 he turns on the computer. From 9:50 to 10:00 he posts to the group in contact.

All these actions must be brought to automaticity. Having a document rather than verbal instructions will allow you to control the process and, in case of violation of labor discipline, hold the employee accountable. Work processes can be written down in a separate document, or they can be included in the administrator's handbook.

4. Plans.

I make plans for myself too. A sheet of paper with the desired number is always on the wall, in front of your eyes. Believe it or not, this is truly motivating. It’s the same with administrators - as soon as you announce a figure, and, most importantly, the percentage of this figure that the employee will receive as a bonus, sales growth immediately begins.

It is important not to leave people alone with the plan. Your task, as a leader, is not only to set a goal, but also to explain the mechanisms for achieving it. How to do it? Write scripts, think through promotions for the month, conduct regular training.

Try to conduct role-playing games “administrator - new client” or “administrator - dissatisfied client” during the next meeting. Playing out real situations and further analyzing mistakes helps to bring sales skills to automation. Employees are no longer afraid to sell, they know how to respond to customers’ objections, and their self-confidence is growing. By the way, linking the wage fund to the company’s total profit, in my opinion, is very justified. You pay based on results. People understand that they need to work in your club, and not watch movies when there are no training sessions.

Responsibilities of the clinic administrator

The process of “Registering clients for an appointment”:

Answers incoming calls to the Clinic in accordance with the rules for conducting telephone conversations, using speech standards.
- Kindly advises visitors on issues related to the medical services provided by the Clinic and the procedure for their provision.
- Provides information to patients about the regime and work schedule of the Clinic and its managers and doctors.
- When a patient first contacts the patient by telephone, he records and registers the patient with the obligatory clarification of the information source (where the patient learned about the clinic - record information in the file “client database” sheet “client database” column “specify where he learned about the clinic”).
- Selects a convenient time for the patient and, if consultations with several specialists are necessary, arranges appointments sequentially. We try to ensure that the client receives the maximum number of necessary consultations in one visit.
- Forms optimal registration of patients for initial and repeated consultations in accordance with the corporate standards adopted at the Clinic: tries to minimize downtime in doctors’ schedules by keeping a tight record.
- Conducts telephone conversations with patients to confirm the patient's appointment with a doctor. Confirmation of registration is carried out the day before the appointment.

Result: client makes an appointment.

Process “Marketing, working with clients”:

Calls clients in accordance with the established speech modules (informs clients about new products, promotions, congratulates them on their birthday, holidays, etc.) - at least 10-15 people a day.
- Asks the client the possibility of informing him about the Clinic’s promotions.

Result: re-booking the patient for an appointment

The process of “Conducting a medical appointment”:

Before a medical appointment, invites the patient to sit down and wait until the doctor invites the patient to come into the office.
- Delivers medical and other documentation to doctors in a timely manner.
- Organizes the layout of medical records and test results into a file cabinet.
- Receives test results from laboratories, ultrasound examinations, ECG, etc. and pastes them into medical records. Makes copies for distribution of examination results to patients, and, if possible, sends them by email.
- Informs patients about receipt of examination results.

Result: high-quality maintenance of medical records and no complaints from patients about the work of administrators.

Process “Clinic Infrastructure Management”:

Timely opening of the clinic in the morning.
- Responsible for the safety of documentation, cash register and seals, keys to the entrance to the Clinic.
- Checks the readiness for operation of all technical means (computer, cash register, telephone.
- Checks that the workplace is equipped with promotional materials, necessary forms and documentation, and office supplies.
- Maintains cleanliness and order in the premises, promptly lays out shoe covers for clients, and, as necessary, carries out wet cleaning in the lobby and Clinic during the work shift and at the end of it.
- In the absence of a nurse/nursing medical staff, maintains cleanliness in the lobby, corridors, toilets and entrance vestibule of the Clinic.
- Monitors the safety and security of the clothes of the Clinic’s patients.
- Does not leave the workplace in the presence of patients.
- Monitors the proper operation of lighting, water supply, sewerage in the office, technical serviceability of equipment, promptly reports any problems to the Deputy General Director.
- Monitors the economical use of materials, electricity, and water.

Result: safety of accountable infrastructure elements, timely opening and closing of the Clinic, order and cleanliness in the workplace and in the lobby.

Procedure "Management of non-conformities":

Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations. Prevents the situation from getting out of control, promptly reports the problem to management (General Director, Deputy General Director).
- Informs the Clinic’s management about existing shortcomings in serving visitors and measures taken to eliminate them. Timely submits claims related to unsatisfactory customer service for consideration by the deputy. General Director and General Manager.
- If the doctor fails to show up for an appointment, he ensures that the patient is re-booked for another time or seeks the possibility of replacing the doctor, notifying the Deputy General Director.

Result: no complaints from patients about the work of administrators.

Documentation and Records Management Procedure

With a patient visiting the clinic for the first time:

Concludes an agreement, which is filled out in 2 copies (one is handed over to the patient, the other is pasted into the patient’s medical record).
- Prepares the patient’s informed voluntary consent to medical intervention.
- Creates a medical record and statistical report before the initial consultation.
- When the documentation is ready, it alerts the doctor about the arrival of the next patient.
- Calculates patients according to the stated cost of admission and issues checks to them. At the request of patients, prepares documents for applying to the tax office.
- Maintains the necessary accounting and reporting documentation:
- electronic customer database (1C);
- receipt and expense documentation (1C);
- administrator sheet (transfer of cases);
- clearly formulates a list of tasks that need to be completed by the next shift;
- reminds about the start of the appointment and the number of patients;
- fills out all logs correctly;
- hands over proceeds and fills out financial documentation.

Result: correct paperwork:

Agreement for the provision of paid services;
informed voluntary consent of the patient to medical intervention;
statistical card;
patient's medical card, etc.

Checks the completion of logs and continues to maintain them during the work shift.

Many people think that working as an administrator is a great start to a career. In a sense, this is true. But what should an administrator do? Keep an eye on everyone like a warden? Looking good?




Entry barrier



Functionally, the profession of administrator appeared a very long time ago. In those days, bars and restaurants were called taverns, taverns, in Ukraine - taverns, roadside hotels - inns and taverns. In such establishments, the responsibilities of the administrator were entirely assumed by the owners, occasionally using the help of assistants (the wealthiest could hire clerks, like landowners). Hosts greeted guests, managed staff, set rules and ensured they were followed. Later, the position of people with similar responsibilities was called “manager.”

Directly, the word “administrator” first appeared in the Russian Federation in an official document in 1995. It was used in the text of the “all-Russian classifier of professions”.


The administrator of the trading floor (the same applies to administrators in restaurants) organizes the work of service personnel: sellers, waiters, bartenders, and so on. Administrators of this type monitor the performance of job duties by staff in accordance with all standards.

There is another branch - administrators - “business executives”. Their powers are very broad, but the tasks before them are much more complex. “Managers” manage the work of merchandisers and, on behalf of the enterprise, enter into contracts with various companies for the provision of BTL services (presentations, tastings, promotions, etc.).

Often, administrators also control the delivery and acceptance of goods - this may be stated in job descriptions, but in reality, this work is usually performed for them by storekeepers.

What specialty do you need to get?

This can be any specialty related to enterprise management: hotel management, restaurant business management, socio-cultural services, almost any specialty of any management faculty at any university (the higher the level of accreditation, the more reliable). You can obtain a specialty suitable for holding the position of administrator in hundreds of institutes and dozens of universities throughout the Russian Federation - from MGIMO and Moscow State University to the Russian New University and Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Who is it suitable for?

It has been noticed that women cope with this work much better than men. It would seem that men are stricter and better in the role of managers - who, if not a former military man, will be able to organize truly iron discipline and ideal order at your enterprise (even picking up empty boxes in the warehouse in a filigree even manner, “by a thread”). Ah, no. Former officers are usually good at inventing useless activities for their subordinates. But administrators have to communicate with people who are not subordinate to them (this is practically the main part of the work): suppliers, the same promotional enterprises and, of course, clients. But here female charm is an indispensable tool. Women (when they really need it) are great at getting along with anyone. And men find it much more pleasant to communicate with women who are young and attractive.


Of course, the size of an administrator’s salary depends on how “respectable” and large the retail network is, but not only on this. It should be noted that administrators of enterprises created “for the sake of image” (restaurants, luxury hotels, 4-star hotels) receive significantly more. That is, if we assume that a businessman owns a large chain of food super- and megamarkets, which are the main source of his income, and at the same time has several luxury restaurants that serve as the “face of the business,” then the administrators of his restaurants will earn at least 1.5-2 times more. Therefore, the “scatter” of the approximate average salary of administrators in the Russian Federation is quite wide – 12,000-20,000 rubles. Although, as usual, the further from the capital, the lower the income. Somewhere in a “remote province” an administrator can receive 7,000 rubles.


In 2014, the resource conducted an online voting among users. Presumably, this vote affected mainly a segment of the audience whose representatives had already worked as administrators for some time. The question was posed something like this: “How broad are the career opportunities for administrators?”

  1. There are enough opportunities – 55% of respondents.
  2. Minimum opportunity – 34%.
  3. Good, almost optimal conditions – 11%.

You may not trust statistics, but here’s what Anton Konkov (a sales floor administrator in a hypermarket specializing in the sale of household appliances) says:

“Having received a management diploma, I immediately rushed to St. Petersburg, at random. It would not have been easy to get a job if my classmate’s brother had not been the director of this store. Of course, who needs a “man from the street” with no experience? But I was lucky. Now I consistently have at least 19,000, plus a regular bonus. And there are career prospects: when the director is promoted, he promised to put me in my place.”

In general, the situation is clear. Of course, administrator is not a bad position. But there is a small problem - in recent years, many people have wanted to become managers. Due to an oversupply of certified personnel, employers' demand for such specialties has decreased significantly. However, if you, having a diploma, work for at least a couple of years as a salesperson in one retail chain, the likelihood of you receiving a promotion will be very high.

If you still have even the slightest doubt that the profession of “Administrator” is your calling, do not rush. After all, you can spend your whole life regretting the years you lost studying and working in a specialty that simply doesn’t suit you. To find a profession in which you can maximize your talents, go through online career aptitude test or order consultation "Career vector" .