“The Voice” star Sevil Velieva was offered to perform in front of the oligarchs in her underwear for five million rubles. Singer Sevil about an obscene offer from an oligarch: “5 million rubles is a very large amount” Sevil Velieva biography

March 14, 2019

The singer refused such a tempting sum.

Sevil Velieva/instagram.com/sevilofficial_/

The name of singer Sevil Velieva became known to the general public in 2014, when she was able to reach the knockout round. After the project, she began to actively perform at private parties. The performer even has her own army of fans who literally idolize her.

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However, a few days ago the girl found herself in an unpleasant situation. One of the famous oligarchs invited her to perform at a corporate event in underwear in front of his friends, equally wealthy people, for three million rubles. The girl refused, then the oligarch’s manager began to bargain with her. As a result, the financial bar was raised to five million rubles. But even for that kind of money, the singer refused to perform, showing integrity in this matter.

Velieva noted that she considers such proposals unworthy for herself. At the same time, she noted that she knows girls who agree to the conditions of the oligarchs. Velieva, of course, understands that this is everyone’s personal choice. However, she doesn’t like that gossip will be spread about her later. Such girls are called “singing cowards.”

Velieva noted that several years ago she had already encountered a similar attitude towards herself, and now the situation repeated itself again. She is in shock. Now the singer is actively working on new projects: recording songs and periodically touring around the world. Seville has no doubt that it is possible to become successful in the world of show business without the patronage of influential oligarchs, reports

The aspiring singer Sevil Velieva woke up famous in 2014 - she became a participant in the popular project “The Voice” on Channel One. The girl attracted several mentors at once, and she did not leave the audience indifferent to the power of her vocals.

After the show, which the singer completed at the third stage, in the “knockouts”, Seville did not get lost, but continued her creative path. She has not yet entered the crowd of domestic show business, but she is still doing her dream job - singing. Moreover, concerts around the world bring her small fees. In general, it is possible to survive.

Sevil Velieva received an obscene offer to perform in her underwear

The day before, Seville told the public that even not very famous singers can end up shining at corporate events if they agree to proposals from influential people. So, Seville herself had a case with not very comfortable working conditions last year, and now the situation has repeated itself this year - she was asked to sing at a corporate event, for people of a “narrow circle” for 3 million rubles.

The party was supposed to be closed, but the girl was immediately embarrassed by the amount of the fee. It turned out that the terms of the contract included a clause about a certain dress code - the singer had to go on stage in her underwear.

Seville is sure that achieving fame by any means, including by trading your body, is impartial. She considers herself a decent girl, and therefore cares about her reputation - she wants people to love her work, and not “nudity,” unlike many modern so-called stars.

“Yes, I was shocked. I already had a similar situation with hints once, but it was targeted. And then a year later everything happened again, but from other people, more powerful,” Seville shared her experiences.

An offer from an oligarch - did Sevil Velieva agree or not?

Having learned about the terms of the contract, Seville immediately refused - she did not want to sing in her underwear in front of a “narrow circle”. Representatives of the oligarch who was throwing the party decided that the girl was simply bargaining, and therefore increased the amount of the fee to five million rubles. But Seville decided to refuse such a sum, because she was not ready for such experiments and considers such behavior not very moral.

The girl says that for that kind of money she could buy her own real estate in Moscow, and the only thing was to sing throughout the evening - and she does not regret that she refused.

As Seville said, the oligarch nevertheless found a star for the corporate event, and, most likely, under the same terms of the employment contract - Seville refused to talk about who agreed to sing naked in front of influential men. In her opinion, morality is a subtle and personal concept, and therefore she simply does not want to meddle in the creativity and development of other people.

“This is everyone's personal choice. There are different platforms, with different people. But what to do when you are treated like “singing cowards”? Are they out of their minds at all? This problem worries me. I haven’t reached an audience of millions yet, I’m just starting to build my creative path. Such dirt has no place in my art,” Velieva emphasized.

Note that Internet users react differently to the singer’s messages. Some are sure that she acted stupidly, because at that evening she could have found herself a powerful patron who would have helped propel her career far forward. Others praise the performer for not selling her personal principles even for a tempting sum.

What made singer Sevil Velieva famous - biography and creative path of the performer

Sevil Velieva is 25 years old. She is from Simferopol, where her family moved from Uzbekistan. The girl was a participant in the third season of the “Voice” project, where her mentors were Dima Bilan and Leonid Agutin.

The father dreamed that his daughter would be an athlete, and the mother tried to make her just a beautiful, elegant and well-mannered girl. As a result, Seville became seriously interested in sports, but not for long - due to an injury, she had to leave martial arts, which she practiced at a professional level.

The girl became seriously interested in music when she was already in her first year at the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University. She participated in all possible competitions and shows, trying to understand whether she was really talented and whether she should dream of a singing career.

The first serious vocal competition was the “Voice” competition, organized by the McDonald’s chain, where the girl worked part-time during her student years. First, she won a stage in her city, then at the all-Ukrainian level, and then went abroad, where she sang with dignity among 58 thousand of the same company employees. Compliments from professionals helped spread her wings - Seville finally realized that she wanted to be a singer, and therefore did not doubt it at all when she sent her application form to Channel One.

Seville attracted the attention of two mentors at once - Leonid Agutin and Dima Bilan. The girl chose the first one because she was sure that next to Agutin she would receive lessons in vocals and voice control techniques, and Bilan was more responsible for the artistry and image of the artist. In the very first “Fights”, Agutin decided to send Sevil home, but Bilan saved her and took her to his team - he considered that the girl stood up with dignity next to a more technical and experienced competitor. Seville was knocked out, but after the stage she left the project - Bilan gave preference to other young performers, but Seville does not consider herself a loser.

Now the girl works and lives in Moscow, periodically receiving invitations to perform both in the capital and in other cities of Russia and the world.

A couple of weeks ago, a scandal erupted on the Internet: the star of the show “The Voice” Seville admitted that a certain oligarch offered her to perform for five million rubles... in her underwear. The singer refused, and then he returned with an apology - a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and a Tiffany&Co necklace. But Seville ignored this generous gift too..

My name is Sevil, some of you know me from the show “The Voice” - I took part in the third season. I can’t say that this project brought me wild popularity, but, of course, it gave me experience. Performing on the big stage on Channel One, which the whole country watches, is cool.

Participation gave me many useful and pleasant acquaintances, which is also important.

I want to say that I had no illusions from the very beginning. I didn’t go to “The Voice” for victory or a contract with a producer. I wanted to show myself, gain experience, and fill my portfolio with beautiful performances. And she did it. There is a show format, and we, the participants, accept the terms of the game, come and fill the air. And that is all. You shouldn't expect anything supernatural from such projects.

I continued my career after “The Voice,” but I only recently found a producer. Previously, I had a completely different vision of my development: I sang covers, worked in different projects, without relying on an original project. Until we met Oleg Zolotykh and began cooperation. Then everything went uphill. My success today is the merit of the whole team.

I perform both at concert venues and at corporate events and other private events.

A couple of weeks ago, representatives of a famous oligarch approached me, offering to speak at a closed event. The dress code was also announced: they wanted me to perform... in my underwear. Naturally, I refused, and then the initial fee of three million rubles was increased to five.

The funny thing is that about a year and a half ago I received a similar offer. I then thought: “Okay, I’ll take that as a compliment.” And now, when everything happened again, I was shocked. I did not plan to make the situation public; it happened by accident and was not a well-thought-out PR move.

On the other hand, I’m even glad that everything happened this way.

To be honest, I’m tired of all this: I don’t think that I behave indecently or incorrectly, look provocatively or speak somehow inappropriately so that people think that they can come to me with such proposals.

I wondered for a long time why this happened, talked with a psychologist and realized that I cannot be responsible for how a person conveys his attitude to others, including me.

I have a great attitude towards big money, I want and strive to earn good money, but this should not violate personal boundaries. I am absolutely not one of those people who can turn a blind eye to many things for the sake of money. My journey as a singer is just beginning, we are striving for the top, and, naturally, it was unpleasant for me that people with money and connections suddenly decide that they can influence others.

I have performed more than once at closed events, where all your cameras were taped up, where a non-disclosure agreement was signed, where very good fees were paid, but there was no talk about the fact that you would be in underwear or stay with the guests after the performance. There has never been such a thing as someone pestering or anything like that...

I agree, five million rubles is a very large amount. This is an apartment in Moscow.

I’ll say more: I’m sure that filming would have been prohibited at this event, I could have simply performed, received money, and no one would have known about anything.

But for me, humanly speaking, it was disgusting. I am an artist, and conditions are dictated to me that absolutely do not correspond to my vision of this profession.

After my refusal, people tried to continue the discussion, and their tone was not the most pleasant. Then I had to end our communication with a promise that I could ask for 10 million, but in exchange for the fact that I would remain silent and would not divulge all this dirt. Oddly enough, it worked.

A couple of days later the courier rang at the door. I opened it and saw in his hands a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and a small box. Unwrapping the gift, I realized by the initials that it was from that oligarch. It turned out to be a Tiffany&Co necklace. Later, out of interest, I went online and discovered that it cost over a million rubles. This is too much. I immediately refused the jewelry, but I took the flowers - they really were amazing. Plus, according to the law, flowers and sweets are not considered a bribe. (smiles).

Again, I could take the gift and say: “The apology is accepted, the conflict is over, and I don’t owe you anything.” I didn't ask him for this necklace.

But I didn’t want to feel indebted, I didn’t want to give rise to rumors, and in principle I didn’t need it, even though I think I’m worthy of such jewelry.

It's just a deal with yourself, your conscience. I don’t want to say that I’m an angel in the flesh: I take part in photo shoots, where sometimes I try on revealing outfits, and I’m normal about it. But it’s one thing when you work out your image with a stylist, and another when they dictate rules to you, covering it all up with fabulous money. Yes, there are artists who perform in costumes that reveal a lot, but that is their choice. And this is important to understand. It all depends on the song, the number, the image as a whole, and not on how much they pay you.

Despite the fact that I did not pursue the goal of promoting myself with this story, it turned out as it turned out. The funny thing is that people seemed to sense that my album release was approaching, and they thought, “You need money now more than ever, and here’s a great opportunity for you.” Of course, finances are very important for the promotion of an artist, but firstly, I don’t have any problems with this, and secondly, I want to choose my own source of income without compromising my principles. I don’t believe in coincidences and therefore I’m very glad that this publicity happened, which intersected with the release.

I know that in show business people often achieve popularity through hype and scandal, but I cannot call my situation a scandal.

I simply expressed my position, and the media and Internet users have already replicated it. Of course, I understand that they didn’t offer me sex, but still. Although such stories also happened... Just then - a year and a half ago. This is very unpleasant for me. I'm not saying that only show business is in this dirt. In ordinary life there is also a lot of this.

When the story became public, they started writing to me: “Oh, you fool, I should have taken the money.” What I mean is that all people are different. If I see that a person is trying to evaluate me, based on psychology, I understand that in this way he is trying to assert himself. Alas, he failed. I have other plans, and I don’t know what they were counting on. And I don't want to know.

Seville appeared in the third edition of the blind auditions and with her performance forced Leonid Agutin and Dmitry Bilan to press the button. Seville preferred Leonid's team, and in the first episode of the Fights she had to fight with another member of Leonid's team - Lyudmila Sokolova.

This time Seville did not perform well, and Leonid gave preference to Lyudmila. Unexpectedly for everyone, Dima Bilan pressed the button and saved the girl. Each mentor has only two rights to save a participant during the entire transfer period. Later, backstage, Seville admitted that she did not immediately understand what happened on stage. On this page you can read the biography of this girl, look at her photo and find out the addresses of her real pages on social networks.

Biography of Sevil Velieva

Date of birth: November 20, 1992
Horoscope: Scorpio
Age: 21, will be 22 this year
From: Simferopol
Personal life: Sefil has a boyfriend
Where did you work before the Voice project:
Education: She studied at the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University as a philologist, from which she graduated with honors and received a master's degree
Mentor: Agutin, after the rescue Bilan became Sevil’s mentor

Interesting information about the participant:

She trained as a child at a martial arts school, at the insistence of her father, but at the 7th Crimean Championship she was injured and her nose was broken.
Played in the KVN team "People T"
Seville started singing at the university, but did not study anywhere specifically
Seville composes music
She considers James Brown, Whitney Houston, Beyoncé, Michael Jackson, and Ella Fitzgerald to be her teachers and mentors.
Won the “Voice of McDonald's 2013” ​​competition
Seville has a brown belt in karate