Is it possible to dance a waltz? How to dance a waltz? How to dance the waltz correctly: Viennese, wedding

If you don't know how to express your feelings to a loved one, you can do this through dance. One of the most romantic dances is the waltz. If you don't know how to waltz, we'll give you some tips and tricks to help you learn.

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How to learn to dance correctly

The waltz should be learned from childhood; it is at this age that the body is better able to make flexible movements. If your child wants to learn to dance the waltz, send him to a dance school.

If you want to learn yourself, they will wait for you grueling workouts and it will take a lot of patience. It is best to enroll in special courses. Teachers will help you learn faster.

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When choosing courses, you should be guided by the school’s reputation, demand educational institution, or advice from your friends who are already dancing. You can go to a private teacher, but remember that such individual sessions may cost more. If you are busy and cannot attend classes, below we will give tips for training at home.

Studying at home

  1. When you start learning, the main thing is to perform all the movements correctly and feel the dance. If you fail, contact your teacher.
  2. Learn types of waltz. This will add variety to your lessons.
  3. In order to learn how to dance a waltz well, you need to learn to listen to the music. Listen to music, imagine how you can dance to it.
  4. Use video lessons. Watch them and try to repeat the movements shown. Such video lessons can be found on the Internet, purchased, and you can watch some of them at the end of this article.
  5. Immerse yourself in the music, listening to it, you can feel it, immerse yourself in the dance.

Before you start

Start any workout by warming up your body.

  1. Start your morning with the sounds of waltz music.
  2. Do not do this when training sudden movements. Stretch your hands and leg ligaments. When dancing, keep your shoulders straight and your arms should be at shoulder level.

Find yourself a partner, the waltz is a romantic dance. This is a tool that will help you get closer to your loved ones.

We told you the basics of ballroom art. Good luck with your training!

Video lessons

How to dance a waltz?

Dancing. What better way to reflect your personality and express yourself? We often see people dancing. Many of them do it well. If you see that a person moves beautifully and harmoniously, this means that he masters the dance technique. Today, we will touch upon this very point. Let's figure out how to dance the waltz correctly, how to learn it.

How to dance the waltz - rules and movements

It’s quite a difficult task to talk about how to dance the waltz, but the video on the page will help a lot with this. A waltz is a dance performed by a couple. We have a partner and a partner. It so happens that the partner controls the movements of the partner. However, the partner must also know what to do. Let's look at how we stand as a couple.

How to stand and hold your hands

Partners must touch their bodies. Namely, with their centers. The tightest contact is in the abdominal area. Stand as close to each other as possible. The partner should stand with a slight shift. If you mentally divide your partner’s body into halves, right and left, then the partner should be on the partner’s right side. The knees are slightly bent, but not much. Now let's talk a little about our hands in order to learn how to dance the waltz. The partner's right hand supports the partner's left shoulder blade. The partner puts his hand on the shoulder blade and supports the partner’s back. There is no need to pull your partner's body towards you, as this is wrong. It’s enough just to keep your hand in good shape and give your partner freedom of movement. Ideally, the partner's left hand is single line with a shoulder. That is, the hand needs to be raised to such an extent that it is at shoulder level. Naturally, the arm is bent at the elbow. The partner's left hand does not rest its entire weight on the partner's hand. It is not right. The partner leads the partner, rather than carries her. The partner should hold her hand with her muscles. The hand holds the middle of the partner's shoulder. Above the elbow, but below the shoulder. There is no need to cling to your partner, you just need to keep your hand in good shape.

Now let's talk about other hands. Partner holds his left hand also at shoulder level. Thus, we will get a very beautiful and stretched position in the pair. The left arm is bent at the elbow and holds the partner’s hand. The partner holds her partner's hand. Her arm also forms a single line with her shoulder. As a result, we get a closed system, which should be quite rigid, but not clamped. This top part. Now let's look at what you need to do with your feet.

How to move in a waltz

In any dance, counting and rhythm are important. This will also allow you to dance the waltz well. The waltz should be counted three beats per measure. That is, “one-two-three”, “one-two-three”. We will use this principle further. Let's try to dance a movement called "small square". The partner's party is like this. On the count of one, take a step forward with your right foot. Place your left foot next to your right foot on two and rise on your toes (do not straighten your knees all the way, as you may fall). The movement of the second leg towards the first and the rise on the toes occurs simultaneously. On the count of three, go down to the starting level. Two legs together. This is the first part of the movement. Further. On the count of times, take a step with your left foot exactly to the side. To the left, of course. On the count of two, pull your other leg and rise onto your toes. It's all together. And on the count of three, go down. Feet together. The third part. Step back with your left foot for a count of times. On the count of two, pull your right leg and rise onto your toes. Do it together. Lower yourself down to the count of three. Feet together. And the last part of the movement. Take a step exactly to the side with your right foot for a count of times. Pull your left leg and rise onto your toes. Do it together. Go down to the original level. Feet together.

The partner's part exactly repeats the partner's part. The only difference is that the partner starts moving backwards with her left foot. That is, she begins to dance a small square from the third part of the movement. All recommendations for implementation are also suitable for your partner. This will allow you to learn how to dance the waltz.

Try dancing this first separately, and then together.

No wonder he is considered the king of dances. He is always present at all events, various receptions and, of course, at the graduation party. But unlike the last century, when being able to dance the waltz was a mandatory requirement for everyone, now not many girls and boys know this type dance. But everyone thinks about it sometime, because time High school prom It’s getting closer and closer, and there’s simply no time left to waste energy taking lessons from professionals. In this case, you can learn to dance the waltz yourself, at home.

First you need to look at the basic movements. Naturally, before you start learning to dance the waltz, you need someone who also wants to learn. Absolutely all movements occur on the count: one-two-three-time. This one is very important to remember because you need to maintain a good tempo when dancing. As for the rotation, if you look from the outside, it may seem somehow complicated and incomprehensible, but in fact the rotation occurs counterclockwise in a square. As for the steps, it is also worth noting a small nuance - for each corner of a simple square there are two small steps and one large one. This is very important to remember and keep in mind so as not to get confused.

I would also like to note, once again, that rotation in a waltz is one of the most important components. You always need to turn to the right side, and if you look from a purely mathematical point of view, then each turn consists of two half-turns, which are equal to one hundred and eighty degrees.

Now let's look at the steps. To begin the turn, you need to take one step forward with your right foot. It is very important to make a clockwise turn to the right. Next, you should take a step with your left foot, but at the same time continue to carry out the already started turn, after which the left foot should be placed on half-toes. And finally, right leg should be, then placed on the left, after which you need to stand on your full foot with both feet. This is the first part of the square you will make. To complete the second part, you need to do almost the same thing, only in reverse. That is, first you need to take a step back with your left foot, and this step needs to be taken diagonally and transfer all the weight to your left leg. After this, the right leg is transferred behind the heel of the left. Next, a turn is performed on half-toes, after which you need to start making a square again. At the same time, it is very important not to constantly forget to count “one-two-three-times”; without this, it will be very easy to get confused and lose the tempo, which is an equally important component of the waltz.

Before learning how to dance a waltz, you should understand that the waltz is not a separate dance, but common name several dances at once. This includes some ballroom and folk dances. Although, of course, in any waltz there is one common movement: a whole turn of three steps in each of 2 measures. At the same time, the waltz is far from a modern dance, but at the same time it is not forgotten, but sincerely respected by many couples. The waltz made its first impression in the 18th century, around the 80s, in the city of Vienna. Subsequently, the waltz became popular not only in Austria, but also in other countries, including Russia. The waltz is known for closed dance positions and served as the basis, model, example for many famous ballroom dances.

Despite the fact that the waltz is better known for closed positions, it can be performed open pieces. By the way, the “open waltz” was extremely popular at the end of the 18th century in Italy. It is worth highlighting the waltz, which is danced quite quickly; this type of waltz has the name Viennese Waltz. However, with such a variety of waltzes, on international level special standards for this dance are highlighted. So, for example, on international competitions The waltz can only be danced in a closed position.

How to learn to perform a waltz

Many people are interested in how to learn to dance the waltz. Really, what is needed for this? There are two options for learning the waltz: at home using video lessons, books and manuals, or with the help of a dance teacher. Of course, the second option is the simplest. You just need to enroll in a dance school with a waltz teacher, you can come alone or with your partner. Next, they will tell you what you need to bring to the lessons, how they will take place, how long it will take, and how much it will cost. In addition, a professional will always be watching over you, so you can learn to dance this dance faster, it will be easier for you, and your performance will not be lame.

If you want to learn how to perform a waltz at home, you must first prepare for learning. To do this, you will need: comfortable clothes and shoes, free space at home, cleared of various small items, toys and other things. It is also necessary to stock up on the necessary educational sources. You can find many free or commercial video lessons on waltzing. To begin with, of course, you should take care of yourself, your breathing, endurance, etc. Only after full preparation It's worth starting to learn the waltz.

Learn to dance waltz dance

Learning to dance from text is difficult, but if you have already seen how the waltz is danced and you only have a few missing aspects of the dance, then this can be corrected by reading about the waltz. So, we learn to dance the waltz on our own - preparation.

  1. Warm up every day, stretch your muscles slightly so that nothing hinders you and your movements. Turn on music, for example, “Viennese Waltz” and start warming up, this will help not only prepare for dancing, but also get used to the music itself, get into the beat. Do not perform sharp steps, try to move smoothly, as if floating with the flow of a waltz.
  2. Learn as much as you can about waltzes such as the Viennese, Figured and French waltzes, as well as the Boston and Friendship waltzes. See how they are performed, what is the difference between them.
  3. Download a training video, you can hire a personal instructor or go to a dance studio.
  1. The waltz is performed by a couple: a man and a woman. Partners must trust each other. You need to mentally imagine a square in front of you,
  2. The man should touch his partner’s waist with his hand (the hand should lie lightly, without pressing on the woman), extend his left arm slightly, but do not strain, his hands should generally be in a calm state,
  3. The woman places her right hand on the man's left hand,
  4. The movements go against the clock hand relative to the leading waltz partner (most often men) and are counted “one-two-three, one-two-three”,
  5. Steps begin with the right foot forward, you need to end in the opposite direction, i.e. left foot back,
  6. It is important to remember that during the waltz only the first step can be large, the other two can be small, so you can move along the presented square.

Wedding Waltz

Many newlyweds, who have never danced before, want to know how to dance the wedding waltz. Indeed, the wedding waltz is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. One time a wedding dance started with a waltz, then mixed it with creative modern dances. Now there are problems with the creative part of the dance, everyone’s dances are the same, so the classic wedding waltz is becoming popular again. But how do you learn to dance it?

It is clear that to learn the wedding waltz you need:

  • comfortable clothes and shoes, although at the wedding you will have to dance in less comfortable outfits, but you will rehearse this during the training process,
  • an understanding and patient partner who is ready to learn the waltz,
  • high-quality recording of a waltz, i.e. good music in 3/4 time,
  • good qualified dance specialist, waltz teacher.

So, the wedding waltz of the newlyweds:

  1. Take the starting position that we have already described (a man extends the woman’s right arm with his left hand): the man extends his left hand and holds the woman’s waist with his right hand, the woman puts her right hand on the man’s outstretched arm, and her left hand on the man’s shoulder. It is important to keep your back straight, straight, raise your head slightly to lift your chin, and turn to the side,
  2. In front of you, imagine a square along which you will make waltz movements around the perimeter. A man and a woman have their own sequence of steps that you need to remember,
  3. A man moves like this: right leg – forward, left leg – to the side, right leg – to the left, left leg – back, right leg – to the side, left leg – to the right. This is how you do a “walk around the square”,
  4. The woman moves like this: left leg – back, right leg – to the side, left leg – to the right, right leg – forward, left leg – to the side, right leg – to the left,
  5. The first steps are rehearsed to the beat of “one-two-three, one-two-three” and only then is he taught to the music and wearing shoes.

Waltz is the most famous dance of all times and peoples. It does not become outdated, despite its age. The whole secret of its undying popularity is that the waltz is both beautiful and not so difficult that anyone can learn to dance it. And since this dance often accompanies us at various kinds of events, both formal and entertainment, everyone should know how to dance the waltz correctly. And you shouldn’t even doubt the usefulness of this knowledge!

What is a waltz? Origin of the dance

Despite the fact that the waltz has existed for more than two hundred years, it still cannot be called old dance, which are considered polonaises, sarabands and minuets. However the exact date It is impossible to name the origin of the waltz. The history of its origin, however, is also very vague. There are several versions of the origin of this amazingly beautiful dance. According to one of them, its ancestor is considered to be the fast-paced Walzer, a dance originally from Germany. According to another, the landler, who was popular among the peasants of Austria and Germany. Both of these dances had a three-beat meter and were performed in pairs and in a circle.

It is safe to say that the waltz came to us from the lower strata of the population, having previously been the dance of peasants and townspeople. Very soon he migrated to the bourgeoisie, where he gained unprecedented popularity. They quickly fell in love with him and began dancing at all kinds of social balls and receptions. Everything would have been fine if not for the strong criticism of this dance, especially from the clergy, who considered it depraved and unacceptable in decent society. And maybe he would have disappeared altogether, unable to withstand the pressure of critics, if he had not been “picked up” by Strauss and other composers of the Romantic era.

Romantic era

The era of romanticism began in Europe, which was marked by completely new movements in the field of art, music and poetry. Many famous composers that time they began to create in this direction, creating gentle lyrical music. Schubert, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Hoffmann, Rossini - they are all followers of romanticism. Johann Strauss, a famous Viennese composer, also began to write music in this direction. His famous waltzes are a treasury of world culture and its pride. In addition to the fact that the music of this direction was very soulful, it also addressed folklore, to what was popular among ordinary peasants.

That is why this dance became instantly popular, and every self-respecting nobleman began to learn how to dance the waltz, which very quickly won the hearts of millions of people. Queen Victoria especially loved it, and she patronized this dance at social events.

Types of waltzes

In fact, there are many varieties of this wonderful dance that are not so well known to the general public. Let's look at just a few of them.

  • The Viennese waltz is a waltz from the times of Johann Strauss, light, swift and graceful, characterized by a fast tempo.
  • The Boston Waltz, on the contrary, is danced slowly and sedately.
  • The Argentine waltz is a mixture of tango and waltz in the spirit of Mexican passions.
  • Figured waltz - this dance was created for professional dancers, performing at various competitions and competitions. For those who are just starting to think about how to dance the waltz, this type is not suitable.

All these types of waltz are united by a three-part meter and a general outline of the pattern, which is supplemented by various elements, depending on the type of dance.

Learn to dance the waltz

Probably everyone is cultured and educated person must know how to dance the waltz. However, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough. It’s all about practice, which will quickly lead to the desired results. It is advisable to obtain practical training in dance studio, with an experienced teacher and a partner who will be right for you. The choice of the latter is especially important, otherwise the idea may not come to fruition. You should be comfortable with this particular person, with whom you should act in unison. You should feel him as if you were yourself.

So, you need to understand what position the body should occupy and master the basic figures. The body should take the initial stance. For a partner, this is: straight back, head slightly turned to the left. For the partner: a slight bend in the back, and the arms from elbow to elbow form a cross with the back and gracefully fall onto the partner’s arms. Body position is very important for performing basic figures, so you must always ensure that you return to the starting position again and again.

How to dance a waltz: diagram

The waltz is not at all difficult to learn to dance, you just need to understand the principle of the movements. There are several basic figures, once mastered, you will understand how to dance the waltz.

So, the change from the right leg is performed as follows: first, a step is taken forward with the right leg, which springs a little, and a slight rise occurs. On the count of two, the left leg moves to the left and the body leans slightly to the right. At the last count, the right foot is placed next to the left. Then there are 3 more movements, but this time backwards: the left naga steps back with a slight rise, the right one steps to the right, and the body leans to the left, on the count of “three” the left leg is placed next to the right.

There is also a change from the left leg, which is performed similarly to the previous one, only the legs change: from left to right, and vice versa.

In addition to these two figures, there are also turns: right and left. The principle of turns is absolutely the same as that of changes, but only on the count of “two” a small turn appears on the supporting leg.

How to learn to dance the waltz on your own

It is possible to master the waltz on your own, although it is still easier to do this with a mentor who will determine the student’s initial level and capabilities, and also choose a comfortable pace of learning. But if for some reason you can’t find a teacher, then various educational video tutorials will come to the rescue.

So, have some time and patience, watch in a calm environment various educational lessons explaining how to dance the waltz. After this, it is advisable to start training in front of a mirror. First you need to choose slow music, in order to carefully work out all the details, and only then stage compositions at a faster tempo.

Let's dance the wedding waltz

The dance of the newlyweds has long become traditional at wedding celebrations. It looks very touching, beautiful and at the same time solemn. It’s very nice later, watching the wedding footage on video, to remember dear, precious minutes and experience the same joy again. However, to know how to dance a wedding waltz, you need to prepare for this event in advance. A couple of lessons will not be enough at all, because a wedding takes a lot of energy, both mental and physical, and young people can get overexcited and forget all the figures. In addition, this dance is also a pair dance, in which the partners are responsible for each other and for the final result.

Any type of waltz can be used as a wedding waltz: Viennese, Boston waltz, and tango waltz. The choice depends on the preferences of the young and the pace of learning. In any case, the waltz will greatly decorate this unforgettable and important day.


It’s good that, despite the abundance of different modern dance, those species that have existed for a long time are not forgotten. They are remembered, loved and willingly danced. Waltz enters compulsory program at many festivals and competitions of various levels, decorates any evening and delights the hearts of people.