Breathing exercises: how to lose weight without diets and grueling workouts. Features of breathing exercises for weight loss

Quick navigation through the article (part 1):

Breathing is life! Without it, none of your desires will come true; you will not be able to move. In the same way, without a sufficient level of oxygen in the blood, not a single process occurs in our body. To start the mechanism of active functioning of all organs and systems, it is necessary to saturate the blood with oxygen in full. That is why, with normal, shallow breathing, natural regulatory mechanisms cannot work, allowing you to maintain a normal weight for many years.

Quick navigation through the article (part 2):

Breathing exercises help:

  • Burn fats from food faster;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • useful substances enter the blood faster, and unnecessary substances are broken down and eliminated faster;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and oxidation products, remove toxins from existing fat deposits that interfere with the use of reserves when necessary.

The most popular breathing techniques for weight loss

There are many types of breathing exercises for weight loss. Here are the main and most famous of them, which have already been time-tested and have positive reviews:

At first, you will spend about an hour a day mastering each complex, then, as you get used to it and gain skills, you will need 15 minutes a day for breathing exercises.

Will breathing exercises help you lose weight?

Some people think that all these breathing exercises are needed for people with breathing problems, or those who rarely walk. “After all, I already sleep with the window open, and I’m often outside” or “I don’t have time to deal with this nonsense, it’s better to pump up my muscles”, or like this: “Breathing exercises are needed for asthma, but I am a healthy person”- approximately these phrases are often uttered by those who have never thought about the need for additional breathing exercises for themselves personally. Let's see if breathing exercises will help you.

To do this you need to do a small test:

  1. Place your right hand on your chest area and your left hand on your stomach.
  2. Take a few normal breaths.
  3. To relax better and make the test more reliable, close your eyes and pay attention to which hand rises higher when you inhale—the right or the left?
  4. Remember the answer.

Test results

To view the test results, hover your mouse cursor (or tap on your phone screen) for 3 seconds:

Why breathing exercises help you lose weight

It would seem so simple, breathe correctly, and the excess weight will go away. It seems incredible, but it's true. Here are some scientific facts about the benefits of proper breathing:

  • The smallest villi located in the gastrointestinal tract, which help absorb beneficial substances from foods, such as proteins, fats, amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals, begin to move much more actively in the presence of oxygen. These villi require oxygen much more than many types of tissues in the body;
  • with a lack of oxygen, if your breathing is shallow (which is typical for most overweight or overweight people), villi lose their ability to absorb nutrients by more than 70%;
  • with the ability to breathe correctly, especially while eating or shortly before, the villi begin to absorb the necessary substances much faster, increasing the metabolic rate three times;
  • With the rapid conversion of nutrients into energy, the body receives enough strength for activity, and immediately spends energy, since it is not forced to make reserves in case of shortage.

Scientists' research has proven that:

  • Harmful substances coming from food are only partially eliminated from the body. Some of them rush with the bloodstream to vital organs, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, etc.;
  • In order to protect organs and systems from negative influences, the body seeks to preserve them by sending them to storage, namely, by covering them with new layers of fat.
  • deep breathing helps maintain optimal alkaline environment for fat oxidation and faster removal of toxins from the body;
  • the vast majority of people use only a quarter of their lung capacity;
  • if you increase the amount of oxygen supplied, you can double the oxidation of adipose tissue;
  • Breathing exercises for weight loss for 15 minutes a day will help calm the nervous system and reduce the level of stress hormones cortisol by half.

We hasten to please you!

It is enough just to pay attention to how you breathe a few times a day. Just a few deep breaths can convert about 70% of toxins into gases. Breathing exercises will help to sharply reduce (15 times!) the amount of toxins ingested from food and simply exhale them.

Basic breathing exercises

If I managed to convince you, then let's start breathing exercises for 15 minutes a day. To start you can break a 15-minute workout into three 5-minute segments.

This kind of gymnastics is time-tested, it really works, it helps you learn to breathe correctly in everyday life.

You can do exercises anywhere, at any time of the day.

1 Deep breath.

So, focus on your own breathing and take a quick and full breath through your nose. Relax your stomach to allow as much air as possible into your lungs.

2 Abdominal retraction.

Hold the air in your lungs, pull your abdominal muscles up so that your stomach is drawn in and your ribs appear. You can hold your stomach with your hand to make it easier for you. Don't breathe for about 10 seconds.

3 Tilt and straightening.

Lean forward while holding your breath and squeezing your gluteal muscles. Round your shoulders and stand tall. Hold your breath for another 10 seconds.

4 Exhalation.

The exhalation should be slow and smooth through a small hole, as if you are exhaling through a thin tube. The abs and buttocks remain tense, while the neck and shoulders are relaxed.

5 Relax completely and take a few regular breaths.

Then repeat again.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises have proven themselves to be the best. It was invented by the singer, A.N. Strelnikova back in the 30-40s of the last century. The singer lost her voice and tried to get it back by all means. In 1972, Strelnikova even patented her developments and received an inventor's certificate for the invention. "Methods of treating diseases associated with loss of voice"

This gymnastics is characterized by its uniqueness and is the only method in the world that combines a short and sharp breath, simultaneously with a movement that compresses the chest.

The technique is accessible to absolutely everyone, even children.

Features of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises

  1. It needs to be done twice a day. In the morning before meals and in the evening 1-1.5 hours after meals. It is recommended to take 1.5 thousand breaths, accompanied by movements.
  2. These exercises will help you use all muscle groups without exception.
  3. Helps increase oxygen demand.
  4. During breathing exercises, tissue respiration increases, oxygen is actively consumed by all organs and systems.
  5. Sharp breaths irritate the nasal mucosa, which contains a huge number of receptors that provide communication with all organs.
  6. This gymnastics cures many diseases, it can be done instead of morning exercises or in order to relieve tension and fatigue.
  7. During Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, all parts of the body are physically trained. At the same time, due to the blood flow, internal massage of organs, tissues, muscles, and subcutaneous fat is carried out.
  8. Diseases against which classical medicine is powerless are cured.

Several basic breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

Do not try to somehow change the exercise, do it strictly in accordance with the description so as not to cause harm.

Exercise "Palms"

While standing, you need to show your palms to an imaginary viewer, with your elbows down. After taking an active, sharp, but short breath through your nose, you need to clench your palms into fists, as if grabbing something. Squeeze only your palms, pulling your fingers together with force. Exhale effortlessly, releasing the air freely. At the same time, the fists smoothly unclench.

Important: while making an active, noisy and sharp inhalation, allow the exhalation to be passive.

Do the exercise in the following rhythm: 4 inhalations, 4 exhalations, rest 5 seconds - this is one stage;

Repeat in a row by:

  • 4 stages - 24 times;
  • 8 stages - 12 times;
  • 16 stages - 6 times;
  • 32 stages - 3 times.

Thus, you will gradually reach 96 times per workout, making the so-called Strelnikov hundred.

Exercise "Epaulettes"

Standing straight, clench your hands into fists and press them to your belt. A noisy and sharp breath, during which you sharply push your fists towards the floor, as if doing a push-up or pushing something away. When pushing, the fists unclench, the fingers spread to the sides, and the hands reach towards the floor.

Exhalation is passive, the air leaves involuntarily. You can do the exercises while sitting or even lying down if you are tired.

Take 8 inhalations and exhalations in a row, rest for 5 seconds. Such approaches should be:

  • 8 inhalations and exhalations - 12 times;
  • 16 inhalations and exhalations - 6 times;
  • 32 breaths - 3 times.

Exercise "Pump"

Standing straight, arms down. Bend towards the floor, your back is rounded, your head hangs down. At the lowest point of the slope, take a sharp and noisy breath. Raising yourself a little, exhale absolutely passively, letting the air come out through your nose or mouth.

1st approach: 8 bends with inhalation and exhalation, 5 seconds pause. Number of repetitions:

  • 8 approaches - 12 times;
  • 16 approaches - 6 times.
  • Normally, perform the exercise 96 times.

All these exercises will help not only lose weight, but also recover from many illnesses.

Here you can see:

Strelnikova - video set of breathing exercises:

Video file mp4, 62 MB


The main advantages of breathing exercises for weight loss are that:

  • you can compensate for physical exercise with classes;
  • it can be practiced by any person, even those whose weight does not allow active movement and cardio exercises;
  • does not require any special conditions, you can practice anywhere;
  • Studies have shown that breathing exercises for weight loss can burn 140% more excess fat than cycling or jogging performed for the same amount of time;
  • proper breathing exercises can continue to burn fat throughout the day;
  • exercises speed up metabolism;
  • performing breathing exercises is much easier than strength and cardio exercises, than active sports necessary for burning fat.

Scientists' conclusion:

  1. Constant depression and stress, to which most residents of modern megalopolises and large cities are exposed, lead to instinctive holding of breath and more shallow inhalations and incomplete exhalation. About 90% of people breathe shallowly, filling only the upper third of their lungs.
  2. The oxygen content in the atmosphere is constantly decreasing due to environmental problems, which encourages us to breathe much deeper than before. That is why in recent decades there has been a constant increase in the number of obese people in the world (see the fattest people in the world).
  3. The fatter a person is, the more shallow his breathing (it is more difficult for him to breathe deeply), which means that fat cells, not receiving enough oxygen to oxidize fat, constantly increase in volume.

Contraindications for implementation

But, like all techniques, breathing exercises also have contraindications. First of all, you need to consult your doctor.

  • do exercises with caution in case of spinal injuries;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lung problems;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • for bleeding and injuries.

Breathing exercises according to Buteyko

Another wonderful type of breathing effect on weight is Buteyko breathing exercises. The essence of his method is that breathing too deeply, on the contrary, is harmful.

According to him, the deeper the breath, the less oxygen ends up in the lungs. At the same time, the amount of carbon dioxide is significantly reduced.

His technique involves breathing so that breathing is not audible at all. You need to breathe so that there is no noticeable movement of either the chest or abdomen. Inhale for 2-3 seconds, exhale for 3-4 seconds. The less you inhale, the better.

  • Buteyko’s technique received permission from the USSR Ministry of Health, but in order to achieve this permission, the doctor had to prove the effectiveness and safety of the method for 30 years;
  • this breathing system is recognized throughout the world;
  • breathing exercises according to Buteyko can cure 150 diseases or 95% of the most common diseases;
  • breathing exercises must be mastered under the supervision of specially trained specialists, otherwise they can cause harm to the body;
  • Classes with methodologists, although they are paid (they charge 300 USD for two weeks of training), but they give 100% of the effect.

Watch the video in which the author K.P. himself explains the technique. Buteyko:

And here is the second part of Buteyko’s breathing exercises lesson:

Oxysize breathing exercises with Marina Korpan

The breathing exercise Oxysize (), developed by Marina Korpan, will allow you to lose up to 30 cm in volume in two weeks of correct execution.

You can see this for yourself by trying breathing exercises and following the advice of M. Korpan, who encourages you to eat right at the same time, reducing your daily caloric intake to 1600 kcal (see 1200 kcal diet).

You need to measure volumes before starting training at six points:

  • arm volume in the biceps area;
  • hip volume;
  • abdominal volume at three points: the navel area, 5 cm above and 3 cm below;
  • chest volume at armpit level.

The gymnastics course lasts two weeks. Measurements are taken twice: before the start of classes and at the end of the course. All six digits are added, and then the original is subtracted from the final result. This will be the average value of lost volumes.

You should exercise daily, on an empty stomach, doing at least 30 breathing cycles.

The basic principle of Korpan breathing exercises for weight loss is the use of diaphragm breathing. You need to breathe through your nose and stomach.

Basic Oxysize technique

Korpan breathing exercises require initial mastery of the technique. Here are step-by-step instructions for performing basic exercises:

  • While standing, tilt your pelvis down, twist your tailbone forward.
  • Slowly inhale through your nose, filling your stomach with air.
  • Tighten your stomach.
  • Take short breaths three times, each time tightening your stomach even more.
  • Exhale slowly through the small hole in your lips, drawing in your stomach even more.
  • Repeat four times, this will be one breathing cycle.

Additionally, Marina advises performing special exercises, combining them with breathing exercises and proper nutrition (see the section “Proper Nutrition”). The system resembles the “Vacuum” exercise for reducing belly fat.

In the video you can see how to properly do breathing exercises with Marina Korpan:

Reviews of exercises with Marina Korpan

Reviews about breathing exercises for weight loss will help everyone make the right decision. Here's what our readers say:

Inna, 34 years old, does not work.
After giving birth, I quickly recovered, my mother said, eat more, the baby needs it, in the end, in six months + 24 kg! What could I do, there was no time for the gym. I started breathing according to the Korpan method, found a video course and practiced as soon as I could. It's only been 4 months and I'm already 12kg lighter! I continue to breathe, although I have eaten less, the baby has already grown up.

Igor, 18 years old, technical school student.
We have been feeding you since childhood, it is impossible to stop with such a family where they eat all the time. Diets are impossible. Yes, and sports are difficult to do, because the weight is large, over 100 kg. I started doing breathing exercises according to Marina, I personally really liked it, I learned and then began to breathe like this not only at home. The weight began to go away, the appetite decreased. I’ve already lost 11kg, I’ve only been doing it for 3 months.

Breathing exercises Bodyflex

Another great way to lose weight is Bodyflex breathing exercises. There is another article on our website () about the possibility of combining Bodyflex with diets. With its help you can:

  • easy to lose excess weight;
  • get rid of cellulite;
  • improve the overall condition of the skin;
  • in 5-10 sessions, reduce the volume by 3-4 cm.

Bodyflex technique

Stage 1. Diaphragmatic breathing. Active exhalation through the mouth, literally pushing the air out of the chest, rounding the lips. If you can't push out another gram, then stop.

Stage 2. Inhale quickly and sharply through your nose. Fill your lungs to capacity. The inhalation should be noisy, and the lips should be pressed tightly together. Hold the air. The head is slightly raised.

Stage 3. Exhale sharply through your mouth, while straining your stomach, as if pushing the air with your abdominal muscles. The sound should resemble the whistle of a punctured tire. Push the air as quickly as possible.

Stage 4. Hold your breath. Tilt your head towards your chest. Pull your stomach in as deeply as possible so that it goes under your ribs. The stomach should become concave, like a burst ball. Count to 8, but in the following way: 1-1-1, 2-2-2, 3-3-3... and so on. At first you'll have a hard time making it to 8, but once you get there, you've mastered the exercise!

Stage 5. After counting to 8, inhale through your nose. Do this with sound, allowing your lungs to fill completely.

Video about how to learn how to breathe correctly using the Bodyflex system:

Qigong gymnastics for weight loss

Breathing exercises Qigong for weight loss will help not only lose weight, but also restore the functioning of many organs and systems.

Eastern weight loss practices will allow you to:

  • accelerate metabolism();
  • activate the digestive organs for better absorption of nutrients;
  • restore operation of all systems;
  • activates the work of the largest muscles, causing them to contract.

Rules for performing Qigong gymnastics

2 minutes before meals.

Let's wake up your metabolism; to do this, two minutes before eating, when the table is already set, you need to breathe deeply. The fact is that, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, oxygen activates the work of peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Place your hands on your lower abdomen and take several slow, deep breaths in and out. Feel the maximum filling and emptying of the abdomen from the air. Do this for 90 seconds.
  • Now begin to exhale, squeeze out all the air so that the stomach is pulled towards the spine.
  • Now speed up your inhalations and exhalations, continuing to alternate them for 30 seconds. Make sure you are comfortable and do it at a pace that your training allows.

2 minutes after eating:

To help your stomach digest food faster, provide it with extra energy.

  • Place both hands on the stomach area.
  • Stroke your belly clockwise 50-100 times.
  • This exercise prolongs life!

The video shows how to do one of the Qigong exercises correctly:

Breathing exercises "Jianfei"

Breathing exercises for weight loss “Jianfei”, created in China, which translates as “fat loss”, will help you quickly get rid of excess weight, remove volume, tighten and dry your entire body.

It consists of three exercises, each of which can be done separately.

They are called:

  • "Wave",
  • "Frog",
  • "Lotus"

After the “Wave” exercise, your appetite decreases, it becomes much easier to manage in small portions, and weight loss occurs naturally. It is recommended to do it if you want to eat something.

Exercise "Wave":

  • We lie down on the floor, bend our legs at the knees.
  • We place one palm on the chest, the other on the stomach.
  • Inhale - straighten your chest, pull in your stomach, helping slightly with your hands.
  • Exhale - draw in your chest, inflate your stomach as fully as possible.
  • Try to give the lifts of the chest and abdomen a wave-like movement.
  • Take 40 breaths. You can do it not only lying down, but also sitting, and even while walking or riding a bicycle.
  • If even after 60 inhalations and exhalations the feeling of hunger does not go away, then this exercise is not suitable for you.

Exercise "Frog":

  • Sitting on a chair, spread your knees shoulder-width apart.
  • Make one hand into a fist and clasp the other fist. Relax, put your elbows on your knees, and your forehead on your fist, bring yourself to a state of complete peace, close your eyes.
  • Think about the beautiful, drive away all negative thoughts (see how to get rid of depression).
  • Inhale freely and deeply through your nose, directing the air to the abdomen; when the abdomen is full, freeze for 2 seconds.
  • Exhale slowly and smoothly through your mouth, relaxing your abdominal area.
  • Continue this breathing cycle: exhale, inhale, freeze for 2 seconds. At the same time, the stomach inflates and deflates, resembling a frog.
  • Do the exercise for about 15 minutes three times a day.

Exercise "Lotus":

The “Lotus” exercise is best performed while sitting on the floor, with your legs crossed and tucked under you. Not everyone can sit in this position; it requires special preparation and joint flexibility. Therefore, you can do it sitting with your legs stretched forward or sitting on a chair. Extend your arms and place them palms up, one palm on top of the other.

  • For the first five minutes, breathe deeply, consciously, silently. The stomach and chest hardly move.
  • For the second five minutes, relax, breathe involuntarily, exhale long, freely, silently.
  • For the last 10 minutes, breathe evenly, naturally, try to put your thoughts in order. This is a kind of meditation that allows you to relax and unwind.

This exercise will help you lose weight intensively. It stimulates:

  • metabolism;
  • circulation;
  • improves the functioning of internal organs;
  • has a beneficial effect on skin color;
  • tones the body;
  • makes it easier to adapt to a new diet.

Breathing exercises to reduce belly fat

One type of exercise is breathing exercises for losing belly fat.

There are many techniques that allow you to strengthen your abdominal muscles using breathing exercises. Here are a few of the simplest and most accessible:

  • Take a deep breath, count to four, exhale to the count of 4. Repeat 10 times.
  • Suck your stomach in and then take a deep breath. Exhale air in portions through tightly closed lips. When inhaling and exhaling, you need to tense and relax your abdominal muscles. Do it 20 times a day.
  • To strengthen the abdominal muscles. We sit on a chair with a straight back. Place your knees at right angles, pressing your feet to the floor. Breathe with your stomach, tensing and relaxing your abs. Do 10-40 times a day.
  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. We place one hand on the chest, the other on the stomach. Inhaling, draw in your stomach and lightly press it with your palm. As you exhale, inflate your stomach, releasing the air gradually and pressing your hand on your chest.

Watch the video: Breathing exercises for losing belly fat

Vacuum for belly reduction

An excellent way to get rid of a protruding belly is the “Vacuum” breathing exercise, which really strengthens the muscles.

At one time, this exercise was praised even by Schwarzenegger himself, who wanted to remove his belly without losing muscle mass (see diet for losing belly fat).

You need to do it like this:

You can sit, stand or on all fours. The last method is the most convenient for beginners.

  • first take a deep breath;
  • now exhale, pulling your stomach under your ribs;
  • inhale again;
  • sharply exhale the air from your stomach, while simultaneously saying the word: “PAHHH”, while drawing in your stomach as much as possible;
  • you will see that your entire stomach has tightened up and has become like a burst ball;
  • hold your breath while counting to 15, and then, when you get used to it, you can increase it to 30 counts;
  • Repeat at least 5 times, you can do several times a day.

One of the variations of “Vacuum” is the movement of the abdomen in a wave while holding the breath. This stimulates, massages all internal organs, strengthens the muscle corset. For better results, you can practice breathing exercises in the garden.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The generally accepted norm is to lose weight on diets in combination with certain physical activity on problem areas of the body. Did you know that there is a way in which you can lose weight without exhausting yourself with diets and intense training? We are now talking about breathing exercises for weight loss. The basic principle of abdominal breathing exercises is the burning of accumulated fat deposits with the help of oxygen. Technically, it looks like a combination of measured movements and still body postures with certain breathing methods.

Belly breathing

How does oxygen, or belly breathing, differ from normal breathing? Almost all people breathe from the upper part of the lungs, i.e. chest. This is shallow breathing, in which oxygen does not reach the lower parts of the lungs in the required volume. Because of this, the cells of the body lack it, hence excess weight, as one of the consequences of impaired metabolism.

Breathing from the stomach means filling the entire volume of the lungs with oxygen. In fact, this is how babies breathe, but adults need to master this breathing again, and this is not always easy.

Belly breathing exercises for weight loss have a healing and restorative effect on the human body, namely:

Dulls hunger;

Stimulates digestion;

Promotes the breakdown of fat cells;

Invigorates and gives strength;

Helps fight disease;

Calms the nerves.

When performing breathing exercises, the blood is sufficiently saturated with oxygen, which helps speed up the metabolic process and the disappearance of fat cells. Due to this, the weight loss process is significantly accelerated.

Breathing techniques

There are four effective methods of healing and losing weight using breathing. They all involve a set of effective exercises, although they are somewhat different from each other.

Bodyflex was transformed from a breathing technique in the yoga system into a special technique for losing weight by the American Childers Greer. The complex consists of 13 exercises, most of which are intended for the body, and two exercises for the facial muscles. When performed correctly, the carbon dioxide content in the blood increases, which in turn helps push incoming oxygen out of hemoglobin. This released oxygen is sent to the muscles, where it provokes the processes of active breakdown of fats.

A more gentle technique is offered by the Oxysize set of breathing exercises. It is based on the basic principles of bodyflex, but excludes sudden exhalations and movements. It has significantly fewer contraindications, so even pregnant women can do this kind of gymnastics. Also, the advantages of this type of gymnastics include the fact that Oxysize can be performed whenever it is convenient, while Bodyflex is recommended only in the morning and on an empty stomach.

Jianfei is a Chinese breathing exercise, translated as “losing fat.” It is also based on belly breathing and is a set of three exercises – “frog”, “wave” and “lotus”. Chinese woman Rosa Yu Bin only with the help of these three exercises, without dietary restrictions and without sports activities, got rid of 10 extra pounds in a couple of months. This complex is good to use on fasting days, because exercise significantly dulls the feeling of hunger.

In Russia, breathing exercises have been known since 1939 as Strelnikova’s technique for restoring the voice of artists. The essence of the technique: with a compressed chest, a person should take sharp, short breaths through the nose. This type of breathing is effective not only for weight loss, but also for acute respiratory infections, bronchitis and asthma.

Breathing exercises

It is better to learn such techniques with an experienced instructor. To begin with, we offer exercises that you can perform independently, without danger to your health. By doing these exercises correctly, you will understand the principle of belly breathing, and then you will be able to apply more complex techniques.

Exercise: belly breathing

Lie on your back, fold your hands below your stomach. First, exhale all the air through your nose. Then slowly inhale, lowering the diaphragm to the very bottom of the abdomen, thereby allowing air to fill the lungs. You need to control this process with your hands - notice how noticeably the belly is rounded. Without holding your breath, then slowly exhale. Important: the diaphragm should rise up, and the stomach should be pulled inward as much as possible, freeing the lungs from air.

You need to breathe smoothly and calmly;

The chest should remain motionless; the air should feel like it is filling the stomach;

At the very beginning, do not perform deep breathing - feel the delicate work of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles; bring the exercise to automatic execution. Only then take deep breaths;

Breathe with your stomach for the first time in the morning on an empty stomach and the second time in the evening, preferably in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area. Start with one minute of breathing, gradually increase the duration by 25-30 seconds. per day, but do not do it for more than 5 minutes.

This exercise stimulates intestinal peristalsis, cleanses the blood, improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. Thanks to this, fat layers in the body are noticeably reduced, especially in the abdominal area.

Exercise Breathing Slimness

When you master the belly breathing technique described above, you can perform this exercise, which is aimed not only at breaking down fat deposits, but also at improving the thyroid gland, stimulating intellectual activity, and strengthening the immune system.

Sit cross-legged on the floor or just on a chair. Straighten your back and keep your head straight, and place your hands on your knees, palms up.

Then inhale deeply through your nose, filling your belly with air, rounding it out.

As you exhale, draw your stomach in, lower your chin and press it firmly towards your body. Exhale twice as slow. You need to do the exercise in the morning on an empty stomach, starting with one minute, adding a few seconds every day. Maximum duration is 5 minutes.

1 step. Exhale all the air. Then relax your abdominal muscles and very quickly inhale as much air as possible through your nose.

Step 2. Hold your breath, tense your stomach and lift your stomach as high as possible. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. You can control the correct execution with your hands, placing them on your stomach.

Step 3. Bend forward and straighten up, while trying to keep your shoulders slightly rounded. Tighten your buttocks and hold in this pose for 10 seconds.

Step 4 Exhale with resistance. As you exhale, relax your head and shoulders. The gluteal and abdominal muscles can be relaxed only after exhaling the air completely.

Combining these three exercises, you get an excellent complex for beginners. 15 minutes of exercise a day will contribute to effective weight loss at home. We wish you a beautiful figure and good health!

Many consider tempting promises and annotations for various fitness videos “Remove your belly in just 15 minutes a day” as something unrealistic, because in their opinion, you can remove your belly and give it a seductive, beautiful shape only if you need to spend half the day in the gym, exhausting yourself on the treadmill or doing thousand crunches with weights.

But there is also some truth in this statement: you can tighten your stomach, get rid of extra centimeters on the sides and waist, increase the overall tone and immunity of the body, spending about a quarter of an hour on this daily. Correctly performed breathing techniques will come to your aid.

The benefits of breathing exercises for weight loss

Breathing is the basis of every person’s life. In ancient times, the breathing process was very closely associated with the soul, even the words “breath”, “breathe”, “soul” are similar in sound.

All breathing techniques are associated with the human physical body; they help to achieve complete harmony of body and soul. Proper breathing not only relieves various diseases and stress, but also helps fight excess fat in the abdomen and waist.

What happens in the body when performing breathing exercises

  • the absorption of beneficial nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract improves. This is due to the fact that oxygen activates the work of many small cellular villi located along the walls of the organs of the entire digestive system, thus increasing the level of basal metabolism;
  • oxygen ensures the creation of the necessary alkaline environment in the cells, thereby optimizing the work of ATP molecules, which contribute to the processing of fat cells into energy;
  • deep breathing helps remove harmful and dangerous toxins from the body that disrupt the endocrine system and contribute to the accumulation of a protective layer of visceral fat around the internal organs. A significant part of toxins turns into gases that can be removed from the body using special techniques of proper deep breathing;
  • oxygen affects fat cells, oxidizing them, thereby starting the process of their destruction;
  • breathing exercises help you relax, relieve tension, get rid of excitement and increased anxiety, and significantly reduce the level of stress hormone in the blood. Many admit that they begin to overeat precisely because of difficult experiences that they are unable to get rid of on their own. Breathing exercises will eliminate the need to eat an extra bun or candy to calm down; you will simply stop feeling the need to “eat on problems.”

Where and how to do breathing exercises to lose belly fat

Today there are many different theories and practices of healthy breathing. The ability to breathe correctly is the basis for all types of physical activity, from yoga to weightlifting.

To practice breathing exercises, it is not at all necessary to go to the stadium or park at strictly certain hours. You can study at home, having previously ventilated the room.

For breathing exercises for weight loss morning time is best, on an empty stomach, after bowel movement. If you do not want to study in the morning, choose any other time convenient for you, but only 2-3 hours after the last snack– You can’t exercise with a full stomach.

Let's look at the most popular and useful breathing systems that will help you not only lose weight, trim your stomach and sides, but also become more peaceful and serene.

Effective breathing technique Bodyflex: fighting excess fat in the waist area

This technique was described by an American lady, mother of three children, Grieg Childers. Having unsuccessfully tried a lot of ways to lose excess weight, she turned to a sports physiologist for advice.

Having completed the proposed course of breathing exercises combined with various static poses, Grieg managed to put her shape in order and significantly improve her own well-being.

Grieg described her results (change in body size from 56 to 44 in just a few months) and the methodology for performing the Bodyflex complex in the book “Great figure in 15 minutes a day” . Practice this daily complex in the morning, before breakfast, for 15-30 minutes.

How to breathe correctly using the Bodyflex technique

  1. Perform several deep and calm inhalation-exhalation cycles, focusing on the movement of the chest, visualizing the filling of air in the lungs;
  2. Take the starting position: standing, bending slightly in the lumbar region, legs 35-40 cm wide, place your hands on the areas just above the knee. Keep your head straight, your neck not tense, your gaze directed straight;
  3. Deep exhalation: you need to completely empty your lungs of air, to do this, form your lips in the letter “O” and forcefully squeeze out all the air through your mouth, close your lips;
  4. Sharp inhalation: quickly, with great effort, draw in the maximum volume of air only through your nose, filling your lungs to capacity. Correct inhalation occurs with noise, the stomach inflates, the lips are in the same closed position;
  5. Strong exhalation through the mouth: quickly exhale the entire contents of the lungs through the mouth, working as much as possible with the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, imagine that they are pushing out all the air. When exhaling correctly, a hissing sound will be heard;
  6. Holding your breath and working your stomach: purse your lips tightly and block your breathing with your nose, pull your stomach inward, pulling it up, as if trying to reach your spine with your navel, while straining all your abdominal muscles. This position must be held for 10 - 15 seconds, depending on the capabilities of your respiratory system. It is at the stage of holding the breath and pulling the stomach to the ribs that all the poses of the complex are performed;
  7. Slow inhalation: Relax your abdominal muscles, inhaling calmly and intensely through your nose, at this point you may feel slightly dizzy due to excess oxygen.

Bodyflex exercises for losing weight on the sides and abdomen

Having mastered the principles of breathing according to Bodyflex - and this is the most basic and primary thing in this technique, add exercises and poses that will have an additional tightening effect on the abdomen and will help draw the waist line.

Remember that these poses should be taken at the stage of stopping breathing, the duration of which is determined by you yourself, based on your well-being and level of respiratory training.

Side stretch

Performed from a standing position. While holding your breath, stretch your left leg to the side, resting your toe on the floor, hold your right knee with the opposite hand, raise your straight left arm up and stretch to the side for an imaginary object.

Keep your back straight, do not strain your neck, feel the stretch of all the side muscles. As you inhale through your nose, relax and return to the starting position. Side stretches should be performed 4-5 repetitions on each side.


It is performed lying on your back, legs straight, arms relaxed and lying under the hips. When performing the exercise, make sure that there is no deflection in the lumbar area. Complete the entire cycle of breathing stages, and holding your breath, lift your straight legs 8-10 cm above the floor, spreading them wide and crossing them like scissors. The socks are stretched as tight as possible, the neck is relaxed.

After completing 9-10 swings, inhale through your nose and relax. This exercise must be repeated 4-6 times.

Abdominal Press

Remaining in the same position, lying on your back, bend your knees and place your heels on the floor. Raise your hands, fingertips should point straight up. Perform the “exhale-inhale-exhale” cycle; while holding your breath, lift your shoulders and chest with the strength of your abdominal muscles.

Do not strain your neck, keep your head relaxed, slightly tilted down. Reach your palms toward the floor throughout the entire breath-holding cycle. Inhale through your nose and lower yourself to the floor. Do this exercise 5-6 times.


Performed in a standing position on all fours. The gaze is directed forward, the back is straight. While holding your breath, round your back, lifting it up, lower the crown of your head down, and draw in your stomach as much as possible. The tension in the muscles of the entire core will be especially strong. After holding for a few seconds, inhale, relax and return to the starting position. Repeat the cat pose 5-7 times.


Sitting on the floor, cross your knees, placing your right knee over your left. The left leg is straight. Place the palm of your right hand on the floor behind your back, place the elbow of your left leg behind the knee of your right leg, your back is straight, your neck is not tense. Complete all the initial respiratory stages, while holding your breath, drawing in your stomach as much as possible, turn your body and head back to the right.

Feel a strong stretch in your side abdominal muscles and thighs. As you inhale, return from a twisted position to a straight one, and perform this exercise 5-6 times in each direction.

An effective and very useful exercise “Vacuum” for tummy tuck

The “Vacuum” exercise is recognized as one of the most effective for tightening the stomach and giving harmonious proportion to the whole body. Many bodybuilders regularly use it in their training practice.

The benefit of this exercise also lies in the fact that when the abdominal muscles are pulled inward, the internal organs are massaged, thereby reducing the layer of visceral fat around the organs, and congestion in the digestive tract disappears.

The “Vacuum” exercise, like the Bodyflex complex, should be performed in the morning, on an empty stomach, or in the evening a couple of hours before dinner.

How to properly perform the “Vacuum” exercise

The initial version of the exercise is to lie on your back, since gravity does not prevent the abdominal muscles from retracting.

  1. Bend your knees, extend your arms along your body.
  2. Take a smooth, calm breath in through your nose, and sharply exhale all the air through your mouth, completely emptying your lungs.
  3. With great effort, pull your stomach inward, using the force of the rectus abdominis muscle, try to pull all the internal organs under the ribs, feel the strong tension of the entire muscle corset.
  4. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds, but over time, increase this pause to 1 minute.
  5. Inhale slowly, relax.

Take several short, even breaths in and out through your nose. Start doing this exercise with 8 repetitions, gradually increasing their number.

The next stage will be a variation of its execution on all fours, then use standing and sitting variations.

Start doing breathing exercises today, and after a few weeks you will see in the mirror how your waist has narrowed, your stomach has tightened and strengthened, and the volume of your sides has significantly decreased. Along with the extra pounds, you will exhale worries, stress and anxiety.

Many women who decide to lose excess weight are faced with the problem of losing belly fat. It is not for nothing that it is considered one of the most resistant zones on which all non-diet pies, donuts and cupcakes are applied. Most of the exercises that are proposed to burn belly fat have an ambiguous effect: exercise, if performed incorrectly, trains the muscles, leaving the layer that hides them in place. Diets torture stubborn women so much that during this “torture” they are unable to do anything due to fatigue. Hungry fainting and insomnia are included as a special gift. Therefore, breathing exercises for losing belly fat in this sense are a true godsend.

What is it?

Breathing exercises are a set of specific breathing exercises. When performed correctly, the body is saturated with oxygen and the internal organs are massaged, which, in turn, helps burn fat in the abdominal area.


How does it work?

Types of breathing exercises for losing belly fat

The rapidly developing technique is gaining more and more popularity, because it has a huge number of variations that involve certain muscle groups, require more or less time, optimize training, and so on. Some of them are considered more effective than others and are therefore better known. Is it deserved?

Gymnastics Strelnikova

A. N. Strelnikova developed her technique around the thirties of the last century. It was intended for singers and artists and helped them restore their voice. Many years have passed since then, and now breathing exercises are increasingly being used to lose weight from Strelnikova’s belly. However, these exercises still have a beneficial effect not only on burning fat, but also on the voice, and are also an excellent prevention of colds, since they involve not only the abdominal muscles, but also the vocal-speech apparatus.

Basic movements

  • Take a deep breath, suck in your stomach, and purse your lips tightly. Little by little, sharply push out the collected air through your lips, now closing them, now opening them. Repeat the exercise twenty times.
  • Inhale deeply and slowly. Hold the breath. On the count of four, exhale slowly. Repeat up to fifteen times.
  • The exercise is performed sitting, with a straight back. Pull in your stomach, tighten your abdominal muscles. Breathe only through your diaphragm. In the first lesson, the training is repeated ten times, then the number of repetitions is gradually increased to forty.
  • To perform the exercise, you need to lie on the floor, put one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Breathe, alternately pressing on the indicated areas.

Training according to Strelnikova’s method, as reviews indicate, allows you to lose three to five kilograms in a month of regular exercise, increase your immunity and develop your voice-speech apparatus.

Gymnastics Marina Korpan: reviews

Yoga is also included in the course of these exercises. Breathing exercises for losing belly fat by Marina Korpan are a combination of proper breathing, stretching and muscle strengthening. According to reviews, this is one of the most effective techniques for weight loss. Thanks to her, women can easily get rid of extra pounds. Do you still have doubts about the effectiveness of such a method as breathing exercises for weight loss? The benefits (reviews of Marina Korpan’s method confirm this) are obvious: up to ten kilograms in one or two months. And this happens without diets or physical activity.

Oxysize vs bodyflex

Marina Korpan is a popularizer of proper deep breathing in the post-Soviet space. She recorded video lessons in which she examines in detail the technique, which can be defined by the term “breathing exercises for losing weight in the oxysize belly.” “Oxysize” essentially translates as “breathing exercises,” but both names have taken root in the vastness of our homeland, with the first usually attributed specifically to Marina Korpan’s exercises.

Along with oxysize, I remember bodyflex - also one of Marina’s techniques. They are quite similar, with the first being a lighter version of the second. As already mentioned, not only breathing training is used, but also yoga exercises, so it is better for beginners to start with oxysize, gradually moving on to bodyflex.

Oxysize exercises

Performed while standing:

  • Inhale sharply through your nose, filling your stomach with air.
  • Hold your breath, stretching your mouth in a wide smile.
  • Relax your abdominal muscles.
  • Inhale a little more air, pull your stomach in.
  • Hold your breath and sway your hips from side to side.
  • Tighten your gluteal and pelvic muscles and take three small breaths through your nose.
  • Still tensing your muscles, exhale slowly through your pursed lips.
  • Take three short exhalations through your nose.

You can repeat it at any time, anywhere, whenever possible, but not forgetting about daily frequency.

Bodyflex exercises

Basic pose for bodyflex exercises:

A cycle of five bodyflex exercises:

  • Exhale slowly through your mouth. The lips should follow the shape of the letter “o”.
  • Inhale loudly and forcefully through your nose. Fill your lungs completely with oxygen. Hold the air.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and exhale through your diaphragm.
  • Pull your stomach in as much as possible. Count to twenty-four, relax your muscles.
  • Inhale deeply, filling your lungs with air.

At the starting lesson, repeat the cycle a couple of times, it’s not worth it anymore, but next time gradually increase the number of repetitions.

Special complex:

  • Pull in your stomach. Place your right elbow on your right knee.
  • Place your right leg to the side. Tighten your toes without lifting your feet from the floor.
  • Shift your weight to your left leg, bent at the knee.
  • Stretch your left hand upward, it is important to feel the stretch in the waist area.
  • Stay in this position. On the count of eight - relax.
  • Repeat the same for the opposite side of the body.

Bodyflex exercises can also be borrowed from Greer Childers, a world-famous breathing exercises trainer for losing belly fat. Fans of Western technologies should definitely watch at least one of her video lessons.

Breathing exercises – a system of specially performed inhalations and exhalations, alternating deep even breathing, holding the exhalation and breathing with counter movements of the chest and abdomen.

It is used for general improvement of the body, ventilation of the lungs and increasing their volume, accelerating metabolism, oxygen saturation of the blood.

Helps remove toxins and waste from the body and burns excess belly fat.

There are many different methods of how to remove belly fat by breathing - both Japanese and gymnastics invented by Russian physiologists and doctors, American, yoga and others.

First you need to independently study all the pros and cons of different methods and choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Principles of breathing exercises: how to remove belly fat with breathing (Japanese method)

Since breathing exercises are passive methods of losing weight, the results will be noticeable within 1.5-3 months from the start of the exercises.

The effects of gymnastics include:

  • Increased immunity;
  • Improving the condition and functioning of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Enrichment of blood with oxygen;
  • Improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Relief of symptoms of osteochondrosis;
  • Improvement or restoration of voice;
  • Increased skin turgor;
  • Getting rid of headaches;
  • Acceleration of metabolism;
  • Getting rid of excess fat deposits on the abdomen, tummy tuck;
  • Improving body contours.

Each set of breathing exercises, including Japanese, as a method of getting rid of fat in the waist area, has a number of contraindications. Before performing this or that complex, you should consult your doctor.

Breathing exercise technique for weight loss from Mike Ryosuke

Mike Ryosuke is a famous Japanese film actor who successfully lost weight using a system of breathing exercises he invented.

The reason that Rika had to pay close attention to her health was the lumbar pain that had been incessant throughout the year.

Well familiar with the culture of his ancient country and healing techniques, this Japanese film actor decided to use the experience of old Japanese healers and try to recover with the help of meditation and a special system of breathing exercises.

After 2 weeks, the pain in the lower back began to subside, and after several months it left Rike for good.

In addition to the improvement in the condition of the lumbosacral region, there were other obvious improvements in Miosuke’s body - in just over six months, the actor lost more than 10 kilograms, and his waist decreased by a little less than 13 centimeters.

While performing breathing exercises, Rike Myosuke did not follow a diet and did not do additional exercise in the gym.

Interesting fact! At the time of the discovery of breathing exercises, Mika Ryosuke was 55 years old!

The Japanese method of removing belly fat by breathing according to the system of Rike Miosuke is recommended for busy people who find it difficult to find time for the gym or who cannot follow a diet.

Order of exercises:

  1. The starting position of the body is a straight back, feet together, shoulders pulled back, the top of the head stretches up. Step forward on your right leg, transfer your body weight and fix it on your left leg.
  2. Breathe for two minutes as follows: count “1 – 2 – 3”, simultaneously raising both arms up, inhale deeply with your stomach through your nose, then slowly exhale for 7 seconds, tensing your entire body as you exhale. Put your hands down, relax.
  3. Perform daily, alternating legs, for at least 2-3 months until results are achieved.

Regularity of exercises for weight loss

The expected result directly depends on the regularity of doing weight loss exercises.

Name of the exercise system Regularity of execution Deadline for results to appear
Qigong6 times a week3-5 months
Pranayama5 times per week3-4 months
Oxysizein one day3 months
Strelnikova methodevery day3 months
Bodyflex2-3 times a week3-5 months
Japanese method to remove belly fat by breathingevery day2-3 months

Additional breathing exercises for weight loss

Experts consider the following methods to be the most effective other methods of breathing for weight loss.


“Pranayama” in yoga is gymnastics based solely on breathing exercises.

The simplest of them is kapalabhti - belly breathing, and the most effective of the pranayama complex is “vacuum”. This exercise is performed like this.

In a standing position, slightly tilting your body and bending your legs, or sitting in the lotus position, you need to take several deep breaths and slow exhalations. Without taking a new breath, using your muscles, pull your stomach in as much as possible.

Keep your stomach pulled in until you have a strong desire to inhale, take a breath and relax. Perform 3-5 approaches.

Be careful! This exercise must be performed on an empty stomach to avoid discomfort and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova

Breathing exercises using the method of opera singer Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

The Japanese method of removing belly fat by breathing gives effective results in a relatively short time, but requires a lot of effort.

Initially aimed at restoring the voice and curing diseases of the upper respiratory tract, breathing according to the Strelnikova method was subsequently found effective in the fight against excess fat deposits.

The essence of the method is to take a sharp, short breath through the nose, similar to a sob. In this case, the chest should not expand, as during normal inhalation.

Such inhalations are performed after a series of short movements performed at a fast pace.

The number of breaths should always be a multiple of eight, the number of approaches is four, the break between approaches is from three to five seconds.

Exercises according to the Strelnikova system speed up metabolism, resulting in fat burning in problem areas, including the abdomen.


Bodyflex is gymnastics based on a specific alternation of inhalations and exhalations. It was invented by Childers Greer (USA). Performed on an empty stomach.

Execution sequence:


The technique is similar to the bodyflex technique, but differs in a more gentle, stepwise system of inhalation and exhalation. It can be performed at any time and has virtually no contraindications.

It is performed like this: one inhalation is not completed, and then three short steps of an additional inhalation, an exhalation and three short steps of an additional exhalation. Repeat the sequence 30 times.

During the practice, the abdominal muscles contract frequently, up to 250 times in a relatively short time - 15 minutes, and excess fat deposits are burned.

In addition, oxysize helps balance the nervous system, improve intestinal and stomach function, improve sleep, and improve mood. Indicated during pregnancy.

Gymnastics Qigong

Qigong gymnastics, like yoga, has a variety - breathing exercises aimed at burning fat - Jiangfei.

It is necessary to practice Jiangfei under the guidance of a teacher, but the result will be quite fast.,tangible and lasting.

Used simultaneously with proper nutrition or on fasting days, Jiangfei gymnastics helps reduce the feeling of hunger and relieves fatigue.

Breathing when performing Jiangfei is carried out from the stomach. The necessary condition is concentration, relaxation and smooth execution of the set of exercises.

You should not be distracted; if you feel signs of fatigue, you should interrupt the exercise.

Hypopressive gymnastics

Hypopressive gymnastics is a revolutionary technique aimed at reducing intra-abdominal pressure, as a result of which the functioning of internal organs improves and the possibility of injury is eliminated when performing exercises by bodybuilders or athletes.

Improves athletic performance. Due to the large number of muscles involved in performing gymnastics, it improves the aesthetics of the appearance of the human body, tightening the stomach and reducing fat deposits.

Be careful! The exercises of the hypopressive gymnastics complex are performed only after a deep breath, and involve retracting the abdominal and pelvic muscles and simultaneously arching the back.

Sudden movements are excluded - all practice should proceed smoothly and without heavy loads.

In addition to those described above, specialists know the Muller respiratory system, the Buteyko method, Durymanov’s conditioned reflex breathing, Vilunas breathing, nicknamed “the sobbing one,” and others.

The progressive method of losing weight by breathing by Japanese actor Mike Ryosuke and other breathing techniques, if done incorrectly, cause oxygen oversaturation with simultaneous oxygen starvation of the brain, which can result in hallucinations, dizziness and nausea.

However, if done correctly and competently, they will bring many benefits, allow you to quickly remove fat from the abdomen, make your figure slim, your waist narrow, and your health excellent.

This video will introduce you to the Japanese method of removing belly fat by breathing:

From this video you will learn how to do breathing exercises correctly to lose weight: