How to dance a waltz for a girl. How to dance the Viennese Waltz - the most emotional dance

A waltz is not just a count of “one-two-three-one-two-three”, it is a very serious classical dance that is performed to the rhythm of a healthy heart! This fact alone is enough to learn how to dance a waltz according to all the rules of choreographic art.


2. Learn to rotate correctly! The couple moves around the square counterclockwise, with one large step and two small ones on each side of the square. The partners themselves rotate relative to each other clockwise.

Learn to place your feet correctly! For a partner:

  • Step forward with your right foot;
  • The left leg goes to the right, then with a turn of 90 degrees from it - to the left;
  • The right leg goes to the left with a 90-degree turn;
  • Left leg back;
  • The right foot goes to the left with a 90-degree turn to the right;
  • The left leg goes towards the right.

3. Hands! The right one is extended forward, the left one is at the partner’s waist.

4. Legs! This is the most difficult thing about the waltz. Learn to move lightly so as not to step on your partner's feet. And never look at your feet - this is not customary in waltzing!

5. Chin! Raised high and directed to the left side of the partner so that you can see his right temple.

6. Face! Smile even if someone steps on your foot.

7. Shoes! Shoes should be comfortable and soft. Shoes that are too narrow and have uncomfortable heels will ruin your dancing.

8. Partner! Try to accustom yourself to feel his presence and his every movement. Then you will not have discrepancies in movements. These are all the secrets of proper waltzing that you need to learn in order to feel confident on the dance floor. When you learn the waltz technique, you will stop turning pale at the first sounds of Strauss's works and will develop a taste for elite balls, elegant tuxedos and magnificent evening dresses that are made for the waltz. And most importantly, your heart will be fine! After all, according to doctors, waltz has a very beneficial effect on blood pressure.

Changing fashion sooner or later affects all spheres of public life, from appearance to pastime. And yet there remain things that remain unchanged in their value, like classical literature, symphonic music and ballroom dancing. Like a good mature wine, they reveal their meaning and significance over time and reveal real charm. And even though they were once no less fresh and amazing than modern innovations and trends, over the years and even centuries it has become obvious where the real style is and what is transitory. Eternal values ​​are eternal because over time they do not lose either their attractiveness or relevance. It is no coincidence that to this day not a single formal event, be it a city ball, prom, wedding or award ceremony, is complete without the sounds of a waltz, to which graceful couples twirl.

Waltzing is a whole science for any of our contemporaries, although even for our great-grandfathers it was the same common process as disco for today's teenagers. And yet, everyone should learn to dance the waltz correctly, regardless of age, taste and lifestyle. If only because this is a sign of good upbringing and a strong cultural code, necessary for every educated person. And in general, everyone finds themselves at graduations and weddings at least occasionally, and why not prepare in advance so as not to lose face when beautiful music starts playing and the host invites those present to the dance floor. And even though serious training requires long training and lessons with a choreographer, you can understand the essence of the waltz, take an interest in its theoretical background and the basic rules of dance now. This is what we suggest you do before learning how to dance the waltz correctly.

Waltz: types, history and modernity
The waltz and its variations are not as old a dance as one might think. And although folk dances of the Czech Republic and France are considered to be its prototype, the first dance movements similar to the modern standard came into fashion already at the end of the 18th century in Austria and, thanks to their entertainment orientation, quickly spread throughout other European countries. Even then, the waltz acquired the status of the main ballroom dance, but no one even thought about its modern significance and versatility. On the contrary, until the beginning of the twentieth century, the waltz rhythm of ¾, which is accepted today, did not even exist, and at the same time several forms existed, the size of which was 2/4, 5/4 and even 6/8. Even today there is no single strict restriction on the concept and performance of the waltz, and in a general sense this concept is interpreted as a general name for ballroom dancing in a closed position. But it was the waltz in ¾ time that became the standard and model for creating not only its own varieties, but also other ballroom dances.

In order not to dive into details that are important mainly for professionals, we note that all waltz forms known and performed today can be divided into two groups: fast and slow. At international competitions, the waltz standard with closed dance positions has been adopted (the minimum distance between the partners' bodies, allowing movement), but it can also be danced in an open position, if we are not talking about a strict competition. For example, the European program of ballroom dancing competitions includes as many as seven movements of the Viennese (fast) waltz, as well as slow and figured waltzes. They differ in the number of musical beats per minute, that is, rhythm, and outwardly this is manifested in the smoothness of movements. Thus, we can name separately:

  1. Viennese Waltz- He's fast. This type of waltz amazes with its swiftness, when the couple constantly changes the direction of turns, now to the right, now to the left, and quickly spins, changing the tempo. It is impossible to perform these steps well without deep mutual understanding and feeling of the partners. At the same time, it is the Viennese waltz that is considered the most conservative form and has jealously preserved ballroom traditions since the 19th century. The Viennese waltz does not allow any mannerisms or strong bends of the body - on the contrary, the dancers’ bodies must be tense, toned and strictly graceful.
  2. Slow waltz, also known as the Boston Waltz and the English Waltz, is considered to be a completely independent dance. Only a beginner can confuse it with the Viennese waltz, because both the tempo and even the sound of the music of these dances are different from each other. In a slow waltz, the partners’ movements are coordinated, but not simultaneous, but sequential: the partner repeats the partner’s movements with a lag of one beat. This requires a lot of discipline and precision of movement from both dancers.
  3. Argentine Waltz- the most democratic type of waltz, combining elements of fast waltz and Argentine tango, but maintaining a ¾ tempo. This ballroom dance can be found under the name tango-waltz, but in appearance it still looks more like a classic tango than a waltz. The Argentine waltz is much less common than the two classical forms, so beginner dancers should pay more attention to them than to the Argentine waltz.
How to learn to dance the waltz: lessons for prom and wedding
Fully aware of the fact that dance, like any other form of bodily expression, cannot be taught in absentia and in words, we will still take the liberty of introducing you to the basics of this art. If only because a correct understanding of the essence and fundamental principles of any process is already the key to its mastery and subsequent improvement. You can take a full course of training or take several lessons from a choreographer-teacher, and you won’t even be able to do without it if you want to dance easily and confidently. But in any case, you will encounter certain points that you will learn about during classes. In order to be prepared and psychologically tune in for the upcoming workouts, remember and use these tips:
  1. Waltz is a pair dance, so you can't do it without a partner. To start learning, anyone can take on this role: ask friends, relatives or even parents for help. The gender of your “training” partner does not matter, the main thing is that he performs the necessary movements according to the position in the figures.
  2. Choose the music for your classes that suits your taste so that you enjoy listening to it and want to continue training. Melodies corresponding to the rhythm of one or another type of waltz are not difficult to find and download on the Internet; there are many collections for dancers and students. Turn it on and listen to it even when you are not going to dance - just get used to the sounds, their modulations and tempo. Then it will be easier to join the flow of movements.
  3. The earlier a skill is formed, the faster and more firmly it is learned, so if you want your children to have no problems learning ballroom dancing in the future, invite them to study the waltz with you or in a separate children’s/teenage group.
  4. A large number of training videos are available both for sale and in the public domain on Internet resources. If you are a visual person by type of perception, you can use them. Such video lessons are a little reminiscent of morning aerobics on TV and help you get an idea of ​​what a particular dance figure should look like in motion.
  5. Find a suitable place for training: it can be a rented specially equipped room or just a fairly spacious room in your home. The main thing is that there is a large enough mirror on the wall that allows you to see yourself in full growth and in motion.
All of these recommendations are good if you have time to prepare. They can be used by high school students who already know that they will have to perform a farewell waltz at their graduation party. They will also come in handy for newlyweds who plan to decorate their celebration with a beautiful and gentle waltz, which will be a wonderful gift for guests and each other. All these situations require preliminary training and the opportunity to contact a teacher, while simultaneously improving your results with home training. But what if the need to dance a waltz takes you by surprise? At a party or at a corporate event, you are invited to dance, it is inconvenient to refuse, and the orchestra is already playing the first chords. The main thing is don’t get lost and don’t be shy, you’re not a professional dancer and you don’t have to thoroughly master the waltz technique. Just remember these tips and follow them as much as possible. In most cases this will be enough to dance the waltz:
By learning these tips and not being lazy to spend time and effort on conscientious training, you will have every chance of becoming the king and/or queen of the ball, even if you have never been interested in ballroom dancing, and the waltz in particular. Moreover, it is no coincidence that the waltz is considered one of the most popular and beloved dances in the whole world. With the right attitude, as well as an easy and relaxed technique, it can bring real pleasure to both dancers and spectators. So leave your doubts and fears and finally learn how to dance the waltz correctly. It doesn't matter how often you have to use this skill in practice. The main thing is that to the sounds of this harmonious, flowing music you will feel confident and free, you will develop and emphasize your plasticity and grace. And have no doubt that today, and tomorrow, and even years later, the waltz will remain a beautiful, gentle and romantic dance, attracting attention and arousing the favor of people with good taste.

The most popular of all types of dance, but at the same time very light and simple, the waltz remains an integral part of many evenings to this day. If earlier people simply needed to know all its techniques, steps and beats, now many have forgotten what it is. Of course, in order to start learning this pair dance, you need to find a suitable partner who also wants to dance the waltz correctly. However, if you couldn’t find such a person, there’s nothing wrong with that, just dance alone. Try to start learning now by following the instructions in this article.

How to learn to dance the waltz: step steps

The entire dance is performed in small incremental steps. They should not be too mincing, but not big either, since it is inconvenient for a girl to take a big step, and it may not look entirely aesthetically pleasing from the outside.

Look at the diagram of the most common step below. You can easily repeat it just by looking at the picture, but for a more accurate repetition, read the algorithm:

  • The starting position is in the upper left corner of the diagram. The numbers are the step numbers in sequence, the letters correspond to the left and right foot, where L is left, R is right.
  • You take the second step with your right foot to the right side and only then move your left foot. You again stand in the starting position with both feet.
  • The step back happens a little differently. You step your right foot back, while moving slightly slower than your usual pace. You bring your left leg back just a little, but do not leave it next to your right, but place it immediately to your left.
  • Now move your right leg and you will be in the starting position.
  • A step forward occurs in exactly the same way, just in a mirror projection. You bring your left foot forward and stand.
  • Bring your right leg forward slightly, but do not leave it next to your left, but immediately place it to your right.

Learn to perform this square smoothly and countingly.

How to learn to dance the waltz: smooth movements

As soon as you are able to clearly execute the algorithm described above, you can move on to the next stage, namely, moving around the hall.

In a classic waltz, your movement should describe a triangle. This may seem difficult at first glance, but in fact, you just have to make a slight turn at those moments when you move your leg at an angle. By slightly changing the angle of your direction, you will just describe a triangle with your partner.

If it’s really difficult for you, try drawing a small triangle on the floor and moving along it with the step-up step you learned in the first paragraph of the article.

Once you have become comfortable with movement, try adding new elements:

  • Scroll your partner through yourself.
  • Maneuver the pace of movement, slowing down in places where you need to move your foot.
  • Once you have mastered the triangle movement, try moving in different directions.

How to learn to dance the waltz: possible mistakes

As a beginner, it will be difficult for you to keep track of everything that is happening to your body at once. Agree with your partner to monitor each other and correct when necessary.

  • Posture is one of the most important parts of the waltz. Your back should be straight and your elbows should be straight. The girl should gently place her hand on her partner's palm and take his shoulder.
  • Don't look down. It is clear that you want to monitor the movement of the legs, but this is excluded, as it completely spoils the look of the couple.
  • Watch how your partner moves, otherwise you risk stumbling and stepping on each other's feet.
  • Be polite and keep a smile on your face.

As soon as you start to succeed, you will get a taste of this dance and will be able to feel a little more relaxed and confident.

Dance is the best way to express your feelings and become even closer to your loved one. Waltz is the most romantic couples dance. That is why every self-respecting person should be able to dance the waltz.

How to learn to dance the waltz?

To learn how to dance this beautiful dance smoothly and beautifully, it is best, of course, to start from childhood. The child’s mind grasps everything new much faster, and the child’s body is more pliable to new loads and movements.

Thus, if you have a child, it is better to immediately enroll him in the ballroom dancing section, so that in a couple of years you can admire the performances of your child. This way, your baby will get used to discipline and beauty from childhood, and you can be proud of his successes and achievements.

If you are eager to learn how to dance the waltz yourself, you will have to come to terms with the fact that you will need patience. The main thing is not to lose perseverance and train. Remember that at first things may not work out, but over time everything will definitely work out, and you will be able to dance the Viennese waltz freely.

It is best to enroll in ballroom dancing courses. Experienced instructors will help you integrate into the dance environment and help you learn all the necessary movements as quickly as possible. Try to choose courses carefully so as not to be disappointed. Ask your friends and acquaintances which club has the best reputation. Many clubs host free open lessons at the beginning of the season where you can get to know the teachers, the school and find out the schedule.

If you do not like or are embarrassed by noisy companies, you can use the services of a private teacher. Of course, this is not the cheapest pleasure, but a calm environment will help you relax and learn the material faster.

How to dance a waltz

For those who are especially busy, and perhaps a little lazy, learning to dance at home would be the best option.

How to learn to dance the waltz at home?

So, if you dream of not only twirling around the hall in a beautiful outfit, but also feeling the music, as well as performing all the movements correctly, then it is best for you to contact a private instructor. As we noted above, this is very convenient. In addition, a personal teacher will be able to objectively assess your abilities and characteristics and teach you how to dance.

To make the most of your personal lessons, start by learning dance. It will be useful to familiarize yourself with the features of such types of waltz as: Viennese, Friendship, French, Boston, Figured. Find out how and when they originated, where they were danced, and what are the differences.

To learn to dance the waltz, like any other dance, you need to learn to feel the music. Buy a player and download music for the waltz. Listen to it in your free time, trying to imagine the movements that can be superimposed on this music.

You can also use instructional videos to learn how to dance the waltz. This way we can gradually master the art of dancing in a calm home environment. In addition, the video allows you to repeat the necessary part of the lesson if necessary. And it costs much less, because you can download the lesson on the Internet. If you buy a CD with lessons, it will cost you less in any case.

Perhaps one of your friends or loved ones knows how to dance this dance. Ask him to teach you or correct your technique. In any case, practice at home as often as possible, go to open lessons or events where you can once again practice with new partners.

Viennese Waltz: video lesson

To learn to dance the waltz, you need to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the dance as much as possible. This will set you in the necessary romantic mood. If this becomes your real hobby, success in learning the waltz will not take long to come.

How to dance the waltz correctly?

Before you start learning the Viennese Waltz, it is important to prepare yourself and your body. To do this, you need to tune in and start training your body. So, try to do a warm-up every day, preferably to the music of the Viennese waltz. This will put you in the right mood, you will have time to get used to the music and rhythm.

Try to perform all movements smoothly, to the beat of the music. Sudden movements can harm you, especially if you are not used to it. Pay special attention to stretching, especially the hands and toes. To do this, perform toe raises and rotations. Also try to stretch your fingers and keep your hands at shoulder level. Shoulders should never be raised when dancing; it will look ugly.

Of course, the ideal option would be to learn to dance the waltz with a partner. This can bring you closer to your loved one. A common hobby is very beneficial for relationships, so, of course, it is worth learning to dance the waltz together, and not apart.

But we assure you - the result will be worth it. You can amaze everyone or make your old dream come true.
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Nowadays, the waltz is widespread in all countries, including Russia. The waltz is played at almost every social event; it is considered mandatory at school graduations and weddings (that’s why the dance was given the name “wedding”). That is why the ability to waltz and perform different combinations of waltz steps can be useful in our time. Waltz lessons, of course, should be taken from real dance teachers, but if this is not possible, and you need to learn the movements in a short time, you can use our publication. The dance is elegant and easy to perform, and in this article we will look at how to perform waltz steps for beginners.

History of the Waltz

The Waltz is a classical couples dance whose origins date back to the late seventeenth century. The name comes from the German walzer - “to whirl.” Despite the fact that the dance appeared in Germany and was considered peasant, it was first performed in Europe, in Vienna. In Austria he gained fame among the nobility. At that time, dance was not just an element of art, it was mandatory for performance among the aristocracy. Waltz lessons were taught from an early age to girls and boys belonging to the noble class.

From the beginning of the nineteenth century, dance rapidly spread throughout Europe and became increasingly diverse. New types and combinations of waltz steps appeared, and in many countries a modified version was considered the national dance. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the now famous form of the slow waltz began to be performed in England. Despite the incredible popularity, any deviations from the classical style were negatively perceived by the old European aristocracy. In Russia, the appearance of the dance coincided with the reign of Catherine II and Paul I. At first, the waltz was not approved by the rulers and nobility, and was even banned, but over time it also gained fame. However, the waltz underwent special changes after the Second World War. In dance, the basic nature of movement, steps and turns has changed, but there are more opportunities for the development of dance figures.

Waltz Variations

Despite the fact that the Viennese waltz, performed with fast side steps, is considered the ancestor of the dance, its other variations are also very common in the world. In total there are about two hundred and fifty types of this dance. The most well-known options are:

  • English (slow) waltz.
  • Viennese (fast) waltz.
  • Russian waltz (waltz in two steps).
  • Figured waltz.
  • Japanese waltz (mitriso waltz).
  • Argentine waltz (tango).

Basic provisions

Performing a waltz is quite simple if you understand how to dance correctly. The steps of the waltz follow a certain pattern. First of all, imagine a square - during the dance you will move along exactly this trajectory. The dance is led by a man, his left hand should be on the partner’s waist, and his right hand should hold her hand. The woman's left hand is placed on the man's shoulder. The movement in a waltz begins with the right foot, ends with the left and occurs counterclockwise. But do not forget that a woman moves opposite to a man, that is, her steps are taken clockwise and start from the left foot. The basic step of the waltz is an extension step, it is very easy to learn, but remember that to perform the dance beautifully, the steps must be light and gliding. To do this, first slide with the ball of your foot, then move to your toes, and only then rest on your entire foot. The first step is big, the second and third are small. The movements should be relaxed and smooth, and do not forget to smile, then you will achieve the desired effect.

Movement pattern

The movements of this dance consist of a path and a turn. Surely you have heard that the musical size of the dance is three-beat, that is, in a waltz, the steps are performed in 3/4 (variations of 3/8, 6/8 are possible), that is, on a count of 1-2-3. There are three steps for each measure. The turn takes two beats. During the first beat, the dancer takes a step back with his right foot along the imaginary line of dance, and by the beginning of the second beat his back is to it.

During the second beat, the performer returns to the original position, thereby performing a 180-degree turn. It is recommended to turn on your toes, this makes it easier to turn the body. A walkway is just a way for a waltzing couple to move from one place to another. The movement is performed in the same way, in a 1-2-3 rhythm, in small incremental steps.