Guest from the future school. How the film “Guest from the Future” was filmed

Maria Kuzmina, a two-time NABBA Miss Universe in fitness, the Absolute champion of Russia in fitness bikini 2016 and a personal fitness trainer, tells us.

Thinking it's too late to change anything

Have you never played sports, have you not at all? Do you want to go jogging or do the elliptical, but even walking up a flight of stairs makes you feel a little short of breath? It's never too late to start working on your physical fitness, and age is no barrier! Muscles respond to physical activity in the same way at 35, 40, and 50 years old. But in order not to harm your health, you need to start with minimal loads, gradually getting involved in an active training regime.

Abuse cardio exercises

Many girls after 30 years old come to the gym just to... Put on the warpath with overweight, many lose their sense of time and proportion. Having literally registered at the gym, they run until they sweat on the treadmill, then go to group cardio programs, and then return to the cardio machines.

An excessively intense cardio workout regimen is dangerous to your health and will not make you slimmer. Firstly, you overload the heart, cardiovascular and nervous system. Secondly, most cardio exercises place a huge load on the joints, and after 30-35 it is better to save them.

The optimal duration of cardio training should not exceed 45-60 minutes. Running on the principle of “the faster the better” is stupid.

Active loss of excess calories occurs in a certain pulse zone, so you need to monitor your pulse. But the most important thing is that the fat burning process will be much more effective if you alternate cardio with strength training. As it strengthens and grows muscle mass the body will begin to burn calories many times more than before.

Ignore strength training

Unfortunately, not everyone understands that without strength training it is impossible to make a truly beautiful and slim figure. After 30-35 years, the tone and turgor of the body skin decreases. And even if you support your ideal weight and are not prone to becoming overweight, with age in problem areas (for example, on the arms in the triceps area, abdomen, thighs with inside) the skin gradually becomes more flabby and loose. In these situations, strength training is simply necessary: ​​by improving the relief of the muscles and giving them the lost volume, you will also tighten the skin!

Make mistakes in the technique of performing exercises

You've already seen these exercises done a thousand times. It seems to you that there is nothing complicated about them, because they are basic. Why do you need a personal trainer when you already know everything yourself? Excessive self-confidence in sports matters is quite common after 30 years among fitness lovers. But it is in basic and, at first glance, easy exercises that people most often make mistakes!

Squats, push-ups, abdominal crunches, and others... Incorrect body tilt or incorrect range of motion, and the physical load is distributed over other muscles, canceling out all your efforts in the fight for perfect figure. But the main problem is that errors in technology most often lead to sports injuries. A couple of sessions with a personal trainer will reduce the risk of injury and give you reasonable confidence that you are doing the exercises correctly and safely.

Go on strict diets

Success in fitness depends 90% on a properly designed diet.

If you want to reset excess weight and go on a hard low-calorie diet; it’s better to leave the fitness venture until better times. You simply don't have enough strength to play sports. Have you decided to completely eliminate meat, poultry, fish and eggs from your diet? Without protein foods, you will not be able to strengthen and build muscles.

The main rule for creating a diet during training: it must be balanced! It must contain proteins, healthy fats, and slow carbohydrates.

Their percentage depends on your current fitness goals: lose weight, gain muscle mass or stabilize your weight.

The 30-year mark has now been passed. Old age is still far away, but in order for it to visit you less quickly, you should keep your body in good physical shape.

We are not talking about sports records and achievements, they are for 20-year-olds. At 30, this is still, in fact, youth, but at 40, the aging process already begins, the body is all with great difficulty tolerates physical activity.

To slow down the aging process of your body, it’s worth doing physical exercise. Naturally, the question arises: what sport to take up at 30-40 years old and is it worth it? It is imperative to train your body, because every year you will become more and more decrepit without physical activity.

And at thirty, and at forty, and at fifty, you can do any kind of sport, but only serious ones sports achivments And sports career There's no point in counting anymore. Before starting training, go see a doctor and check to see if there are any contraindications or restrictions for practicing your chosen sport. Let us briefly consider the most popular and available types sports to strengthen physical fitness.


You don't need a lot of time to train. Work mainly with free weights - dumbbells, kettlebells. In essence, CrossFit is a physical training system that consists of constantly changing exercises with high intensity. CrossFit can replace other types physical training, since it contains a variety of different exercises.

You should start practicing CrossFit gradually, loading your body with minimal loads (light weights and a small number of repetitions). If you can’t do push-ups from the floor, do push-ups from the wall; the barbell is too heavy – work with the bar; if you can’t do a pull-up, jump up.

It will be enough to exercise for 20 minutes three times a week, and you will significantly strengthen your cardiovascular system and muscles. I wrote more about CrossFit in this article.


When you start exercising, you will immediately feel the beneficial effects of the aquatic environment on your body: strengthen your body, become healthier and toughen up. Swimming is good because it loads almost all the muscles of the body, which work with the support of the “swimmer’s pose” and overcome the resistance of the water; it strengthens the circulatory and respiratory systems.

At the same time, you have almost no risk of getting injured while swimming. Due to the horizontal position of the body in water, the tension of the heart muscle is reduced and blood flow is facilitated, which allows you to perform a greater volume of exercise than on land.

With age, the burden of diseases accumulates. Water therapy, which is recommended for coronary insufficiency, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, rheumatic carditis, asthma, bronchitis, atherosclerosis, emphysema, bronchitis, obesity, joint diseases, varicose veins, neuroses. In order for classes to be effective, you need to swim with one of the classic styles- breaststroke or crawl. Well, winter swimming in an ice hole will strengthen your body.


Running one of the best ways cardiovascular training, results are achieved much faster than in most sports, it is an easy, natural form of exercise.

To run, you don’t need to go to special training in gyms, just go to treadmill stadium or a country road, you can train almost anywhere and at any time of the year, in any weather. The loads in running are purely individual - you can cover the distance at speed, you can run at a slow pace.

Here, in order to avoid complications, you should proceed from your state of health. Regular recreational running increases the capacity of the cardiovascular system, increases oxygen consumption by the lungs, develops endurance and burns calories. It is important to warm up and stretch your muscles before running, as it does not promote flexibility and can stiffen the muscles. To achieve better results and harmonious development of the body, you can combine running with swimming and strength exercises for the shoulder girdle.

These are just a few ways you can improve your body and health.
In fact, after 30-40 years you can engage in almost any sport: hiking, cycling, martial arts, gymnastics, powerlifting and others. It is important to approach training responsibly - take into account age-related changes in the body and state of health, then your sports activities will be a joy for you and will benefit your health.

author: Igor Kruglov, for the site

Gray hair in the beard, devil in the rib!
At 33 years old I decided to take up sports.
Once I was returning home, the elevator did not work and I had to climb the stairs to the 4th floor and when I got up, I caught myself with quite noticeable shortness of breath.
When I came home, stepped on the scale and saw 94 kg (with a height of 180 cm), I realized that I was 5% of the 1st stage of obesity and it was time to do something about it.

I went to Yandex Maps, looked at the nearest fitness centers, and chose the one with good feedback and which opened recently, I went there and immediately bought a subscription. My physical condition was terrible (on the first day I ran only 800 meters lightly on a treadmill and could no longer stand on my feet).

As we know, after 25 years, global aging of the body begins. At the same time, the amount of Testosterone in the body, the key hormone that affects the growth of muscle mass, decreases and by the age of 34 its amount becomes noticeably lower than at 20-25 (by about 20-40%), therefore, the growth of muscle mass by the age of 34 is noticeable lower than at 25. And if you decide to go in for sports, then you definitely need to do this until you are 40 years old.

1. The study of sports began, and sports nutrition. Over the next 4 months, I spent 4 hours a day studying all this. Every day. Studied the structure of the body, muscle frame

Biochemical processes in the body

After the first 2 months, a mess formed in my head from the information received. But from about the third month, the information received becomes clearer.

In addition to the desire to get the body and body in order, there was a task to understand what results can be achieved when you are over 30 years old, training with and without sports supplements. I refused to use “chemistry”, that is, steroid drugs: this thing looks very tempting, it allows you to accelerate the growth of muscle mass several times, but in return you can get very negative consequences for the body.

In terms of physique, if you take Ectomorph as 1 point, Mesomorph as 5 points, and Endomorph as 10, then I will have about 3-4 points.

2. Sports nutrition.
Protein was constantly used. Depending on the desired results, I combined whey with casein (ON, Lactomin)
Periodically used various pre-workout complexes (APS Mesomorph, BSN No.Xplode New Formula, ON Pre-Workout)
Inject Mildronate. The first 4 months regularly, then a month after a month and after the 9th month I stopped.
I used Creatine periodically. Approximately from 6 to 10 months.
Sports vitamins (ON)

My main goal was not so much to build muscle mass, but to bring the body into complex, good condition. Therefore, attention was paid not only to strength training, but also to aerobic and anaerobic endurance.

Power training program was built primarily on basic exercises. I almost didn’t do isolated exercises (except for biceps curls and a couple of other exercises).
Moreover, other problems begin: with ligaments, joints. For example, I recently had to start taking joint supplements because I was dealing with chronic pain that was preventing me from increasing my training weights. And in general, at this age you have to be extremely careful, as you can tear the ligament. Therefore, any workout in my case began with a warm-up run (about 2 km), and after that I spent 10 minutes stretching and working out the joints.

3. Results.
Everything is standard here: a month of “warming up”, that is, restoring the body and raising its dynamics, and then control measurements. The measurements were not only in strength indicators, but also measured dry body mass (there is a calculator on Sportwiki)

In the first 3 months I started losing weight.
After about 2.5 months, I reduced my weight from 94 to 78 kg, and also gained about 1 kg of muscle mass.
In total, we can say that I reduced the amount of fat by 17 kg!
If we talk about aerobic endurance, then 2.5 months after the start of training, I was able to run 20 km on a treadmill (in 2:35).
After that, I reduced my aerobic exercise and began to pay more attention to strength training.
Now my weight has reached 89 kg and on the one hand it would be necessary to reduce it, but on the other hand, when I lose weight “cutting”, there is a loss of muscle mass, which I would not like. But still, most likely I will reduce my weight to 84-85 kg.

In strength training, the main emphasis was on the bench press.
In a year I increased 40 kg in bench press (from 70 to 110)
Barbell squats: from 110 to 125 kg.
Deadlift: from 110 to 127.5 kg (such modest results in squatting and deadlifting are explained by the fact that my spine is far from ideal: there are 6 protrusions, 3 Schmorl’s hernias, as well as kyphosis and scoliosis in the thoracic region. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to give heavy loads on the spine (plus a problem with the meniscus of the left knee joint).
Naturally, I learned how to do pull-ups (if earlier, at 94 kg, I could barely do one pull-up and crookedly the second, but now, at 89 kg, 3 sets of 10 times). With a weight of 80-82 kg. I did 4 sets of 12 reps easily.

Judging by the calculator on Sportwiki, I gained a little more than 6 kg of muscle mass. At the same time, about 4 kg. gained 2 kg in the first 6 months. in the next 6.
Such a modest result in the next 6 months is explained by the fact that I stopped taking pre-workout complexes, problems with joints began, and there was also no opportunity to exercise regularly (in the first 6 months the training regimen was 3:1, and in the next 6 there were 1-3 workouts per week. And in general, if you study the issues of sports more deeply, then if a person has not trained for a long time, then in the first 3-4-5 months the main growth of muscle mass occurs, and in subsequent months it gets worse.

4. In total, based on my experiments, I can estimate approximately the following possibilities after 30 years, with regular training:
The growth of muscle mass without sports nutrition is about 4-5 kg.
The growth of muscle mass when using sports nutrition is about 8 kg.
But this is provided that you train correctly and if you are slightly less than Mesomorph.
If you are an Ectomorph, divide by 1.5.
If you are a “natural mesomorph,” then it’s 20 percent higher.
But if you are an Endomorph, then you can count on a 1.5 increase.
Nutrition is of great importance and I didn’t have it right. And the lifestyle was not the most ideal. If these parameters are made ideal, then you can expect approximately plus 20%.

But the most important thing is the general condition of the body.
Hemoglobin increased significantly (from 139 to 153).
The quality of life has significantly improved, including the sexual sphere (in the first 4 months of training, Testosterone increased by 35%)

5. Plans.
107.5 kg. in the bench press - this is II category (with a weight up to 90, AWPC, without equipment)
120 kg. — I category
132.5 kg. — KMS
In the first year I gained 40 kg. and now, I am only 22 kg away from the CMS. and I plan to meet the standards by the end of the year.
The predicted increase in muscle mass is about 3 kg. There are 7 months left until the end of the year, so I think everything is realistic.
And then we get the situation that after 30 years, it is possible in less than 2 years (20 months) to rise from the 2nd youth category to the CMS. Without “chemistry” (steroids), respectively, without negative consequences for the body.

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A midlife crisis scares many men. Sometimes the feeling of life passing by makes representatives of the stronger sex do strange things. Some “suddenly” give up their business and family and go to hunt elephants. Others buy a bike and start racing at breakneck speed. Still others are trying to make up for lost opportunities and go to great lengths. However, there is another path worthy of mature men. Karate training may be no less exotic, “adrenaline-filled,” but much more useful in every sense.

It is a myth that you need to start practicing martial arts only in childhood. On the contrary than older man, the more conscious all his actions are. Teenagers and young people under 25 years of age mainly work out and develop strength. And combat tactics at this age are aggressive and assertive. After 30 years, the period of strength gives way to a time of energy. At this age, a karateka thinks more about the economy of movements: how to achieve the same result as a young and zealous one, but with less effort? In battle, it’s not so much the muscles that are activated, but the head. A person learns not to go ahead, avoid injuries and relax properly. And at the age of 50–60, karatekas focus more and more on the spirit, they know how to enter a special psycho-emotional state necessary to achieve results. This is why they are respected, and not because they can break several bricks with the edge of their palm.

Our expert is an honored coach, international master of sports, member of the Supreme Council Russian Union martial artists gave three reasons to take up karate as an adult.

Why do adults need karate?

  1. Your relationships with people will improve. If you practice karate according to a clear program using traditional and modern techniques, then it fosters directness and sincerity, patience and endurance, self-control, hard work, and a positive attitude. Gichin Funakoshi, founder of the world's most widespread style of Shotokan, wrote: “Karate instills in you a love for people. This love prevents you from offending them, and your art and fortitude prevents them from offending you.”
  2. You will develop a quick and correct reaction to what is happening in a “combat” situation, and develop the ability to foresee events. Karate classes contribute to the development of fearlessness, agility and grace, and combinatorial thinking skills. You will remain calm in any critical situation, you will face danger without paralyzing fear and react adequately to any action of your opponent.
  3. Strengthen your health, make your body more flexible, prolong your youth. Grown-up men should go to karate for a different view of the world and their place in it, for motivation, for a new self - calm and confident. “Don’t think that everything related to karate exists only inside four walls dojo, or that karate is only fighting methods and that’s it. “Whose spirit and body are tempered will solve any problems in life,” said Gichin Funakoshi.

Modern women have long come to the conclusion that after 30 everything is just beginning! But to stay young, beautiful and healthy for as long as possible, you should keep your body in good physical shape.

We are not talking about sports records and achievements - they are for 20-year-olds!

You shouldn’t demand the impossible from your body: for example, you can simply improve your body with yoga. But some go further and start playing sports seriously!

Do women need physical activity after 30?

Needed! And it's not just about improving your mood. Here are 9 reasons to exercise right now!

  1. Hormones of happiness. As soon as you start moving, your brain releases serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, and possibly others. It makes you feel like a happy person!
  2. Reducing stress. When you exercise, the release of stress hormones slows down. Best choice are walking, running and yoga.
  3. Strength of will. When you train your body, you become more determined and able to cope with any stress. Once you achieve one goal, you begin to wonder what else you can do! Running is a good way to train your will, martial arts and cycling.
  4. Strengthening the immune system. Physical exercise increase the activity of the lymphatic system, which helps the body get rid of bacteria and carcinogens. Light to moderate exercise, such as a walk or a short jog in the fresh air, helps improve immunity.
  5. Spinal flexibility. Regular stretching exercises help maintain the mobility of the spinal vertebrae, as a result of which the whole body can move correctly.
  6. Slenderness. Exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight. As you age, this becomes more and more difficult to do without exercise.
  7. Great sleep. Exercising for 20-30 minutes five to six hours before falling asleep saturates the body with oxygen and lowers body temperature. It improves your sleep!
  8. Increased energy. The most productive time to work is after training.
  9. Reduced depression and anxiety. Active people in to a lesser extent are more susceptible to mental disorders than sedentary people.

Have we convinced you? Then all you have to do is decide on the type of training that suits you best.

5 best sports after 30

Here are five sports that will not only get you in great shape quickly, but will also make your life happier.

1. Running

Running is considered one of the best ways to train the cardiovascular system. It is great for women over 30 as it is an easy and natural form of exercise.

To run, you just need to step onto the stadium treadmill or walking path. You can train anywhere and in any weather!

The loads in running are purely individual - you can cover distances at speed, or you can run at a slow pace.

Just without fanaticism! When engaging in this sport, take into account your health status. Even regular health running improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, saturates the lungs with oxygen, develops overall endurance and burns calories perfectly.

Before running, be sure to warm up and stretch your muscles, as it does not promote their flexibility.

To achieve the best results, you can combine running with other sports from our list.

2. Boxing

Although boxing is traditionally considered a sport for young people, many fitness trainers recommend this sport for women over 30 years of age.

Boxing workouts are great cardio, including jumping rope, punching bags, and balance and reaction exercises.

Classes under the supervision of a professional will give you the opportunity to try this sport without risking your health and participating in serious boxing matches.

Important: Before you start boxing, be sure to consult your doctor!

3. Swimming

Swimming is a great way to improve your health without the risk of injury because water helps maintain body weight.

Swimming does not exhaust the body as much as running. Thanks to this, you can make your workout longer and more intense.

This sport is great for women over 30 who just want to stay in shape. It allows you to achieve good results and significantly improves your well-being.

4. Tennis

This sport consists of huge amount jumps and short bursts of energy between them. What a woman needs after 30 years!

Running, walking and hitting the ball, which are components tennis can very quickly improve your physical condition.

In addition, tennis is a sport that you can practice throughout your life!

5. CrossFit

CrossFit training doesn't require a lot of time. The work is mainly done with free weights - dumbbells and kettlebells. At its core, CrossFit is a special system of physical training consisting of constantly changing high-intensity exercises. This sport can replace other types of physical activity, since it contains a variety of exercises for all muscle groups.

System circuit training under the name “CrossFit” appeared in the USA. Initially, it was a method of training professional firefighters.

You should start practicing CrossFit gradually, loading your body with minimal weights and a small number of repetitions. Do what you can: the barbell is heavy - work with the bar, you can’t do push-ups from the floor - do push-ups from the wall, you can’t do a pull-up - jump!

Just 20 minutes of CrossFit 3 times a week - and in just a couple of months you will significantly strengthen your body. cardiovascular system and muscles!

Now you know what you can do in free time! And no more excuses! Just don’t forget to see a doctor before starting training to find out if you have any contraindications or restrictions for practicing your chosen sport. And then forward - to beautiful figure and a great mood!