Fat burning workouts for women. Cardio, intervals, strength, aerobic exercises

Which training set to choose?

Fat burning workouts are:

  • Cardio loads. During a lesson in the gym or at home, from 250 to 800 kcal are burned during an hour-long workout, depending on the intensity of the load. To burn fat, you need oxygen - it breaks down molecules and removes waste products from the body. What is the highest intensity workout? These are swimming, rowing and crossfit. Running, cycling, dancing, brisk walking super burns fat. Cardio exercises are the best fat burners.
  • Power. Circuit training for burning fat is considered one of the most effective. Popular methods include supersets (1 set of each exercise) and split loads (with breaks after each approach). Intensive exercise needs to be done correctly in order to burn fat, not muscle. For beginners, it is advisable to have a trainer present at first.
  • Breathing techniques. Oxysize, bodyflex, yoga promote weight loss by saturating the body with oxygen, they speed up metabolism, but these are not fat burners in their pure form. Strength and aerobic exercises are more effective. Charging, by the way, can also be carried out according to this scheme.
  • Static exercises. We include power yoga, Pilates, callanetics, etc. It takes time to burn fat, but in addition to this, you strengthen your muscles and joints. Anyone can train, varying the intensity of the load, while strength and aerobic exercise have a number of contraindications.

Rules for effective weight loss

To lose extra pounds and get long-lasting results you need:

  • Choose the right program. Effective fat-burning exercises should be aimed at transforming problem areas (for women they focus mainly on the hips and waist), and the load should be within the strength of your body.
  • Alternate types of exercise: for example, morning jogging or cycling will bring more benefits than strength training. The optimal time for exercising with additional weight is from 3 to 6 pm.
  • Be sure to do a warm-up: exercise slowly at first, then increase the pace. During the warm-up, you prepare your muscles and joints for stress.
  • If you use weights or dumbbells during class, your body must be prepared for this. There must be a systematic approach and a gradual increase in loads, but you cannot expect a super effect after the first workout.
  • You need to train 2-3 times a week, it is recommended to perform the most intense exercises at the beginning and end of the workout. Even if it is a regular charge, its duration should be at least 30 minutes. During the first half hour, energy is burned from reserves in the muscles, and only after that fats are released from the “depot” - what is needed for weight loss.
  • Monitor your pulse: HR (heart rate) should be 115-145 beats per minute. When the heart rate is higher than normal, there is an increased load on the cardiovascular system; when it is lower, the training is not effective.
  • What rules to follow? Do not eat 2-3 hours before training; after training, it is best to fill the carbohydrate window and eat muesli, fruit or porridge. Fat burners, by the way, are also taken according to a special schedule: 40 minutes before training or an hour before meals. It’s great if you don’t forget about the drinking regime: intense sweating occurs during class, the body loses moisture, and it needs to be replenished. You can take fat burners, but it is better to consult a specialist.

Relief training program in the gym and at home

For beginners, an individual terrain training program should be drawn up during the lesson. However, before we look at the exercises in more detail, let's figure out when and how high-quality relief appears?

Girls with pumped up muscles and super abs are now in fashion. The formation of relief occurs when subcutaneous fat remains up to 10%, the muscles have become rigid and look aesthetically attractive. A set of exercises for losing weight does not involve a massive gain of muscle mass - it will look loose and unattractive. Often, extra centimeters in girls are deposited on the waist and hips, and it is best to focus on exercises for this part of the body.

Twice a week (more is possible) you need a set of cardio workouts - they launch a program for replenishing energy from fat reserves. You can train in the gym, at home, on the street - if you are not lazy, the effect will appear in 3-4 weeks.

If you exercise at home, crossfit, step aerobics, cardio exercises, and fat-burning interval training without machines are suitable for you. In the gym, to lose weight and get toned, you need more difficulty with repetitions (but no more than 4 approaches). You can start the program if you have enough muscle mass. Fat burners and sports nutrition are welcome, but in moderation. The drying process is individual: endomorphs are predisposed to deposits of adipose tissue on the hips and waist. Therefore, you will have to work harder and more intensely. In the gym, supersets and circuit training will bring the greatest benefit.

Example of a 3-day workout in the gym:

Monday: 20 minutes of aerobic activity (on a bicycle or treadmill), bench press, crossovers, deadlifts, pull-ups, seated dumbbell press, abdominal exercises (leg raises, crunches).

Wednesday: 20 minutes of cardio, French press, dumbbell biceps curl, Romanian deadlift, lat press, bench step-up, weighted leg raises and raises, abdominal pumping.

Friday: quick exercises, squats with a barbell, lunges with dumbbells, horizontal rows, wide grip pull-ups, push-ups, crossovers, abdominal exercises.

Special exercises to combat thigh fat: lunges, squats, backbends, walks, swings and planks.

Many girls are afraid to pump up their legs, thinking that they will look like bodybuilders. This is wrong. In the video below, we offer an intense and effective workout that will make your thighs and calves beautiful and sculpted.

It is believed that to lose weight you need to run a lot. Aerobic exercise really plays an important role in the process of losing weight; in a minute of running you can burn about 10 calories. But not everyone likes to run. For such people, there are strength exercises that allow you to burn at least as many calories.

Igor Kalita, two-time world champion in bench press among amateurs, four-time champion of Russia among professionals, coach Alex fitness "Kolomenskoye":

— Exercises that work to burn fat are usually functional exercises. Although fat is also burned during strength training. It is best to do a set of strength exercises, after which you do some cardio work. It doesn't matter whether it's running or not. Of course, running is considered the most popular all over the world. The more muscles your body works during an exercise, the better. When running, all muscles also work, even the muscles of the arms. But all muscle groups work very well on the ellipsoid. But on a bicycle, mainly only the legs and buttocks work.

Also, all functional exercises that work the whole body are good for fat burning, including CrossFit exercises - burpees, barbell jerks from the floor, kettlebell pushes from a full squat, dumbbell pushes from a full squat. They are done 20-30 times at a certain interval. This gives a very high anaerobic load.

The most important thing in the process of burning fat is to keep your heart rate in a certain mode. If a person is under 40 years old and has a resting pulse of 70 beats per minute, then for fat burning the pulse should be in the range of 120-140 beats per minute, maximum 150. The duration of the exercises should be at least 40 minutes, because only after 30 minutes the body begins to use and break down fat resources. The workout should last from 40 minutes to one and a half hours.

The best exercises to burn fat

Jumping rope

Jumping rope is considered child's play and is undeservedly written off by adults. Rarely in the gym will you see someone training with a jump rope, but this simple device allows you to burn many more calories than running.

The faster you spin the rope, the better. To achieve the heart rate necessary for fat burning, the speed must be at least 70 revolutions per minute. The rest between approaches should be short - no more than a minute, so that the pulse does not have time to return to normal.

80% of the load during jumping rope goes to calves, thighs, abs and back are the most problematic parts of the body. 10 minutes on a skipping rope replaces running for one and a half kilometers or 3 kilometers on a bicycle.


Another type of cardio that can be a good alternative to running. Swimming at a fast pace burns as many calories as running, but it puts more stress on the upper muscle groups, not the lower ones, in particular the shoulder girdle. Therefore, a combination of running and swimming would be ideal.


This exercise, which combines several CrossFit movements at once, is incredibly energy-intensive despite its apparent simplicity. Five approaches, performed at short intervals, will burn no less calories than an intense half-hour run. In addition, burpees speed up metabolism, and it is slow metabolism that is one of the main factors influencing the tendency to gain weight.

The technique of the exercise is as follows: from a straight stance, you perform a squat, resting your hands in front of you, then jump back into a lying position, do a push-up, return to the squat position and jump up, stretching your arms above your head. The exercise should be performed for a minute with a minute interval between approaches.

Tabata squats

Squats are one of the most energy-intensive strength exercises, and the training method developed by Japanese doctor Izumi Tabata will make it as effective as possible for fat burning. The essence of the method is maximum load for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest and another 20 seconds of work at the limit. In total you need to perform 8 such approaches. This will take only 4 minutes, during which you will burn almost 60 calories.

Barbell snatch

The snatch is an exercise that came to CrossFit from weightlifting. It is very technically complex, but it loads all muscle groups at once, making it the most effective strength exercise for fat burning.

Stand in front of a barbell with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down and grab the barbell with a wide grip, pushing your shoulders back and arching your lower back. Using a powerful force from your legs and back, lift the barbell to mid-thigh level, then, by fully extending your legs and tilting your body back, throw the barbell up and sit under it. You should end up in a squat position with the barbell at arm's length. Using powerful force, rise to a vertical position. Pausing for a second at the top, lower the bar to your chest and then to the floor.

Nutritionists believe that the rate of accumulation and burning of fat in the body of one person can be completely different, even with the same calorie intake per day. The process of burning fat is influenced by various factors: stressful situations, physical stress on the body, proper breathing, as well as the timing of meals and the diet itself. If you combine several of these factors, you can get a very good result in a short time.

The most effective exercises for burning fat are combined with proper nutrition. There are a huge number of different sets of physical exercises that allow you to quickly and effectively lose excess weight. Therefore, you need to choose the most suitable set of classes. You can work out either in the gym or perform exercises to burn fat at home. At the same time, do not forget about healthy eating. You need to eat no more than 2 hours before training. Food should be balanced, but not greasy. It is also not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach; such exercises will not give the desired result.

A set of fat burning exercises

If you want to speed up metabolic processes in your body and get rid of extra pounds, then it is best to choose the appropriate set of exercises and perform them regularly. The choice of complex depends on the part of the body in which you would like to lose weight. The most popular exercises are to burn belly fat. This part of the body is problematic for both women and men.

  1. This is the first exercise that must be performed to destroy fat in the abdominal area. So, squats, but you need to do it on one leg. Stand straight, place your feet hip-width apart. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your left knee toward your waist. Then start doing 15 squats on your right leg, and then on your left. This fat burning exercise also helps strengthen your thighs and abdominal muscles.
  2. Exercises called "pendulum". To do this, you need to stand straight with your hands on your waist or upper thighs. Pull your stomach in and bend forward slightly. Now try to shift your body weight to one leg, stretching the other to the side. These fat burning exercises can be easily done at home. But the main thing here is to do everything correctly, this is the only way you will achieve the desired result.
  3. This is another exercise from a set of fat burning exercises. The squat crunch is especially suitable for women. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, pull your stomach in, and keep your back straight. Now begin to lower yourself slowly until your thighs are vertical to the floor. Then bend over and try to touch the floor with your hand. Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. You need to perform this exercise to burn belly fat 15 times in one approach.
  4. Jump exercise. First you need to take a position like in the first exercise. We transfer our body weight to one leg, then jump from one leg to the other. Perform for 2 minutes with each leg.

Effective fat burning exercises for women

Cardio exercises, which include cycling, swimming, running, are ideal for effective fat burning; fitness is also useful. Such exercises help not only burn excess fat, but also strengthen different muscle groups.

  1. The best fat-burning exercise you can do is jumping lunges. Regular lunges in this case are not very effective, since they only help strengthen and tighten the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and legs. But jumping is the most effective exercise for burning fat throughout the body. To do this, you need to take a step forward, while squatting at the knee. Then jump up sharply and change legs. You can do it as many times as you want until you get tired.
  2. This exercise must be performed with a fitness ball. With it, you can perform a lot of different exercises to burn fat, develop different muscle groups that will help strengthen your lower back and tighten your stomach. To perform this, you need to rest your elbows on the fitness ball, put your feet back, and your back should be straight. After this, use your hands to move the ball forward, and pull it back with your press.
  3. A fat-burning exercise called “lateral transitions.” It is extremely effective for burning fat in the body. To perform it, you must have a lot of free space; it is best to do it on the sports ground. The main task is to walk a certain distance, but you must move exclusively in large lateral steps.

Nutrition during training

It doesn't matter if you go to the gym or just do exercises at home, nutrition is still an integral part of the weight loss process. You will have to change your usual diet and strictly monitor your calorie intake throughout the day. Fat-burning exercises must be supported by a healthy diet, because you must attend workouts well-fed.

Pre-workout meals should not contain any fat, it can only be proteins and carbohydrates. The caloric content of food before starting a workout should be normal, as in your usual meal. But you need to eat 2 hours before starting exercises to burn belly fat or other parts of the body, so that the food has time to be digested and your stomach is empty when you start the workout.

During training, you will definitely become thirsty as your body becomes dehydrated. But it is necessary to adhere to a special drinking regimen while performing exercises to burn fat. Before starting your workout, you need to drink a glass of water, then during your workout you can drink a little water every 20 minutes. If the workout lasts more than an hour, you need to drink special drinks that athletes drink instead of water.

5 out of 5 (5 Votes)

We present to you an updated translation of an article from a popular English-language website on fitness and weight loss.

Before we get into the workout overview, here's what you need to remember:

  1. To really see results, simply working out on the elliptical for 30 minutes a week while watching your favorite TV show is not enough. You need at least three workouts per week if you're just starting out. Or five or six workouts if you are already in the routine. That's according to Holly Rilinger, a Nike professional trainer, Flywheel instructor, and star of Bravo's Work Out New York. “And keep in mind that rest is key to a physical and emotional reset, so be sure to include at least one rest day in your routine,” she adds.
  2. Extremely It’s important to give your best in every workout. “It's better if you work at full capacity three times a week than at half capacity five days a week,” says Rilinger. – Make it a rule that every time you enter the gym, you are ready to give 100%. As you practice, constantly ask yourself, “Can I do more?”
  3. Experts say that for long-term positive changes in your body. healthy eating no less, if not more, important than going to the gym.

Basic rule:“Find a coach or workout that makes you happy. This is actually very important to "losing weight effectively," says Rilinger. When you enjoy what you do, you're more likely to get into the habit of doing it regularly. Below, check out 10 workouts that are sure to help. you to achieve your weight loss goal. Try them. And remember: if you have tried many options and did not like any of them, this does not mean that the sport is not for you. It may be that your trainer is simply not suitable for you Don't give up on the way to your goal.

1. Interval training

Interval training is the number one weight loss method that experts keep talking about. What is he like? "It's any form of exercise that repeatedly causes your heart rate to increase and then slow down," says Rilinger. This type of workout gets your heart pumping, which in turn speeds up your metabolism. This way you burn more calories.

One of the many variations of interval training is cycling, although it mostly involves cardio rather than a strength element. Rilinger also notes that the exercise bike works different muscles: quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and abs. And this further enhances the fat-burning effect of the workout. “The more muscles you use, the more calories you burn, because all muscles need energy to work,” says Rilinger. – And the more energy you use, the higher the number of calories burned. All this is interconnected"

Interval training example

2. Strength training with weights

Consider strength training "the mother of all weight-loss techniques, the highest link in the training food chain, the supreme deity," Rilinger says. Resistance training, either bodyweight or weight-bearing, is another incredibly effective way to shed extra pounds. Lifting weights has been shown to increase your resting metabolism, which means you'll continue to burn calories after your workout. Rilinger suggests adding three strength workouts to your schedule. Also, as your body gets used to the load, the same movements of the same intensity become less effective over time. Therefore, it is recommended to change exercises approximately every three weeks to keep the body in good shape. A great option is to train with dumbbells (and use real ones, not flimsy pink dumbbells).

3.Boot Camp

An excellent workout that speeds up your metabolism for a long time is boot camp. These classes (like Barry's Bootcamp) combine two of the most effective styles of training: interval and resistance. "You'll quickly perform high-intensity exercise, both cardio and strength, in a short time, alternating them with short periods of rest." "says Adam Rosante, certified personal trainer and creator of the 30-Second Body workout program. If you're trying this workout for the first time, don't hesitate to ask a trainer for advice. A good mentor can help you determine whether you need to change the weight or intensity (hint: if you can easily do 10 reps, you definitely need to add weight), will tell you the correct technique for performing the exercises, and will suggest how to change or replace any movement that is causing you discomfort or could lead to injury.If you can't If you find time to go to the gym, you can train with Rosante remotely using the 20-minute C9 Challenge video or any other video, such as his 16-minute bodyweight workout.

Bootcamp Workout Example

4. Boxing

“Essentially, boxing is just another form of interval training,” explains Rosante. It also makes you feel like a cool bad guy. Here's what you need to remember: A common beginner mistake is to use only the strength of your hands to strike. It is correct to use more strength of the entire body for strikes. This way you will include in the work those muscles that are usually ignored during other workouts (for example, the obliques).

This type of training is best done in the gym. Rosante argues that for a beginner, the help of a professional is necessary, since without it it is very difficult to master the correct technique and maintain the required level of intensity. But if you still want to train at home, try this video from Milan Costich, the founder of a boxing gym in Los Angeles.

5. Running

To run, all you need is a pair of running shoes and leave the house. But if you're trying to lose weight, lazy, sluggish jogging is not your choice. You need to speed up or run uphill (or increase the incline on your treadmill). “Running uphill works your leg muscles and buttocks—two of the largest muscle groups in the body—even more. This engages the smallest muscles and uses even more energy,” explains Rosante.

As mentioned, the more energy you use, the brighter the fire of calories you burn burns. But the correct technique is important here too. “Run uphill, lifting your knees as high as you can, dropping your heels directly under your body. Without clenching your palms, bend your arms at a 90-degree angle and move them straight forward and then back toward your back pockets,” explains Rosante. And don't move them too far when running, as this is simply a waste of valuable energy that your muscles need. If you're on a treadmill, here are some workout options to get you started.

Correct running technique for weight loss

6. CrossFit

CrossFit has become very popular for a reason. After all, he works. At least when you train correctly. However, this principle applies to all types of training.

CrossFit workouts are very varied. They can consist of anything from kettlebell swings to rope climbs, from jumping jacks to front squats. And these workouts are short and very intense. It is very important to find a gym that suits you best, as well as a professional trainer who can correctly explain the exercises and modify them if necessary.

What is crossfit

7. Tabata

If you justify your reluctance to exercise due to lack of time, Tabata is what you need. Shanon Squires—an exercise physiologist and coordinator of the athlete performance lab at the University of Colorado's Anschutz Health and Wellness Center—explains that it's a 4-minute high-intensity interval workout consisting of eight 20-second bouts of exercise alternating with 10-second bouts of exercise. recreation.

This pattern can be used with any exercise, including functional rope exercises. In four minutes you can speed up your metabolism and heart rate. But Squeers says this shouldn't be your only workout if you want to lose weight. “Your body will quickly get used to these intervals, so you will have to increase the intervals or intensity of your workout to see results,” he says.

Rosante suggests increasing the duration of such a workout to 20 minutes without changing the scheme. You simply choose four exercises—such as jumping rope, squats, sprints, and squat jumps—and perform one of them for 20 seconds as fast as you can (while maintaining proper form, of course). After 20 seconds of exertion, you need to rest for 10 (and only 10) seconds. Repeat all eight rounds at this pace (4 minutes total), then rest for a minute and move on to the next exercise.

This is what a Tabata workout looks like

8. Yoga

Do not think that yoga is a workout for the lazy, which is intended only for days of active rest. Rilinger says yoga may be the secret weapon in your weight-loss arsenal. After all, it develops flexibility and improves health, and this is very important for the effectiveness of other, more intense workouts (for example, boot camp).

But that's not all. “Yoga requires balance and stability, which means it develops functional strength. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on mental health,” says Rilinger. Try incorporating yoga into your schedule at least once a week. If you can’t go to the gym, you can start doing it at home.

All Bikram Yoga exercises (hot yoga)

Attention! Save the picture to your computer to make it easier to look at, you can also print it out and hang it on the wall.

9. Swimming

If the thought of running scares you, or if you want to exercise without straining your joints, hit the pool. Rosante claims that an hour of swimming can burn more than 750 calories and still work all major muscle groups. As with any physical activity, you need to start swimming carefully.

Rosante suggests this plan: hold on for as long as you can, standing straight in the water and using your arms and legs to stay above the surface. Then rest for two minutes. After resting, swim 10 times 100 meters (this is a back-and-forth swim in an Olympic pool). Rest for a minute between sets. When you finish this workout, you will feel a pleasant exhaustion in your muscles.

Swimming technique for weight loss

10. Jumping rope

It's time to remember your childhood. Namely, physical education lessons in which you learned to jump rope. A jump rope is an excellent exercise machine, cheap, portable (it will fit into even the smallest bag!) and can be used almost anywhere. Just a couple of minutes of jumping and you will feel your heart speed up.” Here is Rosante’s jump rope workout plan:

  1. Warm up by jumping rope for three minutes;
  2. Perform 100 traditional jumping jacks (lifting both feet off the floor at the same time and without performing additional rope rotations or jumps);
  3. When finished, perform 100 sprint jumps (the same traditional ones, but as quickly as possible);
  4. Repeat step 2 and 3 according to the following format: 50/50, 21/21, 15/15, 9/9;
  5. If you need more, work your way up this pattern back to 100/100 jumps.

And yes, it is highly not recommended to jump barefoot. According to Rosante, “There are few things that compare to the pain of a jump rope hitting your foot.” And everything that can be done with a jump rope can be done without it (if you suddenly don’t have a jump rope at hand).

Lose 8 kg with a jump rope

In this article, you can familiarize yourself with the main features of the fat burning process in the human body and learn how to properly organize your training process. Find out the key points in creating the right nutrition program, which, combined with effective training and self-discipline, will help you achieve the desired results in getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat. After all, a good athlete is an athlete savvy in theoretical knowledge.

How does fat burning occur?

To understand how fat is burned in the body, you first need to understand where it comes from. As a rule, subcutaneous fat appears in people who have a low metabolic rate due to their genetic characteristics (endomorphs), lead a sedentary lifestyle, or have health problems. Endomorphs gain muscle mass very easily, but also fat mass. If you have any disease, the side effect of which is the formation of subcutaneous fat, it must be cured by consulting a doctor before starting the training itself. With a sedentary lifestyle, the formula for energy metabolism for weight loss is very simple - expend more calories than you enter the body. More than half of a training athlete’s success is proper nutrition. Therefore, great attention should be paid to the selection of products in the daily diet.

Creating a healthy nutrition program

People who are prone to obesity increase their weight mainly due to carbohydrates, which they receive along with sweets, confectionery and flour products. These products are the strongest enemy of the fat burning process. But this does not mean that you should starve and completely eliminate your favorite cookies or gingerbread, you just need to monitor your sugar intake. What you ate before is replaced with other foods rich in protein and fiber. Your diet should include foods containing omega-3 fats, which are found in fish, olive oil, seeds, and nuts. Monounsaturated fatty acids help prevent the development of obesity while maintaining muscle mass. Therefore, if you are trying to lose excess weight, then your weekly diet should include up to 5 fish dishes.

After you started working out in the gym, your metabolism accelerated and in order to burn fat and not lose muscle mass, you need to monitor the normal level of protein intake. Chicken fillet, veal, tuna and other types of lean meat are an excellent source of protein for every day. To maintain a high metabolic rate, try to eat more often, but in small portions, evenly supplying the body with all the necessary nutrients. Don't skip your breakfast. When you eat breakfast, you kickstart your metabolism after sleep.

Example of a daily diet

Breakfast: omelet with side dish. You can add meat and cheese.

2nd breakfast: all types of cheese, nuts, fresh vegetables, protein shake.

Lunch: chicken or tuna salad or fish dish.

Afternoon snack: almonds, peanuts, vegetables, protein shake.

Dinner: any meat product with vegetables.

Use of sports supplements

When doing strength training in order to lose excess weight, sports supplements such as protein and. Proteins will help prevent a decrease in muscle mass along with a decrease in body fat. Fat burners saturated with omega-3 fatty acids are an excellent safe catalyst for the process of “eating” subcutaneous fat. You can take protein shakes throughout the day - in the morning, at lunchtime and after training. It is also worth paying attention to amino acid complexes, which prevent muscles from breaking down during weight loss. Proteins and amino acids increase muscle endurance and promote fat burning. During the training process, the body endures colossal expenditures of all nutrients, so in order to maintain balance, you can include any vitamin and mineral complex in your diet.

How to train

Fat burning training should be high intensity. During the allotted exercise time, you should burn the maximum number of calories. Strength training should be supported by aerobic exercise (running, swimming, cycling).
Cardio training helps strengthen the heart and increase blood circulation with the development of the capillary network of blood vessels, which has an extremely positive effect on fat burning. Each workout should take at least 30 minutes and last up to 60-80 minutes. It depends on your age, type of occupation, and your body’s readiness for stress. The most optimal number of training days per week for burning fat would be 4 workouts. The training program should include basic exercises that will involve large muscle groups. The rest time between approaches in one exercise is no more than 2 minutes. This helps maintain high levels of blood circulation throughout your workout.

Example of a fat burning training program


  1. Barbell bench press/dumbbell bench press (use different inclination of the bench) 3x12
  2. biceps curls dumbbells/barbells 3x15
  3. crossovers on 3x15 blocks
  4. Dips 3x12
  5. press crunches
  6. running on a treadmill for 10-25 minutes (depending on the level of preparation, go up to 25 minutes or more)


Aerobic exercise – active sports (basketball, football, running, swimming)



Aerobic exercise - active sports (basketball, football, running, swimming).


  • Deadlift 3x12
  • Bent-over barbell row 3x12
  • Pull-ups 3x12
  • Shrugs with dumbbells 3x15
  • Run 20 min
  • Bicycle 2xmax
  • Crunches 3xmax

By performing these exercises with appropriate nutrition, you can count on the first positive effect after several months of training. The main thing is not to lose perseverance, because... the result will not come in a week. The secret to success lies in discipline and self-knowledge. During the training process, you will learn to feel your body, find the most beneficial exercises and foods for you. Keep a diary, analyze your results, control your weight, use motivation - view

Relevant movies, listen to music that gets your adrenaline pumping, be self-critical.

How to consolidate and improve results

After completing the proposed program for several months, you will have to see some progress and follow the chosen training plan until you hit one result: let’s say, you stopped and can no longer lose weight, although you would like to. In this case, it’s time to radically reconsider your training plan and nutrition plan. You may be eating more carbohydrates than you are burning. In this case, try to reduce their consumption and lean more heavily on protein foods. You may have noticed that your training weights have stopped increasing. In this case, you will need to introduce new exercises that your muscles are not yet accustomed to - these will be inconvenient exercises for them that can make your muscles grow.

Do not neglect cardio training, because aerobic exercise is very important for overweight people, which allows your heart to work properly and start many fat-burning processes in the body. Don’t work too hard, rest between workouts, try to arrange your schedule in such a way that you can sleep at least 7-8 hours a day in order to have time to recover for the next lesson. Periodic changes in the training program will help to significantly improve your results, which will prevent your muscles from getting used to the monotonous load. Use sports nutrition, it will help you achieve the desired result faster, but do not forget about the importance of the main daily diet of the food that you prepare yourself. Trust only trusted global manufacturers of sports supplements: Optimum Nutrition, MusclePharm, BSN, Universal Nutrition, Gaspari Nutrition, Dymatize, MuscleTech, etc.