Stress in old age and depression. Stress prevention - the best methods and ways to avoid a nervous breakdown

And in old age, they occur in every second pensioner, or even more often, because not many of our old people turn to specialists or share their perception of the world with relatives.

Many people, regardless of their age and place of residence, experience depression. It is characterized by various stages and symptoms. Some people are not even aware of this condition in their body, but it is present.

This condition occurs due to many factors: poor environment, constant stress, overexertion at work, constant fatigue, nervous breakdowns and much more.

But it is important to remember that this condition is fraught with various consequences, and in many cases it can turn into serious illnesses if you do not take up and monitor the state of your health, because health, first of all, depends on the person and on his attitude towards his health.

Absolutely any person can be in this state: young, old, plump, thin, a doctor, a teacher, a person with a high level of income and with a small income, beautiful girls and not so beautiful ones. With depression there are no time periods and there should be no specific age. Children can also experience this health condition during childhood.

But the difference between age-related depression and childhood depression is little understood by specialists, and they have not fully understood why it occurs at an early age. It has not yet been scientifically proven, but there are plenty of excuses for depression in old age.

An elderly woman and an elderly man can worry a lot, be nervous, suffer, without realizing it, in most cases this condition develops into depression.

Older people, as they age, become more irritable and sensitive to many situations. Chronic diseases that a person previously suffered from affect themselves in old age, after which irritability and depression occur.

Elderly people in a state of depression do not want to meet with relatives, they do not want to do anything, most of the things that happen in their lives are unpleasant to them, nothing is theirs. Having gone to an unprofessional clinic for diagnosis and treatment, the doctor made an incorrect diagnosis and prescribed the wrong medications to take.

With age, deformation occurred, and the person became depressed and irritable, since the body completely rejected the wrong treatment. Memory changes during depression. It becomes more and more difficult to get out of this condition with age, so it is easier to prevent this disease at a young age.

If you consult a specialist in an advanced stage in old age, then after some time this condition can be cured.

Regular systemic treatment is required. Specialists should treat such diseases carefully, efficiently and draw up an individual treatment plan. Also, along with treatment for depression, a complete diagnosis of your health condition should be done.

The organ that spreads irritants the most and requires treatment should be treated first. Two diseases need to be treated simultaneously. Particular attention should be paid to the state of pressure.

If you notice depression, depression and stress in old age, you can contact a private clinic or boarding house for the elderly. The network of boarding houses "Lotos" in St. Petersburg has highly professional specialists on its staff who will help the pensioner feel better. In such institutions for the elderly, people are rehabilitated after a stroke or heart attack.

If relatives do not give up, endure the reproaches of an elderly person suffering from depression, and go to a specialist for help, then the disease can still be cured. Not only medications help. You need to be patient with an elderly person. Anyone can find themselves in such a difficult situation.

In any case, depression, depression and stress in old age can be treated; it is important to show the elderly person to specialists as early as possible.

Health promotion in old age Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Prevention of emotional stress

One of the main reasons for predisposition to any disease is emotional stress.

If a person is emotionally unstable, nervous, constantly “savoring” experiences at work, at home, etc., there can be no talk of any health. This means that you need to pull yourself together and start treating your surroundings soberly. The next step is physical activity. It helps a person to unwind and relax. Walking, jogging, and dumbbell exercises are good options. In addition to regular physical exercises, you can use the Chinese gymnastics described in this book to transform muscles, and for women, fat loss exercises and other exercise systems.

If you have strong emotional tensions, then use the method of cleansing the field life form. This will help you get rid of emotional junk and feel inner freedom and independence.

Nutrition during stress should be rich in biologically active substances: vitamins, mineral salts, enzymes, etc. Eat bread or sprouted grain soup and other foods high in vitamins every day. Carrot juice will provide you with vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. Vitamin E, which is necessary for stress, is found in sprouted grain bread in more than sufficient quantities. Drink freshly squeezed juices and eat vegetable salads, which contain a lot of calcium and magnesium.

Other useful nutritional supplements include brewer's yeast and fish oil.

Medicinal herbs help fight stress very well. Many of them have the property of causing relaxation and calming: skullcap, hops, chamomile, motherwort, passionflower, valerian, rosemary, sage, peppermint. Tea made from a mixture of skullcap, catnip and hops is an excellent remedy for relieving tension. Horsetail is a source of calcium and silicon, as is oat straw, and alfalfa is especially recommended to be added to other herbs, as it is rich in nutrients and cleanses the body well. Lemon mint lifts the mood and relieves tension, verbena has the same properties, and lady's slipper eliminates anxiety. Ginseng, aralia and dandelion tone.

Avoid sugar, fine flour products, caffeine, alcohol, fried foods and cola drinks. Dairy products can be a cause of stress and are a common allergy trigger, as are chocolate, tomatoes, eggs and additives found in processed foods, including meat. Instead of sugar or artificial substitutes, use honey. Garlic and onions are good for the immune system. Bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly and comb honey protect against stress. Drink a glass of water with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey one to three times a day.

Warm baths with the addition of 1 liter of evaporated urine, as well as various types of self-massage, are very suitable for calming and relaxing. For massage, use essential oils2 of geranium, lavender, marjoram, lemon balm, orange, rose, tangerine, chamomile, clary sage, cedar and pine.

Some minerals reduce stress: kunzite, rose quartz, amber, amethyst, turquoise.

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Stress is an integral component of the life of a modern person. Despite the development of civilization, people have not been able to get rid of the factors that cause stress. The problems of finding food, survival and protection from enemies, relevant for our distant ancestors, have been replaced by constant concern about the political and economic situation in the country and the world, the threat of unemployment, social insecurity, the growth of crime and terrorism. Even everyday problems - conflicts at work and at home, passing exams, unrequited love, moving, illnesses of loved ones - negatively affect a person’s emotional state. How to deal with stress and is it possible to protect yourself from it?

The term "stress" comes from the French word "estresse", which means "depression", "depression". Stress is a state of increased physical or mental tension that occurs under the influence of one or another factor.

Canadian scientist Hans Selye is the creator of the theory of stress. He believed that the body, when faced with various factors such as pain, cold, fear, danger, fast running, emotional shock, blood loss, etc., turns on special defense mechanisms against stress, responding to stimuli not only with a defensive reaction , but also the same type of physiological process. This process represents complete mobilization, adaptation to an unexpected situation. This requires a lot of tension from the body and the expenditure of a huge amount of effort.

Hans Selye

G. Selye proposed a hypothesis according to which the aging of the body occurs as a result of exposure to all the stresses that it had to face during life. Any stress, especially traumatic stress, causes irreversible changes in the chemical balance of the body. Accumulating, these changes trigger the aging mechanism. Constant stress is especially dangerous for brain cells and the nervous system. G. Selye emphasized that the prevention of psycho-emotional stress is very important for health and longevity.

Types of stress

In psychology, the following types of stress are distinguished: physiological and psychological. Psychological stress is divided into two more types: emotional and informational.

  • Physiological stress occurs as a result of excessive physical exertion, pain, increased or decreased temperature.
  • Psychological stress provoked by a feeling of threat, resentment, fear, anger and other negative emotions.
  • Emotional stress is approximately the same as psychological.
  • Information stress s occurs during information overload, when a person is faced with the need to process a large amount of information in a short time.

All types of stress negatively affect a person’s health and psychological state.

Why is stress dangerous?

Stressful situations negatively affect not only psychological mechanisms, but also the entire body as a whole, leading to a number of problems. Stress causes the following disorders in the body:

  • increases the risk of developing diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive systems;
  • reduces immunity and resistance to various diseases;
  • causes sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue, nervousness, irritability, and worsens general condition;
  • provokes the appearance of muscle spasms and phantom joint pain, headaches;
  • causes a deterioration in appetite or, conversely, a desire to “eat up” stress by eating large amounts of food;
  • destroys many vitamins, disrupts metabolic processes;
  • causes memory impairment and emotional instability;
  • contributes to depression, apathy, and loss of interest in life.

Ways to prevent stress

Stress, like illness, is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, it is important to learn how to prevent stress by promptly getting rid of negative emotions, physical and psychological fatigue. What methods of stress prevention exist?

What is occupational stress?

Psychologists identify another type of stress – professional stress. It represents the emotional stress accompanying a person’s professional activity. If an employee experiences difficulties in his daily activities, has tense relationships with co-workers, management, or is simply dissatisfied with his job, he gradually develops stress. Professional stress can be divided into three types:

  • Worker. The reasons that cause it are related to working conditions (inconvenient work schedule, poor organization of the workplace, monotonous work, insufficient labor safety).
  • Industrial. Associated with the profession or type of activity itself (psychological climate in the team, professional level, social responsibility, role status).
  • Organizational. Its cause is the negative impact on the employee of the characteristics of the enterprise itself (management style, personnel policy, insubordination, organizational changes).

No person is immune from professional stress. The risk group includes business owners, directors and managers, as well as ordinary employees. In addition to external factors that cause stress, the individual characteristics of the employee’s personality are also of great importance. People with high levels of anxiety, emotionally labile and prone to depressive reactions are most susceptible to stress.

The consequences of occupational stress can seriously affect a person. He develops dissatisfaction with his profession, apathy, depression, decreased self-esteem, anxiety and irritability. In addition to emotional reactions, stress provokes muscle pain, headaches, fatigue, and cardiovascular problems in the employee. As a result of chronic stress, the body turns on psychological defense, and a person experiences professional burnout.

It has been noted that professional stress that arises in one of the employees can gradually affect the entire team. As a result, tension increases in the team, conflicts become more frequent, labor productivity decreases, staff turnover increases, employees’ motivation to work decreases, and criticism of management appears. All this negatively affects the work of the enterprise. Therefore, management should be interested in preventing stress among their employees and correcting their psycho-emotional state.

Prevention of professional stress

The main means of preventing stress in enterprises are the following:

  1. Informing enterprise employees. The management of the enterprise is obliged to introduce a system of informing employees about what professional stress is and what its signs are. It is most convenient to print information about stress and methods of preventing it in a corporate newspaper or post it on an information stand so that every employee can familiarize themselves with it. It is ideal if the company has a psychologist to whom employees can turn with their problems.
  2. Conducting trainings for company employees. At these trainings, personnel are taught the ability to avoid stressful situations, find optimal solutions in difficult situations, and stress management techniques.
  3. Conducting trainings for company management. Managers are also trained to find the most successful management strategies, the ability to take responsibility and make effective decisions. Such trainings are usually conducted by invited specialists.
  4. Adjusting the microclimate in the work team. Professional stress is often caused by an unfavorable microclimate in the team. In this case, special programs on stress management and conflict management conducted by specialists turn out to be quite effective. To unite the team, it is useful to organize corporate holidays, field trips, and sporting events. A good option would be to create psychological relief rooms where each employee can relax and get into a working mood.

Thus, stress prevention is very important for a healthy and fulfilling human life and effective professional activity.

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