Russian manufacturers of sports nutrition. Review of sports nutrition manufacturers

The most popular and well-known category of sports nutrition is protein. It is intended to compensate for the lack of protein in the diet. That is, protein itself (and protein shakes are nothing more than dry protein) does not grow muscles, it is just a building material for new muscle fibers. Protein shakes can be drunk by anyone who is deficient in protein foods.

Gainers are also a popular product, and not only among bodybuilders. Like protein, gainer is used to compensate for the lack of carbohydrates, first of all, since gainers are protein-carbohydrate dry concentrates. Often the main reason for the lack of muscle mass growth in the presence of weight training is the lack of carbohydrates in the diet. Gainers, as well as protein, can be consumed by anyone who has an increased need for carbohydrates or simply does not have the opportunity, for example, to have breakfast.

Creatine is a more highly specialized supplement, but just as well-known as protein and gainer. Creatine is taken when you need to increase strength or short-term endurance, as well as increase muscle mass. Recognized as the most effective supplement in sports nutrition.

Amino acid complexes and BCAA (BCA) are sources of amino acids in the diet. In general, a person gets them from protein foods or protein supplements. But sometimes there is a need for quick or additional intake of amino acids. BCAA is a complex of three essential amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, valine), 30% of which make up muscles. Their additional intake promotes faster recovery after training.

Omega-3 and vitamin-mineral complexes They also make up for the deficiency of essential healthy fats and vitamins and minerals. During weight loss, when there are calorie restrictions in the diet, such supplements are strictly recommended, since the body does not receive these essential substances in the required quantities with food. Both omega-3 and vitamin supplements are allowed for use by everyone, including those who have nothing to do with sports at all.

Also referred to as sports nutrition fat burners, testosterone and nitrogen boosters, joint and ligament health supplements, pre-workout supplements, isotonic drinks and electrolytes. All these additives perform more narrowly targeted functions.

Of course, like any other business, the production and sale of sports nutrition has its own marketing tricks, so you should carefully read the label of the product you are purchasing. When choosing sports nutrition, you should pay attention to product composition, concentration of main and auxiliary ingredients, volume of one serving.

Why is sports nutrition necessary?

The purpose of sports nutrition follows from its main advantage. By supplementing a basic balanced diet with the necessary supplements, you can get the desired results from your workouts faster. After all, everyone wants to lose weight or gain muscle quickly, preferably in no longer than a month, but the body is not capable of this. Taking sports nutrition will also not help you achieve the desired results so quickly, but it will still speed up this process.

However, due to the fact that each body is individual, reactions to taking sports supplements may also be different. Allergies are also possible, but this is a matter of health, not the quality of the supplements.

Remember - sports nutrition has contraindications. Before you start taking it, be sure to consult your doctor!

Although, if you purchased a counterfeit of a well-known brand or simply low-quality sports nutrition, then this will be the problem. That’s why it’s so important to know which manufacturers you should trust with your health.

At the same time, you can often hear that this or that supplement does not work. Here, too, questions may arise regarding the quality of the supplements used, but it often turns out that either the supplement was taken incorrectly, or there was no diet, training, and rest.

It is worth recalling once again that sports supplements alone will not create a fitness model out of a person who has never exercised before in one month. Only hard work on yourself will help you achieve your goal. And sports nutrition will become a faithful assistant on this path.

The best sports nutrition brands - rating

Optimum Nutrition
Optimum Nutrition is a corporation that produces sports supplements and sports nutrition. The company began winning its customers and fans back in 1986. The company is world famous. First of all, the company has become widely known due to the fact that their products are of good quality, performance properties are also at a high level, a variety of assortments is also present, and of course, a price that will satisfy any budget. Optimum Nutrition — occupies a leading position in terms of price and quality and has such sports supplements as: vitamins, protein, BCAAs, amino acids, gainers, etc.
Best Optimum Nutrition Products:
Protein 100% Whey Gold Standard
Gainer Serious Mass
Amino acids Super Amino 2222
BCAA amino acids bcaa 1000 caps
Vitamins opti-men and opti-women

BSN - this company was founded in the USA in 2001. Despite the fact that the company is still young, it has already managed to win the favor of its customers due to the fact that it is one of the leaders in the production of gainers, proteins, amino acids and BCAAs. First of all, all BSN company products are of high quality, have good performance properties, good taste characteristics and, of course, a satisfactory price. This brand of sports nutrition is well known to professional athletes and bodybuilders. The company is rapidly gaining momentum in its development.
Top BSN Products:
Protein Syntha-6
Gainer True-Mass
Amino acids Amino-X
Pre-workouts No-Xplode, Hyper FX
Pumping Nitrix
Fat burner Hyper Shred

Universal Nutrition
Universal Nutrition - this company began its work on the development of sports nutrition in the United States back in 1977. And it is one of the first. The sports nutrition of this company is distinguished by its impeccable quality, and therefore its price is quite high. Especially athletes can note the Animal series. Universal Nutrition products can also be noted for the originality of their ingredients. The sports nutrition products produced by this company occupy a leading position among competing companies. Athletes around the world trust Universal Nutrition products.
Best UniversalNutrition Products:
Protein Ultra Whey Pro
Gainer Gain Fast 3100
Complex AnimalPAK
Fat burner Animal Cuts
For ligaments and joints Animal Flex
Pre-workout Animal Rage
Pumping drug Animal Pump
Healthy fats Animal Omega

Gaspari Nutrition
Gaspari Nutrition - this corporation began releasing products to the sports nutrition market in 1996. A certain bodybuilder Rich Gaspari, thanks to his knowledge of nutrition as an athlete, began producing his own sports nutrition. There is a wide range of products from this company. Excellent value for money, so any athlete can afford the products of this company, while still achieving the desired result. Based on this, we can say that Gaspari Nutrition sports nutrition is in good demand.
The best Gaspari Nutrition products:
Proteins MyoFusion Probiotic, Elite, Hydro, Intra Pro Whey Protein
Gainer Real Mass Probiotic Series
Amino acids AminoMax 8000, bcaa 6000, Aminolast
Vitamins Anavite
Pumping SuperPump Max

Dymatize is another American company that produces sports nutrition. This company began its work in 1994. This company decided to choose a different strategy and focused on a larger variety of sports nutrition products. The price will greatly please any wallet, and the quality will not let you down. The popularity of this company lies in the fact that it supplies the market with a lot of new products that are worth attention.
Top Dymatize Nutrition Products:
Proteins Elite Whey Protein Isolate, Iso-100, Elite XT, Fusion 7
Gainer Super Mass Gainer, Elite Mass Gainer
Pre-workout complex Xpand 2X
Fat burner Dyma-Burn Xtreme
Carnitine L-Carnitine Xtreme
Amino acids Super Amino 6000
Creatine Creatine Micronized
Vitamins Super Multi Vitamin

MuscleTech — this company was founded in the USA in 1995. She began her activity by producing a huge amount of high-quality sports nutrition at good prices. Thanks to this, it quickly became popular. This popularity and customer trust has continued to this day.
Best MuscleTech Products:
Gainer 100% Premium Mass Gainer, Mass-Tech
Protein Nitro-Tech Performance Series, Phase8, 100% Premium Whey Protein Plus
Fat burner Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite
Amino acids 100% Ultra-Premium Amino 7000
Creatine Cell-Tech

MusclePharm — The company’s activities began in 2003. In a fairly short time, this company managed to become one of the leaders in the production of sports supplements. And the recipe for success turned out to be very simple: high-quality goods, good prices and a large selection of products. The products of the series aroused general delight and trust

Hello friends! How is your New Year's mood? Has everyone had a lot of snow?) As promised, today I wrote the most practical article possible. It will be useful both for boys who love iron and for girls who dream of a beautiful butt. So that advertising does not motivate you to flush money down the toilet by buying an arsenal of various incomprehensible colorful jars of sports nutrition, I will tell you about the most effective sports supplements that give tangible results. There will be no clear distinction here. There will be sports nutrition for muscle growth, as well as helping to lose weight. The main criterion for my selection is the result.

The short route is not the fastest, and the long route is not the longest. I say this because many novice athletes think that by buying more sports nutrition they will immediately begin to show unrealistic progress.

Quite the opposite often happens. Progress remains unchanged, but money goes down the toilet. This happens, as a rule, through no fault of the newcomer.

How can you not believe the advertising of sports nutrition manufacturers, which promises incredible results from the use of various supplements? Bright jars with images of the TOP bodybuilders on the planet, and even with names like “Super Protein”, “Mega Pump”, etc. they just ask to be bought.

I would like to make one digression:

Sports nutrition is NOT a substitute for a regular, balanced diet. This is just an addition to the main diet.

It might work well as an addition. But don’t think that if you eat only sports drink instead of regular food, then in a week you will become like the Hulk.

If you stop eating regular food, then your body will not need to produce enzymes to digest it, because sports nutrition is absorbed much easier, it will be absorbed without them. Therefore, all the best in moderation.

Sports nutrition that works

What sports nutrition works? Everything! But many supplements are not worth the money that manufacturers ask for them. The effect of some supplements is very subtle, and, frankly, often completely unnoticeable.

Here are some sports supplements that are really worth paying attention to:

  1. Creatine monohydrate.
  2. Protein.
  3. BCAA amino acids.
  4. Vitamins and minerals.
  5. Fat burners.

Creatine monohydrate

I talked about this additive in much more detail in the article: . I highly recommend you read it!

Creatine is found in our muscles, glands, kidneys and liver in the form of creatine phosphate. It circulates approximately three grams in our blood every day.

If we talk about some abstract harmfulness of creatine, then there is no need to worry about this, it is an absolutely natural substance that belongs to the class of immins, i.e. is a protein.

Approximately 98% of creatine is found in our muscles. When taking creatine, muscles become more massive, voluminous and strong. Creatine stores water. Muscle fibers thicken due to the deposition of additional protein on their walls, i.e. muscle mass grows.

Just don't get confused. Water does not accumulate between muscle fibers, as happens when taking steroids or cortisone, but inside the muscle fibers, which promotes anabolism (growth) in muscle cells.

Creatine works like this: when the ATP molecule (adenosine tri-phosphate) is oxidized, the energy necessary for the body’s functioning is released. As a result of oxidation, the ATP molecule loses one phosphate atom and turns into an ADP molecule (adenosine di-phosphate).

The amount of ATP contained in the muscles is sufficient for only 10-15 seconds of active work. After this, creatine is needed to replenish ATP reserves. ATP replenishment occurs due to creatine phosphate, which restores the broken phosphate bond and converts ADP into ATP.

It can be taken by both men and women. After all, everyone has ATP?))) It works for about 70% of people. This is due to the fact that approximately 30% of people naturally have elevated creatine levels in their blood.

Why can’t a person engage in intensive work at the maximum level for a long time?

Very simple! This is primarily due to the rapid depletion of creatine phosphate reserves. This leads to the simplest, logical conclusion: additional creatine intake allows us to work harder and longer than usual.

Can you get creatine from regular food?

Yes! Can! The only problem is that to get the daily requirement of creatine (5-6 g per day) you need to eat about 4 kg of meat. This is very harmful because... In addition to creatine, you will greatly overload your digestive system, greatly increase your cholesterol and fat levels, and your kidneys will also be overloaded with other proteins that the body cannot absorb. Can you imagine if this happens every day?

This is why it is advisable to take creatine in concentrated form.

In what form should creatine be taken?

In general, there is no difference in what form creatine enters your body. The main thing is not to overpay, buy CREATINE MONOHYDRATE! It's the monohydrate.

It doesn't matter in what form. It is available both in white, odorless powder, and in capsules, for example. I find it much more convenient to take it in powder. It turns out cheaper.

Why am I focusing so much on monohydrate? It’s all because sports nutrition manufacturers are now trying to fool their brains with newfangled names and useless “super-working” transport systems.

The transport system is what helps deliver creatine into the blood as quickly as possible, but the trick is that creatine is best absorbed and transported when the level of insulin in the blood is maximum.

Insulin (transport hormone) is produced to lower blood glucose levels. Those. all “transporters” (transport systems) are, in fact, just fast carbohydrates (sugars) that increase insulin levels to transport creatine.

In short, if you buy creatine with transport systems, you will pay 2-3 times more simply for adding, roughly speaking, glucose to creatine monohydrate. Do you need it?

Many people advise taking creatine starting from the so-called phase. "downloads". Those. take 20 g of creatine per day for a week, and then simply maintain your creatine level by drinking 5 g (one teaspoon) per day.

I think there’s no need for this! Swedish scientists conducted an experiment, the essence of which was that they collected two groups, one group took creatine with a loading phase, the other without it. After a month, the level of creatine in the blood of all people from the two groups was the same, increased by 20%.

I'll tell you for myself. I took creatine monohydrate both ways. I didn't feel any difference. Then is there any point in translating the product?

Creatine dosage regimen:

  1. Take creatine 5 g (one teaspoon) either immediately in the morning, on an empty stomach with sweet (grape) juice, or 30-60 minutes after training.
  2. If you miss one dose of creatine, it’s okay, just continue taking it further according to plan. It accumulates cumulatively in the body and reaches the required concentration (about 8 g) within 2 weeks.
  3. It should be taken in cycles. Although the creatine molecule itself is very small and is unlikely to cause problems for the kidneys, people in white coats still recommend taking it for 6-8 weeks, and then taking a break for 2 weeks. I do the same.


I will not describe protein in detail in this article, because... We have already considered this issue. It’s better to consider how to take it correctly.

Now my goal is to tell you why protein is a working supplement that brings results.

Protein is produced in dairies from whey left over from, for example, cheese or cottage cheese, dried, flavored and poured into colorful jars or bags. In fact, IT'S JUST PROTEIN, but easier to digest.

It can be used to compensate for the lack of protein in the diet. It's also very convenient. Instead of a portion of food, just stir the protein in milk or water and drink a delicious cocktail.

You should not completely replace food with protein “from a can,” but as an ADDITION to the main diet, it is a good helper.

Both girls and boys can drink it. Naturally, there are no contraindications. Eat often and drink a protein shake a couple of times a day.

Protein intake regimen:

  1. Drink rapidly digestible protein (whey - WHEY) 2 hours after getting up and immediately after training, 1-2 scoops (30-60 g) with 200-300 ml of water or milk. I advise you to read my very powerful article about...
  2. Drink moderately digestible protein (eggs, beef) between meals during the day.
  3. Slowly digestible protein (from cottage cheese (Casein)) drink at night, before bed.

In fact, in most cases, a complete protein that contains all of the above types of protein will be more than enough for you.

Amino acids BCAA

BCAA are branched chain amino acids. Particularly indispensable for drying and for vegetarians, because they need to monitor their amino acid profile more closely due to the lack of animal protein in their diet.

BCAAs restore the energy potential of the cell after exercise so that the cell can begin “construction” of new contractile elements.

These amino acids include three amino acids:

  • leucine;
  • valine;
  • isoleucine;

Many studies have been conducted that have proven the real effectiveness of BCAA amino acids, namely:

Quote from the conclusion:

“When adding BCAA (76% leucine) to daily protein doses, it was possible to increase the amount of lean muscle mass, increase the strength performance of athletes, and decrease the level of muscle proteolysis. The amount of fat in the body has decreased” Here is a link to the study.

Here is another interesting conclusion from one study:

Quote from the conclusion:

“Essential amino acids accelerate muscle protein synthesis, but the introduction of non-essential amino acids for these purposes, as the experiment showed, is not necessary. The greater the dose of administered BCAAs, the greater the anabolic response was obtained.” Here is a link to the study.

As a rule, on banks with amino acids the ratio of these amino acids in relation to each other is indicated.

For example, the very common 2:2:1 ratio would translate in absolute terms to 5 g of leucine and valine, relative to 2.5 g of isoleucine.

The individual characteristics of digestion and absorption for each person are so specific that it is impossible to choose a universal working BCAA supplement for everyone, but there are still general recommendations on the peculiarities of their intake, which I will discuss later.

BCAA amino acid intake regimen:

  1. NEVER take BCAA on an empty stomach!
  2. Take 15-20 g of BCAA during and after training. During training, it is more convenient to take amino acids in the form of a powder dissolved in water.
  3. Sometimes you should take BCAA before training to eliminate the possibility of insufficient glycogen in liver cells.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are involved in almost all metabolic processes in the body. We should try to get as much of them from food as possible, but at present there are not so many of them in food, because... vegetables and fruits undergo various types of cleaning and disinfection. Various growth stimulants are also used to grow them, but that’s not about that now.

As a rule, every person involved in sports needs to take these microelements from additional sources.

There are excellent specialized vitamins for athletes sold in sports nutrition stores. Another thing is that they are increasingly being counterfeited, so buy vitamins either in large, specialized sports nutrition stores or at a pharmacy.

Pharmacy vitamins have a much lower concentration than special ones, so it makes sense to double their dosage.

The most important among vitamins is. Not only because of its ability to stimulate the immune system, but simply because it is vital because... its deficiency causes scurvy (sorbut).

Recommended intake of amino acids, vitamins and minerals:

  1. Everything is very simple. The main rule: DRINK VITAMINS IN THE MORNING, AND MINERALS AT NIGHT.
  2. Buy vitamins and minerals at large specialty stores or pharmacies.

There are some other very interesting supplements that work great and are available in almost EVERY PHARMACY, such as adaptogens, glutamic acid and enzymes, etc. You can read about them in VERY DETAIL in my article about.

Fat burners

They really work well when combined with proper nutrition. EXACTLY IN COMBINATION! Fat burners will not replace proper nutrition aimed at reducing body fat. They really work, but at the same time you need to control your diet. As a rule, it should be aimed at losing weight. and are the best options in my opinion.

Fat burners work, but give a temporary effect. They only bear fruit while you're taking them, so you probably don't need them!

They are used, as a rule, for drying, when it is necessary to show a short-term result. Typically, their use is advisable for professional athletes in order to achieve competitive shape.

There are drugs and supplements that are prohibited by Russian law (for example, ephedrine). I won't consider them. I will also not consider drugs that interfere with your endocrine system. I will consider only those that are safe for your health and, if desired, can be purchased without any problems.

  • Caffeine and guarana

They stimulate the central nervous system (CNS) and the production of nor-adrenaline, which triggers fat burning in our body.

Guarana is the same as coffee, only guarana beans contain twice as much caffeine as coffee beans.

The positive “invigorating” effect of these supplements has been proven, so if an increased dose of caffeine is found in the blood of an Olympic athlete, he will be disqualified for doping.

  • L-Carnitine (L-Carnitine)

You can easily find this supplement in any sports nutrition store. Carnitine does not burn fat on its own, but it greatly facilitates this process when you are on a diet (without a diet there will be no benefit).

In other words, it helps the body use fat as energy. It also increases the digestibility of food by increasing the secretion of enzymes involved in digestion.

Regimen for taking fat burners:

Caffeine: 3-6 mg of coffee per kilogram of body 30-60 minutes before training.

L-Carnitine: from 0.5 to 5 grams per day in the first half of the day (morning, lunch and before training)


  • sports nutrition is only an ADDITION to the main diet;
  • Creatine Monohydrate is worth buying because... it is inexpensive (500 rub. 500 g, on average), but gives a very noticeable effect;
  • protein can be a good help in replenishing the daily protein requirement, but if you can eat well (6-8 times a day), then there is no particular need for protein;
  • BCAA amino acids work great, but they are a very expensive protein per gram. They are especially necessary for drying and for vegetarians;
  • vitamins and minerals won't hurt anyone. A good thing, although there is a lot of controversy about the digestibility of “tablet” supplements;
  • Fat burners only work in conjunction with a diet. If there is no diet, then do not expect any weight loss;

That's all, friends. Now, I think you will be able to choose sports nutrition for muscle growth or weight loss without any problems. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer everyone in the comments.

Build your muscles, transform your body and life.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!

A huge variety of sports supplements and manufacturers have flooded the market, but choosing and searching for something of quality still remains difficult (of course, for those who think first and then buy =)). In this article we will tell you which sports nutrition manufacturers are the best, and which ones you clearly shouldn’t trust?! That's why we decided to make a personal rating of sports nutrition!

On the one hand, it seems that a large selection increases your opportunity to buy something really good and effective, but in reality this is not the case. It’s good when, in pursuit of the palm, manufacturers improve the quality of their goods, hoping to surprise the buyer with something new, and sometimes even innovative. But unfortunately, many brands are trying to gain popularity using a completely different approach - using cheaper and, naturally, lower quality raw materials in order to lower prices and make their product more attractive to the buyer.

We will highlight the best products that have been quality tested by tens or even hundreds of buyers. Our rating of sports nutrition manufacturers will be as honest as possible, based on personal experience and the opinions of our clients, although a little subjective

And today you will even get acquainted with several of its options:

  1. Rating of the best sports nutrition (pop brands);
  2. Rating of elite sports nutrition in the underground;
  3. Top sports nutrition manufacturers based on sales!

An excursion into the ranking of sports nutrition manufacturers in the world!

What sports nutrition brands will you see when you walk into a regular sports nutrition store? ON, BSN, Dimatize, Universal Nutrition, etc.? For many buyers, they are the best manufacturers of sports nutrition. Yes, they are the most popular and best-selling, and also very old) Pop brands have their own merits - high quality products. They can offer you an excellent recovery base (BCAA, Protein, Vitamins and minerals, etc.), but they do not have what is becoming very popular and popular today - truly powerful fat burners, pre-workouts, pumps, nootropics, relaxants, hormone boosters growth and testosterone, and you certainly won’t find SARMs or Designer steroids with them! This is the MINUS.

Another sin of popular brands in a huge number of fakes! This scourge accompanies them almost all the way to their success, but it has especially spread in times of crisis. After all, what are the most popular sports nutrition brands in Russia? Of course, these are ON, BSN, Dimatize, Universal Nutrition, etc. And you don’t even think about their quality when buying, but in many cases you are buying a fake!

Attention! How to distinguish a fake from the original? There are several signs:

  1. If the price is very low, either the store is selling a Chinese fake (we ourselves saw the price list from China for all your favorite brands at cheap prices, but let us not enter into this and will not do so!), or is on the verge of bankruptcy and is trying to sell out the goods faster ;
  2. In the window you see products that are OFFICIALLY discontinued (see manufacturers' websites), for example Jack3d with geranium, or OxyEllite (a classic of the genre) - this is a 100% fake, made in India or China (by the way, sellers of these products will convince you know that USPlabs moved their production there =))! And if you see that the store has signs one and two, then it’s obvious that you need to add it to your personal blacklist and forget the way to it forever!
  3. There are many more ways to identify a fake by the label or packaging design, but to do this you need to be a person who is deeply in the subject of this business) Counterfeiting is very cool now, so this option is not for 99% of buyers.

Okay, let’s let the “ancients” go for a while and look at the domestic market, which you won’t see in the ranking. Let’s take, for example, a new product that has just flooded sports nutrition stores - PureProtein. Everyone praised, praised, promoted, and it seemed that people even believed it and began actively purchasing, but a little later the hype passed, and negative reviews about their products began to appear - either bars with mold, or with hair, or the additives taste like washing powder . They did their best with the packaging and with the advertising, but they somehow forgot about the quality (In general, like all Russian brands, Pure will definitely not be included in our ratings!

Let's move on to our beloved underground! This sports nutrition is famous, firstly, for its ingredients! They are not just wide, they are large-scale! If it is a pre-workout, then it contains a lot of stimulants, a lot of ingredients that give endurance and strength to muscles, amino acids, vitamins, etc. Underground brands are also not greedy with dosages; they work for maximum results.

By the way, it’s worth mentioning one more pro in favor of underground sports nutrition – a minimum of counterfeits. If the popular brands that we mentioned above are constantly counterfeited due to their high popularity, then little-known, not well-promoted brands are much less susceptible to this problem, but they are still susceptible and this is already a proven fact (

Rating of the best sports nutrition (pop brands)

The company began its history in 1986, the founders were brothers Tony and Michael Costello. At that time, there were already enough brands producing sports nutrition, and the guys decided to break through not with quantity, but with quality. Today the company has its own scientific laboratory, hires only highly qualified specialists and has a production area with a total area of ​​46,000 sq.m.! The familiar protein 100% Whey Gold Standard has been at the top of the rankings since 2005! In Russia, the brand is represented by such famous athletes as Stanislav Lindover, Alexander Yashankin, Andrey Popov, Arkady Velichko and others.

Best sports nutrition from Optimum Nutrition

The company was founded in 2001 in Boca Raton, Florida, and was founded by Scott James and Chris Fergusson. These guys decided to create sports nutrition from scratch, setting themselves the task (which became the company slogan) - “no imitations - only innovations!” Their success came in 2005 when their Cellmass creatine won the "Best Creatine of the Year" award and remained in the top position until 2009. Today, the brand is sold in more than 40,000 stores worldwide and is represented by such famous athletes as Ryan Hughes, Amanda Latona and even famous MMA fighter Conor McGregor!

Top BSN Products

The company was founded in 1977 and is considered one of the oldest. Its production area is located on 1500 sq.m., and its range includes more than 550 additives! Universal has one of the most interesting and unusual assortments: there are meat and egg amino acids, creatine, glutamine and other additives in a variety of dosages! Since 1981, the company has split into two lines: Animal and Universal. It was the first line that gave the world the much-loved vitamins, amino acids, creatine and other supplements in portioned sachets! Today it is not only a popular manufacturer of sports nutrition, but also a publicist of scientific materials related to sports.

The Best Universal Nutrition Products

Elite sports nutrition in the underground - our rating

Now let's talk about brands working in the underground sphere. Unfortunately, few people know about them, and the thing is that they are not as well promoted as pop brands. In the West, the underground is loved and actively used, it is very popular there, but why, you will find out just by looking at the variety and power of flagship products!

Quite an old brand from the underground world, which became famous thanks to its coolest designer steroids - Epi Smash, Super Trenabol, Halo Elite, Super DMZ RX 2.0, Meta-Quad Extreme and Black Jack! This company is run by President PJ Braun and his Chief Executive Officer Aaron Singerman. These guys really can be called geniuses for their innovative and loud ideas, and equally loud products! Now, in addition to DS, they have pre-workouts, burners, nootropics, BCAA, drugs for PCT, CAMPs, proteins, ... in general, everything you need for results! Blackstone is one of those whose products you want to return to again and again!

Best Blackstone Labs Products

This company is an absolute newcomer in the field of sports nutrition, but has already managed to create more than 20 super-high-quality supplements for any purpose. It was created by two doctors who worked in the field of chiropractic, cosmetology and rejuvenation, and a little later decided to create their own line of products, which are tailored for fitness and bodybuilding purposes. The first product to take the world by storm, God Of Rage pre-workout, is the most incredible composition you've ever seen! In addition to it, Centurion released the Blood Rush pack, which became an indispensable element of this stack. In addition, the guys produce SARMs, prohormones, support drugs and PCT of the highest class! As well as Omega-3, products to improve sleep and much more...

Best Centurion Labz Products

The Chaos Laboratory at one time made a real splash on the Russian market, since we did not have similar products yet. These are not only cool formulations, but also inflated dosages. The company spends a lot of money on high-quality raw materials and constantly pleases us with something new. Their products include Designer steroids, test boosters, amino acids and BCAA, pre-workouts, fat burners, nootropics, relaxers and much more. If you want to try something truly extreme, then welcome to the world of Chaos!

Best Chaotic Labz Products

Xcel Sports Nutrition started with designer steroids and brought them to a state of originality! They have the coolest line of prohormones - Mammoth DNA Resurrection - 6 extreme prohormones, Sasquatch DNA Resurrection - 4 extreme prohormones, Yetti DNA Resurrection - 6 extreme prohormones, the highest dosages and cool formulations. In addition, you can find among their products SARMs, Creatine, BCAA, Protein, growth hormone and testosterone boosters, fat burners, etc. In general, this brand will be able to provide you with both a recovery base and pamper you with a quality course!)

Top Xcel Sports Nutrition Products

The company was founded in 2008 in the USA. Its name fully reflects the policy and ideology of the brand. The creators decided to embody the idea of ​​rebirth in their brand, i.e. create sports supplements using a completely new concept! Of course, you know their most popular product - Stimul8 - an incredible super euphoric pre-workout that has captured the hearts of many. They also have aminos, relaxant, pampilka, vitamins, etc.

The best Finaflex products

The work of this company is built on three principles: innovation, quality, composition. They have their own laboratory, into which they recruit only the best professionals and constantly retrain. Today, the total area of ​​their production is about 150,000 square meters! Every year they produce 22 billion tablets and 6 billion capsules, 500 million cans, 250 million blisters. It’s hard to say that they are not popular) Surely, you know APS for their cool Mesomorph pre-workout. They also have the most powerful complex fat burner + test booster + pre-workout Phenadrine, testosterone booster, protein and much more.

Top APS Nutrition Products

A company that has existed for over 20 years. Its quality may mislead you, convincing you that the company is American. Yes, it is indeed based in the city of Norcross in the north of Atlanta in the USA, but its origins are Georgia! Among the supplements you can find the best fat burners Lipodrene, as well as sexual stimulants for women and men Stamina-Rx and much more. Their slogan is “Based on Natural – Based on Science”!

The diet of people actively involved in sports includes not only the regular menu, but also a special group of products called sports nutrition, which allows you to achieve certain goals set for the athlete. Sports nutrition helps you get rid of extra pounds or, conversely, gain weight, increase muscle definition, and increase endurance and strength. All this works only when the nutrition is correctly and competently selected.

The peak of popularity of bodybuilding in the CIS countries occurred in the first half of the nineties, when gyms were widely installed in basements and semi-basements. These times were distinguished not only by the equipment and location of rocking chairs, but also by the underdeveloped sports nutrition industry. It was possible to purchase separate TwinLab and Vader products, as well as Belarusian proteins “Atlant” and “Arena” packaged in plastic bags. You could buy a variety of steroids without much difficulty.

Currently, anabolic steroids of synthetic origin are prohibited and equated to narcotic substances. This in no way influenced the choice of sports nutrition, since today the athlete has free access to a huge number of products of natural origin. On the territory of Russia they are classified as dietary supplements - biologically active additives. The expansion of the range of sports nutrition was facilitated by the emergence of foreign and domestic companies actively using advanced technologies.

A large selection certainly makes an athlete’s life easier, but requires a clear understanding of each product presented. This will allow you to select a drug that ideally matches the goal set for the athlete, as well as his own individual characteristics.

There are a huge number of different active food additives, but the most widespread are the following:

  • protein concentrates;
  • gainers;
  • creatines;
  • L-carnitine;
  • amino acid complexes;

Each drug has its own purpose and application features.

Protein shakes are the most popular way to fuel muscles. The term "" means "protein". It is the main material for the growth of muscle tissue. The amount of pure protein in protein concentrate is about 70-90 percent. No other product can boast of such a composition.

Another advantage of a protein shake is that it is not only high quality, but also quickly absorbed by the body. If the absorption of meat after consumption takes 2-3 hours, a protein shake takes 30 minutes. To obtain a pure protein isolate concentrate, natural products such as whey, eggs, meat, milk, chickpeas, peas, and soy are processed and evaporated.

The most popular protein concentrate around the world is whey. This is the best biological supplement for active muscle growth. Whey protein, in addition to being quickly and easily digestible, contains amino acids. The latter play a crucial role in building sculpted muscles, since they maintain the tone of existing muscle tissue and promote the synthesis of new ones.

They represent the best sports nutrition for people with an ectomorphic - lean physique, for beginners who do not have muscle mass, which is the “base” for building a muscular, massive body. This makes a striking difference between a supplement and a protein shake.

The composition contains not only protein, but also free, quickly digestible carbohydrates, a special complex of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this combination of components, carbohydrates release energy, which is required by ectomorphs or people with a fast metabolism to speed up the process of increasing total mass for the subsequent formation of massive muscles.

Consists of methyl guanide acetic acid concentrate. It is present in small quantities in fish and meat. The action of the supplement is aimed at increasing endurance and stimulating recovery processes in the body after regular training.

This type of sports nutrition is actively used by both beginners and professional athletes during periods of repeated stagnation. For bodybuilders, consumption not only increases endurance, but is also a kind of impetus for further development.


A popular dietary supplement for losing weight, which has a pronounced fat-burning effect. Levocarnitine is produced in the human body in the liver, but in small quantities. The process of its synthesis in laboratory conditions began to be simulated in 1960. The substance stimulates the process of destruction of fat deposits, during which energy is released. This allows you to take it not only for the purpose of losing weight, but also to turn existing fat into muscle.

Amino acid complexes

They are a supplement that optimizes metabolic processes so that all the substances used by the athlete are absorbed by the body correctly and efficiently, that is, they do not turn into fat deposits. In addition, of the existing twenty-two amino acids that ensure proper metabolism, nine are not produced in the human body, but are supplied exclusively with food.

Their lack negatively affects the training process. The best way to provide them in the required quantity for an athlete is amino acid concentrates. They are available in both capsules and liquid form. This allows you to choose the most convenient form for use.


It is a complex consisting of valine, isoleucine and leucine. It stimulates the efficiency of metabolic processes, allowing you to increase muscle mass, and serves as an additional source of energy for better and more productive training, since it significantly increases strength.

Pre-workout supplements

They are preparations based on minerals and vitamins. They are taken before sports in order to increase the overall tone of the athlete, give freshness and vigor, and increase endurance. This has a beneficial effect on the quality of training, making it as useful and productive as possible.

Intended for use before training, it contains psychologically and physically active stimulant substances: geranamine, beta-alanine, caffeine. Some medications may contain BCAA and creatine.

Nutritious protein bars

They serve as a source of quick energy replenishment and include: compressed cereal, milk (casein) or egg white, muesli or nuts. The bars are great for use both before and after a workout to eliminate the “protein window” effect.

Arginine and other nitric oxide donors

Muscle tissue continuously produces nitric oxide. Therefore, it is of paramount importance for muscle development and growth. Donors have a similar operating principle. They stimulate active production of testosterone and growth hormone.

Supplements for strengthening joints and ligaments

Essential for bodybuilders and those who lift heavy weights. This group of drugs is represented by additives such as collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin.

How to take sports nutrition correctly?

There is nothing complicated about taking dietary supplements. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer and adhere to the recommended dosage. If the instructions for a gainer or protein concentrate indicate a dosage of 1.5 grams for every 1 kilogram of an athlete’s own weight, this is exactly the amount of the drug required per day.

Increasing the dosage will not adversely affect your health and will not bring any side effects. All excess drugs that are not absorbed by the body are simply excreted, that is, they come out naturally.

Gainers for ectomorphs and proteins It is best to consume directly on days of sports activity. They are taken an hour before training and immediately after training. It is recommended to drink cocktails on rest days, no more than once a day.

Creatine and pre-workout supplements should be taken when inevitable “stagnation” occurs in training, characterized by a decrease in motivation for sports. These drugs allow you to get the necessary push to continue moving towards achieving the desired result. They should be consumed in limited quantities. If you overdo it, they will become addictive, that is, they will stop bringing a pronounced effect from taking them.

This sports nutrition regimen is intended for experienced bodybuilders. Beginners starting training require a slightly different approach. For the first months of playing sports, it is enough to take a gainer or protein.

The nuances of choosing the right sports nutrition

Both foreign and domestic manufacturers produce dietary supplements for athletes. Imported drugs are much more expensive. And if an athlete is faced with the question of choosing which manufacturer to give preference to, he should be guided by the fact that the best products were and remain the ones from Optimum Nutrition, Twinlab and Weider. These companies have an impeccable reputation.

There is no need to succumb to the temptation to buy cheap products. A low price is a sure sign that the buyer is faced with either a low-quality product or a counterfeit. Saving on your own health, results and effectiveness of training is highly not recommended. It is best to choose food from trusted manufacturing companies. To buy a truly original drug, and not a fake, you need to make all purchases exclusively in specialized, reputable large chain stores.