Will the wheel reach Gogol? The gate of the hotel of the provincial town of nn a chaise is driving in

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. Are errors necessary? What about victories?

Have you or your children ever felt the bitterness of making a mistake? Or did you get rid of these unpleasant sensations yourself and protect your children?

“I’m sure I won’t succeed!” Have you often heard these words from your child? But it happens that he has not even tried to cope with the task, but is already sure of his failure.

The roots of this problem lie in when, where and under what circumstances the child developed such uncertainty in his abilities.

Where does self-doubt come from? Experiment

Three American scientists managed to uncover this secret of the human psyche. They recruited four groups of volunteers for the experiment, gave them starting tasks of varying complexity and asked them to solve them. The secret was that the tasks for all groups had different degrees of difficulty. The first group A received tasks that were impossible to cope with. The second group B - tasks with a 100% guarantee of completion, the third group C - with a 50/50 decision, and the fourth group D became the control.

Then the groups' capabilities were equalized, since the tasks became impossible for everyone. In this way, they tried to develop “learned helplessness” in them.

What is learned helplessness?

It is this state, which in English sounds like “Learned helplessness,” that perpetuates a person’s dissatisfaction with himself, takes away the desire to develop and transform his life, set and solve problems, not be afraid of difficulties and not retreat from failures. It puts the human body into depression, causing feelings of depression, confusion, and pessimism.

American psychologist Martin Seligman encountered this phenomenon at one time. This was in 1967. He described in detail its features and characteristic features.

Source: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned_helplessness

At the end of the experiment, all groups again received tasks, but now with solvable problems. The result was stunning: only the third group, which in the previous test faced different results, felt the joy of victories and the bitterness of failures, managed to solve them.

What was the reason?

As it turned out, it was they who did not allow this syndrome to take over their consciousness, because the joy from victories was combined with disappointment from failures and did not allow the development of a feeling of helplessness in the face of difficulties. Scientists also noted the fact that complete success or failure in the future does not guarantee victory.

What do the experiment results say?

The experience of this test confirms the vitality of the idea that parents who give their children labels - nicknames “incompetent”, “clums”, “mama’s boy” - raise children who are losers. They are the ones who are configured and enclosed within the framework of psychological attitudes predetermined by adults. A huge fear of going beyond these limits makes them helpless if this happens. It is not easy for children to cope with the “lucky” syndrome, when everything comes easily, without stress and is always successful. And suddenly the very first failure (for example, an exam or test at a university) leads the child into despair, fear of not being able to cope with tasks, and confusion, because he does not know how to determine his real capabilities. That is why both the loser and the lucky one feel equally unhappy in the face of unexpected difficulties. And here main role The experience the child has acquired in overcoming difficulties and obstacles and the ability to accept victories begins to play out. This one childhood stage plays decisive role in the future development of a confident personality.

Soroban School, working with children on this important stage Forming an attitude towards their abilities, teaches them to achieve victories, believe in success and go towards it.

Don’t just receive success as a gift, but earn it through hard work, perseverance, the ability to calculate your strengths and capabilities, and the desire to overcome difficulties. School students receive a star or bracelet for their enormous work on themselves, perseverance and victory.


A specially designed program teaches you how to work here for success. intelligent program homework. It allows you to approach the capabilities of each child individually. Software computer intelligence “sees” the student and selects examples for him that he can cope with and develop his skills. By solving them, the child moves forward.

If suddenly it was not possible to complete it, then he has the opportunity to return to the level being solved. The very movement towards success is accompanied by an approximate ratio of victories (80%) and failures (20). Classes in this program teach a child to rejoice in earned victories and the ability to withstand the blow of failures, and not to be disappointed in oneself. It is very important that the child learns to understand that one cannot always be only a winner or a loser. School mental counting teaches this.

Personal curator

Each student has his own “individual trainer”. It is he who accompanies the child, sees and controls decisions, and, if necessary, will give a signal to the teacher where and what to help, push, give advice if the student is experiencing difficulties.

Monitor the progress, quality and level of homework completion, take into account individual abilities every student and is called upon to intellectually homework. And an experienced coach is always nearby, so he knows when to praise the child for a victory.

Gradation into levels

The bracelets received by students signal the levels they are going through, which means that two difficult concepts are combined in their minds - work and victory. Victory goes to those who move forward, are confident and hardworking. After all, it is the one who walks who will always master the road.

Our students are ordinary children who have both successes and failures. They are unusual in that they persistently learn to win and lose while maintaining dignity, work on themselves and help others learn the same. They are open and inquisitive, active and restless, stubborn and persistent. Everyone together strives to improve the world and themselves in it.

Isn’t this the kind of child we, fathers and mothers, dream of? Of course, we don’t want our child to feel the weight of defeat, resentment and disappointment. But the sooner we show the child the correct alternation of victories and defeats, ups and downs, the faster he will develop and strengthen his character, capable of making the future happy and fulfilling.

But this is the goal that we, loving parents, strive for! Together with Soroban ® to a worthy future!

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Soroban makes cartoons

Soroban School is a real discovery

Man is born to do a lot good deeds to leave your own, even small, mark on history. To do this, you need to know a lot. Little children make mistakes very often, they learn: they try, make mistakes, then draw conclusions and ultimately do the right thing. But it's not easy and long haul. And many people help us along this path: parents, teachers, friends. From childhood, our parents teach us what is good and what is bad, how to act correctly in a given situation. What should you do to avoid making mistakes? What consequences can errors lead to?

In order not to make mistakes, you need to know and be able to do a lot, and this knowledge only comes with experience. The child wants to build a tower out of cubes - and gradually, cube by cube, he learns to build it. One unsuccessful attempt, a second, a third, and then the tower stands stable and strong and does not fall. Desire helps you cope with your task and overcome many other things. Russian poet B.Sh. Okudzhava in his poem “Youth Passes Quickly...” speaks of the realization that with age comes wisdom and experience. It is difficult for a person, through trial and error: “the forehead is sweaty, the soul is bruised.” It’s a sad realization that along with experience, the ability to perceive life as a mystery goes away. A person becomes wiser, his road becomes smooth, even. As it says folk wisdom, “you can’t catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty.”

Sometimes a person commits actions that lead to tragic consequences. And, although he eventually realizes that he made a mistake, nothing can be corrected. Often the cost of a mistake is someone's life. I also want to turn to A. Mass’s story “The Trap.” It describes the action of a girl named Valentina. The heroine dislikes her brother’s wife, Rita. This feeling is so strong that Valentina decides to set a trap for her daughter-in-law: dig a hole and disguise it so that Rita, when she steps, will fall. She carries out her plan, and Rita falls into the prepared trap. Only suddenly it turns out that she was five months pregnant and could lose the baby as a result of a fall. Valentina is horrified by what she did, because she didn’t want to kill anyone, especially a child! Now she will have to live with an everlasting feeling of guilt. The writer wants to convey to us the idea that some mistakes can be irreparable and lead to tragic consequences. “Nothing teaches more than realizing one’s mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education,” said British writer Thomas Carlyle.

I think that mistakes are like punctuation marks in life, without which, like in the text, there will be no meaning. No one is immune from mistakes: not the people who received good upbringing and education, nor brilliant scientists. So there is no point in being afraid to commit them. As G. Lichtenberg said: “Great people also make mistakes, and some of them so often that you are almost tempted to consider them insignificant people.”

Today we decided to turn to own history and began to study documents that speak of the honor of the Russian officer. Peter I was the first to introduce discipline among future military men, ordering that the teaching for youths “An Honest Mirror of Youth, or Indications for Everyday Conduct” be translated into Russian and published (by the way, this event happened exactly 296 years ago). Under him, the “Military Charter” was issued, which formulated the rules for the formation of the military, the relationships of ranks, proper order in the army and the duties that every soldier must observe.

However, there were also important rules, which have nothing to do with military order in the army, but appeal to the conscience and honor of the officer. There was no single set of laws, no “Officer’s Code of Honor”. But in 1904, captain Valentin Mikhailovich Kulchinsky, who later passed through the First world war, put together “Advice to a Young Officer,” in which we found a collection of the officer’s code of honor. Read about what it means to be a gentleman like an officer in this FURFUR material.

Do not take personally offensive remarks, witticisms, ridicule said after you, which often happens on the streets and in in public places. Be above it. Leave - you won't lose, but you'll get rid of the scandal.

If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying anything bad, even if you know.

Don't ignore anyone's advice - listen. The right to follow it or not will remain yours. Be able to take advantage of good advice from another - this is no less an art than giving good advice to myself.

If you have entered a society in whose midst there is a person with whom you are in a quarrel, then, when greeting everyone, it is customary to shake hands with him, of course, if this cannot be avoided without drawing the attention of those present or the hosts. Giving a hand does not give rise to unnecessary conversations, and does not oblige you to anything.

Nothing teaches you more than realizing your mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.

When two people quarrel, both are always to blame.

My last mentor said: “If you don't make mistakes regularly, it's a sign that you're not taking enough risks and not giving it your all.”

Mentors bring the best out of us. They force us to take risks. They tell us: he who does not risk anything does nothing, has nothing and is nothing. Mentors hurt us with their words. And we should be glad that we can be offended. This is a sign that we are alive.

The path to success lies through mistakes. Only if we move forward, without fear of mistakes, will life appear before us in all its fullness. Then we see that in life there are coincidences, fate, fate. Everything we have experienced has meaning. All our experiences and experiences flow into the mission that we must fulfill. Everything matters. We just have to recognize it. Every mistake we make helps us. Every person we meet in the past leads us to new people and new opportunities. But we must recognize the connections ourselves. And this assumes that we are constantly learning and growing in spite of all possible fears.

The reward for such a position will exceed all your expectations.

Key tips Decide now whether you want to be financially independent.

You will never again be satisfied with anything less than the best.

You expand your perception of possibilities.

You only play to win.

Every little thing becomes important to you. Everything becomes important.

You try to be the best you can be.

You are not afraid to make mistakes.

To become very rich, you must open your own business.

Once you have made your decision, I would like to show you in the next chapter how you can protect yourself from further falls. You will see that you can create an environment that helps and supports you.

One thing you should always expect is unexpected circumstances.

For the sake of yourself, your physical and emotional health, for the sake of your family, you must create for yourself as soon as possible financial protection.

Financial protection will put you in a strong position.

No one is immune from accidents or blows of fate, but you can prepare for them and meet them calmly.

Until you have achieved financial security, you should think about budget plans.

Onassis said: “I would do everything the same again, with only one exception: I would start looking for good consultants earlier.”

There are two ways to be happy: we reduce our desires or increase our possibilities... If you are wise, you will do both at the same time.

You have achieved financial security if you have sufficient capital to pay all monthly expenses from interest.

We are only truly good when we do what we love.

To understand what potential is hidden in you, you must long time work on a project that fills you with joy and seems full of meaning.

Become a money professional: live now and prepare your future at the same time.

To create financial protection, you should invest yours as risk-free as possible. To achieve financial security, you choose stable investments that bring 12%. To achieve financial independence, take the money you don't need to be financially secure and invest 50% of that amount in mid-range investments. high degree risk.

The first step to achieving financial independence is making a conscious decision. If you do not make any decision, it means that you have already decided to leave everything as before.

Whoever wrote down a goal and decided to achieve it in any case has already passed half the way, because:

1) goals expand the perception of possibilities,

2) goals give us guidelines for solving problems,

3) goals allow us to play to win, 4) everything becomes important if you have a goal.

We must not fall prey to self-satisfaction.

We shouldn't be people who don't make mistakes, but people who don't give up.

Others can stop you for a while, but only you yourself can stop forever.

If you don't make mistakes, it's a sign that you're not taking enough risks and not giving it your all.

Rules of life [How to achieve success and become happy] Templar Richard

Rule 2. He who does nothing makes no mistakes

The statement that with age comes wisdom is not always true. Perhaps with the amendment “but not to everyone.” If we step on the same rake over and over again, then we must admit that our mental abilities leave much to be desired. But mistakes are different. And your own experience does not always help. You can make different mistakes, but... with enviable consistency. There are no perfect people. Conclusion? Mistakes are inevitable, and there is no point in punishing yourself for them. You need to love and praise yourself, for example, for being able to correct mistakes. Remember, neither age nor experience can save you from them.

But if everyone is strong in hindsight and you can often hear “if I could go back, I would do this and that,” then only a few can predict the mistakes that are yet to be made, and we are not talking about them .

Wisdom is not about not making mistakes, but about getting out of difficult situations with dignity.

Young people think that old age is something abstract and has nothing to do with them. But time takes its toll on each of us, and we can only accept this fact and accept it with calm. Any situation can be perceived as both good and bad. It all depends on how you look at it. The older you are, the more experienced you are, the more mistakes you can avoid. The more flexibility and enterprise we show, the more interesting and exciting our lives will become, the more more roads will open before us. And the more mistakes will be made, of course.

When looking back and analyzing your mistakes, do not forget that in addition to this exciting activity“Great things await you.”

Not only you, but all the people around you grow up and grow old, but not everyone becomes smarter and wiser. Take this for granted and be more lenient with yourself and more generous with others.


Time gives experience; with age, many skills accumulate, both useful and not so useful. After all, than more errors you did that less likely that you will repeat them. By the way, the mistakes of youth have undeniable advantage before others - they cannot be repeated either in maturity or in old age.

From the book Rules of Life [How to achieve success and become happy] by Templar Richard

Rule 50. If you can’t say anything good, remain silent. It’s very simple to complain, express dissatisfaction, criticize. Always much harder to find good words for a specific person or situation. Think of it as a task. Say something nice

From the book How to Awaken Self-Confidence. 50 simple rules author Sergeeva Oksana Mikhailovna

From the book How to Raise Self-Esteem and Become Confident. Tests and rules author Tarasov Evgeniy Alexandrovich

From the book The Book of a Beginning Egoist. System "Genetics of Happiness" author Kalinsky Dmitry

A sapper makes a mistake once... (a case from practice) When a person is afraid of making a mistake, of not being up to par, he does not even strive for success. And, consciously or not, he takes a passive position. After all, who doesn’t make mistakes? That's right, who does nothing. So why bother?

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What the Subconscious Does Most likely, the functions of the Subconscious are much broader than being “at the beck and call” of the Mind. Therefore, we will begin to gradually identify what our wise mind is doing.

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