The script is a journey through literary genres. Journey to a magical land script of an intellectual literary educational program

This lesson helps to maintain interest in reading the works of classics of world literature among cadets, promote a culture of reading, activate and develop the creative abilities of cadets.

Goal and objectives of the game

  1. to support interest in reading the works of classics of world literature among cadets, to promote a culture of reading;
  2. activate and develop the creative abilities of cadets;

Decor: On the stage there is a picture of Library Country, an exhibition of books by classical writers, two tables (or two desks), chairs for the players. In the hall there are seats for jury members.

Musical arrangement: Any fun music that can be played throughout the game as intros.


Three teams of three people take part in the game. Teachers, educators, and senior school cadets are invited to serve on the jury.

To conduct the game, three copies of the painting Library Country (to scale) indicating the travel route, cards with tasks (questions are selected in accordance with the literature program) have been prepared in advance. Blank sheets of paper and markers for completing tasks (or answers to questions are written on cards with tasks). Suggested game scenario for 5th grade.

During the game, spectators of each team also take part; the correct answer to a question brings additional points to the team and the spectator - a card.

The winning team is awarded prizes, other teams and active spectators (who collected the most cards) receive souvenirs.

The game is conducted by the Presenter (the head of the library, educators, teachers can act as the presenter).

Makeevka secondary school I-III levels No. 7

Holiday scenario

« »

Literary Express

« Quest - game« Visiting a fairy tale»»

Belousova E.V. - head of the school library

Teklyuk E.G. – teacher – organizer

Makeevka - 2017

Holiday scenario« Friendship with a book walks the planet»

Literary Express« Quest - game« Visiting a fairy tale»»

Target: drawing attention to books and reading as important factors in the preservation and development of national culture and science; development of reader's interest and motivation for reading, reader's horizons; instilling respect for books and folk tales; increasing the spiritual culture of children through fiction; positioning the school library as the intellectual and spiritual center of the school.

Equipment:1) multimedia equipment (computer, projector, screen, stereo);

2) video presentations “Journey through Fairy Tales”, “Cartoon Hero”, “Literary Quiz”;

3) exhibition of creative works and drawings “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, “My Favorite Literary Hero”;

4) “fairy-tale constructor” (puzzles based on fairy tales);

5) costumes of fairy-tale characters for flash mob;

6) special equipment for the library:

Exhibition of books “Visiting a fairy tale” in sections: “Literary fairy tales”, “Russian folk tales”, “Fairy tales of the peoples of the world”.

Exhibition of creative works “Homemade book”.

Exhibition “Card index of magical objects “Guess who I am and where I’m from?” ":

Kolobok, hare (“Kolobok”),

Snegurochka ("Snegurochka"),

Key ("Golden Key")

Telephone (fable "Telephone"),

Progress of the event

1.Fabulous instruction(conducted by a teacher-organizer)

Children from grades 1 to 5 are divided into teams and “travel” through the stations of the quest game “Visiting a Fairy Tale,” completing various proposed tasks.

Literary Express Stations:

    “Literary Journey” (video quiz on fairy tales, literary works and cartoons).

    “Magic Object” (literary quiz in the library on substations: “Know-It-All”, “Card Index of Magic Objects”, “Guess”, “Guess Who I Am and Where I’m From?”, “Teleportation”, .


    "Fairy tale - designer."

    "Fairytale disco" (magic karooke and flash mob)

Winner's reward ceremony.

1. Fairytale instruction (teacher-organizer)

It is difficult for us to even imagine a world in which there is no book. We got used to her since childhood, she revealed to us the amazing secrets of life and gave useful advice in difficult times, taught us to understand ourselves.

Books will accompany us throughout our lives. They will be our constant companions, they will help us understand difficult issues and solve the most important problems in life. Their main purpose is to preserve knowledge accumulated over centuries and pass it on to next generations. Thanks to this, the rapid progress of mankind in recent centuries in the field of science has become possible. The knowledge we gain from books allows us to move forward without wasting time discovering what someone else already knows. We owe it to the book that today we can enjoy the masterpieces of ancient literature. The book teaches us to be kinder, softer to each other, teaches mercy and empathy. She becomes our faithful friend at a difficult moment, when we need to find the only solution that will help us get out of the current situation.

And a fiction book makes us take amazing journeys into our world. We experience with the heroes, rejoice at their happiness, suffer with them and wait for a happy ending. Today we will take a journey into a fairy-tale world, where good triumphs over evil, and you always have true friends with you.

Tell me, what books have you read lately? What are your favorite heroes? Where does the life of a book begin? What helps the reader quickly find the desired story in a book?

What material was the very first “book” made of? Name the professions of the people who work on creating the book. At school you are a student, and at the library?

1. Station« Literary journey» (video quiz on fairy tales, literary works and cartoons).

1 . How many moon brothers did the heroine of S. Marshak’s fairy tale meet at the New Year’s bonfire? (12)
2. Who turned Vasilisa the Wise into a frog? (Koschei the Deathless.)
3. What were the names of the three bears from L. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Three Bears”? (Mikhaila Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka.)
4. Which of the three little pigs built the strongest house? (Naf-Naf.)
5. What did the queen say when looking into the magic mirror?

(My light, mirror! tell me,
Tell me the whole truth.
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?)

6. Where is the death of Koshchei the Immortal? (Tree, chest, hare, duck, egg, needle.)
7. What was the name of Matroskin’s cat’s cow? (Murka.)
8. How many times did the old man throw the net into the sea? (3.)
9. How many robbers did Ali Baba outwit? (40)
10. Who did Kolobok leave? (From grandparents, hare, wolf, bear.)

VIdea quiz on fairy tales, literary works and cartoons

2. Station« Magic item» (teacher of Russian language and literature, librarian)

Guys, do you like fairy tales? And I love. All people in the world love fairy tales. And this love begins from childhood. Magical, funny and even scary - fairy tales are always interesting. You read, you listen, it takes your breath away. The heroes of Russian fairy tales are noble, kind-hearted, brave, and resourceful. Among the positive heroes of Russian fairy tales there are brave princes, epic heroes, beautiful princesses, and simple peasants. The heroes of fairy tales show different sides of the people's character: nobility, selflessness, wisdom, ingenuity, heroism, selflessness. And the heroes of fairy tales overcome all obstacles thanks to these qualities. In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. And miracles in fairy tales are made by magical objects, they are endowed with good or bad traits, have their own character, and help good or evil heroes. Each master: a shoemaker, a builder, a doctor, a writer - has his own assistants - devices and tools. Without them, it is impossible to perform a miracle: sew a beautiful dress, beautiful boots, build a cozy house, perform a complex operation, write an interesting essay. So the heroes of fairy tales also have their magical helpers. Now we will name them.

Substation« Know-it-all»

1. Competition for the best expert on magical objects from books and cartoons(Magic wand, walking boots, treasure sword, self-assembled tablecloth, samogud harp, magic ball, flying carpet, invisible hat, Firebird feather, living water, dead water, pouring apple and magic saucer, flower- seven flowers, magic pot, Aladdin's lamp, broom and mortar, rejuvenating apples, magic books of spells, magic comb, flint, magic mirror, harp, magic arrow, egg, forbidden key, crystal bridge, golden ring.)

2. Competition for the best expert on magical objects from Russian fairy tales(buckets, oven, mirror, ball of thread, golden saucer and pouring apple, magic book, living and dead water, rejuvenating apples, self-cutter sword, self-cutting axe, wonderful hoop, needle, club, whistle, harp - Samoguda, horn, a goldfish, a flying ship and a magic club, a towel and a magic comb, ts a seven-flowered branch, a scarlet flower, a self-assembled tablecloth, a silver hoof, a broom and a mortar, boots - walkers, an arrow, a magic feather)

3. Competition for the best expert on magical objects from fairy tales of the world.(a flying carpet, a seven-headed dragon, even a forty-headed one, a magic pipe, a self-assembled tablecloth, running boots, Cerberus dogs., magic apples, shoes playing music, a fairy's magic wand, walking shoes; a staff with which you can recognize about treasures underground; a snuff box with magic powder; a magic umbrella and a fairy sprinkler that brings all objects to life; a magic mirror that showed the truth; an amazing pot of porridge from the fairy tale of the same name; the magic whistle of Queen Ramona and glasses made of emerald glass; the magic pipe that Nils made ;magic slippers; spindle; dragon teeth, Aladdin's lamp, galoshes of happiness, Cinderella's glass slipper, invisible hat, magic ring, bean, magic figs).

Substation« »

We have named the magical objects, and now let’s create a card index of them in the library

    Magic objects that grant wishes ( magic wand, petal, ring, Firebird feather, hair, seven-flowered flower, dragon teeth, Aladdin's lamp).
    2. Objects that speak the truth and tell you what is happening(mirror, book, golden saucer and pouring apple).
    3. Items that do the work for the hero(self-assembled tablecloth, self-cut sword, self-cutting axe, wonderful hoop, needle, sword-treasure, batons, magic pot, harp - samoguda, buckets, stove).
    4. Items that restore health and youth(rejuvenating apples, living and dead water, wormwood - “overcome”, a fabulous sprinkler that revives all objects; magic figs).
    Objects showing the way(stone, ball, feather, arrow).
    Items that help the hero overcome difficulties, distance and time ( invisible hat, walking boots, flying carpet, magic ring, broom and mortar, stove, bean)

7. Items that summon assistants ( ring, flint, hairs, dragon teeth, Aladdin's lamp

8. Items that can make everything around you dance(whistle, harp - Samoguda, horn, shoes playing music, Queen Ramona's magic whistle, magic pipe made by Nils)

9. Items that keep the secrets of pests(egg, chest. magic lake)

10. Items that can feed people(tablecloth - self-assembled, magic pot)

11. Items that protect their owner(comb, towel and splinter, doll, donkey skin, invisible hat, magic pipe)

12. Items that can find treasures(Cerberus dogs; a staff with which you can find out about treasures underground; Aladdin’s lamp, a magic cane)

Substation« Guess what»

Competition No. 1« Fairy tale heroes in riddles»

The presenter reads one riddle to each team. You need to guess the hero of the fairy tale. For the correct answer, the team receives 1 point (if each team guessed three riddles correctly, then it receives 3 points for this competition).

1.To fly above the ground,

She needs a mortar and a broom. (Baba Yaga.)

2.Wooden playful

I could make friends with a book.

He got into the puppet theater

He became a loyal friend to the dolls. (Pinocchio.)

3.Loves honey, meets friends

And he composes grumbling stories,

And also - puffs,

chants, sniffles... Wow!

Funny little bear... (Pooh).

4.Not left without a tail

Our good donkey... (Eeyore)

5. Grandma baked for grandfather -

Grandfather was left without lunch:

The boy ran into the forest,

It hit the fox on the toe. (Kolobok.)

6. Lives in Prostokvashino.

All the farming is done there.

I don't know the exact address

But the surname is maritime. (Cat Matroskin.)

7. He always loves everyone

whoever came to him.

guessed it? This is...Gena (Gena the crocodile)

8. There is no more beautiful girl

That girl is no smarter.

And Pierrot, her admirer.

He sings about her all day. (Malvina.)

9.Yes, guys, in this book

The kids live, the little ones,

And there lives one eccentric.

He does everything wrong.

He is reputed to be an incompetent.

Who will name it for us? (Dunno.)

10. Mischievous merry fellow

It just flies through the window.

He came to the Kid's house

And he started a pogrom there. (Carlson)

11. The grandmother loved the girl very much,

Gave her a red cap

The girl forgot her name

Well, tell me, what was her name?

(Little Red Riding Hood)

12.Treats small children,

Heals small animals

looks at everyone through glasses

good doctor...Aibolit

13.Unknown to many for a long time

he became everyone's friend

Interesting fairy tales for everyone

boy the onion is familiar.

Very fast and short

He's called...Cippollino

14. Nose – round snout

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

small crochet ponytail

instead of shoes - hooves

Three of them and what?

Friendly brothers look alike!

Guess without a hint who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf)

15. Near the forest at the edge,

three of them live in a hut,

there are 3 chairs, three pillows

three beds and three mugs,

guess without a hint

who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

(3 bears)

16. Now let's talk

About another book -

There's a blue sea here

The coast here is steep...

The old man went out to the sea.

He threw the net.

Who will he catch?

And what will he ask?

(Gold fish)

17. A girl appeared in a flower cup.

And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold.

The girl was sleeping in the nutshell.

That's the kind of girl she is. How small she is!

Who has read such a book?

Does he know the little girl?


18. Someone grabbed hold of someone tightly:

Oh, I can’t pull it out!

Oh, I'm stuck tight!

But more helpers will come running soon...

Will defeat the stubborn one

Friendly common work

Who stuck so tightly

Maybe it's...Turnip

19.Evening would soon approach

Fairy tales you remember from your favorite books

And, of course, answer me now:

Who was hunting for young Pinocchio?

Well, of course, an evil robber...

210.And the road is not easy,

And the basket is high,

I would like to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.

Masha and the Bear

It's bad to be without a hostess

And she promised them

Don’t get them dirty or hit them...Fedora

21. It’s not a simple horse galloping,

Miracle golden mane,

He carries the boy through the mountains,

But it won’t reset him.

The horse has a son

Amazing horse

An amazing horse nicknamed...The Little Humpbacked Horse

22.And now about someone’s house

We will have a conversation...

It contains a rich mistress

Lived happily

But trouble came unexpectedly,

This house burned to the ground.

23.He looks at the door in alarm

Lame-legged washbasin,

Commander of all washcloths

In a wonderful fairy tale...


24. Walks to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy

Gets to school instead

In a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What's that boy's name?


25.Where am I from, what is my name,

But as soon as midnight comes,

I'll go back to my attic.

Competition No. 2« Complete the name of the literary hero » The presenter calls the first part of the name of the literary hero, and the participants in the game (one by one) fill in the missing name of the hero.

1. Dad... Carlo.

2. Brownie... Kuzya.

3. Dr. Aibolit.

4. Postman Pechkin.

5. Signor... Tomato.

6. Dwarf... Nose.

7. Princess... Swan.

8. Tin Woodman.

9. Ole-...Lukoye.

10. Old man... Hottabych.

11. Koschey...... Immortal.

12. Elena....... Beautiful (Wise)

13. Vasilisa.... The Wise.

14. Sister...... Alyonushka.

15. Brother...... Ivanushka.

16. Tiny.... Khavroshechka.

17. Snake..... Gorynych.

18. Sivka..... Burka.


20.Red…. cap

Competition No. 3» Funny riddles»

Riddles about magical objects

1. Exactly seven petals,

There are no more colorful flowers.

Tear off a petal -

He will fly to the east,

And to the north and to the south,

And he will return to us in the circle.

Make a wish

Expect fulfillment.

What kind of flower is this?

Buttercup? Lily of the valley? Ogonyok? (Seven-flowered flower.)

2. Oh, the cook! Ah, mistress!

You, my friend, get to know her:

All you have to do is spread it out -

He will be able to feed everyone.

There will be a lot of different dishes.

What's the cook's name? (Self-assembled tablecloth.)

3. Many miles ahead.

How can I get through them faster?

You try to put them on shoes -

You will overcome the path in an instant. (Walking boots.)

4.Takes flight

Not a rocket - an airplane.

Not simple - painted,

Not steel, but linen,

Not with a wing, but with a fringe . (Carpet plane.)

5.If you wear it,

You can go anywhere,

And at the same time the enemy

He won't be able to find you in it. (Invisible hat.)

6. The duck knows, the bird knows,

Where Koshchei death lurks.

What is this item?

Give me a quick answer my friend.


7. I am fluffy, soft, round,

I have a tail, but I'm not a cat,

I often jump elastically

I'll swing under the chest of drawers.

(ball of thread)

8.Round, rosy, juicy and sweet,

Very aromatic, filling, sweet,

Heavy, big

What it is?

(Rejuvenating apple).

1 . In most stories, this object is better oriented than a compass in the cardinal directions and never strays from a given route. You can get it by passing some tests from a character wise with life experience (like Baba Yaga). (Universal navigator- ball.)

2 . Fairy tales, where there are magical objects, also tell about many outlandish mythical animals and birds that are always ready to come to the rescue of the main character. Traditionally, they give the central character their feather, which must either be burned, and then the bird will appear, or waved, and then whatever the heart desires will appear (“Finist is a clear falcon”). ( Miracle feather.)

3. Z the cherished dream of every second fairy-tale character, it operates on the “all inclusive” principle. Luxurious dishes and drinks appear before the thirsty, one has only to spread it out ( Self-assembled tablecloth)

4. This object works completely autonomously - they play, sing and even dance themselves. While they are playing, it is impossible to sit still - your legs are trying to dance. In another interpretation, the hero could pull a certain string - and the endless sea would immediately overflow; for another, warships sail across the sea surface, and for a third, ships open fire on the enemy ( Samogudy gusli).

5, It works as if in modern on-line mode. With its help, you can find out what is currently happening in neighboring kingdoms-states. Its variation, considering magical objects from fairy tales, can be called a saucer with a poured apple. Which began its broadcast the instant the apple itself began to move along the edge. ( Magic mirror)

6. In order to safely escape pursuit after completing the quest, the main character had the above-mentioned wonders. Each of them rushed behind the fugitives, and immediately an insurmountable obstacle arose in the path of the pursuers. You could get this item from the same Baba Yaga or pull it out of the ear of a fairy-tale horse. ( Towel or magic comb.)

7. In some, the variation is “seven-mile”. The owner of this thing could move great distances with ease and at the speed of light. The most modern means of transportation may well envy them.( Walking boots)

8. . The use of this device is found not only in Russian fairy tales, it is popular among heroes of tales all over the world. Traditionally, it helps heroes move impressive distances through the air. (Carpet plane)

9. A unique object that hides the owner from prying eyes, making him invisible (Invisible hat..)

10. This item will be remembered by most from the fairy tale of the same name by the great Andersen, because with its help the hero summoned three huge dogs, and they carried out his instructions. But it is also quite often found in Slavic fairy tales, but in this case, having used the thing for its intended purpose, they call a horse or twelve fellows( Flint).

11. A percussion instrument belonging to a recently discharged soldier. In fairy tales, this soldier, having served the required 25 years, returns home. As soon as some misfortune happens, or if the Soldier encounters the enemy’s evil forces that are superior to him, he immediately begins to loudly hit this object . (Drum.)

12 ..A leguminous plant used by the heroes of European fairy tales as a stepladder, on which they climb to a fairly large height. Sometimes to the moon. It usually does not grow higher than the Moon. ( Bean)

13. .Not intended for lighting and is not afraid of dampness. Such objects are used in Arabian tales as places of storage for genies. Apparently, living inside is cramped and uncomfortable, which negatively affects their character. ( Magic lamp)
14 .The method of application and effect is very different from a magic wand. If you are not a hero or a prince, but, for example, Ivan the peasant son, or, especially Ivan the Fool, you have absolutely no need for a treasure sword. This magical item will completely replace it. Of course, it doesn’t look as impressive as a treasure chest, but it doesn’t look any worse. Does not require knowledge of the technique of using edged weapons. Effective in close combat with evil spirits .(Magic club)
15. A must have for any wizard. It is made in different fairy tales in different ways - most often from the branches of a magic tree. Production technology is unknown. Most often it is inherited from a wizard to a wizard or sorceress.
Capable of performing miracles when swung. In this she is similar to a conductor. Only specialists know how to swing. The region of distribution is European fairy tales. However, it is sometimes found in Russian literary works. ( Magic wand.)
16 . A magical musical instrument used by some fairy-tale characters for self-defense. To play it does not require special musical education and knowledge of musical notation. As soon as you blow into it, it will begin to play, and these sounds will make your enemies freeze, and fairy-tale princesses will fall in love with you.
It is recommended to keep away from dampness and small children.( Magic pipe). 17 .A type of rubber fairy shoe, worn in wet weather over your boots or felt boots. When worn, they fulfill any of your wishes. In the fairy tale, they do not bring anything good to the owners, so they have no practical significance.
CONTRAINDICATION: Do not wear on walking boots !(Galoshes of happiness)
18 .A fabulous kitchen utensil, decorated with bells and used for preparing various types of porridges. The cooking process does not require human intervention. It is practical because it does not require a stove, cereal, water, salt, or oil, saving the owner from unnecessary expenses. To prevent the owner of the pot from getting bored from idleness, he sings songs while cooking, accompanying himself with the ringing of bells. ( Pot)
19 . A fabulous medicine as well as a tonic that can revive anyone. Indispensable for travelers, wanderers, heroes and others. It is located miles away in a source, from where it is usually delivered by either a raven or a gray wolf. It is a non-carbonated, colorless, transparent liquid. Keeps well in a bottle, flask, jug. Freezing point unknown .(Living water.).

20. Most often used by fairy-tale heroines in order to “tell the whole truth” about their heroines’ beauty. At times, disappointing. In the “on-line” mode, shows the heroine or hero of a fairy tale events occurring in other fairy-tale kingdoms, states, kingdoms . (Mirror).

21. As a rule, it hangs on an oak tree, for the convenience of the learned cat to walk left and right. Fulfilling this useful task, the golden chain is also an undoubted decoration for any oak tree. (Golden chain)

22 .Opens a secret door located under the stairs in Papa Carlo's closet behind a painting depicting a burning hearth. Because of this key, a series of dramatic events took place in the life of Buratino and his friends, ending with the opening of a new puppet theater. The further fate of the artists and the theater’s repertoire are unknown. .(Golden Key)

23 .Fabulous prototype of a compass and GPRS navigator. Able to lead you to the expected goal and prevent you from getting lost. An indispensable item for any fairy-tale hero, especially if he is not a hero and has poor sense of direction .(Clew)

24 .It looks quite ordinary, shabby, without a title page, indication of the author's name, title and year of publication. One of the coolest fairy-tale items, because on any page, if you are literate, you will read everything you want; Where the treasure sword is kept, under which oak tree the egg, where the Serpent Gorynych took Vasilisa the Wise. How to get there and, most importantly, how to get out of there .(Book)
25. A type of air transport widely used in oriental fairy tales. Convenient for traveling long distances. When flying, safety precautions must be observed, since seat belts are not provided here and the surface is not fenced.
Does not require cleaning. Conveniently combined with a self-assembled tablecloth( Carpet plane.). 26. A fabulous item that fulfills all the wishes of the owner. With its help you can find yourself in the past and in the future, you can build a palace, get married, get married and get rich. To do this, you just need to put it on your finger, make a wish and turn it. (Ring)
27. Delivered by Raven or Gray Wolf complete with a live one. ( Dead water)

28 . An everyday attribute of Baba Yaga, an integral part of the stupa (fuselage), which serves to control the flight of the aircraft. Unpretentious in appearance. In common parlance it is called “pomelo”. When the stupa is idle, you can sweep the yard or hut on chicken legs with a broom.( Broom)

29 . Second generation weapon (first - magic club). “Kladenets” was most likely named for its effectiveness in close combat and high destructive power. It does not require any special skill in use, as it works even in inexperienced hands. Invaluable in battle with Kashchei the Immortal, Zmey Gorynych, dragons and other reptiles . (Treasurer sword)
30 . An old name for a regular lighter. Summons three huge dogs that carry out the delicate tasks of their owners. Method of operation: strike a spark and wait for the dogs to appear. When they appear, do not be afraid, but loudly and clearly order them to fulfill their desire: bring something, or take you somewhere. For safety reasons, dogs need to be fed from time to time. . (Flint)
31. It is used to decorate and illuminate a home (most often a royal one, but sometimes a hut). The thing is beautiful and practical. Saves fuel, electricity, environmentally friendly. They are not produced in mass quantities, as the firebird population is on the verge of extinction. (Feather of the Firebird)
32. A necessary piece of furniture and mode of transport for Russian folk tales and epics. Grandfather and woman, Ilya Muromets, Baba Yaga, Emelya and many others have been lying on it for many years.
Acting as a vehicle, it smokes heavily, but develops a decent speed. Rarely does a Russian fairy tale do without this item. (Stove.)

33 .She is the “overcome”, “stand up” grass. A tonic medicinal plant, similar in effect to living water. Once you drink its decoction, you immediately turn into a hero, even if you didn’t notice this in yourself before taking the medicine. (Sagebrush)
34. Another fabulous form of transport. Belongs to Baba Yaga. In order to take off, sit down comfortably, pick up a broom and hit the ground with it. She immediately takes off. To control the air, you use a broom, which turns the aircraft in the direction you want (Mortar)

35 . Operates on an all-inclusive basis. An essential item for fabulous travels... Doesn't require washing, grocery shopping, or cooking. Successfully replaces a dishwasher. It was probably after its use among the people that the catchphrase “cover the clearing” arose. ». (Self-assembled tablecloth)
36 . A type of high-speed transport common in fairy tales. Western European analogue of the stupa and the flying carpet. Practical, comfortable wearable shoes for long journeys. The speed of movement is not inferior to other fairy-tale analogues. (Boots-walkers)
37 . Not just part of the home interior in oriental and Russian fairy tales. This is both a repository of countless treasures, where sometimes some of the fabulous items listed here lie, and an aircraft, in which the heroes can fly wherever they wish. (Box)

38 . Magic utensils, always used for other purposes. They do not eat from it, using it as a monitor for viewing fabulous news and the latest news. Does not require an Internet connection (Plate).
39 . A useful fairy-tale item with the help of which heroes of European fairy tales find various treasures and objects. Actually, the heroes of fairy tales themselves do not take part in this search. They give orders to the thing, which is engaged in treasure hunting. From time to time, she is able to perform the functions of a magic baton, punishing one of the hero’s offenders. (Cane)
40 .Magic fruits (we are better known as figs, in common parlance as “douli”) come in two types: the first one actively stimulates the growth of branched horns in the person who eats them, the second one gets rid of them .(Figs)

41 . Fabulous thing! Used by fairy tale heroes for reconnaissance purposes, as well as during active hostilities with various evil spirits (Serpent Gorynych, Kashchei the Immortal, Dragon, Baba Yaga and others). Simple and easy to use. It does not require special care. Store in a dry, visible place. (Invisible hat)

42 . It comes in bulk, gold and rejuvenating. The most dangerous thing in fairy tales is liquid. Very appetizing to look at, it is used as a means of poisoning pretty princesses and princesses, after which princes and princes have to go on a long journey to find a way to revive them - either alive, or with a kiss. Both are given to them with great difficulty, and sometimes even with danger to their lives. (Bullseye)
43. It can be simple and golden. The simple one usually contains a needle, at the end of which is the death of Kashchei. It itself is in the duck, the duck is in the hare, the hare is in the chest, the chest is under the roots of the oak tree (Egg.)

Substation« Guess who I am and where I'm from?»,

Children must look at magical objects and guess their names and fairy tales or works where these objects are used.

Exhibition« Card index of magic items« Guess who I am and where I’m from?» »:

Kolobok, hare (“Kolobok”),

Guitar, double bass, drum, trumpet ("Bremen Town Musicians"),

Mortar and broom (“Vasilisa the Beautiful”),

Basket with pies and little red riding hood (“Little Red Riding Hood”),

Tablecloth with dishes (“The Scarlet Flower” “A self-assembled tablecloth, a self-shaking wallet and two from a bag”),

Pot of bells (“Magic Pot”),

Pot and Ax (“Porridge from an Axe”),

Basket with snowdrops (“12 months”),

Hare, fox, hut (“The Fox and the Hare”),

Golden egg, chicken (“Ryaba Hen”),

Plate with a gold border and an apple (“The Scarlet Flower”),

Mirror (Sleeping Beauty),

Pero (“Finist – the clear falcon”),

A ball of thread (“Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”),

Copper lamp ("Aladdin's Lamp"),

A ship with scarlet sails (“Scarlet Sails”),

Masted ship, globe, spyglass, map, compass (“Children of Captain Grant”),

Flower in a vase (“Scarlet Flower”),

The Crystal Slipper (Cinderella),

Snegurochka ("Snegurochka"),

Frog with a stick (“Frog – Traveler”),

Water lily, pupa, toad (“Thumbelina”),

Key ("Golden Key")

Piglet ("The Three Little Pigs"),

Telephone (fable "Telephone"),

Ant (Dragonfly and Ant),

Smoking pipe (Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson),

Cat and calf (“Three from Prostokvashino”,

Crown, pieces of ice, staff (“The Snow Queen”),

Cheburashka ("Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka"),

Rybka (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”),

Magic wand and pumpkin (Cinderella),

Dudochka (“The Adventures of Nils”),

Substation« Teleportation»(Magical objects in our time)

Name where we can find “magical” objects in our time?

    Firebird feather. (Lamp, spotlight)

    A sleigh that is pulled by itself. Emelya stove. (Car, snowmobile)

    Remember, Emelya’s buckets carried the water themselves. (Water pipes)

    Gusli - samogudy. (Record player)

    Mortar. Carpet plane. Boots are fast walkers. Broom and mortar. Magic umbrella. (Rocket, plane and other means of transportation)

    Miracle is a mirror. Plate with apple. (TV, computer)

    A ball of thread indicating the way. An arrow. (Compass)

    Cauldron Pot with bells. (Multi-cooker)

    Staff and cane that reveal treasure locations (Metal detector)

    Flint (Lighter)

    Magic wand, ring, seven-flowered flower, magic feather (grandparents who are ready to do anything for their grandchildren)

    Living and dead water, wormwood - “overcome”, rejuvenating apples, magic figs (medicines)

    Sword - treasure, club (Kalashnikov assault rifle)

    Tablecloth - self-assembled (restaurant or cafe)

    Golden key, magic ring, chest, (Bank card)

For each correct answer, the team is awarded one point.

1. In which state did the heroes of many Russian folk tales live? (in the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state)
2. What was the bun: gingerbread or pie? (with gingerbread)
3. What is the real name of the Frog Princess? (Vasilisa the Wise)
4. Name the long-lived fairy-tale king. (Koschei)
5. Name the formidable weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (whistling)
6. The Poles call her Edzina, the Czechs - Ezinka, the Slovaks - Hedgehog Baba, but what do we call her? (Baba Yaga)
7. Name the birthplace of Kolobok (oven)
8. Name the only heroine of the fairy tale “Turnip” whose name we know? (Bug)
9. Name a fairy-tale character who goes out of his way? (Princess Frog)
10. What is the name of the part of a woman’s dress in which lakes, swans and other elements of the environment are placed (the sleeve of the Frog Princess’s dress)
11. What fairytale headdress can’t be drawn? (invisibility hat)
12. What is the “workplace” of the scientist’s cat? (oak)
13. Which fairy tale tells about the dire consequences of poor fire safety equipment? ("Cat house")
14. Which fairy tale talks about some of the difficulties associated with delivering fresh baked goods to your home? ("Little Red Riding Hood")
15. Who did Winnie the Pooh give an empty pot for his birthday? (to Eeyore)
16. There are 38 parrots, 6 monkeys and 1 baby elephant. Who is this? (boa)
17. Who was the good sorceress to the fairy-tale Cinderella? (godfather)
18. How many letters were “lost” in the original name of Captain Vrungel’s yacht? (2)
19. Name a Russian folk tale in which there were 3 attempted murders and one murder? (“Kolobok”)
20. Which fairy-tale characters lived “30 years and 3 years”? (old man with old woman)

Substation “Fairy Tale Trouble”

Here are the names of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters. But something in these names is confused. The names of the fairy tales are mixed up. There was a commotion. The princess became Khavroshechka, Koschey became the Clear Falcon. There should be no confusion in fairy tales. You must correct these mistakes .

    Metrovochka - Thumbelina

    Three clean ones - three little pigs

    Stupid Vasily – Vasilisa the Wise

    Rusty lock - golden key

    Dog in mittens - cat in boots

    Kikimora under a watermelon - the princess and the pea

    Sivka – duck - Sivka - Burka

    Ivan Korolevich and the orange wolf - Ivan - Tsarevich and the gray wolf

    Princess – Parsley - Princess – Frog

    Fox and 7 koloboks - wolf and seven kids

    Kalancha girl - Thumb boy

    Blue handkerchief - Little Red Riding Hood

    Znayka underground - Dunno on the Moon

    Sand Maid - Snow Queen

    The Tale of the Iron Hen - The Tale of the Golden Cockerel

    Giant Mouth - Dwarf Nose

Substation« The cleverest» (Blitz tournament)

1. What was Cinderella’s carriage made of? (from pumpkin).
2. How much does a ticket to the Karabas Barabas Theater cost? (4 soldi).
3. Who is Freken Bock? (housekeeper).
4. Who was able to defeat the Cockroach? (sparrow).
5.What did the Scarecrow need to get from the Great and Terrible? (brain).
6. What substance did Fatima smear on Ali Baba’s measure? (honey).
7.What was the name of the disease that Dunno suffered on the Moon? (yearning).
8. What did Kai need to lay out from the ice floes? (the word "eternity").
9. In what case does the hair from old man Hottabych’s beard not work? (when the beard is wet). 10. What was in Little Red Riding Hood’s basket? (pies and a pot of butter).
11. How did Thumbelina get to the land of the elves? (on a swallow).
12. What animal did Brother Ivanushka turn into? (into a little goat).
13. What did Emelya drive? (on the stove).
14. Where did the seventh kid hide? (in the oven).
15. Malvina is a girl with what kind of hair? (with blue ones).
16. Who brought Aibolit to Africa? (eagle).
17. In what fairy tale did a bird save the emperor from death? ("Nightingale").
18. In which fairy tale did the sea burn? ("Confusion").
19. What is a “red flower”? (fire).
20. What was the name of Malvina’s poodle? (Artemon)....

Station« Fairy tale - constructor»

For a while, children must collect fairy tale puzzles (you can take any fairy tales)

Station« Fabulous disco»

Substation« Magic karooke»

Songs for karooke:

"Song of the Seven Little Goats"

"Winnie the Pooh Song"

"Song of the Waterman"

"Kolobok's Song"

"Song of Babok Ezhek"

"Song of the Three Little Pigs"

"Little Red Riding Hood's Song", etc.

Substation« Fairytale flash mob»

Prepared children in different fairy-tale costumes organize dance flash mobs for children.

Music for dancing:

"Ball for Cinderella"

"The Journey of Little Red Riding Hood"

"Disco of Bremen Town Musicians and Robbers"

"New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya"

"Dance of Ellie and her friends", etc.

Awarding the winners - the final stop


Books! These are truly reliable friends. You can contact them with any question. After all, there are reference books, various dictionaries, and encyclopedias. They are our irreplaceable helpers. The role of books in human life is great. Without them, neither education nor the culture of our society would be possible.

Unfortunately, today the book has somewhat lost its position. However, despite the rapid development of modern technologies and the appearance in everyday life of various electronic devices that imitate printed publications, not a single, most innovative invention can completely replace a book. Those who truly love a book will never give up the pleasure that comes from the smell of freshly printed pages or the rustle of turning pages. The book, no matter what, will remain with us for many centuries to come. It is books that store everything that humanity has accumulated over all the centuries of its existence in various fields. Come often to the temple of books - the library, and there a beautiful and delightful world will open up to you again!

The theatrical quest game “Journey through the Ocean of Books” was designed to organize extracurricular time on the subject (literature).

Characters :


Baba Yaga,

Harry Potter,

Guardian of the "Avenue of Stars"

Winnie the Pooh,

Keeper of The Da Vinci Code




Welcome, friends, to our ship! Today we will take an unusual trip - we will go on a sea cruise along the Book Ocean. Our final stop is Treasure Island, where, as they say, in ancient times, pirates buried a treasure. The path will be difficult. At each stop you will face serious tests, at the end of which you will receive the treasured word from the statement of a famous scientist. After passing all the tests, on Treasure Island you will have to assemble a sentence from all the words. For better orientation, we will give you route maps. (Appendix No. 1. “Route map”).

First stage: “Hut on Chicken Legs” »

Baba Yaga holds the key:

“Hello! What must I say to enter my hut! (Children say: “Hut, hut...”). But to get the key, you need to solve the riddle. The riddle is fabulous, with humor.

Mystery : Name the woman who was the first to conquer airspace and became the owner of the world's first aircraft. (Baba Yaga and the stupa) 2 points. Well, of course, it’s all me, Baba Yaga! Come in (gives the key). Do you want to know how old I am? Then guess the riddles and write down the answers in numbers in order.Exercise : Guess the riddles and write down the answers in numbers in order. You should end up with a FOUR digit number. For each number - 1 point.

1. She stands alone among the sheet when the notebook is empty. Lifting her nose to the ceiling, She scolds the student. And like a heron in the swamps, she pecks at Him for laziness. Even though she has one leg, she is slender, proud, and strict. Neither a crane nor a tit. But just...(unit)

2. Complete the proverb: “I know how my ... fingers” (five)

3. Guess, guys, what kind of figure is an acrobat? If it stands on your head, it will be exactly three more. (six) 4. Remember the words from the song “Merry Company” to the words of Sergei Mikhalkov: Beauty, beauty, We are taking with us a cat, Chizhik, a dog, Petka the bully, a monkey, a parrot . What a company!

Question: How many members did the company consist of? (six)

Answer:1566 years (for each correct number in the correct order 1 point)

And now hit the road, along unknown paths, where there are traces of unprecedented animals.

Guardians of the “traces of unseen beasts”,

Decoration of the place: animal tracks are painted on the floor and hung on the walls

5 sentries near five riddle tracks (you can offer any riddles). Each trace is a mystery 1 point.

Second phase

Harry Potter: “Hello. You have arrived on the Book Jungle Island. To get the treasured key, guess the riddle:

Although not a hat, but with a brim,

Not a flower, but with a root.

Talking to us

In language everyone understands (BOOK)

I offer you “Library Adventures”

Exercise : choose 2 people from the team who, in 1 minute, will find a book on the bookshelves, an excerpt from which you will read together. 5 points

“Tom went outside with a bucket of lime and a long brush. He looked around the fence, with a sigh, dipped his brush in the lime, ran the brush over the board, looked at the fence: how much was left to paint, sighed again and sank to the ground in despair.

Ben appeared from the gate. He jumped, danced and gnawed on an apple. Tom saw him, and suddenly a brilliant idea came to his mind! Tom took the brush and calmly got to work, not paying attention to Ben: he would make a stroke, walk away and admire his work.”

And now your road lies through the Island, the name of which must be guessed now and get the coveted points.

Exercise : The name consists of the phrase “noun in I.p. + noun in R.p.”:

Noun I.p. is a road in a park or garden, lined on both sides with trees or shrubs.

Noun R.p is the answer to the riddle “Golden coals are scattered across the sky” 5 points. “Walk of Stars” (board of honor “Pride of the School”).

Third stage

Decoration of the “Avenue of Stars” place.

A signpost that says: “If you go to the right, you won’t find anything. If you go to the left, you will find “Green Island.”

Guess where to go and get extra points.


1. Nearby is a repository of knowledge about plants, animals, humans (biology room - 1 point)

2. State the name of the owner of this repository and its translation (Victoria “victory” - 1 point)

Fourth stage

Decoration of the place “Green Island”.

Flowers, umbrella and items from the Lost and Found.

Winnie the Pooh: Hello everyone. May your days be sweet. Oh, UMBRELLA! Who lost it? (which literary hero (heroine)?

Answer: MARY POPPINS – 1 point

Yes! How sad it is to lose your things...Remember the story about my friend’s lost tail? So I decided to organize a Lost and Found Bureau.

Exercise: in 1-2 minutes, guess the characters of literary works or the title that could lose these items: 1 point for each + 1 point for the title of the work + 1 point for the author.





Queen Stepmother

Pot with ball

Winnie the Pooh


Papa Carlo




Fly Tsokotukha





You can use any other objects from literary works: cream (“The Master and Margarita”), a spindle (“The Sleeping Princess”), checkers (“Dead Souls”), a microscope (“Lefty”) and others.

Fifth stage

Hello. You are on the Unsolved Mysteries Peninsula.

Quest "The Da Vinci Code" 1: The great Leonardo da Vinci encrypted the names of writers. Among the confusion of letters, find as many names of writers as possible. Maximum 13 points (1 point per last name).


Sixth stage

Island of Sweet Dreams

Carlson: “A moderately well-fed but terribly handsome man at the very dawn of his strength greets you. You all know that I am a sweet tooth. Especially jam. But getting to it is not easy. Help...Huh?!

Exercise : “Who owns what?” Match the words in the left column with the corresponding proper names.

Seventh stage

Pirate : Yeah, gotcha! How dare you enter our territory? Do you have any idea who you ended up with and what we are going to do to you now?!

I'm a dashing sea pirate

The devil himself is no longer my brother.

I am an enemy to anyone at sea,

Above me is a black flag.

My shelter in the sea,

There I rob ships.

And sometimes I drown

And I am hoarding treasures.

This landscape is lovely to the eye:

Waves, fight, boarding.

I love to live by robbery

And be friends with sharks

What? Do you want to find a treasure? And finding treasure is not easy. Here is a “note” for you. And the marine semaphore alphabet will help you solve it.


The guys find a chest with treasure (candies - gold coins). They open it, there is a “BOMB” (an inflated balloon with the inscription “Minus 5” and a ticking clock).

Note: The ticking clock can be downloaded online.

You must complete the final task within 1 minute, otherwise the “Bomb” will explode (the balloon will burst)

Final task: Putting the “parts” of the quote together

"Books -

ships of thought,


along the waves of time

and carefully carrying their

precious labor

from generation to generation".

Municipal budgetary educational institution
comprehensive boarding school No. 1
Basic general education in Tomsk
Compiled by:
Belyaeva Irina Ivanovna,
MBOU boarding school No. 1

Tomsk 2013
(for primary and secondary school age)
Goal: To educate children to respect books, development
curiosity, outlook and interest in reading, development of creative and
stage abilities, introduction to the world of book lovers.
 Colorful signs: “Meadow of Fairy Tales”, “Castle of Fairy Tales”, “Boulevard”
nature and ecology", "River of Poetry and Songs", "Friends Square".
 A ball of thread.
 A set of fabric bags or Kinder Surprise boxes with
various fillers (fragrant herbs, bay leaves, garlic, etc.).
 Knitted finger figurines of characters from the fairy tale “Mitten”
(Ukrainian folk tale).
 Cut-out pictures - the words “Names of the fairy tale.”
 A selection of short poems about Tomsk.
 Selection of musical accompaniment.
Progress of the event
Presenter: Hello, dear children, girls and boys! I'm glad
welcome you. There are thousands of books around us. And they all teach kindness and love.
And today we will travel around the world. What awaits you
interesting to know? Do you really want to see everything?
Children: Yes.
Host: A lot of interesting things await you: “Glade of Fairy Tales” and “Castle
Fairy Tales", "Boulevard of Nature and Ecology", "River of Poetry and Songs", "Square
friends." Books are needed to be read. Do you guys like to read?
Let's check if you are ready to travel, are you reading?
Children: Yes!
Host: Now we will conduct a short quiz.
Quiz "Do you read?"
1. What did Eeyore lose? (Tail).
2. He kept his death at the end of a needle (Koshey the Immortal).
3. With whom did the girl Ellie travel to the Emerald City? (Totoshka,
Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Cowardly Lion).
4. What was the name of the girl that the Bear was carrying in the box? (Masha).
5. What was the name of the girl who melted the icy heart? (Gerda).

6. What was the name of Kolobok’s last friend? (Fox).
7. Cool Grandmother living in a hut on chicken legs? (Baba
8. Who laid the golden egg? (Chicken Ryaba).
9. What time of year did the jumping dragonfly sing? (Summer).
10. The big vegetable that grandfather couldn’t pull out of the ground? (Turnip).
11.What was the name of the leader of the pack in Mowgli? (Akela).
Presenter: Well done, guys! I'm glad that many of you like to read,
love books. Guys, do you know how to handle a book?
Children: Yes!
Presenter: We will now check this and repeat the rules for handling
a book. I offer you the game “Yes - No”.
Game "Yes - no"
What does a book like?
Cover - Yes.
Dirty hands - No.
Bookmark - Yes.
Rain and snow - No.
Caring attitude - Yes.
Lascu - Yes.
Scrambled eggs - No.
Clean hands - Yes.
Lying on the floor - No.
Fight - No.
Live on a bookshelf - Yes.
Curious readers - Yes.
Now I know everything about you for sure:
You are good kids, there are many smart people among you.
So be it, we will become friends with you,
But first we must take an oath of allegiance.
I will read it out loud, and you will repeat after me.
I swear to be a careful and exemplary reader!
I swear to cherish, love and respect books!
I swear to use the knowledge gained from reading books only for good
affairs for the benefit of people!
I swear! I swear! I swear!
So, are you ready to travel? Then let's go.
The books invited us to the city.

Have you forgotten your ingenuity?
I want to warn you in advance,
That there are trials ahead.
A few minutes before the start
They are waiting for us in the village of Skazkino.
How can you not choose a path,
There's no way around it.
So let's hurry up! Us with you
Looking forward to meeting good friends.
Let's throw a ball into the distance
And there is no doubt even
What is needed from all roads
He will show us right away.
Bon Voyage!
And so that the path seems not so far to you, let's sing a verse from
songs “If you went on a journey with a friend...”.
Host: Many amazing discoveries,
incredible adventures
the inquisitive reader will experience. We have a journey to make
through the pages of literary works.
All the girls and boys
We know that they love books very much,
They love fairy tales, they love songs...
And to make it more interesting,
We invite you to play
Solve all the tasks.
Host: First stop “Glade of Fairy Tales”. Fairy tale! She has known you for a long time.
Even without being able to read, you heard these soul-bewitching words: “In
lived in a certain kingdom, in a certain state...” A fairy tale is always
was considered a fiction, but a useful fiction. Do you want to look at yourself from
sides and get rid of shortcomings that you had not noticed before? Read
once again carefully read Vitaly Gubarev’s tale “The Kingdom of Crooked”
Attention! Question one: What is special about the names of all the main characters of this
fairy tales?
Children's answer: Names are read backwards: Olya - Yalo, Toad - Abazh, Friend -
Gurd, Gadina Anidag.
Host: From the moment a person is born, he begins to learn. They teach him
a ray of sunshine and a butterfly flying past, a funny picture and kind
a song, a fun game and a favorite book. Being a stranger is not only shameful, but also
dangerous. And you will see this if you meet the main character of the book
Leah Geraskina “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons” by Vitya Perestukin.

Question two: Which punctuation mark was Vitya most offended by?
Children's answer: Comma.
Presenter: In the “Glade of Fairy Tales” there is a “Castle of Fairy Tales”. You need to go through
through it to get to the next stop. And here they are waiting for you
the following tests:
 Make up the correct title of a fairy tale from the cut words.
Game "Collect the name of a fairy tale"
Terem teremok Mukha - Tsokotukha
Sivka – burka Little Red Riding Hood
Old Man Hottabych Heat - Bird
Sister Alyonushka Tsvetik - seven-colored
Ruffed Hen Fox and the Hare
Scarlet Flower Three Bears
Puss in Boots Crocodile Gena.
The presenter quickly asks a question that should be answered immediately
answer (Please note that some questions may have
several possible correct answers).
"Blitz - survey"
1. In which fairy tale does the hero change his voice to achieve his goal? (Wolf in
fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats").
2. Which fairy tale hero is kidnapped by birds? (Vanyushka in the fairy tale “Gusilebedi”).
3. Whose house became cramped? (To the animals in the fairy tale “Teremok”).
4. Who was almost killed by curiosity? (Cockerel in the fairy tale “Cockerel -
Golden Comb", Masha in the fairy tale "Three Bears").
5. Who suffered because of their laziness? (Piglets NifNif and NufNuf in a fairy tale
"Three piglets").
6. Who did knowledge of botany help? (To the peasant in the fairy tale “The Peasant and the Bear”).
7. Which fairy tale hero gets into various unpleasant situations because he
didn't go to school? (Pinocchio in the fairy tale “The Golden Key”).
8. Which hero was saved by the love and dedication of a girl? (Kaya in a fairy tale
"The Snow Queen").
9. In what fairy tales did fish help people? (The pike in the fairy tale “On the pike
command", Goldfish in the fairy tale "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish").
10. Who is portrayed as cunning in Russian fairy tales? (To the fox).
 Children must answer unusual questions.
"Quiz is hilarious"
1. Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product?

2. Name the heroine of the Russian folk tale,
Which was
agricultural product? (Turnip).
3. Which of the fairy-tale characters was very fond of the saying “One head is good, but
two are better"? (Dragon).
4. In which Russian folk tale are housing problems solved by saying
in smart, adult language, problems of housing and communal services?
5. In which Russian folk tale did the brother disobey his sister once?
violated sanitary and hygienic rules and paid severely for it?
(“Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, drank from a puddle - turned into
6. Which hero of the Russian folk tale caught fish in a very original way?
way? What words should he have uttered? (Wolf,
lowering his tail into the hole, he said: “Catch, fish, big and small).
7. What type of energy did Baba Yaga use when flying in the mortar? (Devilry).
8. What family of domestic birds does the heroine of the Russian folk tale belong to?
a fairy tale that carried items made of precious metals for the owners? What's her name
what was your name? (Chicken Ryaba)
Presenter: Then our ball rolled. And our next stop
"Boulevard of Nature and Ecology".
"Literary detective mysteries"
Host: At this stop, I suggest you guys become young
detectives. To begin with, you need to answer the following questions.
Question: Tincture from this plant acts on a person as
a sedative, and cats get excited by it. It's no coincidence
The plant is called cat root. Those who have read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain is probably remembered for the episode when Tom gave Peter the cat a treat.
medicinal drops. “He danced in the middle of the room in mad joy,
bowing his head to his shoulder and expressing indomitable joy to everyone. Then he
rushed throughout the house, causing chaos and destruction in his path.” From which
Was the plant made into a tincture?
Answer: Valerian.
Question: In Andersen’s fairy tale “The Wild Swans,” Eliza wove shirts for her
brothers. What plant did she make it from?
Answer: From nettles.
Question: In the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven
“bogatyrs” the insect bit the matchmaker Baba Babarikha. What is the name of
insect and where did it bite the heroine?
Answer: Bumblebee, on the nose.
Question: A flower for a kind, affectionate girl.

Answer: The scarlet flower from Aksakov’s fairy tale.
Question: A nut that could be used to remove witchcraft from
Answer: Krakatuk nut. A. Hoffmann's fairy tale "The Nutcracker".
Question: Which birds “saved Rome”? These birds are used for
preventing robberies.
Answer: Geese. This happened, according to legend, as follows. IN
in the darkness of the night, the enemy army of the Gauls climbed the fortress walls on
Capitol Hill. The dogs were silent, the guards did not notice anything, and only
The geese, sensing the enemy, woke up the Roman soldiers with their alarming cackling.
The fact is that geese are very careful birds, and a resting flock always
posts several watchful “sentinels” in case of danger.
Question: Having found a treasure, a lady buys a new household appliance and invites
many guests. However, in a difficult situation, ungrateful guests do not
wanted to help the owner. Who rescued her?
Answer: Mosquito.
Host: Now we’ll rest a little and play a detective game
“Recognize by smell” (For this game you need to pick up wormwood leaves,
mint, tansy, fragrant chamomile, thyme, fragrant fruits of berry plants.
You can add onions, a small pine sprig, dill leaves, etc. Every
The sample is placed in a jar and closed with a lid with holes. Playing
you should know what kind of plant it is by smell).
Then our path lies to the “River of Poetry and Songs”.
And wide and deep,
The river overflows
It flows smoothly
It rushes headlong from the mountains,
And all the wealth of these waters
It's called poetry.
Let's walk along the river
There's a road there
It's time to read poetry.
Do you know many of them?
Well, who are your favorites now?
Will you read poetry for us, friends?
Host: And now guys, I suggest you read poems about our city.
Children read previously learned poems about their hometown Tomsk.
(Appendix No. 1)

Host: And now we will hold a small competition. I will read
definition for a children's song, you guess it and then everyone sings the verse
this song.
Competition “We have all sung songs”
1. A song about a part of land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy
constant eating of tropical fruits (“ChungaChanga”).
2. A song about a heavenly-colored vehicle (“Blue Car”).
3. A song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical
composition and at the same time sunbathing (“I’m in the sun
4. A song about a plant that grew in the wild and was cut down
peasant (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”).
5. A song about how fun it is to march with a group (“It’s fun together
6. A song about a small insect creature whose color resembles a certain
vegetable (“There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass”).
7. A song about how bad weather conditions can’t ruin a holiday
(“We will survive this trouble”).
Presenter: We read poems, sang songs, but our ball does not sit still, it
everything rolls and rolls. And he rolled into “Friends Square”.
We will play an interesting game at Friends Square. Literary heroes
take turns telling you about their friend, and you guys guess who's talking and
what kind of friend are we talking about?
Game “I’ll tell you about a friend, and you’ll find out who I am”
1. “Oh, I’ve been building a house for many years. Each brick came to me with
with great difficulty. And then a terrible misfortune came to me: my house was built
a booth for an angry dog. And then my friend helped me. Resourceful and brave
he was able to outwit the dog and took my house with me into the forest, where our enemies
can not found. Oh!" (Kum Pumpkin and Cipollino. J. Rodari “Adventures
2. “Beautiful roses bloomed on our windows. We lived cheerfully and amicably. But
One winter, a piece of a magic mirror fell into my eye, and I began to see
everything is evil and ugly. I found myself in the kingdom of a soulless sorceress and was...
ready to become her obedient servant. But a brave weak girl challenged her to a fight
and won the victory to save me” (Kai and Gerda. G. H. Andersen.
"The Snow Queen").
3. “I dreamed of being given a dog, a faithful friend. But mom and dad
For some reason they were against it. And yet I have a friend - my best friend
in the world, a moderately well-fed middle-aged man, the best expert in the world
steam engines, rooster drawer, world's best bun eater"
(Kid and Carlson, A. Lindgren “Carlson, who lives on the roof”).

Host: And now I suggest standing in a circle and resting a little. (All
stand in a common circle and perform movements in accordance with the text)
Stand up children, stand in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Turn left, turn right
And smile at each other.
Hands stretched out to the sun,
They caught the rays and quickly pressed them to their chest.
With this ray in my chest
Look at the world more clearly.
Presenter: We rested and didn’t notice how our tangle again brought us to
"Glade of Fairy Tales." When do fairy tales come to life? Think only for New
year? But no. Now we will revive a fairy tale. You know everything
Russian folk tale "Teremok". Is there a similar one in content?
Ukrainian folk tale "Rukavichka". And you and I will play it now.
Do you agree?
Children: Yes!
To play a fairy tale here,
We need to give roles to everyone.
Who can guess the riddle?
He immediately gets the role.
(The presenter asks riddles about the heroes from the fairy tale “Rukavichka”, who
guesses, he gets the given role and the words that he must
will pronounce)
 This little baby
I'm glad even for a bread crumb,
Because before dark
She (Mouse) is hiding in a hole.
 Long ears
Fast paws.
Gray, but not a mouse.
Who is this? ... (Bunny).
 Behind trees, bushes
The flame flashed quickly.
It flashed, ran,

There is no smoke, no fire (Little Chanterelle).
 Who is cold in winter?
Walks around angry, hungry (Wolf).
 Branches crunching in the forest
Here and there.
Looking for acorns... (Boar).
 The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under the blizzard howl,
Sleeps in a snow hut (Bear).
 The living castle grumbled,
He lay down across the door.
Two medals on the chest.
It’s better not to go into the house (Dog).
Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Mitten".
(See the fairy tale script in Appendix No. 2).
Host: And our journey has come to an end. May it be with you throughout life
books are walking, giving joy, hope, romance and a smile.
The song “Smile” is playing.
Appendix No. 1
What is MIBS?
Is it either a mystery or an “X”?
Or a light bulb in the entrance,
Is it the bright disk of the sun?
Since childhood we have been given an immense
a country:
Twenty-five libraries!
Let's never forget them!
We are starting with Sibirskaya -
We walk on our native land...
We'll sit at Central for an hour
And we’ll fly to “Flamingo” -
Everyone is happy about this meeting!
Next is our course to the “Frigate”:
They will tell us how the sons
Defended the honor of the country...
Well, in “Eureka”, friends,
A miracle awaits us, as always.
Let's open the world of beauty
Tomsk winter
Nature has its own rights:
Winter has come again in Tomsk
And spinning with a white smile
Snowflakes are showering us.
And yesterday there was a snowstorm,
She made a bed out of snowdrifts,
And she laughed at Tom,
Ice weaving lace.
You, Siberia, were born for this,
So that winter loves you,
To the snow carousel
You circled until April.
Anokhin Kirill
Oh, how wonderful it is in the Tomsk forest!
It's very lovely there!
Squirrels live in the forest.

And I’ll argue with the writer...
In general, there is no time to be bored,
If we read books.
This is our system:
No favors for you!
Through the West, through the South
Let's return, having made a circle,
As always, to your home:
- "Ring"! - open the door!
Give me some hot tea,
answering our question:
- What is the secret of Tomsk MIBS?
- She has authority!
And there is no flaw in the system!
...The titans came to us.
Everything is great! we were told
Our experience was adopted...
She is 10 years old, like me, -
This sunny country!
Always walk with a book
And enlighten our people!
Poem about MIBS participants
competition "Young talents of the old
cities 2008". Authors: students 4
class of boarding school No. 1
Marina Biryukova, Anya Sergeeva,
Sadovsky Oleg, Gaitur Ivan and others.
10 years. 3rd place
I love my beloved Tomsk,
I love living and creating in it,
I love ancient cities
I love walking around Tomsk.
Tomsk is my pride,
Strength, freedom.
Tomsk is my joy,
Love and care.
I live in Tomsk
And I will live
And never in it
They gnaw nuts almost all the time.
There are also hedgehogs in the forest.
And in the vicinity of Tomsk there is a bear,
who loves the bee.
Wolves are very rare in the forest
They are not often visible to people
come across.
When there was no Tomsk yet, here
they were!
Plants purify the air
Which, alas, people pollute.
Some more plants for people and
animal food.
Let them not disappear from the Earth
Anokhin Kirill
Tomsk rap
Tomsk city
No worse than Omsk.
In this city
There is more happiness than bad weather.
Here nature is beauty
And in winter and always.
Birds fly here
They dream about nests.
In a word, Tomsk residents,
Heal Tomsk!
Safarov Emil
My taiga, my beloved,
Vintage, Colorful.
You are the only one in Russia,
It’s like a fairy tale tower,
All covered in carvings, like a cobweb,
He let the birds out on the shutters,
On the singing birch bark
The master has brightened you up
From blades of grass, from dewdrops
I created it in my spare time
And in Russia's happy hour
He gave this miracle.

I won't bother!
Mikhail Karbyshev
My beautiful city
Tomsk painted
good soul
Forever Young.
City of science and city of labor,
Siberian city, always bloom!
People of labor praise you,
You are in our memory forever.
Unknown Tomsk resident
On three hills
On the four winds
In the taiga region
In the middle, Siberia
My city is worth it
Over the blue river,
Stands and reflects
in centuries.
Sergey Zaplavny
Appendix No. 2
Ukrainian folk tale
 Mouse
 Bunny
 Chanterelle
 Wolf
 Boar
 Bear
 Dog
 Narrator

Lulilyuli, tilitili!
Hares walked on water
And from the river, like ladles,
They scooped up water with their ears,
And then they carried it home.
The noodle dough was kneaded.
hung on my ears -
It was a lot of fun!
But they happen in the forests
More fun miracles!
This fairy tale is not big.
About animals and the mitten.
An old man was walking through the forest,
I lost my mitten -
A new mitten,
Warm, downy.
(Mouse appears from behind the trees on the right).
I'm sitting under a bush.
And I'm shaking from the cold.
The mitten is a mink!
I’ll run to her from the hill -
This is a new mink
Warm and fluffy!
(The mouse runs to the mitten and hides in it. The Bunny appears).
A bunny jumped along the edge of the forest,
His ears were frozen.
And where should I go now?
Where can the unfortunate person warm up?
(The bunny runs up to the mitten.)
Who is inside - an animal or a bird?
Is there anyone wearing this mitten?
(The mouse looks out of the mitten.)

This is Mouse - a scratcher!
Let me go, little girl!
Bunny is very cold,
Bunny is a runaway!
There's enough room for both of us.
It's softer here than on the bed -
The mitten is new,
Warm and fluffy!
(Mouse and Bunny hide in a mitten. Fox appears).
Oh, save me, Santa Claus
Bitten my nose
Running on my heels -
The tail is shaking from the cold!
Answer the fox,
Who's huddling in a mitten?

I'm a Mouse - a scratcher,
Long-tailed minnow!

I'm a Bunny - a runaway,
Little bunny in the mitten!
Have pity on the fox
And put it in your mitten!

There's enough room for the three of us here.
It's softer here than on the bed -
The mitten is new,
Warm and fluffy!
(The Bunny and the Fox hide in a mitten. The Wolf appears).
I howled at the moon at night
And I caught a cold from the cold.
The gray wolf sneezes loudly -
The tooth does not touch the tooth.
Hey, honest forest people,
Who, tell me, lives here?
(The Mouse peeks out of the mitten.)
I'm a Mouse - a scratcher,
Long-tailed minnow!
(The mouse hides, the Bunny peeks out from the mitten.)
I'm a Bunny - a runaway,
Little bunny in the mitten!

I'm a fluffy fox
In the mitten of everyone, sister!
You will let me live,
I will watch over you!
There's enough room for four here.
It's softer here than on the bed -

The mitten is new,
Warm and fluffy!
(The Wolf and the Fox hide in their mitten. The Boar appears).
Oink! The barrel is completely frozen,
The tail and snout are freezing!
This mitten is by the way!
(The Mouse peeks out of the mitten.)
There's not enough space for you here!
I'll get in somehow!
(The Mouse and the Boar hide in the mitten. The Fox looks out of the mitten).
It's cramped here! Well, it's just creepy!
(The Fox hides in her mitten again. The Bear comes out.)
Teddy Bear is freezing
My nose gets cold and my paws get cold.
I don’t have a den!
What's here in the middle of the road?
A mitten will do!
Who, tell me, lives in it?
(The Mouse peeks out of the mitten.)
I'm a Mouse - a scratcher,
Long-tailed minnow!
(The mouse hides, the Bunny peeks out from the mitten).

I'm a Bunny - a runaway,
Little bunny in the mitten!
(The bunny hides, the fox peeps out of her mitten).
I'm a fluffy fox
In the mitten of everyone, sister!
(The fox hides, the Wolf peeks out of his mitten).
The top still lives here,
Warm gray barrel!
(The wolf hides, the Boar peeks out from the mitten).
Well, I'm a boar - a fang,
The mitten is stuck!
There are too many of you here,
Shall I climb in with you guys?
Bear (conciliatory):
Yes, I will somehow!
(Boar and Bear hide in a mitten. Fox looks out of it).
There's nowhere to sneeze here!
(The Fox hides in her mitten again. The Mouse looks out of it.)
Mouse (angrily):
Fat, and also there!
(The mouse hides in a mitten.)

Here the grandfather missed the loss -
He told the dog to run back,
Find the mitten!
(The Dog appears and runs to the mitten.)
Woof! So here she is!
You can see it from a mile away!
Hey you, animals or birds there,
Quickly throw out the mitten!
If I find anyone in it,
I will bark very loudly.
Immediately the grandfather will come with a gun,
He'll take the mitten away!
(Animals jump out of the mitten one by one and run away. The dog takes
mitten and leaves the stage.)
The animals were very scared
They fled in all directions,
They hid somewhere,
And lost forever
New mittens
Warm and fluffy!

O.V. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2002.
1. Holidays all year round: during school hours and in the summer / Comp. Kalashnikov
2. Strelnikova T. We travel, friends, along the “ABC” from “A” to
“I”: A collection of scenarios for attracting children to reading and reading skills
work with information. – M.: Shkolnaya bka, 2005.
3. Scenarios for school holidays/Compiled by: Grebenkina L.K., Zhokina N.A.,
4. Uzorova O.V. Holidays in elementary school. – M.: Publishing House LLC
5. I'm going to class at elementary school: Extracurricular activities. – M.:
Martishina N.V. and others - M.: Center "Pedagogical Search", 2003.
Astrel", 2003.
Publishing house "First of September", 2001.

Journey to the land of cheerful childhood

(Literary festival dedicated to creativity

Agni Barto.)

Hello guys! Our children's book week continues. And today we will go to the land of cheerful childhood through the pages of Agnia Lvovna Barto’s books. This year Agnia Barto would have turned 100 years old; she was born on February 17, 1906. In Moscow, in the family of a veterinarian. The parents sent their daughter to the Moscow Choreographic School and dreamed of her brilliant artistic career. But she never became a ballerina; by that time she was already fascinated by literature. She started writing poetry. The first book was published when A. Barto was 19 years old. Energetic, impetuous, bright A. Barto was always on time and everywhere. And there was enough for everything. She wrote poetry, did translations, wrote scripts for films, and hosted the radio program “Find a Person.” To endless meetings with your readers. Her popularity grew rapidly. The poet's talent manifested itself most clearly in funny poems. A. Barto understood perfectly well that laughter is the shortest path to the heart of a person, especially a small one. A. Barto's poems gained nationwide popularity. They usually have the form of a lyrical miniature - a form that was well developed by Russian poets of the last century, who wrote for the little ones.

It was lyrical miniatures that brought A. Barto the fame of a classic of children's poetry. The poems are warmed with a good feeling and a smile, joy.

Children are not without mischief, not without mistakes in their actions. But they grow and a lot depends on the adults. A. Barto devoted her entire life to children's poetry and left us many wonderful, interesting, instructive poems about children and for children.

And now we are going on a journey to the land of cheerful childhood. When you were very little, your mothers, fathers, grandmothers, and grandfathers read you short poems called toys. And now we will remember these toy poems.


I show you a toy, and you tell me A. Barto’s poem “Toys”.


    We'll wash it in gasoline and wag our fingers.

Don't be such a gape, rubber...( Zina ).

    Me and... (Tamara) go as a couple,

We are orderlies...( Tamara ).

    It happens that girls can be very rude, although

They are not necessarily called... ( Love ).

    The swing takes off left and right,

And the counselor sighs loudly...( Klava ).

    He spent all the color film on...( Alenka ).

    But the old man calls a pioneer - his granddaughter - to replace him...( Lena ).

    It is not clear which of us enters first grade:

Mom or I - Novikov...( Ilya ).

    By phone, day - day.

You can't reach us by phone!

Our people live like this - responsible people:

Three schoolchildren live with us,

Yes, first grader...( Kolenka ).

    It struck five o'clock in the morning,

Little sister woke up

Shouts: - Why are you sleeping?

It's time to get up...( Nikita ).

    She screams from the threshold.

Announces as he goes:

- I have a lot of lessons,

I won't go for bread! ( Lyubochka ).

    Who, who lives in this room,

Who, who rises with the sun? ( Mashenka ).

    We spent the whole morning fiddling with sprouts,

We planted them with our own hands.

My grandmother and I planted seedlings together. ( Kate ).

    Before going to bed I told my mother:

You undress me.

I can't get tired

I'll help you tomorrow.( Tanya ).

And many other names of girls and boys are found in the poems of A. Barto.


4 participants to see who can catch the fish the fastest.

A. Barto wrote a lot about careless guys. Listen, maybe someone will recognize them.

Poem "Lyubochka".

Blue skirt

Ribbon in braid

Who doesn't know Lyubochka?

Everyone knows Lyuba.

Girls for the holidays

They will gather in a circle.

How Lyubochka dances!

Best of all friends.

The skirt is spinning too

And a ribbon in my braid

Everyone is looking at Lyubochka

Everyone is happy.

But if to this Lyubochka

You will come to the house

There you are that girl

It's hard to find out

She screams from the doorway

Announces as he goes:

I have a lot of lessons

I won't go for bread!

Lyubochka rides on a tram

-She doesn't take a ticket.

Pushing everyone apart with your elbows,

He makes his way forward.

She says pushing:

- Ugh, what a cramp!

She says to the old lady

-These are children's places.

“Well, sit down,” she sighs.

Blue skirt

Ribbon in braid

That's what Lyubochka is like

In all its glory.

It happens that girls

They can be very rude

Although not necessary

They are called Lyubs.

And after reading this poem, you guys should understand that it is very important to be able to behave beautifully, to be good and well-mannered.


    They see the girl standing

Very scary looking:

The nose is swollen like a beet,

The dress was all wet. ( The girl is a roarer ).

    The girl screamed loudly

When I saw the washcloth,

Clawed like a cat:

- Don't touch your palms!

They won't be white:

They're tanned.-

And my palms were washed. ( The girl is grimy ).

    Here's how much Tanya has to do:

Tanya ate, drank tea,

I sat down with my mother and sat down,

She got up and went to her grandmother. ( Assistant ).

    Spring, spring outside.

Spring days...( Rope ).

    What was the boy's name?

Which one has a “Kind soul”? ( Vovka is a kind soul ).

    The older sister sneezed

He shouted: - Be healthy!

But I couldn’t just yesterday.

He said this word. ( Letter "R" ).

    He's in a hammock all day

Dozing with an umbrella in his hand. ( About lazy Fedot ).

    Yesterday we played flock,

And we had to growl,

We growled and bellowed

They barked like dogs. ( Herding game ).

    He woke up the whole apartment.

I couldn't sleep until the morning.

Even my grandmother dreamed about it.

That she repeats the lesson. ( To school ).

    What did doctor Seryozha prescribe?

And why was Dima jealous? ( Glasses ).


For example, “The bull is walking, swinging..”, but not in the way you usually read with expression, but as if:

    you make excuses to your friend;

    you are offended by your grandmother;

    you show off to the guys;

    you are angry with your younger brother;

    you are scared of the dog.

A. Barto has a cycle of poems called “Motley Pages”. Do you guys remember what the tits talk about in them?

Two titmice were flying,

Small in appearance

How they flew -

They flew into the book.

They were spinning on the leaves,

They became friends with us.

Where have you been?

Is it far?

We were on Arbat

At school.

We looked into the third grade. (sighs)

There Smirnov fell behind in his studies,

And imagine, because of us!

“The nimble hay is galloping,” -

He wrote on the blackboard

And for this one

In Smirnov's diary.

He was upset, poor thing.

Tears flowed from my eyes.

Yes, and of course it’s hard for us,

What they write about us incorrectly.

What's going on in the corridor?

Students are jumping in a flock,

The boys rush in a crowd,

Everyone is shouting loudly.

We willingly jump ourselves

Up and down, here and there,

We never shout.


You can sing, dance, read a poem...


Two birds flew

Small in appearance

How they flew -

They flew into the book.

They were spinning on the leaves,

They became friends with us.

Two birds said:

- It’s difficult without habit,

And we are too small

To fly according to books.

We have to go back

To us in the forest thickets,

Where it's always cool

Where is the babbling stream.

Titmouses in the forest

They're waiting at roll call.

Two birds sighed

Small ones:

- It’s time for us to say goodbye,

Break up with you!

You are in a snowstorm in winter

Give us some feeders!

flew off the pages

Our two girlfriends

Sat on the cover

And off we go!

They say goodbye to the reader

Nimble tits.

This closes

Motley pages.

And now our journey to the land of cheerful childhood has come to an end, we ask you to count the tokens and come out to us. ( Participants are awarded prizes ).

Goodbye, see you again!


    Barto Agnia Lvovna // Writers of our childhood. 100 names. Biographical dictionary in 3 parts. –Part 1. - M., 1998.- pp. 44-47.

    Barto Agnia Lvovna // Essays on children's writers: A reference book for teachers. - M., 1999. - P. 17-19.

    Polozova T.Holidays for children. To the 90th anniversary of the birth of A.L. Barto. // Elementary school, 1996, - No. 6. - P.64 - 67.

    Khimina O.S. Poetry of kindness // Read, learn, play. The magazine is a collection of scripts for libraries. - 1998. - No. 8. - P.121 - 123.

Compiled by: teacher of Yakut language and literature Burtseva E.I.