The creative path of Dostoevsky is briefly the most important thing. Fyodor Dostoevsky - biography, personal life of the writer: Man is a mystery

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky born October 30 (November 11), 1821. The writer's father came from an ancient family of Rtishchevs, descendants of the defender of the Orthodox faith of Southwestern Rus', Daniil Ivanovich Rtishchev. For his special successes, he was given the village of Dostoevo (Podolsk province), where the Dostoevsky surname originates.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the Dostoevsky family became impoverished. The writer's grandfather, Andrei Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, served as an archpriest in the town of Bratslav, Podolsk province. The writer's father, Mikhail Andreevich, graduated from the Medical and Surgical Academy. In 1812, during the Patriotic War, he fought against the French, and in 1819 he married the daughter of a Moscow merchant, Maria Fedorovna Nechaeva. After retiring, Mikhail Andreevich decided to take the position of doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, which was nicknamed Bozhedomka in Moscow.

The Dostoevsky family's apartment was located in a wing of the hospital. In the right wing of Bozhedomka, allocated to the doctor as a government apartment, Fyodor Mikhailovich was born. The writer's mother came from a merchant family. Pictures of instability, illness, poverty, premature deaths are the child’s first impressions, under the influence of which the future writer’s unusual view of the world was formed.

The Dostoevsky family, which eventually grew to nine people, huddled in two rooms in the front room. The writer's father, Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky, was a hot-tempered and suspicious person. Mother, Maria Fedorovna, was of a completely different type: kind, cheerful, economical. The relationship between the parents was built on complete submission to the will and whims of father Mikhail Fedorovich. The writer's mother and nanny sacredly honored religious traditions, raising their children with deep respect for the Orthodox faith. Fyodor Mikhailovich's mother died early, at the age of 36. She was buried at the Lazarevskoye cemetery.

The Dostoevsky family attached great importance to science and education. Fyodor Mikhailovich at an early age found joy in learning and reading books. At first these were folk tales of nanny Arina Arkhipovna, then Zhukovsky and Pushkin - his mother’s favorite writers. At an early age, Fyodor Mikhailovich met the classics of world literature: Homer, Cervantes and Hugo. My father arranged in the evenings for the family to read “The History of the Russian State” by N.M. Karamzin.

In 1827, the writer’s father, Mikhail Andreevich, for excellent and diligent service, was awarded the Order of St. Anna, 3rd degree, and a year later he was awarded the rank of collegiate assessor, which gave the right to hereditary nobility. He knew well the value of higher education, so he strove to seriously prepare his children for entering higher educational institutions.

In his childhood, the future writer experienced a tragedy that left an indelible mark on his soul for the rest of his life. With sincere childish feelings, he fell in love with a nine-year-old girl, the daughter of a cook. One summer day, a scream was heard in the garden. Fedya ran out into the street and saw that this girl was lying on the ground in a torn white dress, and some women were bending over her. From their conversation, he realized that the tragedy was caused by a drunken tramp. They sent for her father, but his help was not needed: the girl died.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky received his primary education in a private Moscow boarding school. In 1838 he entered the Main Engineering School in St. Petersburg, which he graduated in 1843 with the title of military engineer.

The Engineering School in those years was considered one of the best educational institutions in Russia. It is no coincidence that many wonderful people came from there. Among Dostoevsky's classmates there were many talented people who later became outstanding personalities: the famous writer Dmitry Grigorovich, the artist Konstantin Trutovsky, the physiologist Ilya Sechenov, the organizer of the Sevastopol defense Eduard Totleben, the hero of Shipka Fyodor Radetsky. The school taught both special and humanitarian disciplines: Russian literature, national and world history, civil architecture and drawing.

Dostoevsky preferred solitude to the noisy student society. His favorite pastime was reading. Dostoevsky's erudition amazed his comrades. He read the works of Homer, Shakespeare, Goethe, Schiller, Hoffmann, and Balzac. However, the desire for solitude and loneliness was not an innate trait of his character. As an ardent, enthusiastic nature, he was in a constant search for new impressions. But at the school, he experienced first-hand the tragedy of the “little man’s” soul. Most of the students in this educational institution were children of the highest military and bureaucratic bureaucracy. Wealthy parents spared no expense for their children and generously gifted teachers. In this environment, Dostoevsky looked like a “black sheep” and was often subjected to ridicule and insults. For several years, a feeling of wounded pride flared up in his soul, which was later reflected in his work.

However, despite ridicule and humiliation, Dostoevsky managed to gain the respect of both teachers and schoolmates. Over time, they all became convinced that he was a man of outstanding abilities and extraordinary intelligence.

During his studies, Dostoevsky was influenced by Ivan Nikolaevich Shidlovsky, a graduate of Kharkov University who served in the Ministry of Finance. Shidlovsky wrote poetry and dreamed of literary fame. He believed in the enormous, world-transforming power of the poetic word and argued that all great poets were “builders” and “world creators.” In 1839, Shidlovsky unexpectedly left St. Petersburg and left for an unknown direction. Later, Dostoevsky found out that he had gone to the Valuysky monastery, but then, on the advice of one of the wise elders, he decided to perform a “Christian feat” in the world, among his peasants. He began to preach the Gospel and achieved great success in this field. Shidlovsky, a religious romantic thinker, became the prototype of Prince Myshkin and Alyosha Karamazov, heroes who have occupied a special place in world literature.

On July 8, 1839, the writer’s father died suddenly from an apoplexy. There were rumors that he did not die a natural death, but was killed by men for his tough temper. This news greatly shocked Dostoevsky, and he suffered his first seizure - a harbinger of epilepsy - a serious illness from which the writer suffered for the rest of his life.

On August 12, 1843, Dostoevsky completed a full course of science in the upper officer class and was enlisted in the engineering corps of the St. Petersburg engineering team, but he did not serve there for long. On October 19, 1844, he decided to resign and devote himself to literary creativity. Dostoevsky had a passion for literature for a long time. After graduating, he began translating the works of foreign classics, in particular Balzac. Page after page, he became deeply involved in the train of thought, in the movement of images of the great French writer. He liked to imagine himself as some famous romantic hero, most often Schiller's... But in January 1845, Dostoevsky experienced an important event, which he later called “the vision on the Neva.” Returning home from Vyborgskaya one winter evening, he “cast a piercing glance along the river” into the “frosty, muddy distance.” And then it seemed to him that “this whole world, with all its inhabitants, strong and weak, with all their dwellings, beggars’ shelters or gilded chambers, in this twilight hour resembles a fantastic dream, a dream, which, in turn, immediately will disappear, disappear into steam towards the dark blue sky.” And at that very moment, a “completely new world” opened up before him, some strange “completely prosaic” figures. “Not Don Carlos and Poses at all,” but “quite titular advisers.” And “another story loomed, in some dark corners, some titular heart, honest and pure... and with it some girl, offended and sad.” And his “heart was deeply torn by their whole story.”

A sudden revolution took place in Dostoevsky’s soul. The heroes, so dearly loved by him just recently, who lived in the world of romantic dreams, were forgotten. The writer looked at the world with a different look, through the eyes of “little people” - a poor official, Makar Alekseevich Devushkin and his beloved girl, Varenka Dobroselova. This is how the idea of ​​the novel arose in the letters of “Poor People,” Dostoevsky’s first work of fiction. Then followed the novellas and short stories “The Double”, “Mr. Prokharchin”, “The Mistress”, “White Nights”, “Netochka Nezvanova”.

In 1847, Dostoevsky became close to Mikhail Vasilyevich Butashevich-Petrashevsky, an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a passionate admirer and propagandist of Fourier, and began to attend his famous “Fridays”. Here he met the poets Alexei Pleshcheev, Apollon Maikov, Sergei Durov, Alexander Palm, prose writer Mikhail Saltykov, young scientists Nikolai Mordvinov and Vladimir Milyutin. At meetings of the Petrashevites circle, the latest socialist teachings and programs for revolutionary coups were discussed. Dostoevsky was among the supporters of the immediate abolition of serfdom in Russia. But the government became aware of the existence of the circle, and on April 23, 1849, thirty-seven of its members, including Dostoevsky, were arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress. They were tried by military law and sentenced to death, but by order of the emperor the sentence was commuted, and Dostoevsky was exiled to Siberia for hard labor.

On December 25, 1849, the writer was shackled, seated in an open sleigh and sent on a long journey... It took sixteen days to get to Tobolsk in forty-degree frosts. Remembering his journey to Siberia, Dostoevsky wrote: “I was frozen to my heart.”

In Tobolsk, the Petrashevites were visited by the wives of the Decembrists Natalia Dmitrievna Fonvizina and Praskovya Egorovna Annenkova - Russian women whose spiritual feat was admired by all of Russia. They presented each condemned person with a Gospel, in the binding of which money was hidden. The prisoners were forbidden to have their own money, and the insight of their friends to some extent at first made it easier for them to endure the harsh situation in the Siberian prison. This eternal book, the only one allowed in the prison, was kept by Dostoevsky all his life, like a shrine.

At hard labor, Dostoevsky realized how far the speculative, rationalistic ideas of the “new Christianity” were from that “heartfelt” feeling of Christ, the true bearer of which is the people. From here Dostoevsky brought out a new “symbol of faith”, which was based on the people’s feeling for Christ, the people’s type of Christian worldview. “This symbol of faith is very simple,” he said, “to believe that there is nothing more beautiful, deeper, more sympathetic, more intelligent, more courageous and more perfect than Christ, and not only is there not, but with jealous love I tell myself that it cannot be... »

For the writer, four years of hard labor gave way to military service: from Omsk, Dostoevsky was escorted under escort to Semipalatinsk. Here he served as a private, then received an officer rank. He returned to St. Petersburg only at the end of 1859. A spiritual search began for new ways of social development in Russia, which ended in the 60s with the formation of Dostoevsky’s so-called soil-based beliefs. Since 1861, the writer, together with his brother Mikhail, began publishing the magazine “Time”, and after its ban, the magazine “Epoch”. Working on magazines and new books, Dostoevsky developed his own view of the tasks of a Russian writer and public figure - a unique, Russian version of Christian socialism.

In 1861, Dostoevsky’s first novel, written after hard labor, was published, “The Humiliated and Insulted,” which expressed the author’s sympathy for the “little people” who are subjected to incessant insults from the powers that be. “Notes from the House of the Dead” (1861-1863), conceived and begun by Dostoevsky while still in hard labor, acquired enormous social significance. In 1863, the magazine “Time” published “Winter Notes on Summer Impressions,” in which the writer criticized the political belief systems of Western Europe. In 1864, “Notes from the Underground” was published - a kind of confession by Dostoevsky, in which he renounced his previous ideals, love for man, and faith in the truth of love.

In 1866, the novel “Crime and Punishment” was published - one of the most significant novels of the writer, and in 1868 - the novel “The Idiot”, in which Dostoevsky tried to create the image of a positive hero opposing the cruel world of predators. Dostoevsky's novels “The Demons” (1871) and “The Teenager” (1879) became widely known. The last work summing up the writer’s creative activity was the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” (1879-1880). The main character of this work, Alyosha Karamazov, helping people in their troubles and alleviating their suffering, becomes convinced that the most important thing in life is a feeling of love and forgiveness. On January 28 (February 9), 1881, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky died in St. Petersburg.

1821 1881 Russian writer.

Russian writer, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1877). In the stories “Poor People” (1846), “White Nights” (1848), “Netochka Nezvanova” (1846, unfinished) and others, he described the suffering of the “little man” as a social tragedy. In the story "The Double" (1846) he gave a psychological analysis of a split consciousness. A member of M. V. Petrashevsky's circle, Dostoevsky was arrested in 1849 and sentenced to death, commuted to hard labor (1850 54) with subsequent service as a private. In 1859 he returned to St. Petersburg. “Notes from the House of the Dead” (1861 62) about the tragic destinies and dignity of a person in hard labor. Together with his brother M. M. Dostoevsky, he published the “soil” magazines “Time” (1861 63) and “Epoch” (1864 65). In the novels “Crime and Punishment” (1866), “The Idiot” (1868), “Demons” (1871 72), “Teenager” (1875), “The Brothers Karamazov” (1879 80) and others, there is a philosophical understanding of the social and the spiritual crisis of Russia, a dialogic clash of original personalities, a passionate search for social and human harmony, deep psychologism and tragedy. Journalistic "Diary of a Writer" (1873 81). Dostoevsky's work had a powerful influence on Russian and world literature.


Born on October 30 (November 11, new year) in Moscow in the family of the staff doctor of the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. Father, Mikhail Andreevich, nobleman; mother, Maria Fedorovna, from an old Moscow merchant family.

He received an excellent education at the private boarding school of L. Chermak, one of the best in Moscow. The family loved to read and subscribed to the magazine “Library for Reading,” which made it possible to get acquainted with the latest foreign literature. Of the Russian authors, they loved Karamzin, Zhukovsky, and Pushkin. The mother, a religious nature, introduced the children to the Gospel from a young age and took them on pilgrimages to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Having had a hard time with the death of his mother (1837), Dostoevsky, by the decision of his father, entered the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School, one of the best educational institutions of that time. A new life was given to him with great effort, nerves, and ambition. But there was another life - internal, hidden, unknown to others.

In 1839, his father unexpectedly died. This news shocked Dostoevsky and provoked a severe nervous attack - a harbinger of future epilepsy, to which he had a hereditary predisposition.

He graduated from college in 1843 and was enlisted in the drafting department of the engineering department. A year later he retired, convinced that his calling was literature.

Dostoevsky's first novel, Poor People, was written in 1845 and published by Nekrasov in the Petersburg Collection (1846). Belinsky proclaimed "the emergence... of an extraordinary talent...".

Belinsky rated the stories “The Double” (1846) and “The Mistress” (1847) lower, noting the lengthiness of the narrative, but Dostoevsky continued to write in his own way, disagreeing with the critic’s assessment.

Later, “White Nights” (1848) and “Netochka Nezvanova” (1849) were published, which revealed features of Dostoevsky’s realism that distinguished him from among the writers of the “natural school”: in-depth psychologism, exclusivity of characters and situations.

Successfully started literary activity ends tragically. Dostoevsky was one of the members of the Petrashevsky circle, which united adherents of French utopian socialism (Fourier, Saint-Simon). In 1849, for participating in this circle, the writer was arrested and sentenced to death, which was later replaced by four years of hard labor and settlement in Siberia.

After the death of Nicholas I and the beginning of the liberal reign of Alexander II, the fate of Dostoevsky, like many political criminals, was softened. His rights to the nobility were returned to him, and he retired in 1859 with the rank of second lieutenant (in 1849, standing at the scaffold, he heard a rescript: “... a retired lieutenant... to hard labor in fortresses for... 4 years, and then private").

In 1859 Dostoevsky received permission to live in Tver, then in St. Petersburg. At this time, he published the stories "Uncle's Dream", "The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants" (1859), and the novel "The Humiliated and Insulted" (1861). Almost ten years of physical and moral torment sharpened Dostoevsky's sensitivity to human suffering, intensifying his intense search for social justice. These years became for him years of spiritual turning point, the collapse of socialist illusions, and growing contradictions in his worldview. He actively participated in the public life of Russia, opposed the revolutionary democratic program of Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov, rejecting the theory of “art for art’s sake,” asserting the social value of art.

After hard labor, "Notes from the House of the Dead" was written. The writer spent the summer months of 1862 and 1863 abroad, visiting Germany, England, France, Italy and other countries. He believed that the historical path that Europe took after the French Revolution of 1789 would be disastrous for Russia, as well as the introduction of new bourgeois relations, the negative features of which shocked him during his trips to Western Europe. Russia’s special, original path to “earthly paradise” is Dostoevsky’s socio-political program in the early 1860s.

In 1864, “Notes from the Underground” was written, an important work for understanding the writer’s changed worldview. In 1865, while abroad, in the resort of Wiesbaden, to improve his health, the writer began work on the novel Crime and Punishment (1866), which reflected the entire complex path of his inner quest.

In 1867, Dostoevsky married Anna Grigorievna Snitkina, his stenographer, who became a close and devoted friend to him.

Soon they went abroad: they lived in Germany, Switzerland, Italy (1867 71). During these years, the writer worked on the novels “The Idiot” (1868) and “Demons” (1870 71), which he finished in Russia. In May 1872, the Dostoevskys left St. Petersburg for the summer for Staraya Rusa, where they subsequently bought a modest dacha and lived here with their two children even in winter. The novels “The Teenager” (1874 75) and “The Brothers Karamazov” (1880) were written almost entirely in Staraya Russa.

Since 1873, the writer became the executive editor of the magazine "Citizen", on the pages of which he began to publish "The Diary of a Writer", which at that time was a life teacher for thousands of Russian people.

At the end of May 1880, Dostoevsky came to Moscow for the opening of the monument to A. Pushkin (June 6, on the birthday of the great poet), where all of Moscow gathered. Turgenev, Maikov, Grigorovich and other Russian writers were here. Dostoevsky's speech was called by Aksakov "a brilliant, historical event."

The writer's health deteriorated, and on January 28 (February 9, n.s.) 1881, Dostoevsky died in St. Petersburg. He was buried in the cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is rightfully considered one of the greatest and most talented literary figures, not only at home, but also abroad. The influence he had on world literature and the minds of millions is undeniable. A wide variety of people name his name among their favorite authors. Among them are the current Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, French actor Gerard Depardieu and many others.

Theatrical productions based on the works of Dostoevsky can be seen on the stages of almost all European capitals. Meanwhile, the average reader knows little about the life of the recognized genius, whose words and thoughts do not lose relevance even a century later. But he had to endure many trials...

Fyodor Mikhailovich in Moscow on October 30, 1821 in the family of Mikhail Andreevich and Maria Fedorovna Dostoevsky. The father of the future writer was a staff doctor, an excellent doctor, but a rather strict person. The mother was kind and understanding, who put up with her difficult beloved husband.

Fedor was the second child in a family of eight. Despite the fact that the Dostoevsky family was quite friendly, children more than once had to become unwitting witnesses to quarrels between their parents. And perhaps it was his father’s character that led to the fact that at the age of 16, young Fyodor had to experience the first tragedy in his life - his mother died. By that time, Fyodor and his brother Mikhail were in one of the private boarding houses in Moscow, graduating from which in 1838, they became students at the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School.

In 1839, grief struck the Dostoevsky family again - the father of the family, Mikhail Andreevich, died of apoplexy. Meanwhile, there were persistent rumors that the peasants themselves had dealt with him, because the master behaved indecently with young girls. Is this true or not - who can answer us now? But the blow suffered affected Fedor: Dostoevsky for the first time had an attack of epilepsy, which haunted the future writer.

After graduating from college, Dostoevsky got a job in the drafting department of the engineering department, but retired in 1844, deciding to devote himself to literary work. And in 1846, Fyodor Mikhailovich’s first story was “Poor People.” In many ways, this was facilitated by Dmitry Grigorovich, a writer with whom Dostoevsky was familiar from school. It was he who took the work of the aspiring writer to Nekrasov, who published it in his magazine.

After the publication of “Poor People,” the public began talking about the young writer as the hope of Russian literature. Belinsky himself appreciated Dostoevsky's work. It seemed that this was it, the wonderful beginning of a serene creative path, but new tests were in store for the genius.

The writer’s stories that came out after “Poor People” did not have the same success. In addition, Dostoevsky became a frequent guest of Mikhail Petrashevsky, an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who had a very extraordinary collection of literature banned at that time. Petrashevsky happily provided the opportunity to read it to his like-minded people, who considered themselves continuers of the work of the Decembrists and supporters of utopian socialism.

In fact, educated young people gathered at Petrashevsky’s, who loved to indulge in discussions on pressing topics, nothing more. Yes, and Dostoevsky was basically alien to the ideas they propagated, and one can rightly believe that soon Fyodor Mikhailovich would have calmly changed his circle of friends... but fate decreed otherwise. The Petrashevites were accused of reading the forbidden “Letter of Belinsky to Gogol,” which the authorities classified as revolutionary literature, and Nicholas I, who feared a repetition of the events of 1825, sentenced the freethinkers to death.

On December 22, 1849, nine convicts were taken to the scaffold. After a tour by the priest, the first three condemned were tied to a post, caps pulled over their eyes, and they raised their guns, preparing to open fire and carry out the order. A moment - and everything will happen. And then the convicts were announced a change in punishment: execution was replaced by 4 years of hard labor and settlement in Siberia.

In January 1850, Dostoevsky was taken to the Omsk fortress, where the writer served his sentence until 1854. Years of hard labor provided him with invaluable experience and an opportunity to learn about human types and destinies. The writer dedicated the book “Notes from the House of the Dead” to this period of his life, which would later become a classic of literature.

At the end of his hard labor, Dostoevsky enlisted as a private in the Siberian Line Battalion and served there, while simultaneously petitioning for his reinstatement of his rights, and in 1856 he received the rank of officer. In 1859, he left Semipalatinsk, where his service took place, and went to Tver, and then to St. Petersburg, where he finally received permission to live. Here, together with his older brother Mikhail, Fyodor founded the magazine “Time”, on the pages of which “The Humiliated and Insulted”, as well as “Notes from the House of the Dead” will soon be published.

In 1864, after the magazine was closed due to problems with censorship, the Dostoevskys opened the Epoch magazine. But the new brainchild of the brothers was not destined to exist for a long time: in April of the same year, Mikhail died, and a little over a year later the last issue of “Epoch” was published. Dostoevsky goes to European cities, which he had dreamed of for so long, to relax and see the world. Although there was, of course, another reason for this.

As in the life of any person, love experiences had an undeniable influence on the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich. The writer experienced his first strong feelings in 1854, immediately after completing hard labor. While on duty in Semipalatinsk, Dostoevsky meets Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva (nee Konstant), the wife of an official on special assignments. Despite all the blows of fate (Isaeva’s husband became an alcoholic, and she was forced to raise a young child alone), Maria Dmitrievna, who was sick with consumption, had an extraordinary personality (among other things, she had French blood flowing in her). Dostoevsky gave the features of Maria Dmitrievna to his heroines: Katerina Marmeladova, Katerina Verkhovenskaya from The Karamazov Brothers, Nastasya Filippovna.

In 1855, Maria Dmitrievna’s husband was transferred to Kuznetsk. In August of the same year, Isaev dies. But an obstacle appears on the way again: in Kuznetsk, a young widow quickly acquired a new gentleman - a teacher named Vergunov, having met whom, Dostoevsky was ready to retreat for the sake of the happiness of his beloved. But Isaeva chose him. Meanwhile, Dostoevsky was by no means happy in this marriage: he and his wife had no children, and besides, Maria Dmitrievna was not at all interested in his work. All this led to the fact that another woman appeared in the writer’s life.

In 1861, after one of the writer’s speeches to students, a young lady approached Dostoevsky, calling herself his talent. She turned out to be 22-year-old Appolinaria Suslova, a volunteer student at St. Petersburg University. Polina's father (as her household called her) was a peasant who bought himself and her from the landowner. He strove to give his children a good education, so he spared no effort in educating his daughters.

The outbreak of feelings led to a whirlwind romance, which soon turned into torture for both. Appolinaria was not happy that Dostoevsky did not want to divorce his wife because of her illness.

A year before Maria Dmitrievna, Dostoevsky and Suslova decided to visit Paris. Polina left Russia first, since Fyodor Mikhailovich still had urgent matters to attend to at home. When he finally arrived in France, it turned out that Appolinaria had found herself a new lover. It turned out to be a young Spaniard.

The news of his mistress’s new hobby shocked Fyodor Mikhailovich, but he continued to stay close to her. The affair with the Spaniard ended in a quick separation (he left Suslova), and Polina’s life with Dostoevsky never worked out. Trying to annoy him, Appolinaria refused to become his wife, while keeping the writer close to her. Many years later, Polina will once again show her full essence, this time in a relationship with the critic Rozanov, whom she will be 20 years older than and to whom she will not give a divorce for 20 years.

Dostoevsky was rescued from the vicious circle of connections with Appolinaria by the second wife of the great writer, the young stenographer Anna Snitkina. We can say that she was sent to the writer by fate - at the moment when Dostoevsky did not have time to submit “The Player” (by the way, guess who was the prototype of Polina?), a young fan of his work came to the rescue. The novel was dictated to her at 26 days. Since then, she and the writer have been inseparable.

Anna Snitkina can rightly be called the wisest of the three femme fatales in Dostoevsky's life. She created all the conditions for creativity for the writer, forgave him his passion and sometimes excessive jealousy, gave him children and family comfort, thanks to which Fyodor Mikhailovich was able to forget about Suslova. It was during his second marriage that Dostoevsky wrote The Idiot, The Demons, The Teenager and The Brothers Karamazov. For Dostoevsky, Anna was an angel, and he never ceased to admire her until his last day.

Fyodor Mikhailovich died on January 23, 1881 from emphysema. He spent his last minutes in the company of his loved ones. Anna survived him by 37 years, never ceasing to serve her husband: she published collections of his works and helped biographers in their work. Half a century after her death, Anna Grigorievna’s ashes were transported from Yalta to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and buried next to Dostoevsky’s grave. Just like she always dreamed of.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is probably the most famous writer in Russia, his works are rightfully considered the best examples of world literature. The writer’s first novel, “Poor People” (1846), gave rise to classify him as one of the so-called Gogolian trends in Russian literature - the natural school. But in subsequent works, such as “The Double” (1846), “White Nights” (1848), “Netochka Nezvanova” (1849), the degree of Dostoevsky’s realism, the profound psychologism of the writer-thinker, the exclusivity of situations and characters became obvious. worldview was influenced by the democratic, socialist ideas of V. G. Belinsky, the views of French utopian socialists. The young writer attended Petrashevsky’s society, actively participated in the ideological activities of the revolutionary circles of S. F. Durov and N. A. Speshnev. In the work “Notes” written after hard labor from the House of the Dead" (1861-62) deeply depicts the suffering of ordinary people, A.I. Herzen compared it with Michelangelo's "Last Judgment" and with Dante's "Hell".

Dostoevsky was a more than active participant in the public life of the country, put forward sociopolitical theories, propagated the theory of pochvennichestvo, wrote a lot about possible ways of social transformation, attitude towards the people, problems of ethics and the essence and role of art. The author created his most outstanding works: “Crime and Punishment”, “The Idiot”, “Demons”, “Teenager”, “The Brothers Karamazov” in the 60-70s. These works deeply reflected the moral, philosophical and social views of the great writer and thinker. His work deeply reflects the contradictions of gray reality and social views in an era of breakdown in social relations. The basis of the realistic creativity of the greatest Russian writer is human suffering, the tragedy of a humiliated, disadvantaged individual. He brilliantly depicted the dual feeling of a person in a situation where, on the one hand, he feels his insignificance, on the other, he longs for protest. He defended the right to personal freedom, but believed that unlimited self-will gives rise to anti-humanistic actions; he considered crime as a typical manifestation of the so-called law of individualistic self-affirmation. In his works, he contrasted heroes with an analytical, all-destructive mind, with heroes with subtle spiritual intuition. The genius combined the intellectual depth of a thinker, the strength of an unsurpassed psychologist, and the passion of a publicist. He founded an ideological novel in Russian literature, the plot of which develops mainly around the struggle of ideas, the clash of worldviews, the bearers of which are the heroes of works of art.

“All his novels, almost without exception, deal with people in straitened circumstances. Such material in itself is the key to exciting reading. However, Dostoevsky became a great writer not because of the inevitable plot intricacies or even because of his unique gift for psychological analysis and compassion, but thanks to the instrument, or, more precisely, the physical composition of the material, which he used, that is, thanks to the Russian language.” Joseph Brodsky.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky


Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky born October 30 (November 11) 1821 year in Moscow. He was the second son of eight children in the family. His father Mikhail worked as a doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, where he spent his childhood years F.M. Dostoevsky. Upon completion of homeschooling Fedor Dostoevsky Together with his older brother Mikhail, he studied French for a year in the half-board of the teacher of the Catherine and Alexander schools, N. I. Drashusov.

WITH 1834 th 1837 th year Mikhail and Fyodor Dostoevsky studied at the prestigious Moscow boarding school of L.I. Chermak. The brothers were very close, their spiritual connection continued into adulthood.

Mikhail and Maria Dostoevsky

IN 1837 A number of important life events occur in the year Dostoevsky: mother Fedora died of consumption, Pushkin, whose works he (like his brother) had been reading since childhood, died, also this year Fedor moves to St. Petersburg and enters the Main Engineering School. In "A Writer's Diary" Dostoevsky he recalled how, on the way to St. Petersburg, he and his brother “we dreamed only of poetry and poets,” “and I was constantly composing a novel from Venetian life in my mind.” Despite their dreams, the brothers were unable to realize their humanitarian inclinations and enter Moscow University. At the insistence of my father and due to financial difficulties.

IN 1839 Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky dies.

The young man did not feel any calling to future service. All my free time from classes Dostoevsky I devoted myself to reading and composed at night. After graduating from college in 1843 year Dostoevsky was enlisted as a field engineer-second lieutenant in the St. Petersburg engineering team, but the very next year he resigned and was discharged from military service with the rank of lieutenant. Fedor decided to devote himself entirely to literature

While still at school Dostoevsky worked on the dramas “Mary Stuart” and “Boris Godunov”. In January 1844 of the year Dostoevsky I wrote to my brother that I had finished the drama “Jew Yankel.” He also translated foreign novels.

At the end of May 1845 In 2006, the aspiring writer completed his first novel, “Poor People,” which was commendably received by N. Nekrasov and V. Belinsky. The work brought popularity to the author. Everyone started talking about the “new Gogol”. Dostoevsky was warmly welcomed into Belinsky's circle. There was an acquaintance with I. Turgenev. But his following works: the psychological story “The Double” (1846), “The Mistress” (1847), “White Nights” (1848), “Netochka Nezvanova” (1849) - were coolly received by critics, who did not accept his innovation and desire to penetrate into the mysteries of human character. Dostoevsky He experienced negative reviews very painfully and began to move away from I. Turgenev and N. Nekrasov.

in autumn 1848 of the year Dostoevsky met N.A. Speshnev, around whom the seven most radical Petrashevites soon rallied, forming a special secret society. Dostoevsky became a member of this society, the goal of which was to create an illegal printing house and carry out a coup in Russia.

Shortly after the publication of "White Nights" in the early morning of April 23 1849 year, the writer, along with many Petrashevites, was arrested and spent 8 months in prison in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Although Dostoevsky denied the charges against him, the court recognized him as “one of the most important criminals.” Trial and harsh sentence of death on December 22 1849 years on the Semyonovsky parade ground was furnished as a re-enactment of the execution. The feelings he may have experienced before his execution Dostoevsky conveyed in the words of Prince Myshkin in one of the monologues in the novel “The Idiot”.

This was followed by four years of hard labor in Omsk and soldiering in Semipalatinsk. The only book that prisoners were allowed to read was the Gospel, donated by the wives of the Decembrists. Here he fell passionately in love with Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva, who, in his words, was “a woman of the most sublime and enthusiastic soul... An idealist in the full sense of the word... she was both pure and naive, and she was just like a child.”

In November 1855 of the year Dostoevsky promoted to non-commissioned officer, and then to warrant officer; in the spring 1857 The writer was given back hereditary nobility and the right to publish. Police supervision over him remained until 1875.

February 6 1857 of the year Dostoevsky married Maria Isaeva in the Russian Orthodox Church in Kuznetsk. At the end of December 1859 year Dostoevsky with his wife and adopted son Pavel returned to St. Petersburg.

During this period, the stories “Uncle's Dream” and “The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants” (both 1859), as well as the first novel “Humiliated and Insulted” (1861) were published. Time spent in hard labor Dostoevsky described in his book “Notes from a Dead House” (1861-1862), which was a huge success.

IN 1862-1863 gg. the writer traveled abroad. “Winter Notes on Summer Impressions” (1863) and “Notes from the Underground” (1864) were published. Fyodor Dostoevsky and his brother organized the magazine “Time” (1861-1863) and “Epoch” (1864-1865), in which the works of authors of that time were printed and published.

IN 1864 -year the writer’s wife and elder brother passed away.

The novel “The Gambler” (1866) contained the experiences Dostoevsky associated with the loss of his wife, as well as with passionate love for A. Suslova.

Literary scholars include the so-called “great pentateuch” among the most significant works of the writer, which includes the mature novels “Crime and Punishment”, “The Idiot”, “Demons”, “Teenager” and “The Brothers Karamazov”.

So, in January 1866, the novel “Crime and Punishment” began to be published in the Russian Messenger. The long-awaited world fame and recognition is coming. During this period, the writer invites a stenographer to work - a young girl Anna Grigorievna Snitkina, who 1867 - year becomes his wife. But due to large debts and pressure from creditors Dostoevsky forced to leave Russia and go to Europe, where he stayed with 1867 By 1871 gg. During this period, the novels “The Idiot” and “Demons” were written.

Upon the writer’s return to Russia, the most favorable period of the writer’s life begins in material and family terms.

At that time, “Demons” (1872) was being created; in 1873, work began on “A Writer’s Diary”; “Teenager” (1875) and “Meek” (1876) were written.

WITH 1872 year, the writer’s family spent the summer in the city of Staraya Russa, Novgorod province. To improve his health, Dostoevsky often traveled to Germany on the Ems.

IN 1873 - year begins to work on the “Diary of a Writer”, with 1876 year it comes out as an independent work. IN 1875 -year the world saw the novel “Teenager”.

IN 1880 year in Moscow, in the Noble Assembly, Dostoevsky delivered a famous speech dedicated to the opening of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow. In it, the writer, in particular, said:

“Pushkin is an extraordinary phenomenon and, perhaps, the only manifestation of the Russian spirit,” said Gogol. I will add from myself: and prophetic... And never before has any Russian writer, neither before nor after him, united with his people as sincerely and kindly as Pushkin... Pushkin died in the full development of his powers and undoubtedly took with him to the grave some great secret. And now we are solving this mystery without him.”

From October 1878 year Dostoevsky settled with his family in an apartment at 5/2 on Kuznechny Lane, where he lived until the day of his death on January 28 (February 9) 1881 of the year. Here in 1880 In the year he finished writing his last novel, The Brothers Karamazov. Today the apartment houses the Literary Memorial Museum F.M. Dostoevsky.

F. M. Dostoevsky was buried at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.