Cool hour for Mother's Day. "Mom - there is no closer person"

Goals and objectives: to support a caring attitude towards a woman - a mother, strengthening the foundations of the importance of the family and the role of the mother - the housewife, intercessor, and keeper of the family hearth. An expression of love, reverence and respect for the mother - a worker.


1. Improving the relationship between parents in the person of the mother.

2. Fostering a sense of devotion to the mother and her importance in the family.

3. Formation of a respectful and caring attitude towards the dearest person - mother.

Preparing for class:

1. Selection of materials for the script (poems, songs, parables, proverbs).

2. Invitation to a gathering of mothers and grandmothers.

3. Prepare original greeting cards.

4. Photo of the presentation:

a) beloved grandmother's eyes

b) mommy - beloved

5. Multimedia – presentation:

"We are mother's boys"

6. Design of the “Five for Mom” stand.

7. Miniatures “About my beloved mother.” Essays, poems.

8. Songs about mother: T. Gverdtsiteli - “Mother’s Eyes”, T. Povaliy - “To Mommy”.

The main word in any language.

This word will never deceive you,

There is a being hidden in it.

It is the source of everything.

Get up! I'll pronounce it:

“Mother” Rasul Gamzatov


Host: Today we are holding Classroom hour on a very special topic, today we will talk about the dearest person who not only gave us life, but always thinks about us, cares, helps, protects, loves and hopes that we will be healthy and happy, we are talking about mom. Listen and think about the words of the poet:

I'm in the cradle -

sing me a song, mom.

Here I am at the wedding -

sing me a song, mom.

I became a hero -

sing me a song, mom.

I was betrayed -

sing me a song, mom.

Here I am in the grave -

sing me a song, mom.

They forgot me -

sing me a song, mom!

What these lines mean is clear to everyone. Mom is shelter in bad weather, warmth in cold weather, a cool breeze in hot weather, a healing bandage for a wound, light in the night, mom is life, pure unselfish love...

Song by T. Gverdtsiteli - “Mother’s Eyes”.

Conducts a tour of the photo presentation - “Mommy's Beloved”.

Readers' speech:

1. Who do we meet first?

Coming into the white light -

So this is our mommy

She's no cuter.

All life revolves around her

Our whole world is warmed by it.

She's been trying all her life

Save us from troubles

She is a pillar of strength in the house.

Busts every hour

And there is no one else.

Who would love us so much

So more happiness for her

And she will live longer

And joy is her lot

And less sad things to do.

2. I do everything for my mother:

I play scales for her

I go to the doctor for her

I teach mathematics

All the boys climbed into the river

I was sitting alone on the beach

For her after illness

I didn’t even swim in the river.

3. I wash my hands for her.

I’m eating some carrots...

Only now we are apart

Mom in the city of Priluka

Fifth day on a business trip

And today the whole evening

I have nothing to do

And, probably out of habit

Or maybe out of boredom

I put matches in place

And why do I wash my hands?

4. Mom, very, very

I love you

I love you so much that at night

I can't sleep in the dark

I peer into the darkness

I'm hurrying Zorka.

I love you all the time

Mommy, I love you

Here comes the dawn

It's already dawn

No one in the world

There is no better mother.

5. I love you so much

I need you

And at any hour and any day

Has always been with me

I love you so much that I can't even say it

But I don't like it when

Your eyes are in tears.

6. I love you so much

At least go around the whole world

There is no one more beautiful than you

There is no one more tender than you

There is no kinder you

There is no one more beloved than you,

No one


My mother

My mother.

7. If you offended your mother, ask for forgiveness.

It’s a sin to offend her family

God gave her great patience

I'll worry about you all my life.

Host: And I want to remind you of an old parable: a young man fell in love with a proud beauty, who told him that she would love him only when he brought her his mother’s heart. The young man killed his mother, tore out her heart and carried it to the beauty, he was in a hurry, tripped, almost fell, and his mother’s heart carefully asked: “Son, are you hurt?”

Multimedia presentation:

"We are mother's boys."

Presentation of greeting cards and creative works to the mothers present.

Host: And of course, today we cannot help but say kind and affectionate words about those who gave life to our mothers and fathers - these are our beloved grandmothers. Mom's grandmothers, father's grandmothers, caring, thrifty, always ready to help you, because it is known for sure that they love their grandchildren more even than their own children. Grandmothers will always help you with good advice, feed you delicious pies and buns, and understand and judge all your troubles. And modern grandmothers are wise, literate, well-read, beautiful women who are fluent in a foreign language, computer, photography, and the Internet. Is there really an area of ​​science or economics that our grandmothers could not figure out? Thank you dear, kind women.

And with all my heart, on behalf of your children and grandchildren, I want to say these words:

You, as always, are full of worries

After all, life was not easy,

Oh, so many hard, hard days

It passed through your heart,

You deserve joy in life

Many days are already ahead

So be happy and healthy

And every day and every hour

Photo presentation: “Beloved grandmother’s eyes.”

Performance by mothers and grandmothers.

Song by T. Povaliy - “Mommy”.

Conclusion: There is an old saying: “A mother carries her child under her heart for nine months and next to her heart all her life.” Always remember this, do not offend your mothers, they are not eternal, take care of them. Say kind words to your mothers, not only on the day of the holiday, but constantly. Take care of them, protecting them from worry and troubles.

If you want, I’ll tell you one secret: mothers love flowers very much. And even if you are not able to buy her luxurious roses, bring her a modest bouquet of daisies on a summer day. And your mother will smile so much in response to your gift that this radiant smile will forever remain in your memory! And perhaps, in an hour of despondency and sadness, when there is no one nearby who could support you, you will remember your mother’s smile, and a heavy burden will roll off your shoulders, and your heart will feel so light!

On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness, and affection.

Thank you dear, proud, strong, gentle! Always live with faith and hope, and of course, with great love. We wish you health, peace and prosperity. Be happy!

Host: Thank you, dear grandmothers and mothers, for taking the time to come and rejoice with us on your holiday.

Let every day

You will be bright

Let your heart

Will be generous

We sincerely wish you happiness

Joyful victories at work

May all misfortunes pass you by

It's as if they don't exist in nature.

GAPOU SO "Engels Polytechnic"

computer science teacher

Engels 2016

Class hour: For Mother's Day

Class hour in the form of a workshop on value orientations "Mom - there is no closer person"

Description of material: This class hour is dedicated to Mother's Day. At the preparatory stage, a conversation was held with students on the topic: “Mom, there is no closer person.”

The class hour is aimed primarily at cultivating spirituality in students and this is important.

The form of the event provides an opportunity to reveal one’s personality, gain communication experience, and express oneself in creativity, and the content helps to find answers to questions about relationships with parents, since conflicts between generations are most often observed in adolescence.

The theme of Mother is not new, it is eternal, but each time the material is new.

Target The activities were formulated by the students themselves and were achieved during the conversation.

This class hour fits organically into the system of educational work, since the main goal of my teaching and educational work is to cultivate spirituality, that is, “the human in a person” in students.

The main goals of this event are:

Expand students' knowledge about the history of Mother's Day;

To form in children a respectful attitude towards their family, love for their mother and respect for her work and patience;

Promote the unity of children and parents, the formation of positive emotions.

Classroom objectives:

Be able to express your love for your mother through art, words, music;

Create an environment of comfort for free communication and relaxation;

Show the creative abilities of class students.

Preparatory work:

1. Conduct an interview (or video interview) with students “Why is your mother the best?”

2. Make a “magic” daisy: on the back of the petals are written the words “the most charming”, “the most affectionate”, “the kindest”, “the most charming smile”, “the most beautiful eyes”, “the sweetest”, etc.

3. Prepare flowers.

4. Invite parents to the party.


Computer, multimedia player, presentation “Mom is the main word” (a set of photographs with women and children).

Class progress

Teacher: Hello! We are pleased to welcome you to our celebration dedicated to Mother's Day!

Student 1 : In this world there are words that we call holy. And one of these holy, warm, affectionate words is the word “mother”. The word that the child says most often is the word “mom”. The word that makes a gloomy adult smile is also the word “mother”. Because this word carries within itself the warmth of a mother’s hands, a mother’s word, a mother’s soul.

Student 2: Mom is the most beautiful word on earth! This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world: in Russia mom, mommy, in England, the USA - maze, mammi, in Germany - mutter, mutti, in Ukraine - mamo, mati, in Spain, In Italy - madre, mamita, in Belarus - matulya, in the Czech Republic - mamichka. This means that all people honor and love mothers. Mom is the first word, the main word for everyone on earth!

(presentation demonstration)

Teacher : Many countries celebrate Mother's Day. People congratulate their mothers, give gifts, and organize a holiday for them. In our country, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Mother's Day has been celebrated since 1998 on the last Sunday of November. Our dear mothers! Today, on Mother's Day, we want to please you with our performances and surprises. Accept congratulations from your children on this holiday!

Playing the flute (lonely shepherd)

Student 3: From the bottom of my heart, in simple words,

Let's friends, let's talk about mom.

We love her like a good friend,

Because she and I have everything together,

Because when things get tough for us,

We can cry at our own shoulder.

We love her because sometimes

The wrinkles in the eyes become stricter,

But it’s worth confessing your head -

The wrinkles will disappear, the storm will pass away.

For always being straightforward and straightforward,

We can trust her with our hearts.

And simply because she is our mother

We love her dearly and dearly!

Student 4:

I love you mom, for what, I don’t know.

Probably because I breathe and dream.

And I rejoice in the sun and the bright day -

This is why I love you, my dear.

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around,

I love you, mom, you are my best friend.

Teacher: Dear mothers, today your children confess their love for you and say that you are the best mothers in the world! We ask for your attention!

(demonstration of a video interview with students in the class “Why is your mother the best?”)

Student: (boy): Dear mothers, we have prepared a gift for you - a magic chamomile. Tear off any petal, and you will learn about some feature of your appearance or character! The variety of this chamomile is called “the very best.”

(mothers tear off flower petals)

Student 2 :

Mom is loved by everyone in the world, mom is the best friend!

Not only children love mothers, everyone around them loves them!

If anything happens, if suddenly there is trouble -

Mommy will come to the rescue, she will always help out!

Mothers give a lot of strength and health to all of us.

So, it’s true – there are no better mothers in the world!

Teacher : For each of us, be it a small child or an already graying adult, mother is the dearest, dearest person in the world. Mom thinks about us always and everywhere. Mom will always accept us as we are. She will understand and forgive, because a mother’s heart is always with her child.

I propose to conduct an experiment. I invite those who want to participate in it to come to me.

(mother-child couples are welcome)

During the experiment, we will make sure that any mother with her eyes closed will recognize her child! (mothers are blindfolded, they must recognize their child by touch)

(musical accompaniment: “Song of the Baby Mammoth”)

Student 6: Do you know that our mothers cook over 500 types of a wide variety of dishes throughout their lives; On average, mothers spend more than 3,000 sleepless hours at the bedside of their sick children; and they also wash mountains of laundry; if you add up all the washed laundry, you will get a mountain as tall as Elbrus; if you fold all the towels they ironed, you will get a belt for the entire globe; and our mothers also sew torn buttons, knit and sew... There are so many things mother’s hands can do!

Student 7:

Mom has warm hands like the sun,

They know how to caress so tenderly,

They will cure pain, relieve boredom,

Ready for a hug at any moment.

While playing, they will gently ruffle my hair,

They bake pies on weekend mornings,

And the legs tickle happily in the bed,

When I don't want to wake up myself.

Iron all dresses, shirts and trousers

And then they will find another job...

I stroke my mother's tired hands, -

Let them rest at least a little.

Teacher : Yes, mother’s hands can do a lot of things - wash, comb, and hug and caress. Guys, do you know mom’s hands? Let's have a competition! (a blindfolded child should recognize his mother’s hands by touch)

(mother-child couples are invited, musical accompaniment: “How I love you, Mom”)

Teacher :

Mom, mommy... How much warmth is hidden in this magical word that names the closest, dearest, only person. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom will save and help, mom will endure everything that others cannot bear. Take care of your mothers!

Student 8:

Mommy is sweet, gentle, nice.

Kind, smart and radiant,

In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness,

“Thank you” for everything I say to you.

Live, smile through adversity,

We will share the worries with you in half.

Forget about illnesses, forget about worries,

We will illuminate your life path with love!

Mom's response :

Thank you, our dear, beloved ones! We are the happiest mothers in the world! What is happiness? More than one philosopher has probably asked such a simple question. But in reality, happiness is simple.

Happiness is soft

Warm palms,

There are candy wrappers behind the sofa,

There are crumbs on the sofa.

It's a whole heap

Broken toys

It's permanent

The rattle of rattles.

Happiness is heels

Barefoot on the floor.

Thermometer under my arm,

Tears and injections.

Abrasions and wounds

Bruises on the forehead

It's permanent

What? but why?

Happiness is a sleigh

Snowman and slide.

Small candles

On a huge cake.

It's endless

"Read me a story"

These are daily

Piggy with Stepashka.

This is a warm nose

From under the blanket

Hare on the pillow

Blue pajamas.

What is happiness?

There is no simpler answer:

Everyone has it -

Who has children?

You are our happiness!

Teacher: (song “Mother’s Day” sounds)

Dear mothers, we once again congratulate you on your holiday! May your beloved children speak warm words to each of you more often! Let a smile shine on your faces and joyful sparkles sparkle in your eyes when you are together. Guys, give flowers to your mothers!

(children give flowers to mothers).

Babarykina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 36" Angarsk

primary school teacher

class hour for the Day of Knowledge 2-4 grades.

Class hour for the Day of Knowledge

"Our cool class"

Teacher: I am glad to welcome you, my dears!

Teacher: When we meet the dawn, we tell it...

Children: Hello!

Teacher: With a smile, the sun gives light, sending us its...

Children: Hello!

Teacher: When you meet after many years, you will shout to your friends...

Children: Hello!

Teacher: And they will smile back at you from a kind word...

Children: Hello!

Teacher: Let’s all say it together, in response, to each other...

Children: Hello!

Teacher: So simply and easily we greeted each other in Russian. What gestures can you and I use when we say “hello”? (wave hand, clap hands to each other). Give your greetings to each other. But for some reason the parents were modest and did not give out their greetings. Well, if they don’t want to give their greetings, then they will catch them. The game “Catch Hello”: parents clap their hands together, approaching first one, then the other, at the moment when he claps, the teacher quickly passes his palm between the palms of the clapping person. The latter, in turn, tries to “catch hello” with a clap, that is, the teacher’s hand.

Teacher: Great! All greetings were given away. We did this in Russian, and you know that every nation and tribe has its own interesting greeting gestures. Let's imagine a little. Imagine:


Stick your tongue out at your interlocutor, hug him, rub your noses together.


Bend the index finger of your right hand, bring it to the tip of your nose and rub your nose with the knuckle of the second phalanx.


In the New Guinean Koiri tribe, when they meet, they tickle each other with their chins.


Among the tribes living on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, the greeting begins with those meeting each other patting each other on the stomach, then clapping their hands and shaking hands.


When the Ainu meet, they fold their hands, raise them to their foreheads, turn their palms up and slap themselves - men on the beard, and women on the upper lip, after which they shake hands.


The greeting of the Aborigines of New Zealand: when meeting, they first shout words in a fierce and abrupt manner, then slap their hands on their thighs, then stamp their feet with all their might and bend their knees, and finally puff out their chests, bulge their eyes and stick out their tongues from time to time.

Teacher: These are such amazing greetings!

Well, the summer holidays are over and the school bell has rung. For 9 whole months we have to study, communicate with each other in lessons and extracurricular activities, and this is 1085 school hours, 210 school days, 34 class hours, 30 school and 25 class events. This list can be continued, but we will now try to answer the question: “Who do you want to be close to for so long: with a school friend or with a person who will never come to the rescue, will not ask: “How are you?”, will not tell you how to lesson, won't he talk to you at recess?" Of course, the answer is clear - with a friend.

Look around, there are 21 of us. We are lucky: each of us has maybe 20 friends in our class. And that's great! Yes, yes, you heard right, this year there are 21 of us. There is an addition to our friendly family. We don’t know anything about them yet, but it doesn’t matter, because we have a “magic chair.” The "Magic Chair" shows only the good qualities of people. Let's try to see these qualities and traits. I'll start with your permission. "The Magic Chair" shows that Dima and Danil are very inquisitive. Children and parents continue (kind, sympathetic, smart, patient, diligent, diligent, hardworking, athletic, talented, modest, creative, handsome, etc.).

So we met! Now let's tell the guys what kind of family they ended up in. After all, our class is a big family. Let's think about what kind of family this is. For each letter of the word “CLASS”, name words that characterize a friendly class.

K – strong, sociable, cool, cool, creative

L – loving, inquisitive, dexterous, affectionate

A – active, artistic

S – happy

C – independent

Teacher: I think that Dima and Danil are very glad that they ended up in such a great class! And how smart we are! We give the correct answer to any question. Now we will prove it.

Guys, today I am for you

I'll ask tricky questions.

If the answer is negative,

Please answer with the word "no"

And affirmative - then

Say the word "yes" out loud.

I have no doubt, guys

Every mind has a chamber,

But I have some advice for you:

Answers "YES", answers "NO"

Don’t rush to give instantly,

After thinking hard, speak.

1. You will see a mole on a clear day,

Soaring in the sky, right? ...

2. The reader, having read, always

Eats a book, doesn't it? ...

3. A skinny boy, like a skeleton,

Can you lift the barbell easily? ...

4. Trains from the airport

Do they take off along the runway? ...

5. Pedestrians have a dream -

Stumble and fall into a hole? ...

6. When the cold comes,

Are all the moose flying south? ...

7. The toad definitely doesn’t have a tail.

Does the cow have it? ...

8. Mommy will buy you candy

Because you were lazy? ...

9. On the trolleybus, having bought a ticket,

Do you need to ride on the roof? ...

10. What does a frog eat for lunch -

Elephant with peas, right? ...

The questions are over, friends!

And I praise everyone, guys.

The test has come to an end.

Well done to those who didn't make a mistake!

And who made a mistake even a little,

Not a good guy, but a hammer!

Teacher: That's it! And how attentive we are!

Attention game “Nose, floor, ceiling.” The teacher slowly points to the floor, saying the word “floor”, etc. But the teacher’s role is to confuse the children, so after a while, calling “nose”, he points to the ceiling, etc.

Teacher: And we got such steady attention from our attentive parents. Let's show how attentive they are. Game "Us too!" After each phrase, the teacher and parents must repeat the same words, “We too!”

This morning I woke up... (We did too!)

I washed my face with warm water... (Us too!)

I drank delicious tea... (We did too!)

I went out into the street in a great mood... (We did too!)

I met a cat on the street... (We did too!)

The cat was scared... (So are we!)

And she climbed up the drainpipe onto the roof... (We did too!)

Teacher: Our parents are such wonderful ones! They climb drainpipes in the morning!

Well, I think that you will definitely need a sharp mind and attention in the fourth grade! And besides this, a bag of patience and a wagon of diligence will come in handy! And how you and I dream of studying for straight A's! And each of us has a bunch of different desires related to the new school year! And when all the children and adults on the planet make wishes? (On New Year's Day with the chimes ringing).

But September 1 is also the first day of the new year, the New School Year. Therefore, on this day you can wish something for yourself for the future. Moreover, we will do this in an organized manner. Here I have a bottle and a lot of small leaves. On pieces of paper, each of you, after thinking, will write 1, 2 or 3 main desires; they can only relate to the educational process. Then we will roll them up and place them in a bottle, and hide it, and at the end of the fourth quarter, at the last lesson, we will check whether our wishes have come true. And so they began... (Parents count down 12 times).

Teacher: To make your wishes come true, you must cast a spell. Say the phrase three times: “IKRETYAP AN YASTICHU UCHOKH”(this is the phrase “I want to study for straight A’s” pronounced in reverse). Then you need to throw your hands up with outstretched fingers, of which, as you know, there are five on each hand and which, precisely, symbolize the desired rating.

And in order to consolidate the power of the spell, you need to make a “sacrifice”. Pull a hair from your eyebrows and place it on your palm (wait for all the guys). Now let's blow it all away together.

KSU "Beregovaya Secondary School"

Class hour: Kazakhstan way 2050,

"One people - one country - one destiny."

Class: 4

Teacher: Semenkevich I.A.

year 2014.

Class hour: “One people – one country – one destiny.”

Target: Expand knowledge about the Motherland. Develop interest in the history of the state, thinking, logic, ability to communicate, work in groups, draw conclusions, develop an emotional and sensory environment. To cultivate moral and patriotic feelings, love for the native land.

During the classes.

- Good morning,dear parents,expensivestudents!

Good not only because of the clear weather, but, above all, good because of the good it brings us.

After all, today is the day of the beginning of classes, new good meetings with the world of knowledge that the school is ready to give you.

Good morning to everyone who came here again, who spent several interesting and useful years at school.

Good mood to everyone present!

Teacher: Your summer holidays, which lasted three months, flashed by. You have all grown up and matured a lot. Look healthy, cheerful, smart. Today you were already congratulated on the holiday, but we received more telegrams. Guess who they are from.

1. Congratulations ! I wish to profitably exchange all my textbooks for theater tickets. (Buratino, A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key”)

2.I wish you will learn everything that I can do myself: write poetry like Tsvetik, play musical instruments like Guslya, drive a car like Vintik and Shpuntik. (Dunno, N. Nosov “Dunno in the Sunny City”)

3.I wish You would rather learn how to cook sharp brains from bran with needles, how to sew a loving, kind heart from silk, how to prepare a brew of courage. (Goodwin, A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”)

4. Unscramble the word and find out who sent this telegram: TEROLIDI (that's right, parents). The text of the telegram from the parents is read out.

    Our dear children! You are already fourth graders!

    The school bell called you to class again.

    This means that the noisy summer is over.

    There is a school ahead that is waiting for you.

    Bon Voyage! You will succeed!

    And we? Parents?

    We will always help children with their studies! (YES)

    So that the school is proud of the children!

    We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks!

    Formulas to remember are nonsense for us!

    We swear to never scold children!

    Just scold a little sometimes!

    Let's be calm, like water in a river!

    We will be wise, like a star in the sky!

    We will get up in the morning in the cold,

    To be on time both here and there!

    When the study period is over,

    Let's take a walk with the children then! (YES)

Teaches : Today we have a joyful holiday - the first day of school after the holidays. Congratulations to you guys on the start of the new school year. Let our class be light from the desire to increase our knowledge and skills, let it be warm from a kind attitude towards each other.

We will start our lesson with a warm-up.

Warm up.

Students stand in a circle and warm up.
-If you are happy to go to school in the morning, wave your right hand.
-If you value honesty and integrity in people, take a step forward.
- If you are confident in your abilities, stamp your foot.
-If you think that we should respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality and social background, take a step back.
-If you care about the fate of our country, clap your hands.
-If you consider yourself patriots, raise both hands up.
-If you believe that our country will take its rightful place in the world, stretch both hands forward. If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands.
Teaches : I want you to be attentive, resourceful in class, and most importantly, I want you to show what you know and how you can work.
- And in order to find out what will be discussed, you must first guess the riddle:

Born and live here

You leave - you miss

What is the name of this place, do you know? HOMELAND

Student 1

Teaches: Every person has his own homeland. And everyone loves her. Loves the place where he was born and lives. Loves his native language, dancing, books. A person cannot live without his homeland and without his people.
Bekinip bugan white

The work will take place in groups:

"Bolashak" - "Future"

"Muragerler" - "Heir"

"Patriottar" - "Patriots"

Each tour is rated with a star.

1 TOUR “Patriot of your Motherland”

Continue the sentence

1. Kazakhstan is……. (state)

2. Capital of Kazakhstan….. (Astana)

3. Head of state….. (president)

4. What is the name of the president of our country? (N.A.Nazarbayev)

5. What is the official language? (Kazakh)

6. What song is performed standing? (hymn)

7. The basic law of our state? (Constitution).
8. As citizens of Kazakhstan, what rights and responsibilities do you have? (the fundamental right is to go to school, receive an education and become worthy citizens of their homeland)
9. What cities were the capitals of Kazakhstan? (Orenburg, Kzyl-Orda, Almaty, Astana)

Teaches : To love and defend the Motherland means to be a patriot, to be proud of one’s Motherland, to respect and comply with the laws of the country, to fulfill one’s duties, and to be active in public life.

TOUR 2 “Poetic”

Every person, being a worthy citizen of his country, devotes his work, knowledge, and creativity to his family, relatives and, of course, to his Motherland. So now you will dedicate your work to your Motherland. We will compose a five-line poem according to the scheme.

What? Who? (1 word) KAZAKHSTAN

Which (2 words)

Action (3 words)


Conclusion (synonym)

For example:


Big, beautiful!

Flourish, richer and stronger!

We love you!

Our homeland!

Teaches: The Kazakh people, like any other, have their own traditions, culture, and art.

I suggest playing the game "Baiga" ROUND 3.
Teaches: I think the guys know Kazakh proverbs and sayings. We'll check now. (The teacher distributes proverbs, divided into two parts. The children must collect and read them.)

Warmth blows from the Motherland, and cold from foreign lands.
If friendship is great, then the Motherland is strong.
People's friendship and wealth are more valuable than wealth.
The native land is a golden cradle.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a forest.
Motherland, know how to stand up for her.
This is what it is, our Kazakhstan! And people live everywhere. Do you think there are many people in Kazakhstan? (children's answers) The population of Kazakhstan is more than 17 million people.
- How can you call them all in one word? (Kazakhstanis).
That's right, we are all Kazakhstanis. But everyone's nationality is different.

Teaches: Kazakhstan is a single multinational state. It is inhabited, in addition to the Kazakhs, by representatives of another 120 nations and nationalities: Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Germans and others. The population of Kazakhstan is large. And all people in our country have equal rights: women and men, young people and old people, people of any nationality. Each nation has its own language, its own customs, its own culture.

ROUND 4 Man - that sounds proud
Teaches: Think and write what character qualities a person living on planet Earth should have.
Each group is given a sheet on which the outlines of a person are depicted.
“We don’t know where this person lives, how old he is, what nationality he is. He's just a man. Each group performs

ROUND 5 Think and explain.

Explain why the lesson was called "one people - one country - one destiny."

Because “one people” means national interests that are common to all.

“One country” is our common homeland for all.

“One destiny” is the difficulties and victories that we went through together!

This is our common prospect - a prosperous and prosperous Kazakhstan!

All this taken together means that for the successful implementation of the Strategy, unity is necessary society.

ROUND 6 “I wish you, native land!”

Representatives of the teams take turns going to the board and tracing their hand on whatman paper and writing down their wishes for Kazakhstan (goodness, peace, happiness, etc.) in the resulting outline.


Counting stars. We glue stars on the board under the name of each team.

Teaches: May these little stars that you lit today become big in your life and illuminate your path, may they shine brightly over you and over our Motherland.