St. George's ribbon pencil drawing step by step for beginners. Create ribbons quickly and easily

DIY greeting cards and posters are some of the most common crafts made for Victory Day. Their main theme, of course, is warm wishes and beautiful congratulations to veterans and eyewitnesses of those terrible events. The decoration of such postcards and posters, as a rule, are the constant symbols of May 9 - George Ribbon, carnations, red five-pointed star. There can be many variations for crafts, but most often they choose simple drawings, combining several symbols at the same time. For example, a bright red star tied with a St. George ribbon will decorate any postcard. From our article today you will learn how to draw St. George's ribbon and a five-pointed star using a regular pencil.

How to draw the St. George ribbon with a pencil for May 9 - master class with photos

At first glance, it may seem that drawing a St. George's ribbon with a pencil by hand is quite difficult. But in fact, if you follow each step exactly, then even a person who does not have developed skills will be able to complete this drawing. artistic skills. A bright St. George ribbon can become a decoration for greeting card, and the basis for a festive drawing, dedicated to the Day Victory.

Necessary materials:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • black and orange pencils
  • eraser
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a St. George's ribbon:

  1. Using a ruler and a simple pencil, draw two parallel lines. The distance between the lines should be approximately 5-7 cm. Then cross out both lines with two similar parallel diagonal straight lines. Clean the intersections with an eraser. Photo 1
  2. Let's draw a semi-oval on top. We will also connect parallel straight lines with short lines. photo 2
  3. Using a black pencil, draw lines inside the base and fill them with black every two to create characteristic stripes. Photo 3
  4. Fill in the remaining spaces between the black stripes with an orange pencil. Our St. George ribbon is ready! photo 4

How to draw the St. George's ribbon with a pencil step by step, video

Step-by-step drawing of the St. George ribbon by hand can also be seen in the simple video tutorial below.

How to draw a five-pointed star step by step using a ruler and compass - instructions with photos

The red five-pointed star is another constant symbol of Victory Day. Most often, her image is used as decoration for greeting posters. To draw the correct five-pointed star, you must use a ruler and compass. Find out exactly how to do this from our master class, in which we invite you to master drawing a three-dimensional five-pointed star with a pencil.

Necessary materials:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • red and black pencils
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • compass

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a five-pointed star:

  1. To begin, using a simple pencil and a compass, draw a large circle in the middle of the sheet.
  2. Then take a ruler and draw two straight lines through the center of the circle, dividing it into four equal sectors.
  3. Now we divide each sector in half by straight lines and get eight identical sectors.

  4. At the next stage, we will divide the two central lower sectors and the two upper lateral sectors with straight lines.
  5. Now we make marks, as shown in the photo below.

  6. From the upper center line we draw two straight lines to the lower marks.
  7. We also connect the two lower marks on the side sectors with a straight line.
  8. Using a black pencil, we connect the lines together, forming the base of our star.
  9. Draw a black outline of the lines inside the star.

  10. Now the finished workpiece needs to be painted red. Let's slightly tint the side edges of the star with a simple pencil to get a three-dimensional five-pointed star.

How to draw a star with a compass for May 9, master class with video

And from this video tutorial you will learn how else you can draw a five-pointed star using a compass.

We hope that our simple instructions helped you figure out how to draw the St. George ribbon and star for May 9 with your own hands. We are sure that by applying this knowledge in practice you will be able to create wonderful crafts for Victory Day.

Good morning, today let's draw a ribbon in Photoshop, like this:

The task itself is not very difficult and you can draw exactly the same ribbon quickly.

First I will draw a hat, and I need ribbons behind the coat of arms, which I will steal from the Russian Federation through Yandex, because Google did not return normal coats of arms:

This is a cool coat of arms, but the red background still irritated me a little, and the eagle would be cooler on a white background without a backing. It took me a long time to cut it out:

Then I treated it a little with perfectum and rummaged around, plus I wrote a little into White background. Took me a little away yellow into blue. Perhaps this is my paranoia already - but I like it better this way. 🙂

Here's what I got:

Well, now that’s actually why I’m writing this post. We will draw ribbons that will come out from behind the coat of arms. You can do them through burn and dodge, or through gradients. I have a tablet, so I almost always do it using burn and dodge, but it’s quite convenient to do it with a mouse.

In general, first we will draw the base of the ribbon. Previously, a long time ago, I tried to draw a ribbon entirely with pentulum, but it was completely futile. Everything turned out crooked and askance for me, that’s how it is No need do:

After all, even if you don’t look closely, you can immediately see that the bias tape has turned out. Maybe if you are super accurate, then try it, maybe it will work. 🙂

I make it simpler. I draw a line to show how the ribbon should curl:

After selecting the brush, take the pentula again, right-click on our outline, select “Stroke outline”. In the window that appears, select “Brush” from the drop-down menu and click OK.

We do all this on a new layer.

And you don’t need to display anything using just a pentula :)

Well, as you can see, the edges of the ribbon are transparent, so I duplicate the layer with the ribbon several times until it becomes completely opaque, and then I glue these layers into one.

By the way, you can make a ribbon of any thickness without any problems, just duplicate the layer, and each time move it a little down until the thickness suits you. My ribbon will be in the shape of the Russian flag, so I made it a little thicker:

Now, using the same pentula, straighten the edges, remove the jambs if they come out.

A little about White color on white. Again, no problem, just use a little white instead grey colour, light gray. It will be possible to work with him and Bern.

Duplicate the layer with the ribbon and turn off the bottom one. Now select the duplicate layer and change its color to light gray using ctrl+u. Then we duplicate this layer, change its color to blue, and move the layer a little lower.

We do the same with red. Then we merge all these layers into one, select the very first layer with the ribbon (we make a selection out of it without making it visible! To do this, just hold down ctrl and click on the layer icon. And then invert the selection by pressing ctrl+shift+i). Then we remove all unnecessary remnants of the ribbon.

The flag is ready. By the way, I once wrote a lesson about that, read it, maybe you’ll learn something useful for yourself.

Making voluminous ribbons

While I was writing this text, I decided to do it through Bern and Dodge.

Select the “Darken” tool, also known as Burn –

With these settings:

And in places where our tape bends inward, draw from top to bottom 1-2 times - this will be a shadow.

With these settings:

And swipe from top to bottom, 1-2 times where the tape bends outward, that is, on us - this is light.

Now, I want to make the edges as always. To do this, I duplicate the layer with the ribbon, make it white using crtl+u, select it by holding ctrl and clicking on the layer icon, move the selection down 1 pixel (down arrow on the keyboard) and clear the selection by pressing Backspac.

We are left with a one-pixel edge. I will move this edge down by 1 pixel (hold ctrl and press the down arrow), since our background is white and this edge will simply not be visible on it. In general, I shift it and set the mode of this layer to “overlay”. We also add a ribbon at the bottom:

Well, the final step, I’ll add a little noise to the ribbon so that it has , for this I select the layer with the ribbon, go to Filters>Noise>Add Noise, I put down the quantity 0.7:

Now, I have given the simplest, fastest and easy way drawing a ribbon, you can sit longer - the result will be better. Maybe later, someday I’ll write a continuation of the lesson.

This is the header I ended up with:

If you have any questions, ask in the comments. We'll help.

The St. George ribbon is as constant an attribute of military holidays as fireworks, Eternal flame, parade of troops and others. The history of the St. George's Ribbon goes back a long time. Even during the reign of the Russian Empress Catherine II, the ribbon was established as a sign of reward for valiant service and loyalty to Russia and the autocracy to Russian soldiers and officers. During the days of the Great October Revolution socialist revolution Russian Navy sailors attached the ribbon to their pea coats.

Now we attach this discreet strip of fabric to our clothes during the celebration of the great Victory Day on May 9. These days there is always a “St. George Ribbon” event, when these ribbons are handed out to passers-by on the streets so that they do not forget about our history and the war. The ribbon is a long strip of fabric made of two colors: yellow-orange and black. Let's draw it here in several stages. The drawing will not be difficult

Stage 1. Draw two straight lines under the ruler: a long vertical line and a short horizontal line. Draw an oval over horizontal line so that vertical line was its axis of symmetry. Below we outline two parallel strokes.

Stage 2. Outline an oval, forming the features of a loop, the edges of which extend forward one above the other. The edges of the ribbon should be widened. Below, with a ribbon-like figure, we show an element of the subject of our lesson.

Stage 3. In the upper part, add two lines to the image of the loop. And from below we will add the edges of the ribbon at both ends. They are uneven, cut at an angle. The result was a ribbon with three waves at the bottom.

Stage 4. Add lines in the center of the tape.

In that simple lesson you'll learn how to create a custom feed for your website.

Necessary materials

Step 1. Create a new document and name it “Tape”. IN this lesson The size used is 600x600 pixels.

Step 2. Create a new layer and name it "Background Texture". Fill it with something light color(I used #cccccc). Then we move on Filter - Noise - Add Noise(Filter - Noise - Add Noise) and add some noise to give the layer some texture. I used these settings:

Amount: 10%
Distribution: Gaussian
Monochromatic: Active

Reduce the opacity of the “Background Texture” layer to 15%.

Step 3. Now let's create rectangle, in which we will draw a ribbon. I used Rectangle Tool(Rectangle) (U) with a fixed size of 300x200 pixels.

Place the shape in the center of the canvas and name the layer “Clipping Mask”.

Step 4. Apply layer styles to the Clipping Mask to add a shadow and stroke.

Step 5. Take any image (I used a screenshot from the PSD Tuts site) and place it in the center of the working canvas above the “Clipping Mask” layer, then go Layer - Create Clipping Mask(Layer - Create Clipping Mask).

Step 6. Now we have the image ready on which the ribbon will be placed. Tool Rectangle Tool(Rectangle) (U) draw the base for the ribbon. Rotate it 35 degrees. For this we use Free Transform(Free transformation). This function can be activated with a key combination CTRL+T or through the menu Edit - Free Transform(Editing - Free Transform).

Make sure the edges of the tape extend beyond the rectangle.
Ribbon color on this moment doesn't matter since we'll apply a gradient fill later. Let's call this layer "Ribbon".

Step 7 Now we'll create a mask for the "Ribbon" layer that will hide the extra areas. We do the following:

1. Hold CTRL and click on the “Clipping Mask” layer thumbnail. This will load the rectangle selection.
2. We need the ribbon to extend slightly beyond the boundaries of the rectangle, so we expand the selection by 4 pixels with the command Select - Modify - Expand(Select - Modify - Expand).
3. Next, select the “Ribbon” layer and create a mask. You can do this in two ways:
A) Layer - Layer Mask - Reveal Selection(Layer - Layer Mask - Show Selection)
b) Click on the button Add layer mask(Add layer mask) at the bottom of the layers panel

Step 8 Let's add some layer styles to the ribbon to add shadow, light, and texture.

Drop Shadow(Shadow) (outer shadow)
Inner Glow(Inner glow) (testura)
Bevel and Emboss(Bevel and Emboss) (light on edges)
Gradient Overlay(Gradient Overlay) (ribbon color)
Stroke(Stroke) (gives the edges of the ribbon crispness)

We get this result:

Step 9 Now we need to create the folded corners on the ribbon. Remember how we expanded the selection by 4 pixels?

1. Create a new layer “Corners” and place it above the “Background Texture” layer and below the “Clipping Mask”.
2. Choose dark color(I used #240500).
3. Take brush(B) approximately 9 pixels in size with hardness 100%.

Use this brush to draw small circles on the corners of the ribbon. Since the layer is under a clipping mask, we will only see the dark part near the corners.

To better understand this point, look at the image below. This is what our document will look like if we reduce the opacity of all the layers above the “Corners”.

Step 10 Let's add some text. I used these parameters:

Chunk Five font
Letter spacing 75
Color #240500

Place the text on the ribbon and rotate it 35 degrees (using Transform (CTRL+T) as in step 6). Now let's add layer styles for the text.

You should end up with something like this:

Step 11 Now we will add stitches to the ribbon. Let's take it Text Tool(Text) (T) and write dotted line from hyphens. Then we change the text parameters:

Chunk Five font
Letter spacing 200
Color #700404
Text layer opacity: 50%

Place the text on the ribbon and rotate it 35 degrees like we did in steps 6 and 11. Then add layer styles to give the stitches a realistic look.

Duplicate the text and move it to the bottom of the feed. We get this result:

Step 12 The last thing we need to do is apply a mask to the stitches so that they don't extend beyond the edges of the tape. To do this, duplicate the “Ribbon” layer mask and move it to the layer with stitches.

Repeat these steps for both layers to get something like this:

Final image
This is all! Now you know how to create a simple ribbon in Photoshop. You can experiment with other settings and change the color. Or create rounded edges on tape. This can be achieved using Pen Tool(Pen) (P) and layer masks. Good luck!

Well, now let's start creating our St. George's ribbon. Let's open the graphic Adobe editor Photoshop, let's create a blank canvas with the dimensions we need. If you need markings, then we set the guides. After that, with the pen tool we will begin to create the shape of our ribbon. First, let's draw one side of the ribbon.

After the shape of one side of the ribbon is created, we will create the second, but we will not draw it, we will simply copy the one that we have already created and expand it horizontally. To do this, select the layer with the shape of the first side and drag it to the icon at the bottom of the layers palette create a new layer, or let's go Go to the Layer menu > Duplicate Layer. Then make the duplicated layer active and flip it horizontally. We do horizontal reflection as follows, go to the menu Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal. We will get the same result as in the screenshot below.

Well, to conclude the creation of our form of St. George’s ribbon, let’s create a connection between the two sides. We also use the pen tool.

Let's move on to creating the main color of the ribbon, it will be a gradient orange color. Which we will apply using a layer style to all three elements of the ribbon. Double-click on the layer with the ribbon, which will be on top, thereby we will call layer style, where we will assign gradient overlay.

Using the same principle, we will apply a gradient to the remaining elements of the ribbon, changing only the shade of the gradient.

The shape of the St. George Lena with the main color is ready, now let’s apply the black stripes. Using the same pen tool, create a line outline on top of our shape layer. Then right-click on the outline and select Fill the Outline, the color should be black.

Then duplicate it twice and adjust its location. And let's merge these three standing with a black stripe into one. Next, select the layer with the shape of the ribbon on which the stripes were drawn by pressing the key Ctrl + mouse click on the ribbon shape layer icon. Let's go again to the layer with black stripes and invert the selected area by pressing the keys Shift +Ctrl+I. Then click Delete As a result, we will remove excess pieces of black stripes that extend beyond the shape of the tape.

Next, using the same method, we will create a black stripe on other parts of our tape. Let's place the stripes on top of our shape layers. We will also install the forms in the required order. A screenshot of the order and what should happen is below.

Well, now the tape is ready, all that remains is to give it volume using light and shadow. We will need a brush with soft edges and an opacity of 15-20%, for the shadows we will use black for the highlights - yellow (#f0d464).

Let's start with the shadow; to do this, create a new layer above the black stripes, which are located above the bottom stripe of the tape. Next, we need to load a selection for the bottom band so that when we create shadows, they do not go beyond the borders of the band. To do this, click Ctrl+ click mouse over the layer of the lower shape of the tape, we should have a selection loaded, let's move to the new created shadow layer and on it we will begin to apply strokes with a soft brush in black in the places where we should have a shadow.

And finally, in the same way as shadows, we apply light - a highlight to our St. George's ribbon. One difference is that we create a layer not above the bottom strip of the tape, but above the top.

With this, the St. George ribbon is created, the result can be seen below, I added a shadow under the background ribbon and an inscription.

I hope the lesson was clear and you will not have any difficulties creating it. If you have any questions, write in the comments.