Draw a portrait of dad step by step in kindergarten. Simple step-by-step instructions on how to draw a birthday gift for your mother from your daughter or son

Lesson notes on visual arts V senior group.
Topic: “Portrait of my dad”

Program content:

Learn how to make a portrait of your dad by passing it on individual characteristics: color of eyes, hair, presence of mustache, beard, etc.;
-learn to maintain consistency in drawing: from general to specific;
encourage children to convey their attitude, their feelings towards loved ones in the image, to cultivate a desire to talk about them.

Previous work: acquaintance with various genres of painting.

Progress: On my easel there are several works made in different genres. Find the portrait genre among them. Well done! How did you guess? Right. In such works the face occupies most leaves, eyes, nose, eyebrows are drawn very accurately and correspond to a certain person. In addition to the face, the shoulders are also visible, but there are no arms, legs, or torso in the portrait. Let's see, who is depicted in our portrait? Who knows what holiday our men will have? Let's make a gift to our dads, grandfathers, brothers today in class and draw their portrait. But let's draw in an unusual way, and in the technique of bas-relief with plasticine. Look, I'll show you how to do it.

I perform a partial demonstration of drawing methods: eyes, nose, eyebrows, lips.

Now sit comfortably, close your eyes and remember what kind of eyes, nose, straight or wavy dad has, and whether there is a smile on his face.

Let's repeat once again what we do first, what then, and how we finish our work. Those who have already remembered can begin to implement it.

Independent work children. I remind you how to sit correctly at the table.

I'll see you off individual work:

Helping children with poorly developed fine motor skills get started;

In clarifying the proportions of the face;

In mixing color range, to obtain the desired shade;

If necessary, I use repeated demonstrations, verbal encouragement, and praise;

I warn you five minutes in advance that the work is finished.

I analyze children's works. I invite the children, if they wish, to talk about their dad, about what he is like, about whether they managed to portray him the way they wanted. I note the positives in work.

Let me summarize the lesson: - Today, each of us gave a gift to our dad - we drew his portrait. We will frame these portraits and give them to dads for the holiday.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Complex lesson on visual arts in the senior group “It’s fun to walk along the colored path together”

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Goal: 1. Teach children to establish a connection between music and painting to express their feelings in drawing and activate creative potential. 2. Develop the ability to convey various weather conditions in drawing, ...

Summary of a lesson on fine arts in the senior group. Topic: “Portrait of my dad” (modeling using the bas-relief technique).

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce children to a new method of modeling using the bas-relief technique....

Let's draw dad. Master class for children 9-10 years old with step by step photos

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher visual arts, MBOU secondary school No. 9 of the city of Ulyanovsk.
Description: This master class is intended for 3rd grade students, as well as for teachers, parents and everyone creative people. In art class, children learn to draw a portrait. The presented master class is consolidation and training.
Purpose: interior decoration, DIY gift.
Target: drawing a portrait.
- clarify children’s knowledge about portraits;
- broaden the horizons of younger schoolchildren;
- teach how to do work step by step;
- develop fine motor skills hands, eye;
- develop creative thinking, imagination and initiative;
- cultivate accuracy when performing work;
- cultivate interest in artistic creativity generally.

If you see what's in the picture
Does anyone look at us?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka is your neighbor,
The painting must be called...
A. Kushner

In portraits, artists strive not only to accurately convey external resemblance, but also the character of a person.

V. Tropinin. Portrait of a son

K. Bryullov. Rider

A. Ryabushkin. Merchant family in the 17th century

I. Repin. Portrait of P. M. Tretyakov

Let's remember what we know genres of fine art.
Still life

I. Mashkov. Fruits on a platter

V. Serov. Apples on leaves

In still lifes, artists convey the colorful richness and diversity of the objective world.

I. Aivazovsky. The ninth wave.

Landscapes can be lyrical, depicting modest corners of nature, or epic, praising wide open spaces.

I. Shishkin. Winter.

Today we will talk in more detail about portraits and let's practice drawing a portrait step by step.
What is a portrait?
Portrait is a genre of fine art. In other words, it is a picture of a person or group of people.
What types of portraits are there by genre?
Front rooms, family rooms, children's rooms and others.
Let's remember what monumental, chamber, miniature portraits are.
Monumental portraits– a person is depicted taller than himself, intended for large rooms.

D. Korin. Alexander Nevskiy

Chamber portrait– the person is depicted at full height or shorter.

F. Rokotov. Portrait of an unknown woman in a pink dress

Miniature portrait- Very small portrait.

You can create a cool album that will include postcards, reproductions of paintings with portrait images of children and adults. In addition, everything in the album should be arranged by genre or other criteria.

What is a self-portrait? Which artists can you name who paint themselves?
V. Vasnetsov, I. Kramskoy, V. Tropinin, K. Bryullov.

Do you recognize?
This is famous Mona Lisa (Giaconda) by Leonardo da Vinci.
Helpful advice or hint: During the Master Class you can turn on musical composition R. Schumann "Dreams". And ask her to determine which portrait she fits into.

V. Borovikovsky. Portrait of M. I. Lopukhina

Z. Serebryakova. In front of the mirror

V. Vasnetsov. Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible

Today we will practice drawing a portrait.
Helpful advice or hint: Close your eyes and imagine in front of you the person you wanted to draw.
Let's remember a little about the composition of the portrait.
Let's decide: we will draw a human figure or head; where we place a person’s head on the sheet; Will there be a profile or full face, what colors will we use: warm or cold, contrasting or nuanced.
For the master class we will need the following:
- a sheet of A4 paper,
- pencil,
- eraser,
- watercolor paints,
- gouache,
- sippy cup.


We take a pencil, a sheet of A4 paper and start drawing a portrait.

Draw an oval. We carry out vertical line or axis of symmetry.

We divide the oval into four equal parts with horizontal lines. These will be the hair, eye and mouth lines.

Next we draw all the parts of the face. First the eyes, using two arched lines. In the middle of each eye we draw an iris and pupil. Then eyebrows.

Draw the nose. We start from the eyebrows, drawing with a smooth arched line. Draw the wings of the nose.

Then we draw the mouth.

Next we draw the ears. From the eyebrows and tip of the nose we draw two horizontal lines. In this gap we draw the auricle.

Then we draw the hair. Working out the hairstyle.

Draw the neck.

Next we give the portrait personality traits and make him look like the person we were drawing.
Helpful advice or hint: If you decide to leave the portrait in pencil, then next comes the development of light and shadow, shading. With the help of this, the expressiveness of the image and portrait likeness.
Now let’s draw a sketch of the portrait in color.
Helpful advice or hint: It is better to work from top to bottom so as not to smear the sheet by touching it with your hand.
Carefully paint your hair yellow.

Next, paint the eyes green.

Then we make the eyebrows black.

Then apply red paint to your lips.

The portrait is ready!
Helpful advice or hint: You can color the portrait with colored pencils or felt-tip pens, since small details are difficult to color.
Here's another option.

Helpful advice or hint: As a rule, after finishing work on a painting, the artist begins to think about the type of frame in which he will place his canvas. You can follow this example and place your completed works in rectangular, oval, round or other shaped frames.

But what portraits of mothers we got!

Father's portrait - great gift on your birthday or February 23rd. But how to draw a dad so that it turns out beautifully? To a small child It is not at all easy for someone who does not have sufficient visual skills to do this. However, there is a way out. It is possible from simple geometric shapes, and then give it details similar to your relative. So, let's figure out how to draw a dad step by step?

Draw the contours of the torso

To understand how to do it yourself beautiful gift, you just need to strictly follow the suggestions below step-by-step instructions. For such a drawing you do not need special artistic skills. Let's start by drawing the head and torso. To do this, place the sheet of paper lengthwise so that there is enough space for the entire drawing. Draw an oval at the top of the sheet. This is the basis of the future head. From the oval down, draw two lines - the neck. Now draw a square, each side of which will be equal to the diameter of the oval. Please note that it is important to maintain all proportions, otherwise the figure will turn out uneven.

Drawing the legs

Now, to understand how to draw a dad, look carefully at the drawing. Next we will depict the legs. To do this, draw two long columns down from the body. To outline the shape of future pants, make a line between the posts, about one centimeter below the body. Outline the shape of the boots by drawing irregular ovals with a rigid base at the bottom of the posts.

Drawing the details

Let's figure out further how to draw a dad. We depict the details of the face: eyes, nose, lips. Use for drawing simple shapes: ovals, hemispheres. Next comes the turn of the hands. Draw two uneven long columns coming from different sides of the square. Make the lines smooth to make your arms look more natural. Start with a picture of the index and thumb, located at right angles to each other. Then draw the visible tips of the remaining fingers. Finally, highlight the shape of the pants. To do this, erase the extra lines at the beginning of the columns indicating the legs.

We give a portrait likeness

In general, you should already understand how to draw a dad. All that remains is to give the drawing a portrait likeness. To do this, you need to add a few details that distinguish your dad. Remember how your father is different from others, what you love most about him. It could be eye color, hair color. Perhaps he has a mustache? You can also use it to depict hair. standard forms. Draw a forelock, depicting an oval with sharp corners on the head. It may look like the tail of, for example, a fox. Its size will depend on the length of your relative's hair. If the hair is thick and long, then the forelock can be depicted larger. If dad has little hair, the oval will be small. Draw small ovals on both sides of the head, this is the hair at the temples. If dad has a mustache, then draw a detail in the form of a trapezoid between the nose and mouth. Now you can take paints or pencils to color the work. Remember what color your dad's favorite sweater is. Use this shade to paint the body. The same goes for other details. If dad blonde hair- use yellow, if dark - black or brown. These small details will help dad recognize himself in your drawing. And of course, he will be very pleased.


So, if you did everything right, then you will get a great gift. Having mastered this simple technique, you will easily understand, and dad, to depict your entire friendly family in the picture. Mom is drawn using the same technology, only the details are slightly changed: hair, facial features, clothes, shoes. Such a drawing can be safely hung in the living room and shown to your guests.

And although it is generally accepted that man is no longer an animal, but a developed being with a share of brains in his head, he still has something of nature left in him. These are instincts. Among them are many: both the survival instinct and the instinct of self-preservation. But the most developed, which has been cultivated over millions of years, is the instinct to reproduce and care for offspring. In the 21st century it is simply called family. In this lesson we will learn how to draw mom and dad with a child with a pencil. The family is the strongest organized organism. You see the guys who fight in the war with last bit of strength, people who work hard all day long at work. And they do this for the sake of their family, their food and safety. Parents will give their lives to save their child, and you will not find such willpower anywhere.

It was like that before. Morals are not the same now. Especially in Russia. This is in American films the children are kissed goodbye to school and have dinner all together at the same table. Our children are spoiled, their family is an IPhone 5 and the street. And they value parents for money. And the parents themselves are not gifts. The statistics are sad - almost 20% of children are born, as they say, by pregnancy.

Families are different, both in purpose, size, and concept. Here are examples:

  • The largest family consists of 167 people, and this is not a family tree. A man, Zion Khan, who has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren. This is a whole army of backbreakers, but Zion is still a warrior, and he holds the regime steadfastly.
  • Not all families are parents and children. There are those where the head - Godfather, and children are criminals and bandits of various categories. A mafia family is not as nice as an ordinary one, but honor and protection of one’s neighbor are not the least important things here.
  • China is cruel to the concept of family. The policy there says: One family - one child. And this is not a joke, if you are Chinese and you happen to have a second child soon, be prepared to receive a fine.

I wish you in the future to have ideal family and wonderful children. But remember, this requires a lot of effort. And start your efforts with a family drawing lesson.

How to draw mom and dad with a pencil step by step

Step one. Step two. Step three. Step four. I hope everything turned out great for you. Try other lessons.

In this lesson I will show you how to draw a dad to a child step by step. Here we show how to draw a dad with paints; you can use pencils or draw on a computer using the same principle. You can draw such a drawing for dad for his birthday, if the card from this lesson didn’t suit you, or for dad’s day, or even just because. So let's get started.

Prepare paints, paper, brushes and clean water. First let's draw a circle beige colour. Mix some yellow, red and white paint to get a milky beige color if dad dark skin when adding brown. Draw an oval like this, which will have the shape of a head. If you don't have white paint, leave white spots for the eyes.

On the sides of the large oval we draw two small ones - these will be the ears of the drawn dad. We add a little lower wide stripe– neck. I also finish drawing a sky-colored T-shirt; you can finish drawing any clothes, for example, a shirt or sweater.

In the center of the ears I add spots a little darker than the skin color - add more brown to the paint, just don't add black, otherwise the colors will turn out muddy. If you paint dad with watercolors, wait until the first layers dry. We draw shadows above the eyes of the checkmarks and a shadow near the nose - we do everything as shown in the picture below.

If your dad isn't bald, he needs a haircut. My dad has dark hair, I draw them. Also, don’t forget to draw dad’s eyebrows the same color as his hair. Dads usually don’t pluck their eyebrows, so we won’t put much effort into their shape.

Just below the nose, between the nostrils and the chin, we need to draw a mouth.