Sample business plan for a dance studio. Ready-made business plan for a dance school from scratch

Running this type of business as a dance school can become not only bright and interesting activity for life, but also as a full-fledged commercial project that brings regular income to its owner.

First of all, you need to choose which dance classes will be taught at your school. When choosing dance styles Attention should be paid to modern dances, street styles, as well as social dances.

Modern dancing- tectonics, go-go, strip-dance, pole-dance, jazz-funk, etc.

Street dancing- break-dance, hip-hop, house, street-dance, etc.

Social dancing- salsa, bachata, reggaeton, rumba, Brazilian zouk, rueda, merengue, etc.

Initially, a dance school can be created either highly specialized (for example, only for paired social dances) or of a wide profile. This depends not so much on the general demand of the population, but on the qualifications of the teachers who will work in your school.

It is better to attract well-known and talented teachers in similar fields and position the school as a specialized one. This, in turn, will increase the average bill, since narrow specialization involves acquiring deeper skills.

The reputation of a school is closely related to the reputation of the teachers working there. Therefore, in order for teachers to be attentive to students in the group and constantly improve the quality of teaching, it is necessary to maintain healthy competition in the team. This is achieved by increasing the percentage of sales when a certain number of people are recruited into the group.

This business plan discusses the opening of a social dance school.

A dance school can be developed in two ways:

  1. Having one big center with 2 - 3 halls;
  2. Development of a branch network in different areas of the city.

In the first case, the target audience coverage is somewhat smaller, but there is a significant saving on administrative costs.

However, no matter what development path you choose, the first hall is worth renting in the city center in close proximity from the metro station and public transport stops.

Full equipment dance hall consists of two completely mirrored walls, choreographic machines, musical equipment, air conditioning, and stretching mats. Specific dance styles require installation additional equipment. For example, for pole-dance classes you need a pylon (pole). In this example of opening a social dance school, no additional equipment is needed.

The dance school business has a pronounced seasonal nature. As a rule, maximum demand is achieved during the operating period from September to December and from February to May. During the summer months, people prefer to spend more free time outdoors or go on vacation. As a result, demand drops sharply.

In winter, demand also decreases by 20-30% due to long holidays and school/student holidays.

The initial investment amount is 460,000 rubles.

Break-even point is reached in the first month of work.

The payback period is from 8 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A dance school is a type of business in the field of additional education and leisure. You provide clients with the opportunity to learn to dance in a specially equipped room under the guidance of an experienced professional. In this case, the level of training and age of the student does not matter. Groups are divided by skill level. However, as a rule, children and elderly people study in separate groups.

The social dance school in question offers lessons in the following areas:


Number of groups

Number of classes per week for one group

Total number of classes per week


The number of groups for each direction is determined depending on the demand for this type of dance and the level of training of the group. As a rule, over time, 3 groups are formed in each direction: beginner, intermediate and senior.

The dance school offers the opportunity to practice both in a group and in individual lessons. The main difference is cost. Individual training costs 2.5-3 times more. For each type of training, you can purchase either a separate lesson or a subscription. The standard membership is valid for one month and includes either 4 or 8 classes. The subscription is personal in nature and applies only to the person for whom it is registered.

You can see the full list of services with costs in the table:

Name of service

Number of classes

Cost, rub.)

Individual lesson

Individual subscription

Group lesson

Subscription for group classes

Universal subscription*

Travel pass**

All subscriptions, except the universal one, apply only to one dance direction and are assigned to a specific teacher. This is a necessary measure for the group to have permanent staff and developed steadily. A universal subscription is an opportunity to attend 8 classes in any field and with any teacher within one month. The only limitation is that the student meets the level physical training groups.

The travel pass is valid for 2 months and applies to one dance direction. The cost of such a subscription is more expensive than a group one, but cheaper than 8 one-time lessons. That is, if a client is forced to go on a business trip due to work, he does not lose his classes, and the school retains the client.

If a student regularly attends classes for a month, he can purchase a subscription for the next month with a 10% discount. If the client brings a friend who buys a subscription, then he (the client) receives a 15% discount.

This flexible payment system allows you to retain clients and increases demand for services.

3. Description of the sales market

Target audience of the dance school

The target audience of a dance school can be very diverse. Everyone loves to dance: children, adults, and even the elderly. Therefore, a more detailed definition of your audience will directly depend on what areas of dance you will develop in your school.

For example, if for such areas as belly-dance or pole-dance the target audience is unmarried girls from 18 to 30 years old. And break-dance classes are mainly attended by young guys aged 15 to 25.

For a social dance school, the target audience will be described as follows:

Men and women aged 20 to 35 years. As a rule, these are already working people who are not married. 80% of dancers are in search of a “soulmate.” In addition, these people are open to communication and well socially adapted. The main purpose of attending dance classes is to take a break from work and home, and plunge into the festive atmosphere. They are loyal to the design and equipment of the hall. For them, the main thing is the communication that occurs within the group. An important criterion for finding a school is location, student population, and regular dance parties.

Based on the described criteria, we can conclude that the main attention in the service should be directed to establishing “friendly” relations with the client. Teachers should devote additional time to activities that promote team bonding, such as weekly parties and organizing retreats. As for the external positioning of the dance school for potential clients, the main advantage will be a friendly, well-organized team consisting of both beginner students and experienced teachers.

Competitor analysis

Competitive advantage of dance school

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

Any business activity must begin with state registration organizations. When opening a dance school, the best solution would be to register as an individual entrepreneur. The specified OKVED code is 92.34.2. Activities of dance floors, discos, dance schools. The taxation system used is the simplified tax system (6% of income). Since the individual entrepreneur provides services to the public, then cash machine not needed, issuing strict reporting forms (SRF) is sufficient.

After registration, you need to choose a room for the school. The room should consist of a main hall, two dressing rooms - separate for men and women, a bathroom, a reception area, and a staff room. The hall must be at least 50 sq.m., have a rectangular or square shape and smooth walls. Thus, the rented premises must be at least 100 sq.m.

Location selection criteria:

  • City center;
  • Proximity to transport interchanges, metro stations and bus stops;
  • Availability of parking.
  1. Wooden flooring (parquet or laminate);
  2. Large mirrors on the surface of two walls;
  3. Good lighting;
  4. Availability of rugs, water cooler.

A reception desk and 3-4 chairs for clients are installed in the reception area. The locker rooms have benches and lockers for changing clothes. The staff room is equipped with a table, chairs, and a wardrobe. This is a place for teachers to relax.

While you are setting up your work space, you need to start looking for teachers. You can search for them in online mode, browsing the websites of famous dance schools your city, and then the personal pages of teachers on social networks. You can look for employees at dance forums and festivals, at master classes in areas of interest. However, be prepared for the fact that all experienced, in-demand teachers are already working. You need to not only conduct a market analysis and identify the best dance gurus, but also offer them more favorable terms of cooperation. You will have to use all your organizational skills to create a cohesive team of professionals.

After you have formed a staff of employees, you can begin to carry out the first trial lessons, after which you will sell subscriptions and form the first groups of students. At the same time, distribute information about your school on Internet resources and in printed format.

6. Organizational structure

To get started dance studio The work of 3 teachers in different areas will be enough for you. In addition, you need to hire an administrator to work with clients. Since the flow of clients will be small at first, the school will be fully operational only in the evenings on weekdays and during the daytime on weekends.

For the team to work well, you need to write down detailed job descriptions for each employee. Before starting work at the school, each employee must pass an exam on knowledge of their job description, and general rules interactions between employees within the current organizational structure of the school.


The administrator's responsibilities include:

  1. The hall opens half an hour before the start of classes;
  2. Checking the working condition of musical equipment;
  3. Checking the condition of the premises (cleanliness of the room, availability of additional equipment);
  4. Pre-registration of clients for classes;
  5. Maintaining client base;
  6. Meeting students, familiarizing everyone with the rules of the dance school;
  7. Selling subscriptions and accepting payments;
  8. Recording class attendance, maintaining teacher ratings;
  9. Drawing up a schedule of classes for each month, taking into account the wishes of clients;
  10. Taking calls, consulting on all school services and work schedules;
  11. Looking for new clients;
  12. Cleaning the room after class;
  13. Closing of the dance hall.

Depending on the number of employees in the administrator position, the schedule and rules of operation of your school, the items in the job description will change. However, even before starting work, you must make sure that the applicant for the position is familiar with all the responsibilities, since it is the studio administrator who is the face of your school for each client.

The administrator's salary consists of a fixed and percentage part (7,000 rubles + 3% of the amount of revenue). The administrator's work schedule also depends on the workload of the studio. As a rule, the administrator works from Mon. on Fri. afternoons and full days on Saturdays.


The responsibilities of a dance teacher include:

  1. Timely start of each lesson;
  2. Introducing students to safety precautions at the beginning of each lesson;
  3. Maintaining order in the hall during classes;
  4. Individual approach to each student - monitoring of achievements and consultation on any issue that concerns classes in this area of ​​dance;
  5. Continuous independent professional development in the chosen area of ​​teaching;
  6. Improving reputation and expanding the base of regular students.

The teacher’s salary depends on the number of students in the group and is determined as follows:

Thus, each teacher is personally interested in increasing the number of people in the group and developing the demand for the dance school.

If the teacher himself comes with his own client base, then you can offer him to pay for the rent of the hall (300-500 rubles per hour) and 30% of the proceeds from this teacher’s classes. The teacher's work schedule is flexible. In fact, he is only at school a few hours a week.


Fund wages

Salary fund


Salary per 1 employee (RUB)

The number of employees

Salary Total (RUB)

Head teacher

School administrator


General salary fund

*Note - teacher pay depends on hours of work. In the 1st and 2nd month of work, there are about 7 classes per week per teacher. Maximum bet is 500 rub./hour.

7. Financial plan

The most expensive part in opening a dance school is the equipment of the dance hall. This expense item accounts for at least 262,000 rubles. The total investment amount is 460,000 rubles.

Investment in opening a dance school

*Note - office expenses, dance parties and other events are considered.

Dance school income

The dance school's income depends on the number of subscriptions sold per month. At the same time, the number of classes may not increase, since initially the groups are only half filled. Then, after the number of students in one group becomes more than 15 people, the next group is formed.

Month of work

Number of subscriptions sold per month

Average price of a monthly subscription

Total income

Total consumption

Rent (sq.m.)

Description of the project Idea Opening a school-studio of modern dances in the city of N to provide services in the field of teaching dance skills and aerobics Target audience Those who want to master modern dance styles and keep themselves in excellent shape, as well as children from 7 years old Goal Teaching the target audience modern dance styles Payback of the project, making a profit Model for the implementation of investment and project activities Development of a project “on a green lawn” (from scratch) with subsequent development and expansion of the business

Summary This business plan was drawn up for the purpose of organizing a dance school in the city of N, whose population is more than 100 thousand people, where this type of service is not yet widespread. The key to effective project implementation will be: low competition in this region, low cost of services offered, active development of the region, as well as highly developed transport infrastructure. The school will provide services in the area of ​​the needs of visitors for a healthy and active lifestyle, in good physical shape and in a good mood. Our dance school will compare favorably with existing competitors with affordable prices combined with an offer of dance styles that are poorly represented by other studios in the region. The business plan shows the high efficiency of opening such a dance school. The investment attractiveness of this project for investors primarily lies in the fairly short payback period of the project, which indicates its reliability, as well as high profitability. In addition, the implementation of the project will resolve some social issues: the physical health of the nation, the employment of children.

State registration Registration of individual entrepreneur Ivanov I.I. It takes 1 week and costs 800 rubles (the cost of the state duty), you also need to have the documents certified by a notary. Documents required for work: tax registration certificate; state certificate registration of physical faces; notifications to the policyholder from extra-budgetary funds; extract from the United state register individual entrepreneurs (USRIP); Stamp (registration in the Register of Stamps is not required)

Selection of an organizational and legal form Main characteristics of an individual entrepreneur as an organizational and legal form: Registered for only one person; Registration is carried out at the place of residence; Lowest financial and time costs for registration; No charter required, authorized capital, current account and seal are not required; Administrative liability: individual entrepreneur is equal to an official and the maximum fine is rubles; The individual entrepreneur pays a fixed payment to the pension fund. (In 2010 rubles, regardless of income); An individual entrepreneur can manage the funds in his current account as he pleases; IP cannot be sold or re-registered; An individual entrepreneur is relatively easy to liquidate; The individual entrepreneur is liable for obligations with all his property even after closure.

Description of service The dance studio sets itself the goal of satisfying as many consumers as possible. Some clients come to “warm up”, others to improve their figure and physical condition, and learn to dance beautifully. In accordance with the needs of visitors, it was decided to create 3 sections: 1. Fitness ball strength lessons - strength training using gymnastic balls, promoting the development of muscles of the whole body - 55 min. Body sculpt is a comprehensive strength training that affects all muscle groups thanks to a variety of methodological techniques. A great opportunity to train productively in a short period of time - 55 minutes. 2. Stabilizing Pilates lessons - a specific complex strength exercises aimed at eliminating muscle imbalance, developing posture, flexibility, agility – 55 min. Hatha Yoga is a system of stretching, breathing and relaxation exercises. Helps stabilize and improve physical and spiritual health - 55 min. Streching - a system of exercises that develop flexibility and elasticity of muscles - 55 min. 3. Dance lessons Dance Mix – the lesson includes various dance styles: Latin, R&B, house. You can feel confident on any dance floor. High intensity, complex choreography - 55 min. Latino Club – complex Latin American choreography with elements of modern aerobics - 55 min. Break-Dance – strength and agility, a sense of rhythm and precise coordination, incredible jumps and many styles that can make any person, regardless of age, height and weight, confident, flexible and beautiful – 55 min. Hip-Hop – a dynamic mixture of such movements as Break-Dance and wave-like body movements, power elements, soft jumps and turns – 55 min. Go-Go – a very eccentric dance with elements of different dance styles, improvisation to fiery club music – 55 min.

Competitors Municipal institutions of additional education Cost for 2 classes per week 700 rubles/month; for 3 lessons per week 1000 rub./month. Studio “DanceMix” The cost of a subscription for 4 classes is 1560 rubles; 6 lessons 2290 rub.; 8 lessons 2990 rub.

Analysis of strengths and weaknesses Our project Dancemix Studio Municipal institutions additional. education Strengths highly qualified staff (2 teachers) affordable prices convenient territorial location of the studio offering dance styles that are poorly represented in the region the hall is well equipped with a large field for implementing marketing strategies (first free lesson, “bring a friend”, etc.) provision of a subscription provides clients with the opportunity to attend any classes according to schedule availability of courses for both children and adults highly qualified staff (6 teachers) a large number of dance styles represented the convenience of the territorial location of the studio in the studio 2 halls - more classes are held the halls are well equipped the popularity of the studio, the presence of regular clients the provision of a subscription provides the opportunity for clients to attend any classes according to the schedule, highly qualified staff, low prices, large number of dance styles represented, low salaries for employees, opportunity to perform at reporting concerts, evenings in the cultural center, etc. Weak sides high salary of qualified employees in the studio only 1 hall unknown brand presence of competition in the market, threat of new players entering the market covering the initial investment is possible only through a loan the studio does not arrange reporting concerts higher prices high costs of paying staff (high salary n + larger teaching staff) and renting premises lack of children's groups the studio does not organize reporting concerts the vast majority of courses are designed for children with payment for a certain course the possibility of only attending it according to a certain schedule insufficiently well-equipped halls, lack of equipment necessary for training

Pricing policy The pricing policy of our dance school is formed taking into account the presence of competitors in the local market and the volume of planned costs. Considering that municipal institutions of additional education do not influence the pricing policy of our studio, because... School policy is focused on different price segments, as well as on different age groups, then our only competitor is the Dancemix studio, where a one-time lesson costs 420 rubles, a subscription for 8 classes costs rubles. In order to conquer its market segment and reduce the chances of competitors to penetrate this market, it was decided to set prices below competitive ones. Thus, the cost of 1 visit is rubles, a subscription for 8 classes is rubles. Also, in order to retain customers, it is possible to introduce a flexible system of discounts, gift cards for free classes, etc.

Expenditure part of the project This type of small business does not require huge investments. The main expenses are for renting premises and salaries for employees; one-time expenses for repairs and advertising of the studio can be highlighted. You should also not lose sight of the interest on a bank loan. The tables provide detailed lists of expenses before the investment period and the first year of project implementation.

Premises rental, basic equipment, suppliers. 1. Renting premises. Characteristics of the premises: Total area 86 m 2 Ceiling height – 2.7 m Rental cost – rub./month. The premises are located in a brick 3-story building in a fairly new area of ​​the city, geographically 7 min. walk from the railway station, next to a secondary school and a shopping center. There is the possibility of concluding a lease agreement for a period of 5 years with a fixed monthly payment. 2. Equipment. To practice aerobics you will need: To supply the equipment, the company Delta-Fitness LLC was chosen, which provides high-quality equipment from leading companies in the global fitness industry in combination with a flexible pricing policy, has been operating on the market for more than 5 years and has a reputation as a reliable supplier. Delivery time – 2 weeks from a warehouse in Moscow. The companies TD “Alternativa” and “Slavyanskaya Sila” were considered as alternative suppliers of equipment; the disadvantages of these companies were high prices for equipment and a reputation as unreliable suppliers. The hall equipment also includes audio equipment: Name Quantity Cost of 1 unit, rub. Total cost, rub. Step platforms Anthem. balls Dumbbells Rings Mats Total Name Cost, rub. Samsung MM-C530D7 900

Repair of the premises Name of work Price per m 2 /m 3 /p.m./piece, rub. Total cost*, rub. Dismantling plank floors with logs Insulating the floor with expanded clay Laying parquet boards Installing wooden plinths Sanding parquet with a parquet sanding machine Cladding the ceiling with foam tiles Installation of plastic windows (4 windows) 20% of the cost of windows Installation of plastic window sills Plastering walls Painting walls Installation of mirror covering of walls Installation of sound insulation (in the hall 60 m 2) Installation of a door frame (4 doors in total) Installation of a door leaf (3 doors in the room) Installation of a door leaf (entrance door) Comprehensive diagnostics of electrical wiring Installation of switches (6 pcs.) Installation of built-in spotlights (15 pcs.) Installation of sockets ( 8 pcs.) Other unaccounted work Total *the total cost of materials and work is given

Office furniture, equipment Office expenses Name Quantity Cost, rub. Sofa Armchair (upholstered) Coffee table Reception chair Office chair Table (corner counter) Hanger Chairs in the dressing room Wardrobe for dressing rooms (4 sections) Accessories Total office furniture Computer and components Telephone (PANASONIC KX-TS2352RUB) 1662 MFP (HP OfficeJet 4500 AiO) Other unaccounted equipment Total office equipment TOTAL Name Cost, rub./month. Office expenses Under the lease agreement, housing and communal services tariffs (including VAT) are paid by the lessor Internet 980 Total 2,980

Number of employees and wages Employees: 2 administrators, cleaning lady - full-time employees; 2 teachers - freelancers, contract agreement (salary equal to 20% of revenue for lessons provided). Because our studio is open from 10:00 to 22:00 on weekdays and from 12:00 to 17:00 on weekends, then administrators will work on a 2/2 schedule, and teachers will work in shifts, and their work will be organized in such a way that labor laws were observed (40-hour work week). During free hours (no classes on the schedule), individual lessons are possible, as well as production wedding dance. In general, monthly labor costs will be: Employee Number of people/p, rub. Teacher Administrator Cleaning lady Monthly fund (excluding insurance contributions) 84,440

Advertising Costs Before opening a dance school, a carefully planned marketing campaign should be carried out. Three main directions were identified: 1. Website creation. 2. Development and printing of leaflets and advertisements. The possibility of concluding an agreement with the Russian Post is being considered, according to which during the first two months of the studio’s operation, postmen, along with correspondence, will place advertisements for our services in mailboxes. 3. Concluding agreements with stores to carry out a joint promotion: when purchasing a separate product, you are given the opportunity to attend a dance school for free. Thus, the preliminary amount of advertising costs will be: Name Cost, rub. Website creation Development, printing and distribution of flyers and announcements

Name Description Cost of one unit, rub. Number of units Total amount of expense, rub. Legal registration persons Preparation of documents and payment of state. duties Rent of premises 86 m 2 with electrification, telephone, toilet room Repair of premises Cosmetic renovation of the hall, renovation of the hall (parquet, mirrors on the walls, lighting) Office furniture and equipment Computer, telephone, MFP, sofa, armchair, chairs, stand, hangers and etc. Office expenses Office and Internet Hall equipment Audio equipment, fitness equipment (20 each: dumbbells, step platforms, gymnastic balls, rings, mats) Salary 2 administrators, 2 teachers, cleaning lady Insurance premiums for the salary of full-time employees 34% of the salary Insurance premiums for the salary of freelance employees 31.1% of the salary Income tax 6% of income Marketing activities (advertising) Website creation, distribution of leaflets, advertisements Bank credit percentage 17 % per annum 1 Unforeseen expenses 5% of the project cost Total

Income part of the project The income part of the project is calculated on average, based on the average number of students in groups - 10 people, as well as the assumption that clients purchase subscriptions for 8 classes. Such passes provide the right to attend any classes in the studio in accordance with the schedule and are valid for 30 days. Based on the calculations below, the annual income of the dance studio will be rubles.

Sales organization The bulk of consumers of our dance school will be women from 18 to 40 years old, students and “office” employees. Considering the predominantly daytime nature of employment of this population group, most of classes will be held in the evening at weekdays and during the day on weekends. Planned group occupancy: 6 – 10 people. It is proposed to fill the daytime hours with individual lessons, bringing in approximately 5–7% of the total turnover. Thus, classes on weekdays will be organized in 2 shifts: 1. Morning (10:00 – 13:00) Schoolchildren studying in the second shift and housewives have the opportunity to attend our classes in the morning. For schoolchildren studying in the first shift, classes are also scheduled at 15: Evening (17:00 - 22:00) From 17:00 we are waiting for clients who have the opportunity to attend classes only after work (study).

Class Schedule Time MondayTuesday WednesdayThursday FridaySaturday Sunday 10:00 – 10:55 11:00 – 11:55 12:00 – 12:55 StrechingBody Sculpt 13:00 – 13:55PilatesBody Sculpt PilatesBody SculptClub LatinoGo-Go 14:00 – 14:55 Break-Dance (children's group) Hatha Yoga Hip-Hop (children's group) Hatha YogaPilates Hatha Yoga 15:00 – 15:55 Hip-Hop (children's group) Break-Dance (children's group) 16:00 – 16: 55 17:00 – 17:55 18:00 – 18:55 19:00 – 19:55Fitness ballPilatesFitness ball Hatha YogaFitness ball 20:00 – 20:55StrechingGo-GoStreching Body SculptPilates 21:00 – 21:55 Club LatinoBreak-Dance Club Latino Dance-mixGo-Go

Cost of providing the service Cost of 1 lesson 380 rubles. The cost of 1 lesson in a children's group is 350 rubles. The cost of a subscription* for 4 classes is RUB. The cost of a subscription for 6 classes is RUB. The cost of a subscription for 8 classes is RUB. Individual sessions with a trainer 850 RUR/hour Staging a wedding dance RUR/hour *subscription provides the right to attend any classes in the studio and is valid for 30 days Calculation of income per day per week number of classes number of people. in the group total number of people Revenue per lesson Revenue per day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Revenue per week Revenue per month Revenue per year

Reflection of inflow and outflow of funds – – – – Inflows 1.1. Income Total Outflows Investments Additional. Capital Current expenses Depreciation expenses Taxes Total, Net result,

Reflection of the inflow and outflow of funds during lending (rub.) – – – – Inflows 1.1.Income Total Outflows Investments Additional. Capital Current expenses Depreciation expenses Taxes Loan repayment, 000 Loan interest return, 100 Total, Net result,

Analysis of the financial efficiency of the project Indicator Without loan With loan NPV ,877 IRR202.53%136.38% DPP7 months 8 months PI1.417861.305138

Qualitative risk analysis Type of risk Causes of occurrence Description of damage Development of measures to combat the risk Marketing risks Incorrect forecast of demand for dance school services Reduction in revenue More precise definition needs of potential clients. Development of measures to retain and develop the client base. Piece-rate salary for teachers - when the profitability of the project decreases, labor costs decrease. Financial risks Consequence of the implementation of marketing risks, changes in lease agreements, contracts for repairs of premises, supply of equipment, etc. Decrease in profit due to decreased income and/or increased expenses, risk of non-return bank loan Implementation of measures to combat marketing risks. Adding clauses to contracts regarding changes in the cost of services or the delivery time of equipment with a precise indication of the maximum percentage of excess of the original rates. Application of the simplified tax system assumes the use of tax rates of 6% on income or 10% on (income - expenses) Organizational and legal risks Difficulties with registration of the organizational and legal form and maintaining document flow Increased period of state registration, additional costs, possible refusal to maintain entrepreneurial activity. Selected organizational legal form– Individual Entrepreneur, involves the simplest method of state registration, i.e. lowest monetary and time costs. Social risks Poor quality provision of declared services; frequent changes of teaching staff Reduced demand for studio services Recruitment of highly qualified personnel with high salaries, motivation of school teachers by establishing piecework salaries. Conducting a survey of clients on the topic “what would you like to see in our school?”, taking into account their wishes. Force majeure Fires, natural disasters, weather disasters, etc. Suspension of school activities for an indefinite period Insurance

Quantitative risk analysis Risk factor% change in risk factor NPV new. % change in NPV Elasticity rating Reduction in the number of clients (7 people in a group) 12.5427.852.2281 Reduction in the cost of a subscription (cost of 8 classes RUR) 4.439.282.2312 Increase in current expenses (increase in teachers' salaries by 5%) 19.5621, 541.1083 Increase in advertising costs (carrying out additional events - rub.) 14.510.300.0214 NPV is most sensitive to changes in the number of consumers and the cost of a subscription. Thus, the high efficiency of the proposed project is shown, which is determined by the values ​​of the indicators of net present value, internal rate of return and a relatively short payback period. In addition, the identified cash flow balance on an accrual basis indicates the possibility of purchasing a rented building as a property, which will significantly increase the competitive advantages of my school.

The dance business has become so popular that it is among the top most profitable ones classified as small businesses. Having entered the service sector as a business that supports hobby pursuits, today, according to experts, it has become very promising in terms of development for the future . The business plan of a dance school reflects all areas of its activities, being the basis on which a new business is built and largely determines its success. This article is dedicated to him.

Business Description

Dancing is much more attractive than fitness clubs, they are colored with emotional feelings, there is a lot of positivity in them, exactly what people of different age categories and social strata lack today. The relevance of the dance business is obvious from great interest to dancing as sports, competitive competitions held on different levels, up to regional and federal.

When organizing a dance business, it is important, first of all, to choose a direction and profile of classes.

Today there are many directions in dance, and you can choose something specific by doing a preliminary analysis of existing requests. IN big cities, where the range of interests in dancing is wider, you can start organizing a school of any one direction, designed for a certain circle of consumers of the service.

You can organize several dance studios designed for different age categories– from children to the elderly. When choosing a dance business profile, you must proceed not only from the needs of the population, but also from your capabilities. This also applies to the availability of teaching staff and the amount of start-up capital.

As a rule, schools with one or two tracks have a vocational focus. These schools are taught by former dancers with extensive experience in the art of dance. They are aimed at preparing students who will participate in various dance competitions and competitions.

Diverse studios are aimed at more modest results: teaching the mass consumer the basics of dance. Such studios are not designed for a long training period; they operate courses for 3-4 months and recruit new students. Their goal is to learn how to master own body in order to dance either in clubs, or at parties, or for one’s own image. After all, the ability to dance and move beautifully to music today is prestigious in different circles and age groups.

Depending on the status of the clients, the owner of the school or dance studio must take into account their requests for comfort level as much as possible. For more status clients, only a dance hall will not be enough, without a well-equipped locker room, modern showers and other comfort elements. Highly qualified teachers and high level service.

When selecting teachers for a school, it is necessary that they meet certain criteria:

  • discipline and punctuality in conducting classes;
  • maintaining order in the hall during classes;
  • compliance with safety requirements;
  • individual approach to each student;
  • continuous professional development.

Description of services

Choosing a profile for a school or studio or direction in dance is quite difficult. After all, today a variety of dance styles are popular:

  • ballroom (European and Latin American dances);
  • folk (dances of different nations);
  • erotic (belly dance);
  • contemporary (jazz-modern, free dance);
  • club (electro, house, tectonic, etc.);
  • street (hip-hop, breakdancing).

Market analysis

To analyze the services market, it is necessary to study the degree of satisfaction in dance services of all categories of the city population. This is quite difficult to find out. But you can conduct a survey of the owners of existing dance schools about the presence of competition, their capacity, and reviews of those attending these schools. IN different directions dance, as a rule, there is a main age group that is targeted when organizing a business:

  • V ballroom dancing– students from 5 to 35 years old;
  • V folk studios– from 5 to 45 years;
  • erotic dance – 18-30 years old;
  • modern dances – from 10 to 35 years.

Naturally, with a great demand for dance teaching services, there are also offers. If there are many offers, then there is competition. Today there is not much competition in the market for this type of service. But, with the abundance of dance schools and studios, the question of the cost of services arises. For schools with many years of successful existence, it is not terrible. Such groups do not need advertising, since fame runs ahead of them.

But newcomers to business, starting from scratch, must keep in mind that the high cost of services will become an obstacle for them in developing their business. It is worth organizing first a small dance studio in one or 2-3 areas and, as the business develops successfully, expand.

The number of groups for each of the selected areas is determined by the demand for this type of dance. Usually three groups are formed for each direction: preparatory, middle and senior.

Target audience of the dance school

When organizing a business, much attention should be paid to analyzing the target audience. This is necessary in order to choose the optimal dance directions for your school. Depending on the target audience, the following types of dance business are organized:

  • sports dance school, with a professional orientation. Sports and ballroom dancing are presented;
  • dance school-club. Presents a wide range of dances, ranging from sports to unique styles;
  • dance studio with original training programs;
  • dance school with one or two directions.

Each direction has its own target audience, ranging from five-year-old children to adult students.

Marketing plan

When organizing a dance studio or dance school, it is important to conduct an advertising campaign correctly. Great importance has advertising on Internet resources. You can post announcements about the opening of a school in educational institutions, V shopping centers, advertise in newspapers and on television. Advertising in clubs, sports sections, etc. is effective.

A good marketing move is to develop a logo and corporate identity schools. Advertising with a logo will make it recognizable. Advertising must reflect questions that the target audience would like answered. The main question that many would like to get an answer to is how to get in good physical shape and maintain it throughout your life?

The answer to this question will be convincing arguments in favor of dancing, which helps to acquire and maintain excellent physical shape. They are an excellent alternative to fitness clubs, which are unacceptable for many for various reasons.

Dancing is a great way to escape from everyday problems at work and at home. Here you can get a large charge of positive energy, which is important for maintaining overall health.

Production plan

Having decided on the direction in which you will work. The founder of the school must consider the scope of the school's activities. If it is a small studio, then a small room will be enough for it. But it must accommodate a dance hall, equipped in compliance with all requirements, a locker room and a shower. The hall should have enough space for machines, the walls of the hall should be equipped with mirrors.

It is worth keeping in mind that the room must be well ventilated and heated. The floor covering must meet safety requirements and must not slip. Don't forget about air conditioners and other equipment. It could be cushioned furniture to the rest room.

The optimal area of ​​the dance school premises should be at least 130 m²; this area includes a dance hall, showers, a locker room and a relaxation room.

To open a studio, it is important to think about not only the teaching staff, but also the technical and administrative staff. You should not hire mediocre teachers. After all, the future of a studio or school depends on them. The option when a former dancer himself organizes a school or studio has good prospects if he knows not only dance, but also teaching methods. The school must have:

  • administrator;
  • two teachers;
  • technical employee;
  • accountant.

Organizational plan

Perhaps an equally important point in organizing a dance studio or school is business registration. It must be completed in accordance with all the rules with the tax service. Since you do not need to have a license to engage in this type of business, registration with the tax office is mandatory. You can register a business with a legal or physical status. The latter is more preferable, since registration takes less time, less documents and finances are required.

If the status of a legal entity is required, then an LLC is formed. This option is possible if there are several founders, if a large bank loan is taken out for opening, or if there is a large investment project with reliable investors.

  • submit an application to the tax office;
  • pay the state fee;
  • provide the necessary package of documents.

In order to register an LLC, you need to go through a more complex procedure:

  • submit an application to the tax authority;
  • provide the LLC Charter;
  • have a decision on the creation of a company indicating the co-founders;
  • have an authorized capital of at least 10,000 rubles.

Upon registration, the future owner of the dance school is assigned the appropriate code according to the classifier.

Financial section

To organize a serious dance business, you need to focus on the amount of 300 thousand - 1 million rubles. This amount is intended for renting premises, repairing them, purchasing equipment, organizing services and advertising campaigns. Part of the finances is intended to pay teachers and other employees.

Of this amount, 70-80% is spent on renting premises and repairs, on the purchase of mirrors and flooring. About a quarter of your finances should be spent on a good website and advertising campaign. If the calculations are presented in digital terms, we get the following:

  • premises rental – 70,000 rubles;
  • salary to employees - 100,000 rubles;
  • equipment and renovation of the premises - 100,000 rubles;
  • expenses for an advertising campaign - 50,000 rubles.

In total, opening a dance business may require about 320,000 rubles. With an approximate monthly income of 400,000 rubles, the net profit will be 80,000 rubles. Individual lessons are also worth considering; their cost is more expensive than general lessons.

Risk analysis and insurance

Any business plan must reflect risks and their analysis. The service sector is especially exposed to various risks. After conducting a qualitative analysis, it is necessary to identify and assess the likely risks inherent this species business:

  • The determining factor in the dance business is dance teachers. Of course, the number one problem for a new business is finding an experienced, ready professional. How to find capable teacher trainers? There are different ways. Some may be attracted by a high salary, others by the opportunity to express themselves in new areas of dance art.
  • Another problem is recruiting a sufficient number of students if dance schools are already in the city and working well. You can only attract clients to your school high quality training, good, interesting programs, effective learning results.
  • Problems with competitors are an integral part of the dance business. It occurs most often due to an underestimation of the capabilities of competing schools, or due to an overestimation of their own capabilities. There are factors of unfair competition - the spread of deliberately false information, unfavorable reviews are ways to fight competitors.

Doing comparative analysis competitive market, the following criteria must be kept in mind:

  • location of the dance school;
  • types of advertising;
  • class schedule;
  • reporting activities;
  • teacher qualifications.

You can protect your business from risks using an insurance system:

  • business property insurance;
  • insurance services;
  • accident insurance.

The competitive advantage of a dance business may include the following:

  • highly qualified teaching staff;
  • participation in various events related to competitions and performances of school students;
  • a flexible subscription system that allows students to attend classes at a convenient time;
  • conducting master classes at different levels;
  • use of various channels for advertising;
  • convenient location of the school;
  • good atmosphere in the school team.


So, to summarize, we can say that dance business- a profitable business. It pays off within one to one and a half years. Its success depends on the right business strategy, taking into account such things as the right target audience, a well-organized learning process with highly qualified teachers, well-equipped premises, and comfortable dance halls.

In order to quickly get on his feet and be competitive, a businessman needs to constantly improve, follow new trends in dancing, and create new programs.

This type of business is experiencing rapid growth today. There are certain factors that influence the demand for dance school services. This is a significant increase in free time from work, a social demand for a healthy lifestyle. You can strengthen and expand your business by taking into account the above positions, improving the quality of services.

Don't forget about pricing policy. It is worth using all payment options that are convenient for students: subscriptions, club cards. Only by applying a flexible policy in organizing a business can a businessman count on expanding the business and its prosperity for a long time.

How to open a dance school - expert advice

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Russians are open-hearted people, so they love to have fun and have a good time. Dancing is fashionable and prestigious; it makes it possible to maintain good physical shape. Prospects this direction is also due to the development of the number of possible dance styles, especially Latin and Oriental. A dance school business plan will be useful for those entrepreneurs who do not have large funds and want the project to quickly pay off. And of course, a love of dancing is welcome!

Project Summary

A dance studio business plan looks at a school teaching different styles of dance. The main emphasis will be on professional teachers and good design of dance halls. Geographically, a dance school can be located in palaces of culture, art schools, or it can equip its own premises for additional rental.

The payback period for the project will be 20-25 months.

Project marketing

Market Review

Basic concept

The first step is to define the general concept, dance style and class times. The target group will consist of active working women who can exercise in the evening in their residential area. The income level of the target audience is average.

You can choose the following dance styles:

  • ballroom;
  • classic;
  • oriental dancing and belly dancing (especially popular recently);
  • strip plastic.

Service list

The main source of income for a dance school can be a subscriber or hourly payment, it all depends on the number of groups and the staff’s work schedule. To increase the profitability of the project, you can rent out your halls during unoccupied hours for others dance groups, as well as for aerobics, fitness and other active sports.


Geographically, a dance school can be located in the building of cultural palaces, dance schools, or you can equip your own premises and earn extra money by renting it out. Placing a dance school requires a spacious, well-ventilated room of 120 sq.m. The dance class will occupy a space of 70-80 square meters, and you will also need space for changing rooms, a shower and a hall.

Premises requirements:

  • accommodation on the ground floor;
  • optimally - with a separate entrance, since classes are in late time may disturb the residents of the house;
  • possibility of re-equipment and repair;
  • availability of ventilation, air conditioning, sound insulation and shower systems.


We will need equipment for locker rooms, showers, and a reception desk. Since the main requirements for the quality of dance classes will be good flooring (parquet or laminate) and mirrors, such expense items will also be significant. It is better to make the classroom lighting soft or provide switching modes.


To organize the work of a dance school, you will need the following documents:

  • registration of an enterprise - a limited liability company or as an individual entrepreneur;


One of the components of success and attracting regular clients will be the selection of qualified teachers who can work hourly and in different styles. Also, a competent, responsible administrator will be required to manage the organizational issues of the school. In total, a dance school needs the following personnel:

  • administrator;
  • teachers with flexible work schedules;
  • cleaning woman.

Advertising and promotion

A business plan for a profitable dance school must also take into account advertising and promotion costs.

The following activities can be proposed:

Financial plan

Calculation of basic financial indicators. The project calculates the renovation of the premises without purchasing it with further long-term rent. The main costs will be the purchase of equipment for the dance hall and additional premises. Further ongoing monthly costs will need to be reduced by optimizing staff work.

Primary costs:

  • renovation of the premises - 50,000 rubles;
  • purchase necessary equipment for locker rooms, showers, reception desk, furniture - 100,000 rubles;
  • purchase of floor coverings, mirrors, etc. – 200,000 rubles;
  • registration of enterprise documents – 30,000 rubles;

The total initial investment will be 380,000 rubles.

Monthly costs:

  • rental of premises – 100,000 rubles;
  • staff payment – ​​50-60,000 rubles;
  • promotion costs – 20-25,000 rubles;

In total, monthly costs will be 170-185,000 rubles.

Revenue will be 250-300,000 rubles in the first three months. Further, taking into account the attraction of regular customers, income can be increased by 15-20% every three months. Increasing the profitability of the project can be achieved by developing individual dance programs, providing additional services, sublease, etc. The payback period for the project with such planned income will be 20-25 months.

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