Online work at the cash register. Cashier training to operate a cash register

According to Federal Law No. 290-FZ of July 3, 2016, retail trade enterprises using cash registers must modernize or replace them. How does the online cash register work? It will generate not only paper, but also electronic checks. Data on each sale through fiscal data operators (FDO) will be sent to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (IFTS) and buyers’ computers and phones. The innovation will not complicate the work of cashiers, since all processes will be automated.

Advantages of using new cash register equipment

For legislators, the transition to a new form of payment at retail outlets (online cash registers) allows:

  • Tighten control over revenue accounting;
  • Replenish the state budget;
  • Increase the level of buyer protection (the purchase document in electronic form will be available at any time);
  • Streamline the trading processes of online stores, which will also have to issue electronic and paper checks.

Entrepreneurs will also receive some benefits:

  • There will be no need to maintain cash register equipment, since sellers will change the fiscal drive themselves;
  • it will be possible via the Internet (without visiting the Tax Inspectorate);
  • Tax officials will be able to control sales without going out for inspections.

There is a possibility that traders on patent andUTII who do not currently use cash registers will receive a tax deduction when purchasing an online cash register.

How the online cash register works

To understand how the new devices will work, it is necessary to determine how they differ from the old equipment, and how the information will be received by the Tax Service.

The main difference between the new cash register technology is the replacement of the electronic control tape with a fiscal drive. This block will allow you to enter, broadcast and save information about sales for the year. You will also need a keyboard to send a copy to your phone or computer. To connect to the Internet, equipment must have 2 types of inputs - wired and wireless.

The data will not be transferred to the Tax Service, but to fiscal data operators - legal entities to which the FSB has issued the appropriate license.

Operators must:

  • Have an expert opinion. Evidence of the ability to ensure stable and uninterrupted processing and transmission of information;
  • Ensure copying, safety and confidentiality of the received data;
  • Possess a license from Roskomnadzor, FSTEC and the Federal Tax Service, allowing to provide telematic communication services.

All traders must have an agreement with one of the fiscal data operators by February 1, 2017.

Updated sales scheme

At the beginning of the working day, the cashier is required to issue a report on the beginning of the shift, and at the end of the working day - a report on the closure. 24 hours after the start of the shift, the ability to generate a check ends.

After the new equipment issues a check, a fiscal sign is generated, the information will be sent to the OFD for verification. The operator will check and save the information. If the data is reliable, it will be transmitted to the trade enterprise and the Tax Inspectorate within approximately 1.5 seconds. It will be impossible to complete a sale without a unique OFD number.

At the request of buyers, sellers will be required to send copies of receipts to a computer or phone. But paper checks will also be issued, but the new equipment will add a QR code to them, allowing you to check at any time whether the sales data has been received by the Federal Tax Service.

The question arises, what does an online cash register receipt look like? It will have more details than a document from old equipment. The following lines will be added:

  • Information about the taxation system;
  • Data about the place where the purchase was made (address of an offline store or website address if it is an online store);
  • Type of calculation (income or expense);
  • Payment form (cash or electronic means);
  • Number assigned by the OFD;
  • Registration number assigned in CCP;
  • Cash register number assigned at the factory;
  • Name of the OFD;
  • OFD address on the Internet;
  • Buyer's email or phone number.

The seller is solely responsible for the timely transmission of sales information. If there is no Internet connection, data can be saved for up to 30 days. This is enough to establish a connection or connect to a new channel. At this time, the cash register itself will generate receipts. They will go to the OFD after communication is restored.

If strict reporting forms are used for calculations, then this information must also be sent to the operator.

The process of switching to new cash register equipment

The first question: how to switch to an online checkout. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Determine at the CTO (cash machine maintenance center) whether it is possible to update old equipment;
  • Deregister and update your old device or purchase a new one;
  • Buy the appropriate software;
  • Register cash register equipment (updated or new).

Updated equipment must have a new name, passport and number.

At the time of registration of equipment, an agreement with the OFD must already be drawn up.

If an enterprise is located in an area where there is no Internet network, it will transmit information to the Tax Inspectorate in the traditional way.

At the same time, correction checks and strict reporting forms for corrections are introduced, designed to correct errors in calculations. They will be allowed to form only until the end of the shift. There will be no opportunity to correct the mistakes of previous shifts.

The Evotor device is a new generation cash register system that allows you to automate the work of an enterprise and simplify the process of transmitting reports to state control authorities. Let's talk about setting up an online cash register and the main stages of working with the device.

Evotor is a mobile cash register that fully complies with the requirements of Federal Law No. 54, which regulates the work of entrepreneurs with cash register equipment. The functions of the terminal are reduced to the following routine trading operations:

  • opening and closing shifts;
  • acceptance of goods;
  • commodity revaluation;
  • sale;
  • return and write-off.

The dimensions of the Evotor cash register allow you to place the device on any counter, while the compact terminal can perform the work of the back office, counting balances in the warehouse and in other stores. The device is compatible with other trading tools (barcode scanner, cash drawer, etc.). Connecting to a bank terminal allows you to pay by card using the Evotor cash register. In addition, the device supports data exchange with EGAIS.

Standard operations with the device can be performed by ordinary employees, but servicing the Evotor cash register (updating, replacing the fiscal drive) should be entrusted to the specialists of the service center (maintenance center). An agreement with a service center allows you to quickly receive qualified assistance.

New Evotor cash register: preparation for work

Before you start working with the Evotor electronic cash register, you need to perform some pre-settings to allow you to trade in accordance with all legal regulations:

  1. connect additional equipment;
  2. enter into a service agreement with .
  3. put the device on .

The basic Evotor cash register program is already ready for autonomous operation and data exchange with the main trading services (, Excel, My Warehouse), however, if necessary, the user can download content from a special store.

How to use the Evotor online cash register

To ensure an easy and pleasant acquaintance with a modern trading device, we will describe the main points of working with a cash register. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the training videos posted on the official website of the manufacturer

For a more in-depth study of business processes, you should study the KKM Evotor instructions, available for download in various sections of the online manual

Shift opening/closing, cash report

Let's find out how to get started, as well as how to withdraw an Evotor cash register and print a cash report:

  1. Open the “Cashier/Open Shift” section, or click the “Sale” button to have the shift open automatically.
  2. To close the Evotor cash register, select the appropriate section in the same menu.
  3. To print a report on the opening/closing of a shift in automatic mode, set these settings in the “Settings/Shift” menu by checking the boxes next to the required reporting documents (X-Report, Z-report).
  4. To print reports manually when opening/closing a cash register, go to the “Cash register/reports” section and select the required document.

    You can make a new cash deposit at the cash desk. Pressing the “Deposit” button automatically opens a shift.

    Return and write-off

    According to the instructions of the Evotor cashier, in order to return one item or batch of goods to the supplier, you must perform several actions:

    1. Open the “Products/Returns” section of the main menu of the cash register.
    2. Add an item to the list of items to be returned in one of the following ways: by reading the item code with a scanner or using the search window (to go to the search, you must click on the white field).
    3. Please indicate the number of items to be returned.
    4. Set a compensation price for a product of inadequate quality or let the system determine the price automatically based on information about the acceptance of this product.
    5. Complete the procedure by pressing the "Enter" button.
    6. Check the list of entered items by dragging the tab at the top of the window. If necessary, remove the product from the list.
    7. Fill out the counterparty information to confirm the return. In the “Base” field, indicate the numbers and names of the accompanying documentation.
    8. In a similar way, a product or an entire batch is written off through the “Products/Write Off” menu, but when returning a purchase to a client, a different procedure is used:

      If the buyer does not have a receipt left, it is permissible to make a return by card through Evotor by selecting the desired item in the list of goods with the corresponding icon in the form of a bank credit card. There is also a “Return without document” item in the menu, which allows you to return money to the client without any reason.

Ekaterina Annenkova, auditor certified by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, expert in accounting and taxation at the information agency Clerk.Ru. Photo by B. Maltsev, news agency “Clerk.Ru”

Many enterprises carrying out trading operations sooner or later face in their work the need to install and use cash registers.

If a company is going to start selling products and services for cash for the first time, then it needs to have a clear understanding of the features of registering and using cash register systems.

The procedure for using CCP is regulated by the following provisions:

  1. Law of April 25, 2003 No. 54-FZ “On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards.”
  1. Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2007. No. 470 “On approval of the Regulations* on the registration and use of cash register equipment used by organizations and individual entrepreneurs”, defining:
  • requirements for cash register equipment used by organizations and individual entrepreneurs,
  • the procedure and conditions for its registration and application when making cash payments (settlements using payment cards) in cases of sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services in the territory of the Russian Federation.
*Note:Positiondoes not apply on the cash register usedcredit organizations when performing cash transactions, in terms of the rules establishing the procedure and conditions for its registration with the tax authorities.

CCP must apply* when they make cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards in the following cases:

  • sales of goods,
  • execution of work,
  • provision of services,
most organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

*In some cases, according to current legislation, companies or individual entrepreneurs can do without the use of cash register systems. So, from 01/01/2013.Certain provisions of the Federal Law of June 25, 2012 came into force. No. 94-FZ “On amendments to parts one and two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”

According to Article 5 of Law No. 94-FZ, paragraph 1 of Clause 2.1 of Article 2 of Law No. 54-FZ has been amended, according to which those individual entrepreneurs who apply the patent taxation system (in terms of types of activities falling under PSN).

Before you start using cash register payments, the cash register must be registered with the Federal Tax Service at the location of the organization (at the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur). If a cash register is registered by a separate division of the company, then you need to contact the Federal Tax Service at the location of such a separate division.

To do this, you must submit to the tax office statement on registration of cash register equipment. Its form was approved by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 04/09/2008. No. MM-3-2/152@ “On approval of application forms for registration of cash register equipment, cash register equipment accounting books and cash register equipment registration cards.”

According to clause 1 of article 2 and clause 1 of article 3 of Law No. 54-FZ, organizations and individual entrepreneurs can only use cash register equipment that is included in the State Register.

At the same time, the Federal Tax Service in its Letter dated February 18, 2013. No. AS-4-2/2696@, reminds that from 01.01.2013. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2012 came into force. No. 1319, which amended the Regulations* on the registration and application of cash register devices used by organizations and individual entrepreneurs, regarding the abolition of a visual control device - the “State Register” sign.

Accordingly, from 01/01/2013, the presence of the “State Register” sign on the body of the cash register is not mandatory and the cash register must be registered with the Federal Tax Service without this sign.

*Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2007. No. 470.

In our article we will look at the procedure for registering a cash register with the tax authorities and talk about the necessary set of documents for this procedure. We will also give some recommendations for working with cash registers, which will be useful for those who are just starting to work with cash register equipment.

In addition, situations in which the use of CCP can be dispensed with will be considered.

The procedure for registering a cash register with the tax office

According to clause 15 of the Regulations on the registration and use of cash registers, to register a cash register*, the user submits to the Federal Tax Service an application for registering a cash register and a copy thereof.

*Excluding credit institutions.

An application to the Federal Tax Service is submitted:

  • at the location of the legal entity or its separate division (if the cash register is registered for the division),
  • at the place of residence of the individual,
The application must be accompanied by:
  1. passport of the cash register subject to registration,
  2. an agreement on its technical support concluded by the user and the supplier (technical service center).
The Federal Tax Service, no later than 5 working days from the date of submission of the application and the necessary documents, registers the cash desk by entering information about it in ledger KKT.

Simultaneously with the registration of the cash register, the tax office issues to the user cash register registration card, and also returns the documents attached to the application.

The forms of the accounting book and registration card, as well as the application form, are approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 04/09/2008 N MM-3-2/152@.

According to clause 16 of the Regulations, re-registration and de-registration of cash registers are also carried out upon application by the user within 5 working days from the date of submission of the application. It is provided to the Federal Tax Service where the cash register was registered. The application is accompanied by a KKT passport and registration card.

The registration, re-registration and de-registration of a cash register is made in the cash register’s passport, which is certified by the seal of the Federal Tax Service.

The deregistration of the cash register is also noted in the accounting book and registration card, which remains with the Federal Tax Service.

An employee of an organization or individual entrepreneur who will submit documents for registering a cash register must have an identification document (passport) and a power of attorney from the organization to register a cash register.

In addition to the above documents, the Federal Tax Service is usually asked to present:

  • Certificate of state registration of a legal entity,
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority,
  • A document confirming the ownership/right to use the premises (lease agreement, certificate of ownership), in which it is planned to install the CCP,
  • Journal of the cashier-operator according to form No. KM-4,
  • EKLZ passport,
  • KKM version passport and additional sheet to it,
  • Cash register registration card.
For a cash register that has previously been in use, you will need to submit a copy of its registration card with a note about deregistration with the Federal Tax Service.

In any case, before going to the Federal Tax Service, it seems reasonable to clarify exactly what requirements your tax office specifically imposes on the package of documents required for registering a cash register.

In addition to providing a package of documents, you must also provide the cash register itself for inspection by a representative of the Federal Tax Service.

Inspection of the cash register is carried out by an inspector and a specialist* from the technical service center.

*He provides technical support for the cash register, applying the “Service” sign to it, gluing seal stamps, entering information into the fiscal memory during registration, as well as replacing fiscal memory drives.

When CCP is allowed not to be used

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of Article 2 of Law No. 54-FZ, organizations and individual entrepreneurs, due to the specifics of their activities or the characteristics of their location, can make cash payments and/or payments using payment cards without application CCP:

1. When providing services to the population, subject to the issuance of strict reporting forms (such forms are equivalent to cash receipts), approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2008. No. 359 “On the procedure for making cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards without using cash registers”.

2. If an organization or individual entrepreneur is a UTII taxpayer in terms of activities falling under UTII (clause 2 of Article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), as well as in the case of the individual entrepreneur applying the patent taxation system (when carrying out activities in respect of which the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide for the application patent system), subject to the issuance of the following document upon request of the buyer:

  • sales receipt,
  • receipts,
  • another document
confirming receipt of funds and containing the necessary details.

3. Upon implementation:

  • newspapers and magazines,
  • related products,
in newsstands and magazine kiosks, provided that the share of sales of newspapers and magazines is at least 50% and the range of related products is approved by the government of the Russian Federation.

Accounting for trading revenue from the sale of newspapers and magazines and from the sale of related products is kept separately.

4. When selling:

  • valuable papers;
  • lottery tickets;
  • travel tickets and coupons for travel on city public transport.
5. When providing meals to students and employees of secondary schools and equivalent educational institutions during school hours.

6. When trading:

  • in the markets,
  • fairs,
  • in exhibition complexes,
in other territories designated for trade, with the exception of located in these places:
  • trade shops,
  • pavilions,
  • kiosks,
  • tents,
  • auto shops,
  • auto shops,
  • caravans,
  • container-type premises and other similar places.
7. For small-scale retail trade in food and non-food products (except for technically complex goods and food products that require certain storage and sale conditions):
  • from hand carts,
  • baskets,
  • trays (including those protected from precipitation by frames covered with plastic film, canvas, tarpaulin).
8. When selling tea products in passenger train cars in an assortment approved by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.

9. When selling ice cream and bottled soft drinks at kiosks.

10. Trade from tanks:

  • beer,
  • kvass,
  • milk,
  • vegetable oil,
  • live fish,
  • kerosene.
11. When trading vegetables and melons, they waddle.

12. When accepting glassware and waste materials from the population, with the exception of scrap metal

13. Upon implementation:

  • Religious objects and religious literature,
  • services for religious rites and ceremonies,
religious organizations registered in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14. When selling at par value:

  • postage stamps,
  • other signs applied to postal items,
confirming payment for postal services.

15. If the organization (IP) is located in remote or hard-to-reach areas (with the exception of cities, regional centers, urban-type settlements) specified in the list approved by the government of the Russian Federation

16. Pharmacy organizations and their separate divisions located in paramedic and paramedic-obstetric centers located in rural settlements. They must have a pharmaceutical license.

Note: The above pointsdo not apply :

  • on payment agents engaged in accepting payments from individuals,
  • on credit organizations and bank payment agents, subagents operating in accordance with the legislation on banks and banking activities.
In addition, it should be remembered that according to the position set out in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated September 3, 2009 No. 03-01-15/9-441, retail sales of alcoholic beverages without cash register strictlyprohibited.

Getting started with a cash register

When working with a cash register, you can be guided by the Standard Rules for the Operation of Cash Registers when Making Cash Settlements with the Population (approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on August 30, 1993 No. 104), which are applied to the extent that does not contradict Law No. 54-FZ.

According to clause 3.8.2 of the Model Rules, the cashier (controller - cashier, seller, waiter, etc.) is obliged to:

  • check the serviceability of the blocking devices, refill the receipt and control tape, set the dater to the current date, set the numerator to zeros;
  • turn on the machine to the electrical network and, by receiving a zero check, check its operation from the electric drive;
  • print two or three checks without indicating the amount (zero) in order to check the clarity of printing of the details on the receipt and control tapes and the correct installation of the dater and numerator;
  • Nil checks should be attached to the cash report at the end of the day.
In most models of electronic cash registers, the date is set automatically. If your model does not have this option, then the date must be set manually.

The current date cannot be earlier than the date of the previous Z-report, otherwise the cash register will not switch to current operation mode.

After the trial zero checks have been punched, an intermediate X-report is punched. This daily report does not reset the information in the cash register's RAM.

An X-report is a check that displays the contents of counters (by section and by total) of a cash register, while the counter values ​​do not change.

The data displayed in the X-report at the beginning of the day must coincide with the data in the entries in column 9 of the cashier-operator’s journal (form No. KM-4) for the previous day. The same data is reflected in column 6 of the KM-4 journal.

X-reports can be taken to monitor the receipt of revenue during a shift or for the periodic delivery of cash revenue.

Punched X-reports during the day do not in any way affect the amount of accumulated revenue according to the cash register.

X-reports can be produced by sections, shift total and main total. They can be used, among other things, to determine shortages or surpluses in the cash register (X-report data is verified with the amount of actual revenue located in the cash register cash drawer).

The simplest cash registers punch a receipt after entering the amount, specifying the section number and pressing the "enter" key. More complex devices may provide functions for entering prices using a barcode, calculating subtotals and change amounts, working with discounts on promotions, and the like.

In case of a cashier's error, it is necessary to knock out the correct receipt and hand it to the buyer. The incorrect check is canceled and stored. At the end of the day, for such checks, an act on the return of funds to customers for unused cash register receipts is drawn up in form No. KM-3.

The act in form No. KM-3 is drawn up in a single copy upon delivery and registration of revenue for the day. The line “Cash register” indicates the model (class, type, brand) of the cash register on which the incorrect receipt was entered. In the tabular part of this line enter:

Manufacturer number (usually indicated on the cash register itself, in the technical passport),

Registration number of the cash register (can be found in the card for registering the cash register, which is issued by the Federal Tax Service).

The line “Application program” indicates the name of the accounting program with which operational accounting is organized. If the program is not used, then a dash is placed in this line.

In the “Cashier” column, enter the personnel number of the cashier-operator who entered the check incorrectly. The tabular part of the act reflects the numbers and amounts of each check. Checks are pasted onto a sheet of paper or attached to a document (due to the fact that checks are subject to severe fading, it is better to immediately make a photocopy of them).

The act is signed by the cashier-operator and approved by the manager.

This act is also drawn up if the buyer refuses the purchased product or service and the money is returned to him.

At the end of the day (at closing or upon arrival of the collector), the cashier must:

Prepare cash receipts and other payment documents;

Draw up a cash report and submit the proceeds together with the cash report on the receipt order to the “main cash desk” (or directly to the bank’s collector).

In addition, it is necessary to take readings from sectional and control counters (registers), obtain a printout or remove the control tape used during the day from the cash register.

According to the counters (registers), the amount of revenue is determined at the beginning and at the end. The amount of revenue must correspond to the readings of cash totaling counters and the control tape and must coincide with the amount deposited at the main cash desk (collectors).

At the end of the day, you can first print the X report. Using it, you can check whether the cash in the cash register corresponds to the entered amounts. Then the Z-report is taken. This report clears the information in RAM and enters it into fiscal memory. This operation records the accumulated total of the entered amounts in the cash register memory and closes the fiscal shift (resets the daily revenue counter to zero).

The Z-report reflects not only the data of the control registers at the beginning and end of the working day and the amount of daily revenue, but also the total amount of money and checks returned to customers, the amount of discounts and canceled checks.

The amount of revenue must match the information on the control tape.

Each report has its own serial number. All reports received at the cash register must be carefully collected and stored (if possible, make photocopies).

Based on the Z-report, the cashier-operator daily draws up a certificate-report in form No. KM-6.

This certificate is used to draw up a cashier-operator report on cash register counter readings and revenue for a working day (shift).

The report is drawn up in one copy daily by the cashier-operator, signs it and, together with the revenue, submits it according to the PKO to the senior (chief) cashier or head of the organization.

In small organizations with one or two cash desks, the cashier/operator hands over the money directly to the bank collector. The transfer of money to the bank is reflected in the report. Revenue for a working day (shift) is determined by the readings of summing cash counters at the beginning and end of the working day (shift) minus the amount of money returned to customers (clients) using unused cash receipts, and is confirmed by the corresponding signatures of department heads.

When accepting and posting money at the cash desk, the report is signed by the senior cashier and the head of the organization. The report serves as the basis for drawing up a summary report “Information on meter readings of cash register machines and the organization’s revenue” (form No. KM-7).

After the Z-report has been taken, the actual amount of revenue has been determined and verified, entries are made in the cashier-operator’s journal (form No. KM-4).

All entries in the journal are kept by the cashier-operator daily in chronological order in ink or a ballpoint pen without blots. If corrections are made to the journal, they must be specified and certified by the signatures of the cashier - the operator, the manager and the chief (senior) accountant of the organization.

If the readings coincide, they are entered into the log for the current day (shift) at the start of work, and this data is certified by the signatures of the cashier and the administrator on duty (columns 7, 8).

Column 15 of the journal records the amounts issued for checks returned by buyers (clients), based on the data of the Act on the return of money to buyers (clients) for unused cash receipts (form No. KM-3), as well as the number printed per working day (shift) zero checks.

At the end of the working day (shift), the cashier draws up a cash report and, together with it, hands over the proceeds from the cash receipt order to the senior cashier.

If there is a discrepancy between the results of the amounts on the control tape and the revenue, the reason for the discrepancy is determined, and the identified shortages or surpluses are entered in the appropriate columns of the Cashier-Operator Journal.

Cash transactions

In accordance with clause 1.6 of the Regulations of the Central Bank No. 373-P, cash transactions are carried out by a cashier or other employee (hereinafter referred to as the cashier), with the establishment of corresponding official rights and responsibilities, which the cashier must become familiar with under signature.

If there are several cashiers in an organization (IP), one of them performs the functions of a senior cashier.

Cash transactions can carried out by the leader.

Note: The paying agent, bank payment agent (subagent), in addition to his own cash book, maintainsseparate cash book to account for cash received by him as part of agency activities.

In accordance with clause 2.1 of Regulation No. 373-P, cash documents of an organization (IP) are drawn up:

  • chief accountant;
  • an accountant or other employee (including a cashier) appointed by order of the head of the organization (IP).
  • manager (in the absence of a chief accountant and accountant).
Cash documents indicate the basis for their execution and list the attached supporting documents:
  • payroll statements according to form No. T-49,
  • pay slips according to form No. T-53,
  • statements,
  • bills,
  • other documents.
Note: Applicationcorrections in cash documentsnot allowed .

Cash transactions carried out by an organization (IP) are drawn up with primary documents according to the forms and in the manner approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated August 18, 1998. No. 88.

According to Information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. PZ-10/2012 “On entry into force on January 1, 2013. Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”:

“From January 1, 2013, the forms of primary accounting documents contained in albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation are not mandatory for use.

At the same timecontinue to be mandatory forms of documents used as primary accounting documents, established by authorized bodies in accordance with and on the basis of other federal laws (for example,cash documents ).»

    Ekaterina Annenkova, auditor certified by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, expert in accounting and taxation of the Information Agency "Clerk.Ru"

Online cash register training allows you to organize simultaneous courses for a large number of remote employees.

Retail trade today rarely works without printing receipts, so it is necessary to conduct operational training at the checkout online to ensure correct operation at retail outlets. This determines how reliable the data on printed receipts will be compared to the actual situation in the store.

Do you need training to work at an online cash register?

In most cases, permission is required to gain access to operate a cash register. Usually this is a certificate of completion of training, but during the briefing they give only general information.

The employee receives the following skills:

    General information about the rules for working with cash register machines;

    Basic operations at the checkout, such as issuing and canceling a check, returning goods, making X and Z reports;

    Procedure in case of breakdowns at the cash register.

More detailed training is assigned directly to the retail outlet, because each store can be equipped with different types of equipment. So, with the transition to cash registers that work via the Internet with a fiscal data operator, you will have to provide some additional training.

Application of the R-Keeper program in different companies

The advantage of organizing such events using the employer's resources is often that this service is free. But you will need at least one employee who has practical skills in working with the equipment used and the program installed on the cash register complex.

Particular attention is usually paid to specialized products like R-Kiper; it is used in restaurants. Depending on the position, the following techniques are taught:

    Planning employees' working hours;

    Organization of timely delivery;

    Maintaining warehouse records;

    Visual ordering.

All these operations are ultimately tied to the cash register, which prints both receipts and invoices, tasks for the kitchen. After all, fiscal registrars new type allow this to be done on command from the control computer at the cashier’s workplace.

How useful are video tutorials on new cash registers?

The task of training employees is greatly facilitated by the use of technology using video lessons. This solution eliminates the need to gather separate groups and allocate premises to accommodate them. Reduced overhead costs result in increased business profitability.

Thanks to the local news network based on the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, information about the upcoming transition to new types of cash registers is promptly received by entrepreneurs in the regions. So, the service of centralized training through webinars and online seminars becomes relevant.

Due to a more flexible schedule, up to self-study with subsequent certification tests, a higher rate of advanced training for cashiers and transfer of the enterprise to a new type of equipment is achieved. This service is more relevant for companies that have completely replaced their fleet of cash register equipment.

A cash register, according to Federal Law No. 54, must be present for every entrepreneur conducting cash transactions. Some businessmen believe that using the device is very difficult and they will not be able to master it on their own. But this is not so - once you figure it out, you will be able to work on almost any CCP model. We will tell you about how to use a cash register : There is nothing complicated about it.

General rules

Before using the cash register, be sure to read the instructions. It contains all the keyboard shortcuts and rules for punching checks. Remember that at the end of the day you need to “reset” the cash register by withdrawing all the cash earned during the day and filing a report in the cash book.

The rules for using a cash register are quite simple.

Who can work with CCP?

Only those people who have entered into an agreement with the business owner on full financial responsibility (or the entrepreneur himself) can operate a cash register. They must also learn how to properly operate a cash register at least at a minimum level (knock out receipts, reset the machine). You can undergo training at the KKT technical service center.

Note:Before the cash register starts operating, the individual entrepreneur or the store director, together with the cashier, must open the drive and the cash register counter, knock out the reporting receipt and check the coincidence of the amounts for the last day with the operator’s audit trail.

The director's responsibilities also include:

  • entering accurate readings from the machine into the cash book, certifying the results with your signature;
  • registration of the beginning of a new control tape (it indicates the number of the cash register, the start date of its use and the readings of the control register);
  • issuing keys to the drive and the device itself to the responsible person;
  • issuing small bills and coins to the cashier for change;
  • providing employees working with the machine with cash register and ink ribbons.

Cashier responsibilities

Before starting work, a cashier must:

  • check the functionality and integrity of the cash register units;
  • adjust the date and time, check if the cash register is reset to zero;
  • before starting work, you need to knock out a couple of zero checks, checking the functionality of the printing mechanism;
  • at the end of the working day, reset the cash register and hand over the cash to the director.

Rules for working with cash registers may differ - read the instructions

How to work with CCP

Let's figure out how work with a cash register: step-by-step actions. First of all, turn on the device. Some devices are turned on by a button on the rear panel, some by turning the key to the REG position. The display should show zeros: this means that everything is working normally. The further algorithm of work looks like this:

  1. Authorization. Some cash register systems begin to work only after the employee is authorized. To do this, you will need to enter your service number and password or use a special card.
  2. The sale is carried out by entering the required amount. Enter the correct price for the item using the number keys. Then click the product classification button (usually they are divided into groups, for example: clothing, shoes, food). Some cash registers can read product barcodes, automatically knocking out the required amount. Then click the “Payment” or “Cash” button and the purchase will be completed.
  3. If you have any discounts on the full price, you can get them directly on the device. Enter its full price, then select the product category, enter the discount amount and click the “%” button (for example, 15%).
  4. If you need to enter several different items into one receipt, then enter their price and press the category key. Repeat this process until you have entered all the items, then click “Payment”.
  5. A zero check is issued simply by clicking on the “Payment” or “Cash” button.

These are the simplest rules for using a cash register. You can learn more about complex operations from the instructions for your device.

Replacing the ribbon

let's consider how to insert a tape into a cash register - this has to be done quite often, so it is necessary to bring this process to automation.

Inserting the tape is not difficult: practice a couple of times and you will learn how to